
时间:2019-05-15 07:17:37下载本文作者:会员上传











当天东盟系列外长会议外围举行中美外长双边会谈。克里迟到半小时。一见面王毅说:“你迟到了,”克里则简单的回答“对不起”。落座之后,王毅继续说:“我很抱歉,可是我们从4点半就在这里等你了,等了你半个小时。”克里则尴尬的笑着道歉说:我真的很抱歉。王毅:中方愿保持克制,对挑衅将坚定回应 9日,王毅外长在出席中国-东盟(10+1)外长会后举行的记者会上,就一些国家提出的所谓“南海问题倡议”表示,中国捍卫自身主权和海洋权益的立场坚定不移,不可撼动。他说,中国坚持通过友好协商谈判以和平方式解决有关争议。作为负责任大国,中方愿继续保持克制,但对于无理挑衅行为,中方必将做出清晰、坚定的回应。我们相信,中国与东盟完全有能力、有智慧,共同维护好南海的和平与稳定。






建设更为紧密的中国-东盟命运共同体 争取2015年完成RCEP谈判进程


第一,夯实10+ 3作为东亚合作主渠道地位。努力保持10+3合作的活力,处理好10+3同其他东亚合作机制之间的关系,向2020年实现东亚经济共同体目标迈进。

第二,支持东盟共同体建设。中日韩三国应共同支持东盟建成政治安全、经济、社会文化共同体,争取于2015年如期完成“区域全面经济伙伴关系”(R C E P)谈判进程,推动东亚投资合作,落实建设亚洲投融资体系、货币稳定体系和信用体系倡议,增强亚洲在全球金融治理中的话语权。


王毅就中国-东盟关系提出三大方面12项倡议 推进商签睦邻条约尽快成立亚投银行

8月9日,中国-东盟(10+1)外长会在缅甸内比都举行,王毅在致辞时表示,中国和东盟休戚相关,命运与共。无论国际风云如何变幻,中国将始终把东盟作为周边外交的优先方向,坚定支持东盟的发展壮大,坚定支持东盟在区域合作中的主导地位,坚定支持东盟2015年建成共同体。我们应坚定信心,排除干扰,始终把注意力放在如何加强和深化互利合作上,始终让合作成为中国-东盟关系的主流,这符合我们的共同和根本利益。王毅就在落实“2+7合作框架”过程中推进中国-东盟关系进一步提出三大方面共12项具体倡议: 政治合作层面 开展领导人之间更密切接触,增进信任,加强沟通,引领合作,愿结合中国-东盟博览会和博鳌亚洲论坛年会举行中国-东盟领导人非正式会议。推进商签“中国-东盟国家睦邻友好合作条约”,将中国-东盟关系建立在更加稳固的法律基础上,确保双方关系长期稳定发展。尽快签署《东南亚无核武器区条约》议定书。加强战略规划,启动制定《中国-东盟面向和平与繁荣的战略伙伴关系联合宣言》第三份行动计划(2016-2020)。地区合作层面 加快推进中国-东盟自贸区升级版谈判,与“区域全面经济伙伴关系”(R C EP)等区域自贸安排谈判协调推进。共同建设21世纪海上丝绸之路,就此提出新的合作设想。尽快成立亚洲基础设施投资银行,欢迎东盟各国作为首批成员国加入。加强中国与湄公河流域国家对话合作,召开澜沧江-湄公河六国高官会,缩小东盟发展差距。扩大安全领域合作,邀请并欢迎东盟各国防长明年赴华举行首次中国-东盟非正式防长会晤。双方应着力加强防灾救灾、打击跨国犯罪等非传统安全领域合作。海上合作层面 将明年确定为“中国-东盟海洋合作年”,将海洋经济、海上联通、海洋环境、防灾减灾、海上安全、海洋人文等作为重点领域。加强南海沿海国对话合作,探讨大家都能接受的合作机制与模式。3 通过对话协商,推进海上共同开发。南海问题:争取早日达成“南海行为准则”



中国新发展 世界新机遇

New Development in China, New Opportunities for the World


--Speech by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2014

2014年1月24日,瑞士达沃斯January 2014, Davos, Switzerland

尊敬的约瑟夫奈博士,女士们,先生们,朋友们,Dr.Joseph Nye,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,大家下午好,很高兴与大家共同探讨中国发展对世界的意义。

