British Tourist Attractions
国名: 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
伯明翰Birmingham 布里斯托Bristol 曼彻斯特Manchester 纽卡斯尔Newcastle 利兹Leeds 利物浦Liverpool 诺丁汉Nottingham 谢菲尔德Sheffield 剑桥Cambridge 牛津Oxfod等 景点名称: Edinburgh castle爱丁堡城堡 特色介绍:The main introduction Edinburgh castle is the symbol of Edinburgh, Scotland spirit even standing at the top, High in death volcanic rocks overlooking Edinburgh city, every August in this FenLieShi(Military Tattoo held marching)and, more will be Edinburgh castle solemn majestic atmosphere shows.To Edinburgh tourist would not miss Edinburgh castle, because in Edinburgh castle volcano in granite top, Edinburgh castle in downtown every corner can be seen.Edinburgh castle in the 6th century became the royal fort, Edinburgh castle thenceforth become important royal residence and the state
爱丁堡城堡是爱丁堡甚至于苏格兰精神的象征,耸立在死火山岩顶上,居高俯视爱丁堡市区,每年八月在此举办军乐队分列式,更将爱丁堡城堡庄严雄伟的气氛表露无遗。到爱丁堡旅游的人都不会错过爱丁堡城堡,爱丁堡城堡在市中心各角落都可看到。爱丁堡城堡在6世纪时成为皇室堡垒,爱丁堡城堡自此成为重要皇家住所和国家行政中心。景点名称: Buckingham Palace白金汉宫 特色介绍:The main introduction
Buckingham Palace is the monarch’s present London home,facing St.James ‘park.It was built for the Duke of Buckingham and Normandy John Sheffield in 1703.Buckingham House was bought by George III for his wife at the price of 28,000 pounds in 1761 and the royal family moved there from St.James ‘Palace.It was enlarged in the Palladian style by John Nash in the reign Of George IV and then the building became known as Buckingham Palace.When Victoria came to the throne,she made it the royal palace.In the palace can be found the Marble Hall,Sculpture Gallery,the Picture Gallery,the Throne Room,the Drawing Room,the Library,the Royal Stamp-Collecting Room,the Grand Staircase and Vestibule,over 600 rooms and halls in all.The grounds cover 40 acres and there are collections of famous paintings and of furniture,most of which are works dating from George IV’s time.Since 1993,Buckingham Palace has been open to the public during the summer months only.白金汉宫英国的王宫。建造在威斯敏斯特城内,位于伦敦詹姆士公园(St.James Park)的西边,1703年为白金汉公爵所建而得名,最早称白金汉屋,意思是“他人的家”。1762年英国王乔治三世购买了当时在现址上的一所房子作为私人住宅。1821年开始兴建
建筑风格 :白金汉宫建筑风格为新古典主义路线,5层高的建筑其中2层为附属层,是服务人员专用,因此高度较低,外观的建筑材料为巴斯石灰岩,內部则以人造大理石和青金石为主、其他建材为辅,打造出专属白金汉宫的华丽堂皇;白金汉宫正门的广场有铁栏是皇家禁卫军换岗典礼的场所,因此常常吸引民众在此聚集,而在广场外有一座维多利亚女王雕像,手持权杖有天使的象徵;正门东北方经过林荫路即可到达特拉法尔加广场。景点名称`: Big ben大本钟
特色介绍:The main introduction Big Ben is the colloquial name of the Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster in London and an informal name for the Great Bell of Westminster, part of the Great Clock of Westminster.The clock tower is located at the northwestern end of the building, the home of the Houses of Parliament, and contains the famous striking clock and bell.The new Parliament was built in a Neo-gothic style.Although Barry was the chief architect of the Palace, he turned to Augustus Plugin for the design of the clock tower, which resembles earlier Plugin designs, including one for Scarisbrick Hall.The design for the Clock Tower was Plugin’s last design before his final descent into madness and death, and Plugin himself wrote, at the time of Barry's last visit to him to collect the drawings: “I never worked so hard in my life for Mr.Barry for tomorrow I render all the designs for finishing his bell tower & it is beautiful.”[6] The tower is designed in Plugin’s celebrated Gothic Revival style, and is 96.3 meters(315.9 ft.)high.,大本钟(Big Ben)代表了英国古典文化,是伦敦的标志,也是英国人的骄傲。大本钟即威斯敏斯特宫钟塔,英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼(Clock Tower)的大报时钟的昵称。大本钟巨大而华丽。大本钟从1859年就为伦敦城报时,根据格林尼治时间每隔一小时敲响一次,至今将近一个半世纪,尽管这期间大本钟曾两度裂开而重铸。现在大本钟的钟声仍然清晰、动听。自从1859年投入使用后,英国政府每隔五年就要对大本钟实施维护,包括清洗钟体、替换大本钟的报时轮系和运转轮系等。钟楼高95米,钟直径9英尺,钟重14 吨,时针和分针长度分别为2.75米和4.27米,钟摆重305公斤,每15分钟响一次。,四个钟面的面积有两平方米左右,每个钟面各由312块乳白色玻璃镶嵌而成。大本钟自1859年被安装在钟楼上。成为世界上第二大的同时朝向四个方向的时钟。每个钟面的底座上刻着拉丁文的题词,“上帝啊,请保佑我们的女王维多利亚一世的安全。”
4景点名称:Hyde Park海德公园 特色介绍:The main introduction There is something for everyone in Hyde Park.With over 4,000 trees, a lake, a meadow, horse rides and more it is easy to forget you're in the middle of London.About the Park When King Henry VIII and his court were thundering across Hyde Park in 1536 in pursuit of deer and wild boar, it would have been difficult to visualize that years later the noble art of tai chi would be peacefully performed among the trees in the early morning, and the Italianate tenor of Pavarotti would echo across the park, applauded by vast audiences.海德公园位于英国英格兰伦敦西敏寺附近,占地360多英亩,原属威斯敏斯特教堂产业。十八世纪前这里是英王的狩鹿场。16世纪,英王亨利八世将之用作王室的公园。查理一世执政期间,海德公园曾向公众开放。1851年,维多利亚女王首次在这里举办伦敦国际博览会。
这里现在也是人们举行各种政治集会和其他群众活动的场所,是伦敦市最著名且最大的皇家公园。景点名称: British Museum.大英博物馆 特色介绍:The main introduction The British Museum was established in 1753, largely based on the collections of the physician and scientist Sir Hans Sloane.The museum first opened to the public on 15 January 1759 in Montagu House in Bloomsbury, on the site of the current museum building.Its expansion over the following two and a half centuries has resulted in the creation of several branch institutions, the first being the British Museum(Natural History)in South Kensington in 1887.Until 1997, when the British Library opened to the public, the British Museum was unique in that it housed both a national museum of antiquities and a national library in the same building.Its present chairman is Sir John Boyd and its director is Neil Macgregor’s with all other national museums and art galleries in Britain, the Museum charges no admission fee, although charges are levied for some temporary special exhibitions.大英博物馆(British Museum),又名不列颠博物馆,位于英国伦敦新牛津大街北面的大罗素广场。大英博物馆成立于1753年,1759年1月15日起正式对公众开放,是世界上历史最悠久、规模最宏伟的综合性博物馆,也是世界上规模最大、最著名的博物馆之一。大英博物馆和纽约的大都会艺术博物馆、巴黎的卢浮宫同列为世界三大博物馆。博物馆收藏了世界各地的许多文物和图书珍品,藏品之丰富、种类之繁多,为全世界博物馆所罕见。目前博物馆拥有藏品1300多万件,由于空间的限制,目前还有大批藏品未能公开展出。
规模 大英博物馆现有建筑为19世纪中叶所建,共有100多个陈列室,面积六七万平方米。大英博物馆目前分为10个分馆:古近东馆、硬币和纪念币馆、埃及馆、民族馆、希腊和罗马馆、日本馆、东方馆、史前及欧洲馆、版画和素描馆以及西亚馆。其中以埃及文物馆、希腊罗马文物馆和东方艺术文物馆藏品最引人注目,所收藏的古罗马遗迹、古希腊雕像和埃及木乃伊闻名于世。
建筑特色 除了欣赏展品外,游客还可以领略英国人在博物馆设计方面的过人之处。博物馆正门的两
罗塞塔石碑(The Rosetta Stone):制作于埃及国王托勒密五世统治时期(Ptolemaic Period),发现于城市罗塞塔的圣朱利安要塞(Fort St Julien)作为解读象形文字的宝贵钥匙,罗塞塔石碑上的碑文是祭司团通过的一项法令。它是证实13岁的托勒密五世在其第一个加冕礼周年纪念日举行王室祭礼的其中一条法令。(4号展厅)
萨顿胡船葬的头盔(The Sutton Hoo ship burial):源自公元7世纪早期,这个特别的头盔非常罕见。头盔表面有点缀着动物装饰和人物场景的装饰嵌板,这些图案流行于当时的日耳曼社会。头盔最不寻常的特点就是面罩:它有眼眶、眉板和鼻子,鼻子下面开了两个孔,以便佩戴者呼吸。每一边眉板末端刻有鎏金铜野猪头图案,这也许是力量和勇气的象征。该头盔在墓室倒塌时被严重毁坏,现在通过在三维拼图将残余碎片精确地拼合,头盔才被重新组合。头盔的完全重组已经完成。(41号展厅)
猎狮浮雕(Assyrian Lion Hunt reliefs):发现于伊拉克北部的尼尼微(Nineveh),大约在公元前645年。这一系列的浮雕表现了亚述最后一位伟大的国王阿树尔巴尼帕尔(Ashurbanipal,公元前668-631年)的狩猎生活,专为他的尼尼微宫(现在伊拉克北部)而创作。美索不达米亚的皇室猎狮传统历史悠久,类似的场面可追溯到公元前4000年末期。国王与雄狮的关系后来可能被引进西欧导致了公元12世纪和13世纪的十字军东征,那时狮子图案开始用于装饰皇室纹章。(10号展厅)
帕特侬神庙(Parthenon sculptures):著名的帕特侬神庙建于公元前447年至438年间,坐落于希腊的卫城当中。它是雅典政治家Perikles(于公元前429年逝世)设计的宏伟建筑群的中心。该神庙规模宏伟,使用了大量的大理石,意在展现这座城市在其帝国鼎盛时期的实力和财富。(18号展厅)
路易斯西洋棋(The Lewis Chessmen):路易斯西洋棋约于公元1150-1200年制作于挪威,在苏格兰的外赫布里底群岛中的路易斯岛被发现。棋子包括坐立的国王和王后、戴教冠的主教、骑在坐骑上的骑士、站立的狱卒和士兵,都被制成方尖碑的样式。现今为世人所知的93颗棋子,11颗在爱丁堡的苏格兰国家博物馆,剩下的82颗在大英博物馆中。(40号展厅)
Katebet木乃伊:来自埃及底比斯城,第18王朝末期或第19王朝初期,约公元前1300-1280年。这是一具老妪的木乃伊,她是“神王” 阿蒙神(Amun)的歌女。她叫Katebet,防腐处理后的身体被布条层层包裹。(63-3号展厅)
奥克瑟斯宝藏(Oxus Treasure):发现于塔吉克斯坦塔的赫提库瓦德(Takht-i Kuwad)地区,这个了不起的模型是奥克瑟斯宝藏(Oxus Treasure)中最著名的藏品之一,可以追溯到大约公元前5-4世纪。模型战车由四匹马,确切地说由四匹小马驹拉着。里面有两个身着米底国(Median)服饰的人像。米底人来自阿契美尼德帝国的中心伊朗。(52号展厅)
乌尔皇室博弈(The Royal Game of Ur):来自伊拉克南部城市乌尔,约公元前2600-2400年 棋盘与伦纳德·伍利(Leonard Woolley)在乌尔皇陵发现的其它几个棋盘布局相似。上面的木头已经腐烂,但镶嵌其上的贝壳、红色石灰石和青金石还在,棋盘由20个贝壳制方格构成:5个方格一组分别刻有玫瑰花饰、“眼睛”和小圆点。剩下的5个方格内则是对5个点的不同设计。据古文献参考资料显示,游戏双方是比赛谁更快使棋子从棋盘的一端到达另一端。游戏开始时,只有掷到特定点数的骰子才能将棋子放在棋盘上。我们还得知玫瑰花饰的格子代表着好运。你可以登录大英博物馆美索不达米亚网站在线进行乌尔皇室博弈游戏。(56号展厅)
双头蛇(Turquoise serpent):发现于墨西哥,公元15-16世纪,是墨西加(阿兹特克)艺术的代表,这件引人注目的艺术品是在仪式上佩戴的胸饰(佩戴在胸前的装饰)。它由木头(桃花心木和西班牙杉木)雕刻而成,外面覆满绿松石镶嵌图案,木头背面被掏空。尽管表面早先可能镀过金,但蛇身的背面并未装饰,两边的蛇头经过镶嵌处理。来自松木和裂榄木(珂巴脂)上的树脂用来做镶嵌时的粘合剂。(27号展厅)
预计参观1小时: 主层
Room 4 罗塞塔石碑The Rosetta Stone Room 10 Assyrian Lion Hunt reliefs Room 18 帕特侬神庙Parthenon sculptures 上层
Room 41 The Lewis Chessmen Room 52 奥克瑟斯宝藏Oxus Treasure Room 56 乌尔皇室博弈游戏The Royal Game of Ur Room 63 Katebet木乃伊Mummy of Katebet Room 93 Samurai armour 底层
Room 25 King of Ife
预计参观3个小时: 主层
Room 1 The Sloane astrolabe Room 2 Stone chopper from Tanzania、Automated model of a ship Room 4 The Rosetta Stone、Colossal bust of Ramesses the Great Room 10 猎狮浮雕Assyrian Lion Hunt reliefs Room 18 帕特侬神庙Parthenon sculptures Room 24 Easter Island statue Hoa Hakananai’a Room 27 双头蛇 Turquoise serpent Room 33 中国唐墓三彩陶俑Group of Tang ceramic tomb figures、Cloisonné jar with dragons Room 33b Jade cong Room 34 Jade Terrapin from Allahabad 上层
Room 41 路易斯西洋棋The Lewis Chessmen、萨顿胡船葬的头盔The Sutton Hoo ship burial Room 49 Mosaic of Christ Room 50 Basse Yutz flagons Room 51 Mold ceremonial gold cape Room 52 奥克瑟斯宝藏Oxus Treasure Room 55 The Flood tablet Room 56 乌尔皇室博弈游戏The Royal Game of Ur Room 63 Katebet木乃伊Mummy of Katebet Room 65 Sphinx of Taharqo Room 93 Samurai armour 底层
Room 25 King of Ife
Britain, the whole is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in ancient Britain is known as the “day not fall” empire is England, Scotland, wales and Northern Ireland the United Kingdom.It is a capitalist country in Western Europe THE British national anthem is “GOD SAVE THE Queen”, which is THE translation of Chinese GOD SAVE THE Queen.And that diamonds are the country by, white heart red rose is a symbol of the country.In London, the capital of the UK takes a seat.The city of London a and economy, politics and culture in one place.Here, you can appreciate the wide of the Thames, Big Ben's majesty.Britain also has a long history, from the earliest civilizations to Roman times, and then through the medieval period, the industrial revolution, the colonial expansion, and the world war ii, has been in the present day.The UK is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy.In this country, the king is the head of state, however, the real power in the cabinet, actually.Parliament is the highest judicial and regulatory institutions, by the king, under the house of lords and the house of Commons On the economic front, the UK is the world's one of the important economic and trade and the global financial center.He is still the world's sixth-largest economy system, is the world fastest growing economy and one of the highest living standards.Among them, the household is its export of Rolls-Royce British culture is also very rich.First,the education popularity is very high, it also promoted the development of the British education.Britain's education and academic research level is currently in the world's leading position.The world-famous education have a holy land at the university of Cambridge and Oxford University.Except, of course, education, the British sports is also very rich.One of the most famous ball sport is football, rugby and cricket.Among them, the cricket is also known as "the movement of a gentleman, it is by 11 people alternating attacks by both teams and Fielding a team sport.And, the British are sports stars, David Beckham is the most typical representative In Britain, there are a variety of delicious.If you are in the UK, you can enjoy a hearty breakfast.The British for breakfast is very exquisite!Restaurant supply in Britain there are many different kinds of food, fruit juice, fruit, eggs, meat, wheat rice porridge, bread, jam and coffee, etc.In the popular afternoon TEA(HIGH TEA)was given from the UK, its a famous Victoria type More is also very suitable for living, Britain's climate is temperate maritime climate throughout the year.In Britain, is humid warm all year round.Especially suitable for living.All in all, Britain is a European country full of cultural atmosphere.If you want to learn native English and European culture, English is definitely a good choice
