
时间:2019-05-15 05:44:25下载本文作者:会员上传




President Xi Jinping's Congratulatory Message and State Councilor Yang Jiechi's Keynote Speech to The Opening Ceremony of the Coordinators' Meeting on the Implementation of The Follow-up Actions of the Johannesburg Summit of The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation


Your Excellency MoussaFakiMahamat, Foreign Minister of Chad as Chair of the African Union, Your Excellency MaiteNkoana-Mashabane, Foreign Minister of South Africa as Co-chair of FOCAC, Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi, Minister of Commerce GaoHucheng, Ministers, Delegates and Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,现在,我荣幸地宣读中国国家主席习近平致中非合作论坛约翰内斯堡峰会成果落实协调人会议的贺信,习近平主席的贺信内容如下:

It is my privilege to read to you Chinese President Xi Jinping's congratulatory message to the Coordinators' Meeting on the Implementation of the Follow-up Actions of the Johannesburg Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation(FOCAC).The message reads:


“On the occasion of the opening of the Coordinators' Meeting on the Implementation of the Follow-up Actions of the FOCAC Johannesburg Summit, I would like to express, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, warm congratulations and sincere welcome to the delegates and guests from African countries.去年12月,中非合作论坛约翰内斯堡峰会开启了中非合作共赢、共同发展的新时代,在中非关系发展进程中具有里程碑意义。我同非洲领导人深入沟通、共谋合作,一致决定将中非关系提升为全面战略合作伙伴关系,提出未来3年中非重点实施“十大合作计划”,共同绘就了中非合作共赢、共同发展的新蓝图。

”The Johannesburg Summit last December opened a new era of win-win cooperation and common development between China and Africa, and marked a milestone in the history of China-Africa relations.African leaders and I had an in-depth discussions on our cooperation, upgraded the China-Africa relationship to a comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership, put forward ten cooperation plans for the next three years, and drew a new blueprint of win-win cooperation and common development for China and Africa.我高兴地看到,半年多来,中非双方紧密协作,克服全球经济低迷的不利影响,就落实论坛峰会成果达成一系列共识,取得了看得见、摸得着的成果,展现出中非合作发展的勃勃生机。

“I am pleased that over the past six months, China and Africa worked together to overcome the negative impact of the sluggish world economy, reached consensus on jointly implementing the outcomes of the summit, and achieved tangible results in our cooperation.This helped to invigorate China-Africa cooperative development.这次协调人会议,既是中非双方推动落实中非领导人共识和论坛峰会成果所采取的一次重要行动,也是助力中非合作发展的一项重大举措。这次会议的召开再次向世人表明,无论国际形势如何变化,中非致力于团结、合作、共赢的决心坚定不移,中国对非洲和平与发展事业的支持坚定不移。当前,全球经济依然低迷,中非双方推动经济发展,既面临机遇,也面临挑战,应该肩并肩、手挽手一起前进。兄弟同心,其利断金。这次会议的召开正当其时,希望中非双方通过这次协调人会议,交流思想、对接思路、凝聚共识、促进合作,汇聚智慧和力量,有力促进中非各领域友好合作,让峰会成果更快更好惠及中非24亿人民。

”This coordinators' meeting is an important step taken by China and Africa to implement the consensus of Chinese and African leaders and the outcomes of the FOCAC Summit.It is a significant measure to boost China-Africa cooperative development.The meeting demonstrates to the world once again that no matter how the international landscape may change, the resolve of China and Africa to pursue unity and win-win cooperation will never change, and China's support for Africa's peace and development will never change.The weak performance of the world economy brings both opportunities and challenges to the economic development of China and Africa.We must stand shoulder to shoulder and march forward hand in hand.As a Chinese saying goes, “unity of two brothers gives them the strength to cut through metal.” I hope that at this opportune meeting, the two sides will exchange views, compare notes, build consensus and promote cooperation.By pooling wisdom and strength, and advancing China-Africa friendship and cooperation across the board, we will see to it that the summit outcomes will benefit the 2.4 billion people of China and Africa in a more expeditious and equitable manner.中国高度重视发展中非关系,将继续秉持真实亲诚对非政策理念和正确义利观,以扎扎实实的行动落实峰会成果,不断丰富和发展中非全面战略合作伙伴关系。

“China values China-Africa relations.We will continue to act on the principles of sincerity, practical results, affinity and good faith, uphold the values of friendship, justice and shared interests, take solid steps to implement the outcomes of the FOCAC Summit, and further enrich and grow the China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership.祝协调人会议取得圆满成功。

”I wish the coordinators' meeting a complete success.“


女士们,先生们,朋友们,Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,中国和非洲一向是好朋友、好伙伴、好兄弟。“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”。首先,我谨代表中国政府和人民对远道而来的各位非洲朋友、各位非洲兄弟表示最诚挚的欢迎!对本次中非合作论坛约翰内斯堡峰会成果落实协调人会议召开表示热烈祝贺!

