
时间:2019-05-15 06:51:58下载本文作者:会员上传






















19、论审判独立与舆论监督 20、论法官的角色要求


































24、论公民的宗教信仰自由 25.论宪法对弱势群体的保护 26.论公民的受教育权




1.论人权的历史沿革与中国的人权保护 2.论和平解决国际争端的法律机制 3.论海洋法中的专属经济区制度


5.从《联合国海洋法公约》看我国海洋权益的保护 6.论国际组织在国际法中的地位 7.论战争犯罪及其责任 8.论引渡的国际法规则 9.论国际法律责任制度

10.论经济全球化下的国家主权原则 11.论国家主权原则面临的新挑战 12.论国际关系中的互不侵犯原则 13.论国际关系中的不干涉内政原则 14.论外层空间的法律地位 15.引渡制度与我国的实践 16.论庇护制度

17.论大陆架的法律地位及划界原则 18.海域划界的国际法规则 19.论人权的国际法保护

20.战争法中的人道主义原则 21.论外交保护的国际法规则 22.论二战后战争法的新发展

23.论二战后国际人道主义法的发展 24.国际法视野中的台湾问题

25.论反恐国际法律体制的发展趋势 26.论国际组织的现状和发展趋势 27.论战俘的待遇


29.论《国际刑事法院规约》与国际法的发展 30.论联合国集体安全体制

31.论国际人道主义法对平民的保护 32.从国际法看中日钓鱼岛争端 33.论国际不当行为责任的构成要件


1.论国际货物买卖合同的违约救济 2.论反倾销调查中对损害的认定标准

3.论信用证的审单标准 4.论国际贸易惯例的适用 5.论海运提单的法律性质


7.论国际货物买卖合同的违约责任及其补救 8.论特许协议的法律问题


10.国际海上货物运输中承运人责任制度研究 11.论国家与他国国民间投资争端的解决机制


13.论《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》对投资措施的规制与约束 14.《国际服务贸易总协定》对国际投资的规制与约束 15.国际货物买卖合同的预期违约制度研究 16.论国际证券欺诈的法律管制 17.论对跨国银行的法律管制 18.《华沙公约》的适用范围及其责任制度研究 19.论国际技术转让中的限制性商业条款 20.论避免国际双重征税的措施

21.论东道国对跨国银行分行准入条件的管制 22.论保障措施的适用条件


24.论WTO国民待遇的法律规则 25.论国际税收管辖权的行使


27.国际货物多式联运经营人责任制度研究 28.论记名提单下无单放货纠纷的法律适用 29.网上国际商事仲裁若干法律问题研究 30.论国际项目融资中的风险及其防范对策 31.论国际融资的物权担保

32.论双边投资保护条约对国际私人直接投资的保护 33.论国际海上货物运输保险中的“仓至仓”责任条款 34.论上市公司跨国并购的法律管制


36.国际直接投资的政治风险及其法律应对 37.论对跨国银行法律管制的新发展 38.论对国际逃税和避税的法律管制


40.论《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》对驰名商标的法律保护 41.论《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》对未披露信息的法律保护

五、国际私法论文选题 1.论准据法的选择方法 2.论遗嘱准据法的确定

3.论涉外侵权行为的法律适用 4.论涉外婚姻关系的法律适用

5.论《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》在我国的适用 6.论区际司法协助

7.论国际私法中的公共秩序保留 8.论涉外继承的法律适用

9.论国际商事交往中法律选择方法的新发展 10.论涉外扶养的法律适用 11.论国际商事仲裁的法律适用

12.论国际民事诉讼管辖权的冲突与协调机制 13.论法院对国际商事仲裁的监督与干预 14.论我国有关公共秩序保留的立法与实践


16.论TRIPs协定对知识产权国际保护规则的继承与发展 17.论冲突规范在国际私法中的地位与作用 18.论国际私法中法院地法的适用 19.论连接点在国际私法中的地位 20.论反致的发展趋势



23.论涉外结婚的法律适用原则 24.论海上侵权行为的法律适用



27.论外资国有化及其补偿标准的法律问题 28.论国家及其财产豁免权原则

29.论最密切联系原则在我国的立法与实践中的运用 30.论BOT项目的法律适用 31.论国际私法的组成规范及其相互关系 32.论国际私法中的反致制度

33.知识产权法律冲突的原因分析 34.论域名商标的法律冲突及其解决 35.论国际贷款协议的法律适用


37.论网络侵权行为的法律适用 38.论国籍冲突及其解决方式

39.论海事赔偿责任限制的法律适用 40.论海难救助的法律适用 41.论住所冲突及其解决法则

42.论解决国际民事管辖权冲突的方法 43.论涉网民事案件管辖权的确定

44.论我国承认与执行外国法院判决的条件与程序 45.论涉外侵权行为之债的法律适用

六、民法、知识产权法论文选题 1.论网络侵权责任 2.遗失物制度研究


4.论法人人格否认制度的适用 5.法人民事责任问题研究

6.建立我国个人破产制度的法律思考 7.论表见代理的适用 8.论取得时效制度 9.论校园事故责任

10.论物权公示公信制度 11.论不动产物权的登记制度 12.论隐私权的民法保护

13.论精神损害赔偿数额的确定 14.论特殊侵权行为 15.论物权的效力


17.论用人单位的责任 18.论民法的权利法性质

19.论知识产权侵权损害赔偿 20.论著作权的集体管理 21.论驰名商标的法律保护 22.论商业秘密的法律保护 23.论计算机软件的法律保护 24.域名抢注的法律思考

25.论网络环境下的著作权保护 26.论债权人的代位权

27.论违约损害赔偿的范围 28.论格式条款 29.论善意取得制度

30.论饲养动物致人损害的责任 31.论商品房预售合同的效力 32.论房地产开发经营的主体资格 33.论房屋按揭法律问题 34.论合同法的附随义务 35.论预期违约制度 36.论可撤销民事行为 37.论共同侵权行为 38.论权利质押 39.论过错责任原则 40.论共同危险行为 41.论名誉权的民法保护


1.论罪刑法定原则的理论基础 2.论罪刑法定原则的司法化 3.论罪刑相适应原则的理论基础

4.犯罪概念中的社会危害性与刑事违法性关系辨析 5.论犯罪概念与犯罪构成的辩证关系 6.犯罪客体对定罪量刑的意义 7.论犯罪对象与犯罪客体的关系

8.论间接故意与过于自信过失的区分——以某案为例 9.论刑法中的事实认识错误 10.论犯罪未遂的特征 11.论犯罪既遂


13.论我国刑法中的结果加重犯 14.论我国刑法中的罚金刑 15.论我国刑法中的死缓制度 16.论一般累犯

17.论我国刑法中的数罪并罚制度 18.论危险犯

19.论生产销售伪劣产品罪 20.论盗窃罪和诈骗罪的界分 21.试论正当防卫的成立条件 22.论重大环境污染事故罪 23.论不作为犯罪的因果关系 24.论犯罪故意的认识因素

25.论刑法中的国家机关工作人员 26.论疏忽大意过失的认定 27.论正当防卫中的逆防卫 28.论犯罪集团 29.论非法经营罪

30.论以其他危险方法危害公共安全罪 31.论生产销售假药罪

32.论生产销售有毒有害食品罪 33.论刑法对虚拟财产的保护 34.精神病人刑事责任问题初探

35.试论我国刑法中的“特殊防卫权” 36.共同犯罪中的“实行过限”初探






42.自首制度的特征及其司法实践认定中注意的问题 43.立功制度的特征及其司法实践认定中注意的问题 44.论累犯制度的理论根据及实践认定 45.和谐社会背景下的缓刑适用若干问题 46.论假释适用中的若干问题

47.单位侵犯知识产权犯罪若干疑难问题研究 48.知识产权犯罪的主观要件探讨 49.环境刑法的伦理基础探讨



52.商业贿赂行为的法律界定 53.交通肇事罪的主体要件探讨 54.丢失枪支不报罪的若干问题探析 55.重大责任事故罪若干问题探析

















72.行使权利行为与敲诈勒索界限探讨 73.赌博犯罪防治对策的刑法思考――以“六合彩”的泛滥为例




77.论卖淫相关行为的非罪化 78.论非法占有的目的 79.论对事实认识的错误 80.论对法律认识的错误 81.论身份犯

82.论交通肇事犯罪中的逃逸 83.论侵犯商业秘密罪

84.论强制猥亵、侮辱妇女罪 85.论骗购外汇罪

86.论隐匿、故意销毁会计凭证、会计账簿、财务会计报告罪 87.论内幕交易、泄露内幕信息罪 88.论操纵证券、期货交易价格罪 89.论恐怖组织的认定 90.论投放虚假危险物质罪

91.论编造、故意传播虚假恐怖信息罪 92.论雇佣童工从事危重劳动罪

93.论非法采伐、毁坏国家重点保护植物罪 94.论妨害信用卡管理罪

95.论窃取、收买、非法提供信用卡信息罪 96.论强令违章冒险作业罪

97.论大型群众性活动重大安全事故罪 98.论不报、谎报安全事故作业罪 99.论违规披露、不披露重要信息罪 100.论虚假破产罪


102.论骗取贷款、票据承兑、金融票证罪 103.论组织残疾人、儿童乞讨罪 104.论组织、领导传销活动罪


八、刑事诉讼法论文选题 1.论侦查程序中的人权保障 2.论刑事诉讼的证明标准

3.论辩护律师在刑事诉讼中的权利义务 4.论刑事被害人的权利保护 5.论刑事诉讼法的价值选择 6.论刑事诉讼中的证据开示制度 7.论直接言词原则 8.论口供

9.论司法权对侦查权的控制 10.论不得强迫自证其罪原则 11.论沉默权

12.论无罪推定原则 13.论非法证据排除规则 14.论控审分离原则 15.论辩护制度 16.论司法鉴定制度

17.论刑事诉讼的证明责任 18.论审判独立与司法公正

19.论我国刑事强制措施的健全与完善 20.刑事附带民事诉讼若干问题研究 21.刑事庭审制度研究

22.陪审制与参审制的比较研究 23.论诉讼及时原则

24.证人不出庭原因分析与对策研究 25.论证人证言 26.论物证 27.论书证

28.论刑事回避制度 29.论刑事再审制度 30.论监听制度 31.论逮捕


33.当事人诉讼模式与职权主义诉讼模式比较研究 34.举证时限制度探微


36.判例法的借鉴与本土化研究 37.法律监督原则探析 38.计算机证据研究

39.现场勘查与正当程序问题研究 40.参与原则解读

41.程序法定原则探微 42.司法独立原则解析 43.无罪推定原则研究 44.控审分离原则探微

45.恢复性司法的程序化研究 46.控辩平衡原则解读 47.刑事证明对象研究 48.“一事不再理”原则研究 49.直接言词原则解析 50.刑事回避原则研究 51.刑事期间制度研究 52.论附带民事诉讼

