
时间:2019-05-15 08:35:10下载本文作者:会员上传



The footprints in their history stretch back 5000 years, 一个拥有5OOO年历史的国度

but for the world's greatest wall builders, 他们铸就了世界上最伟大的城墙

makers of a forbidden city, 他们建造了宏伟的紫禁城

what happens tonight is not merely a small step, 今天晚上他们迎来的不只是历史的一小步

but a great leap.而是整个民族的一大步

China is welcoming the world.这就是中国,她正以崭新的姿态迎接整个世界

Who will they be when this is over? 当这一切尘埃落定的时候,他们将何去何从?

The clock of their lives has been beating with a screaming urgency.为了这一刻他们期待已久

They have pushed themselves to be as sharp as a razor's edge, 他们将自己锻造得如刀刃般锋利

for this summer, to be here, now, and nowhere else.为了这个夏天能来到这个国度

Beijing, the first ever Olympics for the world's most populous nation, 北京,这个世界上人口最多的国家将首次举办奥运会!

1.3 billion who framed the front-page story of the 21st century, 这个人口达到13亿的国度无疑是21世纪的雄狮

a China both outside time 中国不仅超赶了时间

and bursting every which way in a bewildering rush of transformation.而且到处都可以看到不断的变化 They have made themselves anew, 他们必须作好准备

relentlessly, devotedly, 以莫大的艰苦付出

so they might, on these days(if you want)step into history.因为这将是他们缔造历史的时刻

They've submitted to an uncompromising search for mastery, 他们竭力追求着究极的技能,顶级的技术

repetitive motion, technique polished 不厌其烦的练习

toward an impossible(guys)ideal, 为实现几乎不可能的理想而奋斗

fall, fail,即使跌到,摔下

get up.只能再站起来

It's not the triumph, but the struggle.It's not the triumph, but the struggle;It's not the triumph, but the struggle;

Not the triumph, but the struggle.Why did they begin? Why do they endure? 他们因何而开始,又为何而坚持?


I compete, because I want to run faster than any man has ever run.我参加比赛是因为我想跑得比任何人都快


Flopping on a 4-inch beam, I like the daredevil, proud of it.我要克服自己的恐惧挑战自己的极限


(You)know, to get the chance to try to defend your gold medal, I couldn't write a better story.抓住机会获取金牌, 这是我的唯一目标.It is time for the colorful clash of a universe of shimmering, still to be written biographies.这一刻,寰宇中最绚烂的碰撞将写出华丽的篇章 It is time to chase eternal youth.这一刻,对青春的追寻使生命永远年轻

Time to defy public heartbreak, laws of gravity.这一刻,对万有引力的挑战使悲伤心碎烟消云散

Time for a Jamaican lightening bolt, 这一刻属于来自牙买加的雷霆闪电

California brilliance.和加里福利亚的灿烂阳光

It is time for the sweetly engaging gymnast from West des Moines, 这一刻,属于来自西德梅因的甜蜜微笑

and the poised daughter of a decorated Olympian.和身披父辈勋章和战袍的女儿

It is time for the one who has endured the grinding burden of mind-blowing expectations.这一刻,属于那些肩负重重希望的竞技选手

Time for the headliner of the Athens games to play superman all over.这一刻,雅典奥运会上的破纪录者将勇创新高

Are we about to see the fastest race ever, 我们将看到的是一场速度最快的被历史见证的比赛

A dynasty confirmed? 梦幻的王朝能巩固吗?

A victory cheered by a billion voices?


They have pushed themselves to be as sharp as a razor's edge, 他们将自己锻造得如刀刃般锋利

for the scintillating prospect of enduring accomplishments, 震耳欲聋的加油声会助他一臂之力吗?

to leave these games as the greatest Olympic champion of all time.成为奥运会史上最好的选手, 他们为了这次奥运会已经蓄势持发

They have made themselves anew,他们追求成为最顶尖的选手为的正是这一时刻的荣辉

for this summer, for Beijing, for this, NOW!为了今夏,为了北京,为了此时此刻.



