商务礼仪 英文

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第一篇:商务礼仪 英文

Business negotiations etiquette Abstract

Business etiquette is a manifestation of mutual respect of conduct in business activities.Core business etiquette is an act of criteria, used to constrain all aspects of our daily business activities.The central role of business etiquette is to reflect the mutual respect between people.As business leaders identity negotiators, in business negotiations should follow the etiquette of negotiations three elements that focus on instrumentation demeanor, attention to language arts, to comply with etiquette disciplines.In the event a successful business negotiation, negotiation etiquette is not necessarily comply with the success of the negotiations decision criteria.If you violate negotiations etiquette, but it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble, even be a threat to reach an agreement Key words:

Business etiquette

Business negotiations

Business negotiation, which means refers to negotiate in social life, the parties to meet their needs and safeguard their own interests, the two sides properly carried out to solve a problem.Business negotiations, is the negotiation of a transaction for the realization of active buyers and sellers of goods or services on a variety of trading conditions The role of business etiquette in business negotiations 1.Regulate behavior in business dealings, people interaction, interaction, mutual cooperation.If you do not follow certain norms, the two sides on the basis of lack of collaboration.Among the many commercial specifications.Etiquette can make people understand what should be proud of what not to do, what to do and what not to do, and help determine the self-image, respect for others, to win the friendship.2.Etiquette is an information transfer information, this information may be expressed by respected, friendly, sincere and so emotional, so that people feel warm.In business activities.Proper etiquette can get each other's goodwill, trust.Thus helps to develop their career.3.Promote feelings in business activities, along with in-depth exchanges.The two sides will probably have some emotional experience.It is expressed as the emotional state of two kinds: one empathy, another emotional rejection.Etiquette is easy to make mutual attraction, promote feelings, leading to the establishment and development of good relationships.Conversely, if not speak etiquette, vulgar, then it is easy to generate feelings of exclusion, resulting in interpersonal tensions.To each other creating a bad impression.4.Establish the image of a man etiquette, it will establish a good personal image in front of everyone;members of an organization etiquette, it will establish a good image for your organization, won the public's admiration.In addition to a modern market competition beyond competitive products.Even more apparent in the image of the competition.One has a good reputation and image of the company or business, it is easy to gain the trust and support of all sectors of society, can be in an invincible position in the fierce competition.So, business people always pay attention to etiquette, both good qualities embodied individuals and organizations, but also the need to establish and consolidate a good image.Business negotiations etiquette(1)Business etiquette before preparing negotiations 1.Pay attention to the choice of the negotiations.The two sides agreed to negotiate the time to go through the party alone can not decide, otherwise it is rude.To select the most favorable time for one's own negotiations.Avoid mind at a low ebb when, after continuous hard work, the market is not conducive to their next negotiations.2.Pay attention to the choice of the place of negotiations.Negotiating the best place to fight in their own familiar environment.If we failed to do, or at least should be selected in the two sides are not familiar with neutral venues.To carry out several rounds of negotiations, venue should turn swaps, to ensure fairness.3.Preparation of negotiators.First, negotiators choice.Select negotiators to meet in the business etiquette of the principle of reciprocity, that is, one's own negotiators to negotiate with each other to represent the identity and position of a peer;secondly, apparel choice negotiators.Men's best to wear a suit or tunic, skirt or suit ladies should wear formal clothing, etc., to each other in order to mature, full of sincerity impression.4.Negotiations reception preparations.Negotiators from the shuttle, to place and time to negotiate arrangements, hotel reservations, dining and entertainment, the entire process must be carefully prepared, deliberately, always reflect the negotiation opponent's respect and courtesy, to show a good image of the company, lay the foundation for the success of the negotiations.5.Ready to negotiate data.First, before the negotiations on the subject of negotiations, content, agenda fully prepared to draw up plans, objectives and the subject of negotiations.Secondly, a detailed collection and negotiations related materials, such as party strength, political and legal system and market themes, etc.Also, negotiators gather basic information, such as work experience, hobbies, social customs and other aspects of content.(2)Etiquette In business negotiation

