4.如果贵司的自行车质量令人满意、价格合理,我司将大量订货。Words for reference:
price list 价格表
dealer 经销商
satisfactory 令人满意的
亲爱的先生, 我们在电视上看到了您有关于自行车的广告(advertisement),我们对您公司的男女自行车和童车很感兴趣(be interested in).您能给我们发一份有关于产品的现价表(current price list)和目录(catalog)吗? 我们是广州的最大的(leading)自行车经销商(dealer),我们在附近(neighboring)地区(districts)有十个分公司(branch).如果你们的产品质量(quality)能令我们满意(satisfactory)而且价格也合理(reasonable),我们将大量(large number)订货(place orders)我们期待(look forward to)您的回复
3.外宾在大学进行日语培训班工作,接送的巴士要求干净、宽敞、性能优良; 4.请对方告知可以提供什么样的车。Words for reference:
lease 租借
language training course 语言培训班 spacious 宽敞的 high performance 高性能
您好经理,我们想(be interested in sth./doing sth.)租(lease-leasing)3辆巴士.巴士主要(primarily)是用于(be used for doing)早上从宾馆接外宾(foreign guests),晚上送他们回去(send sb.back).外宾在大学从事日语培训工作(training course),所以巴士要整洁,宽敞(spacious)并且高性能(high performance)
2.公司目前有260名雇员、2800万美元的年销售额; 3.请对方寄来简介材料和银行服务价目表; 4.评估不同银行的文字资料之后,会开户; 5.如需更多信息,可随时拨打324-6879联系。Words for reference:
annual sales 年销售额
brochure 简介材料
fee schedule 价目表
literature 文字资料
先生您好,我们公司(company)正在寻找(look for)一家提供(provide)好服务(good service),合理收费的(reasonable cost)银行.我们现在(current)有260名员工(employee)和2800万美元的年(annual)销售额(sales).请您给我们一份您的简介材料(brochure)和项目服务(business service)价格(fee)表(schedule).在我们评估(review)不同银行的文字资料(literature),我们会开(open)户(account).如需更多(more)信息(information)请随时(feel free)拨打324-6879.十一,留学推荐信 说明:
假设你是南京第一中学的英语老师,为你的学生Linda Chen写一封留学推荐信。内容:
1.认识Linda Chen已经3年;
2.极力向华盛顿大学推荐这名学生,并建议给予奖学金; 3.Linda在自己的班级里一直保持A的平均分;
4.3年来Linda与自己一直合作办校报,她非常有创作力、并且对细节很专注; 5.Linda会成为一名优秀的大学生,值得考虑给予奖学金。Words for reference:
recommend 推荐
scholarship 奖学金 University of Washington华盛顿大学
先生您好,作为(as)南京第一中学的英文老师,我认识Linda Chen已经3年了.我极力(highly)推荐(recommend)这名学生,并且建议给予华盛顿奖学金(scholarship).Linda 在我的班级一直保持(maintain)A 的平均分(average).我和Linda 在这3年之中一直合办(work on with)校报(school newspaper),他的创作(creative)天赋(talent)和对细节(detail)的关注(attention)给我留了很深的印象(be impressed with).Linda Chen 将会成为优秀的(excellent)大学生(college student)她值得(deserve)考虑(consideration)给予奖学金.十二、官方介绍信
2.张泉受委托前往对方的学校进行教学实习; 3.希望对方给予张泉必要的安排和指导。
Words for reference:
entrust 委托
teaching practice 教学实习
instruction 指导
持有(bearer)这封信的张泉先生是本院(department)的毕业生(graduate),他受委托(be entrusted with)在您的学校进行教学实习(teaching practice).我们希望(consider)您能给予他必要的(necessary)安排(arrangement)和指导(instruction)
1.学术交流会名称:Cultural China;
2.时间:2019年1月6日-7日; 3.地点:加拿大的温哥华;
4.将资助往返机票、住宿、膳食开支; 5.希望对方参加,并请早日回复。Words for reference:
Academic exchange conference 学术交流会
Vancouver 温哥华
round trip 往返旅行
Accommodation 住处
subsidize 资助
我很高兴(be pleased to)告诉您(inform)我们组织(organize)了一个叫做“Cultural China”学术(academic)交流会(exchange conference),时间是2019年的1月6日至7日,地点在加拿大的温哥华.我们邀请您(invite)来参加(participate in)这个重要的(important)学术会.我们将资助(subsidize)您的往返机票(round trip air ticket)和食宿(accommodation and meal)开销(expense).您应该(should)会感兴趣(interest),请在您方便(convenience)的时候通知我们.期待(look forward to)在这次会(conference)上见到您
2.由于对方有说服力的推荐,自己得到了Intel公司的职位; 3.将会努力工作,以证明值得教授的帮助。
