
时间:2019-05-15 06:30:50下载本文作者:会员上传



女士们,先生们: 首先,请允许我感谢大家盛情邀请我出席今天的宴会,感谢大家在我访问期间所给予的热情款待。





Washington university’s Provost Liz wise’s speech in China

Ladies and gentlemen:

First of all, please allow me to thank you all for your kind invitation to attend the party and your hospitality during my visit.Six days ago, we have gathered here.The memory of that scene still fresh in my mind.Today, at the end of my visit in China, I sincerely and happily get together with you and say goodbye.This was my first trip to China as a dean, though the visit is short, but it's effective.During my visit, I Updated and signed a memorandum of understanding(MoU)on cooperation with Sichuan University, Tsinghua University and Peking University.Washington University have extensive contact with China.In addition to send nearly 200 students to study in China each year, Washington University also recruited more than 300 Chinese students studying abroad and more and more visiting scholars.In 2009, there were more than 200 researchers who represented some famous academic institutions were engaged in researches in Washington University.My visit to China actually contains personal significance.My parents have born in China, and migrated to the USA in the last 1930s.They both have gotten a degree in China.And I want to come to China to learn Chinese better, and have an intimate knowledge of our ancestor’s culture and history all the time.It's my honor to represent Washington University to further strengthen Bilateral Cooperation.I hope that more channels can be opened up of communication with Chinese academic institutions, and I will make further progress on the basis of Emmott principal and Hansen Associate Provost's visit.Finally, may Chinese people happiness!May the friendship between our two peoples can be further strengthened!Farewell, friends!






A Speech at the Welcome Ceremony

By vice president JI, Zong-an(translated and interpreted by Mr.DAI, Canyu)


格里菲斯大学信息与工程技术学院院长卢耀梓先生: 格里菲斯大学各位朋友: 女士们,先生们:

Dear respected Mr.Standage, Pro-vice Chancellor of Griffith University, Dear respected Mr.Yew-Chay Loo, dean of the College of Information and Engineering Technology, Friends from Griffith University, Ladies and gentlemen:


It is a great privilege for me today, as head of the delegation of deans from Jinan University, to have covered a broad ocean for a visit to the warm and friendly campus of Griffith University situated on the vast and beautiful continent of Australia.我谨此代表我们代表团的全体成员,向斯坦蒂奇校长,向卢院长,向格里菲斯大学的各位朋友给予我们的盛情欢迎表示诚挚的感谢!

On behalf of the whole delegation, I wish to extend our most profound gratitude to Mr.Standage, Mr.Loo and other Griffith friends for their warm reception.格里菲斯大学是澳大利亚的著名高等学府,具有雄厚的科研与教学实力。作为姊妹大学,我们暨南大学一行从大学校长到本代表团的每一个成员,都非常重视本次访问学习的机会,并高度评价这个机会所蕴涵的价值。

Griffith University enjoys a high academic reputation with its strong academic power in scientific research and teaching.As its sister university, we, from the president to every member of this delegation, attach great importance to such a chance of learning from Griffith University and highly appreciate its potential value.暨南大学是中国面向21世纪国家重点建设的一百所大学之一。在中国的高等教育中,暨南大学占有非常特殊的地位,因为我校不但以其突出的科研成就,还以作为海外华侨在中国大陆的最高学府而著称。

Jinan University is one of the hundred universities under national key construction in the 21st century.It occupies a special position in China’s education of higher learning, not only for its outstanding scientific achievements, but also for a fame that it enjoys as the supreme institute of higher learning for overseas Chinese and for other foreign students as well.目前,我们正面临一个良好的发展机遇。一个大学的发展,不仅要有充分的资金支持,更重要的是要有正确的指导思想和超前的办学理念。我本次率团来访,目的就是要学习贵校的先进理念和运作模式,感受贵校的文化气息和校园风光。

Now we are blessed with an opportunity of development.We realize that financial support does not suffice all requirements for university development.What is even more important is the correct way of thinking and the foreseeing ideology.The very purpose of this delegation is no other than to learn from your advanced management guided by advanced ideology, to see with our own eyes the charming campus, and to feel in person the cultural atmosphere of Griffith University.中澳文明各具特色。相异的文明能在彼此之间产生相互吸引的巨大磁场。我们今天就是被这个巨大的磁场吸引而来的。一千多年前,中国的一位诗人富于哲理地说道:“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”。我们现在就正在上着这样一层楼,每一天我们都向前迈进一步。只要持之以恒,我们就能登上楼顶,俯瞰千里沃野,万里河山。

China and Australia possess their own features of civilization.Remote civilizations do create a large magnetic field between them, which have actually attracted us here today.A Chinese poet wrote the following philosophical lines a thousand years ago, “we widen our view a thousand miles by ascending another flight of stairs.” Now we are just ascending this flight of stairs and we shall take a step every day.We believe by keeping on doing so, we will eventually climb to the top, to enjoy a view of vast fertile land, of ranging mountains and moving rivers.我和我的同事们在离开中国的时候,正值我们中国传统的中秋佳节,中秋月圆象征着“和”这个中国文化中的核心范畴。那里秋高气爽,一派北国的丰收气象。然而一踏上澳大利亚的土地,我们不但呼吸到了春天的气息,而且感受到澳洲人民的热情,一如这片辽阔的国土,真挚而深厚。

When leaving China, my colleagues and I were enjoying our traditional Mid-autumn festival.The full moon of such a festival symbolizes “harmony”, which is a core philosophical sphere in the Chinese culture.Back there in China is a clear autumn sky, under which farmers are busy with harvesting, rice in their hands, smiles on their faces.Yet as soon as we set foot on Australia, we breathe the air of spring, overwhelmed by an Australian hospitality, exactly like this piece of land, sincere and profound.我们舍弃了我们家庭的小团圆,投身于我们两所大学的大团圆,我们认为这样做是非常有意义的。我们从收割的时节,来到澳大利亚播种的春天,我们的内心充满着双重的希望。

At the cost of sacrificing our small family reunion, we have plunged ourselves into a large family reunion of our two universities.We think it is altogether right and proper to do so.We start from a season of harvest in China to arrive here in the spring season in Australia.We are therefore filled with a happiness of harvest and a hope of spring.中国历史上有向西天的印度取经的传说,成就了佛学在中国的弘扬,而我们正在向“南天”的澳洲取经,我们同样深信,也一定会取得“真经”,把贵校的先进理念和管理模式带回中国,发扬光大。从这个意义上说,我们不但在承继历史,而且也在创造历史。

The Chinese history offers a legend of a hard journey to India in the “West” in search of the “Real Buddhist Scriptures”, which eventually resulted in the wide spread of Buddhism in China.And we are now, however, heading for the “South” on a journey to Australia seeking for the real scriptures of modern management ideology, which we shall take back home as a university treasure.It is in this sense that we believe we are not only inheriting from history, but we are making history.未来的几天将是我们求知的时刻,同时也是格里菲斯大学朋友们为我们上下忙碌的日子,我们为此非常感激。请让我再一次代表全团对你们的辛勤劳动和友好接待表示由衷的感谢。


The following few days will be a time for us to learn, and this will keep our Griffith friends busy, to whom we feel therefore very much obliged.So please allow me to express our thanks to you again for all you have done and will be doing for us.Thank you.Sept 2005



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