Qinhuangdao Safari Park Qinhuangdao Safari Park is located in the seashore national forest park of Beidaihe, covering more than 5000 acres.It maintains over 5000 wild animals more than 100 kinds.Currently it is the biggest safari park that is in the city in China, and the rate of the forest overlay is also the highest.Safari Park, just as its name implies, is providing a suitable living environment for animals, where animals mainly are scattered in a big circle.If we drive into the park, there will be a tiger or a bear to beckon to us.But the black bear is not like me!There is a saying to describe this zoo exactly: Formerly people see beasts in the cage, while today beasts look at us in the car.Now it is we who spend money to be visited by those wild beasts.Yangzi crocodile: Yangtze crocodile is the biggest reptile in the existing ones.They have a very long history.As early as the end of dinosaur times, they had appeared.The body of a grown Yangzi crocodile can reach about 2 meters.They live near rivers and ponds usually, and their temper is fierce.Please look at here!Even when they sleep, their sharp teeth also can be seen, letting us feel terrified.Gorilla generally is called “the advanced anthropoid”.The English name of gorilla means “forest savage” coming from Malay.Seeing from the name, we can find they are kindred to human being.Their two big forelegs are like the person's hands very much.Gorilla can make use of them to tidy up the garbage in its cage;even can shed peanut shell such a difficult action.Please look at the expression that gorilla eats, do you think it isn’t like an old woman? Asian Elephant: Everyone should recognize this huge animal that is an elephant.These are Asian elephants in keep of this field.Asian elephants mainly live at south Yunnan in our country, and it can live for 70 to 80 years generally.It is the protected animal of the first national class.The long nose of Asian elephant can reach two meters.It is hard to think that such a huge nose is very agility.Elephant sometimes uses it to pick up a small embroider needle!For the convenience and safety of the tourists, there has also been a railway going through the woods.Please follow me and get on board.We are going to visit the wild beasts zone.We have now arrived at the Wild Beasts Zone, where there are African lions and Manchurian Tiger, as well as bears.Please sit tight and be watchful.Lion Park: Lion is a kind of animal living in groups.They hunt and