让我们一起回顾 幼儿园走过的不平凡的十年,值得我们感恩、回味和思念的十年,我们相信,有各姐妹园所的关注与指导,有领导们的信任和肯定,有社会各界的关心与鼓励,有全体家长的配合与支持,有全体教职员工的齐心协力,我们一定能够不断向前,与时俱进,开拓创新,小荧星和童慧教育的明天,一定会更加美好!
A: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to the 10th anniversary celebration party of English Garden.English Garden is one of the largest university associations and the only formly registered English association in H.U.C.B: Above all, let' s give a warm welcome to the presidents of the Students' Union, Media Centre and Association Union to our celebration party.We thank you for your attendency and we also want to extend our welcome to the other presidents who represent more than 20 associations and also welcome the EEC president of economic school.Thank you all for your presence.A: We recognize all the people here for taking time out of their hectic schedule, at the busiest time of the year to come to our celebration.We really appreciate your presence here tonight with us.In particular,MengDiSha for providing the make up for all the performers.B: This year marks the 10th anniversary of English Garden.Ten years' struggle, ten years' experience ,ten years' growth, ten years' wind and rain, ten years' exploration and development.Our garden has grown up from a blade of grass to an influential flower bed, opening her arms to students of the whole university.Garden now has become the exemplary pioneer English extracurricular study organization.A: Today, on this special occasion of English Garden's 10th years birthday.We get together to have a splendid and brilliant anniversary party.B: Now may I hereby declare “the 10th anniversary celebration party of English Garden in H.U.C.”
A: It is true that we are a generation full of happiness.B: It is true that we are a generation full of vigor.A: Because we are enthusiastic ,because we have dreams.B: Because we are young and healthy, because we have inspiration.Because we can play out the most beautiful melodies.Now let's start with a bank show--
A: Where there is music, where is joy!
B: Where there is music, there will be dance.Our next item is Modern Dance--keen on disco.A: Thanks for the girls passionate dance!
B: So to speak, our garden also provides a platform to express our sincere friendship.Now
let's have all ears to the May Day's--Oh, my God
A: Since garden has brought up a generation and another English talent.And today we have a gratitude song for our Garden--You raise me up.A: Hi, Kilgore!Do you like dance?
B: Certainly, I do!
A: Then what sort of dance do you like best?
B: Hip-hop.A: Really?!You are a lucky dog indeed today!You know ,we are honored to invite some cool boys from Hip-hop Association to give us a fabulous visual feast.B: Wow, I am so fortunate to enjoy that.A: All right.Let's wait to see.B: In the past ten years, garden has been flourshing and so have all the gardeners!In garden, we share the same experience , we endeavor to dream together.A: Now, let's appreciate gardeners'--My awake dream.B: From campus to association, love never fades.It is always a perpetual topic.Let's enjoy the duet--
A: I believe the most impressive program on CCTV's new year festival evening party is LiuQian's magic.And today we also invite a magician.B: The wonderful magic gives us a strong impulse.Let's use dance to express that impulse.A: Thanks for the 5 girls' Korean dance.Next item is a series of songs from gardeners with typical cultural features.Let's give them a round of applause.A: The sparkling stars in the sky are like dancing notes which compose a happy movement and predict a wonderful and inspiring new 10 years for garden.B: Turning over the last page of garden's calendar, 10 years are now in the history books.Looking back to the past days, we are full of all sortsof feelings that well up in our heart.All our efforts have come up with great achievements and a lot of happy smiles.We ,all the gardeners are all grateful for a family.We are a family and we are the world!
A;Summer has come!Let's open the door of our garden where there is so many beautiful flowers
and trees over the past 10 years.So today let's fly towards the future with the melody of the songs.B: Time marches on, and we are going to greet the coming new era, we are here for the last time to say happy birthday to English Garden with our best regards.And it is this moment which is warm and brimming with enthusiasm.A:Though we all feel reluctant to part at this moment of joyful gathering, we are draw English Garden's 10th anniversary celebration party to a close.B: At last, we do hope you have enjoyed yourselves.And thanks again for your attendance!
A、B: Goodbye!
A: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to the 10th anniversary celebration party of English Garden.English Garden is one of the largest university associations and the only formly registered English association in H.U.C.B: Above all, let' s give a warm welcome to the presidents of the Students' Union, Media Centre and Association Union to our celebration party.We thank you for your attendency and we also want to extend our welcome to the other presidents who represent more than 20 associations and also welcome the EEC president of economic school.Thank you all for your presence.A: We recognize all the people here for taking time out of their hectic schedule, at the busiest time of the year to come to our celebration.We really appreciate your presence here tonight with us.In particular, MengDiSha for providing the make up for all the performers.B: This year marks the 10th anniversary of English Garden.Ten years' struggle, ten years' experience ,ten years' growth, ten years' wind and rain, ten years' exploration and development.Our garden has grown up from a blade of grass to an influential flower bed, opening her arms to students of the whole university.Garden now has become the exemplary pioneer English extracurricular study organization.A: Today, on this special occasion of English Garden's 10th years birthday.We get together to have a splendid and brilliant anniversary party.B: Now may I hereby declare “the 10th anniversary celebration party of English Garden in H.U.C.”
A: It is true that we are a generation full of happiness.B: It is true that we are a generation full of vigor.A: Because we are enthusiastic ,because we have dreams.B: Because we are young and healthy, because we have inspiration.Because we can play out the most beautiful melodies.Now let's start with a bank show--
A: Where there is music, where is joy!
