
时间:2019-05-15 07:46:00下载本文作者:会员上传


Li River 漓江

The poetic and picturesque Li River is the important component of Guilin scenery.It originates in Mountain Cat at Xinan county in the northeast of Guilin.It winds and meanders its way for 170 kilometres, passing through guilin, Yangshuo to the outlet of Gongchen river in Pingle county.Li River, between Guilin and Yangshuo, traverses 84 kiometers like a jade ribbon winding among thousands of the hills.Along the river, the rolling peaks, steep cliffs,green hills and clear water constitue a fascinating hundred-mile pictures gallery.Li River scenery is known to all not only for its green hills, clear water, fantastic caves and spectacular rocks but also for its wonderful deep pools, springs and waterfalls.Moreover, people can enjoy the different beauties of Li River scenery at different seasons and weathers.In fine days, reflections of the hills in clear and greenish water are specially pleasing to the eyes, butit is more enchanting under rainy and misty weather.The hazy view of the drizzling rain and lingering clouds give birth to a wonderful fairyland for tourists.Reed Flute Cave 蘆笛岩

Located at the northwest of GuilinCity, 5 kilometers away from the centre of the city, the cave is a famous scenic spot, mainly offering a magic fairyland of stalactites, stalagmites, stone columns, curtains and flowers in fantastic shapes and colours while appreciating landscape and rural scenery.The length of the cave is 240 meters, whereas the whole distance of touring can last 500 meters.There are too many things for the eyes to take in.The natural beauty of a large amount of stalactites and stalagmites, with their endless variety of remarkable scenes and vistors in the cave could undoubtedly evoke breathless admiration from domestic and foreign visitors.Elephant Trunk Hill 象鼻山

An elephant-like hill stands majestically at the confluence of the Lijiang and Yangjiang rivers, and faces the Zi-Zhu Islet on the opposite side of the Lijiang.Arching its long trunk into the river, this seeming elephant sucks water ceaselessing, lifelike in shape and full of energy in posture.No wonder it takes the name “Elephant Hill”.Seven Star Park 七星公園

Situated on the eastern side of the Li River, Seven Star Park is the biggest park in Guilin.Its takes its name from Seven Star Hill consists of seven peaks which are supposed to resemble the star pattern of the Ursa Major(Big Dipper)constellation;four peaks in the north are called Putuo Hill;three in the south are called Lunar Hill.The famous Seven Star cave is at the half up the Putuo Hill.The cave is deep and mystical with stalactites of various descriptions inside.The Minor East River winds its way through the Flower Bridge and along the foot of the Lunar Hill southwards.Reflections of the green peaks and the Flower Bridge compose changing painting on the water.Seven Star Park,which is characterized by Karats features,cmbodies the beauty of green hills,cute rivers,odd caves and lovely rocks ofGuilin Landscape.Yangshuo Impression of Sister Liu 印象劉三姐

Presented by the eminent director Mr.Zhang Yimou right after the sensational movie HERO, this cultural night show, also named Splendid Lijiang River and Night Traveling through melodies and pictures will show you a unique man-made landscape of smoke, mists and clouds, as well as a brand new sightseeing and music.The picturesque landscape and fisherman’s songs crystallize the charm and civilization of LijiangRiver.The night show certainly will bring you one of the greatest pleasures of your life.Yangshuo Introduction 阳朔介绍