eat collectively.Their rush speed is not very quick, so the way of their preying on quarry is to follow it up relentlessly.They converging attack the quarry in-group for 3 or 5, making the quarry unprepared.It is the lioness that mainly is in charge of preying in a group.Lions lead a vagrant life, having no fixed den and bumming everywhere.Friends!I will tell you a way to recognize the gender of lion.The male lion’s head is big and face is round, and it has mane from the head to the neck.But the lioness has no mane.The quantity of lion in the world is very little now, and it has been listed on the brink of the extinct animal in the world.Tiger Park: Northeast tiger lives in Tiger Park, which has the biggest physique in all tigers.Northeast tiger likes the bachelordom life.They have their own scope, and like the activities in the nighttime.Friends!You maybe do not know that northeast tiger is also a good swimmer.They like the water, being good at the swimming, and they can pass through the river for 6 to 8 kilometers wide easily.The tiger is called the king of the forest because of it is fierce and have the “king” word in the head.Today the tigers that we see are all low-pressure or napping under the tree, having already lost their great king manner apparently, but we shouldn’t be puzzled by the superficial phenomena.A few days ago a woman visitor found a tiger was motionless, so she got off personally.While the tiger rushed up to her suddenly, she was stunned by it.Luckily the workers saved her in time avoiding any casualty.So we should cherish the life because there is a proverb in china: The bottom of tiger mustn’t be stroked!Bear Park: What the bear park keeps is the palm bear and the black bear.The bear is very greedy, so if you take the food to hint toward them, the naive bear will bow toward you, making a bow with hands folded to beg the food.Its appearance is very lovely.However I want to remind friends, please not throw the food with the plastics packing, because the plastics will not be digested and would bring tremendous dangers to bear’s life and healthy.The black bear is good at climbing, which can climb up a very high tree to take the fruit and honeys.They have a high sense of smell and hearing, but their sense of vision is very bad, so they are called “the black blind”.The black bear is an expert of climbing tree, but they can climb up the tree only, and will not climb down the tree.Sometimes they will fall on the ground