53.刑事被害人的地位权利及保障分析 54.刑事强制措施体系研究

55.刑事诉讼中检察权的合理配置 56.对取保候审制度的审视


58.两大法系对侦查权的监督比较研究 59.论诱惑侦查

60.刑事简易程序研究 61.优势证据规则研究

62.非法证据排除规则解读 63.沉默权制度的理性分析

64.律师在刑事诉讼中地位与作用 65.警察出庭作证制度研究 66.论刑事诉讼中的交叉询问 67.暂缓起诉制度研究

68.刑事诉讼中检察权的合理配置 69.强制侦查的法律控制与司法审查 70.死刑复核程序研究

71.媒体监督与司法独立的法理分析 72.法律援助制度研究

73.强制采样与人权保障的冲突与平衡 74.论审前羁押的法律控制 75.辩诉交易制度解析

76.传闻证据排除规则探析 77.刑事再审程序研究 78.补强证据规则释义 79.集中审理原则解析 80.当庭宣判制度研究 81.保释制度研究

82.论刑事辩护人权利的保障 83.论辩护人的会见权


85.完善我国刑事审判监督程序的构想 86.论公开审判

87.对两审终审制度的反思 88.论上诉不加刑 89.审级制度研究


91.论“普通程序简化审” 92.公诉转自诉制度研究 93.刑事简易程序比较研究 94.陪审制度研究

95.两大法系法官制度比较研究 96.论检察官的自由裁量权 97.论侦查权的司法控制 98.公诉权的滥用及其制约研究 99.论补充侦查


101.检察机关自侦案件的侦查监督探析 102.刑事侦查监督问题研究 103.侦查讯问制度研究

104.建构我国非法证据排除规则的设想 105.自白任意规则 106.品格证据规则 107.论拘留

108.论辩护律师的调查取证权 109.论辩护律师的阅卷权 110.刑事辩护制度的价值分析

111.审判中心主义对刑事诉讼程序的影响 112.论测谎证据 113.被害人陈述释义

114.论我国司法鉴定体制的现状及其完善 115.刑事鉴定结论研究 116.论视听资料 117.证明标准探微

118.污点证人豁免制度研究 119.证明责任研究

120.刑事诉讼中的证据开示制度研究 121.论刑事庭审的举证、质证与认证 122.刑事诉讼中证人出庭作证制度研究 123.论刑事诉讼中证人的拒绝作证权 124.论辩护律师的在场权 125.羁押的理性控制研究 126.翻供问题研究

127.论原始证据优先规则 128.品格证据的法律分析



1.中西方律师制度比较(可加小标题,如中美、中法„律师制度比较)2.论律师协会的地位和作用 3.论律师事务所的性质和地位


5.论律师在非诉讼法律事务中的地位和作用 6.我国律师职业的风险分析 7.律师执业纪律初探

8.析律师执业的诚信要求 9.论律师的法律援助义务 10.论公证的证据效力 11.论提存公存的应用

12.浅析婚前财产公证的应用 13.论公证书的域外效力



1.我国无效婚姻制度的缺陷及其立法完善 2.我国可撤销婚姻制度的缺陷及其立法完善 3.试论家庭暴力的法律调控 4.论我国亲属制度的立法完善 5.论非婚生子女的法律保护

6.我国协议离婚制度的缺陷及其立法完善 7.我国判决离婚制度的缺陷及其立法完善 8.论我国夫妻财产制的立法完善 9.人工生育子女的法律地位探析 10.论夫妻约定财产制

11.我国的扶养制度的缺陷及其立法完善 12.未成年人监护制度研究(加小标题)13.论代位继承制度 14.论遗赠扶养协议 15.成年人监护制度研究 16.夫妻家事代理权研究

十一、民事诉讼法论文选题 1.论民事诉权的法律保护 2.论民事审判公开制度 3.论民事诉讼和解制度 4.论民事诉讼保全制度 5.论民事司法鉴定制度

6.论民事诉讼中的证人证言 7.论民事诉讼中的自认制度 8.论民事诉讼中的推定 9.论民事诉讼证据收集制度 10.论民事诉讼质证制度 11.论民事诉讼认证制度

12.论民事诉讼证据交换制度 13.论民事执行异议制度

14.论我国民事诉讼审前准备程序的完善 15.论我国民事小额诉讼程序的完善 16.论测谎证据在民事诉讼中的应用 17.论民事诉讼回避制度 18.论民事诉讼证据调查 19.论民事诉讼举证时限制度 20.论民事诉讼中的诚实信用原则 21.论我国民事公益诉讼制度的构建


1.中国传统法律文化的价值及其现代化 2.晚清法律变化原因及成就 3.陪审制度的由来与发展 4.违宪审查制度比较与评析 5.近代西方民主的产生与发展 6.沈家本“中西会通”的法律观 7.孙中山的“五权宪法”思想 8.论清末法制的转型

9.明清经济立法与社会经济的发展 10.中国古代清官文化及其现代价值

11.西方自然法思想对中国法制建设的启示 12.中国古代多元纠纷解决机制研究 13.中国古代孝文化的现代价值 14.孟德斯鸠的宪政思想及其启示 15.萨维尼的私法思想及其现代价值 16.洛克的法律思想及其现代意义

17.埃利希的“活法”思想对中国当代法制建设的启示 18.庞德的社会法思想及其现代价值 19.日本法制改革及其启示

20.海瑞的法律思想及其现代价值 21.中国古代基层纠纷解决机制研究 22.中国古代株连制度的历史评价

23.美国司法独立对中国司法制度建设的启示 24.中国古代婚姻法的特点


26.中国古代“重刑轻民的法律观”探析 27.清代少数民族立法及其启示

28.清末“礼法之争”的原因及其本质 29.孙中山的法律思想及其现代价值 30.革命根据地时期的婚姻法研究 31.卢梭的法律思想及其启示

32.北宋王安石变法的历史价值及其当代启示 33.汉高祖的“选贤”思想及其启示

34.明清资本主义萌芽的经济管制及其启示 35.清朝厉行海禁政策的得失 36.中国古代调解制度研究

37.古代官箴的流变及其现代价值 38.中国古代选拔人才的路径 39.中国古代立法思想的流变

40.孔子的法律思想及其现代价值 41.韩非的法律思想对当代法制建设的启示 42.朱熹的法律思想及其现代启示 43.秦朝“以法治国”的成败分析

十三、行政法与行政诉讼法论文选题 1.论行政自由裁量权的控制 2.论行政权的异化及其法律规制 3.论行政权与公民权利的关系 4.论行政法的比例原则

5.论行政法的信赖利益保护原则 6.论行政公开原则 7.论行政合理性原则 8.行政主体理论的反思 9.我国行政授权组织研究 10.我国行政委托制度研究 11.我国公务员权利制度研究 12.《公务员法》的创新与反思 13.论公务员行政惩戒制度 14.中西公务员制度比较研究 15.论公务员职务行为的界定标准 16.论公务员的回避制度

17.学校法人地位的法律分析 18.论村委会与居委会的法律地位 19.消费者协会的法律问题研究 20.论大学章程的法律地位 21.论对规范性文件的监督 22.准行政行为研究

23.行政征收中的法律问题研究 24.行政确认的法律属性研究 25.相对集中行政处罚权研究

26.从行政许可的撤销看公共利益的界定 27.试论我国行政指导之法治化之路 28.试析行政调解制度之变革

29.试析禁止单方接触相关制度建设 30.行政参与原则

31.论正当法律程序与听证制度 32.行政诉权及其保障问题研究 33.可诉性行政行为研究

34.公共设施损害的法律责任问题研究 35.交通事故鉴定行为的可诉性问题研究 36.学校处分行为的法律救济问题研究 37.行政指导行为的可诉性问题研究 38.论公益诉讼制度的建构

39.比较民诉与行政诉讼中的证据制度 40.论行政诉讼停止执行的判断标准 41.论确认判决的选择和适用 42.论行政赔偿范围的扩大







6.论一人公司经营风险的法律调控制度 7.论公司法人人格否认制度




11.论公司中小股东保护的立法完善 12.论股东与非股东的利益冲突与平衡 13.论有限责任公司股权继承问题



16.上市公司独立董事选聘制度的法律构建 17.论股权的性质

18.股权转让中的法律问题探讨 19.论公司股份的回购

20.论公司职工持股的法律问题 21.公司相互持股法律问题研究

22.论对母子公司关系的法律调整 23.公司僵局救济途径的法律思考 24.论合伙企业的法律地位 25.论合伙企业财产的性质


27.我国个人独资企业设立条件的立法思考 28.论反垄断法与反不正当竞争法的关系 29.专利权与商业秘密保护的法律衔接 30.论商业贿赂及其法律责任 31.不正当有奖销售的法律规制 32.论消费者权益的保护

33.完善“消费者”定义的立法思考 34.论消费者权益保护的法律途径

35.论我国《消费者权益保护法》中惩罚性赔偿制度 36.论医患关系的法律调整

37.我国产品质量的现状分析与对策思考 38.论我国产品责任的归责原则

39.论转基因产品安全性的法律保障机制 40.产品召回法律制度研究 41.虚假广告的法律规制

42.论广告侵权及其法律责任 43.价格欺诈及其法律规制

44.论我国政府采购制度及其监督机制的完善 45.论转轨时期我国货币政策目标的选择 46.银行卡挂失法律问题初探

47.中国财政收支管理中的法制问题研究 48.论我国个人所得税法律制度的完善 49.完善我国税收优惠制度的探讨 50.论我国税务代理制度的完善 51.反避税的法律对策研究

52.论市场经济下我国商事主体的重构 53.票据权利救济的选择 54.试论票据抗辩

55.试论票据的善意取得 56.空白票据法律制度探究

57.论中介服务机构在证券法中的地位及责任 58.证券交易中的欺诈及其法律规制 59.证券内幕交易行为及其法律规制 60.论上市公司的信息披露制度

61.上市公司吸收合并中股东利益平衡法律问题研究 62.上市公司关联交易的法律规制


64.保险费管理的法律问题研究 65.论保险法中的自杀条款

66.论保险合同中的“不利解释”原则 67.保险合同如实告知义务辨析 68.论破产债权的范围 69.论自然人破产制度 70.论商号权的转让

71.连锁经营的法律问题探讨 72.特许经营法律问题研究 73.论排污收费制度

74.试论环境污染纠纷中的举证责任 75.试论环境污染纠纷中的无过失责任 76.试论环境损害赔偿的法律制度 77.论环境民事责任的构成要素

78.试论环境诉讼案件中的诉讼资格限制问题 79.浅析环境诉讼中的集团诉讼 80.论环境公益民事诉讼


82.和谐社会构建中的农民工劳动权益保护问题研究 83.劳动关系的界定及其法律适用 84.完善我国劳动争议处理程序的法律思考 85.未成年工维权问题探析


87.最低工资保障制度的困境与改革路径 88.就业歧视及其法律规制 89.论不定期劳动合同

90.劳务派遣中受遣员工权利保护的法律问题 91.论农民工劳动权益的法律保护

92.我国劳动法中劳动合同解除的经济补偿问题 93.试论劳动合同违约金存在的法理基础及法律性质 94.论农村社会保障体系的建立和完善 95.试论旅游者合法权益的法律保护



I、Literature: 1.A Comparative Study of Tao Yuan-Min and William Wordsworth 2.On Characterization of Jane Eyre 3.An Analysis of Jane Eyre 4.Mrs.Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese 5.Jane Eyre’s Search for Christianity 6.Comment in the Techniques of Emily Bronte’s Dual Personalities in Wuthering Heights 7.The Realism of the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn 8.Mark Twain and Huck Finn 9.Love Stories in William Cather’s “O Pioneers” 10.Life with Struggle 11.A Character Analysis of the Heroine of Emma 12.Thought of Marriage in Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”

13.An Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” and “Annabel Lee” 14.An Analysis of the Source of Tess’ Tragedy 15.Heroism in Hemingway’s Works 16.“Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty”

17.The Light of the Dark:the Greatest Works of Conan and Agatha 18.The Ambiguity in The Scarlet Letter 19.About the Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter 20.On Wuthering Heights 21.Money and Marriage 22.The Literature Characteristics in A Tale of Two Cities 23.Jane Eyre, a Symbol of Feminism 24.Desalination and Optimization 25.The Impact of Money on Marriage in Pride and Prejudice 26.The Dilemma of Marriage 27.On Wordsworth’s View of Nature

