
时间:2019-05-15 05:34:30下载本文作者:会员上传




1.堂/表兄弟姊妹________ 2.侄女,甥女________3.侄子,外甥__________

4.友谊,友好_________ 5.家务,劳动_____________

6.主人________________ 7.女主人, 女房东_________8.邻居,邻国_________ 9.附近,邻近__________ 10.女儿_______ 11.长着蓝眼睛的(小女孩)___________________________ 12.心肠好的 _________13.脾气好/坏的_________14.及肩的(头发)________ 15.中年的 ___________ 16.campaign__________ 17.generation gap_________ 18.nurse__________

19.nursery ___________ 20.nearby __________ 21.good-looking(young man)22.在我18岁时_______________

23.获得金牌_______________ 24.过着幸福的生活____________________ 25.在烹饪方面有经验____________ 26.在音乐方面有天赋_____________________ 二.完成句子:

1.___________(出生在)Jiang Su Province, my history teacher is a beautiful woman, _________________________________(有长长的头发和大大的眼睛).2.Not only does he ______________(感兴趣)science , but also he ____________________(有音乐天赋).3.My mother, ________________________(一位中年家庭主妇), will always stand by me and remove the barriers for me whenever I am _________________(遇到困难).4._____________(毕业于)the department of English of Zhongshan University, she _________________________________(继续留学深造)and received a doctor’s degree.5.He is about ____________________________(1.72米高).三.语篇训练:写一篇题为“我们的班长”的短文,简况如下:


Keys:一.1.cousin 2.niece 3.nephew 4.friendship 5.housework 6.host 7.hostess 8.neighbor 9.neighborhood 10.女儿11.blue-eyed(girl)


13.good/bad-tempered 14.shoulder-length(hair)15.middle-aged(man)16.[军]战役,(政治或商业性)活动, 竞选运动


18.护士, 保姆 19.托儿所

20.附近的, 邻近的 adv.在附近


22.at the age of 18

23.win a gold medal

24.live a happy life

25.be experienced in cooking

26.have a gift/talent for 二.1.Born in, with long hair and big eyes

2.show interest in, has a gift for music 3.a middle-aged housewife, in trouble 4.Graduated from, went on going abroad for further studies

5.1.72 metres in height 三.Li Min, our monitor,is tall, healthy and lively.She not only does well in all subjects but also is fond of sports and good at singing and dancing.When she came to the school, Li Min had quite a lot of difficulties with English.But she was not afraid of them and always tried hard to overcome them.She was active in class and did a lot of practice after class.Just as the old saying goes, no pains, no gains.With great efforts she made much progress in English study.Li Min is strict with herself in her work and daily life and always ready to help others.She sets us all a good example.Keys:一.1.cousin 2.niece 3.nephew 4.friendship 5.housework 6.host 7.hostess 8.neighbor 9.neighborhood 10.女儿11.blue-eyed(girl)


13.good/bad-tempered 14.shoulder-length(hair)15.middle-aged(man)16.[军]战役,(政治或商业性)活动, 竞选运动


18.护士, 保姆 19.托儿所

20.附近的, 邻近的 adv.在附近


22.at the age of 18

23.win a gold medal

24.live a happy life

25.be experienced in cooking

26.have a gift/talent for 二.1.Born in, with long hair and big eyes

2.show interest in, has a gift for music 3.a middle-aged housewife, in trouble 4.Graduated from, went on going abroad for further studies

5.1.72 metres in height 三.Li Min, our monitor,is tall, healthy and lively.She not only does well in all subjects but also is fond of sports and good at singing and dancing.When she came to the school, Li Min had quite a lot of difficulties with English.But she was not afraid of them and always tried hard to overcome them.She was active in class and did a lot of practice after class.Just as the old saying goes, no pains, no gains.With great efforts she made much progress in English study.Li Min is strict with herself in her work and daily life and always ready to help others.She sets us all a good example.




模块内容:B1U3travel journalB4U5theme parks

B7U5travelling abroad



tourism _____________tourist__________________fare____________________ view_____________attitude______________schedule____________________

insurance_____________ disadvantage________________ transportation_______________ equipment_________________souvenir_______________






cycle________________determine______________ organize________________ transport_______________ amuse_______________ advance_______________ occupy____________ recommend____________


reliable _______________various_______________


comfortable ____________


One-way-fare_______________round-trip-fare _______________

As usual _____________________be fond of___________________

Change one’s mind________________persuade sb.to do sth.___________________ Make use of ____________________dream about doing sth_________________________ Can hardly wait to do sth_____________________a variety of______________________ Name after________________________be familiar with________________________ Prepare for________________________go on a trip_______________________ Come to life________________day in and day out _________________ Succeed in doing sth._____________be abundant in_________________


1.2.3.I’d like to1


The Advantages of Travel

Nowdays, people are so fond of travelling that tourism has become one of the faster growing industries in most countries。Why? Because travel has numerous advantages.First of all, travel can widen our knowledge of geography, customs, cultures and lifestyles of different places.Secondly, we can make friends and practise a foreign language through travelling.Finally, travel is the best way of pastime.We can enjoy eating various food and seeing beautiful sceneries.In a word, we can benefit from travel in more than one way.It is worth spending the time.写作实践