Words for reference:
Persuasive 有说服力的 recommendation 推荐
Smith 先生:
非常感谢您对我的帮助(favor).我很高兴(be glad to)告诉您由于(by)您有说服力(persuasive)的推荐(recommendation)我得到了(obtain)我在Intel 公司申请(apply)的职位(position).我将努力(exert my best efforts)工作(perform any duties),以此来证明(be worthy of)您的帮助(kindness and assistance)
2.对方一定努力工作了很多年、积累了很多外贸经验; 3.祝贺对方,希望对方好运。Words for reference:
congratulations 祝贺
我在今天的报纸(today's newspaper)得知了(learn)您创办(set up)了自己的公司(company),我猜(guess)着一定因为你在外贸(foreign trade)方面许多年的努力工作(hard work)和经验(experience).请接受(accept)我最真挚的(sincere)祝贺(congratulations).我真切(do)的希望你好运(happiness and good luck)
2.希望借此机会拜访对方、讨论未来的合作; 3.建议3月20日下午4:00见面;
4.如果建议的时间不方便,请对方建议另一个时间。Words for reference:
Los Angeles 洛杉矶
opportunity 良机
Cooperation 合作
convenient方便的Available 有空的
Johnson先生您好: 我将要(be going to)去洛杉矶,希望(would like to)有机会(opportunity)拜访您(pay a visit)讨论(discuss)将来(future)的合作(cooperation)我希望(wonder)可以在3月20日下午4点见面.如果您不方面(not available)的话,希望您换个方便的(convenient)时间.十八、欢迎辞
2.公司职员会尽力对方觉得这次来访舒服和值得; 3.对方有任何要求可随时提出来;
Words for reference:
distinguished 尊贵的staff 全体职员
worthwhile 值得做的
我们很荣幸(be honored to do)来自美国的贵宾(distinguished group of guests)光临(visit)我们公司.我们的员工(staff)将尽力(all we can)使各位感到舒服(comfortable)和值得(worthwhile).如有任何需求(requirement)请直接(not hesitate)告诉我们.最后我想向您各位献上我最诚挚热烈(warmest)的欢迎(welcome),真心希望您们感到宾至如归(worthwhile and meaningful)
3.相信大家的共同努力可以对国家的进一步扩大贸易带来巨大利益; 4.祝讨论会取得成功。Words for reference:
Conference of International Trade Cooperation 国际交易合作讨论会
trade expansion 贸易扩张
很荣幸(it is my honor to)宣布(declare)国际交易合作讨论会(Conference of International Trade Cooperation)的开幕(open).代表(on behalf of)美国政府(government)和人民以及我个人,对讨论会表示(express)热烈(warm)祝贺(congratulation),并且热烈(heartfelt)欢迎(welcome)各位来宾(guests and delegates)
我相信大家的共同努力(cooperative efforts)可以对国家(country)的进一步(further)扩大贸易(trade expansion)带来巨大利益(benefit)
1.代表组委会的全体成员感谢大家参加讨论会,并促使其成功; 2.对大家表示祝福;
3.期待在下一次讨论会见到大家; 4.很荣幸宣布讨论会结束。Words for reference:
Organizating Committee 组委会
gratitude 感谢的心情 Participate 参加
conference 讨论会
代表(on behalf of)组委会(Organizing Committee)的全体成员(all the members)对那些积极参加(actively participated in)此次讨论会(conference0的人表达(express0我们感激之情(gratitude).现在我对大家表示(extend)祝福,我期待(look forward to)在下次的(next)讨论会(conference)上见到大家.现在我很荣幸的(honor)宣布(declare)讨论会(conference)闭幕(closed)
Words for reference: 洋娃娃 baby doll
询价信函的写作要注意按以下模式进行: 第一步,表明信息来源或者自我介绍;第二步,表明感兴趣的商品以及想了解的信息,包括目录、价格、支付条件等等;第三步,表明合作意向(若价格合适就订货),同时期盼尽快回复。
February 19, 2011
Dear Sir or Madam,From “Children's Toys” in February, 2011, we learn that you are a leading exporter of baby dolls.We’re very interested in those goods and would appreciate you if you can send us catalogues and samples.Meanwhile, please provide us your latest prices, discounts and terms of payments.Should your price be found competitive and goods be up to standard, we intend to place a large order on a regular basis.Hope to hear from you soon!
