
时间:2019-05-15 06:41:25下载本文作者:会员上传


1.I think you should go with the red.我觉得你应该穿红色的。

2.There's nothing l love more than...我最喜欢……

3.You picked the wrong girl.你选错人了。

4.My family expects a lot from me.家人对我抱很大期望。

5.I just decided to dress up.我决定盛装赴会。

6.I'm never going to be good enough for you, am I? 我配不上你,是吗?

7.I'm doing all the talking.让我说。

8.Although Mr.Huntington makes an excellent point...虽然他说的很有道理...9.I see your point.我明白你的说法。

10.That might clear a few things up.可澄清事情。

11.Then I guess we're done for today.今天到此为止。

12.…and I can't break the bonds of sisterhood.我不能损害姐妹的情谊。

13.What are your back-ups? 你有什么支援?


At the very first day at Harvard, a very professor quoted Aristotle, “the law is reason free from passion!” Well,no offence to Aristotle,but in my three years at Harvard, I have come to find: Passion is the key ingredient to the study and practice of law, and of life.It is with passion, courage of conviction, strong sense of self that we take our next step into the world.Remembering the first impressions are not always correct, you must always have faith in people, and most importantly you must always have faith in yourself.

第三篇:律政俏佳人1 台词

Here it is!Thanks.Did you guys sign it?Did you sign the card?And five and four and--Hey, girls, sign!All right!Here you go!-Elle's gonna love it!-Thanks.You go, girl!Hi, girls!Here, sign!Thanks!There she is.Thank you.I love that restaurant!I heard Madonnawent into labor there.Oh, gosh!I have to go shopping!I'll see you tonight.Bye.Bruiser, what's this?“Good luck tonight.Elle and Warnerforever.”Oh, that's so cute.Oh, my gosh!You guys are so sweet!But I'm not positiveit'll happen tonight.Hello!He just had lunchwith his grandmother.You know he got the rock.Why else would she have flown infrom Newport?It's not like she'd Fed Exa six-carat diamond.Do you really think?I can't believeyou're getting engaged!Oh, my gosh...you guys have to help mepick out the perfect outfit.Come on!I think you should gowith the red.It's the color of confidence.I don't understandwhy you're disregarding...your signature color.He's proposing.I can't looklike I would on any other date.This is the date--the night I'll always remember.I want to look special.Bridal.But not like I expect anything.There's nothing I love more...than a dumb blondewith daddy's plastic.Did you see this one?We just got it in yesterday.Is this low-viscosity rayon?Yes.Of course.With a half-looptop-stitching on the hem?Absolutely.It's one of a kind.It's impossible to usea half-loop top-stitching...on low-viscosity rayon.It would snag the fabric.And you didn't just get it in.I saw it in the June Voguea year ago.So if you're trying to sell itforfull price...you picked the wrong girl.Girls, this is it.In a few hours...I'll be the futureMrs.Warner Huntington lll.Wow.You look so beautiful.So do you.Let's get out of here.Must be strangehaving such perfect eyes.God, you're so wonderful.Elle, thank you.Here's to us.To us.One of the reasons I wantedto come here tonight...was to discuss ourfuture.And I am fully amenableto that discussion.Good.You know howwe've been having...all kinds of fun lately?Well, Harvardis gonna be different.Law school isa completely different world...and I need to be serious.Of course.My family expects a lot from me.-Right.-I expect a lot from me.I plan on runningfor office someday.I fully support that.You know that.Absolutely.But the thing is...if I'm going to be a senatorby the time I'm thirty...I need to stop dicking around.Warner, I completely agree.That's why I thinkit's time for us...Elle, pooh bear...-I do.-I think we should break up.What?I've been thinking,and it's the right thing to do.You're breaking up with me?I thought you were proposing.Proposing?Elle, if I'm going to bea senator...I need to marry a Jackie,not a Marilyn.You're breaking up with mebecause I'm too blonde?No.That's not entirely true.Then what?My boobs are too big?Elle, your boobs are fine.So when you saidthat you would always love me...you were just dicking around?Elle, I do love you.I just can't marry you.You have no ideaof the pressure that I am under.My family hasfive generations of senators.My brother's in the top threeat Yale Law.He just got engaged toa Vanderbilt, for Christ's sake.Bad salad.Sweetie...Pooh bear?It's not like I have a choicehere, sweetheart!You get the car,I'll get the check.I won't be having the salad.Let me take you home.Elle, believe me.I never expected to do this...but I thinkit's the right thing.How can it be the right thingwhen we're not together?I have to think of my future...and what my family expectsof me.So you're breaking up with me...because you're afraidyourfamily won't like me?Everybody likes me.East Coast people are different.Because I'm not a Vanderbilt,suddenly I'm white trash?I grew up in Bel Air!Across the streetfrom Aaron Spelling!Most people would agreethat's a lot better...than some stinky old Vanderbilt!I told you.I need someone serious.But I'm seriously in lovewith you.Isn't that enough?Pooh bear, just get in the car.You'll ruin your shoes.Morning, Amy.Elle, it's Amy.I'm having troublewith this whole lip-liner thing.-Sweetie, didn't you hear?-Hear what?It's terrible.He dumped her.Why me?Because you're not gonnaremember anything after tonight.Oh, you're wrong.I will remember, no matter what.And I'm never gonna lose youagain.You couldn't.You're a part of me.I love you.Liar!Honey,you have to leave this room.It's been, like, a week.-So?-Drink this.What always makes usfeel better...no matter what?She had eightgrilled cheese sandwiches.She stuffed themin her mouth all at once.It was so sad.We thought she'd be the firstto walk down the aisle...and now she's totally adrift.Totally.She hasn't conditionedher hair in a week.Maybe she's goingfor the grunge look.And her nailsare full-on chipped.So trailer park.Oh, my God!Do you know who this is?-That's Warner's older brother!-Who?“Third year Yale Law studentPutnam Bowes Huntington lll...”and his fianceeLayne Walker Vanderbilt...“first year Yale Law.”This is the type of girlthat Warner wants to marry!This is what I need to becometo be serious!What?Practically deformed?No.A law student.Law school?It's a perfectlyrespectable place, daddy.Honey,you were first runner up...at the Miss Hawaiian Tropicscontest.Why are you gonnathrow that all away?Going to Harvardis the only way...I'll getthe love of my life back.Sweetheart,you don't need law school.Law school is for people...who are boring and uglyand serious.And you, Button,are none of those things.Harvard Law School?That's right.But that's a top three school.Oh, I have a..Yes, but your majoris fashion merchandising.Harvard won't be impressed thatyou aced History of Polka Dots.What are your back-ups?I don't need back-ups.I'm going to Harvard.Well, then, you'll need...excellent recommendationsfrom your professors.And a heckof an admissions essay.Right.And at least a on your LSATs.I once had to judgea tighty-whitey contest...for Lambda Kappa Pi.Trust me, I can handle anything.Thanks!You're welcome.Because I have a metrabolism---I have a really high metrab---It's metabol...Oh, my God.What are you doing?Reading about the LSATs.My cousin had that.Apparently, you geta really bad rash on your...The LSATs are an exam.Girls, I'm going to Harvard!-You mean like on vay-kay?