Yangshuo, a county within the prefecture of Guilin, is situated to the south of the city.It is often said that 'the hills and rivers of Guilin are the best, while Yangshuo is the best of Guilin'.The county therefore is often listed in itineraries for travelers to Guilin.Yangshuo is typical of the Karst formation.The Li River provides picturesque landscapes while the river reaches Water-Dropping Villages to Yangshuo , stretching an area of 60 km.(37 miles)are the cream parts.Verdurous hills, jade rivers, peculiar caves and elegant stones present a splendid array of opportunities to visitors.Altogether there are 16 rivers and thousands of hills within the region.Moon Hill and YulongRiver , the called 'Little Li River', are just two of the most enticing scenic spots in the county.The famous opera Impression on Sanjie Liu drew its inspiration from this natural landscape and sets it as the huge theatre to play the performance.Sanjie Liu is a legendary fairy from a Zhuang ethnic girl whose songs are said to be unparalleled.Climbing rocks, exploring caves, cycling along the nearby roads or just walking by the river provides an exciting experience to tourists.What makes the county even more magical and mysterious are its attractive cultural and human sights.The county has a long history of more than 1,400 years.There are 11 nationalities living here, including Han, Zhuang, Yao , Miao and others.The exotic dress, various traditional customs and colorful festivals are most charming, especially their adept antiphonary songs and grace ful dances.







桂林不光是一个风景旅游名城,还是一个历史文化名城。两千多年以前,秦始皇派人在桂林的兴安修筑了灵渠,把珠江水系和长江水系连在了一起。从宋代开始,桂林就是广西的政治,经济,文化的中心。明朝的开国皇帝朱元嶂派他的侄儿到桂林担当靖江王,在桂林传有十三代。抗战时期,桂林是全国著名的抗战文化城。桂林山清水秀,地杰人灵,江山代有人才辈出。在清代,出了著名的宰相陈宏谋,民国时期,出了民国的代总统李宗仁,国防部长白崇喜,到了现在,著名的电影[刘三姐]的扮演者黄婉秋,全国著名的歌手俞均健,奥运会体操冠军莫慧兰,奥运会跳水冠军李亭亭。还有羽毛球国手周蜜,都是我们桂林人的骄傲。今年,著名的电影导演张艺谋在桂林的阳朔亲自导演了世界上最大的山水实景文艺表演[印 象刘三姐],把美丽的桂林传说传播到了全世界,吸引了众多的海内外游客竞相前来观赏。




Li River 漓江

The fantastic Li River is the important component of Guilin scenery.It is located at Mountain Cat in Xinan county in the northeast of Guilin.It was 170 kilometres long , passing through guilin, Yangshuo then to Gongchen river in Pingle county.Li River, between Guilin and Yangshuo, was 84 kiometers like a jade ribbon winding among thousands of the hills.Along the river, the rolling peaks, steep cliffs,green hills and clear water constitue a fascinating hundred-mile pictures gallery.Li River scenery is known to all not only for its green hills, clear water, fantastic caves and spectacular rocks but also for its wonderful deep pools, springs and waterfalls.Moreover, people can enjoy the different beauties of Li River scenery at different seasons and weathers.In fine days, reflections of the hills in clear and greenish water are specially pleasing to the eyes, but it is more charming under rainy and foggy weather.The hazy view of the drizzling rain and lingering clouds give birth to a wonderful paradise for tourists.Reed Flute Cave芦笛岩

Located at the northwest of GuilinCity, 5 kilometers away from the centre of the city, the cave is a famous scenic spot, mainly offering a magic fairyland,full of stalactites, stalagmites, stone columns, in fantastic shapes and colours.you also can appreciate the amazing landscape and rural scenery here.The length of the cave is 240 meters,but the whole distance of touring can last 500 meters.There are too many things for you to appriciate.a large amount of stalactites and stalagmites has a kind of natural beauty , and their endless variety of remarkable scenes also will impress you.vistors in the cave could undoubtedly evoke breathless admiration from domestic visitors and foreign visitors.Elephant Trunk Hill 象鼻山

An elephant-like hill stands majestically at the confluence of the Lijiang and Yangjiang rivers, and faces the Zi-Zhu Island on the opposite side of the Lijiang.Arching its long trunk into the river, this seeming elephant sucks water ceaselessing,its shape is vivid and its pose is full of energy.No wonder it takes the name “Elephant Hill”.Seven Star Park 七星公園