英国的国歌时“GOD SAVE THE Queen”,中文翻译过来就是天佑女王。并且,钻石是这个国家的国石,白心红玫瑰是这个国家的象征。
在英国,有各式各样的美味。如果你在英国,那么你可以享受丰盛的早餐。英国人对早餐非常讲究!英国餐馆中所供应的餐点种类繁多,有果汁、水果、蛋类、肉类、麦粥类、面包、果酱及咖啡等。时下所流行的下午茶(HIGH TEA)也是传来自于英国,其较知名的有维多莉亚式VICTORIAN STYLE)
Cloisonne is a famous traditional enamel ware, known as the “Blue of Jingtai” in China, with a history of over 500 years.it was so called “blue” was the typical colour used for enamelling and “Jingtai” was the reign title of the 7th Ming Emperor.Enamel ware became very popular during the Emperor's reign.There is a great variety of products, such as vase, jar, bowl,plate, box and ash-tray.They are brilliant in colours and splendid in design.Cloisonne is one of the famous arts and crafts of Beijing.The making of cloisonne requires rather elaborate and complicated processes;base-hammering, copper-strip inlay, soldering, enamel-filling, enamel-firing, polishing and gilding.The products are featured by excellent quality.The skill and workmanship have been handed down from the Ming Dynasty.Quite a number of new varieties have been created.it enjoys a high reputation both at home and abroad.They are mostly for export.CLOISONNE-MAKING
The first step is body making.The material used for making the bodyis copper, because copper is easily hammered and stretched.This step requires a sound judgement in shaping and uniformity of thickness and weight.It is in fact the work of the copper smith.The only difference is that when an article is well shaped, the copper smith‗s work is finished, whereas the cloisonne craftsman‘s work is just on the the start.The second step is filigree soldering.This step requires great care and high creativeness.The artisan adheres copper strips onto the body.These strips are of 1/16 inch in diameter and of lengths as the artisan desires.The strips or filigree thus adhered make up a complicated but complete pattern.The artisan has a blueprint in mind and he can make full use of his experience, imagination and aesthetic view in setting the copper strips on the body.The third step is to apply the colour which is known as enamel filling.The colour or enamel is like the glaze on ceramics.It is called falang.Its basic elements are boric acid, saltpetre and alkaline.Due to the difference in the minerals added, the colour differs accordingly.Usually one with much iron will turn grey, with uranium, yellow, with chromium, green, with zinc, white, with bronze, blue, with gold or iodine, red.In time of filling, all the colours, ground beforehand into minute powder and contained in plates, are placed in front of the workers and are then applied to the little compartments separated by filigree.The fourth step is enamel firing.This is done by putting the article, with its enamel fillings, to the crucible.After a short moment, the copper body will turn red.But after firing, the enamel in the little compartment will sink down a bit.That will require a refilling.This process will go on repeatedly until the little compartments are finally filled.The fifth step is polishing.The first polish is with energy.Its aim is to make the filigree and the filled compartments even.The whole piece is again put to fire.Polish once more with a whet stone.Finally, use a piece of hard carbon to polish again so as to obtain some lustre on the surface of the article.The sixth step is gilding.This is done by placing the article in fluid of gold or silver.Add electric current.The exposed parts of the filigree and the metal fringes of the article will be smoothly and evenly gilded.After that, the metal part of the article will not get rusty.Then the article will again undergo another electroplating and a slight polish.四川-乐山大佛英语导游辞
The city of Leshan is less than one hour's ride from the Baoguosi Monastery at the foot of Mt.Emei.Leshan is the home of the Giant Buddha at the conflueence of the Min,Dadu and Qingyi rivers.It qualifies as the largest Buddha in a sitting posture in the world.You must board a riverboat for the best view of the Giant Buddha.The massive Buddha was carved out of a cliff face more than a thousand years ago, but now it is still well preserved in good shape, with his full and serene face.The Buddha is the largest Buddha in China,towering to 71m,with his 14.7m head,and 24m shoulders.The Buddha's ears are 6.72m long, insteps 8.5m broad, and a picnic could be conducted on the nail of his big toe, which is 1.5m long.This carving project was begun in 713.Each summer at that time the Min,Dadu and Qingyi rivers flowed down.As the ghree rivers met,turbu-lent waves strucd each other hard,boats capsized and boatmen vanished.There was a Buddhist monkby the name of Haitong in Lingyun Hill,who saw the situation and was determined to carve a giant Buddha out of the cliff face, hoping that the Buddha's presence would subdue the swift currents and protect the boatmen.Haitong started travelling along the Changjiang river and other areas in China to collect funds for the gigantic carving.Once an evil official attempted to obtain by force the money collected by Haitong.The monk refused him in strong terms.He said,“I'd rather gouge out my eyes than give a penny to you,”The official shouted in anger,“gouge your eye out now!”Haitong resolutely dug out one of his eyes.The monk's behavior in protecting the funding so greatly encouraged sculptors and other construction workers that the carving work went on smoothly.Unfortunately Haitong died before the completion of his life's work.However, this work continued due to the support of the local people as well as Weigao and Zhangchou Jianqing,the local top military commanders.The word took up 90 years until 803 when it was completed.Since then the Buddha has watched over the river traffic for more than a thousand years to offset the large number of serious accidents in the river.Modern Chinese question whether safer boat gravel is due to his presence or to sime later-day dredging.As you get close to the Buddha,we can find out some scattered holes im rows around the Buddha.They are remains of so Called the Giant Buddha Pavilion.It was a nine-storied building set up during the Tang Dynasty to shelter the Buddha.It was renamed as the Lingyun Pavilion with 13 stories during the Song Dynasty.Unfortunately it was destroyed by a war during the Ming Dynasty.Since then the Buddha remains outside in the open space.The Giant Buddha has lasted over a thousand years, and still survives in good shape.Why? First of all, according to the studies on the ancient construction of the Buddha,the cliff face the Buddha occupies enjoys topographical advantages.It is on the southern side of the hill,where verdant trees grow so well as to protect rocks and slope from erosion.Secondly although the Buddha seats bordering on the confluence of the three rivers, the immense statue is carved into the cliff face inside the hill,which alleviate the severe damage by wind and water erosion.Finally there is a water-drainage system,hidden from view.The system starts with 1021 fastened hairs, which conect one another at the bace of the bead.The end of the hairs inter-links the shoulders,joining the simple-patterned robe pleats carved on the body.The hairs,shoulders and pleats naturally reveal a complete system that carries away the entire surface water on the body, where the water disappears underground.It is worth making several passes at the Buddha.From the ferry pier on the island,you climba steep road and through Lingyun Temple to a vantage point for viewing the buddha.You can go to the top,opposite the head, and then descend a short zigzag stairway carved into the cliff to the feet for the top,oppoosite the head,and then descend a short zigzag stairway carved into the cliff to the feet for the different perspective viwepoints.A local boat passes by for a frontal view, which reveals two guardians in the cliff side, not visible from land,Wuyou Buddhist Monastery can be reached in 15 minutes by footpath from the Buddha,which is also from the Tang Dynasty with Ming and Qing renovations,Its layout is very similar to the other monasteries as we mentioned before.Walking along up Wuyou Hill,you can enjoy the quiet and beartiful scenery, The top of Wuyou Hill affords you a vision of an emerald-green tree forest, glazed golden tiles of the monastery roofs and the distant rivers.It would be a mistake to thind of Leshan as ome big Buddha, but it is wouth making a trip to Leshan,which will provide you with a pleasant picture made by the ancient Chinese sites and the beautiful nature being combined into a whole.哈尔滨中央大街英文导游辞