28.On the Symbolism of D.H.Lawrence’s “The Rainbow” 29.A Brief Discussion about Tess 30.The Character of Jane Eyre 31.A Challenge to Morality and Convention 32.A Picturesque Nouel, Tess of the D’Urbervilles 33.Simple Analysis on Milton and Paradise Lost 34.How the Brontes Become World Famous Writers 35.The Humanity Hidden Behind Nature 36.Analysis of Characters of Don Quxiote 37.Analysis of the Characters in Jane Eyre 38.The Character Analysis of Pride and Prejudice 39.On the Author and the Major Characters of The Pearl 40.Three Structures in Pride and Prejudice 41.Revelation in Fore Couples of Pride and Prejudice 42.The Brief Analysis of Shakespeare’s Tragedy Tradition 43.The Versification of English Poetry and Metrical 44.Contrast Between Chinese Poetry and Sonnets 45.Social Reality Reflected in Ode To the West Wing 46.Hamlet and His Delay 47.To Champ with the Changes 48.Hawthorne’s Theory of Romance and The Scarlet Letter 49.The Cuban Culture Contest of “The Old Man and the Sea” 50.Comment the Themes of “The Merchant of Venice” 51.An Analysis of the Characters in Jane Eyre 52.The Real Theme of the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn 53.On the Bronte Sisters and theirs Writings 54.To Love or To Be Loved? Analysis of Major Characters in Wuthering Heights 55.Gothic Features in Wuthering Heights 56.On the Image of Jane Eyre 57.The Character of Hamlet

58.The Analysis of Santiago’s Character

59.The Appearance of New Women:On Carrie’s New Image

60.The Comparison of the Character of Carrie Meeber and Jennie Gerhardt 61.Love and Lust---Pride and Prejudice 62.The Philosophy of Life in Ernest Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea” 63.Realism in Mark Twain 64.Mark Twain---The Pessimist Who Brought Laughter to The World 65.A New Industry Raising From the Horizon 66.Blind Loyalty and Tragic Destiny 67.Rebecca’s Character Description

68.Humor and Realism of Mark Twain’s “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of California County”

69.The Colonialist Discourse in Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea 70.Robinson Crusoe and the Colonial Empire 71.A Character Analysis of the Hero of Wuthering Heights 72.Remarks on D.K.Lawrence’s Psychological Analyses 73.On Transliteration

74.On Julien and Stendhal 75.A Probe into the Ambiguity and Symbolization of Eliot’s Poetry 76.A Bridge Over the Trouble Water 77.The Characteristics of Hemingway’s Art in “The Old Man and The Sea” 78.Emily Bronte and Wuthering Heights 79.Hamlet: Character Analysis 80.An Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Image

81.The Realism of Adventure of Huckleberry Finn 82.A Farewell to Arms—A Clear Mirror 83.A Brief Comment on the Scarlet Letter 84.Jane Eyre: A Great Masterpiece with Prejudice—We Should Analyze a Work Dialogically

85.To Foster an Earthy Rainbow 86.The Tragic Fate of Tess 87.Gone with the Wind and the Awakening of Women 88.Hemingway and Hemingway Heroes 89.Two Women, Two Different Destinies 90.The Sound of Heart-Reverie and Melancholy in Emily Dickinson’s Poems 91.The Negative Influence of Society on the Oliver Twist 92.Amazing Return—An Analysis of the Character of Hester Prynne in the Scarlet Letter 93.The Beauty in Sense, in Sound and in Form 94.Return and Transcendence—Comment on the Bear and The Old Man and The Sea 95.Comment on the Biblical Images in Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonists 96.Reexamination of Santiago—Hero of The Old Man and The Sea

97.Comparison of Gone with the Wind and The Collector—An Analysis of Women’s Problem 98.Satire in Catch—22 99.The Typical Characteristic of O.Henry’s Short Story—Comment on The Gift of the Maggie 100.Does Hester Get Rebirth? Reexamination of the Heroine in the Scarlet Letter 101.The Person Seeking for Rainbow 102.Analysis of Jane Eyre 103.Destruction of Tess in Tess of the D’Urbervilles 104.Morals Affect Tess’ Fate

105.“Jude the obscure” as the Masterpiece by Hardy 106.Eternal Charm 107.The Symbols in the Scarlet Letter 108.Rebellions & Faithful 109.Happiness and Sadness of Love 110.A Short Visit Tagging along the Traces of Alexander Pope

111.How do the Letters of Credit and Carry on the Guard and Relief 112.Man and the Nature---Comparison between the Bear and the Old Man and the Sea 113.Writing Techniques in the Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy 114.An Analysis of Matrimonial Values in Pride and Prejudice 115.Comments on Walt Whitmen's Leaves of Grass

116.Rebecca and Daphne du Maurier---The Writing Style of Daphne in Rebecca 117.Initial Love, Final Love 118.The Charm of the Advertures of Tom Sawyer 119.To Appreciate Tender Is the Night from different Visual Angles

120.The Relationship between Background and Theme----About Robinson Crusoe 121.The Initial Probe of the Influence of W.Whitman on Literature and Art

122.Differences in the Creation of Poems between Wang Wei and William Wordsworth 123.The Self-contradiction with Unity of the Desdemona's Character 124.Comment on Fitzgerald and His Masterpiece The Great Gatsby 125.Initial Probe of Time Building of the Emotion in W.Wordsworth's Poems 126.Tow Exotic Flowers of Feminism 127.The Lost Generation and the Beat Generation Novelists 128.Emily Bronte's Achievements on “Wuthering Hieghts” 129.My Personal Understanding of the Novel “Forrest Gump” 130.The Life of Hemingway as Reflected in His Works

131.An Emphasis on Female Independance and Rebellious Spirit of the Two Brontes“ Heroines

132.Comment On Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms 133.Alice Walker and Her Everyday Use 134.Jack London and His Martin Eden 135.Comment on Ernest Hemingway and His Work ”A Farewell to Arms“ 236.On the Character of Heathcliff in Wuthering Hieights 237.The Essay on Uncle Tom's Canbin

138.The Development of Drama in Literature of English 139.Whitman's Leaves of Grass and Its Free Verse 140.Character Origin in Uncle Tom's Cabin in the Bible 141.A Brief Introduction of William Faulkner 142.Comment on Steinbecks's Of Mice and Men 143.Herman Melville and His Great Work Moby Dick

144.The Personality of the Characters in Shakespearean Tragedies 145.The Bible's Influence on Shakespeare's Writing 146.Emily Dickinson----A Poet Belongs to Herself 147.Paradoxes in The Great Gatsby Causes to the Tragedy of Rebellious Women in the Western Literature

148.A Great Man in American Literature of the 19th Century 149.A brief Survey of Charles Dickens and Some of His Works 150.Fighting in Despair, Fighting against Despair 152.The Trapped Angel----Desdemona of Othello 153.An analysis of the Symbolic meaning and realistic meaning of Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter 154.Humanitarianism in A Tale of Two Cities 155.Racism in Light in August

156.”Cinderella“ Model in Austen's Novel 157.A Roar towards the Unfair Society

--Analysis of Heathcliff’s Character 158.A Brief Analysis on the Gift of Magi 159.A Comment on Emily Bronte and the Characteristics of Her Works 160.A Comparison Between LiQingzho and Emily Dickinson

161.A Real Melanie Hamilton The Analysis of Melanie Hamilton’s Image 162.A Research on Feminism in American and Chinese Films 163.A Study of Reflection of Slavery in Gone with the Wind 164.A Study on Gane Austen's attitude towards Marriage from Pride and

Prezudice 165.Alice Walker's Womanism in ”The Color of Purple“ 166.Analyses of American Values from American Movies 167.Analysis of the Causes of Tess’ Tragedy 168.Analysis of Xianglin’s Wife and Ma Parker 169.Character Analysis of Jane Eyre 170.Christianity and Abolitionism in Uncle Tom's Cabin 171.Cinderalla Copmlex in Mansfield Park 172.Comment on the Hero's Tragedy in The Great Gatsby 173.Comparision between Alec Duberville and Angel Clare in Tess of the Durbervilles 174.Dickens' Revokutionary Views in ”A Tale of Two Cities“ 175.Discourse Analysis of Dialogues in ”The Loons“ 176.Gertrude Anticipates a Fair Judgment 177.Hardy and Tess of the D'Urberbilles 178.Hemingway and ”the Lost Generation“ 179.How does Mona lisa Decode The Da Vinci Code 180.Implication in a room with a view by E.M.Forster 181.Jane Eyre's Artistic Image 182.Keats, Shelley's Natural Road--Analysis of Ode to a Nightingale and To a Sky-Lark 183.Margaret Mitchell's Feminist Declaration--On Scarlett O'Hara's Female Consciousness 184.My opinion on marriage based on pride and prejudice 185.Nature in Robert Frost’s Poems 186.No Fortitude, No Fulfillment 187.On Humor and Satire in Pride and Prejudice 188.On the Development of Femine Status in the Western Literature 189.On the Inevitability of Gattby's Tragedy 190.On Wemen's Road of Struggling to Stand up from The Color Purple 191.On Women's Independent Characteristics--An Analysis on Jane Eyre and Tess 192.Passive Women in Frankenstein 193.Pragmatism of 《Autobiography》by Benjamin Franklin and the Influence on American Dream 194.Symbolism in The Catcher in the Rye 195.Terror, Death, Human Nature and Modernism----The similarities between ”The Fall of the House of Usher“ and ”Wuthering Heights“ 196.Tess of the D'urbervilles: A poetical novel 197.The analysis of Jane Eyre’s character

198.The Catcher in the Rye---Phoniness of humanity 199.The Comparison of Tao Yuanming’s and Wordsworth’s Poetry 200.The Different Life, the Same Pursuit 201.The Elegy of Blanche--Analysis of the heroine in ”A Streetcar Nameed Desire“ 202.The Great Gatsby--Brief analysis of the disillusionment of ”American Dream“ 203.The Irish Spirit in Novel Gone with the Wind 204.The Process from a Girl to a Woman--The Analyses of Scarlett’s Character in Gone with the Wind 205.The Puritan Emotion of The Scarlet Letter 206.The Religious Ideology of Anne Bradstreet in the Tenth Muse 207.The Thematic Implication Of Great Expectation 208.The View of Marriage in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice 209.The Viewpoint of Love in Jane Eyre

II.Pedagogy 1.The Application of Schema Theory in Reading Comprehension 2.Body Language in English Teaching 3.The Diversification of English Language Teaching 4.The Present Situation of Bilingual Education 5.Culture and English Teaching 6.Some Designs on English Learning 7.Creating Learning Environments 8.Collaborative Learning: Group Work 9.How Group Work Helps to Teach English Well 10.The Process of Language Learning and Teaching 11.Motivation for English Teaching 12.Solitariness 13.The Activities Used to Improve the English Teaching Class 14.Practice of Task-based Teaching Approach Based on Construction 15.The Interest of English Learning

16.Teach Reading in Senior Middle School 17.Cooperative Learning in the Secondary School 18.A Balanced Activities Approach in Communicative Foreign Language Teaching 19.On Communicative Way in Grammar Teaching 20.Culture Education in School English Teaching 21.Consideration on Bilingual Teaching 22.Cross-culture Communication and English Teaching in Middle School 23.Study of Business Letter 24.The English Teaching Based on Multimedia 25.The Contrast of Middle School Education between China & West 26.Culture Lead-in in English Teaching 27.Psychological Factors in English Teaching at Middle School

28.The Factors Affecting on Teaching a Language and Relevant Teaching Methods 29.A Thesis Presented to the Department of English

30.Making Use of Resources on the Internet to Assist Middle School Teaching 31.How to Improve Students’ Listening Abilities

32.Communicative Language Teaching and the Teaching in English Class 33.Grammar Teaching Within a Communicative Framework 34.Cultural Awareness in English Teaching 35.The Impact of Different Interpersonal Relationship 36.How to Learn English Vocabulary Effectively 37.On English Writing 38.The Social Psychological Factors of Foreign Language Learning 39.How to Improve the English Writing Ability 40.The Practice of English Class Teaching

41.On Pair Work and Group Work and Their Use in English Language Teaching 42.Cultural Difference and English Teaching 43.International Communication College Culture and Education 44.Initiation and Situation in English Learning Motivation 45.Cognitive Approach in Oral English Teaching 46.Self-access Learning’s Effects on the Application of the Balanced Activities Approach 47.International Communicative Activities into College English Language Teaching 48.The Application of Communication Approach to English Teaching 49.A Comparative Study of Compliments: Cross-culture Perspectives 50.Cross-cultural Communication and English Teaching