1.Negotiations seating etiquette.Business negotiations by the number of groups involved in the negotiations can be divided into bilateral negotiations and multilateral negotiations.Bilateral negotiations on multi-use rectangular table, usually host and guests sit opposite, each side.Negotiating table generally transverse to the door, guests sit door, back door and sit hosts.Sitting among the parties responsible person, in accordance with his position followed by the remaining staff sit around, based on respect for the principle of the right;multilateral sentenced to use more short rostrum, referring to the negotiations to set up a room facing the main entrance of the podium, then all other parties back to the main entrance, facing the podium were seated.Representatives of the parties came to speak in turn.In addition, subject to seating arrangements, the best place to seat and seat licensing arrangements hostesses be guided seats to avoid sitting in the wrong position.2.Negotiations meet etiquette.First of all, pay attention to the beginning of the meeting etiquette.More formal negotiations occasions, etiquette rules introduced is first introduced high status.After the introduction of low status, in principle, if the equal status, long after the first child's compliance.Was introduced to smile to indicate what should stand up and use some polite language, such as “Nice to meet you”, “heard a lot” category.If equipped with business cards can be handed a timely manner.In addition, the attitude etiquette should also pay attention when they meet.Such as watching each other, eyes should stay in each other's eyes to the forehead of the Triangle area, make each other feel concerned about your attitude earnest and sincere.Gestures should be natural, especially not cross his arms over his chest, so there is a sense of frivolous arrogance.3.Negotiations language etiquette.First, articulate.When negotiators to negotiate tight around the target, used some of the euphemistic language, encountered difficulties in the negotiations, requiring the flexibility to take appropriate emergency means out of the woods, as the other side asked to make a difficult question to answer immediately, you can look under the table, and then said: “I'm sorry, please wait accordance with the agreement, the need at this time to return a phone call to a friend..” so you will be able to multi-fight to one-consider the time clock;followed.Clever use of the silent language.With a smile and a nod, showing not understand when people confused agree unclear when such expressions such as: Finally, talk less and listen more.By listening, we can get a lot of valuable information to each other, understand each other intentions, find a solution to the problem.4.Negotiations under field etiquette.Business negotiations not only confined to the conference table, the more difficult negotiations, the more the need to focus on private exchanges, which can not only compensate for the lack of a table, or even have an impact on the success of the negotiations.For example, when the negotiations very difficult times, in accordance with the appropriate etiquette, arrange some recreational activities, such as receptions, balls and call, and these contacts is what you ample opportunity to showcase the company's image.If we can win the goodwill of the other party, contribute to the success of the negotiations.(3)Business etiquette final stage of negotiations 1.Signing ceremony.From the liturgy is concerned, when signing ceremony.Must be solemnly , seriously.One of the most notable was undoubtedly hold the seating arrangement problem signing ceremony.One parallel is the most common time of the signing ceremony of bilateral form.Its basic approach is: signing table at the indoor side of the door horizontally.The ceremony was attended by all personnel of both side by side after the signing table, the two sides signed center staff sat side door , passenger side right hand side , the main party left.Second, the relative type, with parallel rows of seats signing ceremony is basically the same.The main difference between the two, but the relative style row seat to attend the signing ceremony of bilateral suite seats moved across the signatory.Third, the President of style, mainly applicable to multilateral signing ceremony.Their operating characteristics are: signature tables still in the room horizontally , I still need to sign in the face of the main entrance of the table , but have just one , and not fixed its seat occupant.When the ceremony , people of all parties , including the undersigned included, all should be back to the main entrance , facing seats on the signature Um.When signed , the parties signatory to the order prescribed should turn took seats at the table to sign the signature , then that should be returned to the original place table.2.Gifts etiquette.After negotiations negotiators gifts.In addition to the desire to be friendly and deepen the friendship, the more important is the success of the cooperation congratulations.But the gift can not be rushed.In general, you want to determine the value of a gift or as a guest under the circumstances of each gift.Should pay attention to the actual meaning and emotional value of the gift, not worth.Also, pay special attention to each other's customs, does not violate each other's religious beliefs.In addition, European and American people give each other gifts of time, both sides must face himself open gift wrap, and expressed appreciation and sincere.In short.With the development of society.Business etiquette has become a modern social and economic interaction is required.For business negotiation and other business associations have an important role, has become our traditional cultural inheritance and development of etiquette in business dealings.Famous etiquette expert Professor Jin Zhengkun said: “Courtesy is respect for others, respect for the instrument in the form of the foot.” To better into the modern business dealings, we must pay attention to business etiquette training and education, in order to better play its positive role.References :













