
时间:2019-05-15 08:51:40下载本文作者:会员上传



THE VICE PRESIDENT: Governor Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio, Commissioner Bratton, Pastor, thank you for allowing me to be here today and according me the privilege of expressing the condolences of Jill and my whole family to the Ramos family.What handsome boys.I remember a similar occasion a long time ago.And, Mom, I assure you those boys will get you through all of this.I’m sure I speak for the whole nation, Maritza, when I say to you that our hearts ache for you.I know from personal experience that there is little anyone can say or do at this moment to ease the pain, that sense of loss, that sense of loneliness.副总统: Cuomo州长,de Blasio市长,Bratton, Pastor专员,感谢你们今天允许我来到这里,给我这个机会来表达Jill和我的全家对拉莫斯全家的慰问。多么帅气的孩子们啊。


But I do hope you take some solace from the fact that as reported by the press there’s over 25,000 members of the same fraternity and sorority as your husband who stand and will stand with you the rest of your life--and they will.It’s an uncommon fraternity.Justin, and Jayden, you’ve shown tremendous courage and character in these past few days.You are your father’s sons.And he was so, so very proud of you from everything that I have heard.And just know, as hard as it is to believe, he will be part of your life the entirety of your life.Mom, no child should predecease a parent.My heart aches for you.And, Maritza, I know from experience there are no words that I can offer to ease that profound sense of loneliness and loss you’re feeling right now.但是我希望媒体报道的一件事会给你一些安慰,你丈夫参加的兄弟联谊会和姐妹联谊会的25,000位成员现在陪伴你,将来也会陪伴你度过后半生--他们一定会这样。多么非凡的兄弟情谊啊。



But I also know from experience that the time will come--the time will come when Rafael’s memory will bring a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eyes.That’s when you know it’s going to be okay.I know it’s hard to believe it will happen, but I promise you it will happen.And my prayer for you is it will come sooner rather than later.There’s a headstone in Ireland that reads: Death leaves a heartache no one can heal.Love leaves a memory that no one can steal.Just sitting here for a few moments looking at the screens, no one had to know your husband to not know how desperately he cared about his family, how close he was to all of you.但是我还感同身受的是拉斐尔的英灵给你的嘴角挂上微笑而不是给你的眼角挂上泪珠的那一刻一定会到来--一定会到来。这就是当你发现一切都好的时候。我知道这难以置信,但是我保证会有这一天。我为你祈祷这一天很快到来而不是迟早到来。

爱尔兰有一个墓志铭写道: 死留下的心痛无人能治愈。爱留下的回忆无人能偷去。仅仅在这里坐一会儿看看大屏幕,没有人会深刻了解你的丈夫,没有人不会感受到你的丈夫对家庭的无限的眷恋、他与你们全家人是多么亲近。

I didn’t know your husband and I didn't know his partner, who were keeping watch at Myrtle and Tompkins Avenue on that terrible afternoon, but I do know why they were there.They were there to protect and defend, as they always are.Sometimes fearful, but always watchful.I knew them.They’re the guy I grew up with in Scranton and Claymont, Delaware, the boy with the most courage and the most compassion;the man with a brave heart and a generous soul;a brother who always looked out for his sister;a father whose words were always encouraging to you boys with a touch that could soothe away the fear;and a son who made his mother proud every time he turned and smiled at her;and a husband with a gentle hand who could soothe away the concerns, who you knew would always be there.A former school safety officer, who became a cop at age 37;an active member of his church, studying to become a chaplain;a father, a husband, a son;a seven-year veteran on the force.A son of a Chinese immigrant, his partner, conversant in several dialects;a newlywed.Both--confident, committed, passionate and vigilant.我不知道你的丈夫和他的同事是谁,那个恐怖的下午他们正在Myrtle 和 Tompkins大街执勤,但是我知道他们为什么在那里。他们一如既往地在那里守护这个城市。有时候他们有些紧张,但是永远保持警惕。

我认识他们。他们陪伴我在Scranton和特拉华州的 Claymont长大,一个最勇敢和最有激情的男孩;一个有勇敢的心和慷慨的灵魂的男人;一个总是呵护妹妹的哥哥;一个几句话就能鼓励你们这些孩子、拍一下你们的肩膀就能带走恐惧的父亲;对母亲回首一笑就能让她倍感骄傲的儿子;一个你知道永远都在的温柔的手能够拂去担心的丈夫。