from getting down the tree.It looks very funny!White tiger: There are 3 white tigers living in the white tiger park.White tiger is very precious which has the alternate stripe of black and white in the body.Its temperament is rather gentle, and the physique is elegant, so it is called “young lady” tiger.After leaving the fierce beasts area, we can open the car window to relax a little.Now we enter the African animal area, where lives giraffe, zebra, African antelope etc.The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world currently.Its characteristics are long legs and long neck.The female and the male all have horns that will not fall off all the life.As I have known, giraffe naturally has high blood pressure.Its blood pressure is two or three times to a normal person’s, even its heart can get more than 11 kilograms.So giraffe can promote its blood to the brain about 3-meter high.The zebra has the alternate tripe of black and white as people have known.The zebra’s digest ability is especially strong.It can digest the grass that other herbivores cannot eat or don't love to eat.The zebra is so strong because of not fastidious about food.There are many species in African antelope.For example, Jumping antelope is known by its jumping behavior;Black-tail-ox antelope is called gnu but it looks more like gurus;Glove antelope has fierce outward appearance with horns like glove;Big-curved-horn antelope has the elegantly curving horns etc.We can recognize the species of theses antelopes according to my words.Now we arrive at the entertainment center square in the safari park.The amusement items here contain Kading racing cars, riding horse, and so on.If you think these items are all very common, you can see the cruelty demi-wolves do the arithmetic, the very naughty monkeys marry like persons, the clumsily small elephant blow the harmonica deftly, the black bear wrestle, act.Having seen these you will get a wonderful felling.So we shouldn’t miss it, please follow me!What the monkey park maintains are macaques, which live in our country widely.Their quantity is much and like living together.Generally there are 30 to 50 macaques in a group, and a big group can have more than 200.The strong male monkey occupies the king status, who dominates and commands the group’s activities.Macaques are good at clambering and jumping.They can swim, imitate the person’s actions, and have the facial expression of happiness, anger, sadness and cheer.At the