第一篇:60 seconds 长跑运动员应保持身体凉爽避免中暑
Long-distance runners may at times worry about their heart health while pounding out the miles.数英里的运动过后长跑者们有时可能会担心自己的心脏健康。
But a study finds that heat stroke fells many more runners than does a bum ticker.但是一项研究表明相对于心脏问题,中暑能使得更多的奔跑者倒下。
Heat stroke can damage a person's brain, heart, kidneys and muscles.中暑能对一个人的大脑,心脏,肾脏和肌肉造成损伤。And new data underscores the toll it takes.而且新的数据也揭示中暑的巨大代价。
Researchers examined health records from more than 130,000 runners who competed in events in Tel Aviv during a seven-year span.研究人员对7年中在特拉维夫市参加比赛的13万多运动员的健康档案进行了检查。The analysis revealed that distance runners were 10 times more likely to experience heat stroke than serious cardiac problems.分析表明长跑运动员中暑机率要比患严重心脏病多10倍。
All the fatal or life-threatening events were from heat stroke.所有致命及危及生命的事件都来自中暑。
The study is in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.这项研究已经在《美国心脏病学会》杂志上发表。
The researchers advise runners to take 10 to 14 days to adjust to the climate before tackling a serious run in a hot region.研究人员建议跑步者在炎热地区进行高强度运动前,要提前用10到14天时间适应环境。And they say to sit out the run if you've been sick recently.还有他们称如果你最近生病就不要参加比赛。
Perhaps one day runners will swallow internal temperature sensors that reliably record core body temperature.也许有一天跑步者可以吞下内部温度传感器,这样就可以记录更为可信的核心体温数据。But for now runners should simply do their best to keep cool.但是现在的跑步者们应尽力保持身体凉爽。
at times
pound /paʊnd/ CET4 TEM4(pounding,pounded,pounds)
9.V-I If your heart is pounding, it is beating with an unusually strong and fast rhythm, usually because you are afraid.(心脏)怦怦跳 例:
I'm sweating, my heart is pounding.I can't breathe.我在流汗、心脏也怦怦跳,透不过气来。
heat stroke
bum /bʌm/ TEM8(bumming,bummed,bums)
3.ADJ Some people use bum to describe a situation that they find unpleasant or annoying.糟糕的
ticker /ˈtɪkə/
2.N-COUNT Your ticker is your heart.心;心脏
underscore /ˈʌndəˈskɔː/ CET6(underscoring,underscored,underscores)
1.V-T If something such as an action or an event underscores another, it draws attention to the other thing and emphasizes its importance.突出显示;强调
toll /təʊl/ CET4 TEM4(tolling,tolled,tolls)
4.N-COUNT A toll is a total number of deaths, accidents, or disasters that occur in a particular period of time.(死亡、事故或灾难的)总数
span /spæn/ CET4 TEM4(spanning,spanned,spans)
1.N-COUNT A span is the period of time between two dates or events during which something exists, functions, or happens.(两时间点之间的)时间段
cardiac /ˈkɑːdɪˈæk/ TEM8 1.ADJ Cardiac means relating to the heart.心脏的
cardiology /ˈkɑːdɪˈɒlədʒɪ/
1.N-UNCOUNT Cardiology is the study of the heart and its diseases.心脏病学
sit out(sitting,sat,sits)
1.PHRASAL VERB If you sit something out, you wait for it to finish, without taking any action.坐等…结束
tackle /ˈtækəl/ CET4 TEM4(tackling,tackled,tackles)
1.V-T If you tackle a difficult problem or task, you deal with it in a very determined or efficient way.处理
sensor /ˈsɛnsə/ TEM8 1.N-COUNT A sensor is an instrument which reacts to certain physical conditions or impressions such as heat or light, and which is used to provide information.传感器
大赛当前,运动员应保持良好心态 奥林匹克体育竞赛,是规模最大的体育竞赛。参加这样的大赛,运动员心理因素尤为重要。因此,赛前每个运动员都必须保持良好心态。昨天,48公斤级女子举重比赛,中国选手陈燮霞由于心态良好,因而轻松地夺取了中国第一枚金牌,并保持了总成绩212公斤的奥运纪录。你看,她出赛时,神情自若,信心百倍,心态极佳。而女子10米汽枪比赛,中国选手杜丽发挥很不理想,以499.6环的成绩只获得了第五位。此次杜丽之所以没有夺得得奖牌,是因为她没有把握好心态。在接受采访时杜丽说:“今天的决赛打得感觉不是很好,可能还是赛前准备不够充分吧。”实际上这一次的预赛,杜丽成绩已经非常好了,399环的成绩已经相当完美,对此杜丽说:“资格赛成绩打得比较好,还是挺满意的。决赛可能还是感觉主场的压力比较大吧,始终不能安静下来。”是啊,她太想得金牌了,因而赛中出现了异常。