Truly yours, Peter
NBW Co.Ltd.预测
说明:以学生会的名义于2011年5月15日写一张讲座的通知,请大家积极参加。演讲人:著名教授Mark Blair先生
May 15, 2011
There is going to be a lecture on Changes of World Economy in the lecture hall at 7:00 p.m.next Friday.The lecture will be given by Prof.Mark Blair, who has got his doctor’s degree at Cambridge University.He is famous for analyzing world economy, and has published several books in this field.He will tell, in his own humorous style, huge changes about the world economy, from which you will learn a lot.All students are welcome to attend this lecture.Students’ Union
内容:美国国际贸易公司销售经理Bill Smith将于近期来南京,希望和Mark总经理:
Words for reference :
南京云锦 Nanjing brocade美国国际贸易公司 America International Trading Company
To: Mark, General Manager
From: Jennifer, Secretary
Date: Feb.1, 2011
Subject: Making an Appointment
Mr.Bill Smith, Sales Manager of America International Trade Company, will come to Nanjing for a business trip recently.He hopes to see you and would like to know when and where you could meet each other.He will sign up the trading contract for Nanjing Brocade discussed with us before.And he also hopes to further strengthen our cooperation.预测
说明:你是EB公司的Kate,刚从英国出差回来,在英国期间得到了LH公司的Anne Green
April 10, 2011 Dear Anne Green,I’m writing this mail to thank you for your kindness and hospitality during my stay in Britain!It was really an unforgettable experience!
Through this business visit, I have known your country much better.The beauty of this city really impresses me.Everything goes on well during this trip and we keep good relationship with you.I do hope we can strengthen our further cooperation.Hope I have the chance to give you a reception in the near future.With many thanks.Sincerely yours,Kate
EB Company
Application Letter
Dear Sir or Madam,Learning from Zhaopin.com that you’re looking for a sales manager, I would like to apply for the position.I’m a graduate student from Management College of Southeast University.Though only 28 years old, I’m rich in working experience, sales knowledge and management skills.What’s more, I have once worked as a sales manager in ZX Company for 2 years.Activism and self-confidence encourage me to face up to any challenge.For more about me, please see the resume attached.I would appreciate it if you can offer me a chance of interview.Look forward to your earliest reply!
Sincerely yours,Wang Kai
(一)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a Broadcasting Announcement of your school according to the information given in Chinese.Remember to write it on the Translation /Composition Sheet.说明:根据下列信息写一份学校广播通知。1.对象:大一到大三年级。
恩波英语测试研究所 ●范文●
Can I have your attention, please? This is a message for Grade 1 to 3.Because of the rain the swimming competition will not be held at the New Town swimming pool as planned.It will be held at the Xinhua Sports Center from 10:00 a.m.to 3:30 p.m..Buses will take you to the Center.It’s about 10 minutes’ ride.You will be return to school at 3:45 p.m..Now here is the travelling arrangement for this morning.Freshmen and sophomores and their teachers are to gather at the front at 9:35.The first four buses will take you there.Juniors and their teachers will assemble at the front gate at 9:45.You will go on the last two buses.Please reach the front gate on time.[思路点评]
[高频词句] 1. Can I have your attention, please? 请大家注意。(这是广播通知的习惯开头语)2. This is a message for Grade 1 to 3.通知对象是一到三年级学生。3. Because of the rain the swimming competition will not be held at the New Town swimming pool as planned.由于下雨,原定在新城游泳池举行的游泳比赛不能如期进行。4. Now here is the travelling arrangement for this morning.这是今天早上的行程安排。5.
