石家庄环球雅思2014年第二考试季口语机经 Bruce老师整理
Part One: Work or studies;The city where you live;Clothes;Shopping;Cooking;Television;Rain;Traveling by train;Dictionaries;Learning languages;Time management;Animals and pets;Music;Computers
Part Two & Three: 1.a very intelligent person you know(P3:聪明人都是好人不?咋判断他们的人品?高智商的人会幸福吗,会孤独吗?会自私吗?应不应该培养小孩的智商?怎样培养?父母?老师?学校教育和家庭教育哪个重要?哪个在培养孩子智商方面更重要?)2.a comic actor who is popular in your country(P3:名人,尤其演员赚钱多吗?他们对年轻人有什么影响?年轻人喜欢模仿他们吗?中国孩子们娱乐方式有哪些?孩子们喜欢去马戏团吗?)3.an occasion when you met a friend who you hadn’t seen for a long time(P3:老友和新友有啥区别?为啥有些友情over了?怎样维持友谊?与朋友联系重要吗?老同学聚会做什么聊什么?为什么有些人不愿意去见老同学或老朋友?)
4.something you enjoy doing with an old person of your family(P3:和家人共处时都做什么?吃饭?户外活动?和家人共处重要吗?什么年龄段的人最应该多和家人共处?年轻人是否应该尊重老人,听取老人的意见?老人在家庭的作用是什么?老人和年轻人能够互相学到什么?疗养院的服务人员应有品质是什么?养老费用是应该由家人还是由政府承担?)5.something you enjoy reading(P3:中国人喜欢读什么样的阅读材料?阅读的益处?什么样的书畅销?老人和年轻人谁更喜欢阅读?男女阅读选材有无不同?将来电子书会不会取代纸质书?父母应怎样培养孩子的阅读兴趣?中国人以前读书吗?)6.a nice photograph that someone took of you(P3:你喜欢拍照么?你觉得为啥有人不懂拍照还非得用专业设备?为啥家里有事儿需要纪念一下都得拍很正式的照片?啥样的事儿应该请专业摄像师来拍?你觉得照片对新闻有多重要?电子照片和洗出来的照片有什么不同?用照相机拍照和用其他电子设备如手机拍照的区别?)7.a gift you received when you were a child(P3:孩子们喜欢什么玩具?孩子们喜欢的礼物有什么?男孩和女孩有没有不同?送老人礼物有啥讲究?送不熟悉的人礼物呢?送礼物贵的好还是有意义的好?)8.a special thing that you saved money to buy(P3:你有存钱的习惯吗?现在的青少年零花钱比以前多了么?年轻人存钱干啥用?怎么看信用卡消费?怎么看网购?女人该不该掌握财政大权?男女谁更爱购物?)9.a popular product from the region where you come from(P3:中国不同地区有什么不同的食物?怎么看国外进口的东西?国外的电子产品优点是啥?为啥畅销?)10.an interesting old object that your family has kept for a long time(P3:你喜欢去博物馆吗?博物馆里都展出些啥?人们喜欢去博物馆吗?去博物馆能学到什么?新建筑会不会取代老建筑?)11.a place you visited where you enjoyed learning about another culture(P3:人们学习文化的方式有哪些?过去和现在有什么不同?学习文化是不是有必要到那个地方去?世界体育,如奥运会有益于国与国关系的改善吗?国与国之间应不应该有文化差异?有没有一种概念叫做“全球文化”?你怎么理解的?)12.a place you went to which was far from your home(P3:喜欢旅游吗?你们国人呢?老人和年轻人旅游差异怎样,喜欢的旅游景点有什么不同?旅游时一般以什么方式留下纪念?乘坐什么交通?以前和现在交通方式的差别?)13.an important building in your city or town(P3:老建筑应该保留吗?历史建筑的意义和保养办法?政府应做些啥?中国人以前的住房是什么样的?有什么变化?历史建筑能不能展示国家文化?)14.a park or a garden you visited(P3:你们国家人们家里有自己的花园吗?过节人们会送花吗?绿化带对城市居民有啥作用?)15.a restaurant that you have been to and would like to go to again(P3:大饭店和小餐馆哪个好?大饭店一定比小餐馆高大上吗?怎么看快餐文化?人们为什么有时候在外面吃?利与弊?)16.something you once forgot to do(P3:人们怎么记事?记住别人的名字重要吗?好的记忆力重要吗?什么样的人尤其应该有好的记忆?怎么提高记忆力?科技手段可以帮助吗?你经常忘记什么事?什么事平常人们最容易忘记?哪些职业中的人们记忆力会比较好,老师,医生,还有什么?守时在工作中重要吗?为什么?)17.Something good you often do to help others(eg.your neighbour)(P3:帮助别人后的感受一般如何?应不应该教孩子帮助别人?孩子一般能帮父母做些啥?男孩和女孩在帮助别人方面一样不?你认为在单位里同事间该不该互相帮助?雇主可以怎样帮助雇员,提供健康方面的保障或关会重要不?)石家庄环球雅思2014年第二考试季口语机经 Bruce老师整理
18.a time when you were very busy(P3:计划重要吗,比如行程,日常生活等?老人和年轻人谁更需要日程安排?人们需不需要安静轻松的时间?)19.a film you did not like(P3:好电影的特点?年轻人的娱乐有哪些?政府应不应该投钱给娱乐设施?娱乐场所在城市重要吗?互联网的娱乐该不该控制?)20.a positive experience that you had in your teenage years(P3:你们国家年轻人和老人在一起的时间多吗?在一起干点啥?年轻人和老人在各个方面有什么不同?人们在生活中经常会经历变化吗?人的一生中都会经历什么样的变化?)21.an event that changed your life in a good way(P3:中国人经常换工作吗?一般工作多久会换工作?换工作的利与弊?中国最近几十年变化大吗?为什么很多人会到国外工作?会遇到什么问题?文化差异?)22.a sport that you like to watch or take part in(P3:举几个运动明星的例子?运动明星有没有榜样作用?以前的运动员和现在的不同点?运动明星的收入是不是太高了?值吗?他们从其他途径获得的收益是不是太多了?值吗?和以前比,体育运动在中国的流行度有没有变化?)23.an advertisement that impressed you(P3:广告的类型和作用?