(2008-09-13 20:22:39)转载 标签:

身边的奥运 奥运 杂谈








和着击打声,出现巨大的数字,每次光影数字的交锋,都预示着北京奥运的每秒临近,就让我们穿越时空,一同倒数,用震撼的节奏,激荡千年祖国的万里疆土,激荡中华民族的奔腾血脉,共同迎 接奥运之光的莅临。























1.Pre-ceremony Performance 1.1 The pre-show is performed both south and north of the National Stadium and on the tracks.1.2 Several national celebrities demonstrate and train the audience in an energetic and lively manner on the interactive elements in the ceremony.1.3 Animation video assists the training 1.4 2008-member Fou Band enters from four gates, standing in a rectangular formation on the east and west sides of the field with a 22-meter wide passageway in the middle.The Fou is an ancient Chinese percussion instrument either made of bronze or ceramic.1.5 The 224-member Chorus dressed in 56 traditional Chinese ethnic costumes start to enter on both sides of the Chinese national flagpole.A child enters and stands in front of the flagpole.1.6 The 201-member Military Band enters and stands at the north of the Stadium.2.The Arrival of the Chinese President and the President of the IOC The President of the People's Republic of China and the IOC President enter the Presidential Box.At the north of the Stadium, the Military Band plays welcome music.3.Countdown In the last 10 seconds, the percussion rhythm of the “Fou Formation” is as intense as the roar of thunder.Chinese and Arabic numerals flash on the surfaces of the Fou successively, in tune with the rhythm...9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.3.1 A dazzling light activates an ancient sundial.3.2 The sundial reflects light onto the “Fou.” 3.3 Fou are ancient Chinese percussion instruments made of clay or bronze.In as early as the Xia and Shang dynasties, Fou were used in song and dance performances.3.4 The rhythmic beating of the instruments coincides with the lights to convey the concept of “time.”

4.Welcome fireworks Splendid fireworks burst from the Stadium's exterior trusses, making the entire Stadium like a blossoming flower.5.Welcome The sound of the Fou is thunderous and the chant is roaring.Two-thousand-and-eight performers beat the Fou and sing to welcome friends from all over the world.The exciting percussion performance starts to create a rolling, thunderous welcome.5.1 The 2,008 Fou and their 2,008 musicians symbolize the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.5.2 “Friends have come from afar, how happy we are.” This is a well-known saying of Confucius.Two-thousand-and-eight performers beat the Fou and sing to welcome friends from all over the world.Confucius(551 BC-479 BC)was a famous educator and philosopher in ancient China.His thoughts deeply influenced later generations.6.Footprints of History Twenty-nine colossal burning footprints symbolize 29 Olympiads.6.1 Twenty-nine colossal footprints rise to the sky in a series of fireworks.At a rate of one “footprint” per second, 29 of them march along Beijing's central axis from Tian'anmen Square all the way to the Olympic Green and the National Stadium, symbolizing the path of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad and their arrival.6.2 The footprints consist of fireworks, representing the invention of gunpowder, one of the four great inventions in ancient China.7.Olympic Rings The footprints change into clusters of falling stars, which gather to form the Olympic rings.7.1 The “footprints” pass through Tian'anmen Square and head north, with the last “footprint” exploding over the National Stadium, showering the Olympic venue with clusters of falling stars, which gather to form the five Olympic rings.7.2 Twenty graceful fairies float towards the ground and cluster around the Olympic rings, manifesting beauty and romance.Their costumes glow with light.8.Entry of the Chinese National Flag Eight flag bearers carry the flag into the Stadium horizontally and solemnly display the Chinese national flag.A child sings A Hymn to My Country.Fifty-six children representing each of the 56 Chinese ethnic groups cluster around the Chinese national flag.9.Raising the National Flag and Singing the National Anthem The flag guards raise the national flag of the People's Republic of China.A 224-member chorus sings the national anthem of the People's Republic of China.The national anthem chorus consists of performers from 56 Chinese ethnic groups.开幕式文艺表演:《美丽的奥林匹克》上篇:《灿烂文明》


随着一个短片的开始,我们将看到一幅跨越时空,意境优美的中国画卷,它讲述着博大厚重、意蕴悠远的中国故事,全世界的朋友都会领略优雅的东方神韵,了解悠久的中国文化,感受中国的现代 魅力。

画面中呈现的是散发着中国古典韵味的文房四宝,笔墨纸砚,在清雅的古琴声中,我们看到了一幅画作产生的完整过程,纸张制作、墨墨着色,装裱成轴,今晚的故事将从这幅飘逸婀娜,变化万千 的中国画卷开始。

