职场美联英语 优雅地辞职 从一封得体的辞职信开始

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第一篇:职场美联英语 优雅地辞职 从一封得体的辞职信开始

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:职场英语 优雅地辞职 从一封得体的辞职信开始

Once you have decided to move on from your current position, the professional thing to do is submit a letter of resignation.Your resignation letter will ease the transition over the next two weeks at the job, and will also help you maintain a positive relationship with your employer even after you are no longer with the company.当你决定要辞掉当前的工作了,那么该做的体现专业态度的事情就是提交辞职信了。提交辞职信的好处在于缓解辞职的过渡期,并且能与雇主保持一段良好的关系,即使你不再是那间公司的员工了。

How to Write a Resignation Letter 辞职信该怎么写

When writing a resignation letter, it's important to keep it as simple, brief, and focused as possible.在撰写辞职信的时候,最重要符合三个要点:简洁,精炼,突出重点。

The letter should also be positive.If you have made the decision to move on, there's no point in criticizing your employer or your job.并且辞职信也必须是正面。如果你已经决定要往前走了,那你也没有必要对前任雇主或工作多作批评了。

Your letter of resignation should include information on when you are leaving.You can also let the employer know you appreciate your time with the company.If you're not sure what to write, review resignation letter samples to get ideas for how to structure and word your letter.辞职信的内容必须清楚写明离职的时间。同时,你也可以让雇主了解你很珍惜在这家公司工作的时间。如果你还不确定辞职信的内容该写什么,不妨参考一些辞职信模板以获取撰写辞职信的灵感。

What to Include in Your Resignation Letter 辞职信该包含哪些内容

The fact that you are leaving and date when your resignation is effective.离职的意愿和离职的日期是最重要的。

A thank you to your employer for the opportunities you have had during your employment.感谢老板在你的任期内为你提供的工作机会。

It's usually better to resign in person, and then follow up with a formal resignation letter.However, if you need to send a resignation email, write it as professionally as you would a resignation letter on paper.通常情况下,最好当面亲自提出辞职申请,随后补上一封正式的辞职信。然后,如果你需要通过电子邮箱发送辞职申请,那就尽可能按照书面的形式把邮件撰写得专业恰当。

Regardless of why you are resigning or how you feel about it, if you mention the reason you are leaving, make sure that you do not include anything negative or disparaging about the company, your supervisor, your co-workers, or your subordinates.无论你的辞职原因是什么,或者你对辞职抱有什么个人感情,如果你在辞职信中提到了辞职的理由,请切记不要带有任何负面的或对于公司、上司、同事或下属的轻蔑语气的言论。This letter will be included in your employment file and could be shared with potential future employers;therefore, it should be professional and polite.因为辞职信将会存入你的求职档案,并且很有可能传递给你的潜在未来雇主手上,因此,这封辞职信必须是专业且有礼貌的。

Resignation Letter Writing Tips 辞职信撰写小贴士

Although under some circumstances, such as a cross-country move or a decision to focus on parenting, it may make sense to disclose the reason for your resignation, in many cases sharing the details about why you are resigning is not necessary.尽管在某些情况下,比如横穿全国的移居或决定全心照顾小孩,这些辞职理由写到辞职信里也是没有问题的。不过很多情况下把辞职的原因细节详细交代也是不必的。

In general, keeping your resignation letter brief and to the point is advantageous.While it's not required, offering to help during the transitional period and weeks following is generally appreciated.一般来说,保持辞职信言简意赅就是最合适的。另外,尽管这不是必须的,但是主动提供过


To make sure your resignation letter contains all the right details, and none of the wrong information, review these resignation letter writing tips before you submit your resignation.请确保你的辞职信包含的所有细节准确无误。在递交辞职信前,先根据下面这些要点,检查一遍你的辞职信吧。

Guidelines for Writing and Formatting Your Letter 辞职信的撰写及格式要领

Resignation Letter Length: 辞职信的篇幅:

Keep your letter of resignation concise;you do not want to write pages and pages about your new job or why you dislike your current one.Most resignation letters are no more than one typed page.保持辞职信简洁明了,因为你不必用多页赘述你的新工作或你不喜欢当前职位的原因。大多数的辞职信篇幅都不会多于一张打印纸的篇幅。

Font and Size: 字体和大小:

Use a traditional font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri.Your font size should be between 10 and 12 points.尽可能使用经典默认的字体,比如Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri.字体的大小一般在10-12之间。

Format: 风格样式:

A resignation letter should be single-spaced with a space between each paragraph.Use about 1“ margins and align your text to the left(the alignment for most business documents).辞职信的段与段之间应保持一行的空间,设定1倍行距并向左对齐(也就是大多数商务文件的对齐格式)。

Accuracy: 准确性:

Be sure to edit your resignation letter before mailing it.Show your resignation letter to a career counselor or ask a friend to review it if you want someone else to check it over for you.请记得在寄送信件前仔细编辑一番你的辞职信。如果你希望别人帮忙检查你的信件,可以把它拿给职业咨询专家或朋友看看。

Email or Mail? 电子邮件还是邮寄?

It is always best to resign in person, and then follow up by sending a letter of

resignation.However, if circumstances do not allow you to speak to your manager in person and you need to let them know right away, you can send a resignation email.This email should follow the same guidelines as a formal resignation letter.当然,最好的方式就是亲自辞职,然后补上一封书面辞职信。不过,当实际情况不允许你与经理当面交谈时,你也得马上让他们了解情况,此时就可以寄一封电子邮件。邮件的内容也可以参照正式的辞职信格式。

[enHow to Organize a Resignation Letter[/en]


Header: 页眉:

A resignation letter should begin with both you and the employer's contact information(name, title, company name, address, phone number, email)followed by the date.If this is an email rather than an actual letter, include your contact information at the end of the letter, after your signature.辞职信的开头必须包含你与老板的联系信息(姓名,职衔,公司名称,地址,电话号码,电子邮箱地址),紧随着日期之后。如果这是一封电子邮件而不是实际的信件,那就把你的个人联系信息包含在邮件的末尾,就在签名之后。

Salutation: Address the resignation letter to your manager.Use his or her formal title(”Dear Mr./Mrs./Dr.XYZ)称呼:把这份辞职信提交给你的经理,并使用正式的头衔称呼对方(如,敬爱的XX先生/XX


Paragraph 1: State that you are resigning and include the date on which your resignation will be effective.Check your contract to see how much notice you are required to give your manager.第一段:表明个人辞职的意愿,并把离职日期写清楚,这是最专业的方式。查看合同确认需要提前多少天告知你的经理。

Paragraph 2:(Optional)If you want, you can say why you are leaving(i.e.you are beginning another job, you are going back to school, you are taking time off), but this is not necessary.If you do choose to say why you are leaving, be positive-focus on where you are going next, not on what you disliked about your current job.第二段:(可选)如果你有这个想法,你可以陈述个人离职的原因(比如,你正开启另一份工作,你打算继续上学,你想找点时间休息一下),不过这并不是必需的。如果你确实打算说明辞职原因,请保持积极正面的,专注于你的下一步目标,而不是你不喜欢当前工作的原因。

Paragraph 3:(Optional)Unless you know you will be completely unavailable, say that you are willing to help with the transition that your leaving will cause.第三段:(可选)若你并非完全抽不出时间来,那么你可以表示愿意在离职后提供过渡期的帮助。

Paragraph 4:(Optional)If you would like a letter of reference from your manager, you can ask for it here.第四段:(可选)如果你想要得到经理的一封推荐信,可以在辞职信里提出你的请求。

Paragraph 5:(Optional)Thank your manager for the opportunity to work for the company.If you had a particularly good experience, you can go into a bit more detail about what you appreciate about the job(the people you worked with, the projects you worked on, etc).第五段:(可选)感谢经理为你提供的工作机会。如果你确实有特别的工作经验,你可以稍微深入描述自己对这份工作的好感(同事的友好,完成的任务,等)。

Close: 结尾:

Use a kind but formal signoff, such as “Sincerely” or “Yours Sincerely.” 尽量使用友好但不失正式的语气结束信件,比如“衷心感谢”或“感谢您”。

Signature: 签名落款

End with your signature, handwritten, followed by your typed name.If this is an email, simply include your typed name, followed by your contact information.在印刷版签名后以个人的手写签名结束本封信件。如果这是一封电子邮件,那只需把个人印刷版签名,以及个人联系方式附上就可以了。





Ⅰ.核心学习:Claiming Compensation 申请补偿

Michael: The Human Resources officer was looking for you this morning.迈克尔:今天早上人力资源部的官员在找你。Billy: Thanks, Michael.I just saw her in her office.比利:谢谢,迈克尔。我刚去了她的办公室。

Michael: What did she want? Are you getting a raise or the sack? 迈克尔:她想要干什么?提拔你还是解雇你?

Billy: Neither!She wanted me to sign some worker's compensation forms.比利:都不是!她要我在一些工伤补偿表上签字。Michael: What is worker's compensation? 迈克尔:什么是工伤补偿?

Billy: Well, if you are injured during work time, the company will pay all of your medical costs.比利:大多数公司(给工人)上工伤补偿险,以此来保护雇员。

Michael: Does the company actually pay or do they have some sort of insurance? 迈克尔:公司确实支付吗,还是他们有某种保险?

Billy: Most companies have workers compensation insurance to protect their employees.比利:大多数公司(给工人)上工伤补偿险,以此来保护雇员。Michael: That sounds like a very sensible idea.迈克尔:听起来像是个很明智的主意。Ⅱ.单词简析

1)Worker's Compensation: special insurance that pay employees medical bills if they are injured at work 工伤补偿:支付雇员工伤医疗费的特殊保险 2)Injured: hurt, break or impair 受伤的,受损坏的:受伤、破裂或者削弱

ex:When I beat my friend at basketball, he said that he did not play well because he was injured-but I think it was because my skills are better than his.我打篮球打败了我的朋友,他说他打得不好是因为他受伤了-不过我觉得那是因为我打得比他好。

3)Disabled: someone less physically or mentally able than the average 伤残的:身体或者智力比普通人弱的人

ex:Directly after the Olympic Games every four years are the Special Olympics for disabled people.继奥运会之后,每四年就为残疾人举办一次特奥会。Ⅲ.课文篇

Workers' compensation is the oldest social insurance program;it was adopted in most states, including California, during the second decade of last century.It is a no-fault system, meaning that injured employees need not prove the injury was someone else's fault in order to receive benefits for an on-the-job injury.工伤补偿是最古老的社会保险;它于上个世纪二十年代期间被大多数州所采用,包括加利福尼亚。它是一种无过错制度,指的是受伤的雇员无须为了得到工伤补偿而要证明受伤是其他人的过错。

Workers' Compensation laws are designed to ensure that employees who are injured or disabled on the job are provided with monetary awards, eliminating the need for people to go to court to fight for justice.工伤补偿法立足于保证因工受伤或者致残的雇员得到金钱方面的赔偿,排除人们上法庭去讨公道的必要。

The laws also provide benefits for dependents of those workers who are killed because of work-related accidents or illnesses.法律还规定为那些死于工作相关事故或者疾病的工人的家属提供抚恤金。

Worker's Compensation is a sound business practice.Employers receive the assurance they will not be sued for damages, medical care and lost wages if their employees get injured while working.工伤补偿是很健全的商业实务。雇主得到保证他们不会因雇员在工作中受伤引发的损坏、医疗费用以及工资损失而遭到起诉。

If employees get hurt on the job, employers can direct them to the workers compensation system for quality medical and prompt payment of benefits and an

early return to work.如果雇员在工作中受伤,雇主可以将他们转到工伤补偿制度,使他们得到良好的治疗、即时得到补偿,并早点返回工作岗位。

Injured workers are entitled to receive all medical care required to cure or relieve the effects of the injury.They are not required to make co-payments as the insurance will cover all of the bills.受伤的工人应该得到治愈或者减轻伤痛所必要的一切医疗护理。他们无须支付部分医疗费,因为保险涵盖了所有的费用。