51.Increasing Cultural Awareness of English for Middle School Students 52.How to Improve Listening Skills of the Secondary School Students in English Teaching

53.Emotional Factors in English Teaching 54.The Application of Schema Theory in English Reading Class 55.Schema Theory and the Teaching of English Reading 56.Using Multimedia to Aid English Teaching 57.Strengthening Culture Teaching in Foreign Language Teaching 58.The Use of Body Language in Elementary English Teaching 59.Ways to Arouse the Students Interest 60.Culture Teaching in English Teaching 61.Conscious Response and English Teaching in Middle School 62.Quality-education in Middle School's English Teaching Reform

63.Review of English Teaching in Middle Schools and Some Countermeasures 64.The Use of Body Language in Middle School 65.Foreign Language Learning Strategies 66.How to Stimulate and Forster Students' Interest in Learning English 67.Strategies in English Vocabulary Learning and Teaching 68.Cultural Background Knowledge and English Teaching

69.Foreign Language Learning Anxiety and Students-centered Teaching 70.English Teaching Mode for Young Learners

80.How to Contain Quality-oriented Education in English Teaching in Senior Middle School

81.The Art of Guiding the Middle School Students in English Learning

82.The Application of the Theory of Cooperative Learning in English Teaching 83.The Application of Communicative Approach in English Teaching 84.On English Grammar Teaching in Middle School 85.Try to Combine the EQ Education in the Communication Approach of English Teaching 86.How to Improve the Ability of Listening, Speaking , Reading and writing 87.English Vocabulary Teaching in Middle and Primary School 88.On the Reforming of ”Deaf and Dump“ English 89.On Investigation and Research of English Teaching in Middle School 90.Application of Cross-cultural Communication in the College English Teaching 91.On the Understanding of Different Cultural Connotations of English-Chinese Vocabulary 92.The Communicative Approach in China 93.Research in Listening Teaching in Middle School 94.Aesthetic Education to ELT in Chinese Middle School 95.English Situation Teaching Method

96.Chasing Our Own Cheese----Preparing Ourselves to the Changing of English Teaching 97.Globelization of Education and Its Influence to the Education System in China 98.Innovative Education in English Class of Senior-high School 99.Teaching Culture in Junior Middle School English Class 100.On Embodiment of the Differences between English-Chinese thinking Mode in Language Learning

102.On Primary School's English Teaching Adjust to the Reform of Curriculum 103.The Application of Situation Language

104.Teaching and Communicative Language Teaching in Oral English 105.Study on English Listening Teaching in Senior School 106.How to Improve the Ability of English Reading for Middle School Students How107.to develop the Students' Motivation Study on Chinese English

108.The Analysis of Errors in Junior Students' Writing and Relative Improvement Tactics Cultural 109.Consciousness in the English Teaching of Middle School 110.CAI in English Teaching in Senior Middle Schools 111.Constructivism Theory Applied in Translation Teaching 112.Onthe Stimulation of Learner's Motivation in English Learning 113.Methods for Learning Vocabulary 114.Rhetoric Devices Used in English Writing 115.The Reading to Sensing---to Acquire the Sense of Poetry through Its Resources 116.Quality-oriented Education of English Teaching in Middle School 117.How to Teach English Vocabulary in Middle School 118.The Cultural Differences in Reading Comprehension 119.A Discussion of Primary School English Teaching in Class 120.How to Introduce Cultural Elements in English Teaching in Middle School English To 121.Improve Foreign Language Teachers' Teaching Ability the Teaching of Spoken English in 122.High School 123.My view on the English Teaching in Primary School 124.On the Adult English Teaching in China

125.CALL Technique and College Oral English Teaching 126.Less-time High-effect English Teaching in Middle School 127.The Main Schools and Methods about Writing Teaching 128.College English Test and the Mode of College English Teaching 129.The Education of Gannan Countryside 130.The English Teaching and the Cultural Teaching of Middle School 131.The English Cultural Teaching in the High School 132.Spoken English Teaching in Middle Schools

133.Improve the Middle School Students' English Learning Autonomy 134.Learning and Teaching Listening and Speaking English

135.Situational Language Teaching and Communicative Language Teaching Applied in Oral English Teaching 136.How to Motivate the Students' Interest in Learning English in Class

137.The Contest of Culture in English Teaching The Importance of Reading Aloud in English 138.Teaching Process

139.The Model of Interactive English Language Teaching in High School 140.Introduction of English and American Culture in English Teaching 141.Body Language and Its Application in English Teaching 142.About English Vocabulary Teaching in Junior Middle School 143.On English Learning of Chinese Children 144.Cooperative Language Learning Approach

145.On the Improvement of Family Education in China 146.Learner Autonomy in College English Teaching 147.The ”Four in One“ English Teaching in Rural Middle School 148.The Communicative Approach to the Reading Comprehension Teaching 149.Computer-assisted English Teaching in Secondary School 150.The Application of Teachers' Expectancy Effects 151.Schema Theory and Reading Comprehension 152.On Language Teaching and Cultural Education 153.The Impacts of CAI in Middle School English Teaching 154.On the English Vocabulary Teaching in Middle School 155.Learning Guide to English Teaching in Senior Middle School 156.How to develop Students' Ability of Listening 157.A Study on Teaching English Listening and Speaking Based on Films 158.Pygmalion Effect in English Class 159.Task-based English Language Teaching in Middle Schools

160.The Differences between American English & British English and Their Impact on China's English Teaching 161.The Effective Way to Get High School Students to Speak English

162.On the Application of Intercultural Communication in Middle School English Teaching 163.Multimedia Technology in English Teaching 164.Teaching English with Emotion

165.The Roles of the Teacher in Communicative Language Teaching 166.The Obstructions on Listening Comprehension and How to Improve It 167.Infiltration of Cross-culture Communication in English Teaching 168.Cultural Education in Junior Middle School English Teaching 169.On the Cultural Education in English Language Teaching

170.Senior English Reading Teaching in the Standard of New Lessons: Task-based Learning 171.How to Foster the Students' Interest in English in Primary and Middle School 172.The Errors Analysis of Writing Made by Students in Middle School and the Solutions 173.Task-based English Teaching

174.Developing Spoken English Communication Skills

175.A Study on the Cultivation and Improvement of English Writing Ability 176.Quality-oriented Education in Middle School English Teaching

177.Problems and Possible Solutions in Oral English Teaching of High School 178.Links between College English Teaching Methods and Economy Development 179.Chinese Students' Problems in Articulating English Phonetics and Solutions

180.The Contrast and Enlightenment between Audio-lingual Approach and Communicative Approach in English Teaching

181.A Brief Talk on English Teaching in Rural School 182.To Adapt and to Transform--on the Cultivation of the Communicative Competence in the 183.Reform of the College English Teaching

184.The Application of Phrase-approach in Vocabulary Learning 185.On the Practical Use of CLA in Middle Schools 186.Communication : An Essential Way for the Teaching of Youngsters On the Function of 187.Teaching of British and American Cultures in Quality-oriented Education

188.My Views on Intercultural Communication and English Teaching in Middle School Cultural 189.Difference and Language Learning Enlightenment from American Higher Education

190.Family Education between China and America 191.A Brief Study Of Oral English Teaching In Middle School 192.How to solve the Problems of Listening in the daily Life 193.On Improving Students’ Listening Ability In Middle School

194.Problems And Methods On Middle School English Teaching Of Listening Comprehension 195.Task-based Approaches to the Teaching of Oral English 196.Teaching and Learning English through Videos 197.The Cooperative Learning Strategy In Middle School English Teaching 198.The Obstacles to Listening and Countermeasures to Improve the Listening Ability 199.The Tactics of Improving Senior Middle School Students' English Reading Ability 200.Strategies for Improving Middle School English Listening in classroom 201.A Contrastive Analysis of Culturally Loaded Words in Chinese and English 202.Arousing Learning Motivation of the Non-English Majors in Teaching Spoken English 203.Body Language Used in English Teaching in Middle School 204.Computer Systems with English Teaching and Learning 205.Game playing in English Classed in Primary Schools 206.How to Stimulate the Middle School Students’ interest of Englishh Learning 207.On the Transform of Middle School Teachers’Roles

208.Strategies for Improving College English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning 209.The Application of Children’s Rhymes in Kindergartens’ English Teaching 210.The Importance of Cultural Background Knowledge in English Teaching 211.The Importance of Interactive Teaching in Primary English Education 212.The Influence of Non-intelligent Factors in L2 Learning 10 213.A Brief Comment on the Stimulation of Students Learning Motive in English teaching of Senior Middle Schools 214.A Brief Discussion about the Impact of French upon English 215.A Comparative study of Chinese and American Family Education 216.A Contrastive Study of Cultural Differences of Nonverbal Communication between Chinese and English 217.A Probe into the English Classroom Instruction of Middle School 218.A Study of Present Condition of Oral English Teaching in Middle Schools and Its Countermeasures 219.A Study on Cultural Teaching in College English Teaching 220.A Study on Developing Middle School Students’ International Communicative Competence in English Teaching 221.A Study on the Affective Factors in Primary School EFL Teaching 222.A Study on the Problems and Solutions of School-Based English Curriculum Development in Rural Junior Middle School

223.Adopting Situational Teaching in English Classroom in Middle School 224.Affective Education in Middle School English Teaching 225.Affective Teaching in Middle School English

226.An Analysis of Pragmatic Failures Made by Non-English Majors in Oral English 227.An Analysis on Encouraging Students to Speak in English Class 228.An approach to Improving the Ability of Reading in English Study 229.Analysis of Bilingual Teaching of Our country 230.Analysis of Incredients for Listening Comprehension among Middle School Students and listening Comprehension Training 231.Analysis on English Multimedia Teaching in Middle School 232.Analysis on the “Subjetivity” in Learning English of the High Scool Students 234.Analysis on the Roles of the Teachers and Students in Network Environment 235.Application of Body Language in English Teaching 236.Application of Cooperative Learning in English Teaching in Senior Middle School 237.Application of Cooperative Learning in the English

Speaking and Listening Teaching in the Middle School 238.Application of formative evaluation to middle school English teaching 239.Application of Multimedia Technology in English Teaching 240.Arousing Emotion to Foster Learner's Autonomous Learning 241.Autonomous learning and how to develop it in senior middle school 242.Basic Reasons for chinglish:Discrepancies in Chinese and Western Thinking Models 243.Body Language and English Teaching in Chinese Middle School

244.Body Language and Its Application in Cross-culture Communication and English Teaching 245.Body Language in Teaching 246.Body Language Used in Elementary School 247.Centred Around Students in English Teaching 248.Change of Roles for a Harmonious Class Atmosphere 249.Class Activities to Improve English Teaching in Middle School 250.Classroom Activities in English Language Teaching 251.Communicative Approach in Middle School English Teaching 252.Comparison between the Grammar-Translation Teaching Approach and the Communicative Teaching Approach in Middle School 253.Comparison of Family Education between China and America 254.Construcctivism and Middle School English Teaching 255.Context theory in English Vocabulary Teaching 256.Cooperative learning and its Application to English Laerning for Teenagers 257.Cooperative learning and Middle School English teaching 258.Cooperative learning in developing Students' positive affect 259.Cross-cultural Communicative Competence and Open English Teaching 260.Cross-culture Communication and English Teaching in Middle Schools 266.Cultivating Cultural Awareness in Middle Schools' English Teaching 267.Cultivating Pupils' interest in Learning English 268.Cultivating Senior High School Students’ Self-access Reading in English Learning 269.Cultivation and Stimulation of the Students’ Interest in English Learning