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Today we are going to visit Zhongyang Street.This is the downtown area.In order to better know the street, we are going to walk through it, which takes about 40 minutes.Those who do not like walking may keep seated, our coach will go along another street and stop at the Flood Control Monument.Those who cannot walk that far may take a taxi to the Flood Control Monument.Now let6‗s get off the coach, and take a walk on Zhongyang Street.Zhongyang Street measures 1450 meters from Jingwei Street in the south to the Flood Control Monument on the riverbank in the north.This is China‗s longest walkway.The street was built at the end of the last century.It was connected to a wharf at the Songhua River.Because of the constant transport of the goods needed for building the China Eastern Railway, a shopping center began to take shape along this street at the turn of the century.Harbin at that time was a semi-colonial city with a foreign population of many thousands.Politics and economy were actually controlled by foreign powers.Owing to the concentration of Chinese shops along this street, foreigners took it as a China town and called it China Street.Have you noticed the cobbled road surface? This is the only cobbled street left in Harbin.This cobbled street was paved in 1925.Thanks to the good quality, the street has kept in good shape with a few repairs in the past.This street began to take shape as an international street in the 1920s.There were over a hundred shops and many were owned by forergners, such as Russians, Greeks, Czechs, Swedes, Swiss, Frenchmen, Germans and Englishmen.They built their shops in their individual styles.Therefore, the street not only looked like a foreign street, but also was controlled by foreigners.Now this smooth cobbled street may remind us of the past when foreigners were sitting in chariots along the street, as if we could still hear the horse-hoofs clicking on cobbles.Over half a century is past, Zhongyang Street is weather-beaten.With the implementation of reform and opening-up, it is ready to welcome visitors with a new outlook.The building in front of us is very attractive.Its some and arched windows are typical of the Byzantine Style popular in Europe during the Middle Ages.It was built in 1934 and it was a shoe shop owned by a Czech.After liberation, it became a specialty shop-Women and Children‗s Department Store.It is the biggest specialty shop along Zhongyang Street.There are a good variety of commodities.Now some world famous specialty chains have also set up branches down here, such as Crocodile, Bossini and so on.You can see some gentlemen also wandering in the Women and Children‘s Department Store.At such a good shopping place, they will not walk out empty-handed.Opposite the Women and Children‗s Department Store is the Central Shopping City opened in November 1994.On its original site there were five small stores run by Russians, which were built in 1932.After liberation, they were turned into one department store.In 1994, the old building was torn down, and this comprehensive department store was built.The architecture is a combination of a European castle with modern architecture.It has become a new scenic spot on Zhongyang Street.At we go along the road, we are able to see the Central Pharmacy.It was a bungalow before.In 1912, German Sidemen‗s opened a shop here to sell electrical equipment and materials.After liberation, it was reconstructed.Now you can find not only medicine here, but also the Gold lion shop, a super-market and a Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant.This shopping Center was opened in 1995.Its original site was a shop managed by a Swede.It dealt in china, porcelain and enamelware.After liberation, it became a food-store.The building you see now was designed by a famous architect in Heilongjiang.It is a masterpiece of adopting relief sculptures in modern construction.This building is an attractive site in Zhongyang Street.The nost interesting building along Zhongyang Street is the Modern Hotel.It was constructed in 1913.It is of an attractive outlook and magnificently decorated.It has a typical Baroque style of the Neo-artistic period.At first, it was invested and managed by a Jewish Frenchman.The origin of its Chinese name once aroused the interest of many people.There was a column in newspaper for debating its origin.Some held its Chinese name came from the word ―mother‖, some said it came from ―modern‖.However, modern seemed to overwhelm mother as you can see the hotel now used the Modern Hotel as its English name.Modern Hotel has all the facilities of a modern hotel including well-decorated suites, dining rooms and medium and small-sized meeting rooms in European palatial styles.There is a legendary oil painting hanging on a wall on the landing of the first floor.It was painted a famous Russian painter.He was inspired by ―Divine Comedy‖composed by Dante.It shows a pretty girl saved by angels from confinement by insects and demons;the girl who endured tortures in hell was about to rise to heaven.This picture was painted red during the Cultural Revolution.After the Cultural Revolution, the original painting was restored.Now we are able to appreciate its artistic charm.In the past few decades, modern Hotel has catered to many famous people, such as well known Chinese writers Guo Moruo and Ding Ling, and a renowned painter, Xu Berhong.Those who have stayed here also include distinguished American celebrities such as Anna Louise Strong, Edgar Snow Yue-Sai Kan.Movie studios have shot movies here.―Harbin in the Dark Night‖, ―London Inspiration‖, ―The Orient Express to Moscow‖have left people lasting memories.Opposite the Modern Hotel, there is Huamei Restaurant.It was Malse Restaurant serving western food.After liberation, it was rebuilt several times and two more stories have been added.However, its original European Style had been kept.It was reported in 1973 that there were 260 Western restaurants in Harbin, with over 100 concentrated along Zhongyang Street.Huamei Restaurant was one of the best known.Now it serves many specialties, such as Russian dishes, potted cattle tail, French egg and fried prawns.It is said a Russian celebrity who used to serve in the army once visited Huamei.After dinner, he could not help praising food served in Huamei.He declared the Russian dishes here surpassed those in Russia.He would send chefs from Russia to Huamei to learn to cook when he got back home.Now that you know Huamei, your knowledge of Zhongyang Street will not be complete if you have not tried the food here.Further in the front, we can see the Education Bookstore.It was constructed in 1909.It is a Baroque construction, extravagant and novel, with bold lines and strong contrast.Over the entrance, there are two staturs.They are Titans in Greek fairy tales.The male is Atlas and the female is Galliached.It is said they hold up the sky with heads and shoulders.Education relates to the future of a country.May these Titans hold up the building of education, and accompany us to a prosperous tomorrow.Opposite to the Education Bookstore, the building in the Neo-artistic style is Qiulin Department Store.It is characterized by simple structure, flexible lay out, free style, and curved decoration.Qiulin was constructed in 1903.In the past few decades, it has transformed from a colonial company.It has witnessed great changes in Zhongyang Street.Many people say Zhongyang Street is a street of architecture as over 70 buildings appear in different styles.Some state it is a small Paris in the Orient;some assert it is a Moscow in the Orient;some declare it is a symphony.When you step on this cobbled street, it is as if you could hear a prelude.As you go further along the street, you can see the Women and Children‗s Department Store, and the Flood Control Monument at the riverside, as if their varied structures were different chapters constituting a harmonious tune.This symphony accompanies the people in Harbin as they suffered before liberation, wandered through the Cultural Revolution, and ushered in the reform and opening up, and encourages them to face up to the magnificent 21st century.I would like to call this street an international shopping mall.There are state owned stores and outlets of foreign products.There are banks and post-offices.There are hotels and restaurants.There are Jewelers‗and photographers‘.People are able to stroll, shop and enjoy delicacies along the street.At night over 200 shops will be radiating with colorful neon lights.This century-old street will radiate its vigor and become more attractive.Ladies and Gentlemen, if we go further forward, we are able to reach the Flood Control Monument.Now I will give you some free time for shopping and photography.We will meet at the Flood Control Monument in twenty minutes.四川-武侯祠英文导游辞
China has a recorded history of some 3,600 years, beginning with the Shang Dynasty(16th——12th century BC).The first stage is the primitive society.The history was much associated with the supposed pre-Xia Dynasty(21th-16th centuy BC).The second major periob lasted from about 2,000 to 200 BC.The history dated the beginning of the slave society from the Xia Dynasty, which constituted the first Chinese state.The third stage extended all the way from 221BC, when Qin Shihuang united China, to the Opium War of 1840.Historical docments name the third period as the Feusal Imperial Rule.The feudal society in China passed through a period of disunity beginning at the Three Kingdom Period, and ending in shoet-lived Sui Dynasty(581——618), Western Jin(265——316)via Eastern Jin(317——439)and the Southern and Northern Dynasties(386——589).The following story occurred in the three Kingdom Period.At the rnd of the Eastern Han Dynasty(25——220)a gtrat peasant revolt happened.Many local officials developed into warlords to assisty the Han Emperor in suppressing the rebellion.During this period the watlotds took the opportunity to build uyp their own political and military strengty and made themselves into autonomous regional warlords.Finally the warlords carved the Han Empire into three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu.The populous episodic novel,The Romance of the Three Kingdoms traces the rise and fall of the three kingdoms and vividly depicts the turbulent social conditions at that time.The rulers of the three independent kingdoms struggled for supremacy.Cao Cao and his son established the kingdom of Wei at Loyang.He was in actual control of only the North China homeland.Two rivals soon proclaimed emperors themselves elsewhere.The kingdom of Wu with its capital in Nanjing occupied dChangjiang Valley, The kingdom of Shu was created with its capital in Chengdu.Ti was in the control of Sichuan and parts ojf the highland of south China.Wuhou Temple is much associated with the kingdom of Shu.It is the place to commemorate Zhu Geliang, Prime Minister of the kingdom.Wuhou was a top official title conferred upon Zhu Geliang after his death.It is unfortunate that no historical documents have recorded the time of its establishment.However, Du Fu, a top Tang Dynasty poet wrote a poem of kwhich two lines say as below:“Where would I find the Prime Minister's shrine?Somewhere outside Jinguan, in a dense cypress glade.”