音乐在广告中重要吗?为什么有人不喜欢广告?广告对孩子在消费观上有影响吗?)24.a subject or course you have studied in high school, university or an evening school(P3:教师是一个流行的职业吗?你们国家人对老师怎么看?为啥有些人不愿意当老师?你和国人对中国学校的课程的看法?老师严厉对学习有好处吗?成人教育的地方多不?政府应该出资赞助他们还是他们应该自己负担费用?)25.a subject for which others often ask for help from you.(P3:电视节目的教育意义)新增题机经(本套题为14年5-8月考试季新增题目,这些题基本在5-12月都会使用): Part One: Work or studies;Hometown;Where you live;Neighbours;Concentration;Relaxation;Food;Weather;Maps;Days of a Week;Museums and Galleries;Cars and Travel;Gifts;Birthdays;Parks;Photography;Street Markets Part Two & Three: 1.a famous person form another country which you would like to meet(P3:什么样的人出名?为什么人们要出名?出了名后应该做什么?出名的方式?为什么有些人会红很久?)2.a time when you were proud of something that you friend did(P3:学习和运动哪个更重要?你表现好你们老师奖励你吗?奖什么?)3.a person you know who has an interesting job.4.a friend in your school 5.something you bought which you don’t often use(P3:人们喜欢去什么地方购物?在大型百货购物的优缺点?质量和价钱哪个更重要?什么东西值得回收利用?中国对物品的回收重视吗?今昔对比,物品回收方面有什么变化吗?)6.something special you brought back from a holiday(P3:人们外出为啥爱买纪念品?都爱买啥?本地人做纪念品生意好不好?人们外出喜欢照相啊?为啥?为啥有些人爱向家人和朋友显吧照片?照相用camera还是手机?什么样的camera好?)7.the difference that your first mobile phone/cell-phone made to you/your life(P3:中国人喜欢用什么样的手机?小孩子应该用手机吗?手机的优缺点?大家都意识到手机的缺点了吗?)8.a magazine that you enjoy reading(P3:什么样的杂志在中国流行?杂志和报纸有什么区别?报纸和杂志是获取新闻的好媒介吗?国内新闻和国际新闻哪种更受人们欢迎?社交方式social networking的改变对人们生活的影响?新闻记者是流行职业吗?新闻记者应具备什么素质?国际新闻重要吗?)9.an important letter that you wrote to someone(P3:人们现在还写信不?写信和email那个更好更流行?书信在business中有啥作用?)10.a place where you would like to have your future home 11.a city that you visited(P3:城市是不是有很多人居住?越来越多人涌入城市的利弊?弊端如何解决?什么样的家庭适 石家庄环球雅思2014年第二考试季口语机经 Bruce老师整理
合在城市居住?有孩子的家庭适合吗?什么样的人或家庭适合移出城市?)12.a school which you attended when you were a child 13.a country that you would like to visit for the first time(P3:中国人喜欢去什么地方旅行?国内旅行和出国旅行的差别是什么?各自的利弊?)14.a time when you stayed somewhere away from home(P3:人们外出喜欢住什么地方?什么样的hotel好?住hotel普遍吗?)15.a situation when someone gave you some useful advice(P3:生活中谁给你建议比较多?谁的建议该采纳?在职业选择上你会接受别人的建议吗?什么样的人有资格给你建议?)16.a time when you shared something with others(P3:应不应该教会孩子分享?孩子不喜欢和别人分享什么东西?为什么?学会分享对他们有什么好处?)17.a foreign film that you enjoyed watching(P3:中国人喜欢看什么电影?在中国国外电影受欢迎吗?看电影对学习语言有什么好处吗?)18.a family celebration you attended(P3:过去与现在人们对婚礼的重视程度有变化吗?谁应该组织婚礼?)19.an indoor game which you enjoyed playing when you were a child(P3:现在孩子们喜欢什么游戏?室内游戏和室外游戏哪个受欢迎?各自的利弊?家长该不该支持孩子做户外运动?)20.a good law of your country(P3:政府工作受欢迎不?警察这个职业咋样?为啥有人爱当律师不爱当警察?中国人普遍守法吗?人们是不是应该遵守法律?有没有哪种情况可以允许人们违反一下法律?法制教育重要吗?怎么教孩子守法?)21.a foreign language that you would like to learn(P3:人们为什么学习外语?怎么学外语最有效?在外国学和在国内学哪个好?和外教学外语有必要吗?有些语言面临着灭绝,你认为有必要保护一下吗?为什么?如果是的话,怎么保护?如果中文变成世界语言,人们还会不会学英文?)22.a time when you saw an interesting animal(P3:孩子们该不该学习关于动物的知识?学校怎么教关于动物的东西?该不该保护动物?怎么保护?政府有没有在做什么?有效吗?看关于动物的节目好吗?)3
石家庄环球雅思2014年第二考试季口语机经 Bruce老师整理
Part One:
Work or studies;The city where you live;Clothes;Shopping;Cooking;Television;Rain;Traveling by train;Dictionaries;Learning languages;Time management;Animals and pets;Music;Computers
Part Two & Three:
1.a very intelligent person you know(P3:聪明人都是好人不?咋判断他们的人品?高智商的人会幸福吗,会孤独吗?