270.Cultivation of Intercultural Awareness of Secondary School Dtudents in English Teaching 271.Cultural Background knowledge in English Teaching in Middle School 272.Cultural Education in English Teaching 273.Cultural Introduction in College English Teaching 274.Cultural Teaching in Middle School Classroom English Teaching 275.Culture Education in Middle School English Teaching 276.Culture Teaching in Foreign Language Teaching 277.Deepening Students' Cross-cultural Awareness in high School English Teaching 278.Emotion and English Teaching 279.Emotional factors affecting English learning for senior students 280.English Appreciative Education for Left-behind Students in Rural Schools 281.English autonomous learning in senior high school 282.English Education in Kindergarten and the teaching Methods 283.English Grammar Teaching and Learning in the Middle School 284.English Teaching Should Pay Attention to Cultural Teaching 285.ESL Teacher Talk and Learner Opportunity in Classroom 286.Fostering Learner's Autonomy of English Study in University 287.Gender Difference and FLT in Middle Schools 288.How to Be An Effective Middle School English Teacher 289.How to Conduct Interactive English Teaching 300.How to Create a Positive Atmosphere in the English Class of Middle Schools 301.How to Cultivate Senior High School Students' Autonomy Learning Ability 302.How to Improve Learners' Reading Ability through ”Three-step“ Training 303.How to Improve Middle School Students' Reading Ability 304.How to Improve Middle Students English Oral Abilities 12 305.How to Improve Non English Majors’ Listening and Speaking Ability---306.By Ways of Watching English Films in English Study 307.How to Improve Preschool Children’s Family Education 308.How to Improve Senior Students' Reading Abilities 309.How to Improve Students' Ability of English Reading 310.How to Improve the Ability of the Reading Comprehension in College Entrance Examination 312.How to improve the Teaching of Translation in English language 313.How To Make English Class More Communicative 314.How to Teach English Writing in High Schools 315.How to Train the Students Self-Learning Ability in English 316.Impacts of Comparative Analysis of Grammar between English and Chinese over Translation 317.Influence of Teacher Talk Input on Middle School Students’Oral English

318.Initiation on Cultivating the Ideation of the Students' English Reading in Middle School 319.Initiation on TBLT in Senior Middle School 320.Interaction: One of the Ways to Improve Oral English

321.Intercultural communication and Middle schhol English Teaching 322.Interesting English Teaching in Primary School 323.Lexical Teaching in Context 324.Listening Teaching in Junior English 325.Maintaining and Arousing Middle School Students' Interest in Learning English 326.Measures and Perspective of English Teaching Reform in the Rural Middle School 327.Methods of Teaching and Memorizing English Vocabulary 328.More Stress Should Be laied on Cross-Cultural Communication in Middle School English Teaching 329.Motivation and English teaching 330.Motivational strategies in the different stages of teaching a high school English class 331.Multi-media application in middle school English teaching 332.My Opinion of College English Writing 333.New Branch in Learning Vocabualry---Phrase-approach 334.Non-linguistic Obstacles of Middle School Students’ Listening 335.Comprehension and its Countermeasures 336.Non-Structural Cohesion in English Writing 337.Nonverbal Communication in English Classroom Teaching 338.Obstacles in English Education

339.On Body Language in English Language Teaching 340.On New-Fashioned Relationship between Teachers and Students of Higher Education and Its Construction 341.On Teaching for Thinking Cultivation in Middle School 342.On Teaching Methods of Cultivating Interest in English Learning In Middle school 343.On Teaching Methods of English Listening Comprehension in New Curriculum Criteria 344.On the Student-oriented” Thought in the Rural Middle School English Teaching 345.On the Application of Emotional in English Teaching of Countryside Senior Middle School 346.On the Application of Multimedia in English Teaching 347.On the Cultural Education in English Language Teaching 348.On the Problems and Solutions of the English Enlightment Education 349.On the Problems and Strategies of Teaching English Pronunciation in Middle School 350.On the Role of Multimedia Assisting in the Pupils“ English Teaching and Learning 351.On the Significance of Situations Created in Middle School English Teaching 352.On the Teaching of English Vocabulary in Middle School 353.On Using English Songs To Improve Students' Listening and Speaking Abilities 354.On Vocabulary Teaching and Learning in College English

355.Principles and Techniques of Culture Teaching in Middle School English Teaching 356.Probe into the training of college English listening

357.Probeinto the Computer-based Instruction in Foreign Language Teaching 358.Problems and Methods in the English Listening Teaching of Middle School 359.Problems and the Countermeasures in the Teaching of English in Primary and Junior Middle Schools in Rural Areas 360.Promoting English Vocabulary Learning from the Perspective of its Development 361.Reflection on the Reinforcement of EST Program for English Major Students 362.Reflections on Bilingual Teaching in China 363.Reflections on Harmonious English Class Teaching for Senior Middle School 364.Research of Pragmatic Failure in FLT 365.Research on Gender Differences of English Study and the Corresponding Teaching Strategies

366.Research-based Learning in High School English Teaching 367.School-Based Curriculum Development Used in the School English Teaching 368.Shallow Discussion on the Affective Education in Middle School English Teaching 369.Skills for Improving English Reading Ability 370.Some Cultural Connotation in English Vocabulary Teaching 371.Some problems in high school English learning and their countermeasures 372.Some Strategies on Improving Senior High School Students' Reading Comprehension 373.Some Thoughts on English Listening Teaching 374.Spoken English Teaching Based on Motive Education Theory 375.Standpoints on Practical English Teaching Methods to Enhance Students’ Language Ability 376.Strategies for Improving Senior Students' Listening Ability 377.Study on English Grammar Teaching 378.Study on the Self-factors of Slow-learners and countermeasures of Transformation in Middle School 379.Survey on Middle-School Students' English writing Status Quo in West Region of Jiangxi Province 380.Teacher Questioning in the Middle School English Class 381.Teacher's Affect in ELT of Middle Schools 382.Teaching English Vocabulary in Contexts 383.The Ambiguity and English Teaching 384.The Analysis of Listening Teaching in Countryside Junior Secondary School 385.The Analysis on the English Immersion Approach 386.The Application of Behaviorism on English Teaching 387.The application of body language in middle school English teaching

388.The Application of Cooperative Learning in English Classroom 389.The Application of English Advertisement in Foreign Language Teaching 390.The Application of English Morpheme in English Teaching and Learning 391.The Application of Figure Stick in Middle School English Teaching 392.The Application of Inquiring Learning on English Teaching of Junior middle School 393.The Application of Multimedia and Networking Technology in High School English Reading Teaching 394.The Application of Multimedia in English Writing Teaching 395.The Application of Task-based Approach in English Teaching 396.The Application of Task-based English Teaching in Junior Middle School 397.The Application of Task-based language Instruction in Middle School English Teaching 398.The Application of Task-based Language Teaching in Senior English Teaching 399.The application of the inquiry approach in English teaching 400.The Assignment and Assessment on English Exercise 401.The body language in middle school English classroom teaching

402.The challenge of inquiring learning for English teachers in high school 403.The Changes of English Teachers' Role in Implementing the New Curriculum 404.The Communicative Approach and Oral English Teaching to English Majors 405.The Cultivation of autonomous learning in Middle Schools 406.The Cultivation of Students' Ability of Self-regulated Learning in College English Teaching 408.The Cultivation of the Language Sense of High School Students 409.The Disparity of English Teaching in the Rural Area and City in China 410.The Effect of Students’ Mental Disorders in English Learning 411.The English autonomous learning in elementary schools 412.The English autonomous learning in rural junior middle school 413.The English autonomous learning in senior Middle Schools 414.The Enlightment of Nonverbal Communication for ELT 415.The exploration of Oral English Teaching in Senior School 416.The Family's Effect on the Child's Learning English 417.The Feasibility and Necessity of Preschool English Education 418.The Importance and Methods of English Reading 419.The Importance of Cultural Background Knowledge in English Reading Comprehension 420.The Importance of English Grammatical Teaching in Junior Middle School 422.The Influence of Sino-western cultural Differences on the English Teaching in the Secondary Schools 423.The Key to Improve College Students' English Learning Level--English Learning Strstegies and Autonomous Learning 424.The Limits and Countermeasures of Spoken English in Rural Middle School in Our Country 425.The Open Way of English Teaching 426.The Positive Roles of Affective Factors in Middle School English Teaching 427.The problem and solutions in teaching and learning vocabulary in Middle School 428.The Problems and solutions of English Grammar Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools in China 429.The Reasearch on Middle School English Teaching under Multimedia Network Circumstance 430.The Reflection of TEFL in Country Schools 431.The Role of Schema Theory in English Lstening Comprehension 432.The Role of the Middle School Teachers in the Teaching of Spoken English 433.The roles of teacher in childrem's English learning process 434.The Roles of Teachers in the task-based English teaching 435.The Strategies of Improving Oral English 436.The Structural, Situational and Communicative Method in Middle School English Teaching 437.The Study on Teaching Qualities of English Teachers 438.The teacher roles in the tesk-based language teaching and learning 439.The Teaching of Cooperative Study and English Teaching 440The teaching significance of belifs about English learning 441.The Use of Cooperative Learning in Middle and Primary English Classroom Teaching 442.The Ways of Improving Oral English Teaching in Senior Middle School

III.Linguistics: 1.Latin’s Influence on the English Vocabulary in the History Perspective 2.The Recognition of Componential Analysis and Its Application 3.On English Language Historical Changes 4.On English Vocabulary Acquisition 5.My Study on Complimenting 6.Change of Meaning 7.Personality Equality and Wealth Equality 8.An Exploration of Body Language 9.The Linguistic Characteristics of Advertising English 10.On the Merit and Application of Computer-assisted Instruction 11.Multiple Intelligence Theory and Language Teaching-Considering Student-Countered 12.Body Language on Nonverbal Communication 13.Analysis of Language Characteristics in Advertising English 14.Comparison Between English and French Learning 15.The Characteristics and Social Functions of English Euphemism 16.The Application of Body Language 17.On Emerson's Conceptions of Transcendentalism 18.Metaphor Used in Poetry 19.The Latest Development of English Vocabulary 20.The Differences of Business Letters 21.Feature of English for Science and Technology 22.Vague English and Its Pedagogical Implication 23.The Differences of Nonverbal Behaviors in Cross-culture Communication 24.Factors Affecting the Second Language Learning 25.Sexist Discrimination in English Language 26.A Brief Analysis of High School Students’ Failure in English Reading

27.A detailed Probe into English Euphemism 28.An analysis of language features in advertisements 29.An Analysis of the Characteristics of Advertisement English 30.Analyses on Polysemy in English Lexicology 31.Analysis on College English Teacher's Classroom Conversation from the Viewpoint of 32.Coversation Analysis 33.Body Language in Cross-cultural Communication 34.Body language in Nonverbal Communication 35.Body language used on cross-cultural communication 36.Body Language-------Nonverbal Communication 37.Business English Abbreviation and Its Effect 38.Cultural Differences of English and Chinese Metaphors and Their Translation 39.Cultural Errors and Countermeasures in Second Language Acquisition 40.Discussion on Origins and Features of English Idioms 41.Euphemism: Differences and Similarities between Chinese and Western Cultures 42.How to stimulate and foster students’ interest in learning interest 43.Metacognition and Second Language Reading 44.Metaphor Study from the Perspective of Cognition 45.On Analysis of Language Features of Advertising English 46.On English Onomatopoeia and Its Translation 47.On English Vocabulary Teaching and Learning in Elementary Schools 48.On Improving English Reading Competence 49.Probing into the Meaning of Derivatives by Means of Analyzing its Morphology 50.Sexism In English 51.Survey of Communicative Function of English Euphemism 52.The Application of Interest Theory to ELT in Rural Primary Schools 53.The Characteristics of Business English 54.The Chinese Loanwords in English 55.The Comparative Study of English and Chinese Proverbs and Their Cultural Difference

56.The comparison of commonly used figures of speech in English and Chinese 57.The Cultural Differences between English and Chinese Reflected in Idioms 58.The Influences ofSocial Phychology Factors on English Language Learning 59.The role of extensive reading in developing writing skills 60.The Teaching Enlightenments on Vocabulary Fossilazation in English Reading 61.The Use of Body Language in Middle Schools 62.The use of the nonverbal communication in the English class of Elementary Schools 63.The Use of thetorical devices in English advertising.64.The Analysis of the Student's Phychological Barriers in Spoken English 65.Cultural Comparism of Small Talks in Chinese and English Daily Conversation 66.A Survey of English Word Formation and Language Learning 67.On the Phenomenon of Abbreviation of Moderm English in Daily Life 68.A Semiotic hermeneutic on the Film of Crazy Stone