Good afternoon.It gives me great pleasure to discuss with you what China’s development means to the world.中国历来是世界经济论坛关注的热点。今年更不例外。因为时隔35年之后,中国吹响了新一轮全方位改革的号角。这不仅预示着中国的发展将进入一个新的时代,也将对整个世界产生广泛和积极的影响。

China has always been the focus of attention at the World Economic Forum(WEF), and more so this year with China unveiling a new round of comprehensive reform 35 years after the launch of its reform program.This will not only herald a new era for China’s development but also have extensive and positive impacts on the world.前天,中国国务院总理李克强先生专门在本届论坛官网上发表了文章,对中国经济的现状、改革和前景做了全面和权威的介绍。李总理在文中明确指出,中国经济的持续健康发展,将为世界发展带来新机遇,增添新动力。

The day before yesterday, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang sent a special message to this year’s WEF annual meeting which you can find on the WEF website.It gives a comprehensive and authoritative explanation of the current state, reform and prospect of the Chinese economy.In his message, Premier Li pointed out that the sustained and sound development of the Chinese economy would offer new opportunities and inject new impetus to development of the world.中国新一轮的改革涵盖政治、经济、文化、社会、生态文明五大方向,涉及15个方面、60多个领域,共形成300多项重要举措。改革的范围之广、程度之深、难度之大可谓前所未有。大家可能最想知道的是,这一轮改革能否再获成功,续写辉煌?改革将给世界带来什么?我愿明确告诉大家,我们对于中国改革的成功充满自信。

China’s new round of reform will take place in political, economic, cultural, social and ecological dimensions.More than 300 major reform measures have been announced, covering over 60 fields under 15 categories.The reform is unprecedented in terms of its scope, depth and difficulty.I guess the questions you want to ask the most are: Will this round of reform be a great success just like the previous one? What will the reform1

bring to the world?

Here, I want to tell you in clear terms that China has every confidence in the success of its reform.——自信来自于中华民族5000年自强不息的优秀传统和博大精深的文明底蕴。中华民族曾历经无数危难,面对各种考验,却始终百折不挠,生生不息,一个重要的原因就是我们这个民族勇于自我革新,敢于自我超越。中国人在任何时候都不怕改革,乐于改革,善于改革。

Our confidence comes from the fine tradition of constant self-improvement and the splendid civilization of the Chinese nation over 5,000 years.The Chinese nation has gone through many hardships and sufferings, but it has always emerged stronger.An important reason is that our nation has the fortitude to reform and improve itself.The Chinese people, at all times, have the courage, will and ability to carry out reform.——自信来自于中国业已选择的正确道路。新中国成立65年来,我们经过上下求索,找到了一条完全符合中国国情并且得到全体人民拥护的发展道路,这就是中国特色社会主义道路。实践已经并将继续证明,只要坚持这一方向,不偏离这条道路,中国就能保持发展活力,获得发展动力。

Our confidence comes from the right path China has chosen.In the past 65 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, we have explored tirelessly and eventually found a development path that is suited to China’s conditions and supported by the entire Chinese nation.It is a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Our practice has proven and will continue to prove that as long as we remain steadfastly committed to this path, China will remain dynamic and acquire the driving force for development.——自信来自于中国共产党的坚强有力领导。作为执政党,中国共产党拥有8600万党员。这是中国发展最独特的优势和最重要的资源。只要8600万党员团结一心,就能迸发出无与伦比的强大正能量,就能在改革进程中无坚不摧,无难不克。

Our confidence comes from the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China(CPC).The fact that the CPC is a ruling party with 86 million members represents our unique strength and most important resource.As long as the 86 million party members work in unison, they will generate an unrivalled force of positive energy that will enable us to surmount whatever difficulties and challenges in the reform process.——自信来自于中国业已打下的坚实基础和积累的丰富经验。改革开放以来,中国从贫穷走向富裕,从摸着石头过河到形成系统理论支撑和完整政策体系。我们不仅清晰地把握了自身存在的各种问题,也完全具备了解决这些问题的能力。