Different Business Etiquette between China and the



Business etiquette is a kind of civilization accumulation of human being.It becomes fixed during the business communication, being handed down from generation to generation.It is also a kind of standard behavior observed by the businessmen in their communication.Different countries have different culture traditions, so their business etiquette is also different from one another.There are great cultural differences between the cultural cores of Confucian in China and the cores of Christian in the West, which leads to some differences in the business etiquette between China and West.II.The Influence of Cultural Differences on Business Etiquette Differences Between China and the West

Generally speaking, the differences on business etiquette between China and the West are influenced by several cultural factors, such as values, view of time, view of space, view of diet, verbal habits and nonverbal.The paper mainly focuses on time and space approach.2.1 From the approach of time

Thoreau once said,“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.”Now, we use the phrase “the beat of a different drummer”to explain any different pace of life.The attitudes toward time vary from culture to culture.And it is understandable that people of different cultures hold different views toward time.When it comes to international business, the view of time can be divided into two types, such as monochromic time and polychromic time.Countries that follow monochromic time perform only one major activity at a time, while countries obeying polychromic time perform several activities simultaneously.(Jeanette S.113)The United States is a monochromic culture.In monochromic culture, time is regarded as something tangible.Time is seen as linear and manageable.Therefore, people concentrate on the task at hand, taking time commitments seriously and being accustomed to short-term relationships.For example, in the West, time is a kind of precious and limited resource.The business people attend the business meeting on time.If someone was late, he would be considered to be lack of honesty.And the U.S.business people always expect to solve their business problems within twenty to thirty minutes.In monochromic cultures, it is considered a rude to do two things at once, such as reading a journal in a meeting or answering the telephone while someone is in your office.Schedules and keeping appointments are consistent with value of people in monochromic cultures.Chinese people are typical example of polychromic cultures.Chinese people are well adapted to doing several things at once and do not mind interruptions.In their opinion, people are more important than schedules to members of polychromic cultures.Their lifestyle is less organized than that of monochromic people.In their eyes time is just like a circle that does not have the end.So Chinese people are highly distracted and subject to interruptions.They consider time to be casual and flexible.For example, to most Chinese today, time simply flows from one day to the next.If a job is not done today, maybe it will be done the next day or the next.And the business meeting would generally last for several hours.Compared with the Westerners, few Chinese equate time with money.When foreign businessmen arrive in China, most Chinese will make them settle down in hotels and give them an opportunity to rest up.Because Chinese do not expect them to immediately rush into business.However, generally this arrangement will be politely but firmly rejected by visitors.When Chinese are involved in international business, they will get familiar with the Western concept“time is money”.But they do not automatically relate it to the pace of business.Besides, Chinese do not pay much attention to the appointment.Sometimes even if there is an appointment, the Chinese would not stick to it seriously.When people of different cultures interact, misunderstandings often arise as a result of different time view.For instance, in the Western countries, the business contact would be pre-arranged within three to four weeks.Business people pre-arrange the business contact at least two weeks in America.The appointment is holy to Americans.In the business communication, if someone asks to have a business contact at the last minute, he will be considered to make trouble or insult the others.On the contrary, the Chinese people pay more attention to relationship.In their business activity, if there is an important person need to be contacted, they could cancel the primary appointment to meet him.It is unacceptable to American business people.This example shows the cultural differences in time sense between China and the West.And it becomes increasingly important as modern business communications put more and more businessmen in daily contact.If we are to avoid misunderstanding, we need to know better about our own cultural biases and those of others.(Wen Yaoqing, 127)2.2 From the approach of space Space, is the physical distance between people when they are interacting.It is deeply influenced by culture.When people are having a conversation, the distance between them changes dramatically from one culture to another.Generally speaking, there are four zones when U.S.people interact: the intimate zone, the personal zone, the social zone, and the public zone.The intimate zone, less than 0.46 meters, is reserved for a close friend.And it appears briefly when the business colleagues shake hands.The personal zone, from 0.46 meters to 1.2 meters, is used for giving instructions to someone in an office.The social zone, from 1.2 to 3.6 meters, is used for impersonal and formal business meeting.The public distance, over 3.6 meters, is the most formal zone.(Lillian H.83)Americans tend to need more spaces than Chinese.When having a conversation with Chinese, Americans will back away for the Chinese partner is standing too close.Standing too close to someone in the United States may leave a bad impression on the others, as it implies the person is upset, overbearing, or he is making sexual advances.These negative positions should be avoided in the United States.In China, people prefer to stand close to each other and they think it is a normal and friendly way to communicate with each other.Besides, the arrangement of desks, chairs, and conference table also feature the different styles of communication.When the United States people are conversing, they prefer the face-to-face arrangement of chairs whereas the Chinese prefer side-by-side arrangement.They like this arrangement because they could avoid direct eye contact through it.IV.Conclusion With the globalization of the world economy, organizations are culturally diverse in handling all kinds of business activities, especially multinational cooperation.More and more business people have become aware of the strong impact from culture.And they should have a good understanding of the other business etiquette culture beforehand, which is beneficial for both sides of the business people.Only in this way will it be possible for them to expand their business and make it more prosperous.References