2.a comic actor who is popular in your country(P3:名人,尤其演员赚钱多吗?他们对年轻人有什么影响?年轻人喜
3.an occasion when you met a friend who you hadn’t seen for a long time(P3:老友和新友有啥区别?为啥有些友情
4.something you enjoy doing with an old person of your family(P3:和家人共处时都做什么?吃饭?户外活动?和家人
5.something you enjoy reading(P3:中国人喜欢读什么样的阅读材料?阅读的益处?什么样的书畅销?老人和年轻人
6.a nice photograph that someone took of you(P3:你喜欢拍照么?你觉得为啥有人不懂拍照还非得用专业设备?为啥
7.a gift you received when you were a child(P3:孩子们喜欢什么玩具?孩子们喜欢的礼物有什么?男孩和女孩有没有
8.a special thing that you saved money to buy(P3:你有存钱的习惯吗?现在的青少年零花钱比以前多了么?年轻人存
9.a popular product from the region where you come from(P3:中国不同地区有什么不同的食物?怎么看国外进口的东西?国外的电子产品优点是啥?为啥畅销?)
10.an interesting old object that your family has kept for a long time(P3:你喜欢去博物馆吗?博物馆里都展出些啥?人
11.a place you visited where you enjoyed learning about another culture(P3:人们学习文化的方式有哪些?过去和现在有什么不同?学习文化是不是有必要到那个地方去?世界体育,如奥运会有益于国与国关系的改善吗?国与国之间应不应该有文化差异?有没有一种概念叫做“全球文化”?你怎么理解的?)
12.a place you went to which was far from your home(P3:喜欢旅游吗?你们国人呢?老人和年轻人旅游差异怎样,喜
13.an important building in your city or town(P3:老建筑应该保留吗?历史建筑的意义和保养办法?政府应做些啥?
14.a park or a garden you visited(P3:你们国家人们家里有自己的花园吗?过节人们会送花吗?绿化带对城市居民有啥
15.a restaurant that you have been to and would like to go to again(P3:大饭店和小餐馆哪个好?大饭店一定比小餐馆
16.something you once forgot to do(P3:人们怎么记事?记住别人的名字重要吗?好的记忆力重要吗?什么样的人尤其
17.Something good you often do to help others(eg.your neighbour)(P3:帮助别人后的感受一般如何?应不应该教孩子
18.a time when you were very busy(P3:计划重要吗,比如行程,日常生活等?老人和年轻人谁更需要日程安排?人们
19.a film you did not like(P3:好电影的特点?年轻人的娱乐有哪些?政府应不应该投钱给娱乐设施?娱乐场所在城市
20.a positive experience that you had in your teenage years(P3:你们国家年轻人和老人在一起的时间多吗?在一起干点
21.an event that changed your life in a good way(P3:中国人经常换工作吗?一般工作多久会换工作?换工作的利与
22.a sport that you like to watch or take part in(P3:举几个运动明星的例子?运动明星有没有榜样作用?以前的运动员
23.an advertisement that impressed you(P3:广告的类型和作用?音乐在广告中重要吗?为什么有人不喜欢广告?广告
24.a subject or course you have studied in high school, university or an evening school(P3:教师是一个流行的职业吗?
25.a subject for which others often ask for help from you.(P3:电视节目的教育意义)
Part One:
Work or studies;Hometown;Where you live;Neighbours;Concentration;Relaxation;Food;Weather;Maps;Days of a Week;Museums and Galleries;Cars and Travel;Gifts;Birthdays;Parks;Photography;Street Markets
Part Two & Three:
1.a famous person form another country which you would like to meet(P3:什么样的人出名?为什么人们要出名?出了
2.a time when you were proud of something that you friend did(P3:学习和运动哪个更重要?你表现好你们老师奖励你
3.a person you know who has an interesting job.4.a friend in your school
5.something you bought which you don’t often use(P3:人们喜欢去什么地方购物?在大型百货购物的优缺点?质量和
6.something special you brought back from a holiday(P3:人们外出为啥爱买纪念品?都爱买啥?本地人做纪念品生意
7.the difference that your first mobile phone/cell-phone made to you/your life(P3:中国人喜欢用什么样的手机?小孩子
8.a magazine that you enjoy reading(P3:什么样的杂志在中国流行?杂志和报纸有什么区别?报纸和杂志是获取新闻的好媒介吗?国内新闻和国际新闻哪种更受人们欢迎?社交方式social networking的改变对人们生活的影响?新闻记者是流行职业吗?新闻记者应具备什么素质?国际新闻重要吗?)
9.an important letter that you wrote to someone(P3:人们现在还写信不?写信和email那个更好更流行?书信在business中有啥作用?)