影像中的画卷神奇地出现在场地中间,这幅长达70米的巨大卷轴在我们面前缓缓铺陈开来。琴声悠扬,水磨浸染,充满中国古典艺术的淡雅神韵。画卷上,墨迹漫卷,流淌击暖,依次呈现出演化、陶瓷、青铜器等在中国文化起源和发展过程中极具代表性的文化符号。一席黑衣的舞蹈演员来到画卷之上,用肢体做墨迹,表现中国水墨画的洒脱写意,随着舞蹈演员的动作,洁白的画纸上出现起伏回 旋的墨色线条。

清雅的旋律来到这张有着一千多年的古琴,这张名为“太古遗音”的古琴在琴弦波动中,体现出中国文化底蕴的渊源流长。中国水墨画讲求以形写神,不拘泥于神似,更讲求神韵,舞蹈演员独特的肢 体语言,正体现出中国水墨画特有的意趣和韵味。



中国汉字是世界上最古老的文字之一,古老的汉字承载着中华文明久远深邃的历史,在这一篇章的表演中,我们将看到中国汉字的魅力。此刻孔子的三千弟子手持竹简高声吟诵,缓缓步入场内,《 论语》中经典名句响彻耳畔。















五幅中国长卷画,配以演员们的古典舞,再现了古代中国礼乐之邦的盛世气象。演员在演唱昆曲。昆曲是中国古老的传统艺术,已入选世界非物质文化遗产名录。地面上,是中国最有名的五幅长卷 画。它们分别来自唐、宋、元、明、清五大朝代。





们绘制一幅星光画作。呈现在观众面前的是巨大的星光和平鸽,鸽子是和平、友谊、圣洁的象征,今晚我们放飞这只散发着光芒的和平鸽,愿它能向全世界传递来自中国的友好情谊。在鸟巢上飘来一只 风筝,就让我们祝福他们梦想能够乘风飞翔。










