The sign language interpreter criticized by organizations for the deaf as giving “meaningless” signs during the memorial service for Nelson Mandela has blamed a schizophrenic episode for his performance.Thamsanqa Jantjie told a Johannesburg newspaper, The Star, that he heard voices and hallucinated during Tuesday's service, which affected his ability to interpret the speeches by leaders such as U.S.President Barack Obama.He said he was sorry, and that there was nothing he could do.He also told South Africa's Radio 702 on Thursday that he was happy with his work.“Absolutely, what I've been doing, I think that I've been a champion of sign language as I've been saying that.You know, I've interpreted many big events, not only the event in question now.” South Africa's Deputy Minister of Women, Children and People with Disabilities, Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu said that the interpreter became overwhelmed and did not use normal signs.She said Thursday there was a “clear indication” that the company that hired him has for years provided substandard services.She also apologized to the deaf community, and said the issue highlights the challenges that deaf people around the world face every day in trying to communicate.已故南非领袖曼德拉追悼仪式上被指胡乱比划的手语翻译声称,他之所以作出这些莫名其妙的手势,是因为突发精神分裂症。
这位男子名叫塞姆桑加•扬蒂洁(Thamsanqa Jantjie)。他星期四对约翰内斯堡《明星报》说,在星期二的追悼仪式上,他听到异常声音,产生幻觉,这影响了他对美国总统奥巴马等领导人讲话的手语翻译。
他说:“我对我一直在做的绝对满意,就像我说的那样,我一向是头号的手语专家。你知道,我为很多重大活动做过翻译,不仅仅是现在出问题的这次。” 南非妇女儿童与残障人事务部副部长亨丽埃塔•博戈帕平-祖鲁说,这名翻译承受不了压力,没有使用正常的手语。她星期四说,有“明显迹象”显示,聘用他的公司多年来一直在提供不符合标准的服务。
The sign language interpreter at Tuesday's memorial service in Johannesburg for Nelson Mandela may have appeared to have been translating spoken words into gestures during the four hours he appeared on television screens around the world, but he was a fake, observers said Wednesday.在周二于南非约翰尼斯堡举行的曼德拉官方追悼会上有一位手语翻译,看起来似乎是在将各位政要的演讲翻译成手语。曼德拉官方追悼会时长四小时,全世界都可以在电视屏幕上看见他的身影。但周三有人揭发,这位手语翻译是假冒的。
“The so-called 'interpreter'...at FNB stadium has been dubbed the 'fake interpreter' and the deaf community is in outrage,” said Bruno Druchen, national director of the Deaf Federation of South Africa(DeafSA), in a statement.南非失聪者协会的官员布鲁诺发表声明,称“在足球城体育场上举行的曼德拉追悼会期间,所谓的‘手语翻译’是一个‘假冒翻译’,他的行为使失聪人士非常义愤。”
“He is not known by the Deaf Community in South Africa nor by the South African Sign Language interpreters working in the field.”
The man showed no facial expressions, which are key in South African sign language, and his hand signals were meaningless, Druchen said.“It is a total mockery of the language,” he added.这个人没有表现出任何面部表情,而面部表情正是南非手语的关键,而且他的手势也毫无意义,推门说。“他只是在装作打手语,”布鲁诺补充说。
As outrage over his interpretation skills mounted, mystery over his identity and employment also grew.A spokesman for the ruling African National Congress said the party did not employ him for the event.随着关于这位手语翻译员的水平的质疑越来越多,关于这位翻译的身份和雇佣的问题也浮出水面。南非执政党非洲国民大会的女发言人表示,追悼会并未雇佣这名手语翻译。
The South African government was investigating reports about the poor sign-language interpretation at the memorial, Minister in the Presidency Collins Chabane said.政府监督部的部长柯林斯-沙巴纳表示,南非政府正在调查关于这位在追悼仪式上表现槽糕的手语翻译事件。
The service to commemorate the statesman, who died last week at 95, was broadcast to millions of viewers.周二举行的追悼会是为了纪念上周去世的南非领袖曼德拉。曼德拉享年95岁。全世界数以百万的观众都收看了追悼会转播。
'Fake interpreter' at Mandela memorial 曼德拉葬礼手语翻译被打假
The sign language interpreter at Tuesday`s memorial service in Johannesburg for Nelson Mandela may have appeared to have been translating spoken words into gestures during the four hours he appeared on television screens around the world, but he was a fake, observers said Wednesday.在周二于南非约翰尼斯堡举行的曼德拉官方追悼会上有一位手语翻译,看起来似乎是在将各位政要的演讲翻译成手语。曼德拉官方追悼会时长四小时,全世界都可以在电视屏幕上看见他的身影。但周三有人揭发,这位手语翻译是假冒的。“The so-called `interpreter`...at FNB stadium has been dubbed the `fake interpreter` and the deaf community is in outrage,” said Bruno Druchen, national director of the Deaf Federation of South Africa(DeafSA), in a statement.南非失聪者协会的官员布鲁诺发表声明,称“在足球城体育场上举行的曼德拉追悼会期间,所谓的‘手语翻译’是一个‘假冒翻译’,他的行为使失聪人士非常义愤。”
“He is not known by the Deaf Community in South Africa nor by the South African Sign Language interpreters working in the field.” “南非失聪人士社团和南非手语翻译界都不知道这个人。”
The man showed no facial expressions, which are key in South African sign language, and his hand signals were meaningless, Druchen said.“It is a total mockery of the language,” he added.这个人没有表现出任何面部表情,而面部表情正是南非手语的关键,而且他的手势也毫无意义,推门说。“他只是在装作打手语,”布鲁诺补充说。
As outrage over his interpretation skills mounted, mystery over his identity and employment also grew.A spokesman for the ruling African National Congress said the party did not employ him for the event.随着关于这位手语翻译员的水平的质疑越来越多,关于这位翻译的身份和雇佣的问题也浮出水面。南非执政党非洲国民大会的女发言人表示,追悼会并未雇佣这名手语翻译。
The South African government was investigating reports about the poor sign-language interpretation at the memorial, Minister in the Presidency Collins Chabane said.政府监督部的部长柯林斯-沙巴纳表示,南非政府正在调查关于这位在追悼仪式上表现槽糕的手语翻译事件。
The service to commemorate the statesman, who died last week at 95, was broadcast to millions of viewers.周二举行的追悼会是为了纪念上周去世的南非领袖曼德拉。曼德拉享年95岁。全世界数以百万的观众都收看了追悼会转播。