(二)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a Recruitment Advertisement(招聘广告)according to the information given in Chinese.Remember to write the advertisement on the Translation /Composition Sheet.MCO集团是一家国内有名的零售企业。自成立以来已在30多个省市开设了1000多家连锁店。一家大型超市即将在南通开设,因此需要招聘商场经理一名。条件:
中国公民,年龄35~40岁;5年商场管理经验 有2年以上大型超市或连锁店管理经验者优先;Please reach the front gate on time.请准时到达前门。杰出的规划和申报技能;良好的英语水平;计算机技能熟练 有意者请将个人简历、身份证以及近照一张寄至南通市民福路128号鸿云商务大厦1608室,林先生收,邮编040005 Words for reference: 零售企业 retail trader
商场经理 store manager 条件 qualifications and reporting ability ●审题概述●
Wanted MCO Group is a famous retail trader.Since its establishment(建立)more than 1000 chain stores have been set up in over 30 provinces and cities.Now a supermarket will be opened in Nantong.Therefore, it is seeking one store manager.Qualifications: Chinese citizen, aged 35 to 40 5 years’ experience in managing supermarkets or chain stores
规划申报技能planning preferred Excellent planning and reporting ability Good command of English Skillful at using computers Those who are interested in the position please send your resume, copy of your ID and a recent photo to Mr.Lin, Room 1608 Hongyun Business Building, No.128 Min Fu Road, Nantong,040005.[思路点评]
[高频词句] 1.MCO Group is a famous retail trader.MCO集团是一家有名的零售企业。
2.Good command of English 熟练掌握英语。
3.Those who are interested in the position please send your resume, copy of your ID and a recent photo to Mr.Lin, Room 1608 Hongyun Business Building, No.128 Min Fu Road, Nantong, 040005.有意者 请将个人简历、身份证复印件以及近照一张寄至南通市民福路128号鸿云商务大厦1608室,林先生收,邮编040005。预测
(三)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a Letter according to the information given in Chinese.Remember to do the task on the Translation /Composition Sheet.假如你是某公司餐饮部经理Peter Jones,于2009年6月18日发一封信给办公室主任Brown Smith先生,内容是: 从下周一开始,员工食堂关闭一周,进行重新装修。上午和下午在一楼接待厅将有餐饮公司使用推车提供饮料和三明治。附近的饭店每天中午12点至1点为员工提供午餐。
Words for reference:
重新装修redecoration n.redecorate v.推车trolley 接待厅reception hall
餐饮公司catering firm
餐饮部经理catering manager
●范文● June 18th,2009 Dear Mr.Brown Smith, I am writing to tell you that the employee’s dinningext Monday for red room will be closed from necoration.It will take about one week to redecorate the dinning room.During the next week, the catering firm will use trolleys to provide beverages and sandwiches in the morning and afternoon at the reception hall on the first floor.Restaurants nearby will provide lunch for the employees from 12 at noon to 1 p.m..I apologize for the inconvenience brought by the redecoration.Yours sincerely,Peter Jones [思路点评]
[高频词句] 1.I am writing to tell you that the employee’s dinning room will be closed from next Monday for redecoration.我想告诉你从下周一起,食堂因为重新装修,需要关闭。
2.It will take about one week to redecorate the dinning room.装修食堂需要花一周时间。
3.I apologize for the inconvenience brought by the redecoration.对装修给大家造成的不便,深表歉意。
(四)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a Business Letter according to the information given in Chinese.Remember to do the task on the Translation /Composition Sheet.说明:假定你是一家办公设备进出口公司的经理王刚,给某公司 写一封信。
内容:1.告诉对方你是从《城市商报》(Urban Commerce)上看到贵公司的介绍;
3.介绍你公司的情况,如:多年从事进出口贸易,在中国设有6家分公司,与国内许多大商场有联系等等; 4.希望尽快得到回复。
● 范文●