China and Africa have always been good friends, good partners and good brothers.As a famous Chinese saying goes, ”What a great delight to receive friends from afar!“ On behalf of the Chinese government and people, I would like to extend the most sincere welcome to the African brothers and sisters coming from afar, and express hearty congratulations on the opening of the Coordinators' Meeting on the Implementation of the Follow-up Actions of the FOCAC Johannesburg Summit.去年12月,中非双方本着“共商、共建、共享”的论坛精神,共同举办了一届“完美、非凡”的中非合作论坛约翰内斯堡峰会。这是一次具有里程碑意义的盛会,中国国家主席习近平全面、系统地阐述了中国对非政策新思想新理念,宣布将中非关系提升为全面战略合作伙伴关系,进一步做强和夯实中非政治上平等互信、经济上合作共赢、文明上交流互鉴、安全上守望相助、国际事务中团结协作“五大支柱”;提出未来3年中非重点实施以工业化和农业现代化为牵引的“十大合作计划”,并为此提供600亿美元资金支持。中非领导人共同绘就了中非合作发展的新蓝图,开启了中非合作共赢、共同发展的新时代。

Last December, in the spirit of wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, China and Africa jointly organized a ”perfect and extraordinary“ FOCAC Summit in Johannesburg.At the landmark gathering, President Xi Jinping gave a comprehensive and systematic account of China's new thinking and new approach regarding relations with Africa, announced the elevation of the China-Africa relationship to a comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership, and called for strengthening and consolidating the five pillars of China-Africa relations, namely political equality and mutual trust, win-win economic cooperation, mutually enriching cultural exchanges, mutual security assistance, and solidarity and coordination in international affairs.He also proposed ten cooperation plans for the next three years with a focus on helping Africa achieve industrialization and agricultural modernization, and pledged US$60 billion of financial support.This new blueprint of cooperative development drawn by Chinese and African leaders will usher in a new era of win-win cooperation and common development for the two sides.女士们,先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen,中国人讲,“一分部署,九分落实”。今年是落实论坛峰会成果的开局之年,争取峰会成果早落地,让中非人民多受益,是中非双方的共同期待。我们高兴地看到,已有30多个非洲国家成立了落实峰会成果内部协调机制,确定了部级协调人,有些国家还由总统或总理亲自挂帅。

We Chinese often say that planning contributes 10% to the success of an undertaking while 90% of success lies in implementation.In this first year after the Johannesburg Summit, it is our shared expectation to see the early implementation of its outcomes so as to deliver more benefits to the Chinese and African people.We are delighted to see that over 30 African countries have established internal coordination mechanisms and designated ministerial-level coordinators to implement the outcomes.Presidents and Prime Ministers of several countries have even taken on the responsibility themselves.峰会闭幕半年多来,中非双方行动迅速,措施得力,峰会成果落实已取得重大进展,成果令人鼓舞。高层互访和各领域人员交流与合作显著增加,经济、金融、人文、安全和国际事务等各领域友好互利合作富有成果,给中非人民带来了看得见、摸得着的实惠。昨天,中非双方共同签署了一大批合作协议,加上峰会闭幕以来双方签署的各类协议,据不完全统计,共有243项合作协议,涉及总金额达507亿美元,其中,中国企业对非直接投资和商业贷款超过460亿美元,占协议总金额的91%。中非互利合作出现了生机勃勃的喜人景象,也充分体现了平等互利、高效务实的中非合作论坛本质与特征,显示了中非友好互利合作的巨大潜力和光明前景。

In the six months since the Johannesburg Summit, China and Africa have adopted swift and effective actions to implement the outcomes, and have made major, gratifying progress.High-level visits and personnel exchanges and cooperation have increased notably in this regard, and friendly and win-win cooperation in economic, financial, cultural and security sectors and in international affairs has been fruitful, bringing real benefits to the Chinese and African people.Yesterday, the two sides signed a number of cooperation agreements.Combined with those signed since last December, there have been 243 agreements worth US$50.7 billion, including US$46 billion of Chinese direct investment in and commercial loans to Africa, accounting for 91% of the total value of the agreements.To our delight, the mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Africa is full of vigor and vitality.It has lived up to FOCAC's commitment to equality, mutual benefit, efficiency and practical results, and points to the vast potential and great prospects of friendly and win-win cooperation between China and Africa.中方此时倡议举办这次峰会成果落实协调人会议,目的就是要通过全面梳理峰会成果落实情况,对接思路、凝聚共识、直面挑战、破解难题、交流经验、促进合作,汇聚中非团结协作的智慧和力量,为推进峰会成果落实工作加油鼓劲。中非合作发展迎来了新的历史性机遇。

