(福建警察学院法律系,福建 福州 350007)
The Differences of Criminal Law’s Impact on Cooperating Attack Cross-strait Crimes and Countermeasure
CHEN Mao-hua(Law Department of Fujian Police College, Fuzhou 350007,China)
Abstract: Agreements on Mutual Judicial Assistance and Cracking down on Crimes Across the Straits is the legal framework for cross-strait cooperation in combating trans-border crime.The effect of cross strait cooperation in combating transnational crime is not only determined by the criminal procedure law, but also by the criminal law.The differences of criminal law such as accusation of a charge, constitution of a crime, and the penalty attached a crime et al issues have brought the problems include jurisdiction dispute, negative cooperation, justification impairment, even with the trend of forming the“ crime depressions ” across strait.With respect to minimize the negative effect of criminal law divergence, and improve the effect of cooperating attacking crimes, the cooperation scope should not be determined by the accusation, the jurisdiction issues arisen by cross-border crimes should be negotiated, and the difference of penalty should be minimized as soon as possible.Key words: mutual legal assistance;cross-border crime;criminal law;differences;cooperation