-Let's all go!Road trip!No.I'm goingto Harvard Law School.Why?Elle, now, I knowyou're upset about all this...but can't you just takea Percoset?Once Warner sees meas a serious law student...he'll totally want me back.It's a completely brilliantplan!But isn't it hardto get into law school?I had the highest GPAin Delta Nu.Oh, well.Here, you're gonna need this.Your scrunchy?My lucky scrunchy.It helped me pass Spanish.You passed Spanish becauseyou gave Professor Montoya...a lap dance after the final.Yeah...Iuckily.My name is Elle Woods,and for my admissions essay...I'm gonna tell all of youat Harvard...why I'm gonna makean amazing lawyer.As president of my sorority...I'm skilled at commandingthe attention of a room...and discussingvery important issues.It has come to my attentionthat the maintenance staff...is switching our toilet paperfrom Charmin...to generic.All those opposed to chafingplease say “aye.”A--neither type of opera...or neither type of rapis on sale.B--neither type of jazz...and neither type of operais on sale.C--neither type of operaand neither type of soul--Party!Delta Nu, we love you!I'm able to recallhundreds of important details...at the drop of a hat.Hey, Elle,do you know what happened...on Days of Our Lives yesterday?Why, yes, Margot, I do.Once again, we join Hopein the search for her identity.As you know, she's beenbrainwashed by the evil Stefano.Get set and go!One forty-three.I feel comfortable usinglegal jargon in everyday life.I object!It's here!-What?-It's here!The LSAT scores!It's here!Open the scores!What's the score?-This is so exciting.-Tell us!What is it?One seventy-nine!One seventy-nine!And that's whyyou should vote for me...Elle Woods, future lawyerfor the class of.She does have a.from CULA...and she got a on her LSATs.A fashion major?Well, sir,we've never had one before...and aren't we alwayslooking for diversity?Her list of extracurricularactivities is impressive.She was in a Ricky Martin video.Clearly,she's interested in music.She also designeda line of faux fur panties...for her sorority'scharity project.She's a friend to the animalsas well as a philanthropist.Elle Woods...welcome to Harvard.Bruiser, it's so exciting!Look!Harvard!Are you excited?This is our new housefor the next three years.Are you thirsty?Let's get you some water.Sweetheart,you just look parched.Hey, Brad,check out Malibu Barbie!Where's the beach, honey?Here you go.Good boy.Warner's gonna beso excited to see you.Guys, this way.-This ain't L.A.!-Come on, Bruiser.Check her out.Look at the way she walks.It's gonna be so exciting.Now, don't be scared.Everyone will love you.Hi.Woods, comma, Elle.Class schedule, map, book list.Wait a second.My social eventscalendar is missing.Your what?Social events--you know, mixers, formals...clambakes, trips to the Cape.Has Warner Huntington lllchecked in yet?Maybe you should checkwith the cruise director...on the Lido deck.Welcome to law school.This is the part wherewe go around in a circle...and everyone says a little bitabout themselves.Let's start with you.My name is David Kidney.I have a mastersin Russian literature...a Ph.D in biochemistry...and for the lasteighteen months...I've been deworming orphansin Somalia.Awesome.What about you?Hey.How you doin'?I'm Enid Wexler.I got a Ph.D.from Berkeleyin women's studies...emphasisin the history of combat...and last year,I single-handedly organized...the march forLesbians Against Drunk Driving.-Killer.-Thanks.Good times.Aaron Mitchell.I graduated first in my classfrom Princeton.I have an l.Q.of...and it's been suggestedthat Stephen Hawking...stolehis Brief History of Time...from my fourth grade paper.Cool.-Me?-Yeah.Hi.I'm Elle Woodsand this is Bruiser Woods...and we're bothGemini vegetarians.I have a bachelor's degreein fashion merchandising...from CULA, and I wasa Zeta Lambda Nu sweetheart...president of my sorority,Delta Nu...and last year,I was homecoming queen.Two weeks ago I sawCameron Diaz at Fred Segal...and I talked herout of buying...this truly heinousangora sweater.Whoever said orange was the newpink was seriously disturbed.Wish me luck, Bruiser.This is my first classas a serious law student.I totally look the part.There is no wayshe got in here on her own.I totally forgot you go here.What are you talking about?I'm sorry.Are you here to see me?No, silly.I go here.You go where?Harvard.Law school.You got into Harvard Law?What, like it's hard?Oh, my gosh, Warner,it'll be so great.I'm planning this great mixer.You have to help me.I'm thinking likea luau or casino night.It'll be just like senior yearexcept funner.Time to go.I have to go to class...but meet me afteron the benches.All right, bye!A legal educationmeans you will learn...to speak in a new language.You will be taughtto achieve insight...into the world around you...and to sharply questionwhat you know.The seat you have pickedwill be yours...for the next nine monthsof your life.And those of youin the front row...beware.“The law is reasonfree from passion.”Does anyone knowwho spoke those immortal words?-Yes?-Aristotle.Are you sure?Would you be willingto stake your life on it?I think so.What about his life?I don't know.Well, I recommendknowing before speaking.The law leaves much roomfor interpretation...but very little for self-doubt.And you were right.And you were right.It was Aristotle.Good job.Now, I assume all of youhave read pages-...and are now well-versedin subject matter jurisdiction.Who can tell us aboutGordon vs.Steele?Let's call on someonefrom the hot zone.Elle Woods?Actually, I wasn't awarethat we had an assignment.Vivian Kensington.Do you think it's acceptablethat Ms.Woods is not prepared?I don't.Would you support my decisionto ask her to leave class...and to returnonly when she is prepared?Absolutely.Now, Ms.Kensington...did diversity jurisdictionexist in this case?No, it did not.Good.How about in the caseof Owens vs.McCullogh?I can't believe that girl.So stupid!Who does she think she is?Excuse me.Are you OK?Do they put you on the spotlike that all the time?The professors?They tend to do that.Socratic method.If you don't know the answers,they just kick you out?You have Stromwell, huh?Yes!Did she do that to you, too?No.But she did make me cry once.Not in class.I waitedtill I got back to my room...but she'll kick youright in the ball--Or wherever, you know.She's really tough.Great.Don't worry, it gets better.Who else do you have?I have Callahan, Royalton,and Levinthal.Let's see, speak upin Callahan's class.He really likes peoplethat are opinionated.And in Royalton's class...try to get a seat in the back.He spits when he talksabout products liability.And for Levinthal, make sureyou read the footnotes.That's where he getsa lot of his exam questions.Right.Wow.I'm really glad I met you.Are you a third year?-Well---Hey, Elle.Hi!Thanks for all your help.Good luck.So...how was yourfirst class?It was good, exceptforthis horrible preppy girl...who made me look badin front of the professor.But no biggie.You're here now.So, how was your summer?Good.It was good.Did you do anything exciting?Have you met Vivian?Hi.Vivian Kensington.Do you know her?