Du, Li.(2004).Comparison of Wine Culture between China and the West.Culinary Science Journal of Yangzhou University,(l):l-4.Jeanette S.,Martin.Global Business Etiquette.Westport,CT:Praeger,2006.Lillian H., Chaney.Intercultural Business Communication.Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, 2004.Wen,Yaoqing.“Comparison analysis of multinational business culture”.《International business research》,4(2001):p121-30



























一、虽然不吸烟,但随身携带打火机,以方便在周围的女士吸烟时为其点烟。③ 天天换衬衫,保持领口和袖口的平整和清洁,有的还会使用袖扣。④ 腰间不悬挂物品,诸如手机、呼机等等。⑤ 在与女士相处时,不放过每一个细节以对女士加以照顾,并且几乎在完全下意识的状态下操作,百战不殆。⑥ 在吃饭时从不发出声音。⑦ 较常人使用礼貌用语更为频繁。

二、做到彬彬有礼,落落大方,遵守一般的进退礼节,尽量避免各种不礼貌、不文明习惯。无人或未经主人允许,不要擅自进入室内。(3)在顾客面前的行为举止☆ 当看见顾客时,应该点头微笑致礼,如无事先预约应先向顾客表示歉意,然后再说明来意。同时要主动向在场人都表示问候或点头示意。在顾客家中,未经邀请,不能参观住房,即使较为熟悉的,也不要任意抚摸划玩弄顾客桌上的东西,更不能玩顾客名片,不要触动室内的书籍、花草及其它陈设物品。在别人(主人)未坐定之前,不易先坐下,坐姿要端正,身体微往前倾,不要跷“二郎腿”。当与顾客初次见面或告辞时,要不卑不亢,不慌不忙,举止得体,有礼有节。不要当着顾客的面,擤鼻涕、掏耳朵、剔牙齿、修指甲、打哈欠、咳嗽、打喷嚏,实在忍不住,要用手拍捂住口鼻,面朝一旁,尽量不要发出在场,不要乱丢果皮纸屑等。在交际中令人讨厌的八种行为① 经常向人诉苦,包括个人经济、健康、工作情况,但对别人的问题却不予关心,从不感兴趣; ② 唠唠叨叨,只谈论鸡毛小事,或不断重复一些肤浅的话题,及一无是的见解; ③ 态度过分严肃,不苟言笑; ④ 言语单调,喜怒不形于色,情绪呆滞; ⑤ 缺乏投入感,悄然独立; ⑥ 反应过敏,语气浮夸粗俗; ⑦ 以自我为中心; ⑧ 过分热衷于取得别人好感。