10.a place where you would like to have your future home
11.a city that you visited(P3:城市是不是有很多人居住?越来越多人涌入城市的利弊?弊端如何解决?什么样的家庭适
12.a school which you attended when you were a child
13.a country that you would like to visit for the first time(P3:中国人喜欢去什么地方旅行?国内旅行和出国旅行的差别
14.a time when you stayed somewhere away from home(P3:人们外出喜欢住什么地方?什么样的hotel好?住hotel普
15.a situation when someone gave you some useful advice(P3:生活中谁给你建议比较多?谁的建议该采纳?在职业选择
16.a time when you shared something with others(P3:应不应该教会孩子分享?孩子不喜欢和别人分享什么东西?为什
17.a foreign film that you enjoyed watching(P3:中国人喜欢看什么电影?在中国国外电影受欢迎吗?看电影对学习语
18.a family celebration you attended(P3:过去与现在人们对婚礼的重视程度有变化吗?谁应该组织婚礼?)
19.an indoor game which you enjoyed playing when you were a child(P3:现在孩子们喜欢什么游戏?室内游戏和室外游
20.a good law of your country(P3:政府工作受欢迎不?警察这个职业咋样?为啥有人爱当律师不爱当警察?中国人普
21.a foreign language that you would like to learn(P3:人们为什么学习外语?怎么学外语最有效?在外国学和在国内学
22.a time when you saw an interesting animal(P3:孩子们该不该学习关于动物的知识?学校怎么教关于动物的东西?该
——网新企业文化感想 我叫李小龙(bruce),2011年3月21号入职于滁州分公司,加入网新这个大家庭。从踏进网新的那一步起我便深深的被网新所吸引,不为别的为的是团队之间的互爱互助。我入职的时候,滁州分公司可以用“可怜”来形容了,整个团队除了一个行政一个网站美工以外,剩下的是一个刚到公司一个星期的经理曹寅(Vic),两个刚刚辞职加入网新的销售贾海峰和刘元,还有就是我们五个还没有从大学毕业的菜鸟(张齐齐、陈伟、胡建、李小龙、陈庆书)。这就是我们滁州分公司整个团队的组织架构。没有一个人从事过互联网产品销售,我们都是新手,没有一个指导。我们所能做的就是学习,学习,在学习。
2018年1-4月雅思口语新题预测:noise 三立在线教育雅思频道为大家准备了2018年1-4月雅思口语新题预测:noise,供同学们学习参考。每年的1、5、9月为雅思换题月。每一次更换的题目大概是淘汰30%到40%的旧题,并且补充相应数量的新题,大家在备考雅思口语的时候,一定要根据雅思口语话题的变化来变更自己的机经版本。希望三立在线教育为大家提供的1-4月预测题对大家考试有所帮助。
1.Are you ever bothered by noise?
2.Where can you hear loud noise?
3.Do you think there is more noise in people’s lives today than in the past?
4.Do you think that cities will become noisy in the future?
5.What sounds do you like?
6.What sounds do you dislike?
7.What sounds remind you of your childhood?
8.Do you mind noises? 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com
9.What types of noise you come across in your daily life?
10.Are there any sounds that you like?
11.Where can you hear loud noise?
12.Do you think there’s too much noise in modern society?
13.Are cities becoming noisier?
1.Yes, just recently, my neighbour was decorating his apartment upstairs in our high-rise in the daytime.I was really bothered by the noise of the drill.2.The noise can be frequently heard around the places such as airports, bus stations, and construction sites.3.Yes, definitely right.As the city grows bigger and population bulge, our life has become more and more noisy.4.I enjoy the sound of flowing water in the forest.I even recoded it in my mobile when I travelled in the forest park.I dislike the sound made by finger nails on blackboard because it annoys me and makes me feel nervous.三立教育www.xiexiebang.com
5.The train.Because there was a train track through my middle school, and we could hear the sound of trains every time they came through my school.I had been used to the sound, and even could not sleep well without it in the background.6.It’s really hard for me to say no.I mean, I really can’t bear noisy people, noisy places or even noisy things.For me noise is the number-one distractor when it comes to studying or working.You know, they actually just go ahead and interrupt my flow of thoughts.7.Well, I have to say that I face up to a rich variety of noises on a daily basis.The first type of noise is from traffic, especially during the rush hours.The second is noise from factories, construction sites which never fail to distract me from working, thereby reducing my productivity.8.I think there is one sound that can always lull me to sleep, the rain sound.There are nights I was so stressed out that I can hardly sleep no matter how much I tried, and then I went online searching for some sound for deep sleep or relaxation, and rain sound is always one of the top choices.And since then rain sound has become my go-to on sleepless nights.9.From a number of sources.It can come from the crazy drivers down there on the streets.It can come from a building being built.It can 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com
come from a music festivals or a DJ party where the crowd totally go wild.It can even come from a crying baby or a fight nextdoor.10.Indeed.I do think the level of noise is increasing overtime mainly due to human activities.The situation gets even worse if you live in a big modern city at a young age.Your auditory must be trained so hard to tolerate such noise everyday.It is really alarming now to raise people’s awareness towards this “invisible” killer.11.Most cities in our country are suffering serious noise pollution due to rapidly increasing population and a massive amount of daily transportation.The consistently intense presence of noise does serious harm to the public health.雅思口语相关话题高分语料
Can’t bear Ving(expression)can’t tolerate something
Face up to(phrasal verb)to confront an unpleasant situation
Productivity(n)The quality of being productive
To lull SO to sleep(v)to calm or send to sleep, typically with soothing sounds or movements 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com
To be stressed out(adj)a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.Top recommendations(n)to be highly recommended
Go-to(adj)ideal, first choice
Auditory(n)relating to the sense of hearing
Tolerate(v)to accept or endure(someone or something unpleasant or disliked)with forbearance
To do(serious)harm to(v)to damage the health of 三立在线教育雅思频道为大家提供2018年最新的雅思备考资料,需要的同学可免费领取。
filler words and sentences 填充词和句子
um, well, you know, I mean 嗯,你知道,我是说 Why do I like it? 我为什么喜欢它?