主题歌演唱《我和你》(演唱者:刘欢、莎拉·布莱曼)10.Art Performance “Beautiful Olympics”--Prelude Synopsis: The video screens in the stadium play a short film before the artistic performance begins.The short film artistically describes the process of creating a Chinese scroll painting, beginning with papermaking and showing the four treasures of study, to coloring, mounting the painting and affixing the scrolls.The film is an indication of the overall aesthetic style of the ensuing artistic performance.11.Painting Scroll Synopsis: The “painting scroll” shows the origin and development of China's history and culture.11.1 A Chinese painting scroll opens in the center of the stadium and serves as the stage for the evening's performances.11.2 A blank canvas is placed in the center of the painting scroll.Papermaking is one of the four great inventions of ancient China.11.3 A stream of cultural icons in China's historical advancement flows onto the painting scroll, including porcelain pottery and bronze vessels.11.4 The Guqin(ancient stringed instrument)used in the performance was created more than 1,000 years ago and is nicknamed the “Sounds of Utmost Antiquity.” 11.5 The unique body language of the performers contains the charm of Chinese ink and wash painting.The night's performances are kicked off with the black and white tone of Chinese ink and wash painting.11.6 The performers draw numerous “lucky” clouds on the paper.The clouds dissipate magically, leaving only the mountains, rivers and the sun.11.7 On the ground is the famous ancient Chinese painting “A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains.” 12.Writing Synopsis: Chinese characters are among the oldest scripts in the world and represent the long-standing history of Chinese civilization.12.1 The “three thousand disciples” of Confucius are Played by actors who chant the often quoted lines of Lunyu(the Analects)--“All those within the four seas can be considered brothers.” 12.2 The disciples are holding bamboo scrolls, which were a kind of book with scripts carved onto the individual bamboo strips.12.3 A performance of movable-type printing, one of the four great inventions of ancient China.12.4 The movable-type printing performance creates images of both ancient and modern fonts of the Chinese character.12.5 This is an ancient representation of the Chinese character “He,” which means harmony.12.6 This is another ancient representation of the Chinese character “He.” 12.7 This is a modern representation of the Chinese character “He.” All three character representations show not only the evolution of Chinese characters, but also the Confucian idea of humanism, that is, “Harmony is precious.” 12.8 The Great Wall is demonstrated by smooth lines, both concise and vivid.12.9 A sea of peach blossoms romantically demonstrates the good wishes of the peace-loving Chinese people.12.10 All 897 performers have trained for more than 10 months.Each person has a unique movement sequence, which can be accomplished only with a good memory and diligent practice.13.Opera 13.1 This is the percussion performance of traditional Peking Opera of China.As China has a vast territory with people speaking numerous dialects, hundreds of traditional operas have been derived.13.2 This operatic percussion performance depicts a festive scene of terracotta soldiers' triumphant return.14.Silk Road 14.1 The performers advance, carrying a canvas.On the ground is the map of the “Silk Road” and the cultural symbols along the road.14.2 The Silk Road, well known far and near, existed more than 2,000 years ago, when trade caravans of China set out from Chang'an(today's Xi'an of Shaanxi Province)with expensive silk, crossed the Hexi Corridor and entered the European continent.Hence, the Silk Road became an important passage for economic and cultural exchanges between China and Western countries.14.3 The “Maritime Silk Route” shows the grandeur of Zheng He's voyage to the West.14.4 More than 600 years ago, under the Ming Dynasty, Zheng He led seven shipping fleets with 27,000 people on board on a long voyage starting from Quanzhou of China and arrived in Western Asia and Eastern Africa, thus creating the well-known “Maritime Silk Route.” 14.5 The performer holds an ancient compass, one of the four great inventions of ancient China, in his hand.15.Music 15.1 The actor is singing Kunqu, which is an ancient and traditional art form that has entered the world list of intangible cultural heritage.15.2 On the ground are five of China's most famous paintings, finished respectively in the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.16.Starlight 16.1 Renowned pianist Lang Lang and a young child, five-year-old Li Muzi, play a romantic tune together, welcoming a brand-new age.Li began studying the piano at the age of 4.16.2 The ancient paintings extend in the endless starlight, indicating the more splendid age of today.16.3 The color tone for the modern performance turns from black and white to bright colors.16.4 One thousand performers build a “bird's nest,” towards which a lovely kite flies from the sky.17.Nature 17.1 Taijiquan is the most representative forms of shadow boxing in Chinese martial arts, characterized by the “combination of the dynamic and static and the interdependence of hardness and softness.” 17.2 The multimedia performance demonstrates the ancient traditional philosophical concept in Chinese martial arts: the relationship between man and nature.17.3 “The torrent dropping three thousand feet/Straight down to the valley floor/I think it must be the Milky Way/Spilling to the earth from the heavens.” The poetic flavor of the famous lines by Li Bai, a poet during the Tang Dynasty, is expressed in a performance.17.4 The Eight Diagrams of Taiji symbolize eight natural phenomena that bring out changes in all things on earth and include heaven, earth, thunder, wind, water, fire, mountain and lake.17.5 A total of 2,008 Taiji performers form a circle, which means grandness and consummation in the traditional Chinese concept.The present array is called “Round Heaven and Square Earth.” 17.6 The children are coloring the ancient Chinese paintings of nature green, expressing the idea of environmental protection which is also the key concept of Taiji--unity of man and nature.18.Dream 18.1 It took more than one year to design, construct and install the gigantic elevating Globe.18.2 The actors run, seemingly free from gravity, on nine rings covered with an Olympic torch cloud pattern, full of magical fantasy and bravery.18.3 The actors have trained for more than 10 months in order to complete the difficult movements.The performers on the lower half of the Globe are running downwards.18.4 The theme song “You and Me” is performed by Sarah Brightman of Britain and Liu Huan of China atop the Globe.18.5 The several thousand students entering the field now are all volunteers for the Beijing Olympic Games.18.6 The thousands of children's smiling faces from throughout the world were collected by BOCOG over a span of a year.18.7 Fireworks form 2008 “smiling faces” in the sky.Performers representing 56 Chinese ethnic groups dance joyously to greet all the athletes.18.8 Orchestras from five continents warm up to perform during the Parade of Athletes.











Well, just as the marathon was one of the concluding events of the Olympic Games, we are now bringing our broadcast marathon to a close.Beyond the competitive drama, every Olympics provides a snapshot of a city and a country at a point in time.This one was more compelling than most, since China's rise and its ongoing transformation is the global story, not only of the moment, but likely of the foreseeable future.These Olympics were a milestone in that still unfolding story.正如马拉松是奥运会的结束项目一样,我们的转播马拉松也要告一段落了。超越这些充满戏剧性的体育比赛之上,奥运会也在同一时刻向全世界展示了一个城市、一个国家的面貌。这一次是更引人注目的,因为不仅在这一刻,也在可以预见的未来,中国的崛起和进行中的转变是一个全球性的话题。在这个还在展开的故事中,这次奥运会是一个里程碑。