According to Shenzhen Daily, the city’s vehicle population has reached over 1 million and 80 percent of the vehicles are private cars.Nowadays more and more families own private cars.Private cars, as the

product of modern civilization, have been playing a vital role in people's daily

activities.Firstly, private cars are a convenient means of transportation.You can go wherever you like.Secondly, there is no doubt that private cars will have a great impact on the economic growth.The rapid car industry growth will contribute much to keeping the country's economy growing at a higher rate in the near futrue.But every coin has two sides.The development of the private cars will bring about a series of problems.For example, the polluted air given off by cars will do great harm to our health, too many private cars will lead to traffic jams and a great deal of energy will be wasted and so on.That is why many people suggest we should go cycling in the city instead.However, I think that the advantages of owning a car outweigh the

disadvantages.Therefore, it seems to me that China should increase its output of

automobiles and enlarge the private car market.We should take advantages of private cars and make them serve us better.Meantime ,we hope that satisfactory solutions to these negative problems will be found soon.[写作内容]


2.某英文报纸就上述“深圳已拥有100万辆汽车”的新闻,开展了一场“The best form of transportation in our city”的市民大讨论。请你用约120个词写一篇文章,包括:






_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

拓展阅读(2010-2011 广州市高三第一次调研)

Death Valley is one of the most famous deserts in the United States, covering a wide area with its alkali sand.Almost 20 percent of this area is well below sea level, and Badwater, a salt water pool, is about 280 feet below sea level and the lowest point in the United States.Long ago the Panamint Indians called this place “Tomesha”— the land of fire.Death Valley’s present name dates back to 1849, when a group of miners coming across from Nevada

became lost in its unpleasantness and hugeness and their adventure turned out to be a sad story.Today Death Valley has been declared a National Monument(纪念碑)and is crossed by several well-marked roads where good services can be found easily.Luckily the change created by human settlement has hardly ruined the special beauty of this place.Here nature created a lot of surprising, almost like the sights on the moon, ever-changing as the frequent wind moves the sand about, showing the most unusual colors.One of the most astonishing and variable parts of Death Valley is the Devil’ s Golf Course, where it seems hard for one to tell reality from terrible dreams.Sand sculptures(沙雕)stand on a frightening ground, as evening shadows move and lengthen.1._______ is the lowest place in the desert.A.TomeshaB.Death ValleyC.NevadaD.Badwater

2.The name of the valley comes from _______.A.an Indian name

C.the local peopleB.the death of the miners D.a National Movement

3.From the passage we can learn that _______.A.no one had ever known the desert before the miners

B.it’s still not easy to travel across the desert

C.people can find gas-stations, cafes and hotels in the desert

D.people have changed the natural sight of the desert

4.Devil Golf Course is famous for _______.A.the frequent wind

C.dream-like sightsB.the colors of the sand D.the sand sculptures

5.From the passage we can see that the writer _______ the Death Valley.A.appreciates


B.is fearful ofD.is tired of

Travel by Bike in the City

In this passage, the writer explains the advantages and disadvantages of owning private cars in the city.And he agrees to enlarge the private car market and make better use of them.But I think bikes should be the most popular form of transportation in our city.First, a bike is much cheaper than a car, most consumers can afford it, and if there is something wrong with a bike, people can have it fixed easily.Second, bikes need much less parking space than cars.The third reason is that it can save energy for our country.Moreover, it brings no pollution to the air, so it helps to clean the atmosphere.Therefore, the best form of transportation is travelling by bike ,which is a healthy, “green” and economical way.But with the development of our economy, the day when we use cars as the most popular form of transportation is sure to come.D 【答案与解析】41—45 DBCCA

本文介绍了美国的一个著名沙漠 —— “死亡谷”名称的由来以及 “死亡谷”奇特的风光。

41.D。细节题。根据 …and Badwater, a salt water pool, is about 280 feet below sea level and the lowest point in the United States 可推知此题答案为 D。42.B。推断题。根据 …when a group of miners coming across from Nevada became lost in its unpleasantness and hugeness and their adventure turned out to be a sad story… 可知“死亡谷”的名称来源于这些迷路矿工的死亡。43.C。推断题。根据 …well-marked roads where good services can be found easily… 可以判断 C 为最佳答案。44.C。细节题。根据 …where it seems hard for one to tell reality from terrible dreams 可推知答案为 C。45.A。推断题。根据the special beauty of this place…like the sights on the moon… ever-changing…showing the most unusual colors等关键词语可以知道作者是带着赞赏的语气来描述“死亡谷”的。


Personal Information






1.age, birthday and birthplace(个人概况)

was/were born in…(place)on…(date)出生于某地某时

at the age of…在某人多少岁时

the son of a poor family 来自穷苦家庭的孩子

was born into a peasant family 出生于一个农民家庭

live/lead a happy/difficult life 过着幸福/艰苦的生活


kindhearted /warmhearted好心的,热心的hardworking/diligent 勤奋的humorous 幽默的 confident 有信心的 independent 独立的 sociable 爱社交的,外向的patient 有耐心的 be willing/ready to help others 乐于助人 open-minded 思想开放的3.education background(教育背景)