B: Where there is music, there will be dance.Our next item is Modern Dance--keen on disco.A: Thanks for the girls passionate dance!
B: So to speak, our garden also provides a platform to express our sincere friendship.Now
let's have all ears to the May Day's--Oh, my God
A: Since garden has brought up a generation and another English talent.And today we have a gratitude song for our Garden--You raise me up.A: Hi, Kilgore!Do you like dance?
B: Certainly, I do!
A: Then what sort of dance do you like best?
B: Hip-hop.A: Really?!You are a lucky dog indeed today!You know ,we are honored to invite some cool boys from Hip-hop Association to give us a fabulous visual feast.B: Wow, I am so fortunate to enjoy that.A: All right.Let's wait to see.B: In the past ten years, garden has been flourshing and so have all the gardeners!In garden, we share the same experience , we endeavor to dream together.A: Now, let's appreciate gardeners'--My awake dream.B: From campus to association, love never fades.It is always a perpetual topic.Let's enjoy the duet--A: I believe the most impressive program on CCTV's new year festival evening party is LiuQian's magic.And today we also invite a magician.B: The wonderful magic gives us a strong impulse.Let's use dance to express that impulse.A: Thanks for the 5 girls' Korean dance.Next item is a series of songs from gardeners with typical cultural features.Let's give them a round of applause.A: The sparkling stars in the sky are like dancing notes which compose a happy movement and predict a wonderful and inspiring new 10 years for garden.B: Turning over the last page of garden's calendar, 10 years are now in the history books.Looking back to the past days, we are full of all sortsof feelings that well up in our heart.All our efforts have come up with great achievements and a lot of happy smiles.We ,all the gardeners are all grateful for a family.We are a family and we are the world!
A;Summer has come!Let's open the door of our garden where there is so many beautiful flowers
and trees over the past 10 years.So today let's fly towards the future with the melody of the songs.B: Time marches on, and we are going to greet the coming new era, we are here for the last time to say happy birthday to English Garden with our best regards.And it is this moment which is warm and brimming with enthusiasm.A:Though we all feel reluctant to part at this moment of joyful gathering, we are draw English Garden's 10th anniversary celebration party to a close.B: At last, we do hope you have enjoyed yourselves.And thanks again for your attendance!
A、B: Goodbye!
绿行十年庆典闭幕晚会 序篇――风雨十年
(1、全场熄灯,大屏幕上出现由绿行第十届组织者头像组成的汉字大写数字“拾”,由第九届组织者头像组成的“玖”然后依次为捌、柒„„ 壹。最后响起一声钟响。
老人手上拿着一本书,小孩摇着老人的手说:“爷爷 爷爷 给我讲个故事吧!”老人答道:“好好好
高晓航:十年的上下求索,锻造了你心灵的高尚 张宇超:十年的默默守望,盼来了今天欢聚一堂
张宇超:风雨中,有绿行人爽朗的笑声;阳光下,有绿行人挥洒的汗水 刘骐:手心里,有绿行人最初的梦想;记忆里,有绿行人满满的爱
(冰火舞蹈)台下主持人(马文爽、张鑫)串场 萌芽篇――绿源于心
(绿行播报――现场响起新闻联播的音乐 现场只留有舞台左方的灯光其余灯光熄灭,舞台左方出现一个类似于播报新闻的播音台。两位主持人开始播报绿行新闻。)
(《一些事,一些情》现场响起钢琴声 有十个工作人员手捧着蜡烛走上舞台。并邀请若干个老人走上舞台。大屏幕上出现一些老照片,由老人们讲述以前的故事。10-20‘ 老人:第一届:云妍、杨洁【创建者】;第六届:黑淼【会长】、侯臻【副会长】;第八届杜鹏【会长】、王亮【副会长】;第九届:虞天宁【会长】、戴丽君【团支书】)
各位嘉宾,先生们,女士们: 大家晚上好!首先感谢——各位嘉宾在百忙之中,抽空来参加我们公司十周年庆典晚会,我代表益泉全体员,对到场所有嘉宾表示诚挚的谢意和热烈的欢迎!十年如一梦,回想起来百感交集,有很多的回忆不能忘记。我们要感谢,国家的强大,经济的发展,一个中国历史上最好的时代,给予了我们成长的空间,和异乎寻常的机遇,我们要感谢:支持我们的各位政府领导,在下一个十年的发展中,我们要更多的,回馈社会,更多体现出,我们企业的社会责任感。我们要感谢,我们的供应商———为我们提供了优质的产品,是他们用先进的,管理理念帮助我们成长,扶持我们的发展。把益泉,从一个嗷嗷待哺的婴儿培育成成长的少年,在下一个十年,我们要全方位,继续加深与他们的合作和信任,同一家族,同一命运,荣辱与共,风雨同舟。我们要感谢,我们的客户,正因为有了你们的,信任和支持,才有益泉的今天,尤其是公司创业初期,一直真诚无私,帮助我的一些前辈、还有各地、各行业尊敬的 VIP 客户。在下一个十年,我们要大力改善,我们的不足,把客户价值,作为企业最核心的价值,为你们提供,尽职尽责的服务,尤其要提到今天的到场的,各位 VIP 客户,相信益泉不会让你们失望。我们要感谢,我们的员工,跟我们艰苦创业,辛勤劳动,忠诚于益泉,永不放弃...