And while history will tell us whether or not the Olympics provided China with the confidence to not only build on its considerable strengths, but also to address its considerable problems.This much we know.This is a country so vast, a people with lives so varied and a history so rich and complex that no visitor can fully grasp it.Still, of these Games, no advanced degree in international relations was required to appreciate the genuine warmth of the Chinese people, the honest pride in their country and how seriously Chinese citizens, famous Olympians, to everyday men and women, took this chance to show themselves to the world.历史会告诉我们,这次奥运会是否为中国提供了信心,不仅是继续发展壮大的信心,也是解决很多重要社会问题的信心。我们知道,这是一个幅员辽阔的国度,人民生活千差万别,而它的历史又是那样悠久而沉重,这些不是一个普通观光者可以完全把握的。但我们不需要一个国际关系的专业知识也可以从这次盛会中感受到中国人民发自内心的的热忱,和他们对祖国的最诚挚的骄傲。每一个中国人,从著名的奥林匹克运动员到每一位公民,都在认认真真地借这一机会向全世界展现自己。

All Olympics are important to the host city.These Games were monumentally important to the host nation, which happens to be home to 1/5 of humanity.All that said, just as these Olympics were significant politically, they were also very significant competitively.Beijing turned out to be among the most memorable Olympics ever.One headline was anticipated before the Games began, and then verified here.For the first time since the fall of the Berlin Wall, an ongoing Olympic rivalry shapes up.In Beijing, the U.S.won 110 medals-the most it's ever won at a non-American Olympics.But China, second in the overall count, easily won the most golds here, and the most by any country since the old Soviet Union in1988.Many of China's triumphs went beyond excellence.Their perfection and precision, simply beautiful to behold.China is now a sports power with a sophisticated state-supported sports system.They will be at or near the top of the medal list at London and beyond.每一届奥运会对举办城市来说都是极其重要的。这次奥运会却对整个举办国家都有着纪念碑式的重要意义,而这个国家恰恰是全世界五分之一人口的家园。大家都说这届奥运会在国际政治上有着特殊意义,而它在纯体育竞争层面也是非常特别的。北京奥运已经成为了有史以来最值得记住的奥 运。很多赛前的预言都得到了证实。从柏林墙倒塌开始,奥运比赛的竞争愈演烈。美国队赢得110块奖牌 :这在所有非美国举行的奥运会中是最多的。中国赢得了奖牌总数第二,而且轻而易举地赢得了金牌数第一:51块金牌是自前苏联解体以来最多的。很多中国运动员的凯旋不仅仅应该用优秀来形容。它们是完美而精确、美不胜收的。在国家精密的体育制度支持下,中国体育已经成为巨头。他们将在伦敦和之后的很多届比赛中独占鳌头。

Meanwhile, the Americans had plenty to cheer about.Beach volleyball pairs both prevailing, Nastia Liukin and Shawn Johnson winning gold and winning hearts, the men's basketball team doing exactly what they set out to do-winning, yes-but also redeem and redefine the image and purpose of the U.S.program.These Games reached multiple crescendos.From the beginning, there was Michael Phelps, who now ranks among the very greatest Olympians ever and who is also now in the top tier of the best and most popular contemporary athletes in any sport-unheard of for a swimmer, until Phelps.Just about the time Phelps left the pool, a Jamaican jet zoomed over the track.The sprints are supposed to be decided by blinks of an eye, not by bolts of speed so astonishing that, like the spectators, the competitors can only marvel at the world's--and history's--fastest man.More nations, 204, participated here than in any Games before.And more won medals, 87, than ever before as well.But beyond the medal podium, the Olympics remain a human panorama, with many also--ran finishes and first-round eliminations, nonetheless representing epic personal stories, only appreciated by the participants themselves and their families, friends and countrymen.同时,我们美国队也有很多值得欢呼的时刻。男女沙排都获胜了,纳斯迪亚柳金和肖恩约翰逊不仅赢得了金牌也赢得了人心,男篮梦八队完全实现了他们的承诺,对,胜利!而他们更挽救和重新定义了美国篮球的形象。这次比赛出现了一次又一次的华彩乐章。从一开始我们就有迈克尔菲尔普斯。他现在是历史上最出色的 奥林匹克运动员之一,也是当代体育界最耀眼的明星–– 这在菲尔普斯之前可不会发生在游泳运动员身上。就在菲尔普斯刚刚离开游泳池的时候,一名牙买加运动员横空出世。理论上,短跑比赛是以毫秒来决定胜负的,但 博尔特的速度是那样令人震惊,以至于他的对手,和全世界观众一样,是目送这位全世界也是历史上跑得最快的人登上巅峰。204个参赛国家,比历史上任何一届都多。87个国家赢得了奖牌,也是史上最多的。超越小小的领奖台,奥运会更是一个人类展现自我的舞台。很多人奋力跑过终点却还是被淘汰,但他们的故事会被他们自己、被他们的家人、朋友、和国人传颂。