-She's---I'm his fiancee.I'm sorry.I just hallucinated.What?She was my girlfriendin prep school.And, well, we got back togetherthis summer...at my grandmother'sbirthday party.Warner told me all about you.You're famous at our club.But he didn't tell meyou'd be here.Pooh bear,I didn't know she would be here.Excuse me.Oh, thank God!Are you free?It's an emergency.Bad day?You can't even imagine.Spill.I worked so hardto get into law school.I blew off Greek weekto study for the LSATs.I even hired a Coppolato direct my admissions video.All to getmy boyfriend Warner back.And now he's engagedto this awful girl Vivian...so it was all for nothing,and l...I just wish...I just wishI had never gone to Harvard.After you wentto all that trouble.He's engaged!She's gotthe six-carat Harry Winston...on her bony, unpolished finger.What am I supposed to do?You're asking the wrong girl.I mean, I'm with my guyeight years...and then one day, it's...“l met someone else.Move out.”Oh, no.That's awful.Dewey kept the trailerand my precious baby Rufus.I didn't even get to throw hima birthday party.What's a girl to do?He's a guywho followed his pecker...to greener pastures...and I'm a middle-agedhigh-school dropout...who's got stretch marksand a fat ass.That's terrible.Yep.Happens every day.So what's this Vivian gotthat you don't have?Three tits?She's from Connecticut.She belongsto his stupid country club.Is she as pretty as you?She could use some mascaraand some serious highlights...but she's not completelyunfortunate looking.Hello, ladies.Hello, ladies.-Hey, there.-How you doing? Sign here.Oh, jeez.Look what I did.-See you later.-Bye-bye, sugar.Aw, shit.Could I have beenany more goddamn spastic?It's OK.Are you sure thisWarner guy is, like, the one?Definitely.I love him.Well, if a girl like youcan't hold on to her man...then there sure as hell isn'tany hope for the rest of us.What are you waiting for?Steal the bastard back.I should warn you...I should warn you...that in addition to competingagainst each other...for the top gradein this class...you will also be competingfor one of my firm's...highly coveted fourinternship spots next year...where you will get to assiston actual cases.Let the bloodbath begin.Now, let's commencewith our usual torture.Ms.Woods...would you rather have a clientwho committed a crime...malum in seor malum prohibitum?Neither.And why is that?I would rather have a clientwho's innocent.Dare to dream, Ms.Woods.Ms.Kensington,which would you prefer?Malum prohibitum.Because then the clientwould have committed...a regulatory infraction asopposed to a dangerous crime.Well done, Ms.Kensington.You've obviously doneyour homework.Now let us lookat malum prohibitum...a little more closely.It has been said--Yes, Ms.Woods?I changed my mind.I'd pick the dangerous one...'cause I'm not afraidof a challenge.Who is that?Wow.Guys.-Can she play?-Hi!Get outta here.-Hi, everybody.-Elle, what are you doing here?I've come to joinyour study group.Look, I brought sustenance.Who's first?Our group is full.Is this like an RSVP thing?No.It's likea smart people thing.And as Viv said, we're full.Come on, we can make roomfor one more.We've already assignedthe outlines.The answer is no.Oh, OK.I'll just leave, then.Hey, maybethere's, like, a sorority...you could, like,join instead, like?If you had cometo a rush party...I would have at leastbeen nice to you.Is that beforeyou voted against me...and then called me a dykebehind my back?I don't use that word.You must have heard itfrom Vivian.-Hello?-Hey, it's me.It's Elle!Guess whatI'm doing right this second!I don't know.What?I'm picking outmy wedding dress!-What?-Josh proposed!Did you get the rock yet?Almost.Well, hurry up,so you can come home!We miss you!I miss you guys, too.The people here are so vile.Hardly anybody speaks to me--Oh, my God!I almost forgot to tell you!What?I got bangs!My hair is so now.Really?OK, so just listen to me.Keep June st open,you're one of my bridesmaids...and give Warner our love...because I'm getting married!So don't forget.Eight o'clockat Dunston Street.-lt'll be a really nice party.-We'll be there.And don't forgetto bring your own merlot!No way!Is somebody at thisschool actually having a party?Yes...But it's a costume party.You probablywouldn't want to come.I love costume parties.Well, then I guesswe'll see you there.Oh, at Dunston Street.Oh, my God!Thanks for inviting me, girls.This party is superfun.Nice outfit.I like your outfit, too.Except when I dress upas a frigid bitch...I try not to lookso constipated.Oh, she's horrible.You've got the ring, sweetie.-Nice ears.-How you doin'?Warner,the English language...is all aboutsubliminal domination.Take the word semester.A perfect exampleof this school's...discriminatory preferenceof semen to ovaries.That's why I'm petitioningto have next term...be referred toas the winter ovester.-Excuse me.Hey, Warner.-Wow!Don't you look likea walking felony?Thank you.You're so sweet.Are you having fun?I am now.What's with the costume?I just decided to dress up.Really.I feel like we barelyget to see each other...since we've been here.I know.I'm so busy withthese case studies and hypos.I know what you mean.I can't imagine doing...all this and Callahan'sinternship next year.That's gonna be so much.Elle, come on,you'll never get the grades...to qualifyfor one of those spots.You're not smart enough,sweetie.Wait, am I on glue...or did we not get intothe same law school?Yeah, but--But what?We took the same LSATs...and we're takingthe same classes.I know, but come on,Elle, be serious.You can do somethingmore valuable with your time.I'm never going to begood enough for you, am l?-Oh, come on.-Just forget it!I'll show you how valuableElle Woods can be!-Don't ask.-Wasn't gonna.I love that sweater.It's Chanel.Look.Was she carrying books?Thanks.So, you've filed a claim.What next?Ms.Woods?Don't you need to have evidence?Meaning?Meaning you needreasonable belief...that your claim should have,like, evidenciary support?And what kindof evidenciary support...does this case require?All sorts of things--corrupt copswho are wheeling and dealing...And the purposeof diminished capacity is?To negate mens rea?Are you ready?Yes, you are!Go.You can do this.Listen to me, Dewey.You shut your mouth.No, you shut your big mouth.I'm doing all the talking.What the hell do you want?We're eating lunch.I just thought that...You just thoughtyou could come here...and show me whatI'm definitely not missing?That's not why I came by.How many timesyou gonna come over here...begging meto take you back, huh?I was...Dewey Newcombe?Who's asking?I'm Elle Woods.Miss Bonifante's attorney.And I'm here to discussthe legal situation at hand.Come again?Do you understand whatsubject matter jurisdiction is?-No.