The benefits of living in a house? 住在房子里的好处是什么? That's a tricky/tough question.这是一个棘手的问题。I'm not sure, um … 我不确定,嗯…
I don't really know, um … 我真的不知道,嗯…
I don' know much about this, but … 我对这个了解不多,但是…
I haven't thought about it before … 我以前没有考虑过… Let me think about it … 让我想想。Let me see … 让我看看。
Hang on a second … 等一下… What else? 还有什么?
Sorry, I wanted to say a very good word, but I forgot.Um … 对不起,我想说一个很好的词,但是我忘了。嗯… God, I can't remember … 上帝,我记不起来了… I'm a little tongue-tied.我有点舌头打结。
That was a slip of the tongue.那是一时的失误。
This word is on the tip of my tongue.这个词就在我的舌尖上。I'm totally blanking out.我完全崩溃了。
不会解释就具体(表现/现象)不会解释就具体(表现/现象)– I don't know(why), but...-我不知道(为什么),但是… – I have no idea(why), but...-我不知道(为什么),但是… Why is riding a bike convenient? 为什么骑自行车方便?
Um, well, I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but every morning, I just hop on my bike and ride it for about 15 to 20 minutes and then I arrive at my school, which I think is super convenient.嗯,我不知道该怎么解释,但是每天早上,我只要骑上自行车,骑15到20分钟,然后到达我的学校,我认为这是非常方便的。
Are boat trips popular in your country? 乘船旅行在你们国家流行吗?
No, I don't think so, because boat trips are rather time-consuming.When we take a boat to go to another city or region, we usually need to be on it for quite a few days.So because of this, I don't suppose most people like this form of transport.不,我不这样认为,因为乘船旅行是相当费时的。当我们乘船去另一个城市或地区时,我们通常需要在船上呆上几天。因此,我认为大多数人不喜欢这种交通工具。Do you like reading magazines? 你喜欢看杂志吗?
Yes, I do.I'm quite into reading magazines, particularly those about current affairs, because they provide me with many things to talk about with my friends.This is because when I read one of those magazines, I get to learn what's happened on the world stage and then when I hang out with friends, I can chat with them about these things.是的,我有。我很喜欢看杂志,尤其是关于时事的杂志,因为它们给我提供了很多与朋友谈论的东西。这是因为当我读到其中一本杂志时,我可以了解到世界舞台上发生了什么,然后当我和朋友们在一起的时候,我可以和他们聊聊这些事情。
be into=be fond of=adore=be drawn to=dig=like 爱=被爱=被吸引= =喜欢 降级、列举 降级、列举
– a couple of, a few, a number of-几个,几个,一些
– many=a lot of=tons of=a big number of=myriad-许多=大量的=大量的
– various=a variety of=a wide range of-各种各样的
– many kinds of=many types of-许多种
– all kinds of=all sorts of=all types of-各种各样的=所有类型的
– especially, particularly, in particular-特别是,特别是 – including –包括
– such as=like-例如
– and so on=and so forth 等等等等
– for example=for instance 例如,例如
–…, and/but the one I like/love/enjoy/dig the most is …-……和/但是我最喜欢/喜欢/喜欢/挖掘的是… –…, and/but what I like/love/enjoy/dig the most is …-……和/但是我最喜欢/喜欢/喜欢/挖掘的是… –直接说一个 –直接说一个
Why is riding a bike convenient? 为什么骑自行车方便?
Um, well, I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but every morning, I just hop on my bike and ride it for about 15 to 20 minutes and then I arrive at my school, which I think is super convenient.嗯,我不知道该怎么解释,但是每天早上,我只要骑上自行车,骑15到20分钟,然后到达我的学校,我认为这是非常方便的。Home/accommodation/flats/houses 家庭/住所/公寓/房子
1.Do you live in a house or a flat/an apartment? 1。你住在房子里还是公寓里?
I currently live in a three-bedroom apartment located in…My apartment is situated on the …floor of a six-storeyed building surrounded by restaurants, banks and supermarkets.There are several rooms in my apartment, including three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and two bathroom.我现在住在一个三居室公寓位于…我的公寓坐落在一个六层的高楼包围的餐厅楼,银行和超市。我的公寓里有好几个房间,包括三间卧室、一间客厅、一间厨房和两间浴室。2.Can you describe your home/accommodation/flat/house?
My apartment is approximately …square metres and there are some furniture and appliance.In the bedrooms, there are beds to sleep on, desks to put computers and books, and wardrobe to store clothes.In the living room, there are a few sofas and a large-screen television with an excellent sound system.The kitchen has a refrigerator, a stove, and a microwave and in the washrooms are our toilets, sinks and bathtubs.我的公寓大约有平方米,还有一些家具和用具。卧室里有睡觉的床,放电脑和书的桌子,还有存放衣服的衣柜。客厅里有几个沙发和大屏幕电视,音响系统很好。厨房里有一个冰箱,一个微波炉,和一个在洗手间是我们的厕所,水池和浴缸。
Um, sure.My apartment is not very big(原因)coz housing prices are sky-high in my hometown(结果)and I can’t afford to buy a huge apartment.(列举)There are two bedrooms, a small living room, a kitchen and a balcony(挑一个)where I like to do some reading or listen to music.I also stand there and do a little bit of stargazing sometimes, if the weather’s good and I can see stars of course.嗯,当然。我的房间不是很大(原因)因为房价在我的家乡是天空高(结果)我买不起一套大公寓。(列举)有两间卧室,一间小客厅,一个厨房和一个阳台(挑一个),我喜欢做一些阅读或听音乐。我还站在那里做一点点星空的时候,如果天气好,我可以看到星星的过程。3.Do you prefer living in a house or a flat/an apartment? Why?