This poem helps us infer that Zhu Geliang Temple was already in ezistence in the Tang Dynadty.During the Tang and Song Dynasties Zhu Geliang and Emperor Liu Bei had their independent temples in Chengdu, At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty the two temples merged into one.Towards the end of the Ming Dynasty the merged tempke was destroyed during war chaos.The present buildings date from the Qing Dynasty in 1672.The main entrance gate hangs a horizontal inscribed board.It says, “Han Zhaolie Temple”.Han refers to the kingdom of Shui;zhaolie was Liu Bei's posthumous title.The board indicates that the whole temple was built in honor of Liu Bei.But why do all the people call it Zhu Geliang Tempke instead of Han Zhaolie Temple? It is due to Zhu Geliang's invaluable historical contribution, and his political and military strategies to the development of the kingdom.In the view of the local peopoe his prestige far gan to call it Zhu Grliang Temple regardless of the emperor's dignity and the temple's original name.Gtadually more and more people accepted the new name of the temple through common practice.The temple compound consists of five mainbuildings: the Front Gate, the Second Gate, Kiu Bei's Hall, Zhu Geliang's Hall and Liu Bei's Tomb.The buildings are all located aling an imaginative axis line in a regular shape.Six huge stone tablets are flanked in the yard between the front and the second gates.Four of them were of the Qing Dynasty, one of the Ming and one opf the Tang.The tablets of the Qing state the storise about the reestablishment of the temple;the one of the Ming describes the development of the temple.The one of the Tang is far more famous than the other five.It was set up soon after Wu Yuanhen, a local top military commander in west Sichuan and his 27assistants worshiped Zhu Grliang in the temple in 809 during the Tang Dynasty.Pei Du,who served as a prime minister for his three Tang emperors ijn different times, composed an rssay associated with the worship.In the essay he eulogized Zhu Geliang for his great contribution to and his spare-no-efforts in unifying the whole China and the development of Sichuan, Liu Gingchuo, a well-known Tang calligrahist, copied the essay on the tablet according to the pattern of Liu's handwriting.The three well-known persons joined hands to perfect the tablet, so later in people called it “The Three Perfecdstion Tablet”.Inside the Second Gate is Liu Bei's hall.His statue stands behind the front altar, flanked by his son snd gtandson.To the right of the main shrine is a red faced image called Guan Yu;the left is General Zhang Fei, represented with a black face.Liu,Guan and Zhang are sworn brothers as prescribed in the novel The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.There are two galleries in the yard, which contain terracotta figures of the Qing Dynasty, 28 in all, generals on the right and minisiters on the lelt.During the Three Kingdom Period the rulers of the independent kingdoms fought each other for supremacy.This period was regarded as a romantic epoch of knightly dering-do.The site is just about holy to thousands of Three Kingdom enthusiasts.The well-loved figures in the temple are the historical source from which later novels and dramas have captured the imaginations of generations of Chinese readers and audience.Behind Liu Bei's hall is the second yard where Zhu Geliang's hall is located.Zhu Geliang's hallis obviously lower than Liu Bei's.Visitors bave to walk down several steps before they can get into the second yard.The disparity in the construction height displays the traditional Chinese hierarchical social system.Emperor is the son of Heaven.He is superior;and other people are inferior.On the top of the entrance gate of Zhu Geliang's hall hangs a horizontal wooden board,which says,“Eternal Glory All Over the World(名垂宇宙).”Many ancient couplets hang inside the hall, but the most famous one is right in the middle of the hall.It says,―能攻心则反侧自消,从古知兵非好战;不审势即宽严皆误,后来治蜀要深思。‖
It means that try to persuade an enemy to stop his attack during a war and the war will then disappear.No soldier wants to fight since ancient times.Try not to forget to weigh the conditions and situation, ogherwise leniency and strict punishment will all fail.Those,who come to manage Sichuan,should think it over again.This couplet contains two stories.Once as Zhu Geliang was the general commander of the shu Kingdom, he was scheduled to attack the Wei Kingdom in north China.However, he was worried that the troops of the minorities might take a chance to harass the Shu Kingdom in southwest China.He came to tealize that the good relationship with the minorities was very important.So he went the southwestern area with his troops.Meng Huo(孟获),the top leader of the minorities didn't accept Zhu Geliang's good-wish.He used his soldiers to fight against the groops from the kingdom.Zhu Geliang successfully defeated his attack and caught Meng Huo.Instead of punishing him,Zhu Geliang set him free.Then Meng Huo launched another attack and he met with the same defeat.Zhu Geliang set him a free again.On the seventh time after Meng Huo was caught,he prostrated himself before Zhu Geliang saying ghat he and his soldiers had given rp any atrelationship with the Shui Kingdoh.From then on the minority people and lf the Shui Kingdon lived in amity.The other story tells how Zhu Geliang streng-thened discipline.Once Zhu Gelian Launched another military campaign against the Wei Kingdom.In order to make the campaign successful Zhu Geliang ordered Ma Shu,his close assistant to garrison the Shu army troops in Jie Ting,a vital strategic place to fight the coming soldiers from the Wei.Ma Shu thought of himself highly and placed his troops on the top of a hill near Jie Ting.As result,the Wei army soldiers occupied the strategic place.Ma Shu and his soldiers were defeated.Zhu Geliang had to withdraw his troops back to ghe Shu Kingdom.His carefully arranged campaign thus failed.Ma Shu had a close relationship with Zhu Geliang due to his hardworking and his contribution to the development shui's army.Tears ran down Zhu Geliang's face when he ordered to execute Ma Shu for his error.The two storied displayed Zhu Geliang's flexible tactics in accordance with different occasions.More-over,Zhu Geliang used the same method to manage his government and the kingdom for the social stability and economic prosperity.The second yard,dedicated Zhu Geliang, has a bell tower on the right and a drum tower on the left of the entrance.A most unusual casting iron incense burner is in the imddle of the path, which leads to the hall.Zhu Geliang's statue,accompainied by his son on the right and his grandson on the left, stands in the middle of the hall.The statue is 2m high.Zhu Geliang is dressed in a golden overcoat with a feather fan in his hand.He looks as if he was still concerned about his kingdom and his local people.On the left side of Zhu Geliang's statue is a bronze drum, a relic dated back to the 5th century.Originally ancient minority groups in souhest China often used it as a cooket.Later it became a sort of music instrument for some special occasions.It was said that during Zhu Geliang's southwest expedition his soldiers used it as a cooker during the day and struck it at night as emergency approached.Zhu Geliang was renowned military strategist and statesman in the early three Kingdom period.A native of Shandong Province,he was living in Long Zhong,Hubei when Liu Bei went to his house three times.Liu Bei sincerely invited Zhu Geliang to join in reconquest of the Han Empire,but for the first two times it was said that Zhu Geliang was not at home.On the third time when Liu Bei met Zhu Geliang in his house,he agreed to assist Liu Bei.It was in his house that Zhu Geliangand Liu Bei had a dialogue relating to the current situation and reconquest of the Han Empire, In Liu Bei's hall hangs Zhu Geliang's ambitious “Long Zhong dialogue(隆中对)”and his “Letter To The Throne Before An Expedition”.Zhu Geliang served as Prime minister of the Shu Kingdom for twenty years.During his administration Zhu Geliang brought peace to the kingdom due to his northern and southern xepeditions.The local farming production and water conservancy has advanced.He died of his hard word conservancy has advanced.He died of his hard work at the age of 54.After his death people set up temples one after another to commemorate him in the areas where Zhu Geliang worked.He was generally regarded as an excellent example of administrators in Chinese feudal dynasties.To the west of the Zhu Geliang's hall is the site of ghe Liu Bei's tomb.It is 80m in circumference and 12m high,surrounded by a circular wall.For 1700 years the tomb has remained untouched, but what is inside is unknown.内蒙古-呼伦贝尔草原英文导游辞
Lady and Genlenmen:
Welcome to HunLunbeier Grassland!First of all, I'd like to tell you why People call this bdautiful grassland Hulunbeier grassland.There is a moving legend behind it.A long, long time ago there lived a couple of lovers on the grassland.The girl was a Hu lun.The boy was Bei Er.One day a demon chief called Mang Gusi abducted HuLun and dried up the grassland.The grass withered and yellowed and domestic animals died one after another.In order to save the grassland and Hu Lun, BeiEr traved a great distance on foot, chasing after Mang Gasi day and night.Finally, he fainted from exhaustion.In his weakened state, he dreamt that the demon chief had magically turned Hu Lu,Bei Er traveled a great distance on foot, chasing after Mang Gasi day and night.Finally, he fainted from exhaustion.In his weakened state, he dreamt that the demon chief had magically turned Hu Lun into a flower which was and suffering from the windy dream in front of him.He immediately watered the flower and broke the spell.Hu Lun changed back into her former self.But the demon chief would not give up.He immediately watered the flower and broke the spell.Hu Lun changed back in to her former self.But the demon chief would not give up.He seized Hu Lun and took her away again.Hu Lun racked her brain for a way to escape.She succeeded in getting hold of the magic pearl on the demon chief`s head.On swallowing the pearl Hu Lun turned into a lake.In the meantime BeiEr had killed all of the other demons, but failed to find Hu Lun.Heartbroken, Bei Er jumped in to a lake to kill himself.All of a sudden the earth split open and formed two lakes, Hu Lun lake and Bei Er Lake, with the Wilson River closely connecting them.Later,people living on the grassland named the land hulunbeier Grassland in momory of them.HuLunbeier covers an area of 250.557 square kilometers,with a totel population of 2.66 million.The Mongolian natiality is the dominant ethic group, and 35 other nationlities,such as Dawoer, Ewenke, Elunchun, Han, Manchu, Russian, etc.live in harmony with them on the grassland.Hunlunbeier is called ―green and clean land‖ because it is relatively free of pollution.(Entering the grassland)
Now we're setting foot on Hunlunbeier Grassland.All of us have escaped from the city and its clamour and entered a place like a dreamland,Look!The grassland looks like asoft, green cerpet, Nowyou can enjoy the beautiful scenery in the distance;numeros kinds of wild flowers are in bloom, and wisps of smoke are rising continuously from the yurta scattered on the grassland.When the gentle breeze brushes against the grass, herds of horses and cattle and flock of sheep seem to be drifting from here ro there.What a beautiful picture!