-I didn't think so.Well, due to habeas corpus...you and Miss Bonifantehad a common law marriage...which heretoforeentitles her...to what islegally referred to...as equitable divisionof the assets.Come again?Due to the fact that you'veretained this residence...Miss Bonifante is entitled...to full canineproperty ownership...and will be enforcingsaid ownership right now.Tell him, Paulette.I'm taking the dog, dumbass!That's awesome!We did it!Come here.Oh, my gosh, did you see him?He's probably stillscratching his head.Which must be a nice vacationfor his balls.Thank you.According toSwinney vs.Neubert...Swinney, who was alsoa private sperm donor...was allowed visitation rightsas long as he came to terms...with the hoursset forth by the parents.So, if we're stickingto past precedent...Mr.Latimer wasn't stalking.He was clearly within his rightsto ask for visitation.But Swinney wasa one-time sperm donor...and our defendantwas an habitual sperm donor...who also happens to beharassing the parents...in his quest for visitation.But without this man's sperm...the child in questionwouldn't exist.Now you'rethinking like a lawyer.Yes, Ms.Woods?Although Mr.Huntingtonmakes an excellent point...I have to wonderif the defendant...kept a thorough recordof every sperm emission...made throughout his life.Interesting.Why do you ask?Unless the defendantattempted to contact...every single one-night standto determine...if a child resultedin those unions...he has no parental claimover this child whatsoever.Why now? Why this sperm?I see your point.And for that matter,all masturbatory emissions...where his sperm was clearlynot seeking an egg...could be termedreckless abandonment.I believeyou've just won your case.Ms.Woods, you did well today.Really?You're applyingfor my internship, aren't you?I don't know.You should.Do you have a resume?Yes, I do.Here it is.It's pink.And it's scented.I think it givesit a little something extra.See you next class.Do you think she woke upone morning and said...“l think I'll goto law school today.”That lapse in judgment aside...I thinkshe's got a lot of potential.Here's the Windham file.Smell this.What's that?It's her resume.Smells good.What's going on?Callahan's firmis defending a murder trial.His case load is so big,he's taking first year interns.He picked them already?My God,I can't believe it, Warner!We got it!That only leaves one for...Me!Yes!Remember when we spentthose four amazing hours...in the hot tubafter winterformal?Yeah--No.This is so much betterthan that!Excuse me.I have some shopping to do.Four hours?You look very nice today,Vivian.Thank you.You're welcome.We're defendingBrooke Windham...whose very wealthy husbandwas found shot to death...in their Beacon Hill mansion.Gold digger?You'd think sosince the stiff was...but she was rich on her own.Some kind of fitness empire.You can buy her exercise tapeson infomercials.Are you talking aboutBrooke Taylor?Maiden name--Taylor.You know her?She's a Delta Nu!She wasn't in my pledge class.She graduatedfour years before me.But I used to take her classat the Los Angeles Sports Club.She's amazing!Amazing? How?She can make you losethree pounds in one class.She's completely gifted.In all likelihood,she's completely guilty.She was seen standing overher husband's dead body.By who?His-year-old daughterand the pool boy.Sorry, I'm late.Excuse me.This is Emmett Richmond,another associate...top three in his class...and former editor of“Harvard Law Review.”You've probably seen him...Iurking around campusdoing my research.Thanks for the introduction.What about the murder weapon?The gun is missing.The coroner saidhe'd been dead minutes...when the cops arrived.Giving Brookeplenty of time to stash it.I just don't thinkBrooke could have done this.Exercise gives you endorphins.Endorphins make you happy.Happy peopledon't shoot their husbands.They just don't.I didn't do it.I walked in...I saw my husbandlying on the floor...I bent down to check his heart,screamed my head off...then Enrique and Chutneyran inside.Your step-daughterand the pool boy came in...where they saw youstanding over the body...covered in his blood.Why would I kill my husband?Insurance, a love affair,pure unadulterated hatred.The D.A.will come upwith plenty of reasons.I loved him.He was years olderthan you.That doesn'tlook so good to a jury.Then show thema picture of his dick.That might cleara few things up.Brooke, I believe you...but a juryis going to want an alibi.I can't give you that...and if you put meon the stand, I'll lie.Then I guesswe're done for today.I know you.I'm a Delta Nu,and I'm a huge fan of yours.You took my class in L.A.You took my class in L.A.You had the best high-kickI've ever seen.Are you one of my lawyers?Sort of.Well, thank Godone of you has a brain.Let's go.I'm the only onethat believes her.Callahan totally thinksshe's guilty.That's because men arebig fat retards who don't--Afternoon, ladies.It's him.Paulette Bonifante.Oh, my God.He's coming over here.I've got a package.He's got a package.How you doing today?Fine.Take it easy.See you later.That's great, Paulette.Is this the only interactionyou two have ever had?No.Sometimes I say“OK” instead of “fine.”Why don't you offer hima cold beverage...or a neck massageor something?What's the point?Trust me, Paulette.You have all the equipment...you just needto read the manual.Do you know what I'm saying?I'll show youa little maneuver...my mother taught mein junior high.In my experience,it has a % success rate...of getting a man's attention...and when used appropriately...it has an % rate of returnon a dinner invitation.Wow!It's called “the bend and snap.”Watch this.“Oh!I think I droppedsomething on the floor.”So you bend...and snap!See?Come on.You try it.Bend...and snap!OK...a little less bend,a little more snap.Like this?Good snap.Come on.You!Come on, you can do it.Bend...and snap.Very, very good.We can all do it!-Come on, guys.-I can't do that.You're gonna bend...and snap!Now put your head into it.Bend...and snap!Bend...and snap!Good job!A little attitude, please.Now, everybody smile.That's very important.Pump!Pump!Pump!Bend...and snap!Good job, everybody!Work it out!Work it out!That's it!Wow!Come on, Paulette!Bend and snap!Oh, my God!The bend and snap!Works every time!If Brooke didn't kill the guy,then who did?My money is on the angrydaughter or the ex-wife.Chutney has a trust fund.She didn't need the insurancepayoff or the inheritance.What about the mother?Covered.She was in Aspen at the time.Vivian, get me some plum sauce.Ten people saw herdowning cosmopolitans...at the Caribou Club.All I know is it's not Brooke.That's touching,but we need an alibi.I brought yousome necessities--some Calvin Klein-count sheets...the entire Cliniqueskin care line...some aromatherapy candles,a loofah...And the Bible.You're an angel.So how are you?Are you all right?You look so...orange.I'm just gladit's you and not Callahan.He means well.He's very brilliant.He better be for whatI'm paying for him.I have to tell youthe real reason I came here.Professor Callahan sayswe really need your alibi.Elle, I can't.You don't understand.Who could understandbetter than me?It's so shameful.Whatever it is, Brooke,it could save you.That's just it.It would ruin me.How?I've made my fortuneon the ability...to perfect women's bodies withBrooke's Butt-Buster workout.You helped mego from a six to a four.That's great!On the day ofHeyworth's murder...I was getting...What?I was getting liposuction.Liposuction!Oh, God!I know!I'm a fraud!It's not like normal womencan have this ass!If my fansknew that I bought it...I would lose everything!I've already lost my husband.I'd rather go to jailthan lose my reputation.Brooke...your secret's safe with me.Thank you.Vivian, grab me some coffee.We got two interviewstomorrow...that Gerard and Bobbywill handle.The ex-wife in an hour.According to this communiquefrom the prison...our client apparentlyhad a visit from her sister...a Miss Delta Nu.Anyone you know?Yes.I went to visit her.What the hell