Our confidence comes from the solid foundation China has laid and the rich experience it has gained.Since the start of reform and opening-up, China has progressed from poverty to prosperity.We used to “cross the river by feeling our way from one stone to another”.Today, we have the support of a comprehensive system of theories and policies.We know very well where our problems exist, and more importantly, we know how to have them resolved.——自信来自于中国巨大的发展空间与潜力。中国是一个拥有13亿人口和960万平方公里领土的大国,发展空间极为广阔,发展潜力远未发掘。目前,中国的城乡差距、中西部与东部差距还很大,这既是中国面临的重大课题,更是未来发展的希望所在。随着改革的深入,中国的巨大需求将波浪式持续释放,长久


Our confidence comes from China’s huge development space and potential.China is a big country with 1.3 billion people and an area of 9.6 million square kilometers.It thus has broad space for development whose great potential is yet to be tapped.At present, the gaps between urban and rural areas and between the central and western and the eastern regions in China remain wide.This is a major challenge China faces, but more importantly, it also spells hope for China’s future development.As reform deepens in China, waves of enormous demand will be unleashed, propelling China’s strong momentum of economic growth.——自信来自于中国奉行的互利共赢开放战略。中国改革最成功的一条经验就是,改革与开放并行推进,通过改革扩大开放,又通过开放促进改革。中国的改革成果将更多惠及世界,同时也会从世界不断汲取改革的动力。

Our confidence comes from China’s win-win strategy of opening-up.The most successful experience of China’s reform is that it is always carried out in parallel with China’s opening-up.Through reform, we have increased China’s openness, which, in turn, has promoted China’s reform.Our reform will bring more benefits to the world, as China continues to draw impetus to its reform from the world.各位来宾,各位朋友,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,13亿人口的大国快速走向现代化,这是一幅多么波澜壮阔的历史画卷,更是中华民族对人类文明进步的最大贡献,我们不仅要对自己的国家和民族负责,也愿对世界承担应尽的义务。中国新一轮改革既符合中国人民的利益,也符合世界各国的需求。我们将加快转变经济发展方式,强化提质增效升级,跨越中等收入陷阱,实现可持续发展。而一个深化改革、日益繁荣的中国对世界意味着:

China, a major country with a population of 1.3 billion, is moving fast toward modernization.This is an extraordinary historic process unfolding before our eyes and the greatest contribution of the Chinese nation to human progress.We are not just responsible for our own country and people, but also ready to honor our due obligations to the world.The new round of reform in China serves both the interests of the Chinese people and the need of countries of the world.We will speed up the shift of the growth model, intensify efforts to upgrade and improve the quality and efficiency of growth, get beyond the “middle income trap” and achieve sustainable development.An increasingly prosperous China that is committed to deepening reform means the following to the world:


--China will provide the world’s development with more “Chinese opportunities”.一是市场机遇。在全球有效需求不足背景下,中国的市场吸纳力却在不断扩容。中国人去年一年就购买了2100万辆汽车,超过全球汽车销量的四分之一。中国的年进口总额已接近2万亿美元,预计今后5年将进口超过10万亿美元商品。

First, market opportunities.Despite the lack of effective global demand, the potential of the Chinese market is still growing.Last year, the Chinese people bought 21 million cars, more than a quarter of global car sales.China’s annual imports are approaching US$2 trillion.And China is expected to import over US$10 trillion of goods in the next five years.二是投资机遇。在实体经济面临融资难题背景下,中国企业成为国际投融资新的生力军。去年中国非金融类对外直接投资已超过900亿美元。新一轮改革将鼓励企业和个人对外投资,推动中国对外投资迈入新阶段。

Second, investment opportunities.Despite financial constraints facing the real economy in the world, Chinese businesses are becoming a major source of international investment and financing.Last year, China’s non-financial outbound direct investment topped US$90 billion.In its new round of reform, China will encourage businesses and individuals to invest abroad and enter a new stage of overseas investment.三是增长机遇。在世界经济增速低迷背景下,中国作为一个规模超过9万亿美元的经济体去年仍实现了7.7%的快速增长,在G20国家中继续名列前茅。而且这一增长是在加快调整经济结构进程中实现的,是实实在在、真金白银的增长。据推算,只要中国保持7%的增长率,就将拉动全球经济增长一个百分点。新一轮改革将使中国保持较长时间的中高速增长,这对世界经济无疑是重大利好。