IV.Cultures: 1.A Brief Discussion on Cultural Difference Between Chinese and English 2.The Euphemism in English

3.Characteristic and Cultural Differences of the English and Chinese Idioms 4.Culture Differences in English Learning 5.Animals in Chinese and Western Culture 6.Cultural Differences in English Teaching 7.Chinese and Western Culture Values in Advertising Language 8.The Impact of Economic Globalization on World Culture 9.A Comparison of Color Words between Chinese and English 10.The Similarities and Differences between Chinese and English Culture 11.Deep-structure Transfer in Cross-cultural Communication 12.Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication 13.English and Chinese Idioms 14.Proverbs and Culture 15.Body Language Functions in Cultures 16.Difference and Similarities of the Word: Black 17.Culture, Language and Communication 18.Euphemism---Their Construction and Application 19.Culture Difference and Translation

20.Exotic Cultures Influence on English Vocabulary 21.The Future Emergence of Chinese English 22.Euphemism in English 23.The Differences Between Chinese and Western Cultures and English Education 24.Differences Between American and English on Lexis 25.Similarities and Differences in the Connotation of Animal Words in English 26.The Comparison of Culture and Language Between Chinese and English 27.Differences Between American and British English

28.Cultural Difference in Idioms and Ways of Mastery Them 29.Religious Cultural Factors Affecting the Differences of Meanings of Words 30.Specific Differences Between Chinese and Western Cultures 31.An Informal Discussion on Vocabulary’s Cultural Connotation Between Chinese

and English

32.The Differences of Family Values between China and American

33.The dissertation of the Foreign Language Department in Jiangxi Normal University 34.The Comparison of Chinese and Western Interpersonal Relationships 35.Melting Pot or Salad Bowl: On American Society 36.Initial Probe on Cultural Background of English Learning 37.On Cultural Connotation of Colorful Words in British-Chinese Cultures 38.Different Characters, Different Marriages and Attitudes Toward Love 39.A Probe to the America's Foreign Cultural Strategy after the War 40.U S A's Cultural Characteristics and Diplomatic Behavior 41.Cultural Differences and Translation of English and Chinese Idioms 42.Cultural Differences between China and the West 43.Cultural Differences Reflected in the English & Chinese Idioms 44.On the Culture and Difference of the Color Words in English and Chinese 45.The Cultural Differences between Chinese and English Naming 46.Westernization of Chinese Marriage Customs and Women's Status 47.Language and Sex 48.Writing for EFL Learners Influenced by Cultural Differences 49.New Female in American Pioneering Time 50.Comparison on the Figures of Speech in Chinese and English 51.American Movie Culture---the Sentimental Conspicuous of English Language Countries 52.Comparison between English Idioms with Chinese Idioms 53.English Onomatopoeia and Their Translation 54.On Intercultural Awareness in Interpretation 55.American Culture in China----On holidays, Fast food and Movies 56.About translation and Cultural Factors

57.English Idioms---A drop in the Ocean of English Culture 58.Language and Culture----From the Perspective of Cultural Education of Vocabulary 59.A Brief Comment on the Limitations of Sense and Sensibility 60.Cultural Differences between English and Chinese Idioms 61.Food in Chinese and American Culture 62.A Study of the Impact of Cultural Context on Pragmatic Failure in the Chinese-English Communication

63.My View on Mrs.Stowe's Success as a Woman 64.Names in Chinese and in English 65.A Brief Talk on International Anti-terrorism 66.The Comparison of the Sino-American Contact Etiquettes and the Differences of the Sino-Western Cultures

67.On the Cultural Values between China and America

67.On British Culture from English Idioms 68.Analysis of Disparities between Chinese and Western Food Cultures 69.Cross-Cultural Communication and Translation 70.Impact of Cultural Difference on International Business 71.A Comparative Study of Euphemism from Cross-cultural Angle 73.A Comparative Study of the Differences between Chinese and Western Dietary Cultures 74.A Comparative Study on Cultural Differences of China and the West from the Perspective of Color Words

75.A Comparison of American English and Chinese In Terms of Body Language 76.A Cross-cultural Analysis of Chinese and English Greeting 77.American Culture and its Western Film 78.American Religious Bodies and Presidential Election 79.An Analysis of American Imperialism in Hollywood Movies 80.An Overview of American English: Past, Present and Future 81.Body language and Cultural Difference 82.China English and Chinglish 83.Comparison of Family Education between China and America 84.Constructive Studies Between English and Chinese Greetings 85.Cultural Connotation of Animal Words in English and Chinese 86.Cultural contragtive analysis of Euphemism between English and Chinese 87.Cultural Difference and Translation of English-Chinese Idioms 88.Cultural Differences in Commercial Etiquette 89.Cultural Differences in International Business Negotiation 90.Development of Native Culture in Communication 91.Different Concepts of ”Self“ in America and China 92.Different marriage pattern caused by Chiese and Western Culture

93.Different Understanding on ”love“ between the Chinese and the Westerners 94.Different Value Orientation between Chinese and Western Culture 95.English Idioms and their Reflected Culture 96.Euphemism, an Indispensable Social Element 97.Infiltration of English Culture in High School English Teaching

98.Intercultural Communication Approaches to English Teaching in Senior Middle School 99.Looking into British culture from the English idioms 100.Maternal Love Loss and Puisuit 101.Nonverbal Behavior Differences Between Chinese and American 102Non-Verbal Behaviors in Cross-Cultural Communication 103.On some crucial elements for an order in the practice of export trade 104.Probing into the English and Chinese Names 105.Rethoric and Funtions of Advertisement English 106.Simple Talk on the Sex Discrimination to the Female in English Language 107.The Beatle's Influence on Pop Culture 108.The Comparative Study of Marriage and Ethic relations in Family between People in China and the West 109.The Cultural Differences between China and the West and the Development of Cross-cultural Communication Awareness 110.The Cultural Explanation of Some Classic American Movies 112.The Cultural Interference in English Reading 113.The Diversities of Cultures between Chinese and American Cultures Influence 114.The Enlightment of American Dream to Chinese College Students 115.The Features of Advertising Language and Classification of Advertising 116.The Features of American Culture 117.The Impact of Cultural Difference on International Business Negotiations 118.The Influence of Body Language on Intercultural Communication 119.The Influence of Cultural Background on the teaching of Reading Comprehension 120.The Result of Diversity of Family and Marriage in Britain 121.The Symbolic Implication Differences and Similarities and Analysis of Differences between Hong Se in Chinese Culture and Red in Western Culture 122.Various of Antonyms from Perspective Point of View

V.Translation: 1.The Translation of Trade Marks and Culture 2.Interpreting and Interpreting Skills 3.On Poem Translation

4.The Appropriateness and Comparison of Poem Translation 5.The Character of Title and Translation 6.The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice 7.English and Chinese Comparison and Translation 8.On the Faithfulness in Translation 9.On Literal Translation and Free Translation 10.Translation for EST 11.On Translation Methods of Numerals in Chinese and English 12.On the Du Fu’s Poems Translation

13.The Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms 14.Loyalty in Translation

15.Equivalence and its Application in Translation

16.Cultural Equivalence in Translation 17.Onomatopoeia and its Translation

18.On the Cross-Culture Pragmatic Failure in English Translation 19.Remarks on the Translation of Chinese Set-Phrase 20.What is an Ideal Translation? 21.A Brief Comparison Between Two Basic Translation Methods—Literal Translation and Free Translation 22.Elementary Comment on Literal Translation and Free Translation 23.Learning A Foreign Language Through Translation 24.On the Translation of English Idioms 25.Arts in Verse Translation

26.On Translating the Passive Voice in Scientific and Technology English into Chinese 27.A Comparative Study of Two English Version of the Chang Ganxing 28.Review on the Translation of Movie Titles 29.Features and Translation of Idioms 30.The Translation of Long Sentences 31.Literature Translation and the Important of it 32.Problems Arising in Idiom Translation Caused by Culture Discussion and My Attempt at Dealing with these Problems 33.Cultural Factors in Translation 34.On Chinese Proverb Translation and Culture Reappearance 35.Linguistic Context in Translation

36.On the Approach of English Advertising Translation 37.Essay on Euphemisms of English

38.Adopting Audio-lingual and Communicative Approach in JET 39.The Application of English Euphemism in Social Intercourse 40.Contrastive Studies of English and Chinese Interrogative Sentences 41.Translation of Product Brand

42.Translation Teaching in Foreign Language Academies 43.On the Identities of the Translation 44.Trope and Translation of Trope in Advertising Between English & Chinese 45.Analysis and Application for Basic Theory of Consecutive Interpretation 46.Pragmatic Analysis on Euphemism and Its Implications for Translation 47.Business Contract and Its Translation 48.Culture Translation and Culture ”Fax“ 49.A Tentative Study of Context and Translation 50.The Translation of Trademarks and Company's Names 51.Contrast between Chinese and British Cultures----Contrast of Taboo Customs 52.”Colours" in Intercultural Communication The Charm of Pun in Advertising English Cultural

53.Factors in Advertisement Translation 54.English and Chinese Idioms’ Cultural Connation And Its Translation Strategies 55.English Idioms And Their Chinese Translation 56.On English-Chinese Film Title Translation 57.The Translation of colors in Our daily Life 58.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Idioms with Their Translation and Cultural Differences

59.A Brief Account of Context and Translation 60.A Brief Analysis of Translationese in English-Chinese Translation 61.A brief comment on the translating approaches of metaphor 62.A Brief Discussion on the Untranslability of Chinese to English Translation 63.A Brief Study of Foreign Movie Titles' Translation 64.A Brief Talk on the Charateristics of Business English and Translation 65.A Comparative Analysis of Foreignnization and Domestication 66.A Cultural Analysis of Hawks’ Translation of Hong Lou Meng from the Perspective of 89.Skopostheorie 67.A study of the English preposition“with”and its translation into Chinese

68.A Study of Treating English Prepositions in Translating from English into Chinese Advertisement English and its tranlsation 69.Brand Name Translation in Terms of International Communication 70.Brief Analysis of Commercial Advertisement translation 71.Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation 72.Comparison of Chinese and English Punctuation Mark and the Reflection in Translation 73.Cultural Connotation of Color Words in Chinese and English and Their Translation 74.Cultural differences in advertisement translation 75.Culturally-loaded Words and Their Translation 76.Domestication? Foreignization? 77.Features of Business Correspondence and Its Translation 78.Initial Discussion on translation of Foreign Economic Contract 79.Nida's translation equivalence on Chinese Political Terms 80.On Adaptation and Alienation in Translation 81.On advertisement translation from the view of the skops theory 82.On Chinee-English Translation of signs 83.On Cultural Differences in Literary Translation 84.On English Idiom and its Translating Strategies 85.On the Coherence in Text Translation 86.On the cultural Differences between Chinese and English idioms and their Translation 87.On the influences of Chinese and Western Cultural Differences upon Translation 88.On the Translation of Advertisement 89.On the translation of English and Chinese allusions 90.On the Translation of English Movie Titles 91.On the Translation of Idioms from Cultural Perspective 92.Problems of Translating Chinese to English about Names of Tourist Scenic Areas and Spots 93.Puns and Their Translation Strategies in English Advertisements 94.Study on the Principles and methods of trademark translation 95.The Application of Modern Information Technology in Science and Technology Translation 96.The application of neologismin translation 97.The cultural differences of sdvertisement and approaches to its translation 98.The Cultural Distortion in the Translation between Chinese and English 99.The Guidance of Plain English Principles on Translation 100.The idiomatic culture and its translation 101.The Importance of Comprehension in Translating 102.The Importance of Understanding East and West Culture Difference to Chinese-English Translation 103.The Influence on Translation for Thinking Divergence between China and English-speaking Nations 104.The Objectivity of Mistranslation in Translations between English and Chinese 105.The Rhetorical Devices of English Advertising and the Corresponding Translation Skills 106.The Translating of Puns in English Advertisements 107.The Translation of English Idiom 108.Tone and Diction in English-Chinese Translation 109.Trademark and Its Translation






