do you meanyou went to visit her?I went to get her alibi.Did you get it?It's really good.Great.What is it?I can't tell you.Why the hell not?Because I promised herI'd keep it a secret...and I can't break the bondsof sisterhood.Screw sisterhood!This is a murder trial...not some scandalat the sorority house.I want the alibi!I can't give it to you...but I can tell youshe is innocent.Mrs.Windham Vandermarkis on line two for you.Someone reason with herwhile I take this.Are you crazy?Just tell him the alibi.We'll lose this caseif you don't.Then we're notvery good lawyers.If you tell him, he'll probablyhire you as a summer associate.Who cares about Brooke?Think about yourself.Who cares about Brooke?Think about yourself.I gave her my word, Warner.So what?The ex-wife seemsto be unconcerned...with the factthat her interview is today.She's at a spain the Berkshires.A spa? Isn't thatlike your mothership?I could go if you want me to.Emmett? Go with her.She seems completelyuntrustworthy to me.Why?This is a personwho's made her living...by telling womenthat they're too fat.Brooke would never tella woman she was too fat.And she seems likeshe's hiding something.Maybe it's not what you think.Maybe it's exactly what I think.You're really being a butthead.A butthead?Why would you call me that?You need to havea little more faith in people.You might be surprised.I can't believeyou called me a butthead.No one's called me thatsince the ninth grade.Maybe not to yourface.So this is what a spalooks like.Wow.How do we find her?I called ahead.She's in the mud room.She's not naked, is she?Mrs.Windham Vandermark?So you found me.We're from Austen, Platt,Jaret, and Callahan...and we're here to ask youa few questions.So I hear that little tartfrom California...shot poor Heyworth.That's what we're tryingto prove didn't happen.Do you have any reasonto believe that it did?I've neveractually met the woman...but my daughter tells me...she can bequite the little bitch.Did your daughterever mention anything...about the relationshipbetween Brooke and Heyworth?She did say thatthey humped like gorillas.I guess it wasn't enough,though, for Brooke.Why do you say that?Well...haven't you seenthe cabana boy?She's lying.And you know this for a fact?Did you see the ickybrown color of her hair?So? Now you discriminateagainst brunettes?Why not? I'm discriminatedagainst as a blonde.Being a blonde is actuallya pretty powerful thing.You hold more cardsthan you think you do.I personally would liketo see you take that power...and channel ittowards the greater good.Thanks.I'll see you tomorrow.All right.How do you thinkI'd look as a blonde?I'm not sureyou could handle it.-Good night.-Bye.So, I called your roomlast night.I heard.I was thinking maybewe could go out sometime.No.You're a dork.I'm in law school.Look, I'm not going outwith you.I can't believe you'd even ask.Girls like me don't go outwith losers like you.Let's get out of here.Excuse me.Why didn't you call me?What?We spent a beautifulnight together...and I never hear from you again?I...I'm sorry?Sorry for what?For breaking my heart...orfor giving methe greatest pleasure...I've ever known and thenjust taking it away?Both?Well, forget it.I've spent too many hourscrying over you.So...when didyou want to go out?Come in.Are you done withthat deposition yet?Yeah.Here, take it.I've read it times.You know, Elle,I still can't believe...you didn't tellCallahan the alibi.It's not my alibi to tell.I know.And I thoughtthat was very classy of you.Really?Sure.Thanks.Did you ever notice howCallahan never asks Warner...to bring him his coffee?He's asked me at leastten times.Men are helpless.You know that.I know.Warner doesn'teven do his own laundry.He has to have it sent out.I know.Did you knowwhen he first applied...he got wait-listed.What?His father had to make a call.You're kidding.No way!God, that issuch a precious dog.His name is Bruiser.Do you want to hold him?-He's very friendly.-Sure.Look, he likes you.He's giving me kisses.Thanks, Jeff.We're here today coveringthe trial of Brooke Windham.She's charged withthe murder of her husband...Boston millionaireHeyworth Windham.First to testify are thevictim's daughter and ex-wife.The Superior Court of SuffolkCounty is now in session.The Honorable JudgeMarina R.Bickford presiding.You may be seated.And where was she exactly?Standing overmy father's dead body.And what wasthe defendant doing?She was sittingnext to the pool, topless...while the Latin boyhanded her a drink.Mr.Salvatore,can you tell us what this is?My uniform.My uniform.This is the uniform...Mrs.Windham asked you to wearwhile cleaning her pool?Are you having an affairwith Brooke Windham?Define “affair.”Have you and Mrs.Windhamhad sexual relations?Yes.OK? Yes.Ladies and gentlemen,court will reconvene...tomorrow morning at A.M.We're adjourned.A Delta Nu would never sleepwith a man who wears a thong.Never!I just liked watchinghim clean the filter.I believe you, Brooke.-Take care of me, Elle.-I will.I got a big one for you.Can you sign?I got it.You broke his nose?I blew it, Elle.My snap wasall over the place.I'll be thereas soon as court is out.We have tocross-examine Enrique.But don't worry.My girlfriend Serena...barfed on a guy during“The Blair Witch Project”...and they ended up datingfor three months.Really?All right.Bye-bye.OK.Bye.Don't stomp your littlelast-season Prada shoes at me.These aren't last season.-He's gay!Enrique's gay!-What?What kind of shoes are these?Black ones.-See!-What are you talking about?He isn't Brooke's lover.He's making it up.Back up.How do you know he's gay?Gay men know designers.Straight men don't.Know what?He left a Cher tapein the poolhouse one time.While I appreciateyour masterful legal theory...I have a murder trialto attend to.I'll take care of it.Thanks.The court will come to order.Mr.Salvatore,do you have any proof...that you and Mrs.Windhamwere having an affair?Only the love in my heart.If that's all the proofthat he has, Your Honor...I think I'm done here.You may step down.I'd like to ask a coupleof questions, Your Honor.Just give me a couple minutes.Did you ever takeMrs.Windham on a date?-Yes.-Where?A restaurant whereno one could recognize us.How long have you beensleeping with Mrs.Windham?Three months.-And your boyfriend's name is...-Chuck.Silence!Pardon me!Yes, Mr.Salvatore?I was confused.I thought you said friend.Chuck is just a friend.You bitch!Chuck, wait!Silence in my court!Sit down, Mr.Salvatore.Silence in my courtroom!How did I miss that?You were great.Silence in my courtroom!Thanks.-Good night.-Good night.Callahan asked to see youbefore you leave.Really?He already has coffee,but maybe he needs a doughnut.-Do you need any help?