Third, growth opportunities.Despite the sluggish world economy, the Chinese economy, with a size of over US$9 trillion, remained one of the fastest-growing economies among the G20 last year with a growth rate of 7.7%.Moreover, the growth was achieved in the course of accelerated structural adjustment and therefore it was growth in real terms.Estimates show that as long as China continues to grow at 7%, it will contribute to the growth of the world economy by one percentage point more each year.This is certainly great news to the world economy, given that the new round of reform will maintain China’s mid-to-high growth rate for a fairly long time to come.四是合作机遇。在全球治理改革举步维艰背景下,中国新一轮改革将维护开放型世界经济和自由贸易体制,有利于经济全球化的健康发展,有助于各国经济政策的相互协调。

Fourth, cooperation opportunities.Against the backdrop of tortuous global governance reform, the new round of reform in China will serve to safeguard the open world economy and the free trade regime.It will facilitate the healthy development of economic globalization and economic policy coordination among different countries.——中国将为世界和平贡献更多“中国力量”。

--China will contribute more of the “Chinese power” to world peace.首先,中国将坚持走和平发展道路,同时也将推动各国共同坚持和平发展,这既是全球化背景下的唯一选择,也是人类发展进步的必然方向。

First, China will remain committed to the path of peaceful development, and will encourage other countries to jointly uphold peaceful development.Peaceful development is the only choice we can make in an era of globalization, and it represents the direction of development and progress of mankind.第二,中国将积极承担更多国际责任,在世界和地区事务中主持公道,伸张正义,践行平等,更加积极有为地参与热点问题的解决,通过维护和平来发展自己,同时又以自身发展促进世界和平。

Second, China will undertake more international obligations.China will seek and uphold justice and equality in international and regional affairs, and play an even more active and productive role in resolving hotspot issues.China will develop itself through upholding world peace and will promote world peace through its own development.第三,中国将继续通过平等协商处理矛盾和分歧。我们愿在维护国家根本利益前提下,以最大诚意和耐心,坚持对话解决分歧。

Third, China will continue to handle disagreements and differences through equal-footed consultations.Under the prerequisite that the nation's fundamental interests are safeguarded, we are ready to show our utmost sincerity and patience and remain committed to resolving differences through dialogue.第四,中国将与世界各国共同维护人类良知与国际公理。决不允许过去的侵略者为侵略历史翻案,决不允许昔日的强权再度走上对外扩张邪路,也决不允许法西斯主义和军国主义思想以任何形式死灰复燃。

Fourth, China will work with other countries to safeguard human conscience and international justice.Past aggressors must never be allowed to reverse the history of aggression;past powers must never be allowed to once again embark on the evil path of expansion;and fascist or militarist ideas must never be allowed to revive, not in whatever form.各位来宾,各位朋友,Distinguished Guests,Dear Friends,去年,中国国家主席习近平提出了中华民族伟大复兴“中国梦”的奋斗目标,而中国的新一轮改革正是实现这一目标的必由之路。中国梦的逐步实现,将惠及中国,也将惠及世界。正如习近平主席所指出的,民族复兴的中国梦既是每一个中国人追求幸福的梦,也与世界人民的梦想息息相通。作为国际社会的重要成员,中国将在自己追梦、圆梦的奋斗过程中,与世界各国一道,共同为人类的发展与进步做出应有贡献。

Last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping outlined the vision of the Chinese dream, which is to achieve the great renewal of the Chinese nation.The new round of reform launched in China serves just as the right path that will lead us to this goal.The steady process of attaining the Chinese dream will not only benefit China;it will benefit the world at large.As President Xi Jinping pointed out, the Chinese dream of national renewal is about the pursuit of happiness by every Chinese, and it has much in common with the dream of the people in other countries.China is an important member of the international community.While striving to realize its own dream, China will work with other countries in the world and make its due contribution to the development and progress of mankind.谢谢大家。

Thank you.



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