For workers who are unable to return to work within three days, they are usually entitled to temporary disability benefits to replace wages lost as a result of the injury.The benefits are generally designed to replace two-thirds of the lost wages.对于那些在三天之内无法回来工作的工人,他们通常可以得到暂时性残疾补偿,以弥补因受伤而引起的工资损失。补偿金一般是损失工资的三分之二。

Injured workers who are permanently disabled--those who have a permanent labor market handicap--are entitled to receive permanent disability benefits.A worker who is determined to have a permanent total disability receives the temporary disability benefit for the rest of their life.永久性残疾的工人-那些有永久性劳务市场缺陷的人-可以得到永久性残疾补偿。被定为永久性完全残疾的人在他们的余生里得到临时性残疾补偿。

Injured workers who are unable to return to their former type of work are entitled to re-training to help them return to suitable employment.This includes the development of a suitable plan, the cost of any training, and a maintenance

allowance while participating in rehabilitation.无法回到原来工作岗位的受伤工人应该得到再培训,帮助他们返回合适的职业。这包括做出一个适宜的计划、培训的费用以及在参与再就业时的生活费补贴。

In the very unfortunate event that a worker is killed while working, reasonable burial expenses are paid and the worker's dependents may receive support payments for a period of time.很不幸的一种情况是工人在工作中死了,(有关部门)将支付适当的安葬费用,而且工人的家属可能在一段时间内得到赡养费用。







Whether you're at a job interview, networking at a cocktail party, or run into Warren Buffet in the elevator, quickly persuading others to think you're the most interesting person they'll meet is no easy task.There are eight steps to crafting the perfect elevator pitchtch: 无论你是在面试、在鸡尾酒会上聊天,还是在电梯里偶遇沃伦-巴菲特,迅速让别人认为你是他们见过的最有趣的人并非易事。有八个步骤可以准备完美的电梯自我推销:


1.Know exactly where you want to go.知道自己想要什么。

Your elevator pitch should answer three questions: Who are you? What do you do? Where do you want to go, or what are you looking for? You need to know exactly what you want to achieve or no one can help you get there.你的电梯推销要回答三个问题:你是谁?你是做什么的?你对未来有什么计划,或者你希望得到什么?你要确切知道自己想获得什么,否则没有人可以帮你。


2.Bullet point it.简单写出重点。

Write down four bullet points that explain why you're great.Discuss your work history, background, skills, accomplishments, and goals.Keep out any irrelevant

details that take away from your core message.写下能证明你很优秀的四个要点。梳理你的工作经历、背景、技能、成就和目标。把与核心信息无关的细节都剔除掉。


3.Tell them a story.讲故事。

People love stories, so tell them a story.It also makes it easier for others to remember you later on.Our minds are essentially “associate machines”, which means we remember things better when there's a story or association attached to the subject.In other words, if you want people to remember you, tell them a story and make sure it's good.人们喜欢听故事,所以就告诉他们故事吧。这也让别人更容易记住你。我们的大脑本质上是“联想机器”,这意味着当一件事能让人想起故事或产生联想时,它更会被牢记。换句话说,如果你希望人们记住你,就告诉他们故事,并确保是个好故事。

避免专业术语,否则就是对牛弹琴 4.Eliminate jargon.避免行业术语。

You need to be able to explain what you do and who you are in a way that appeals to most people.This means avoiding acronyms or terminology that wouldn't be understood by someone outside of your industry.你要能用有吸引力的方式解释你做了什么以及你是谁。这意味着避免用圈外人不理解的缩写词或术语。


5.Make sure it invites conversation.确保有后续进展。

After telling your story, the listener needs to be left wanting more.Is your story compelling enough to do this? If not, you need to change your pitch.你说完故事后,需要让听众觉得意犹未尽并想了解更多。你的故事能达到这个效果吗?如果不能,就需要调整故事了。