The purpose of China initiating the coordinators' meeting at this time is, by taking stock of the delivery of summit outcomes, to align our thinking, build consensus, overcome challenges and difficulties, share experience and promote cooperation, so that we can pool the wisdom and strength of both sides and give a leg up to the implementation work.This will present a new historic opportunity for the cooperative development of China and Africa.我们高兴地看到,中非合作共赢、共同发展已成为中非双方共同的目标追求。今天,中非100多名部级官员齐聚北京,共谋合作发展大计,会议的规模、规格和成果均远超预期。我相信,本次协调人会议将为推动中非落实峰会成果注入强劲动力,让中非和世界人民看到中非合作发展的广阔前景。

We are glad to see that both sides are committed to win-win cooperation and common development.Today, over 100 Chinese and African ministerial-level officials are gathering in Beijing to discuss cooperation and development.The meeting has far exceeded our expectations in terms of the size and level of participation as well as the number of deliverables.I have no doubt that this meeting will lend strong impetus to the delivery of summit outcomes and help the people of China, Africa and the whole world see the vast prospects of our cooperation and development.女士们,先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen,当今世界正处在前所未有的大变革之中。全球经济深度调整,国际格局和国际秩序加速演变,世界多极化正面临新的挑战。但和平与发展仍是当今世界主题,发展中国家整体力量和影响力持续上升的势头没有、也不会改变。21世纪不仅是中国和亚洲的世纪,也是非洲的世纪。中非24亿人民携起手来,向世界宣告以合作促团结、以发展求共赢的坚定决心,将进一步增强中非和发展中国家的整体力量,为构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系作出重要贡献。中非团结合作不仅关乎中非各自的前途和命运,也将对世界和平发展和国际格局演变产生重大而深远的影响。The world is experiencing unprecedented transformation.The global economy is undergoing profound adjustment, the international landscape and order are evolving at a faster pace and the trend toward a multipolar world faces new challenges.However, peace and development remain the dominant theme of the times and the rise of developing countries' collective strength and influence has not and will not falter.The 21st century is not only a century for China and Asia, but also one for Africa.Joining hands, the 2.4 billion Chinese and African people will show the world our strong determination to promote solidarity through cooperation and pursue win-win outcomes through development.This will further enhance the overall strength of China, Africa and developing countries as a whole and mark an important contribution to building the new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation.The solidarity and cooperation between China and Africa not only bears on our own future and destiny, but will have a far-reaching impact on global peace and development and the evolution of the international landscape.中国正全面实施“十三五”规划,为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标和中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而不懈努力。我们将坚定不移走和平发展道路,并倡导世界各国都走和平发展道路,努力打造人类命运和利益共同体。

As we meet today, China is implementing its 13th Five-Year Plan and working to realize the ”two centenary goals" and the Chinese Dream of great national renewal.China will remain committed to the path of peaceful development and calls for common commitment to such a path, so that together we could build a community of shared future and interests for all mankind.非洲国家致力于联合自强和一体化进程已势不可挡。非盟《2063年议程》发展蓝图已经绘就,加快工业化进程和现代化建设进程已成为非洲国家共同追求的目标。

In the meantime, the commitment of African countries toward seeking strength from unity and to African integration has gathered irreversible momentum.Agenda 2063, a blueprint for Africa's development, has been drawn and industrialization and modernization have become the common goals of African countries.新形势下,中非发展战略高度契合,合作发展互有需要、互有优势,面临难得的历史性机遇。中方将秉持真实亲诚对非政策理念和正确义利观,以全面落实论坛峰会成果为契机,与非方携手做强中非合作“五大支柱”,着力推进中非全面战略合作伙伴关系。为此,我们要着力加强以下领域合作:

In this new era, China and Africa face golden opportunities.Our development strategies are highly compatible, we each have distinct advantages, and we need each other for our cooperative development.China will continue to abide by the principles of sincerity, practical results, affinity and good faith, uphold the values of friendship, justice and shared interests, and implement all the outcomes of the Johannesburg Summit.On this basis, we will work with Africa to strengthen the five pillars of China-Africa cooperation and push forward our comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership.To this end, I would like to suggest the following:


First, to forever remain good brothers sharing weal and woe, we must provide greater political guidance for our relationship.This year marks the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Africa.Through six decades, China and Africa have forged ahead in both good and difficult times.China-Africa relations have stood the test of time and international vicissitudes.We need to carry on this proud tradition, maintain the sound momentum of high-level exchanges, share experience of national governance, enhance mutual understanding and support for each other's core interests and major concerns, and firmly uphold our common interests.African countries have voiced support for China's just position on the South China Sea issue and rendered invaluable political support to the Chinese side.It is greatly valued and appreciated by China!