December 18th, 2008 To whom it may concern, I am the manager of Shanghai Office Equipment Import and Export Corporation.I have learned the introduction of your company from Urban Commerce.I am writing to ask whether your company provides products we need, such as computers, prices, electrographs, etc.I also want to know whether your company has products in stock.Meanwhile(此时,同时)our corporation wants to establish the trade relation with your company.Our corporation has involved in import and export trades for many years and has six subsidiary companies in China.We have set up cooperation relations with many large stores in China.I look forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Wang Gang Manager [思路点评] 注意书信格式,在不知道收信人姓名或者不知道对方性别的情况下,称呼可以用To whom it may concern来表示。文章首先作自我介绍,是一家进出口公司经理,然后按照中文提示,写出获得信息的渠道,写信目的:询问是否有需要的产品等,和表达建立贸易关系的愿望,最后希望对方及早回复。注意英语句式,词汇的表达,并且注意句子时态的正确性。
[高频词句] 1.To whom it may concern 给相关人士。
2.I am writing to ask whether your company provides products we need.我去信是想询问贵方有无我方需要的产品。
3.Meanwhile, our corporation wants to establish the trade relation with your company.与此同时,我方希望同贵方建立贸易关系。4.Our corporation has involved in import and export trades for many years.我方是一家多年从事产品进出口贸易的公司。预测
(五)5.Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a Letter of Inquiry according to the information given in Chinese.Remember to do the task on the Translation /Composition Sheet.假如你是一家公司的总经理,王志明。当地的一所技术学院11月18日给你部门写信,询问是否能考虑赞助他们将在今年夏天举办的为期一周的艺术节。今天(2009年11月24日)你给该校的校长写封回信,对他们的艺术节表示感兴趣并理解他们的需要,但是因为你们有固定的赞助预算,到明年才能考虑。建议明年再写信联系。最后预祝艺术节成功。
注意:必须包括对收信人的称谓、写信日期、发信人的签名等基本格式。Words for reference: 为期一周的艺术节 a week-long art festival General Manager 固定的赞助预算a fixed budget for sponsorship 校长Principal
赞助 sponsor
November 24th, 2009 Dear principal/Sir, I am pleased to have got your letter of 18th, which said a week-long art festival will be held at your school this summer.I am vey interested in this activity, but I regret to say that we have a fixed budget for sponsorship each year and the sponsorship of new items will not be considered until next year.I think you can understand it.总经理
I suggest that perhaps you contact us again next year.Yours faithfully, Wang Zhiming General Manager [思路点评] 注意书信格式。第一段说明收到对方来信,得知贵校要举办艺术节。第二段写清对艺术节感兴趣,但是因为预算是固定的,所以明年才能考虑,希望对方谅解。最后一段祝艺术节成功,并且表明明年再联系的愿望。
[高频词句] 1.I am pleased to have got your letter of 18th, which said a week-long art festival will be held at your school this summer.很高兴收到你(6月)18日的来信,得知贵校今年夏天将举办为期一周的艺术节。
2.I am vey interested in this activity, but I regret to say that we have a fixed budget for sponsorship each year.我们对艺术节很感兴趣,但是很遗憾,我们每年有固定的赞助预算。
3.I hope your festival will be a success.希望艺术节成功。
Dear XX:
Now it is time for me to say Bye to everyone of you for being co-working in the last more than two years.Here, I'd express my sincere thanks to you for the demonstration of team work spirit , and your professional technical/ Management skill and experience really impressed me deeply.Once you plunging into a new job, that means a new change will happen in your life.Surely, I think it 's a totally new life-style for me to work in XXX(公司名), there have abounds of definite difference compared with my originals, I am still astonished these changes in my personal life happened in this two years.Maybe these will still keep a marked sign in my future life.Good Luck...Yours forever David
As you know,there's no enough clean water for people.So many of them lose their lives because of water.In a lot of countries, people have to cut trees for living.So there's nothing to keep water from running away.Also we have polluted the land,the river and the air.So we have to face more and more floods and droughts.It's time that we must do something useful to protect our environment.We can plant trees and take good care of them.We can save the water and ask our parents to do so.We can't throw any litter onto the ground and we should collect them for recycling.If we take good care of our earth today.it will be more beautiful tomorrow.