时刻都有时间概念,控制时间 6.Time yourself.控制时间。

While practicing your pitch, you should time yourself to make sure you can tell your story in 30 seconds.If you can't, cut down details and try again.当你练习时,你应该确保可以把故事控制在30秒内。如果不能,就减少细节再试一次。自己录视频

7.Record yourself on video.自己录视频。

You need to know what you look like to others while you're telling your story.Are you interesting? Are you believable? People will come to their own conclusions while listening to you so make sure you give off a good impression.Relax, act natural, and get comfortable with your story.你需要知道别当你说故事时的言行举止是什么样。你很有趣吗?可以令人相信吗?当听你说话时,人们会自己下结论,所以一定要给别人留下好印象。放松、表现自然并熟悉你的故事。


8.Pitch it to your friends and colleagues.在朋友和同事前练习。

After you've got your story down, practice your elevator pitch with friends and colleagues.Ask them to give you feedback.Ask them what you should do to make it

better.Keep practicing until it's natural for you to say aloud and convincing to the listener.你打磨完故事后,与朋友和同事演练电梯里的自我推销吧。请他们给你反馈。问他们你应该做些什么能更有进步。坚持练习,直到你可以很自然的大声表达并说服听众。



第四篇:美联英语短新闻 奥巴马卸任后开始挣钱 首次收费演讲将赚40万美元

小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接: http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0

美联英语提供:英语短新闻 奥巴马卸任后开始挣钱 首次收费演讲将赚40万美元

Former President Barack Obama has inked a deal that will bank him $400,000 to speak to a Wall Street firm, placing him on the money train that caused his would-be successor Hillary Clinton problems in her presidential campaign.美国前总统贝拉克·奥巴马已经签署了一份协议,将以40万美元为报酬到华尔街一家公司做演讲,此举将奥巴马也变成了捞钱大军的一员--而这一问题也让本以为将成为他继任者的希拉里·克林顿,在竞选总统过程中麻烦重重。

The speaking fee, for a health care conference being run by Wall Street firm Cantor Fitzgerald LP, equals the salary Obama earned for an entire year as president.此次演讲是由华尔街一家名叫康托·菲茨杰拉德的公司举办的一次医疗保健会议,而奥巴马得到的演讲费相当于他当总统时一整年的工资。

The former president will be the keynote speaker at a luncheon at a health care conference in September, Fox Business reported, citing sources at the firm.《福克斯商业》援引这家公司的消息人士的话称,奥巴马将会在九月份这场医疗保健会议上发表主题演讲。

The network reported that Obama has signed the contract, but some details were still being worked out.据报道,奥巴马已经签署了这份协议,但是某些细节仍然在议定当中。奥巴马卸任后开始挣钱 首次收费演讲将赚40万美元

“I did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of fat cat bankers on Wall Street,” Obama said in 2009, while the country was still in the grip of a financial crisis that many blame in part on Wall Street's own freewheeling practices.奥巴马曾在2009年时说道:“我竞选总统不是为了帮助华尔街那群肥佬。”当时美国仍然深陷金融危机,许多人都谴责,是由于华尔街的为所欲为才导致了这场危机。

Obama is following in the path of several other recent presidents who found they were able to easily monetize the experiences they gained in the world's most powerful elected position.但是奥巴马并不是美国历史上第一个这么做的总统。在他之前还有好几位总统发现,他们可以很轻松地利用从那个全世界最有权势位置上得来的经验而挣到钱。

Politico reported two years ago that George W.Bush commands up to $175,000 a speech, delivering in excess of 200 paid speeches.《政客》两年前曾报道,乔治·W·布什一场演讲的明码标价为17.5万美元,其收费演讲的次数超过了200场。

Hillary Clinton took heat throughout her primary battle against Vermont Sen.Bernie Sanders for her own paid speeches, which included talks to Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street firms.而在希拉里于总统初选与佛特蒙州参议员伯尼·桑德斯较量时,她就因为曾收费做演讲而深


As former secretary of state and a possible future candidate, Hillary Clinton commanded about the same amount for speeches to business and association groups.当时作为前国务卿和未来有可能的总统候选人,希拉里向企业和协会团体演讲的要价和奥巴马一样高

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