(Visiting a yurt)
This is the yurt we saw from the bus just now.Look!The host and his family have come out of the to greet us.Of couse, this is not an arranged reception, to be sure.But before we enter the yurt, I'dlike to make a brief introduction on the folk costoms here.No matter which yurt you happen to visit, you will finethat on hesring your footsteps the Mongolian people will extend a warm welcome outsite the yurt, to do justice to their reputed hospitality.When greeting you, they will put their hands against their chests and bow slightly.With a ―how do you do,‖ They invite their guestsin.Male guests are invited to sit on the left and female on the right, while host sits in midle.The moment you take your seats, your host will have milk tea and various kinds of milk products pleaced in front of you.After a white, you will most probably probabyly be asked to help yourself to a special course called ―shouba lamd.‖ As a way of showing respct to his distinguished guest, your hast will prsent you with a ―hada‖(a piece of silk used as a greeting gift), Together with a cup of lacal wine.Mongolians are well known for theirtalent in singing and dancing.Their beautiful songs are as entertaining and pleasant as the blue sky, white clouds, greengrass and fresh flowers, In folk culture, there is a saying that a feast is not a true feast without the company of songs.Every person in the grassland, man or woman, old or young, can sing folk songs.When proposing toasts to their guests, they will show their hospitality by singing folksongs and playing special fiddles.The Mongolian people have lived on the vast grassland for a long time, and they have refined their talent for sing and dancing.You can not only please your eyes with their traditional ethnic dancing but also with their mondern ones featuring merry rhythms and vigorous steps.Now let`s enter the yurt and take advantage of this opportunity to be guests in a Mongolian herdsman`s home.(Stepping out of the yurt)
Under the blue sky and white clouds, you will see a vivid picture of flocks of sheep and herds of cattle, galloping horses and skillful herdsen on horseback brandishing horsewhips.Do you want to go for a ride ? If you are skilled at riding, why not ride a Mongolian horse for a while or wander about on camelback?If you are afraid of riding horses or camels,never mind.You still can enjoy the nomandic life by taking a special Mongolian vehicle called a ―Lele‖.(Briefing on the physique of Mongolians)
Now you have had a look at the grassland with your own eyes, but did you noticed that the Mongolian girls are graceful,elegant and vigorous, and the young fellow are robust, heroic and muscular? It is said that this has much to do with their life styles which are connected with horse sports,running and pursuing.Further,the important role played by milk tea and milk products in developing their muscles and bones canot be underestimated.(Briefing on the dietary habit of Mongolians)
Let's start with milk tea,The host minces the tea and put it in a kettle to boil it.When the kettle starts boiling with a gurgling sound, the host pours the fresh milk into it.Thus the herdsman coming in from a snowstorm will warm up immediately after having such a cup of milk tea.A bowl of milk tea, stir-fried rice, several piece of a dry milk product and some lamb is regarded as a delicious meal by the ordinary Mongolian herdsman.Milk products include the skin of boiled milk, milk curd, milk wine, cheese, butter and so on.The formal meal may be served with meat and a flour-base product.While you are here on the grassland, it will be a great pity if you do not try ―Shouba Lamb‖(boil meat which is eaten using a knife and your hands).The lamb is first cut into big slices and then put into boiling water to cook.When it is half done, you cut it into smaller pieces with the Mongolian knife and eat it.TheMongolian people think that half-done meat contains more nutrients.(Briefing on Mongolian clothing)
The Mongolian robe is unique to this ethnic group.The robe is often matched with a belt and head decorations.With its high collar and long sleeves, the robe protects people from mosquitoes.The middle part of the robe is made loose for the convenience of riding horses and is long enough to keep the knees warm.You can find all kinds of clothes here today, but the robe is the cultural heritage of the Mongolians and has become a symbol of their national conscience and identity.(Briefing on Mongolian yurta)
You can see mongolian yurta here and there on grassland.But do you know the history and structure of the mongolian yurta?According to the historical records of the Xiongnu,an ancient ethnic group, their ancestors lived in the Northland long ago.Their living quarters were called yurta.In this sense Mongolians, as a ethnic group, can date to 4,000 years ago.So the Mongolian yurta are a symbol of the history of this ethnic group.Now let`s talk about the construction of a yurt are a symbol of the history of this ethnic group, Now let`s talk about the construction of a yurt.Herdsmen first build a round foundation with pieces of stones, Then they set up the structure with wodden wods and beams linked together with wollen or fur ropes,Lastly, they cover the structure with animal skins or felt blankets.The ceiling of the yurt is round.With such a structure, the yurt can withstand snowstorms and heavy rainfalls.The door of the yurt is small and down to the ground.The yurt can be easily moved and this is suitable for nomadic life.This accounts for the reason why the structure of the yurt remains unchanged till today.If the Mongolian yurt is seen as the home of the herdsmen, then the ―lele‖carts can be viewed as their mobile homes.―lele‖carts move slowly with big noise.It is hard to tell when the history of ―lele‖carts began.All the carts are made of birch, so they will reain in good condition even in wet weather.The wheels of the carts are tall and can easily roll across the uneven roads, lush bushes, thick snow and marshes.―lele‖carts are indispensable for herdsmen when they move cross snow-covered areas.(Briefing on Mongolian festivals)
There are a lot of Mogolian festivals held every year on the grassland, but the most famous one is Nadam,the carnival the grassland.―Nadam‖in the Mongolian language means recreation or entertainment.When it comes, there will be a lot of performances,such as horse racing, wrestling, archery and some other special ethnic performances.The Nadam fair is a time-honored festival and was known world wide for 700years, Nowadays the Nadam fair is often held during the harvest season of the grassland, either in June or July.During that period, herdsmen often take the opportunity to sell domestic animals and livestock products and purchasse daily necessilties and livelihood-related goods.Acturally, the herdsmen have few chances to get together on such a vast grassland, so Nadam also plays the role of a big trade fair for them, When we talk about Nadam, we should also talk about offering sacrifice at ―Aobao‖.―Aobao ‖in Mogolian means a pile of rocks or earth.On the vast and endless grassland, it is hard to tell directions, so people thought of pilling rocks or earth to mark them, In its long historical development Aobao has become the shrine to offer scrifices to the God of the Mountain and the God of the Road.During the sacrifice –offering ceremony,people insert tree branches into the Aobao and put pieces of colorful cloth or paper flags with written scripture on the branches There are four types of memorial ceremonies, namely blood,wine,fire and jade.No matter what type it is, a lama will be invited to butn incenses, chant scriptures and pray for the blessing of the people and their livestock.Participants will walk around the Aobao clockwise three times.After the ceremony, the herdmen will not only enjoy horse races,wrestling and archery, but also singing, dancing and drinking to their heart`s content.Around that time, young lovers will probably leave the crowd to be in a world of their own.Dear,distinguished guests,after this tour of this grassland I believe you must have a general idea of how the Mongolian pelple live here and may een feel reluctant to leave the beautiful hulunbeier Grassland.I belive the grassland and its people enjoyed your visit as much as you did and look forward to your next one.Ladies and Gentlemen,I hope to have another chance to meet you again on this very land, the Hulunbeier Grassland.Goodbye and good luck.四川-杜甫草堂英文导游辞
Du Fu(712~770)Thatched Cottage used to be the former hone of Du Fu, one of the greatest poets in the Tang Dynasty.Located in the western suburbs of Chengdu, the spot is marked by a stream, ancient style architecture, pavilion pagodas and age-old trees.The cottage consists of six important parts, They are the Front Gate, the Lobby, the Hall of poem History, the Water Pavilion, the Gongbu Shrine and the Thatched Cottage.At the time of the Tang Dynasty, Du Fu's poetry first came to be recognized.Readers of many different periods have considered Du Fu to be the greatest poet of the Chinese tradition.Such general agreement can partially be explained by the immense variety of his work, which holds up quite well to different tastes and historical changes in fashion.Like Shakespeare in English tradition, Du Fu's poetry came to be so deeply bound up with the constitution of literary value that generation after generation of poets and critics rediscovered themselves and their interests in some aspect of the poet'
Chinese critics from the Song Dynasty referred to Du Fu as the“poet-historian”.Both before and after the An Lushan Revolt, Du Fu witnessed a typical political and social situation;the common people still lived in poverty while the emperor and his top officials enjoyed a foolishly luxurious life.He composed many poems such as “Song of the War Chariots”, “Three Officials”,and “Three Departures”。His poems expressed his dissatisfaction with the government and his great pity for the common people.Du Fu used his poems to comment on current events and historical images.Du Fu became the historian by creating his responses to particular situations.Du Fu was talented.When he was young, he wanted to get a good job in the government.Unfortunately Du Fu was refused several times.He was in his fifties when he began to serve as a minor official in Changan(Xi'an).Gongbu was his official title and probably he was in charge of the lical industry.Du Fu was not a skilled survivor in government politics.He was dismissed in the form of a transfer to the post of personnel administrator in Huazhou and so left Changan.Du Fu soon gave up this minor post in disgust and set off with his family to Qinzhou in the Northwest.After a short stay he moved on again and in 759 he arrived in Chengdu.He set up a modest cottage with some money he borrowed from his friend who served as a local governor.In the cottage he had a simple and peaceful life for three years, writing about 240porms.Mostly inspired by the cottage, the stream nearby and the scenery in Chengdu.These poems give the impression that he was happier in Chengdu than any other time in his life.The poems of this period sound relaxed and happy.Here are some of them.In Chengdu the flutes and the strings
You hear them so loud even in the daytime
The melody fades in the river wind
And half in the towering clouds above us
Oh it should never be played here
It belongs to the emperor's hraven
We thank you for what is not ours
But the emperor will be hearing it also
Two yellow orioles sing in the tenser green willow
A line of herons crosses the blue sky
When you open the west-facing window
The snow is framed in the summit of the mountain
And the ships that will sail east for Dong Wu
They lie at anchor in the sun-filled doorway
A good rain knows its season
It brings thins to life right in spring
It enters the night, unseen with the breeze
It moistens things gently and without sound
Du Fu left Chrngdu after 762 and wandered in the southern provinces and eventually died of illness in 770.After his death, the people if Chrngdu built a shrine on the site of his garden to honor him.Since then, it brcame the custom to visit on the seventh day of the lunar month(around the middle of February).An ancient couplet still hangs on the top of the front door.It reads:“锦江春风公占却,草堂人日我归来。”It was written by a scholar of the Qing Dynasty, whose name was He Shaoji.The couplet means that Du Fu owned the Jingjiang river and the spring breeze;on the seventh day of the first lunar month did I come to visit his cottage.The original cottage no longer exists and the buildings within the cottage compound.South west of the city, have been repaired and added to thirteen times since the eighth century.The Gongbu Shrine is at the center of the six important sites in the cottage compound……It is a small hall in the eastern section of the grounds, dedicated to the memory of Du Fu.It contains a statue of du fu flanked by ghose of two other poets;Huang Tingjian(1045-1105)on the right and Lu You(1125-1210)on the left.Thesee two poets were both from the Song Dynasty and occupied an important place in the traditional Chinese literature history.Huang Ting jian, from Xiu Shui in which affected his official posts.Later when his opposition party was in power, he was dismissed from his major official post and banished to Yizhou.Huang was one of the followers of Su Shi.He sincerely studied Du Fu's poetry and intentionally car during theearly song Dynasty.Lu You, from Shaoxing in Zhejiang held a succession of mionor of ficial posts but was unable to affect any of the political reforms he advocated.Im 1172, he began to serve in the army on the Sichuan-Shaanxi border.It is known that sometime later he was dismissed from a post im jiangxi for distributing government grain to relieve famine.Lu You was a prolific poet and more than nine thousand poems have survived.Both Huang ting jian and Lu You are noted for their ardent patriotism.Here are some of their poems :