Well-educated 受到良好教育的be admitted to…university 考取……大学

graduate from…department of…university 从某大学某系毕业

receive/get a master's/doctor's degree获取硕士/博士学位

go abroad for further studies 出国深造

When at college, he majored in English/he was an English major.读大学时他主修英语。

4.big events in his or her life(生平经历)

serve as做……工作

devote oneself /one's effort/one's life to;be devoted to 致力于……

make up one's mind/be determined to do决心做……

have a gift/talent for 有……的天赋

be experienced in … 在……方面有经验


famous/wellknown at home and abroad 国内外著名的make great/rapid progress in在……取得很大/快速进步

gain/win the first prize/place 获得一等奖/第一名

set a good example to为……树立好榜样

speak/think highly of…高度赞扬……

be honored as…被授予……

make great contributions to为……作出巨大贡献


1.be fit for适合2.apply for申请

3.take part in outdoor activities参加户外活动

4.graduate from毕业于

5.be familiar with对.......熟悉

6.gain scholarship获得奖学金

7.show interest in对........表现出兴趣

8.be experienced in在........方面有

9.win a gold medal获得奖牌

10.be admitted into a key university考上重点大学

11.be under pressure承受压力

12.be on good terms with与......关系好

13.balance study and entertainment平衡娱乐和学习

14.have a good command of对......掌握得好

15.be born in a poor family出生贫穷家庭

16.attend school上学

17.at the age of在……岁时

18.during his childhood在他童年时

19.sense of humour幽默感

20.be always ready to总是乐于

21.modest and honest谦虚诚实

22.be regarded as被认为是

23.be acknowledged/recognized as被公认为…

24.have a gift /talent for在……方面有天赋

25.work hard at;sb devote oneself to/ sb be devoted to …致力于…

26.devote one’s life to致力于

27.graduate from从……毕业

28.take an active part in积极参加

29.open-minded and optimistic乐观开朗

30.be admitted to被……录取;考入

31.go abroad for further studies出国深造

32.be honored for因……而受到尊敬

33.dream of being a writer梦想成为作家

34.make contributions to对……做出贡献

35.have a strong interest in对……有浓厚兴趣

36.be/get accustomed to习惯……

III.Sentences to learn by heart:

1.I show great interest in photography because it allows me to record the beautiful--moments.我对摄影表现出了浓厚的兴趣,因为摄影让我记录下那些美好的时刻。

2.I’m good at writing, which may be helpful for the work.我擅长写作,这也许对做这项工作有益处。

3.Taking part in all kinds of outdoor activities is one of my hobbies.我的业余爱好是参加各种各样的户外活动。

4.It was international trade that I majored in after I was admitted into akey university.我在大学主修国际贸易专业。

5.I write this letter to apply for the positon that you have advertised in China Daily of April 2nd.我写信申请你们四月二号刊登在中国日报上的那个职位。

6.I feel that I am fit for it very much for both my education and experience.我认为我的经历和所接收的教育非常适合这份工作。

7.I love sports and enjoy perfect health, which may be important to the volunteer work.我喜爱运动,身体健康,这对于志愿者工作十分重要。

8.I’m familiar with the tourist attractions in Weihai.我对威海的旅游景点非常熟悉。

9.Having learned English for years, I have a good command of spoken and writtenEnglish, as

well as computer.学了多年英语,我对英语口语和书面语掌握得都很好,且熟谙电脑。

10.I would appreciate it if you would give me the opportunity.你若给我这个机会我将不胜感激。他小时候就对数学非常感兴趣。

owing to his poor family.查尔斯·狄更斯于1812年出生在一个小镇, 由于家里穷,只上了两年的学。作为一名教师, 她善良、助

人而有耐心, 因此我们都喜欢她。

王萍, 来自高三

三班的一个十八岁女孩, 热爱读书。她总是



研献出了一切, 对国家作出了巨大贡献。他被认为是中国最伟大的科学





1.介绍人物特征时, 多使用一般现在时。若描

述人物具体的过去行为, 则使用一般过去时。


3.描写人物性格特征时, 可使用以下句型结构, 丰富人物形象。

(1)“so + adj./adv.+ that”, 例: she always comes first in her study.(2)adj.+enough to do sth., 例:Bob wasto solve all the problems by himself.(3)“a person with + n.”, 例:stories.4.可使用副词或“with+n.”的状语结构进一步描写人物行为动作。例:

5.使用同位语、定语从句、非谓语丰富人物信息。例: by all his students.his learning methods with us.extra money.Ⅴ。[参考范文]

Charles Dickens, a famous novelist of England, was born in February, 1812 and passed away in June, 1870.When he was young, his family lived in poverty and therefore he was forced to work in the factory.Later, he developed an interest in writing and came up with many novels which showed the poor situation of the inferior group.Deeply affected by his childhood experiences, his writings reflected the darkness and unfairness of the society of his time.Many of his works are still popular in the world.[参考范文]

Li Hua, who has just been awarded with the title of Merit Student of Guangzhou, is the model that we should learn from.Li Hua, the monitor and the chairman of the Students’ Union of our school, likes reading, sports and mountain climbing.She is good at delivering speeches, oral English speaking and playing the piano as well.With her hard work, she once won the champion of the School English Speech Contest and came first in the talent show of our school.Li Hua, considered as optimistic and versatile, is liked by both students and teachers.