19、论法律权利和义务 20、WTO下的宪政建设









29、论公民基本权利的立法保障 30、法与廉政建设



















49、论共产党领导的多党合作制 50、论公民权利与国家权力的关系

























19、试论无意识犯罪与犯罪行为 20、试论抢劫罪









29、谈谈过失致人死亡罪 30、略论故意伤害罪









39、论盗窃既遂和未遂的认定 40、论转化型抢劫犯罪的认定




















19、论所有权在物权体系中的地位与功能 20、论所有权与所有制的联系与区别









29、论物权与债权的区别 30、论物权法定原则


































19、论认定驰名商标的条件 20、论我国知识产权的刑法保护






















19、论我国入世后关税制度的改革 20、论劳动法与人权保障









29、完善我国社会保障制度法律研究 30、劳动力市场管理立法的现状及完善


































29、论审判监督程序 30、论刑事诉讼强制措施
























19、民事诉讼法律责任论 20、论民事再审程序




























49、论民事诉讼中的举证责任 50、举证责任免除问题研究









59、论仲裁的法律性质 60、论仲裁协议的法律效力

61、论仲裁协议对法院管辖权的排除 62、法院管辖权和仲裁协议的关系问题 63、法院管辖权和“仲裁条款自治权理论” 64、关于完善我国仲裁制度的几点思考 65、仲裁机构和法院之间管辖权的冲突与协调






























19、证据展示浅析 20、论鉴定结论








29、浅谈证据保全 30、试论证人资格









39、检察机关电子证据的收集与固定 40、试论悬赏取得的证据的法律效力
















































1.Relationship of Age to Legal English Learning 2.A Study of Adverbs in Legal English 3.Linguistic Features of Legal English 4.Legal English Vocabulary Teaching 5.On Cultural Context in Legal English Articles 6.Sources of Chinese and English Legal Terms 7.Relationship between Culture and Law 8.Characteristics of Legal Terms 9.Functions of Languages in Legislation 10.Skills of Expression in Legislative Language 11.Translation of Complex Sentence in the Legal Language 12.Killing and its Hyponyms in Legal English 13.A Glimpse of the Common Law from the Different Expressions of a “Lawyer” 14.The Difference Between the Legal Theory and its Translation 15.An Approach to Legal Language 16.The Characteristics of Legal Translation 17.Similar Elements between Torts of Law and Criminal Law from the Perspective of a Case Study 18.Punctuation in Legal English: for instance, comma, period, colon, etc.19.Principles of Legal English Translation 20.Abbreviations in Legal English 21.Semantic Differences in Legal English Translation 22.Cultural Distinctiveness in Legal English Translation 23.Differences between Chinese and English Legal Lexicons 24.Transitional Words in Legal English 25.Context in Legal English Translation 26.Preciseness of Legal English 27.Ambiguity in Legal English 28.Discussion on the Translation of Commonly-used Sentence Patterns 29.Characteristics and the Functional Orientation of Legal Texts 30.Parataxis VS.Hypostasis in Legal Chinese and Legal English 31.The Usage of the Model Verbs “shall” and “should” in Legal English法律语言中情态动词shall, should的用法

32.The Application of the Fuzzy Words in Legal English法律语言模糊性词语的运用

33.The Comparison Between the Chinese and English Compound Sentence Structures英汉法律


34.The Vocabulary Vacancy in Legal English Translation法律翻译中的词语空缺

35.The Translatability and Untranslatability of the Words in Legal English英语法律词语/语言的可译性和不可译性

36.On the Characteristics of Legal English Language法律语言的特点

37.The Differences of the Legal Discourse in Chinese and English英汉法律语篇的结构差异 38.The Features of the Legislative Language立法/司法语言的特征 39.The Features of the Judicial Language 二.商务英语

40.The Influence of Cultural Elements on the Translation of the idioms in Commercial English 试论文化因素对经贸领域中习语翻译的影响

41.Commercial English: its characteristics and translation经贸英语的特点与翻译

42.The Characteristics of Business Contract Wording in English & its Translation英语经贸契约的用词特点与翻译

43.On the Usage and Translation of Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases in Business Contracts in English英语经贸契约介词和介词短语的用法及翻译

44.Understanding and Translation of the Divisional Phenomena in English Economic Contracts英语经贸契约分隔现象的理解与翻译

45.Lexical Features of Business Contract English and Its Translation经贸合同英语词法特征及其翻译

46.Characteristics and Distinctive English Translation of Words in Business Contracts商务合同英语用词特点及翻译的特色标记

47.The Characteristics and the Present Situation of Foreign trade English Translation对外经贸翻译的特点与现状

48.On the Translation of Commercial Advertisement谈商业广告的翻译

49.On the Role of Social Context in Business English Translation浅议经贸英语翻译中语境因素的作用

50.On the Criteria of Translating English in to Foreign-oriented Economy and Trade Affairs试论经贸英语翻译的标准

51.Translation Characteristics of Economy and Trade English经贸英语的翻译特点

52.Understanding and Translation of the Divisional Phenomena in English Economic Contracts英语经贸契约分隔现象的理解与翻译

53.On Abbreviations in Business English谈经贸英语中的缩略语现象

54.On the Strategies of the Mistranslation in Business English论经贸英语误译的对策 55.Multi-angle Views On Business English Translation经贸翻译的多视角

56.A Classification & Translation of Words Denoting Major Positions in Business English经贸英语中主要职务用词的分类与翻译

57.The Classification and Translation of the Business English Terms with the Reference of “Money”经贸英语中含有“钱款”意义词汇的分类及翻译

58.A Brief analysis on the Characteristics of Business English Vocabulary浅议经贸英语词汇的特点

59.Word Diction in Economy and Trade Translation经贸翻译的词义选择

60.On the Multi-discipline of the Economic English Vocabulary论经济英语语汇的多学科性

61.On the Features of Business English Letters浅谈外经贸英语信函的写作特点

62.Adjusting the Tone in International Business English经贸英语缓和口吻表达方法探究 63.The Stylistic Features of the Contract English协议、合同英语的文体特点 64.On Translation of English Advertisement广告英语的翻译

65.Advertisement English Translation in Cross-cultural Background跨文化背景中的广告英语翻译

66.On Modifiers of Nouns in English for Foreign Economy & Trade略谈外经贸英语中的名词修饰语

67.On Translation of the Dates, Amount and Numbers(Figures)in the Economic & Trade Contracts经贸契约中日期、金额和数字的翻译

68.Translating Strategy of Modern Business English现代商务英语翻译策略

69.The New Trend of Economy & Trade English after China's Entry into WTO经贸英语在中国加入WTO后的新趋势

70.Knowledge of Formulaic Expressions in Foreign Economic and Trade Contracts for the Study of Legal English了解涉外经贸合同套语扫除法律英语学习障碍

71.The Principle of Faithfulness in C-E Business Translation关于英汉经贸翻译的“信” 72.Methods and Principles of Trade Mark Translation商标翻译的方法及应遵循的基本原则 73.The Language Characteristics and Translation Stragegy of English Advertisements广告英语语言特点及其翻译策略

74.A Study of the Characteristics of Sentences in International Economic Trade Contracts in English试谈英文国际经济贸易合同的句法特点

75.How to Correctly Understand & Translate the Compound Words Formed from Here-, There-and Where-in Economic & Trade Contracts 如何正确理解和翻译经贸契约中Here,There-和Where构成的复合词

76.he Life of the Translation of the Literature of Economy and Trade—— Accuracy in the Translation经贸文体翻译之生命——准确性

77.On the Rhetoric Character and Translating Method of Advertising English浅析广告英语的修辞特点和翻译方法

78.On Metaphors in Business English and Translation商务英语中的隐喻及其翻译

79.On “Faithfulness” and “Innovation” in Foreign Trade English Translation外贸英语翻译的“忠实”与“变通” 80.The Strategies of Domestication and Dissimilation on Advertising English Translation广告英语翻译的“归化”和“"异化”策略

81.Cross-cultural and Cross-linguistic Factors in English Advertisement Translation英语广告翻译中的跨文化、跨语言因素

82.Nominalization application in business English letter writing and its translation名词化结构在商务英语信函中的应用和翻译

83.On the Art of Rhetoric and Translation Approaches in Advertising English论广告英语的修辞艺术和翻译方法

84.The Negative and Active Function of Fuzzy Language in Business Writing论模糊语言在经贸英语写作中的作用

85.The Application of PP(Polite Principle)in Business English Communication 86.CP(Cooperative Principle)and Business English Interpretation 87.On the Cliché Expressions in Business English商务英语中陈词腐语探析

88.Hypotaxis and Parataxis in the Context of English to Chinese Translation of Business Literature商务英语翻译中形合义合分析

89.On the Preciseness of Business English Contracts论商务英文合同语言严谨性

90.How to Achieve Consideration in Business Correspondence实现商务函电中“consideration”的手段

91.A Research into the Legalese in Applied Business Literature商务英语应用文中的法制性语言研究

92.On the Balance between Conversational English and Old-fashioned English“conversational English”与“old-fashioned English”的恰当使用

93.Features of Foreign Trade English and its Translation Model外贸英语的特点与翻译模式 94.An Analysis of the Rhetorical Devices used in English Business Advertisements商务英语广告语言修辞探析

95.On the Translation of Trademarks商务英语商标翻译技巧

96.Business English Abbreviations and their Functions商务英文缩略语构成及功能

97.On the Application of the Politeness Principle in Foreign Trade Correspondence“礼貌”在函电中的恰当使用

98.Principles of Translating Economic Literature of Enterprises from Chinese to English企业外宣资料汉英翻译原则

99.English-Chinese Translation of Trademarks: Its Principles and Strategies英语商标的汉译原则及策略

100.The Puns in English and Chinese Advertisements and the Translation of Them英汉广告中的双关语及其英汉互译

101.The Pragmatic Analysis and Translation Strategies of Long Sentences in English Business Contracts英语商务合同长句的语用分析及翻译策略

102.Influence of Cultural differences on the Chinese-English Translation of Business Writing文化差异对商务汉英翻译的影响

103.On Equivalence of Cultural Message in the International Business English Translation国际商务英语翻译中的文化信息等值研究


104.Gu Hongming: A Pioneer of Translating the Chinese Classics into English 105.On the Principles of Equivalence in Literary Translation 106.Cultural Gaps and Untranslatability 107.Translating and the Background Information 108.A Preliminary Study of Explanatory Translating 109.Translating the English Plural Nouns into Chinese 110.Translating the Lengthy English Sentences into Chinese 111.On Translating English Book Titles into Chinese 112.Views on the Chinese Version of Emma

113.The Chinese Version of Jude the Obscure: An Outstanding Example of Artistic Recreation 114.Translating the Style of Literary Works—A Preliminary Study of Wu Ningkun’s Version of The Great Gatsby

115.A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Versions of The Merchant of Venice 116.A Reading of Fang Zhong’s Translation of The Canterbury Tales

117.On the English Versions of Some of Du Fu’s Poems 118.Translating the Titles of Chinese Classic Poetry 119.Common Errors in Translation: An Analysis 120.English Idioms and the Translation 121.How to Deal with Ellipsis in Translating 122.The Translation of Trade Marks and Culture 123.On Poem Translation 124.The Appropriateness and Comparison of Poem Translation 125.The Character of Title and Translation 126.The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice 127.English and Chinese Comparison and Translation 128.On the Faithfulness in Translation 129.On Literal Translation and Free Translation 130.Translation for EST 131.On Translation Methods of Numerals in Chinese and English 132.On the Du Fu’s Poems Translation