end of spring or early summer, the monkeys like to swim in the pond very much, playing around.Several naughty monkeys that like swimming will actually throw the reluctant ones into the water and force them to swim.Friends!We entered the herbivore area now, where lives many the national-class or the world-class herbivores, such as sika deer, red deer, elk, wild donkey, pony, and so on.Deer likes to stay in the cool place, particularly sika deer.Sika deer’s physique is elegant, and its posture of running is like dancing very much.Please look at the left side.There is a sika deer in drinking now.Sika deer’s body has the gorgeous color and the obvious spots that are like beautiful plum blossom.The name of sika deer is just from this.Red deer’s physique is slightly bigger than sika deer’s, but its hair is rougher, presenting the brown color, having less spots that are not obvious.After they have grown up these spots almost cannot be seen.Friends!Here I will tell you a small knowledge about deer.In addition to reindeer which all have buckhorns regardless of the females or the males, in other deer there are only the males having buckhorns.Their buckhorns are a very precious Chinese herbal medicine--antler.The pheasant park lives rare pheasant more than ten genera, such as brown equine chook, white equine chook, and act.The cock’s feather is gorgeous and they are pugnacious at breed period.Sometimes they could wrestle to die because of begging courtship, while the female one is unconcerned.Today we have no chance to enjoy that stimulating scene.Here lives ostrich coming from Africa and Erma coming from Australia.Ostrich is the biggest bird in the world, and it rushes most quickly in birds, but it can't fly.The ostrich egg is also the biggest egg at present, and its average weight amounts to 1,350 grams.Emus are called Australia ostrich, which is inferior to ostrich on the physique and the rushing speed.Peacock is divided into the green peacock and blue peacock.The color of blue peacock is a glossy cyan, while the green peacock is ferruginous.The male peacock has a 150-centimeter-long tail.When they pursue the females their tails will be unfurled and they will take big strides shaking the feather.This is highly praised peacock tail’s opening.Crane is to be seen as the symbol of longevity and good luck.You will see various cranes in this park, such as red-crowned crane, white-pillow crane, straw-feather crane, and so on.We can see in distant