It is more convenient to live in an apartment because it is usually located downtown.Houses are quite spacious, making them difficult to clean and most of them are far away from main business areas.Furthermore, I feel safer in an apartment because there are a lot of people living nearby, while houses are always isolated.住在公寓里更方便,因为它通常位于市中心。房子很宽敞,很难打扫,大部分都离商业区很远。此外,我觉得在公寓里更安全,因为附近住着很多人,而房子总是孤立的。Rainy days 下雨天
1.Do your prefer rainy days or sunny days?
Well, I really like sunny days because they are warm and bright, which pushes me to spend time outdoors doing all sorts of activities and soaking up the sun really gives me a lot of energy and optimism.嗯,我真的很喜欢阳光灿烂的日子,因为它们温暖而明亮,这促使我花时间在户外做各种各样的活动,晒太阳真的给了我很大的能量和乐观。2.What do you do on rainy days? 2。下雨天你干什么?
Well, as rainy days make me feel sluggish and lazy, all I do is stay in bed all day long.I can also get immersed in a good book or watch some romantic movies.嗯,因为下雨天让我感到懒散和懒惰,我所做的就是整天躺在床上。我也可以沉浸在一本好书中或者看一些浪漫的电影。
3.Do you think rain is good ? 三.你认为雨好吗?
I wouldn’t say it always is, as too much rain can cause flash floods, destroy crops and make rivers overflow so that homes get flooded or swept away completely.我不认为它总是这样,因为雨水过多会引起山洪暴发,毁坏庄稼,使河流泛滥,使房屋被淹或完全冲走。4.Which part of China rains the most/least? Why? 4。中国的这部分降雨最大/最小?为什么?
The southeastern part of China rains the most since it is located near to the tropics and the seaside.As for the parts of China that rain the least, the northern regions are covered in deserts.These areas don’t receive a lot of precipitation and tend to be dry all-year-round.对中国东南部降雨最因为它位于靠近热带海滨。至于中国的部分,雨少,北方地区都覆盖在沙漠。这些地区雨量不多,常年干旱。
Do you like rainy days? Why or why not? 你喜欢下雨天吗?为什么或者为什么不呢?
I am not fond of rainy days since they are quite troublesome for me.For instance, when I am walking on the road, a car could splash water on me, which will make me feel coil.Additionally, if I am unprepared for the rain, I will get soaked in the rain.我不喜欢下雨天,因为下雨对我来说很麻烦。例如,当我在路上行走的时候,一辆汽车可能会溅到我身上,这会让我感觉到线圈。此外,如果我没有准备好下雨,我会在雨中淋湿。Is there any part in your country where it doesn’t rain much? 你们国家有什么地方不下雨吗?
In what month does it rain most in your hometown? 你家乡哪个月雨水最多? Does it rain much in China? 它在中国的雨多吗? Teenagers 1.What activities do teenagers in your country like to do?
Well, they do anything that lets them enjoy their time, I guess, for example, doing shopping and hanging out with friends, watching online videos and meeting new people.嗯,他们做任何能让他们享受时间的事情,比如说,购物,和朋友闲逛,看网络视频和结识新朋友。2.Do you often spend time with teenagers? 2。你经常和青少年在一起吗?
Yeah, I do.I have a 16-year-old brother and we hang out all the time.He’s a big fan of computer games and he teaches me to play some once in a while.I think it’s good fun(=enjoyable=pleasurable)spending time with him.是的,我喜欢。我有一个16岁的哥哥,我们一直在一起。他是电脑游戏的忠实爱好者,他教我偶尔玩一玩。我认为和他在一起是很愉快的。
I am an adolescent myself, so the majority of my friends are teenagers and we spend quite a bit of time together…….我自己也是个青少年,所以我的大多数朋友都是十几岁的青少年,我们在一起度过了相当长的一段时间。3.What are the best things about being a teenager? 三.作为青少年最棒的事情是什么?
Well, this is an interesting question.Um, I think being a teenager has so many plus points 嗯,这是一个有趣的问题。嗯,我认为作为一个青少年有那么多加分
and one is that they can try things and don't have to worry about making mistakes.(原因)This 一个是他们可以尝试事情,不必担心犯错误。(原因)这
is because they've got a long life ahead of them and(结果)failing at something at a young age 是因为他们已经有了一个长期生活在他们前面,(结果)未能在年轻时的事
doesn't affect their future much.(例证)I used to be crazy about acting and I dreamed of 不会影响他们的未来。(例证)我曾经是疯狂的表演,我的梦想
becoming an actor in the future.I took acting lessons for two years when I was a teenager, but 将来成为演员。我十几岁的时候上了表演课,但是
that path didn't lead anywhere.Later I quit aspiring to be an actor and decided to pursue a career 那条路没有通往任何地方。后来我放弃了当演员的志向,决定从事一项事业。
in fashion design.Now, I'm a pretty good designer.So, I think my story really proves the point I 时装设计。现在,我是一个相当不错的设计师。所以,我认为我的故事真的证明了我的观点。made just now.刚才做的。
4.How do teenagers entertain themselves? 4。青少年如何娱乐自己?