精华在线官方微博:http://weibo.com/jinghuaonline 高三英语话题写作词汇必备

(二)五、个人情感与人际关系 【必备词句】 个人情感

(1)be happy / sad / upset / nervous / lonely高兴/难过/不安/紧张/孤独(2)be pleased with对……感到高兴

(3)be worried about / worry about 担心,担忧(4)be / get angry with sb.about sth.因某事生某人的气(5)be disappointed at sb.对某人感到失望(6)be confident of sth./ in sb.对某事/某人有信心

(7)We are deeply grateful to you for your support.我们深深感谢你的支持。

(8)It is a pity that we shall have to leave tomorrow.我们明天必须离开,真是遗憾。人际关系

(1)learn from each other 互相学习(2)promote the friendship 增进友谊(3)improve the relationship改善关系

(4)show love and concern for sb.爱护和关心某人

(5)Good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other.善于倾听使我们彼此走得更近。

(6)A good relationship between teachers and students is of great importance for our studies.精华在线官方微博:http://weibo.com/jinghuaonline 良好的师生关系对我们的学习很重要。

(7)To build a good relationship, we should trust in each other.要建立良好的关系,我们应该彼此信任。

(8)Only in this way can we enjoy an equal relationship.只有这样我们才能享有平等的关系。

(9)They find it easy to communicate with their teachers.他们发觉很容易和老师沟通。

(10)With their help, I tried my best to study hard and succeeded in entering a key university.在他们的帮助下,我努力学习,成功地被一所重点大学录取。

(11)We should value this harmonious relationship between teachers and students.我们应该珍惜师生之间这种和谐的关系。

(12)With the encouragement and support of my father, I have overcome many difficulties in our life.在父亲的鼓励和支持下,我克服了生活中的许多困难。

六、计划与愿望 必备词句

(1)feel like doing想要做(2)be prepared to do准备做(3)decide/ be determined to决定(4)mean /plan/intend to do计划做(5)look forward to doing盼望做(6)have a desire to do希望做(7)long/hope/wish/want to do渴望/希望/想做

精华在线官方微博:http://weibo.com/jinghuaonline(8)He planned to go abroad for further studies.他计划出国学习深造。(9)So I am determined to meet the challenge.因此,我准备迎接挑战。

(10)There’ll be a football game in our school this week.本周我们学校有一场足球比赛。(11)Think twice before you do.三思而后行。

(12)Great hopes make great man.伟大的抱负造就伟大的人。

(13)Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算。

七、节假日活动 【必备词句】 1.中国节日名称

(1)The Spring Festival春节(2)The Dragon Boat Festival端午节(3)The Mid-autumn Festival中秋节(4)New Year’s Day元旦(5)National Day国庆节

(6)International Labor Day五一劳动节

(7)Teachers’ Day教师节(8)Children’s Day儿童节(9)Women’s Day妇女节(10)Tomb-sweeping Day清明节(11)Double Ninth Festival重阳节(12)Lantern Festival元宵节

精华在线官方微博:http://weibo.com/jinghuaonline 2.西方节日名称

(1)Christmas day 圣诞节(2)Thanksgiving Day 感恩节(3)Valentine’s Day 情人节(4)April Fool’s Day 愚人节(5)Halloween Day 万圣节(6)Easter Day 复活节(7)Mothers’ Day 母亲节(8)Fathers’ day 父亲节 3.相关句子

(1)National Day is coming.国庆节快到了。

(2)National Day falls on Monday this year.今年国庆节是星期一。

(3)We celebrated the New Year with a dance party.我们举行舞会来庆祝新年。

八、购物 【必备词句】

(1)shopping mall/centre购物中心(2)department stores 百货商店(3)second-hand stores旧货店(4)discount折扣(5)change零钱(6)cyber ordering 网络订购(7)fake products 假冒商品(8)on-line shopping 网上购物(9)poor/ high quality糟糕/优异的质量(10)poor service 糟糕的服务(11)buy in group 团购(12)wrap up包装

精华在线官方微博:http://weibo.com/jinghuaonline(13)pay in cash以现金支付(14)pay by credit card通过信用卡支付(15)free of charge不收费(16)be all sold out /out of stock售空(17)avoid being cheated 避免受骗

(18)bargain with attendant和服务员砍价(19)effective and convenient 高效率、方便(20)complain to sb.about sth.就某事向某人投诉