-No.I'm fine.OK.Bye.Come on in.Sit down.Is everything all right?You followedyour intuition today...and you were right on target.I should have listened.Thank you.About the alibi...I'm sorry--I'm impressed you tookthe initiative to go get it.That's what makes a good lawyer.On top of that,you gained the client's trust...and kept it--that's whatmakes a great lawyer.You're smart, Elle.Smarter than most ofthe guys on my payroll.Wow.I think it's timeto discuss your career path.Have you thought about whereyou might be a summer associate?Not really.I know it's very competitive.You know what competition'sreally about?It's about ferocity, carnage.Balancing human intelligencewith animal diligence.Knowing exactly what you want...and how far you'll goto get it.How far will Elle go?Are you hitting on me?You're a beautiful girl.So everything you just said...I'm a manwho knows what he wants.And I'm a law studentwho just realized...her professoris a pathetic asshole.Too bad.I thoughtyou were a law student...who wanted to be a lawyer!You almost had me fooled.What?Maybe you should sleepwith the jury, too.Then we can win the case.I'm quitting.Why?Law school was a mistake.This internship was a mistake.What are you talking about?You earned it.I didn't earn anything.Callahan only gave methat internship...because he liked the wayI looked.Which he made clear tonightwhen he tried to feel me up.Callahan did what?Just forget about it.I'm going back to L.A.No more boring suits.No more pantyhose.No more trying to besomething that I'm just--I'm just not.What if you're tryingto be somebody you are?The hell with Callahan.Stay.Call me if you're everin California.What's the point in staying,Paulette?All people seewhen they look at me...is blond hair and big boobs.No one's ever gonnatake me seriously.The people at law school don't.Warner doesn't.I don't think my own parentstake me seriously.I just felt, like,for the first time...that someone expected me to...to do something morewith my life...than becomea Victoria's Secret model.But I was just kidding myself.Callahan never saw meas a lawyer...just as a piece of ass.Just like everybody else.Turns out I am a joke.No, you're not a joke.The hell with law school.I just wanted to say good-bye.If you're going to let onestupid prick ruin your life...you're not the girlI thought you were.Did you go in there knowing howto discredit Mr.Salvatore?Absolutely.It's a little thingI'd like to call strategy.I had a feelingabout Mr.Salvatore...Is he always such an ass?He's the top defenseattorney in the state.Of course he's an ass.Fine.Is he an assthat'll win my case?He's an ass that'll try.He thinks I'm guilty.That's not what's important.If he doesn't trust me,why should I trust him?Ask Elle.She looked pretty cozywith him last night.You don't know what the hellyou're talking about.What's going on here?-Elle quit.-What?Callahan hit on her,so she quit.My God.Scumbag.-Oh, God.-What?I feel terrible.I made a huge mistake.Maybe there's somethingwe can do about it.Thank you.What are you so happy about?You're on trial for murder.Get up.What?You're fired.I have new representation.Who?Excuse you,you're in my way.She's a law student.She can't defend you.Massachusetts SupremeJudicial Court ruling..See? Thank you, David.Counselors,approach the bench.-You're not going up there.-Yes, I am.Maybe you didn't hear me.You're fired.Counselors, now.All of you.Elle Woods, Your Honor.Rule.ofSupreme Judicial Court...states that a law studentmay appear on behalf...of a defendantin criminal proceedings.Your Honor,I have no problem with this.I do.I'm not allowing it.But you agreed last night.In your office...when we were discussingmy career.The ruling also states...that you need a licensedattorney to supervise you.-Mr.Callahan?-That I won't agree to.I'll supervise, Your Honor.Well, Ms.Woods, proceed.Thank you, Your Honor.Enjoy prison.Mrs.Windham, you do realizewhat you're doing?Absolutely.Oh, my God!There she is!We came to see your trial!Look how cute.There's a judge and everything.-And jury people.-Vote for Elle!Ladies, take a seat.Go, girl.Do you swear to tellthe truth, the whole truth...and nothing but the truth,so help you God?-I do.-Be seated.Ms.Woods, you may beginyour questioning.First of allI would like to point out...that not only is thereno proof in this case...but there is a completelack of mens rea...which by definition tells usthere can be no crime...without a vicious will.I am aware of the meaningof mens rea.What I'm unaware of...is why you're giving mea vocabulary lesson...when you should bequestioning your witness.when you should bequestioning your witness.Yes, Your Honor.Miss Windham...when you arrivedback at the house...was yourfather there?Not that I saw,but like I said...I went straight upstairsto take a shower.And when you came downstairs,what happened?I saw Brookestanding over his body...drenched in his blood.But Mrs.Windhamdidn't have a gun?No.She'd stashed itby then.Move to strike thatfrom the record, Your Honor.-It's speculation.-So stricken.Go ahead.Miss Windham,did you hear a shot fired?No.I was in the shower.So, sometimein the minutes...that you were in the shower,yourfather was shot.I guess.Yourfather was shotwhile you were in the shower...but you didn't hearthe shot because...because you were in the shower?I was washing my hair.Where is she going with this?Have a little faith, Gerard.Miss Windham...what had you doneearlier that day?I got up...got a latte,went to the gym...got a perm, and came home.Where you got in the shower?I believe the witnesshas made it clear...that she was in the shower.Yes, Your Honor.Miss Windham, had youever gotten a perm before?How many would you say?Two a year since I was.You do the math.A girl in my sorority,Tracy Marcinko, got a perm once.We all triedto talk her out of it.Curls weren'ta good look for her.She didn't haveyour bone structure.But, thankfully,that same day...she entered the Beta Delta Piwet t-shirt contest...where she was completelyhosed down from head to toe.Objection!Why is this relevant?I have a point, I promise.Then make it.Yes, ma'am.Chutney, why wereTracy Marcinko's curls ruined...when she got hosed down?Because they got wet?Exactly.Isn't itthe first cardinal rule...of perm maintenance that you'reforbidden to wet your hair...for at least hoursafter getting a perm...at the risk of deactivatingthe ammonium thioglycolate?And wouldn't somebodywho's had, say, perms...in their lifebe well aware of this rule?And if in factyou weren't washing your hair...as I suspect, becauseyour curls are still intact...wouldn't you have heardthe gunshot?And if in factyou had heard the gunshot...Brooke Windham wouldn't havehad time to hide the gun...before you got downstairs...which would mean you wouldhave had to have found...Mrs.Windhamwith a gun in her hand...to make your story plausible.Isn't that right?She's my age!Did she tell you that?How would you feel if yourfather married someone your age?You, however,had time to hide the gun...after you shot yourfather.I didn't mean to shoot him.I thought it was youwalking through the door!Order!Order!Order!Oh, my God.Oh, my God.Oh, my God.Bailiff,take the witness into custody...where she will be charged forthe murder of Heyworth Windham.In the matter ofThe State vs.Brooke Windham...this case is dismissed.Mrs.Windham,you are free to go.Thank you!Thank you!Elle, how did you knowChutney was lying?Because she's brilliant,of course.The rules of haircareare simple and finite.Any Cosmo Girlwould have known.What?I just wanted to say...that you wereso brilliant in there.And that I was wrong.And you are the girl for me.Really?Pooh bear...I love you.I've waited so longto hear you say that.But if I'm gonna be a partner at a law firm by the time I'm...I need a boyfriend who's not such a complete bone head.Thank you, boys.Ladies and gentlemen...I present the graduates of Harvard Law School...Class of