Situated on the eastern side of the Li River, Seven Star Park is the biggest park in Guilin.Its takes its name from Seven Star Hill consists of seven peaks which are supposed to resemble the star pattern of the Ursa Major(Big Dipper)constellation;four peaks in the north are called Putuo Hill;three in the south are called Lunar Hill.The famous Seven Star cave is at the half up the Putuo Hill.The cave is deep and mystical with stalactites of various descriptions inside.The Minor East River winds its way through the Flower Bridge and along the foot of the Lunar Hill southwards.Reflections of the green peaks and the Flower Bridge compose changing painting on the water.Seven Star Park,which is characterized by Karats features,cmbodies the beauty of green hills,cute rivers,odd caves and lovely rocks ofGuilin Landscape.Yangshuo Impression of Sister Liu 印象劉三姐

Presented by the eminent director Mr.Zhang Yimou right after the sensational movie HERO, this cultural night show, also named Splendid Lijiang River and Night Traveling through melodies and pictures will show you a unique man-made landscape of smoke, mists and clouds, as well as a brand new sightseeing and music.The picturesque landscape and fisherman’s songs crystallize the charm and civilization of LijiangRiver.The night show certainly will bring you one of the greatest pleasures of your life.Yangshuo Introduction 阳朔介绍

Yangshuo, a county within the prefecture of Guilin, is situated to the south of the city.It is often said that 'the hills and rivers of Guilin are the best, while Yangshuo is the best of Guilin'.The county therefore is often listed in itineraries for travelers to Guilin.Yangshuo is typical of the Karst formation.The Li River provides picturesque landscapes while the river reaches Water-Dropping Villages to Yangshuo , stretching an area of 60 km.(37 miles)are the cream parts.Verdurous hills, jade rivers, peculiar caves and elegant stones present a splendid array of opportunities to visitors.Altogether there are 16 rivers and thousands of hills within the region.Moon Hill and YulongRiver , the called 'Little Li River', are just two of the most enticing scenic spots in the county.The famous opera Impression on Sanjie Liu drew its inspiration from this natural landscape and sets it as the huge theatre to play the performance.Sanjie Liu is a legendary fairy from a Zhuang ethnic girl whose songs are said to be unparalleled.Climbing rocks, exploring caves, cycling along the nearby roads or just walking by the river provides an exciting experience to tourists.What makes the county even more magical and mysterious are its attractive cultural and human sights.The county has a long history of more than 1,400 years.There are 11 nationalities living here, including Han, Zhuang, Yao , Miao and others.The exotic dress, various traditional customs and colorful festivals are most charming, especially their adept antiphonary songs and grace ful dances.




观音峰在西山公园西,海拨328米,相对高度178米,高度仅次于西峰。这里是摩崖造像的宝库,沿石磴可攀峰顶,道侧有佛像数十龛,百余尊、高者2米,小者数十厘米。半山脊有著名的毗卢舍那佛,为唐调露元年(679)李实所造。佛龛为天然石窟,高3.8米,宽2.6米;像高1.20米,胸宽0.79米,盘坐莲台上;台高0.52米。佛旁趺坐高0.9米莲 花菩萨左右各一。下有“造像记”。不远处有西峰亭。西峰是佛教文物胜地,也是观赏城西山水田畴、楼宇、云霞的好地方。

西峰在西山公园西,与观音、千山、立鱼为连座峰林、位于3峰西部,海拨357米,相对高度107米,东西长1600米,南北宽97米,山体面积82.25公顷,拾磴可达峰前之龙头石林。远望西峰,挺拨高耸,雄踞诸峰之土,是西山的最高峰。每近黄昏,夕阳遍洒,金光万道,是为脍炙人口的桂林八景之“西峰夕照”。西峰亭 在立鱼峰山腰,是“西峰夕照”的观赏佳处,因称西峰亭。原为木结构,建于1958年,后废,现于旧址西一平台上,新建钢筋混凝上结构,单檐、攒尖顶、朱柱、绿瓦的八角亭,高10米,长宽各8.3米,面积71平方米。周有石栏,上有著名书画家黄苗子题额,下有楹联,“环观千峰景;小坐一亭风”,诱人流连,极目四野,境幽林静,开拓块垒,颐和情性。









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