Oh, they do a wide range of things,(列举)like playing computer games, doing various sports and um...a lot of other things.(挑一个)As for sports, many teenagers dig extreme sports(列举)like skateboarding, riding a special kind of bicycle called BMX(BICYCLE MOTOCROSS自行车越野)and parkour(跑酷).(原因)They like these because they’re young and they’re drawn to things that are exhilarating and give them an adrenalin rush.哦,他们做的很多事情,(列举)喜欢玩电脑游戏,做各种运动,嗯…许多其他的事情。(挑一个)作为运动,许多青少年挖极限运动(列举)喜欢玩滑板,骑着一种特殊的称为自行车BMX(自行车越野自行车越野)和跑酷(跑酷)。(原因)他们喜欢这些因为他们年轻,他们吸引到的东西是令人愉快的,给他们一个肾上腺素。
be drawn to …被吸引到 被吸引到…被吸引到 Boat 船
Do you like going boating? 做 你喜欢划船吗?
(1)Well, I am afraid I have to say boating is just not my cup of tea.This is because for a green hand like me, it is often quite challenging to paddle a boat.More importantly, as soon as you step off the dock, you have an unbridled sense of freedom.(1)嗯,恐怕我得说划船不是我的爱好。这是因为对于像我这样的新手来说,划船是很有挑战性的。更重要的是,一旦你离开码头,你就会有一种无拘无束的自由感。
(2)Well, it’s hard to say.Um, I don’t have any special feelings for boating.It’s indeed pretty relaxing and pleasurable when I row a boat on a lake with a few friends or with my folks, but I don’t suppose boating is necessary in my life.I can live without it.(2)嗯,很难说。嗯,我对划船没有什么特别的感觉。当我和几个朋友或者我的家人划船在湖上时,的确很放松,很愉快,但我不认为划船在我的生活中是必要的。我可以没有它。2.Have you ever travelled by boat? 2。你乘船旅行过吗?
I remember that I had the opportunity to take a ferry when I travelled from Zhongshan to Hongkong.The boat seated about one hundred and it was a quite short ride.It was a nice experience to travel on the water while viewing the majestic landscape and I hope that I can do it again.我记得当我从中山到香港旅行时,我有机会乘渡轮。这条船大约一百点钟坐着,路程很短。在欣赏壮丽景色的同时,在水上旅行是一次美好的经历,我希望我能再做一次。3.Would you like to have your own boat? 三.将 你想有自己的船吗?
Yeah, it would be fantastic if I could have a boat of my own.First of all, it would mean that I were pretty well-off and everybody wants to be wealthy, right? Plus, I could always go boating somewhere to relax and have fun.I believe it would be awesome.是的,如果我能有自己的船就太好了。首先,这意味着我相当富裕,每个人都想变得富有,对吗?另外,我还可以去划船,放松一下,玩得开心。我相信这将是可怕的。4.Is boat trip popular in your country? 4。在你的国家 游船流行吗?
No, I don't think so, because boat trips are rather time-consuming.When we take a boat to go to another city or region, we usually need to be on it for quite a few days.So because of this, I don't suppose most people like this form of transport.不,我不这样认为,因为乘船旅行是相当费时的。当我们乘船去另一个城市或地区时,我们通常需要在船上呆上几天。因此,我认为大多数人不喜欢这种交通工具。Bus/Taxi 公共汽车/出租车
How often do you take the bus/taxi? 你多久坐一次公共汽车/一辆出租车?
Well, I don’t really take the bus very often, so I guess perhaps once in a few months, because most of the time, I commute by subway.This is the most reliable form of transport I think coz there’s no traffic underground, right? And also, although it’s jam-packed all the time, I know when I can get to my destination whereas if I take the bus, I might just be caught up in traffic.嗯,我真的不经常乘公共汽车,所以我想也许几个月后一次,因为大部分时间,我乘地铁通勤。我认为这是最可靠的运输方式,因为地下没有交通,对吗?而且,虽然它总是拥挤不堪,我知道什么时候我能到达目的地,而如果我坐公共汽车,我可能只是陷入交通。2.When was the first time you took a bus/taxi? 2。你第一次坐公共汽车/出租车是什么时候?
Um, if I remember correctly it was xx years ago.My parents and I went to the Aquarium and since it’s a little far from our house and we didn’t want to take the subway or drive our private car, we just hailed a cab.The cab driver was pretty nice and the ride was quite comfy 嗯,如果我没记错的话,那是xx年前的事了。我和我的父母去了水族馆,因为离我们家有点远,我们不想坐地铁或者开私家车,我们只是叫了一辆出租车。出租车司机很不错,坐起来也很舒服。3.Is it convenient to take the bus in your city? 三.在你们城市坐公共汽车方便吗? 4.Do people in your country take the bus? 4。你们国家的人坐公共汽车吗?
5.What is the difference between taking a bus and taking a train?
5、坐公共汽车和坐火车有什么区别? 6.What do you do when you are on a bus 6你在公共汽车上干什么? Transportation 交通运输
1.How did you come here today and why did you choose that? 1。你今天是怎么来这里的,为什么选择这个?