place those elegant onshore birds just strut toward us.Most people had heard the story of the ugly duck in childhood, and all dream of becoming the swan in the heart.In this park, you not only can see the big swan and cygnet, but also see their relatives from far-away place, which is black swan coming from Africa.The swan physique is elegant.Worldwide people love a famous ballet named Swan Lake is because it shows the beautiful and elegant physique of swan.Friends!We can see this safari park is a paradise of wildlife, and is a home for rare and imminent extinct animals.Here human beings get along well with animals and the happiness is everlasting.In fact the animals living in the nature faced more and more dangers coming from mankind social.For the sake of all lovely animals, I appeal to everyone to love nature, protect animals, and really realize mankind and animal love each other.The tour of this safari park will end, what we take is thinking and what we leave behind is a wish: Bless the great nature, and bless lovely animals!
到了动物园,我们买了门票,步行进入动物园内。走着走着,首先映入眼帘的是鹦鹉,有四只鹦鹉在一个空间里,他们有白的、绿的、红的、蓝的……五颜六色,美丽极了。他们还向我们友好地打招呼呢!接下来我们看到的是企鹅,他们在池边站着,注视着水中成群结队的鱼儿。再向着走了一会儿,我们发现了一个大玻璃罩,里面有许多只猴子,他们有的在窗边吃食物,有的在树下、钢架上休息,有的正在爬栏杆,有的在三五成群地做游戏,还有的呆呆地望着人们。我拿出一个桃子诱惑他们,没想到一个也没有被吸引来,不管我怎么呼唤,他们好像没有听见似的,我只好去招惹其他动物了。对面的一排笼子里都是各种狒狒,第一个是阿拉伯狒狒,我掰下一小块桃肉,没想到他竟伸出一只手来向我要,于是我扔给了他,好机灵啊,我向他投了好几块都被他接住了,吃饱了他就转身去找同伴玩去了。我这才发现他的屁股红得像火团。下一个是绿狒狒,正如名字一样,他的屁股可不是红的了,有点发绿,好奇怪啊!最让我惊奇的是“鬼狒狒 ”,它的脸上有多种颜色,真像传说中的鬼,好吓人啊!他看上去非常懒惰,但他可是狒狒中最凶猛的家伙。旁边的笼子里还有好多猴子,有金丝猴、博士猴等。其中我最喜欢博士猴,他们小巧玲珑,聪明敏捷,因为长了胡子,故此得名。我扔给其中一只一小块苹果,却挂在了铁棍上,只见他爬上铁笼,把苹果取了下来,放进嘴里品尝起来。一个阿姨给了他们几粒瓜子,他们捡起来嗑了起来,比我嗑得还快呢!接下来看到的是三只大象,他们被关在“象圈”里,人们都喂他们胡萝卜。其中一只大象见人们不给他吃,便把铁链往栅栏上甩,好像在发泄心中的不满,这才引起大家的注意。
三(2)班 邱睿
各位游客,大家好!欢迎您光临大青山野生动物园,非常高兴能与您共度这段难忘的时光。在这里,您将体会到远离都市喧嚣,亲近大自然的乐趣。特别提醒大家,这里是一级防火区,请您不要吸烟,谢谢您的合作!大青山野生动物园的建设从园区的选址、建设,都是本着建设生态园区、发展生态园区的思路进行的。大青山野生动物园位于呼和浩特市北郊,北靠大青山,南临呼包高速公路,交通十分便捷。它总体规划占地面积约12300亩,合819.4公顷;投资4亿多的一期工程于2006年9月底完成,绿化建设面积约9100亩,合607公顷;引进动物12大类94个品种、2000余头(只);购置观光车、投食车等41辆。大青山野生动物园于2006年国庆节开园营业。节假日期间游人如织,半年多就迎来了数以万计的游客。园内拥有平原、丘陵、山地等独特而丰富的地形、地貌,这些不同而连绵的地形不仅为动物的半野生饲养提供了便利条件,同时也极大地丰富了园区的景色和可观赏性。大青山野生动物园共分为四大景区:入口广场景区、青葱雨晨景区、人与自然景区、狂野之旅景区。入口广场景区包括景观大道、障景叠水、休闲广场等;青葱雨晨景区包括鹿苑、驴马园等食草动物区和走禽园、水禽湖、小动物园区和灵长类动物区;人与自然景区包括小型鸟类及食肉动物区、亭廊休息区;狂野之旅景区包括苍狼峪、狮子岭、踞虎山、跳豹台、鸟语林等。四大景区共拥有62个景点。下面是草食动物区和走禽园。草食动物区饲养有:白唇鹿、马鹿、梅花鹿、黇鹿、矮马,还有只在内蒙古和西藏才有的野驴等。在这4万余平米的园中怡然生活着近15种近300头只的食草动物。食草动物一般都十分警觉,也可以说是胆小,这也体现在它们的睡眠上。睡觉时间最多的是食肉动物,而生活在草原的食草动物睡眠时间最短。