.I am personally very honored to introduce...this year's class-elected speaker.After getting off to a quite interesting start...here at Harvard...she graduates today with an invitation to join...one of Boston's most prestigious law firms.I'm sure we are going to see great things from her.Ladies and gentlemen, Elle Woods.On our very first day at Harvard...a very wise professor quoted Aristotle.“The law is reason free from passion.” Well, no offense to Aristotle...but in my three year sat Harvard...I have come to find that passion is a key ingredient...to the study and practice of law and of life.It is with passion, courage of conviction...and strong sense of self...that we take our next steps into the world...remembering that first impressions...are not always correct...you must always have faith in people...and most importantly...you must always have faith in yourself.Congratulations, Class of.We did it!


Must be strange having such perfect eyes God, you're so wonderful.Elle, thank you.Here's to us.To us.One of the reasons I wanted to come here tonight...was to discuss our future.And I am fully amenableto that discussion.Good.You know howwe've been having...all kinds of fun lately?Well, Harvardis gonna be different.Law school isa completely different world...and I need to be serious.Of course.My family expects a lot from me.-Right.-I expect a lot from me.I plan on runningfor office someday.I fully support that.You know that.Absolutely.But the thing is...if I'm going to be a senator by the time I'm thirty...I need to stop dicking around.Warner, I completely agree.That's why I thinkit's time for us...Elle, pooh bear...-I do.-I think we should break up.What? I've been thinking,and it's the right thing to do.You're breaking up with me?I thought you were proposing Proposing? Elle, if I'm going to be a senator...I need to marry a Jackie,not a Marilyn.You're breaking up with me because I'm too blonde? No.That's not entirely true.Then what? My boobs are too big? Elle, your boobs are fine.So when you said that you would always love me...you were just dicking around?

