Analects of Confucius reduce crime rate
According to the New Strait Times of August 8, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia hosted the opening ceremony of the nation’s Good Values to Prevent Crimes programme, in which Muhyiddin appealed the young people to read Analects of Confucius, China’s classical masterpiece.The report said that Muhyiddin had always thought highly of confucian thoughts and moral values.When evaluating Analects of Confucius , he said, “ In ancient China, Confucius praised highly moral education and thought it as a core idea.And Confucius’s book written down the values pertaining to politics, history, ethics, education and arts, which I believe will serve to reduce crime rate.”
In recent years, the Malaysian economy has developed rapidly, but also led to many social problems.Muhyiddin said, “ the economic development must balance with cultural quality.Thus, the government should vigorously promote the lofty values to reduce the number of young people involved in drugs, illegal racing, baby-abandoning, gambling and excessive drinking, whose bad influences will affect the whole society.”
资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/