As the planet warms,rainfall patterns shift,and extreme events such as droughts,floods,and forest fires become more frequent.Millions in densely populated coastal areas and in island nations will lose their homes as the sea level rises.In Africa,Asia,and elsewhere,poor people face prospects of tragic crop failures,reduced agricultural productivity,and increasing hunger,malnutrition,and disease.Climate change is one of the most complex challenges of our young century.A “climate-smart” world is possible in our time.We must act now, because what we do today determines both the climate of tomorrow and the choices that shape our future.We must act together, because climate change is a crisis of the commons.Climate change cannot be solved without countries cooperating on a global scale.We need to protect human life and ecological resources.Much more is needed.We need action on climate issues before it is too late.If we act now, act together, and act differently, there are real opportunities to shape our climate future for a safe, inclusive, and sustainable globalization.China will cut carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40 to 45 percent by 2020, taking 2005 as the base year.We do not need to wait for a low-carbon future.It starts now.作文预测3(五星)
Lifestyle choices have changed gradually in the past 60 years but exploded in the past three decades.In the 1970s, the CPC decided everything from clothes and length of hair to what books to read and music to listen.A huge change is traveling.In 1976, few people traveled within China, let alone
abroad.Perceptions of other countries were limited to the incomplete presentation in the official media.Even in Shanghai, people would stare open-mouthed at foreigners because only a few of them were living in China then.Now foreigners are so common that Chinese don’t even spare them a second glance.Many Chinese have now visited other countries.Every large store in Paris, has at least one Chinese-speaking staff to deal with visitors from China.And at least one of the stores I know has a whole section devoted to Chinese customers.Travel within China has exploded, too.Many domestic flights are often full.Tourist spots are rarely without crowds.Apartments today are stuffed with domestic appliances undreamed of in the 1970s, when most people aspired to own a watch, a sewing machine, a bicycle and perhaps a simple camera.In the 1980s this expanded to include a fridge, a washing machine, a TV set, a CD player and a vacuum cleaner.Now Chinese consumers have become among the most discerning in the world and like to have the latest gadgets, most of them made in China.China’s provision of sufficient food and clothing to its large population, one-fifth of the world’s total, is itself a big contribution to world peace and security.China’s rapid development has also provided other countries with extensive market opportunities and thus helped promote a joint development with them.We are just happy and proud.(291 words)
作文预测4 关于民族团结的,同样课上没有讲。
Qian Xuesen passed away, at 98, leaving behind not just his fame as father of China’s rocketry.He will live in the memory of many as a symbol of patriotism,earnestness and perseverance in academic pursuit.He may have enjoyed better working conditions and achieved world fame had he chosen to stay in the United States.But he was determined that his career would definitely be in his motherland.Without such dedication to the motherland, he would not have made the tremendous contribution he did to the development of rocketry and nuclear industry in the late 1950s and early 1960s when conditions were extremely hard for research.Without the earnestness in academic study, he would not have reached that height.He was
already a top scientist in 1964, when a young man wrote him a letter and pointed out an error he made in an equation he had published.He not only immediately answered the letter and admitted the eror he had committed, but encouraged the young man to write an essay and helped him to have his essay published in a magazine.He had helped many people in writing reseach papers and conducting research.But he refused anyone whom he had helped with their papers to have his name signed in the papers to be published.He said that only those who wrote the papers could have their names signed and that was the principle.In striking congtrast, some scholars or scientists today have names signed on papers to which they have never contributed a single word or idea.Some are busy all day attending various meetings or ceremonies and take pride in the high rate of appearance on TV.Some have even gone too far by plagiarizing and cheating in their scientific papers.In memory of this great mind and soul, it is more than necessary for people in the circle of science and technology and other walks of life as well to seriously fame and money.Earnestness and perseverance in academic studise, are the great heritage this giant has left behind.预测作文6(五星)
As is vividly depicted in the drawing above, a drunk-driver is scolding a pedestrian