Looking all round, a fine sight of hills and waters I found:
Leaning on the Tower railing, I could enjoy what was sweet:
The fragrance of water chestnuts and lotus stretching far
The soft breeze and bright moon which were both
Free and made tower cool;
(Huang tingjian, Tr, Guo Zhuzhang)
Erect hedge and implant fence to shield and sustain these new bamboo,They are meticulously cultivated and their dark green color is reflected in ripples.The blowing of the cool breeze tells the early coming of autumn,And I am not aware of the blazing sun in the sky at such high noon.I hear the rustling sound when the sheath is shedding from the sprouts.And see the dense fluttering shadows of these newly grown young bamboos.Once I retire from my position, here will be the place to which I often come, And carry with me along a pillow and a mat that are made of bamboo.(Lu You, Tr.Cui Wenkai)
In the traditional Chinese literature history, there were thousands of poets, Why were these two poets selected to accompany Du Fu ?there are three reasons:Firstly, they made greart achievements in studying Du Fu's poetry.Secondly, they used to live in Sichuan, and enjoyed their stay, thirdly, Du FU's statue might have been lonely in the gongbu Shrine without any accompaniment.so when people placed the statues together, they ghought that the three poets might have time to talk about their poetry.the Shrine of the Three Sages is named from the above-mentioned story.Inside the shrine are two valuable stone tablets from the Qing Dynasty, on which the whole picture of the thatched Cottage has been engraved.the tablets showus the design and development of the cottage dated bace to the Qing Dynasty.Also an other two stone tablets are in the shrine, which tell the story about the refurbishment of the cottage and the reason why Huang tingjian and Lu You's statues stay with Du Fu's.On left side of the Gongbu Shrine is a huge tablet placed in a straw-roofed pavilion.Prince Guo of the Qing Dynasty wrote the calligraphy on the tablet when he visited the cottage.A screen wall at the entrance to the Flowery Path is decorated with the characters Caotang(Thatched Cottage)at old blue and white ceramic fragment.At present, du Fu's cottage is a museum.It has a rich collection of over 30000bound volumes, and 2000cultural relics, the bound volumes include thea ncient cut blocks photo-offset, hand-written, and modern stereotyped copies, the translation editions are in 15 languages.As you walk around the cottage, you will experience the traditional Chinese culture and literature characterized by Du Fu's poems.四川-峨眉山英文导游辞
Mt.Emei is one of the “four famous mountains”in China.It lies about 168km from Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province.Before the tour of the holy mountain, it is important to obtain some inforation about the spread of Buddhism in China, Buddhism in Mt.Emei and its hiking routes.The Spread of the Buddhism
Buddhism was founded in India around the 16th century BC.It is said that the founder was Sakyamuni.Sskyua was the name of the clan to which his family belonged.Sakyamuni was a prince and was brought up in luxury.In his 20s, he became discontented with the world.Every day he had to face with sights of sickness, death and old age since the body was inescapably involved with disease, decrepitude and death.Around the age of 30 he made his break from the material world and plunged off in search of enlightenment.Sakyamuni began by studying Hindu philosophy and Yoga.Then he joined a band of ascetics and tried to break the power of his body by inflicting severe austerities on himself.However, no matter how he held his breath until his head burst and starved his body until his ribs jutted out, he failed to enlighten himself.Finally Sakyamuni followed the principle of the middle way in which he would live between the extremities of asceticism on one hand and indulgence on the other.As the story goes, he devoted the final phase of his search for enlightenment to meditation and mystic concentration.One evening he sat beneath a fig tree, slipped into a deep meditation and achieved enlightenment from his mystic concentration.Sakyamuni founded an order of monks and for the next 45 years or so peached his ideas around 480 BC.Sakyamuni teaches that all life is suffering.Everyone is subjected to the trauma of birth, to sickness, decrepitude and death.Real happiness can't be achieved until suffering is overcome.The cause of unhappiness is 'desires',specifically the desire of the body and the desire personal fulfillment.In order to overcome the desirs and achieve happiness, it requires the following eight-fold path.1.Right knowledge
Buddhist followers should believe that all life is suffering.It is caused by the desire for personal gratification.2.Right Aspiration
Buddhist followers should becomw passionately involved with the knowledge of what life's problems basically are.3.Right Speech
Buddhist followers shousd avoid lies, idle talk, abuse,alander and deceit.4.Right Behavior
Buddhist followers should show kindness and avoid self-seeking and personal fulfillment in all actions.5.Right Livelihood
Buddha considers spiritual progress impossible if one has occupied himself/herself with slave-dea-ling or prostitution.6.Right Effort
The effort os the will to develip virtues and curb paddion.7.Right Mindfulness
Buddhist followers should practise self-exami-nation and cultivate themselves to overcome the state of semi-alertness and become aware of what os happwning to them.8.Right Absorption
The absorption involves the techniques of Hinduism's raja yoga and leads to the same goal.By following the eight fokd pah, Buddhist followers aims to attain Nirvana, a condition beyond the limits of the mind, feelings, thoughts, the will and ecstasy.Buddhism accepts the concept of reincarnation, the circle of rebirth;it accepts the law of cause and effort.Buddhism has many sects, of which the Mahayana and the hinayana are two major schools.The Mahayana holds that the fate of the individual is linked to the fate of all others.The Buddha won't float off into his own Nirvana leaving other peope behind.He not ony shows the people the way up into their Nirvana, but also continues to exude spiritual help to those seeking Nirvana.The Hinayana holds that the path to Nirvana is an individual purauit.People who seek Nirvana must tread the path to Nirvana on their own.Mahayana Buddhism is generally believed to have been ntroduced into regions inhabited by the Han people around the first century A.D.In the Wei and Jin Dynasties(220-420)it spread to a fairly large part of the country.During the Southern anB Northern Dynasties(420-589)the ruling cladd furthered the dissemination of Buddhism.More temples and monasteries were built;Buddhist scriptures were translated.The influence of Buddhism was felt everywhere across the conutry.By the Sui and Tang Dynasties(581-907)Buddhism had reached its apex of popularity and splendor.Buddhism gradually took root in the Chinese soiety, having adapted considerably to Chinese ways of thinking and practice.As the most influential religion in China, Buddhism has an impact on Chinese philosophy, morality, literature, art and many other foelds.Buddhism in Mt.Emei
It is almost two thousand years since Buddhism was introduced from India.Its monasteries covers everywhere in China except a few Daoist mountains like Mt.Qingcheng.It is commonly said that Buddhist monks have occupied much mote well-known mountains for their Buddhist ptrpose than Daoist priests.However, most of Buddhist followers bwliwvw that only the fotr famous mountains in China are the Buddhist holy places.They are Mt.Wmei in Sichuan, Mt.Putuo in Zhejiang, Mt.Wuta in Shaanxi and Jiuhua in Anhui.Each mountain is dedicated to different Bodhisattvas.In Chinese Bodhisattva usually is referred as pusa, a potential Buddha, who has achieved perfect enlightenment and decided to bring salvation to all suffering creatures before entering into Nirvana.Therefore, each Bodhisattva has his own ritual place to salvage suffering creatures.Wenshu performs the Buddhist rites in Mt Wuta, and Guanyin in Mt.Putuo.Dizang is said to have gained enlightenment in Mt Jiuhua.Puxian is regarded as one of the four well-known Bodhisattvas of China's Buddhism.Legend has it that Mt.Emei in Sichuan is the place where he performs the Buddhist rites.Puxian and Wenshu appear in a pair in suppirt of Sakymuni.They usually stand side by side with Sakymuni.The middle.Puxian is the right attendant.He rides a white elephant, and Wenshu a lion as we often see in monasteries.Wenshu is a symbol of Wisdom while Puxian Benevolence.Buddhism encourages its followers to study hard at the Buddhist theory, and then use what they have learnt to do charitable works for the purpose of salvaging the suffering creatures.More likely Wisdom and Benevolence display the Buddhist proceess step by step.One of the Buddhist doctrines says that after Puxian achieved perfect enlightenment, he vowed to retrn back to the world and not to accept his own salvation until all sentient beings, humans and animals had been saved.Puxian went out on his elephant to realize his ambition.his six-tusk elephant enjoys a high statue in the Buddhist world known as the Elephant King.Wannian Monastery is dedicated to the gilded statue of Puxian who sits on the white elephant.This statue, 8.5m high, is cast in copper and bronze, weighing estimatedly 62,000kg in a brick hall.One doctrine says:“Puxian has many images.He puts himself into different forms based on the Buddhist predestined relationship.The ordinary human beings can only see him in a human bodily form, who sometimes stands by Sakyamuni,or simetimes rides on his white elephant.” According to the explanation of the Buddhist texts, it is almost impossible for the ordinary human beings to see Puuxian's Fa and Bao images unless they hike up to the Golden summit of the mountain, where the pious Buddhists may see Puxian's Bao image in Buddhist Aureole-rainbow rings.In ancient times the Buddhist Aureole was called the illuminant image,which indicates that the Puxian reveals himself in his BUddhist Aureole only before the people who have the Buddhist predestined relationship.It is the iluminant image in the Golden Summit that has made the mountain nationally famous.At the beginning of the Eastern Han Dynasty,Buddhism came imto China.It is commonly said that Buddhism began to develop in Sichuan during the Eastern Jin Dynasty.It is very hard to find out when the first monastery was built,and who was the first Buddhist monk to perform his rites in the mountain.The local historical records have no written information about Buddhism in the mountain,which occurred before the Jin Dynasty.As early as in 400 a monk by the name of Huichi arrived at Mt.Emei.At that time only a few ascetic practitioners lived in the animal-haunted mountain.Staying with them,Huichi started to build a temple with a statue of Puxian set up inside.The current Wan Nian Monastery grew out of the earliest temple.Huichi was considered the founder of Buddhism in the mountain.During the Western Jin Dynasty(265-317)a Daoist priest by the name of Qianming estab lished a Daoist temple called Qian Ming Temple in the mountain.It was the biggest Daoist temple in the mountain where a hundred Daoists priests performed Daoism.At the beginning of the southern and Nouthern Dynasties(420-550), the priests decided to choose their head to be in charge of the temple.However, they had an endless dispute because of the difference of opinions.A Bddhist monk by the name of Mingguo went to the temple and taught the priests Buddhism.Finally all the priests were converted to Buddhism, and the Daoist temple became a Buddhist monastery by the name of Zhong Feng Moonastery,During the Southern and Nouthern Dynasties,Buddhism developed in the mountain.A monk from India came to Sichuan.His name was Baozhang,the first foreign monk who arrived at the mountain after his short stay in Chengdu.According to the local historical records,Baozhang set up a monastery by the name of Ling Yan Monastery.A stream flowed along the foreground of the monastery.Behind it ,over a misty mountain,dark trees merged imperceptibly into the rest of the landscape.The monastery continued its development in the following dynasties.It was said that the monastery was the biggest in the mountain with 48 halls inside in the Ming Dynasty.Unfortu-nately it was destyroyed by a fire towards the end of the Ming Dynasty.During his stay in China Baozhang translated Buddhist scriptures into Chinese and made a contribution to the culture exchange between China and India.During the Tang Dynasty(618-907)Buddhism in Sichuan developed considerably because some emperors supported Buddhism During their reins.some important Buddhist constructions were set up in Sichuan such as Bao Guang Monastery(the divine light monastery)in xindu County ,the Giant Buddha in Leshan City ,and Wen Shu Monastery in Chengdu.Of course, Buddhism in the mountain was no exception.Some famous monks kept visiting the mountain.Xuan Zang made a pilgrimage to the sacred land of India to collect manuscripts and images and visit the well-known shrines from 629 to 645, leaving a valuable account of his travels in his “Records of the western Regions”, Before his journey ,Xuan Zang came to the mountain.He visited Puxian,earnestly hoping to get blessings from him.On his way up to the mountain he came across an old monk who offerd him a Buddhist scripture.After reading it ,Xuan zang felt more confident for his long journey to india.Legend has it that Puxian put himself in the bodily form of the old monk.From 779 to 805, Weigao, the local top military commander in west Sichuan, donated to support Buddhist development both in Leshan and Mt.E-mei.During the rein of Xizong(874-888)of the Tang Dynasty, a well-known monk by the name of Huitong came to the mountain from Zhijiang.He stayed in Baishui Monastery as the abbot, He employed many workers to maintain and enlarge the existed monasteries, and at the same time he himself arrfanged workers to establish Qingyin Pavilion Monastery.He even invited his yiunger sister huixu, a Buddhist nun to stay in He Shui Monastery.Huixu was the first unu in Mt.Emei.During the Song Dynasty Buddhism in the moutain further developed, In 964 Zhao Kuangyin the first empperor of the Song dynasty sent a 300-member-delegation of monks headed by Jiye, a well-known monk to India to obtain Buddhist scriptures, In 976 they came back with Buddhist materials and images.Due to Jiye's great deeds, Emperor Taizhong honored him by allowing him to choose a place in China to perform his Buddhism.Jiye decided to go to Mt.Emei, where he stayed in Niuxin Monastery to perform his Buddhist rites.Zao Kuangyin also asked one of his assistants by the name of Zhang to come to Chingdu, where Zhang was responsible for casting a 8.50-meter-high statue of Puxian in copper and bronze, and then transporting it to the Baishui Monastery on the site of the Wannian Monastery.Several Sing emperors kept presenting Buddhist scriptures, paintings and valuable gifts to Baishui Monasters stood at the lower part of the mountain.At that time only a few visitors or monks hiked the mountain via the current Wannian Monastery.The monasteries above Wsnnisn Monsastery remained very primitive, still less the monastery on the Golden Summit, which was no more than a wooden house without a monk to live in.