来源:天星 更新日期:2012-07-10 点击:1181

一、人品人物 【必备词句】 年龄

(1)a five-year-old boy一个五岁的男孩(2)a boy aged five 一个五岁的男孩

(3)in my teens /twenties在我十/二十多岁时(4)at the age of five在五岁时

(5)As a child, I liked to...我小时候喜欢„„ 出生

(1)was born in...出生在„„

(2)be/come from a wealthy family出生于富裕人家(3)was born into a peasant family出生于一个农民家庭 外表

(1)a 1.80-meter-tall boy 一个高1.8米的男孩

(2)overweight胖的;thin瘦的;slim苗条的;strong强壮的(3)look young for one’s age 显得比实际年龄年轻(4)good-looking 长得好看; plain-looking 长得一般

(5)well dressed 穿得漂亮; neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 能力


(2)intelligent有智力的;creative 富创造力的(3)a boy with great ability 能干的男孩(4)a qualified teacher 一名合格的教师(5)speak fluent English 讲流利的英语

(6)have a gift for = have a talent for 有„„的天赋(7)be skilled in 在„„方面熟练

(8)be experienced in 在„„方面有经验 健康

(1)be in good health/shape/condition 身体健康(2)energetic精力充沛的;well-built身材健美的(3)suffer from...患上„„ 经历

(1)graduate from...从„„毕业(2)major in 以„„为专业

(3)gain scholarship 获得奖学金(4)get good grades获得好成绩

(5)get a master’s degree 获得硕士学位(6)be given the title of...获得„„称号

(7)win a gold/silver/copper medal 获得金/银/铜牌(8)gain/win the first prize/place 获得一等奖/第一名

二、周围环境 【必备词句】

1.对周围环境的描写,通常按空间顺序进行,表示方位的短语有:(1)on the left /right在左边/右边(2)at the back of在„„的后面(3)in front of在„„的前面

(4)in the north of在„„的北部(内部)(5)on the south of在„„的南方(接壤)(6)to the east of在„„的东面(相离)2.描写环境,倒装句是非常经典的句型,如:

(1)Behind the street lies a small river.街道后面有一条小河。(2)On the top of the mountain stands a 50-meter-high tower.山顶上矗立着一座50米高的塔。(3)There is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair in the bedroom.卧室里有一张床、一张沙发、一张桌子和一把椅子。

三、学校生活与课外活动 【必备词句】 1.常用单词



(3)laboratory/lab实验室(4)dining hall食堂





(9)achievement/result成绩(10)marks/grades/scores分数 2.常用短语

(1)school dining hall学生食堂

(2)teaching building教学楼

(3)lecture theatre阶梯教室

(4)the Students’ Union学生会(5)social practice 社会实践

(6)part-time jobs业余工作(7)vacation jobs假期工作

(8)prepare lessons 备课(9)have lessons上课

(10)miss a lesson误一节课(11)prepare for lessons预习功课

(12)stay away from school旷课

(13)work hard at 努力做(学)

(14)put one’s heart into专心于(15)concentrate on 全神贯注;专心于

(16)graduation ceremony 毕业典礼

(17)English evening 英语晚会

(18)after-school/extracurricular activities课外活动(19)social investigation社会调查

(20)voluntary labor义务劳动(21)physical activities 体育活动

(22)see the sights of看景点(23)have a picnic/barbecue去野餐/烧烤

(24)have a party举行晚会(25)hold a sports meeting举行运动会

(26)have an outing at the seashore在海边郊游

(27)learn...by heart记住

(28)keep...in mind记住

(29)work out 计算出

(30)make progress in...在„„方面取得进步(31)have a good command of精通于

(32)pass the examination通过考试

(33)get full mark for得满分

(34)cheat in the exam考试作弊(35)fail(in)the math test数学测验不及格

(36)win the first(prize)in maths competition数学竞赛第一名(37)get /take the first place in the English speech contest英语口语竞赛第一名(38)lay a good foundation in在„„方面打下良好的基础 3.参考语句

(1)A child poor at math may be talented for painting.一个数学差的小孩,可能是艺术天才。(2)I prefer to fail rather than cheat in the exam.我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。(3)The extracurricular activity is a necessary part of the school lives.课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。

四、兴趣爱好 【必备词句】

(1)surf the internet上网

(2)chat online 在线聊天

(3)enjoy popular music 喜欢流行音乐

(4)be fond of/be keen on喜欢„(5)have some hobbies有一些爱好

(6)be interested in对„„感兴趣(7)take an interest in对„„感兴趣

(8)be crazy about...对„„着迷

(9)come to like...越来越喜欢

(10)develop a great liking for...渐渐爱上(11)I prefer watching a TV show to going to a concert.我宁愿看电视表演,而不愿去听音乐会。

(12)He goes for playing on-line games.他喜欢玩在线游戏。(13)Shopping is my favorite hobby in my spare time.购物是我闲暇时最喜欢的爱好。

(14)I hate visiting museums, for I think they are boring.我讨厌参观博物馆,因为我觉得它们让人感到无趣。

五、个人情感与人际关系 【必备词句】 个人情感

(1)be happy / sad / upset / nervous / lonely高兴/难过/不安/紧张/孤独(2)be pleased with对„„感到高兴