Being a cop was not what they did, it was who they were;like every man and woman in uniform here today.It’s who you are.And they like every one of you in uniform inside this church and outside, you all joined for essentially the same reason.There was something about you that made you think you could help, that you should serve, that you had a duty.I have spoken at too many funerals for too many peace officers, too many funerals for brave women and men who kept us safe and watched their families grieve.And I’ve observed one thing that unfortunately, it’s only when a tragedy like this occurs that all their friends, neighbors, and people who didn't even know them become of aware of and reminded of the sacrifices they make every single, solitary day to make our lives better.Today we pay tribute to Officer Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu.We pay tribute to their families.Because every day when a police officer pins on that shield and walks out the door, the officer’s wife, husband, mother, father, brother, sister, children--they know anything could happen.The fear of that call at 3:00 a.m.in the morning, the relief of hearing the voice of the door opened, says, I’m home.他们不是把警察作为差事,他们把警察作为天职;正如在场的各位军人。你们一军人为天职。他们这个教堂内外的每一个你们一样,你们所有人加入自己的团队都是为了同一个原因。总有一些东西让你们感到你们应该伸出援手、应该为之奉献和应该为之承担责任。



There’s a line from the English poet, John Milton.He said, “They also serve who only stand and wait.” Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of American families stand and wait so their husbands and wives, fathers and sons can serve the rest of us.Police officers and police families are a different breed –-thank God for them.Thank God for them.And your husband, Maritza, and his partner, they were a part of New York’s Finest.And that's not an idle phrase.This is probably the finest police department in the world--the finest police department in the world.They earn that praise.(Applause.)It’s a sacred trust they took on when they kiss their children’s forehead as they sleep, and head out on a night shift to watch over all of the children of this great city, treating and protecting each of them as if they were their own.英国诗人约翰·弥尔顿有一句诗说道:“他们还服务只为他们守候的人们。”无数的美国家庭的守候使他们的丈夫们、妻子们、父亲们和儿子们能为我们其他人服务。警官和警察家庭是不同的一族--谢天谢地有他们。谢天谢地有他们。Maritza,你的丈夫和他的同事是纽约最精锐的警察的成员。这不是一句口头禅。这是世界上最精锐的警察局--世界上最精锐的警察局。他们名副其实。(掌声)他们肩负神圣的使命,吻了熟睡中的孩子们的额头,走上夜班岗位,守望这个伟大的城市的所有孩子们,像自己的孩子们一样保护和善待他们。

When you patrol the streets of New York, you circle the Earth;a six-story walk-up, apartment towers, aromas of a million kitchens continuing thousands of traditions;streets full of silence, streets bursting with hundreds languages-– whispering.Laughing.Shouting.An intimidating city.A city of others.A city of labels and borders and seemingly unbridgeable gaps, a city constantly grappling with issues as old as the nation and as new as the morning headlines.Yet in every neighborhood in this great city, this most alive of all cities, this chaotic miracle stands as a beacon to the world in no small part because of the sacrifices that the New York Police Department makes every single day.当你们在纽约的大街是巡逻时,你们就是在环球旅行;一个六层楼梯,一幢幢公寓,上百万厨房里发出的成千上万传统食品的芳香;门可罗雀的大街,几百种语言喧嚣的大街--低语,欢笑、喊叫。一个令人生畏的城市。一个充满陌生人的城市。一个到处是招牌和划分地盘以及似乎无法跨越的鸿沟的城市,一个有和这个国家的历史一样长的老纠纷和与早间新闻头条一样新问题的城市。


So when an assassin’s bullet targeted two officers, it targeted this city and it touched the soul of the entire nation--a city where the son of a Chinese immigrant shared a patrol with a Hispanic minister in training;a city where a single ride on a subway brings you into contact with more people, more lives than many people in this country will encounter in an entire lifetime;a city that educated a young college student with a mother from Kansas, and a father from Kenya who would one day stand before the nation and declare: This is not a black America or a white America or a Latino America or an Asian America;this is the United States of America.(Applause.)And for those of us who are not New Yorkers, we look at you in awe because this is the united city of New York as well;a city that rose as one to confront two of the greatest disasters of this century--one from the evils of terrorism on 9/11 and one from the fury of nature in Superstorm Sandy.所以当凶手的枪口对准了两位警官,就对准了这个城市而且触及了整个国家的灵魂--在这个城市,一个中国移民的儿子与一个西班牙裔见习牧师共同巡逻;在这个城市,搭乘一次地铁会使你接触更多人,比这个国家的很多人一生中接触的人还多;在这个城市,培养了一个大学生,他的母亲来自堪萨斯州,父亲来自肯尼亚,终于有一天在全国人民目前宣布:这不是一个黑美国或白美国或拉丁美国或亚洲美国;这是美利坚合众国。(掌声。)