who is crossing a street at zebra crossing.What is revealed in the drawing is not uncommon in our routine life and the phenomenon is most thought-rovoking to each responsible citizen of our society.Driving under influence(DUI)is a common practice for many Chinese.In many cities, police checkpoints for DUI are only set up for a month in a year or even two weeks.These occasional crackdown campaigns are like typhoons, they go as fast as they come.In the first half of this year, 222,000 people on the Chinese mainland were found driving under influence(DUI), up 8.7 percent over the same period last year.Our roads have simply become the most dangerous in the world.With three percent of the total vehicles in the world, the country accounts for 16 percent of the global traffic deaths.Each year, some 100,000 Chinese die in traffic accidents in the country – 274 deaths a day.Each year traffic accidents take away more lives in China than any other mishap.An all-out war on drink and drunk driving and other forms of rash driving should definitely be a national priority.Stronger measures should be taken to prevent reckless driving, and I would suggest three steps to begin with.First, our laws should be made tougher to show zero tolerance to such murderous driving.Second, police officers should enforce the law at all times and in all palces, leaving no gaps of which violators can take advantage.Third, while laws and punishments are necessary, we should start educating our population about the threat of DUI on others’ lives.While drivers should restrain themselves, our drinking culture, which often means endless rounds of bottoms-up, needs to be checked.预测作文7(一星)
As is vividly demonstrated in the drawing above, a woman star is making advertising for products of a brand.The star focuses on personal benefits while
turning a blind eye on social responsibilities.What the drawing intends to convey is most meaningful and thought-provoking to each responsible citizen of our society.The intended meaning(implication、connotation、intention)of the drawing can be interpreted with respect to the stars’ social responsibility and the establishment of credibility.On the one hand, some stars and celebrities lack basic social responsibilities.Stars and celebrities should play a positive role in our daily life since they are considered as social models.However, some stars are so money-oriented that they conduct irresponsible deeds, which cause negative effects in our society.On the other hand, the establishment of credibility needs to be put on the top of our agenda.The misconducts of some stars and celebrities indicate that we are losing our basic sense of credibility.The misleading remarks which are made by some stars and celebrities not only endanger our physical body but also our mind and soul.A world of cheating and money-desire is doomed to perish.In one word, stars should mind their social roles and our credibility needs to be minded.In my view, some urgent measures should be taken so as to reverse the current grim situation.To begin with, education campaign should be launched to guide stars and celebrities to behave well.In addition, basic laws and regulations should be set up to get rid of dishonest words and deeds.Only in these ways can we create a harmonious and honest environment.作文预测8(一星)有关论文剽窃的,没讲 作文预测9(一星)
On Oct 24, 2009, three students from Yangtze University in Jingzhou, Hubei province sacrificed their lives to save two boys.When the tragic news came, many people paid their respects to the three heroes
through Internet.Some, hovever, raised the controversial argument that the price was too much.This is ridiculous logic.The three heroes’ sacrifice is precious because it defies the current mindless trend of self-centeredness.When the students jumped into the cold water, they did not think about how the world would judge them.They did not have enough time to think about the potential dangers either.They acted only out of instinct, the human instinct of saving another human.This instinct is nurtured by our parents and teachers.It is the result of the culture rooted in our soil.It is also reassuring to see that the concept of “protecting one’s own life is far more important than fighting a crime of saving another life”, which has developed in recent years, is not the motto of all our youths.We should be grateful, too, to the three students for carrying forward the spirit of humanity and the nation.The debate over worthy or unworthy will never come to a conclusion.The only thing centain is the principle that life is the highest good.The value of one’s life can also be escalated to higher moral value by cherishing others’ lives.What we should do is stop quarrelling and care for the heroes’ families.作文预测10 关于找工作的,没讲 作文预测11(一星)关于成功与失败,没讲
作文预测12 关于上海世博会的,没讲
作文预测13 关于孔子学院的,没讲
Statistics show that migrant workers make up over 60 percent of the workforce in manufacturing industries, over 50 percent in retail and catering businesses and about 80 percent in the construction sector.None of our achievements in the past three decades would have been possible without these migrant workers.They build new apartments for hundreds of million Chines.They construct roads, railways, bridges and tunnels.They give shape to engineering marvels such as the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, Three Gorges Dam, Beijing’s Bird’s Nest, Shanghai’s Lujiazui skyline, and the 36-km-long bridge across the Hangzhou Bay.They are the backbone of the country’s competitive export industry as an estimated 80 million of them work long hours for low wages in factories and on assembly lines.These people are essential for the smooth operation of our cities and our families, as they wait in restaurants, deliver milk, clean our streets and tidy our homes.Our appreciation should definitely go beyond words.Each of us should ask what we can do for migrant workers.Would you smile at them and say thank you the next time you see them? Would you embrace them as our brothers and sisters and an equal member of our society? Would you help secure their rights, such as their rights to labor protection and their children’s rights to equal education? There are a million of things we can do for migrant workers.It would be no hype to have a Migrant Workers Day in the year, in order to honor their contribution and remind us what we should do for these heroes.作文预测15(五星)