(3)be worried about / worry about 担心,担忧

(4)be / get angry with sb.about sth.因某事生某人的气(5)be disappointed at sb.对某人感到失望

(6)be confident of sth./ in sb.对某事/某人有信心

(7)We are deeply grateful to you for your support.我们深深感谢你的支持。

(8)It is a pity that we shall have to leave tomorrow.我们明天必须离开,真是遗憾。人际关系

(1)learn from each other 互相学习

(2)promote the friendship 增进友谊(3)improve the relationship改善关系

(4)show love and concern for sb.爱护和关心某人

(5)Good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other.善于倾听使我们彼此走得更近。

(6)A good relationship between teachers and students is of great importance for our studies.良好的师生关系对我们的学习很重要。

(7)To build a good relationship, we should trust in each other.要建立良好的关系,我们应该彼此信任。

(8)Only in this way can we enjoy an equal relationship.只有这样我们才能享有平等的关系。

(9)They find it easy to communicate with their teachers.他们发觉很容易和老师沟通。

(10)With their help, I tried my best to study hard and succeeded in entering a key university.在他们的帮助下,我努力学习,成功地被一所重点大学录取。

(11)We should value this harmonious relationship between teachers and students.我们应该珍惜师生之间这种和谐的关系。

(12)With the encouragement and support of my father, I have overcome many difficulties in our life.在父亲的鼓励和支持下,我克服了生活中的许多困难。

六、计划与愿望 必备词句

(1)feel like doing想要做

(2)be prepared to do准备做

(3)decide/ be determined to决定

(4)mean /plan/intend to do计划做(5)look forward to doing盼望做

(6)have a desire to do希望做(7)long/hope/wish/want to do渴望/希望/想做

(8)He planned to go abroad for further studies.他计划出国学习深造。(9)So I am determined to meet the challenge.因此,我准备迎接挑战。

(10)There’ll be a football game in our school this week.本周我们学校有一场足球比赛。(11)Think twice before you do.三思而后行。

(12)Great hopes make great man.伟大的抱负造就伟大的人。

(13)Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算。

七、节假日活动 【必备词句】 1.中国节日名称

(1)The Spring Festival春节

(2)The Dragon Boat Festival端午节(3)The Mid-autumn Festival中秋节(4)New Year’s Day元旦(5)National Day国庆节

(6)International Labor Day五一劳动节(7)Teachers’ Day教师节(8)Children’s Day儿童节(9)Women’s Day妇女节

(10)Tomb-sweeping Day清明节(11)Double Ninth Festival重阳节(12)Lantern Festival元宵节 2.西方节日名称

(1)Christmas day 圣诞节(2)Thanksgiving Day 感恩节(3)Valentine’s Day 情人节(4)April Fool’s Day 愚人节(5)Halloween Day 万圣节(6)Easter Day 复活节(7)Mothers’ Day 母亲节(8)Fathers’ day 父亲节 3.相关句子

(1)National Day is coming.国庆节快到了。

(2)National Day falls on Monday this year.今年国庆节是星期一。

(3)We celebrated the New Year with a dance party.我们举行舞会来庆祝新年。

八、购物 【必备词句】

(1)shopping mall/centre购物中心

(2)department stores 百货商店(3)second-hand stores旧货店



(6)cyber ordering 网络订购(7)fake products 假冒商品

(8)on-line shopping 网上购物(9)poor/ high quality糟糕/优异的质量

(10)poor service 糟糕的服务(11)buy in group 团购

(12)wrap up包装

(13)pay in cash以现金支付

(14)pay by credit card通过信用卡支付(15)free of charge不收费

(16)be all sold out /out of stock售空(17)avoid being cheated 避免受骗

(18)bargain with attendant和服务员砍价

(19)effective and convenient 高效率、方便

(20)complain to sb.about sth.就某事向某人投诉

九、饮食健康 【必备词句】

(1)suffer from 遭受, 患上

(2)near-sighted / short-sighted近视的

(3)feel stressed/depressed 感到紧张/沮丧

(4)have a pain in...某处疼痛

(5)mentally unhealthy 心理不健康的(6)relax oneself 自我轻松

(7)relieve pressure 缓解压力

(8)go on diet 节食;proper diet恰当的饮食(9)take three meals on time 按时吃三餐

(10)eat much junk food 吃很多的垃圾食品(11)(un)healthy eating habits(不)健康的饮食习惯(12)be high /low/rich in...„„含量高/低/丰富

(13)be optimistic/ pessimistic about 对„„乐观/悲观(14)physical and mental condition 生理和心理状况

(15)feel weak(well, terrible, sick)感觉虚弱(健康/很糟/恶心)(16)face difficulties/setbacks with courage 勇敢面对困难/挫折

(17)An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一只苹果不用看医生。(谚语)

(18)Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起使人健康、富有和聪明。(英国谚语)