意大利科研人员发现,动物的睡眠习惯与它们居住的环境和饮食有关,草食动物的睡眠时间相对较短是为了随时提高警惕,以免被凶猛的动物吃掉。在隔壁的走禽园里饲养着陆地上奔跑最快的禽类——驼鸟,它的奔跑速度每小时近50公里;和它相近的澳洲驼鸟——鸸鹋,体型稍小,同样善于奔跑。接着就是小动物园,里面有精致的木雕、可爱的小动物。在此大家可以观赏到来自各地一些常见的小型动物,如狐狸、鹦鹉、貉、豪猪等十余种。您可以和您的家人在这里享受一下宁静恬适的环境,另外这里还安排有紧张刺激的马戏团动物表演。听,这热闹的嘻叫声,便知道是灵动的猴子了。这里是灵长类动物区,里边有三座猴山,其中分别饲养着几种不同的灵长类动物,有暴躁的狒狒、活泼可爱的广西猴等。灵长类动物多为群居,一般30—50只为一群,善于攀援跳跃,会游泳和模仿人的动作,有喜怒哀乐的表现,取食植物的花、果、枝、叶及树皮,偶尔也吃鸟卵和小型无脊椎动物;群体一般由一只经过艰苦征战的王者统领。大家可以仔细观察,试着找寻哪个是猴王。猴王都是有特权的,例如:第一个吃食,站或蹲在最高处,走路时翘着尾巴等。大家看这边,映入大家眼帘的是波光粼粼的水禽湖,湖中饲养着大量多种水禽,有圣洁的白天鹅、高贵的黑天鹅,以及姿艳的鸳鸯等。它们都是动物界少有的维持一夫一妻制的动物,一旦成为情侣便终生不离不弃。它们的爱情故事广为流传,可以说它们的爱情不仅可贵,而且更让人羡慕。这里还有鸿雁、豆雁、灰雁及各类野鸭。〔另一讲解员在游览观光车上作导游讲述〕 各位游客,大家好!欢迎您光临大青山野生动物园。这里是狂野之旅景区的猛兽散养区,在这里等着您的是狂野的诱惑。景区的动物饲养均为散养形式,在这里您将体验与狼共舞、与虎为伴和欣赏狮王傲立的奇妙旅程。首先,让我们一起来观赏草原的骄者——狼。它处在草原生物链的顶端,人们常常用狡猾、凶残来形容它,其实不然。正是因为它聪明,才被说成狡猾;正是由于环境所迫,才被形容成凶残。它是草原的魂——是生存在这美丽与危险并存的草原上的王者。狼是群居动物,有极为森严的等级制度。狼王是通过殊死搏杀才获得王位,并维持之不失。大家可以仔细观察,只有头狼的尾巴是翘着的。俗话说“前怕狼,后怕虎”。接下来是老虎乐园,不过大家不必前怕、后怕。虎是亚洲独有的动物,世界上曾经有八个亚种,现存于世上的只有五种。我国是拥有虎的种类最多的国家。您看到的是世界上最大的虎——东北虎。在它的额头上有个明显的“王”字标志,被称为是“森林之王”。东北虎是十大濒危物种之首。虎是山林动物,没有固定的巢穴,是独行侠,它们利用尿的气味和爪痕来确定自己的势力范围。1只虎在野外一次最多可食肉35公斤,一次饱餐后可几天不进食。它们有时还要吃些树叶和野草,就像人吃了主食之后还要吃果蔬副食一样,以此
各位游客,大家好!欢迎您光临大青山野生动物园,非常高兴能与您共度这段难忘的时光。在这里,您将体会到远离都市喧嚣,亲近大自然的乐趣。特别提醒大家,这里是一级防火区,请您不要吸烟,谢谢您的合作!大青山野生动物园的建设从园区的选址、建设,都是本着建设生态园区、发展生态园区的思路进行的。大青山野生动物园位于呼和浩特市北郊,北靠大青山,南临呼包高速公路,交通十分便捷。它总体规划占地面积约12300亩,合819.4公顷;投资4亿多的一期工程于2006年9月底完成,绿化建设面积约9100亩,合607公顷;引进动物12大类94个品种、2000余头(只);购置观光车、投食车等41辆。大青山野生动物园于2006年国庆节开园营业。节假日期间游人如织,半年多就迎来了数以万计的游客。园内拥有平原、丘陵、山地等独特而丰富的地形、地貌,这些不同而连绵的地形不仅为动物的半野生饲养提供了便利条件,同时也极大地丰富了园区的景色和可观赏性。大青山野生动物园共分为四大景区:入口广场景区、青葱雨晨景区、人与自然景区、狂野之旅景区。入口广场景区包括景观大道、障景叠水、休闲广场等;青葱雨晨景区包括鹿苑、驴马园等食草动物区和走禽园、水禽湖、小动物园区和灵长类动物区;人与自然景区包括小型鸟类及食肉动物区、亭廊休息区;狂野之旅景区包括苍狼峪、狮子岭、踞虎山、跳豹台、鸟语林等。四大景区共拥有62个景点。下面是草食动物区和走禽园。草食动物区饲养有:白唇鹿、马鹿、梅花鹿、黇鹿、矮马,还有只在内蒙古和西藏才有的野驴等。在这4万余平米的园中怡然生活着近15种近300头只的食草动物。食草动物一般都十分警觉,也可以说是胆小,这也体现在它们的睡眠上。睡觉时间最多的是食肉动物,而生活在草原的食草动物睡眠时间最短。意大利科研人员发现,动物的睡眠习惯与它们居住的环境和饮食有关,草食动物的睡眠时间相对较短是为了随时提高警惕,以免被凶猛的动物吃掉。在隔壁的走禽园里饲养着陆地上奔跑最快的禽类——驼鸟,它的奔跑速度每小时近50公里;和它相近的澳洲驼鸟——鸸鹋,体型稍小,同样善于奔跑。接着就是小动物园,里面有精致的木雕、可爱的小动物。在此大家可以观赏到来自各地一些常见的小型动物,如狐狸、鹦鹉、貉、豪猪等十余种。您可以和您的家人在这里享受一下宁静恬适的环境,另外这里还安排有紧张刺激的马戏团动物表演。听,这热闹的嘻叫声,便知道是灵动的猴子了。这里是灵长类动物区,里边有三座猴山,其中分别饲养着几种不同的灵长类动物,有暴躁的狒狒、活泼可爱的广西猴等。灵长类动物多为群居,一般30—50只为一群,善于攀援跳跃,会游泳和模仿人的动作,有喜怒哀乐的表现,取食植物的花、果、枝、叶及树皮,偶尔也吃鸟卵和小型无脊椎动物;群体一般由一只经过艰苦征战的王者统领。大家可以仔细观察,试着找寻哪个是猴王。猴王都是有特权的,例如:第一个吃食,站或蹲在最高处,走路时翘着尾巴等。大家看这边,映入大家眼帘的是波光粼粼的水禽湖,湖中饲养着大量多种水禽,有圣洁的白天鹅、高贵的黑天鹅,以及姿艳的鸳鸯等。它们都是动物界少有的维持一夫一妻制的动物,一旦成为情侣便终生不离不弃。它们的爱情故事广为流传,可以说它们的爱情不仅可贵,而且更让人羡慕。这里还有鸿雁、豆雁、灰雁及各类野鸭。