Theses Games began with Zhang Yimou's stunning Opening Ceremony, so boldly conceived and brilliantly executed, that it set a standard for such occasions unlikely to be equaled.And tonight, with more theatrical touches, the curtain came down.So the people of the world came to Beijing, and the people of China extended their hands.You don't have to speak a word of Mandarin to understand that.I've been fortunate to be involved with many memorable Olympics, and in many ways, this has been the most memorable.In no small part, due to the efforts of the small army of people who worked tirelessly to bring these Games home to you.For these colleagues, I will always have enormous professional regard and personal gratitude.The names of these talented men and women accompany this final montage of the images of China and Olympic moments-moments we hope resonate with you as they have with us.这次赛事从张艺谋那震撼人心、构思大胆而完美实施的开幕式开始,从而为同类活动设下了一个无 法逾越的标准。而今晚,随着更多的精彩表演,大幕徐徐垂下。全世界的人来到了北京,全中国人向世界展现了自己。你不需要懂普通话就可以理解这点。我很幸运 地参与转播了很多令人怀念的奥运比赛,而从各种角度来看,这届奥运会是最令人难忘的。很多人日以继夜地努力工作从而能把这样的一次奥运会带到千家万户。我 向我的同事们致以崇高的敬意。他们的名字将伴随着美丽的中国画面和在过去十七天伴随你我的一幕幕奥运镜头出现在电视上。

Good night, this one last time, from China.最后一次,我们从中国说,晚安。


but for the world's greatest wall builders,makers of a forbidden city,what happens tonight is not merely a small step,but a great leap.China is welcoming the world.Who will they be when this is over?

The clock of their lives has been beating with a screaming urgency.They have pushed themselves to be as sharp as a razor's edge,for this summer,to be here,now,and nowhere else.Beijing, the first ever Olympics for the world's most populous nation,1.3 billion who framed the front-page story of the 21st century,a China both outside time

and bursting every which way in a bewildering rush of transformation.They have made themselves anew,relentlessly,devotedly,so they might, on these days(if you want)step into history.They've submitted to an uncompromising search for mastery,repetitive motion, technique polished toward an impossible(guys)ideal.fall


get up.It's not the triumph,but the struggle.It's not the triumph,but the struggle.It's not the triumph, but the struggle.Not the triumph,but the struggle.Why did they begin?

Why do they endure?

郭晶晶(中国女子跳水): 08的年奥运会在北京,在自己家门口.所以就会一直,一直继续坚持

鲍威尔(美国男子100米短跑): I compete, because I want to run faster than any man has ever run.肖恩·约翰逊(美国女子体操):Flopping on a 4-inch beam, I like the daredevil proud of it.沃尔什/梅伊(美国女子沙滩排球):(You)know, to get the chance to try to defend your gold medal, I couldn't write a better story.刘翔:中国男子运动员第一个拿到金牌,所以说我也才会被大家记住。

It is time for the colorful clash of a universe of shimmering, still to be written biographies.It is time to chase eternal youth.Time to defy public heartbreak, laws of gravity.Time for a Jamaican lightening bolt,California brilliance.It is time for the sweetly engaging gymnast from West des Moines,and the poised daughter of a decorated Olympian.It is time for the one who has endured the grinding burden of mind-blowing expectations.Time for the headliner of the Athens games to play superman all over.Are we about to see the fastest race ever?

A dynasty confirmed?

A victory cheered by a billion voices?

They have pushed themselves to be as sharp as a razor's edge,for the scintillating prospect of enduring accomplishments,to leave these games as the greatest Olympic champion of all time.They have made themselves anew,for this summer,for Beijing,for this

























































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    标题:2008 北京奥运开幕式观后感(公关关系分析)成绩:院系名称:海峡成功学院班级 :土木工程课程名称:公共关系理论与实务学号:20135051005姓名:日期:2014年06月2008 北京奥运开幕式观后......