Martin Luther King, Jr.once said “Hatred paralyzes life;love releases it.Hatred confuses life;love harmonizes it.Hatred darkens life;love illuminates it.” Love is the force that brings about unity and harmony.If you want Love, you must first Love.Love begets Love.If we want to be loved, the way to get it is to love.It is not only the very best method, but it is the only method.To receive love, we must love because what we give out must come back.If I love you , I feel wonderful.If you love me, you feel wonderful.It’s the one who loves who feels great.The happy one is the one loving, the one giving.One of the things that have happened in my process to love all is I have discovered my identification with others.I have realized that we are all related and we are all inter-connected.Each mind is like a radio broadcasting and receiving station;we are tuned into each other unconsciously.We are just not aware of it.And so after reaching that high point of understanding, I want to help others to discover what I have discovered.If you want to give love in every way, you will find the network of love.作文预测16 关于说实话的,没讲 作文预测17 关于国庆60周年,没讲 作文预测18 有关豪华月饼 同样没讲 作文预测19 关于文物保护,没讲 作文预测20
1)感谢李教练为了学校篮球队的夏季集训(summer training)放弃了整个暑假的休息时间;
2)大家都因教练对这项运动的热情(enthusiasm)受到感染(be greatly impressed
3)在这次的巡回比赛(tournament)中球队获得了优异的成绩应归功于(owe sth
4)代表(on behalf of)球队表示衷心的感谢。
Dear Mr.Li,I’m writing this letter of thanks on behalf of the whole basketball team.We’re very sincerely grateful to you for all your time spent during the summer
vacation in coaching our school basketball team.Your enthusiasm on sports and
your team spirit have greatly impressed us.The big progress and our recent
victory at the Tournament owe much to your kind help.Without you we couldn’t
go that far.Thank you again from the bottom of our heart.Sincerely yours,He Yi
Dear Sir or Madam,Please allow me to recommend Chen Ying for a position of secretary in our
company.Ms.Chen has ever worked in my department as a part-time secretary
for a period of time.I have found her to be a hardworking, diligent, and
responsible employee.Now she wishes to apply for the position of secretary and
long to work in our company team.I recomment her without hesitation, as I know you will find her a very
capable staff.Sincerely yours,Li Lin
Manager of Sales Department
May 16, 2010
Dear Sir/Madam,I have learned a piece of news from "Beijing Daily'' that you want a teacher
of the Chinese language.I’m writing for the position in your college.I graduated from the Chinese Language Department of Beijing Language
and Culture University three years ago.I have experience of teaching Chinese,ever teaching the Chinese language and culture to the students from America
and Korea.I’m also good at English abilities and I have passed Cet-6.Encolsed is my resume both in Chinese and English.If you want any of my
further information, please contact me at ***.My address is No.56,Liuhua Road, Guangzhou City.Yours sincerely,Chen Hai
Name: Liu KeBirth date: Aug.5th, 1983Sex: MaleNationality: Hui
Health: Excellent
Address: Graduating Class, Hotel Management Specialty, College of
management, Shanxi University, Shanxi030010
To obtain a position as an assistant of Marketing Manager
Courses Included
Marketing Management, Public Relationships, etc.Working Experience
Worked at Marketing Department, Lixin Hotel, 2002
A mastery of computer basic skills
Cet, Band 4
Good at business communication
收件人:Miss Jenny Arnot
2.Jenny Arnot 的公司在她的地区长期为你公司推销产品。
Words for reference:
June 20, 2010
Dear Miss Jenny Arnot,Our company has recently researched a new type of computer.It has a lot of
advantages, and we believe it will have a good sales among customers.Since your
company has always been selling our products in your area, we hope you can
promote our new computer in your area.Encolsed is the specification of the product.If you are interested, please
come to see our samples and have further discussion.Please tell me when you
will come, I’ll send someone to pick you up at the airport.Thanks again and look forward to your early reply.Sincerely yours,Zhang Ming
June 22, 2008
Dear Sir or Madam:
Sorry to inform you that since the prices of raw materials have been
increased recently, we have no choice but to adjuct the prices of our
products a little higher.To express our sincerity , theprices for your
old orders will be kept unchanged/be kept as the original.We sincerely
hope we can develop smooth business relationship in future.Enclosed is our new price list.We are very sorry for the trouble
brought to you.Sincerely yours,Ding Zhiwen
Sales Manager