〔另一讲解员在游览观光车上作导游讲述〕 各位游客,大家好!欢迎您光临大青山野生动物园。这里是狂野之旅景区的猛兽散养区,在这里等着您的是狂野的诱惑。景区的动物饲养均为散养形式,在这里您将体验与狼共舞、与虎为伴和欣赏狮王傲立的奇妙旅程。首先,让我们一起来观赏草原的骄者——狼。它处在草原生物链的顶端,人们常常用狡猾、凶残来形容它,其实不然。正是因为它聪明,才被说成狡猾;正是由于环境所迫,才被形容成凶残。它是草原的魂——是生存在这美丽与危险并存的草原上的王者。狼是群居动物,有极为森严的等级制度。狼王是通过殊死搏杀才获得王位,并维持之不失。大家可以仔细观察,只有头狼的尾巴是翘着的。俗话说“前怕狼,后怕虎”。接下来是老虎乐园,不过大家不必前怕、后怕。虎是亚洲独有的动物,世界上曾经有八个亚种,现存于世上的只有五种。我国是拥有虎的种类最多的国家。您看到的是世界上最大的虎——东北虎。在它的额头上有个明显的“王”字标志,被称为是“森林之王”。东北虎是十大濒危物种之首。虎是山林动物,没有固定的巢穴,是独行侠,它们利用尿的气味和爪痕来确定自己的势力范围。1只虎在野外一次最多可食肉35公斤,一次饱餐后可几天不进食。它们有时还要吃些树叶和野草,就像人吃了主食之后还要吃果蔬副食一样,以此来调节肠胃的不适。虎还有善于游泳这一特点,就是不会上树,据说是猫师傅没敢向它传授这一特技,留了一手,才未被这凶暴“叛徒”吃掉。非洲草原的绝对霸主狮子就在前方。狮子是人们非常熟悉的动物,自古以来就被当做威武和权势的象征。它们大部分栖息在非洲大草原上。我国虽未有过狮子的分布,但通过“丝绸之路"的交往,狮子的形象早为人们所熟悉。狮子喜欢群体生活,在采用围捕方式捕猎时,更是齐心合力,共同作战。狮群中雌雄较容易区分,雄狮头部长有长而浓密的鬃毛,使它威风凛凛,不怒而威。狮子的尊卑观念非常强,雄狮主要保护家族的领地,维系种群的繁衍与稳定,捕猎与育儿均由雌狮负责。猎物先由雄狮享用,等它吃饱了才轮到雌狮和幼狮去分享,即使是病弱的雄狮,地位也是很高的。现在大家所处的位置是山顶观景平台——古韵台。它的南面是悦青廊,背面是凌云阁。在这里,可以看到记录着古代游牧民族日常生活及信仰的阴山岩画。在这个景点,还有分别代表28个星宿的中国古代四灵:青龙、白虎、玄武、朱雀的特别造型,分别按东、西、北、南方向就位。接下来您将观赏到体形较大的棕熊和黑熊。熊遍布于亚、美、欧三洲的大部分地区,在我国主产于东北的大小兴安岭和长白山林区。熊能直立行走,足印像人,所以又称“人熊’。当它站立时,体高1.7—1.8米左右。熊平均体重200—300公斤,最大的可达500公斤。野生状态下的熊,有冬眠现象;而在动物园中的它们,则过着无忧无虑的生活,每天饲养员供给它们所需的食物。它们以素食为主,偶尔也动荤,又最喜蜜类甜食。我们即将进入人与自然景区。前方是“弯月明珠”阁楼,它临山而立,主体共两层,是乘荫纳凉的好去处。在这里,不仅可以眺望远景,还可以看到高原食草动物散养区,那里饲养着的众多动物,如高原之舟牦牛、沙漠之舟骆驼等。再向前行就是猛禽区。这里饲养着有隼、金雕、鹫、草原鹰等近十种猛禽。钩状的喙、锋利的爪,及敏锐的视觉,使它们成为空中最强悍的猎手。比较特别的就是鹫了。鹫与其它猛禽的区别在于鹫的头顶及脖颈的上部是裸露的,没有羽毛,故称“秃鹫”。这是由于长期觅食时将头探进动物的内脏,受到磨擦,又被血水粘连,久而久之,变化成现在这个样子。由于长期食用动物的腐烂肉体,使秃鹫的体内已产生了对毒素的抗体,所以在自然界里是最不容易得病动物之一,又被誉为“环保卫士”、“清道夫”。顺路下来,我们可以看到随山势层叠的“清波湖”,里面饲养野鸭等常见水禽100余只。这里的湖水是通过汇集多条山泉涧流而成的。清波湖不仅是园区景点,同时也是园区防洪、防火的重要设施。这样设计,可谓是一湖多用。之后便是本园最高的建筑——望月楼,相信您登上它并在上面远眺呼和浩特市区并俯瞰园区景色会别有感触。在它下方是大型动物表演场,这里会集了众多惊险和让人捧腹的动物表演,无疑它将是游人驻足欢娱的好去处。再向前行就是象馆和长颈鹿馆。象的耳朵和长牙都长得很大,四条腿看上去像柱子,耳朵披在头颈的两侧,还有一条长鼻子。它的鼻子功能很多,除了嗅觉以外,如拔起地上的青草与大树,驱赶蚊蝇,吸水后向身体洒水,为自己在炎热天气中降温等。象还有一对威武的长牙,是防御和攻击的最佳武器。长颈鹿是非洲的一种特有动物,是陆地上最高的动物,最高的长颈鹿身高可达6米。长颈鹿胆小而善良,每当遇到天敌狮、豹时,就立即逃跑。当跑不掉时,它那铁锤似的巨蹄就是很有力的武器。长颈鹿除了眼睛是监视敌人天生的“了望哨”外,还会不停地转动耳朵寻找声源,直到断定平安无事,才继续吃食。大青山野生动物园在整体规划上坚持以尊重动植物对环境的要求和景观的需求及生态环境第一的原则,同时结合了可持续发展的规划设计理念,采用国内外流行的步行街式设计手法,使游人最大可能地亲近动物和它们所生活的环境,拉近人和动物之间的距离。大家可以稍缓精神,而后游览最后一站——百鸟林。您可以在欢快的鸟鸣声和水流击打山石的清脆声中信步游林,充分感受人与自然、动物和谐共处的哲理与妙趣。〔结束语〕游客朋友们,我们今天游览了大青山野生动物园一期工程的四个景区多个景观、景点。本园的二期工程将投1亿多建设蒙古风情园、农家采摘园、狩猎场、滑雪场等,并进一步完善园区基础设施,扩充动物种群数量将其建设成为我国西北地区第一大野生动物园。大青山野生动物园作为呼和浩特市城市基础设施和城市重要景观,无论在生态效益、社会效益还是经济效益上,都对呼和浩特市的发展和居民的生活水平与质量的提高产生巨大而深远的影响,对促进呼和浩特地区生态建设和社会、经济的可持续发展有重要意义,特别是对促进呼和浩特旅游业发展,为中外游人提供新颖奇特的旅游休闲佳境,有积极而良好的作用。大青山野生动物园景区面貌日日新,欢迎各位朋友再次光临揽胜。谢谢大家,再见!