Elle, I do love you.I just can't marry you.You have no idea of the pressure that I am under.My family has five generations of senators.My brother's in the top threeat Yale Law.He just got engaged toa Vanderbilt, for Christ's sake

.Bad salad.Sweetie...Pooh bear? It's not like I have a choicehere, sweetheart!You get the car,I'll get the check.(I won't be having the salad.)

Let me take you home.Elle, believe me.I never expected to do this...but I think it's the right thing.How can it be the right thing when we're not together?

I have to think of my future...and what my family expectsof me.So you're breaking up with me...because you're afraid your family won't like me? Everybody likes me.East Coast people are different.Because I'm not a Vanderbilt, suddenly I'm white trash? I grew up in Bel Air!Across the street from Aaron Spelling!Most people would agree that's a lot better...than some stinky old Vanderbilt!

I told you.I need someone serious.But I'm seriously in lovewith you.Isn't that enough?

Pooh bear, just get in the car.No

You'll ruin your shoes.


The Reflection of“Legally Blonde”

Some days ago, I saw a movie which was called “Legally blonde”.I was deeply influenced.The things strike me most is the costume.I think it’s the most wonderful aspect of the film.It showed us a world of pink.The movie was really hot at that time.It not only makes Reese Witherspoon popular, but also drives the tide of pink.It is just as easy as honey.The little girl's small mind and colorful dream world can always evoke your heart of innocence and the yearning for beautiful things.The most unforgettable thing is that----the color of pink.The hat, clothes, skirt,high-heeled shoes, telephone, car, laptop and even the clothes of the pet dog are pink which blot out the sky and cover up the earth.Every girl’s eyes lit up watching the film.It’s just a dream world.Movie is only film, but the film can also reflect a certain social phenomenon.It is still a society which men are in role.Even in such country where a material and spirit are extremely developed.When Elle was hurt ,she talked with a

girl who was just abandoned by her ex-husband.I think, it’s not only the sadness of two women, but the sad of the women in whole society.The equality between men and women has call for so many years, though the situation has changed a little in the concept, it’s still at the stage of appeal.The beautiful woman is always treated as a vast.Men enjoy their beauty, just enjoy.So, at last, they are abandoned by men, just as Elle.But Elle was a woman of new idea.She was confident, charming, kind hearted.She had a rich sense of justice and her own individuality.She knew what she pursues , and she struggled for her ideal.In the end, she did it.Elle made me see that we don’t require investigation, don’t need to blame, what was more ,don’t need to be cynical.What we can do is to keep a positive attitude, have the motivation to overcome difficulties, have the brave to conquer everything, do everything well.We must prove a thing that women can do things that men can, or even better



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