Second, to forever remain good partners for common development, we must improve mutually beneficial cooperation.We should seize the historic opportunity of synergizing the development strategies of China and Africa, prioritize industrialization and agricultural modernization with a focus on production capacity cooperation and industrial partnership, deepen our mutually beneficial cooperation on industry, agriculture, infrastructure development, human resources development, investment, trade, financial services and so on to bring greater benefit to our people.China will pursue common, intensive, green, safe and open development together with Africa, and make sure that the cooperation projects in Africa will generate economic and social benefits and meet the standard of sustainable development.We will plan and implement major infrastructure projects in tandem with industrial cooperation and development in Africa, work to transform and upgrade China-Africa cooperation, support Africa's accelerated industrialization and agricultural modernization, and help Africa realize independent and sustainable development.三是加强文明交流,永远做同心同德的好朋友。我们要进一步加强医疗卫生、教育、文化、科技、旅游、体育等人文领域合作,扩大双方青年、妇女、民间组织、新闻媒体、学术机构等交流互访,促进中非两大文明互学互鉴,增进中非人民之间相互认知、认可和认同,让中非友好世代相传,不断巩固和扩大中非友好的民意和社会基础。Third, to forever remain good friends of one heart and mind, we must increase inter-civilization exchanges.We should strengthen people-to-people cooperation in such areas as health, education, culture, science and technology, tourism and sports.We need to expand exchanges and visits between youth, women, civil society, media and academia so as to promote mutual learning between the two civilizations, boost mutual understanding and appreciation between the Chinese and African people, pass China-Africa friendship from generation to generation and secure stronger public support for China-Africa friendship.四是加强安全合作,永远做和平稳定的守护者。中方坚定支持非洲国家以非洲方式解决非洲问题,支持非洲通过对话协商政治解决内部分歧。中方愿继续建设性参与非洲和平安全事务,帮助非洲国家和非盟加强自主维和维稳和反恐能力建设,支持非洲国家提升边防、军警、海关、税务等执法能力,积极参与联合国在非洲维和行动,为非洲和平发展作出新的更大贡献。

Fourth, to forever remain guardians of peace and stability, we must strengthen security cooperation.China firmly supports African countries in addressing African problems in African ways and in seeking political solution to internal differences through dialogue and consultation.China will continue to take a constructive part in African peace and security affairs, help African countries and the AU build capacity for peacekeeping, maintaining stability and countering terrorism, and support African countries in enhancing law-enforcement capacity from border control, army and police to customs and taxation.We will take an active part in UN peacekeeping operations in Africa and contribute more to Africa's peace and development.五是加强国际事务合作,永远做共同利益的维护者。中非在重大国际和地区问题上拥有相似的立场和共同的利益。我们要坚定维护联合国宪章宗旨和原则,共同推动国际秩序朝着更加公正合理的方向发展,反对恃强凌弱,反对肆意干涉别国内政。我们要在联合国改革、气候变化、粮食安全、减贫、发展等全球性议题上加强沟通、协调行动、密切配合,坚定维护好发展中国家的共同利益。

Fifth, to forever remain protectors of our common interests, we must broaden cooperation in international affairs.China has similar positions and common interests with Africa on major international and regional issues.We need to firmly uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, jointly work for a more just and equitable international order, and oppose the practice of the strong bullying the weak or wanton interference in other countries' internal affairs.China and Africa should strengthen communication, coordination and cooperation on UN reform, climate change, food security, poverty reduction, development and other global issues so as to safeguard the common interests of developing countries.女士们,先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen,中非合作共赢、共同发展的新时代已经开启。让我们同舟共济,砥砺前行,以本次协调人会议为新的动力,务实创新,相向而行,扎实推进论坛峰会成果落实工作及早取得更加丰硕的成果,给中非人民带来更多实实在在的利益。The curtain has been drawn on a new era of China-Africa win-win and cooperative development.Let us build on the success of this coordinators' meeting, work in a concerted, down-to-earth and innovative fashion, meet each other half way, strive for early and satisfactory delivery of the outcomes of the Johannesburg Summit, and bring greater benefits to the people of China and Africa.祝本次协调人会议取得圆满成功!

In conclusion, I wish this meeting full success.谢谢大家!Thank you.



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