Well, I just took the subway here coz it’s the most reliable I think.I knew exactly what time I would get here.However, if I had taken a bus or taxi, I wouldn’t know because there could have been a traffic jam and I could have gotten caught up in it.我只是坐地铁,因为我认为这是最可靠的。我知道我什么时候到这里。不过,如果我乘公共汽车或出租车,我不知道,因为可能会有交通堵塞,我可能已经陷入其中。2.What forms of transport do you usually use? 2。你通常使用什么交通工具?
Um, the subway actually.Not only did I take it today, I take it every day.Every morning I take it to work and it’s a 40-minute rideit's been about 20 years already.So honestly I don't remember all of my friends from back then.There are only a few of them that I'm still in touch with.Not only are we in touch, but we're still very close and we often hang out together now.When we meet each other, sometimes we reminisce about the past, some fond memories we had before.嗯,小学,很长时间了,已经有20年了。老实说,我不记得我所有的朋友从那时起。他们中只有几个人和我保持联系。我们不仅保持联系,而且还很亲密,现在经常聚在一起。当我们见面时,有时我们回忆过去,一些我们以前美好的回忆。How do you make friends? 你是怎么交朋友的?
Um, I’d say that I make friends in various ways.(方式 1)For example, I often go to parties or throw parties myself where I can meet new people and I quite enjoy striking up conversations with them and it’s very easy for me to make new friends this way.(方式 2)Plus, I’m a member of a local book club.You know, I’m a bookworm and being part of a book club is something amazing to me.This is where I often see some new faces and they become my friends soon after we meet.嗯,我会说我以各种方式交朋友。(方式1)例如,我经常去聚会或派对我在哪里,我会遇见新的人,我很喜欢与他们交谈,我交了新朋友,这样很容易。(方式2)另外,我是当地的一个图书俱乐部的成员。你知道,我是个书呆子,成为读书俱乐部的一员对我来说是件了不起的事。这就是我经常看到一些新面孔的地方,在我们见面后不久他们就成了我的朋友。Do you like chatting with friends online? 你喜欢在网上和朋友聊天吗? No, I’m not really a huge fan of that(原因)because um...I feel that chatting with people online with only words and emojis is way too impersonal.I prefer to meet friends in the flesh and talk with them with more emotion.I think this is much better communication.不,我真的不是一个巨大的风扇,(原因)因为嗯…我觉得有人在线只有单词和emojis聊天太冷漠。我更喜欢亲自和朋友见面,用更多的情感和他们交谈。我认为这是更好的沟通。Family 家庭
How often do you meet your family? 你多久见一次你的家人?
Well, since I go to university in another city, I can’t see my folks very often(列举)my studies, my boyfriend, their life, my plans for the future and so on.I really treasure the time I spend with my parents.嗯,自从我到另一个城市上大学后,我就不能经常见到我的父母了——我只在暑假和寒假回父母家。当我看到他们的时候,我们总是在外面闲逛,当然,如果他们不是很忙的话。(具体)我们讲的一切(列举)我的研究,我的男朋友,他们的生活,我的未来计划等等。我真的很珍惜和父母在一起的时光。Do you want to live with your family in the future? 你将来想和你的家人住在一起吗?
I do, but I doubt it’s possible.I’ll have to move out of my parents’ place sooner or later because I’ll get hitched and start my own family.I don’t have a boyfriend yet, so it won’t happen anytime soon, but it will happen.是的,但我怀疑这是可能的。我迟早要搬离父母的家,因为我要结婚,开创自己的家庭。我还没有男朋友,所以不会很快发生,但是会发生的。How has your family influenced you? 你的家人对你有什么影响?
Well, my family has influenced me in various ways.(回答 1)The first thing that comes to mind is that I’m a positive person because of my dad.(原因)He has a positive outlook on life and nothing ever bothers him,(结果)so over the years, I’ve learned from him to take it easy.(回答 2)Additionally, I’m a pretty good cook and I should give a shout-out to my mom.(原因)She began teaching me cooking when I was still a teenager and(结果)now I can cook a variety of dishes, which I think is a wonderful skill.我的家庭以各种方式影响了我。(回答1)首先想到的是我是一个积极的人,因为我的爸爸。(原因)他对生活有什么积极的人生观所困扰他,(结果)这么多年来,我从他那里学到了要放轻松。(回答2)此外,我是一个很好的厨师,我要喊出我的妈妈。(原因)她就开始教我做饭的时候我还是个少年,(结果)现在我可以做各种各样的菜,我觉得这是个很棒的技能。Daily routine 日常工作
What time of the day do you like the best? 一天中你最喜欢什么时间?
Um, I suppose it should be the morning, I mean between 6 and 7.(表现)I always drag myself out of bed at 6 and then go to nuke my breakfast and make myself a cup of coffee.Coffee is my favorite drink-it’s a great pick-me-up and(原因 1)I suppose I like the morning partly because of coffee.(原因 2)Another reason is that it’s super peaceful in the morning when everyone else is still asleep.There’s no distraction and I can always get a lot of things done in an efficient way 嗯,我想应该是上午,我是说6点到7点之间。(表现)我总是把自己6点起床然后去攻击我的早餐,给自己冲一杯咖啡。咖啡是我最喜欢的饮料-这是一个伟大的接我,(原因1)我想我喜欢早晨因为咖啡。(原因2)的另一个原因是,这是早上超级和平的时候所有人都还在睡觉。没有分心的事,我总能以一种有效的方式完成很多事情。