◎ 不要为办事才给人送礼。礼品与关心亲疏应成正比,但无论如何,礼品应讲究实惠,切不可送人“等外”、“处理”之类的东西。



13级中美经济专升本 聂文怡

[摘要]泱泱华夏,素来以礼仪之邦自称,在五千年历史积淀的背后礼仪一直是我国的文明根基。在科技日益发展的今天,礼仪更是与时俱进,礼仪形式更为合理,更为完善,更为实用,并且今古相承、中外相连,悄然形成了它自身一个日臻完善的体系。而其中,商务礼仪更是商务人员洽谈商业的关键,在了解到其重要性后作出客观详实的分析,并得出提高专业能力的方法。[关键字] 商务礼仪、自我分析、途径





1.1商务礼仪有助于提高全体商务人员的素质,是个人品牌的建立 比尔.盖茨说“企业竞争,是员工素质的竞争”。进而到企业就是企业形象的竞争,体现细节,细节展示素质。商务人员的个人素质是一个人修养的具体体现,体现在他的仪容仪表、言谈举止、气质风度以及文化素质上,这些方面又都表现在细节方面。比如仪容,商务人员要保持整齐、洁净、清爽的形象。要定期修面,注意不蓄胡须、鼻毛不外露;而商务人员在重要应酬时为了消除口中不良气味而当着客人面嚼口香糖,是不礼貌的;商务人员的发型也是有讲究的,要重视头发的洗涤,要定期理发,慎选理发方式、注意头发长度;在人际交往中,进行适当的化妆是必要的,这既是自尊的表现,也意味着对交往对象较为重视,但要注意的是不要当众进行化妆或补妆,勿使化妆妨碍于人,勿使妆面出现残缺,勿借用他人的化妆品,勿评论他人的化妆。学习并运用商务礼仪,有助于商务人士更好地、更规范地设计个人形象,展示个人良好的教养与优雅的风度,从而达到美化自身的效果。在商务活动中讲究商务礼仪,可以给对方留下良好的第一印象,为日后商务交往的成功奠定基础。



1.3 商务礼仪有助于维护商务人员和企业的形象


商务礼仪的自我分析 2.1商务礼仪自我的优势






3.提高自我商务礼仪能力的途径 3.1对待他人用更礼貌的态度

礼貌是在社会交往中,人与人之间必须遵循的一定行为规范,从仪容、称呼、言行到举止,都表现出对别人恭敬、尊重、友好,而对自己有所克制,体现着一个人的基本品质和素养。只有用礼貌的态度面对别人才能赢得别人的尊重,正所谓“己所不欲勿施于人”,每个人都希望被别人礼貌的对待,而平和互尊的氛围才是商务合作的基石。3.2提高个人的修养 自以为是最根本的原因是修养的欠缺。良好的个人修养是影响商务礼仪的根本因素,加强个人修养是学习、掌握商务礼仪的首要和最快捷的方式。个人修养包括学识、做人、职业道德。学识是丰富的学识是知礼、守礼的基础。做人是正直,公平,坚持既定政策和原则。只有恪守这些原则才能在实际的工作生活中提高工作效率,避免失误;避免因产生争议而失去生意; 保证商务活动的有效、高效。3.3学会谦虚宽宏,厚德载物







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