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By Ye Rutang , Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Construction ,P.R.China

时间:2000年10月16日 地点:成都国际会议中心


Dear friends, Ladies and Gentlemen,早晨好!

Good morning!


The International Conference on Urban Construction and the Environment for the 21st Century takes place in Chengdu as we are entering a new century and a new millennium.Retrospecting the past and looking into the future, representatives from all over the world are gathering together to exchange ideas and opinions on problems concerning urban construction and living conditions for the 21st century.This is a significant great event in reconciling the processes of economic and social development and environmental protection.On behalf of the Ministry of Construction of People's Republic of China, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all friends present.历史告诉我们,上个世纪工业化和都市化使人们享受到前所未有的物质和文化的成就,与此同时,也对自然环境造成了巨大的压力,出现了许多严重问题,例如:生态恶化,人口激增,自然资源日益枯竭。经济社会发展对自然资源的需求日益增加,加剧了自然资源长期再生和生态系统有限的能力之间的矛盾,甚至威胁到人类自身的存在和发展。

History tells us that industrialisation and urbanisation in the past century provided people with unprecedented materialistic and cultural achievements.At the same time, great pressures on the natural environment were also brought about, and

many serious problems have occurred, such as ecological deterioration, an increasing population, and a decreasing supply of natural resources.The economic and social development has led to an increasing demand for natural resources, which intensifies the contradictions between the long-term regeneration of natural resources and the limited ability of ecological system, and even endangers the existence and development of mankind itself.在这个重要时刻,人类应该心平气和地、小心谨慎地思考该做些什么。在通过正确处理人类和自然的关系解决环境问题的基础上,实现经济社会可持续发展,这是人类面临的共同任务。

At this vital moment in time, mankind should consider calmly and carefully about what should be done.It is a common task facing mankind to achieve economic and social sustainable development on the basis of solving the environmental problems by dealing with the relationship between mankind and nature properly according to the objective laws.中国是四大文明古国之一。安居乐业是2000年前的中国哲学家老子崇尚的理想,也是我们所有人的共同目标。但是,由于中国现代化工业起步晚,许多城市在工业化和都市化过程中面临着生态环境问题。所有中国政府在发展经济的同时把环境保护作为首要任务之一。多年来,我们一直致力于控制空气污染、垃圾污染、噪音污染和人口爆炸。我们试图减少城市供水、能源、住房、交通方面的问题,扩大绿化面积,提高环境质量。我们取得了惊人的成就。成都是中国西南的中心城市,有着2300多年的悠久历史,在改善城市环境方面已取得了令人瞩目的成就。

China is one of the four countries with an ancient civilisation.If one has a comfortable home it is easier for him to concentrate on work, an ideal mentioned by Lao Zi, a Chinese philosopher over 2000 years ago, is still the common objective of all people.However, in China, modern industry has been initially slow to develop, therefore many cities are now facing ecological and environmental problems in the course of industrialisation and urbanisation.Consequently the Chinese government has placed environment protection as one of its top priorities when developing the economy.Importance has always been attached to the improvement of urban ecological environments whilst accelerating urbanisation.For many years we have made great efforts to control city air pollution, garbage pollution, noise pollution and the population explosion.We have tried to reduce the problems of city water supplies, energy, housing, traffic, and to increase green areas and improve the quality of the environment.Our achievements have been amazing.Chengdu, the central city in Southwest China is a city with a long history of over 2300 years and has made particularly noticeable achievements regarding improvement of the city's environment.Chengdu's Fu-Nan River Renovation Project is a good lesson that can be studied by ancient cultural cities as how to preserve the old and create the new.Furthermore, the project serves as an example of how to carry out sustained growth in a developing country.Chengdu's Fu-Nan River Project won the ‘98 Habitat Scroll of Honour Awards and Dubai International Award for Best Practices in 2000.The project is not only the pride of Chengdu, but also China's glory, and furthermore it encourages the Chinese government to continue supporting ecological environmental improvements.自然是慷慨的,它为人类的生存和发展提供了适宜的条件。自然也是无情的,它对无情的掠夺予以报复。今天,世界范围的生态环境问题是人人关注的,所有有责任心的人都应该行动起来,献身于提高环保意识、保护环境的高尚的活动中。

Nature is generous, it provides suitable conditions for human beings to survive and develop.Nature is also merciless, it takes revenge on endless exploitation.Today, the problems of the world-wide ecological environment are of great concern to

everyone.All those with a sense of responsibility should act and devote themselves to the noble undertaking of raising environmental awareness and protecting the environment.今天,由联合国人类住区委员会、中华人民共和国建设部和成都市政府联合举办的成都21世纪城市建设和环境国际会议为我们提供了互相学习、交流、合作的机会,我们愿意利用这个机会,学习别人的长处,我们将继续努力,改善人类居住环境,创造人类更美好的未来。

Today, the Chengdu International Conference on Urban Construction and the Environment for the 21st Century, co-sponsored by the United Nations Center for Human Settlements(Habitat), the Ministry of Construction of People’s Republic of China and the Chengdu Municipality, provides us a chance for learning from each other, exchange ideas, and co-operate.We are ready to take this opportunity to learn from each other's strong points.With more in common, we will make constant efforts to improve human living environments and to create a better future for human beings.祝愿大会取得圆满成功。

We wish the Conference much success.谢谢大家!

Thank you all very much.原文链接:http://



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