This is a city of courage and character, having faced and overcome the toughest challenges and I’m absolutely confident as you are that spirit is still alive and well in this city.And I’m absolutely confident it will guide you in the days and weeks ahead.I believe that this great police force, and this incredibly diverse city can and will show the nation how to bridge any divide.You’ve done it before.And you will do it again.Because, to paraphrase the words of William Allen White, you are not afraid of tomorrow, because you’ve seen yesterday and because you love today.To the Ramos family, we were all lucky to have Rafael.He didn’t just have a bible in his locker, he lived it in his heart.He was a cop for all the right reasons.在这个有勇气和品格的城市,一直在面对和克服最严峻的挑战,我绝对相信你们体现的城市精神仍然鲜活健全。我绝对相信它将在未来的日子里指导你们。我相信这只伟大的警察队伍,这个非常多样的城市能够也将向全国展示任何拟合分歧。你们过去做到了。你们将再次做到。因为,用William Allen White体来讲就是,因为你们目睹了昨天、热爱今天,所以你们不怕明天。


Mom, we owe you for nurturing him.And, Maritza, we owe you for supporting him.And, Justin and Jayden, know that although your father is gone, you have inherited an entire family, the men and women of the New York Police Department will always be there as long as you are alive.They never--they never--never forget.There’s a communion hymn in my church that has a stanza that goes like this: May he raise you up on eagle’s wings And bear you on the breath of dawn.And make the sun to shine on you.That’s what your father wished for, for both you boys.That's what your father wished for, for this city.And it will happen.May God bless your family and the family of his partner and may God protect the 84th Precinct and every police officer throughout this great country and keep them safe while they stand on watch for us.God bless you all.(Applause.)

妈妈,我们感谢您养育了他。Maritza,我们感谢您支持他。Justin、Jayden,记住尽管你们的父亲走了,你们还有一个无法割舍的家庭,纽约警察局的男女警官们将陪伴你们一生。他们永远--他们永远--永远不会忘记你们。我的教堂的圣歌中的一段这样说: 愿他在雄鹰的羽翼上把你托举 抱你感受黎明的鼻息。让阳光洒在你的全身。