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties most of the emperors helped develop Buddhism in China.Zhu Yuanzhang, the first ming Emperor used to be a monk.In his monk career Zhu Yuanzhang had a close contact with a monk by the name of Guangji who later worked in a monastery in the mountain.Zhu Yuanzhang asked him to reestablisshed Xiwa Monastery.After the completion of the monastery, Zhu Yuanzhang summoned him to stay in the capital of the Ming Dynasty, but Guangju kindly refsed the invitqation and cotinued his stay in the mountain.Zhu Yijun was the ling-reining Ming Emperor(1573-1620)who was buried in Dingling, one of the ming Tombs.he and his two wives reposed in the underground palace, which was excavatedf in August, 1956.As a story goes, his mother wanted very much to give a birth to a boy in order to inherit the imperial throne.Therefore, she came to the mountain where she kneeled before the statue of Puxian in Baishui Monastery vowing that she would establish a new monastery and gilt the statue of Puxian if she was blessed to have a boy.Soon afterwards Zhu Yijun was born, and he himself ascended the throne as expected.In 1600 the emperor issued an imperial edit to establish a beamless brick hall and gilt the statue of Puxian on the white elephant.He even renamed Baishui Monastery as Wannian Monastery to celebrate his mother's birthday.In 1602 four bronze halls were cast in Changan on the current site of Xi'an.One of them was moved up to the top of the mountain from which the Golden Summut was named.The hall was 8m high and 5m wide.There are no written records about how the hall was carried uyp the mountain.Unfortunately the hall was completely destroyed by a fire.In 1828 a monk by the name of Yuexzhao collected donations to set up a glazed-golden-roof brick hall, which replaced the bronxe hall.In 1972 another fire occurred, The hall, a telecom tower and andther monastery were all destroyed.The new monastery completed in 1990 still bears traces of its original splendor.Towards the end of the Ming Dynasty, Buddhism declined because of a local war, which lasted many years in Sichuan.By the end of the Qing Dynasty Buddhism in the mountain had been restored as much as in the Ming Dynasty.Both Baoguo and Fuhu monasteries were enlatged in the Qing Dynasty and now become the largest ones in the mountain.Before 1949, there were more than 70 monasteries and over 3,000 monks in all in the mountain.The monasteried owned a large amount of farming land to stpport the monks.Half of farmers at the foot of the mountain worked for the monasteries.Routes concerned
Every Chinese or overseas visitor enkoys climbing to the top of Mt.Emei——the Golden Summit more than 10,000-feet-high.The mountain itself is shrouded in the ever-hanging cloud of fog.Fir trees, pines and cedarsclithe the slopes;lofty crags, cloud-kissing precipices, butterflies and azaleas together form a nature reserve of sorts.At the Golden Summit one stands above the fog and gets a beautiful view, especially in the early morning when mountaintops are bathed in the radiance of the rising sun.Late in the tare afternoon the viewers may see the Magic Light,which appears as a multicolored ring of light in the sky with the shadow of the viewer moves.This light phenomenon was traditionally known as Buddha's Aureole or the Emei Buddhist Glory.Actually it is a rainbow ring, produced by tefraction of water particles that attach themselves to a person's shadow in a cloudbank below the summit.Devout Buddhists, thinking this was a call from yonder,used to jump off the Cliff of Self-Sacrifice in the belief that they would thus encounter Puxian.So during the Ming and Qing dynasties officials set up iron poles and chain railings to prevent sticides.Totrists usually start their ascent of the mountain at Baoguo Monastery, originally constructed in the 6th century but entirely rebuilt in the 17th.There are two paths to Jinding, named after a glistening bronxe hall that once crowned the main peak of the mountain.The northern path is wide and easy to follow.The southern path is more rugged and winding.Because it is easier to go up than to come down, most people ascend by the southern route and return on the northern one.At predent there is a cable-car transportation up to the summit.Tourists can continue either on foot or by cable-car.The northern route passes Bailong Cave, Wannian Monastery and Zhanlao Terrace.The southern route passes through Fuhu Monastery, Qingyinge Monastery, Jiulao Cave and Yuxian Monastery.The two paths converge and lead to Xixian Poolm so called after the legend that Puxian passed here on his white elphant, which he washed in the pool before resuming his trip.Xixi9an Pool is the place where tourists frequently come across wild monkeys who usually stand along the path begging for food from tourists.The Chinese find the monkeys an integral part of the mountain trip and like to offer them some food fo0r fun.If you have no food, you should thrust open palms towards the monkeys to show you have no food.The path continues to Leidongping Tettace, a small temple in which the thunder god was supposed to live, and finally to jinding-the Golden Summit itself.The hiking is spectacular and tiring, and the path difficult to follow in places.No matter whether you ascend or descend, youy have to keep a cautious eye on the next step.You should stop occasionally to get a longer view and enjoy the beautiful scenes.The scenery is also and excusw to rest and let your pounding hearts slow down.Whenever you come across a lovely waterfall and spectacular gorge, you should sit by the waterfall, content with the stately beauty and blessings of that spot.陕西-西安华清池英文导游辞
Huaqing Pool is situated about 35 kilometres east of the city of Xi'an.Historically, the Western Zhou dynasty saw the construction of the Li Palace on the spot.In the Qin dynasty a pool was built with stones, and was given the name Lishan Tang(the Lishan Hot Spring).The site was extended into a palace in the Han dynasty, and renamed the Li Palace(the Resort Palace).In the Tang dynasty, Li Shimin(Emperor Tai Zong)ordered to construct the Hot Spring Palace, and Emperor Xuan Zong had a walled palace built around Lishan Mountain in the year of 747.It was known as the Huaqing Palace.It also had the name Huaqing Pool on account of its location on the hot springs.Huaqing Pool is located at the foot of the Lishan Mountain, a branch range of the Qinling Ranges, and stands 1,256 metres high.It is covered with pines and cypresses, looking very much like a like a dark green galloping horse from a long distance.So it has the name of the Lishan Mountain(Li means a black horse).The Tang dynasty Emperor Xuan Zong and his favourite lady, Yang Gui Fei used to make their home at Frost Drifting Hall in winter days.When winter came, snowflakes were floating in the air, and everything in sight was white.However, they came into thaw immediately in front of the hall.It owed a great deal to the luke warm vapour rising out of the hot spring.This is the Frost Drifting Hall that greets us today.Close by the Frost Drifting Hall lies the Nine Dragon Pool.According to legend, the Central Shaanxi Plain was once stricken by a severe drought in the very remote past.Thus, by the order of the Jade Emperor(the Supreme Deity of Heaven), an old dragon came at the head of eight young ones, and made rain here.Yet when the disaster was just abating, they lowered their guard so much that it became serious again.In a fit of anger, the Jade Emperor kept the young dragons under the Jade Cause Way(玉堤), with the Morning Glow Pavilion and the Sunset Pavilion built at both ends of it respectively, to make the young dragons spout cleat water all day long to meet the needs of local irrigation.Besides, he had the old dragon confined to the bottom of the Roaring Dragon Waterside Pavilion situated at the upper end of the Jade Causeway, and obliged him to exercise control over the young.The Nine-Bend Corridor west of the Nine Dragon Pool leads directly to the Marble Boat, which resembles a dragon boat on the water surface.In the Marble Boat lies the Nine Dragon Tang(the Nine Dragon Hot Spring where Emperor Xuan Zong used to take baths).At the head of his court ladies and hundreds of his officials, he would come to the Huanqing Palace to spend his winter days in October of the Lunar calendar and return to Chang'an City as the year drew to its close.The Nine Dragon Hot Spring was originally built with crystal jade, whose surface was decorated with the carvings of fish, dragons, birds and flowers.In it twin lotus flowers also carved with white jade could be seen as well.The spring water welled from the break of an earthen jar, and spouted up to the lotus flowers.Hence the name Lotus Flower Tang(the Lotus Flower Hot Spring).The Gui Fei Bathing Pool was where Yang Gui Fei, Emperor Xuan Zong's favorite lady, used to take bath.It was originally built with white jade, and in its center a blooming flower spouted water like a spring.The pool looked very much like a Chinese flowering crabapple;Hence its name the Chinese Flowering Crabapple Hot Spring or the Lotus Hot Spring……
Lady Yang used to make a stay in this pavilion to see sights or to air her hair after a bath.Therefore, it was named the Hair Airing Pavilion.Whether the sun was rising or setting, the pavilion was aglow with sunshine;hence the name the Flying Roseate Pavilion.Southwest of the Gui Fei Bathing Pool stands a brick-built pavilion.On its head three big Chinese characters ―Xi Jia Lou‖(Fine Sunset-Bathed Pavilion)are inscribed according to the model of the most celebrated according to the model of the most celebrated Chinese calligrapher, Yu You Ren, here is the source of the spring water.At this spa there are four hot springs.They have an hourly flow of 112 tons, and a constant temperature of 43°C.The spring water contains lime, sodium carbonate, sodium sulphate and other minerals, which makes it suitable for bathing and considerable treatment of quite a few diseases such as dermatosis, rheumatism, arthritis and muscular pain.The Fine Sunset-Bathed Pavilion marks the first source of the spring water, which was discovered some 3,000 years ago, roughly in the Western Zhou Dynasty.Its water flow averages 25 tons per hour.Take up the steps east of the source of hot springs, you will gradually see the Five-Room Pavilion where Chiang Kaishek made a temporary stay during the Xi'an Incident.The Xi'an Incident took place on December 12, 1936, and it is also known as the Double Twelfth Incident.After the Incident of September 18, 1936, the Japanese imperialists seized the three provinces northeast of China, and intensified their invasion of North China.This was the very moment vital to the Chinese nation.Yet Chiang Kaichek persisted doggedly in carrying out his reactionary policy ―domestic tranquility is a must for the resistance against Japanese invades,‖ and commanded the Northeast Army and Northwest Army, respectively headed by Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng, to attack the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region.Inspired by our Party‗s policy ―let us stop the internal war and unit to resist the Japanese aggressors,‖ those two generals made to Chiang Kaishek the proposal of forming a united front with the Communist Party for the resistance.Not only did he reject the proposal, but flew to Xi'an to scheme the ―suppression of the Communist Party.