十、文娱与体育 【必备词句】 1.文娱类(1)a cross talk相声


(4)TV programs 电视节目(5)TV series 电视系列片


(7)Oscar Awards奥斯卡奖

(8)cartoon / animation卡通片/动画片(9)instrument 乐器

(10)folk music 民乐(11)science fiction film科幻片

(12)romance爱情片 2.体育类


(2)game/competition 比赛(3)champion 冠军




(8)gold medal 金牌

(9)performance 表现

(10)break the record打破记录(11)record holder记录保持者

(12)audience/spectator 观众(13)coach教练员;judge裁判


(15)applause(n.)/ applaud(v.)鼓掌欢迎,热情称赞

十一、旅游与交通 【必备词句】

1.旅游与探险(tourism and adventure)(1)相关名词:

travel, journey, trip, tour, travel agency(旅行社), guide, airlines/airways, flight ticket, passport, visa, identity(ID)card(身份证), tent, camp, hotel, tourist attraction(旅游景点), places of interest, scenic spots(景点), national park, DIY tour(自助游), space tourism(太空旅游), group/organized tour(团体游), a self-driven trip(自驾游)(2)相关动词短语:

go on a wildlife tour/a hiking trip参加野生动物之旅/去远足, be on holiday/a visit 度假/旅行, see sb.off 送行, explore a forest/ a desert/ another planet 森林/沙漠探险;外星球探险(3)相关形容词:

interesting, exciting, attractive, fantastic, boring/dull, tiring, comfortable, funny, well-organized(4)相关句子:

The scenery is charming!景色迷人!

Great changes have taken place in the ways that people spend their holidays over the period from the year 1990 to 2009.在1990至2009年间,人们的度假方式已经发生了巨大的变化。2.交通方式(methods of transportation)

(1)walk/ on foot 走路,步行

(2)ride a bike/by bike 骑自行车(3)drive a car/by car 开小轿车

(4)take a bus/by bus 乘公共汽车

(5)take a taxi/by taxi乘出租车,打的(6)by boat/ship/water/sea 坐船/走水路(7)transfer(在旅途中)转乘、换乘 3.指路(showing the way)

(1)It’s about five minutes’ walk.走路约五分钟。

(2)Take bus No.2 and get off at the next stop.坐2路车,在下一站下车。

(3)Turn right at the second turning./ Take the second turning on the right.在第二个拐弯处右转。

(4)Go / Walk down /along the road and turn right.You’ll see the post office.沿着这条路走,再向右转,你就会看到邮局。

4.交通安全(safety rules and warnings)

(1)safety first安全第一

(2)traffic light交通灯,红绿灯(3)traffic rules/ regulations交通规则

(4)keep left/ right靠左/靠右(5)crossroad/crossing十字路

(6)wait until the green light 等到绿灯再走

(7)traffic jam交通堵塞

(8)traffic accident交通事故

十二、语言文化 【必备词句】 1.英语学习体会

(1)enlarge one’s vocabulary扩大某人的词汇量

(2)refer to the dictionary...查字典

(3)focus on learning grammar强调语法学习

(4)form the habit of reading养成阅读习惯

(5)reading skills/ strategies/abilities...阅读技能/策略/能力(6)My experience tells me...我的经验告诉我„„

(7)I practise listening two hours a day.我每天练习听力两小时。

(8)I find it hardest to learn English grammar.我觉得学习英语语法最难。

(9)The stronger the motivation is, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.一个人动机越强,学习外语就越快。2.英美英语差别

(1)American /British English 美国/英国英语

(2)There is little/ much difference in grammar.在语法方面有一点/很大的差别。(3)I’m confused about the difference between...and...对于这两者的区别,我感到很迷惑。3.语言与文化

(1)language learning语言学习

(2)culture difference /diversity文化差异/多元文化(3)cultivate cross-cultural awareness 培养跨文化意识

(4)Respect others’ culture and custom尊重他人的文化和风俗(5)Culture plays an important role in language learning.文化在语言学习中担任重要角色。

(6)Culture understanding enables us to...文化的了解使我们能够„„

(7)It is high time for us to treasure and protect culture relics.是我们珍惜和保护文化遗产的时候了。

十三、自然Nature 【必备词句】 1.灾害种类: flood(水灾), drought(干旱), landslide(山崩), earthquake(地震), tsunami(海啸),typhoon(台风),hurricane(飓风),tornado(龙卷风), volcano(火山), snowstorm(暴风雪)2.袭击某地:(a typhoon)hit/ strike...3.造成后果:

(1)失踪:missing(2)受伤:get injured(3)死亡:be killed/ lose one’s life/cause sb’s death/claim 302 lives(造成302人死亡)(4)电力中断:cut off the power/ electricity;have the power cut;the electricity was cut off(5)房屋倒塌:houses collapse / fall down(6)冲走房屋、道路、桥梁:wash away buildings, roads and bridges(7)成为废墟:...be in ruins;fall into ruins(8)菜地被毁坏了:vegetable fields were ruined.(9)引发泥石流及其他灾害:trigger landslides and other disasters(10)造成巨大损失/经济损失:cause great damage /economic losses 4.救援捐赠:

(1)受灾地区:stricken district/ area

(2)救灾工作:rescue work(3)恢复正常:return to normal

(4)地震灾民:The quake-afflicted people(5)被困人员:trapped persons


(8)防汛抗旱:flood control and drought relief(9)呼吁人们捐赠:call on people to make donations 5.有关报道常用句式:

Tuesday, Morakot, the worst typhoon to hit the island in 50 years, had claimed 461 lives and left 192 missing and 46 injured, according to Taiwan’s disaster control center.据台湾灾害应变中心消息,星期二,“莫拉克”,50年来袭击该岛的最严重的台风,已造成461人死亡,192人失踪,46人受伤。6.环境保护

(1)保护环境,人人有责:Everyone should take the responsibility to protect the environment./ It’s everyone’s duty to protect the environment(2)提高环保意识:raise the awareness of environmental protection(3)保护生存环境:conserve natural habitats(4)采取有效措施:take effective measures;effective measures should be taken/adopted(5)采取积极措施保护珍稀动物 take active measures to protect rare animals(6)环保产品:environment-friendly products

十四、世界环境 必备词句


(1)cut down trees 砍伐树木

(2)pollute the environment/air 污染环境/空气

(3)lead /water /noise/air /white pollution铅/水/噪音/空气/白色污染(4)The rubbish was everywhere.到处是垃圾。

(5)send out smoke and poisonous gases into the air排放烟雾和有毒气体

(6)pour waste water into rivers without being treated往河里排放未经处理的废水 2.破坏环境的后果

(1)acid rain 酸雨

(2)abnormal climate气候异常(3)global warming 全球变暖

(4)sea level rise 海平面上升

(5)greenhouse effect 温室效应

(6)extinction of animals 动物灭绝(7)be harmful to/do harm to...对„„有害

(8)flood many low-lying cities 水淹低洼城市

(9)drought/flood/sandstorms sweep across...干旱/洪水/沙尘暴横扫 3.环保措施(1)plant trees 植树

(2)sort rubbish 垃圾分类

(3)protect the ecology 保护生态

(4)save energy/water节约能源/水

(5)go green生产或使用绿色产品

(6)protect the environment 保护环境(7)ride bicycles to work 骑自行车上班

(8)develop renewable resources可再生资源(9)fight against pollution 与污染作斗争

(10)sustainable development 可持续发展

(11)eco-friendly products 生态友好的产品

(12)deal with rubbish properly正确处理垃圾(13)recycle textbooks/trash 课本/垃圾回收利用(14)ban smoking in public 禁止在公共场合吸烟(15)improve our living conditions 改善居住条件(16)keep the balance of nature 保持自然界的平衡(17)stop / keep/ prevent sb from doing 阻止某人做(18)ban the abuse of plastic bags 禁止滥用塑料袋(19)don’t litter/spit everywhere 不随地扔垃圾/吐痰

十五、科学技术 【必备词句】 1.短语

(1)对„„产生很大影响: have a great effect on

(2)起很大作用:make a great difference(3)改变人们的生活:change one’s life

(4)得益于,从„„获益benefit from(5)与„„有关联:relate to/ be linked to

(6)能使用:have access to/ be accessible to(7)代替:take the place of

(8)致力于:devote oneself to(9)实现:come true

(10)赶上:keep/catch up with(11)与„„不同:be different from/differ from

(12)使某人能做:enable sb to do sth(13)把„„考虑进去:take something into consideration/ account(14)引起某人的注意:catch/attract the attention of sb(15)导致:lead to/contribute to/result in/ bring about(16)在某方面起重要的作用:play an important role in(17)提高人类的生活质量:improve the quality of life for humans(18)为治疗疾病而进行一项研究:carry out a research in the hope of curing the illnesses 2.句型


Science and technology are a primary productive force.(2)随着互联网、个人电脑、3G手机的日益普及,我们的生活发生了巨大的变化或我们的生活精彩无限。(一句多译)

○With the Internet, PC, 3G cell phones becoming more and more popular, our life has greatly changed.(with复合结构)○The popularity of the Internet, PC, 3G cell phones makes our life colorful.(make +复合宾语)○Due to/Thanks to/Owing to/Because of the popularity of the Internet, PC, 3G cell phones, our life is becoming more and more colorful.(介词短语)

十六、网络时代 【必备词句】

(1)The Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life.网络在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

(2)On the one hand, it’s risky to make friends and shop online.一方面,网上交友和网上购物存在风险。

(3)On the other hand, being lost in the Internet may affect our study and work.另一方面,沉迷网络会影响学习和工作。

(4)A survey shows that 52% of students are lost in the Internet.一项调查显示,52%的学生沉迷网络。

(5)In my opinion, the Internet does bring us a lot of benefits.我认为,因特网的确给我们带来了实惠。

(6It remains a question how we can solve the problems concerning making friends on line.如何解决网上交友所产生的问题依然是个疑问。

(7)The problems that Internet has brought to us do exist, but we have to be rational.因特网给我们所带来的问题的确存在,但是我们必须要理性看待。(8)Every coin has two sides, so does the Internet.凡事都有两面性,因特网也是如此。

(9)As for the government, it should take strong measures to punish those who cheat people on line.作为政府,应该采取强有力措施惩罚那些在网上行骗的人。



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