133.The Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms 134.Loyalty in Translation 135.Cultural Equivalence in Translation 136.Onomatopoeia and its Translation 137.On the Cross-Culture Pragmatic Failure in English Translation 138.Remarks on the Translation of Chinese Set-Phrase 139.What is an Ideal Translation? 140.A Brief Comparison Between Two Basic Translation Methods—Literal Translation and Free Translation 141.Elementary Comment on Literal Translation and Free Translation 142.Learning a Foreign Language Through Translation 143.Arts in Verse Translation 144.On Translating the Passive Voice in Scientific and Technology English into Chinese 145.A Comparative Study of Two English Version of the Chang Ganxing 146.Review on the Translation of Movie Titles 147.Features and Translation of Idioms 148.The Translation of Long Sentences 149.Literature Translation and the Importance of it 150.Problems Arising in Idiom Translation Caused by Culture Discussion and My Attempt at Dealing with these Problems 151.The Application of Semiotic Approach in Translation 152.Language, Culture and Translation—the Influence of Cultures on Translation and Communication 153.A Brief Study on English Antonyms 154.Translation — An Unsubstitutable Means of English Teaching 155.On the Translation of Advertisement and Brand Name 156.On the Translation of Film Names 157.Discourse Analysis of the Dialogues in Films

158.On Cultural Impact on Translation of Idioms 159.The Variation of Maxims and the Humor of Advertisement 160.A Study of Dialect in View of Social and Literary Contexts 161.On Translating English Negative Sentence into Chinese 162.How to Get Poetic Flavor in Translation 163.Comparison of Chinese and English Forms of Addresses 164.Translation of Chinese Brand into English 165.Analysis on Two English Versions of Honglou Meng in Terms of Literal Translation and Free Translation 四.英语语言学

166.Sexism as Reflected in the Chinese and English Languages 167.Lexical Items as Means of Cohesion in English Texts 168.Lexical Cohesion in English 169.On English Oration as a Variety of Language 170.The Polite Language in the English Language 171.Reflection on the English Taboo Word 172.Remarks on Modern American Slang 173.The Different Usage of American Folk Language and Modern American Language 174.An Account of Advertising Language 175.Stylistic Comparison Between Broadcast News and Newspaper News 176.News Headlines: Their Features and Style 177.Stylistic Features of News Reporting 178.A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Body Languages 179.Note on Ambiguity of English Language 180.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Proverbs 181.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Idioms 182.On Commonization of Proper Nouns in English 183.Noun-Verb Conversion in Contemporary English 184.Syntactic Functions of Prepositional Phrases 185.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Prepositions 186.On the English Verbal Fillers 187.On the English Negative Sentences 188.On the English Verbless Sentences 189.On Simplification of English Sentences 190.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Existential Sentences 191.Positions of Attributes and Adverbials in English and Chinese: A Comparative Study 192.Studies in English Sentences of Implied Condition 193.Tentative Study of Syllepsis in English 194.The Way of Expressing Emphatic Ideas in English 195.On the Revival of Dead Metaphor 196.My Study on Complimenting 197.An Exploration of Body Language 198.The Linguistic Characteristics of Advertising English

199.A Survey on Loan Words of English 200.Death Metaphors in English 201.The Pragmatic Functions of Intonation for Language Acquisition 202.The Change of English Word Meaning: Factors and Types 五.语言与文化

203.Hierarchies in American and Chinese Address Forms 204.The Role Played by the American Blacks in the History of America 205.The Cults in Modern American Society 206.Chinese and Western Culture Values in Advertising Language 207.Deep-structure Transfer in Cross-cultural Communication 208.Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication 209.Body Language Functions in Cultures 210.Exotic Cultures Influence on English Vocabulary 211.The Future Emergence of Chinese English 212.Differences Between American and English on Lexis 213.Similarities and Differences in the Connotation of Animal Words in English 214.The Comparison of Culture and Language Between Chinese and English 215.Religious Cultural Factors Affecting the Differences of Meanings of Words 216.An Informal Discussion on Vocabulary’s Cultural Connotation Between Chinese and English 217.A Study on Animal Metaphors in English and Chinese 218.Body Language in Nonverbal Communication 219.The Obstacle of Intercultural Communication 220.Comparison between Chinese Collectivism and American Individualism in Oral Speaking 221.A Comparison of Intercultural Usages between Chinese and Western Courtesy Languages 222.The Discrepancy of Chinese and Western Culture in Advertisement 223.General Features of Language in Postmodern Culture 224.On the Cultural Implications of Body Language 225.On Dissimilation and Assimilation in Terms of Culture 226.Connotation of Animal Words in Chinese and English Idioms 227.A Brief Comment on Discourse Hegemony of American Media 六.英语教学

228.The Application of the Theory of Pragmatics 229.The Application of the Theory of Discourse Analysis 230.Teaching Grammar within a Communicative Framework 231.A Study on the Direct-Spelling Method 232.The Application of Schema Theory in Reading Comprehension 233.Body Language in English Teaching 234.The Diversification of English Language Teaching 235.The Present Situation of Bilingual Education 236.Some Designs on English Learning 237.Creating Learning Environments 238.Collaborative Learning: Group Work

239.How Group Work Helps to Teach English Well 240.Motivation for English Teaching 241.The Activities Used to Improve the English Teaching Class 242.A Balanced Activities Approach in Communicative Foreign Language Teaching 243.On Communicative Way in Grammar Teaching 244.Culture Education in School English Teaching 245.Consideration on Bilingual Teaching 246.The English Teaching Based on Multimedia 247.Culture Lead-in in English Teaching 248.The Factors Affecting on Teaching a Language and Relevant Teaching Methods 249.How to Improve Students’ Listening Abilities

250.Communicative Language Teaching and the Teaching in English Class 251.How to Learn English Vocabulary Effectively 252.On English Writing 253.The Social Psychological Factors of Foreign Language Learning 254.The Practice of English Class Teaching 255.On Pair Work and Group Work and Their Use in English Language Teaching 256.Cultural Difference and English Teaching 257.International Communication College Culture and Education 258.Initiation and Situation in English Learning Motivation 259.Cognitive Approach in Oral English Teaching 260.On the Merit and Application of Computer-assisted Instruction 261.Multiple Intelligence Theory and Language Teaching-Considering Student-Countered 262.Communicative Competence and Focused Task-based Teaching Approach 263.On Developing English Reading Skills 264.Interaction in Oral English Teaching 265.Improvement of Students' Oral Communicative Competence and Interactivity in Class Performance 266.The Application of Schemata in the Teaching of Reading Comprehension 267.Role-play in English Teaching 268.Teaching English in English 269.Communicative Language Teaching and Classroom English Teaching in China 270.A Conceptual Discussion on Classroom Teamwork Strategy 271.Obstacles in Listening Comprehension and the Ways to Remove them 272.On Sino—Western Cultural Differences and the Structure of Chinese College students' Chinglish 273.The Conversion and Development of English Teaching Methods in China 274.Remarks on the Factors Influencing the Individual Language Learners 275.English Songs—An Effective and Supplementary Medium of English Teaching 276.The Non-intelligence Factors in English Learning 277.The Use of Instructional Technology in English Listening Teaching 278.On Art of Teacher Talk

279.Culture Education in English Teaching 280.The Principles and Methods of Spoken English Teaching

281.How to Improve the Teaching of Listening and Speaking by Activities 282.On Approaches to Improving Vocabulary Instruction 283.Using Task-based Method and Internet Resource to Improve Teaching of Classroom Reading 284.The Study of English Vocabulary Learning Strategies 七.英美文学研究

285.A Brief Comment on Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice 286.Hamlet: His Characters as a Humanist 287.Parallelism and Contrast of Shakespeare’s Dramatic Language 288.On the Structure of Dickens’s Hard Times

289.Jane Austen’s Art of Irony and Its Rhetoric Effects 290.An Character Analysis of the Heroine of Emma 291.The High Class as Seen in Thacheray’s Vanity Fair

292.From Pastoral Stories to Great Tragic Novels: An Analysis of Hardy’s Novels 293.Remarks on D.H.Lawrence’s Psychological Analyses 294.Social Reality as Reflected in the Poetry of William Blake 295.Edgar Allan Poe and the World Literature 296.The Tragic Color of Earnest Hemingway’s Novels 297.Social Significance as Reflected in The Great Gatsby

298.A Critical Study of William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily: Its Narrative Techniques and Structure 299.Some Features of Steinbeck’s Literary Style 300.Emily Dickinson and Her Unique Poetry 301.An Analysis of Several Robert Frost’s Famous Poems 302.Symbolism in O’Neill’s Major Plays

303.The Modern American Society and The Death of the Salesman 304.A Comparative Study of Empathy in English and Chinese Poetry 305.A Comparative Analysis of Sentence Structures in English and Chinese Poetry 306.Mrs.Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese 307.The Realism of the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn 308.Mark Twain and Huck Finn

309.Love Stories in William Cather’s O Pioneers

310.An Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven and Annabel Lee 311.Heroism in Hemingway’s Works

312.The Light of the Dark:The Greatest Works of Conan and Agatha 313.On Wordsworth’s View of Nature 314.On the Symbolism of D.H.Lawrence’s The Rainbow 315.Analysis of Characters of Don Quxiote

316.On the Author and the Major Characters of The Pearl 317.The Brief Analysis of Shakespeare’s Tragedy Tradition 318.The Versification of English Poetry and Metrical 319.Contrast Between Chinese Poetry and Sonnets 320.Social Reality Reflected in Ode To the West Wind 321.Hamlet and His Delay

322.The Cuban Culture Contest of The Old Man and the Sea 323.On the Bronte Sisters and theirs Writings 324.Gothic Features in Wuthering Heights 325.The Character of Hamlet 326.The Analysis of Santiago’s Character

327.The Comparison of the Character of Carrie Meeber and Jennie Gerhardt 328.The Philosophy of Life in Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea 329.Mark Twain---The Pessimist Who Brought Laughter to The World 330.A New Industry Raising From the Horizon 331.Blind Loyalty and Tragic Destiny 332.Rebecca’s Character Description

333.Humor and Realism of Mark Twain’s The Celebrated Jumping Frog of California County 334.Robinson Crusoe and the Colonial Empire 335.A Probe into the Ambiguity and Symbolization of Eliot’s Poetry 336.The Realism of Adventure of Huckleberry Finn 337.A Farewell to Arms—A Clear Mirror 338.To Foster an Earthy Rainbow 339.Gone with the Wind and the Awakening of Women 340.Hemingway and Hemingway Heroes 341.The Sound of Heart-Reverie and Melancholy in Emily Dickinson’s Poems

342.Comment on the Biblical Images in Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes 343.Comparison of Gone with the Wind and The Collector—An Analysis of Women’s Problem 344.Satire in Catch—22

345.Morals Affect Tess’ Fate

346.Love, Equality and Tolerance—On the Nature of Love of Jane and Tess 347.On the Endings and Features of O · Henry's Short Stories 348.Paradise Lost—The War in the Heaven 349.A Brief Approach to the Influence of the Religion on Literature 350.A Study on the Characterization of Great Expectations 351.The Attractions of The Waste Land

352.On the Religious Color of Characterization in Uncle Tom's Cabin 353.Thoreau's Walden: A Book of Inward Exploration 354.The Death of Martin Eden 355.Beautiful Women—Analysis of Female Characters in The Merchant of Venice 356.The Great Gatsby and the Collapse of the American Dream 357.The Influence of Edgar Allan Poe's Life on his Writing 358.Egdon Heath in The Return of Native

359.The Biblical Allusions and Symbols in The Grapes of Wrath

360.A Journey of Outward and Inward Exploration—A Brief Analysis of Walden 361.The Duality in Robinson Crusoe's Character 362.On the Characterization and Writing Techniques in Rebecca 363.Wordsworth: Nature's Favorite Son 364.Two Aspects Reflected from Robinson Crusoe: Society and Nature 365.The Superman Complex in Love of Life




































19、广告中的人文主义表现 20、文化因素对广告创意的影响













































5、平面广告中色彩要素与人的情感联系 4



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