‖ And the slaughter of the patriotic youth.Out of patriotism, Zhang and Yang started the famous Xi‘an Incident.Very early on the morning of December 12, 1936 the Incident was impending.Zhang Xueliang, together with Yang Hucheng ordered a squad of bodyguards to surround the Huaqing Pool.They fought a fierce battle there, and wiped out Chiang's bodyguards in one vigorous effort.The sound of firing came to Chiang Kaishek, and he was so terrified that he crept out of the window with his nightgown and slippers only.What‗s more, he hurt his spinal bone, and lost one of his slippers while crossing over the back wall.He staggered up Lishan Mountain, and hid himself behind a stone in the crevice halfway on it.Those brave soldiers began to search the mountain immediately when they rushed into the Five-Room Pavilion to find that Chiang's hat and clothes were still there and that his quilt remained warm.In the end they found Chiang Kaishek, and thus escorted him to Xi‘an.In order to avoid a civil war and try t establish a national united front for the resistance against Japan, Mao Zedong on behalf of the C.C.P.C.insisted on a peaceful settlement of the Incident.Therefore, a delegation headed by Zhou Enlai was sent to Xi'an.Zhou Enlai and his suite did a large amount of work there, took everything possible into consideration, and ultimately forced Chiang Kaishek to accept the proposal by his two generals.On December 25, Chiang was freed, and flew back to Nanjing.The Xi‗an Incident was so peacefully settled.The peaceful settlement of the Incident put an end to the internal war which had lasted for ten years, and accelerated the formation and development of the national united front for the anti-Japanese drive.Moreover, it showed that the co-operative relationships between the Communist and Nationalists arrived at a new stage.It marked a great turning point in modern Chinese history.In the year of 1946 the KMT government had a ―National Rejuvenation Pavilion‖ built near the crevice where Chiang Kaishek had hidden himself in the Incident.It was also called ―Vital Energy Pavilion‖.After the national liberation it was renamed ―Catching Chiang Pavilion‖.Close by the pavilion stands a wooden board which carries a brief introduction to the Xi'an Incident.Iron chains and rings in the crevices east of the pavilion, by which visitors can climb up to take a look at Chiang Kaishek‗s shelter.Up the winding path east of the Five-Room-Pavilion you will catch sight of a bridge-like construction.It shines regularly with a myriad of evening sun rays both in summer and autumn, and looks very much like rainbow.So it has the name of the Hovering Rainbow Bridge.Located on the Xixiu Ridge(the West Embroidery Ridge)of the Lishan Mountain, the remains of the beacon tower of the Western Zhou Dynasty seem easy to identify.The beacon tower was mostly built at the top of the mountain to give border alarm in ancient times.It was constantly under special control.Once the enemies were pressing on towards the border, the beacon tower began to take effect: it was made to smoke in the daytime while set on fire at night.The story goes that Bao Si, Queen of the Western Zhou dynasty was highly honored, yet she never cracked a smile.King You tried many ways to put a smile on her face, but he failed over and over again.He ―called his court band to toll bells and beat gongs‖, and she pulled a long face.Then the band were asked to ―play the bamboo flute and strings‖ and she remained displeased.Afterwards, ―maids of honour served wine, festively singing and dancing,‖ and she did not let out a smile at all.―You don't like music!What on earth are you fond of?‖ the King asked.―I nearly have a liking for nothing.But I can still well remember I liked to give ear to the sound of tearing a piece of coloured silk when I was a child.It was clear anf melodious,‖ she replied.King You said in excitement, ―That is very simple.How come you didn't let me know it earlier?‖
Thus he ordered the officially appointed property manager to offer coloured silk, and made fresh and energetic maids of honour to tear it into pieces.Hundreds of bolts of coloured silk were utterly torn, but Bao Si remained unmoved.―Why didn't you let out a single smile then?‖ he asked.―I have never smiled so far, ‖ the Queen replied.The King tried over and over again, but failed repeatedly, and in the end he gave orders, ―Anyone both in and out of court who can amuse Bao Si will be awarded one thousand pieces of gold.‖
Afterwards Guo Shifu, a treacherous court official came and offered advice: ―Set the beacon tower on fire and fool your sovereign rulers.‖ That night the King and Queen reached the Lishan Mountain by carriage, and gave the order.In the split second the flames of the fire lit up the sky ad the sovereign rulers moved their troops immediately to the Lishan Mountain.There they found nothing but that the King and Queen enjoyed drinking festively.The King then dispatched his bodyguard to inform them that ―Everything should have been all right.I have just been joking with you.‖ When they got this, they looked at each other in blank dismay, and left disappointed.Sure enough, Bao Si burst into laughter, stroking her hands when she noticed all the troops come in vain and go noisily.Accordingly, Guo Shifu got a prize of one thousand pieces of gold.Later on King You did so more often than not.In 771 B.C.Quan Rong(a then minority tribe)staged an armed rebellion against the Western Zhou Dynasty.King You ordered urgently to set the beacon tower on fire, but all the sovereign rulers remained unmoved.Consequently King Yu was killed, and Bao Si was taken away.The Western Zhou dynasty vanished.Herein come the Chinese idiom ―A single smile costs one thousand pieces of gold‖ and ―The sovereign rulers are fooled by the beacon fire.‖
u ordered urgently to set the beacon tower on fire, but all the sovereign rulers remained unmoved.Consequently King Yu was killed, and Bao Si was taken away.The Western Zhou dynasty vanished.Herein come the Chinese idiom ―A single smile costs one thousand pieces of gold‖ and ―The sovereign rulers are fooled by the beacon fire.‖
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy: Queen Elizabeth II is head of state of the UK as well as of fifteen other Commonwealth countries, putting the UK in a personal union with those other states.The Crown has sovereignty over the Crown Dependencies of the Isle of Man and the Bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey, which are not part of the United Kingdom though the UK government manages their foreign affairs and defence and the UK Parliament has the authority to legislate on their behalf.The United Kingdom has an uncodified constitution,[37] as do only two other countries in the world.The Constitution of the United Kingdom thus consists mostly of a collection of disparate written sources, including statutes, judge-made case law, and international treaties.As there is no technical difference between ordinary statutes and “constitutional law,” the UK Parliament can perform “constitutional reform” simply by passing Acts of Parliament and thus has the power to change or abolish almost any written or unwritten element of the constitution.However, no Parliament can pass laws that future Parliaments cannot change.[38]
The UK has a parliamentary government based on the Westminster system that has been emulated around the world—a legacy of the British Empire.The Parliament of the United Kingdom that meets in the Palace of Westminster has two houses: an elected House of Commons and an appointed House of Lords, and any Bill passed requires Royal Assent to become law.It is the ultimate legislative authority in the United Kingdom since the
devolved parliament in Scotland and devolved assemblies in Northern Ireland, and Wales are not sovereign bodies and could be abolished by the UK parliament despite being established following public approval as expressed in referenda.The Houses of ParliamentThe position of Prime Minister, the UK's head of government, belongs to the Member of Parliament who can obtain the confidence of a majority in the House of Commons, usually the current leader of the largest political party in that
chamber.The Prime Minister and Cabinet are formally appointed by the Monarch to form Her Majesty's Government, though the Prime Minister chooses the Cabinet, and by convention HM The Queen respects the Prime Minister's choices.[39]
The Cabinet is traditionally drawn from members of the Prime Minister's party in both
legislative houses, and mostly from the House of Commons, to which they are responsible.Executive power is exercised by the Prime Minister and Cabinet, all of whom are sworn into Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and become Ministers of the Crown.The Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP, leader of the Labour Party, has been Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister for the Civil Service since 27 June 2007.[39]
For elections to the House of Commons, the UK is currently divided into 646
constituencies, with 529 in England, 18 in Northern Ireland, 59 in Scotland and 40 in Wales,[40] though this number will rise to 650 at the next General Election.Each
constituency elects one Member of Parliament by simple plurality.General Elections are called by the Monarch when the Prime Minister so advises.Though there is no minimum term for a Parliament, the Parliament Act(1911)requires that a new election must be called within five years of the previous general election.The UK's three major political parties are the Labour Party, the Conservative Party, and the Liberal Democrats, who won between them 616 out of the 646 seats available in the House of Commons at the 2005 general election.Most of the remaining seats were won by parties that only contest elections in one part of the UK such as the Scottish National Party(Scotland only), Plaid Cymru(Wales only), and the Democratic Unionist Party, Social Democratic and Labour Party, Ulster Unionist Party, and Sinn Féin(Northern
Ireland only, though Sinn Féin also contests elections in Ireland).In accordance with party policy, no elected Sinn Féin Member of Parliament has ever attended the House of
Commons to speak in the House on behalf of their constituents as Members of Parliament are required to take an oath of allegiance to the Monarch.[41]
For elections to the European Parliament, the UK currently has 72 MEPs, elected in 12 multi-member constituencies.[42] Questions over sovereignty have been brought forward because of the UK's membership of the European Union.[43]
1约克(York)旅游指南 it’s get a good comment,about 97 % of the people feel it is a good place for us to travel约克(York)是英国的北部首府,由罗马人兴建,至今已有两千多年的历史。York is the prefecture where the provincial capital is located,found by Roma with a 2,000 history.这里因为历史悠久,老房子众多,所以关于鬼的传说也不少.because of the long history and the large amount of old houses here,there are caused lots of the legends about ghost约克有这样一项有趣的游戏:每天晚上天黑时,游客到集合处等候那位一身黑衣的寻鬼人出现,然后在他的带领下,寻访古城里那些传说中鬼魅出没的地方,并讲几个吓人的鬼故事。There is an interesting game about the legend:when it comes to dark every day,the tourisists get together to wait for the man in black who seek for the ghost,then under his leadership,he would like to tell many stories in the places where the ghost stay 这里有很多杰出的建筑,英国最大的哥德式大教堂约克大教堂(York Minster)用了250年才完工,是约克的地标。Many well-known buildings stand here,such as the York Minster,this building took about 250 years to finished which is the landmarks in York游客还可到约克著名的中世纪防御工事——罗马城墙一睹千年堡垒的遗迹。As tourists,we also can have a visit to the famous medieval fortifications—Roman Wall,to enjoy the scenery of the millenniun fort relics in order to get here,you can take flight ,by train or bus to arrive here 2巴斯(Bath)it’s get a good comment,about 100%of the people feel it is a good place for them to travel.巴斯(Bath),位于英格兰西南部,邻近威尔士welsh,集英格兰的古典美与威尔士的淳朴自然于一身,被誉为英国最干净的城市。Bath locates the Northweast of England,nears Welsh and get the classical beauty of England and the plain nature of welsh together to be the tidest city in England巴斯风光秀丽,历史悠久,有许多被列为世界遗产的名胜古迹和自然风景。巴斯就是这样一个永远让人觉得轻松惬意的城市。Bath contains a pleasure scenery and a long history,especially the amounts of place of interest and the natural scenery which are listed to be the world heritages..in order to get here,you can by train ,by bus to reach there 3伦敦(London)旅游指南it’s get a good comment,about 90%of the people feel it is a good place for them to travel“当你对伦敦厌倦之际,就是对人生也已经厌倦了。”when you feel tired of London,it means that you are tired of your life.18世纪英国文坛大师,因独自编纂《英语辞典》而名扬天下的萨廖埃尔·约翰逊曾经这样感慨过。不管怎样,伦敦从古代罗马帝国以来一直保持着自己的悠久传统,是被称为“日不落”大帝国的首都。Since the Roman Empire,London
always keep the traditional cuture,and to be named of the capital “the sun never set ”.4爱丁堡Edinburgh 爱丁堡是南部低地的中心,也是苏格兰的首府,充满了苏格兰独特的魅力。Ediburgh is in the middle of the southland,and it’s also the prefecture where the provincial capital is located with full of the unique charm of England.此外,爱丁堡不仅是政治中心,而且也是文化中心。爱丁堡的娱乐活动以国际艺术节最为有名Besides ,Ediburgh is not only to be the economic center but also to be the cultural center.especially the entertaiment activities in Ediburgh..著名的爱丁堡国际艺术节常吸引来自世界各地的一流文艺团体在此演出。爱丁堡艺术节在每年8月举行,持续3周时间。When The famous international art festivals are held here,it will attract many teams which are the most excellent around the world to join in.and this festival begins in August every year,and last about three weeks.歌剧、古典音乐、爵士乐,还有芭蕾、舞蹈、马戏等等各种艺术形式济济一堂。艺术节还举行燃放焰火活动。在普林西斯大街公园,人们搭起舞台,由乐队演奏交响乐。Opera,classical music,jazz music,includes ballet,dance,circus and other art shows are gather in one place.5 Cambridge 剑桥(Cambridge,音译“康桥”),以其卓越的自然科学成就闻名于世,与近邻牛津一样,是世界上最好的大学城之一。Cambridge, With the outstanding natural scientific achievements, is worldwildly famous.剑桥的名称取自当地的一条环城河流——剑河(River Cam,音译作“康河”、“卡姆河”),cambridge is named after a locate circle river in the city which called River Cam.(剑河是一条南北走向,曲折蜿蜒的小河,剑河两岸垂柳倒挂,芳草凄凄,河上架设着许多设计精巧、造型美观的桥梁,其中以数学桥、格蕾桥和叹息桥最为著名,剑桥之名便由此而来,剑桥的原意就是指“剑河上的桥”。)时至今日,剑桥已经拥有31个各类学院、科系,学校近800年的历史哺育了牛顿、达尔文等一批引领时代的科学巨匠,哲学家培根、经济学家凯恩斯等贡献突出的文史学者,弥尔顿、拜伦等开创纪元的艺术大师,七位英国首相以及70多位诺贝尔奖获得者,奠定了世界近现代学术文明中心的伟大地位。Today, there are 31 different colleges and departments in Cambridge univercity with about 800 years of historiy.the famous univercity has already to be regarded as one of the most important leading position of science in the world.you can choose to flight,by train or by bus to arrive this destination