Remarks by the Vice President at Sichuan University Chengdu, China THE VICE PRESIDENT: Thank you, all, very much.(Applause.)Mr.President, thank you for your gracious introduction.We have an expression in the United States Senate where I served for many years when we want to say something personal, we say, permit me a point of personal privilege.I would like to introduce you to two of my family members who I’ve brought along with me, my daughter-in-law Kathleen Biden and my granddaughter Naomi Biden.Would you guys stand?(Applause.)It would be more appropriate to say Naomi brought me along with her since she’s a budding Chinese speaker, been taking Chinese for five years, so I’ve been listening to her on the whole trip.I want to again thank you very much.I had a wonderful few days in Beijing and a series of very positive and productive conversations with Chinese leaders.And I’m pleased to make my first visit to western China, which has played such an incredible, such an incredible role in this nation’s proud, proud history, and which today is the vanguard of Chinese--China’s high-tech future.Two years ago, Sichuan province suffered one of the greatest natural disasters in China’s recent history.And the American people were inspired--were inspired by the way you all came together to help one another during that crisis.And I’m absolutely amazed as I drive around the city, and I’ll be moving out into the province later, after this speech--I’m amazed at how quickly you have rebuilt and you have recovered.The people of Chengdu, let me say simply that your hospitality has more than lived up to your reputation as the “land of abundance,” so again, thank you so very much for that hospitality.It’s also great to be here on a university campus.I also want to thank our host, the university which counts amongst its alumni some of the most illustrious figures in recent Chinese history, including Zhu De and Ba Jin, both of whom are--one a literary icon;the other, one of the most illustrious figures, and a founding father of the republic.I’m also pleased to be joined today by--he’s already been introduced--but by our ambassador, our new ambassador Gary Locke whose grandfather came to the United States from Canton in the 1890s and toiled as a house servant in the United States in exchange for being able to get English language lessons.In less than two generations--two generations later, Gary Locke, his grandson, has served as the governor of his home state of Washington, the U.S.Secretary of Commerce and the chief of mission in one our most important diplomatic posts in the world.I share this story with you not because it’s unique, but because it is uniquely American.While not every child or grandchild of an immigrant will reach the pinnacle of society as Ambassador Locke has, America continues to put such possibilities within reach of all those who seek our shores.On my first visit to China, which was more than 30 years ago when I was a young United States senator in 1979, I was with the first delegation of congressional leaders to visit China after normalization.We had several days of business with then Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping.It was a very different country then, but what was absolutely clear to me was that China was on the cusp of a remarkable transformation.Changes were just getting underway.My first introduction here in Sichuan that would begin transforming a largely agrarian society into an engine of economic global and help lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty was--seemed to me clear at the time.That first visit came amid a debate in the United States of America similar to the one that exists today about how to view China’s emergence.Let me be clear--let me be clear: I believed in 1979 and said so and I believe now that a rising China is a positive development, not only for the people of China but for the United States and the world as a whole.A rising China will fuel economic growth and prosperity and it will bring to the fore a new partner with whom we can meet global challenges together.When President Obama and I took office in January of 2009, we made our relationship with China a top priority.We were determined to set it on a stable and sustainable course that would benefit the citizens of both our countries.Our Presidents have met nine times since then, including very successful state visits in Beijing and Washington, and have spoken numerous times by telephone.Direct discussions between senior policymakers and the personal ties that result from such discussions in my view over the last 35 years of conducting foreign policy are the keys to building cooperation.They're built on understanding.They allow us to better understand each other and allow us to define our interests in ways that are clear so that each one of us know what the other country’s interests are, and to see the world through the eyes of the other with the intention of preventing miscommunications and misconceptions that tend to fuel mistrust.With that goal in mind, we have worked very hard to develop our cooperative partnership through more than 60 separate dialogues on issues of matter to both China and to the United States;and I would suggest to the world as a whole.The premier forum is what we refer to as the Strategic and Economic Dialogue which brings together policymakers from across both governments to discuss a range of issues from trade barriers to climate change.But we also recognize--we also recognized immediately on starting that the importance more directly addressing security issues, as well.That's why in May we jointly launched the first Strategic Security Dialogue, a new channel for civilian and military leaders to discuss sensitive topics, including cyber and maritime security.That's why it’s also important that our military leaders work together, get to know one another--not just our political leaders, but our military leaders--as Admiral Mullen and General Chen have begun to do in their recent exchange of meetings.The fact is China and the United States face many of the same threats and share many of the same objectives and responsibilities.But because we sometimes view threats from different perspectives--that is China and the United States view them from different perspectives, our--or favor a different way in dealing with what we perceive to be joint threats, our generals should be talking to each other alongside with our diplomats, as frequently as our diplomats do.Like China, the United States has a huge stake in the prosperity and stability of Asia and the Pacific.I look forward to visiting two other Asian nations on this trip.When I leave China, I’ll go to Mongolia and then to Japan.The United States--and I realize this occasionally causes some discomfiture--but the United States is a Pacific power, and we will remain a specific power--a Pacific power.Over the last 60 years, no country has done more than we have to ensure the stability and security of the Asian-Pacific region.And I’d respectfully suggest that has been good for China, allowing China to focus on domestic development and to benefit from a growing market.America’s focus on this critical region will only grow in the years to come as Asia plays an even greater role in the global economy and international affairs.副总统:谢谢大家,非常感谢。(掌声)校长先生,谢谢你的亲切介绍。我曾多年担任美国参议员,在美国参议院,我们如果想提出个人看法,会采取一种表述方式,我们会说,请允许我提出一个个人特权问题(a point of personal privilege)。我想向你们介绍我带来的两位家人,我的儿媳凯瑟琳?拜登(Kathleen Biden)和我的孙女内奥米?拜登(Naomi Biden)。你们两个人请起立。(掌声)





今天,我也非常高兴有——他已被介绍过了——我们的大使,我们的新任大使骆家辉(Gary Locke)在场。他的祖父在19世纪90年代从广东来到美国,通过帮佣换取上英文课的机会。在不到两代人的时间里——经过两代人,他的孙子骆家辉曾担任他所在的华盛顿州的州长、美国商务部长,现在又来到我国在全世界最重要的外交岗位之一担任使团负责人。




中国的崛起将促进经济增长和繁荣,带来一个可共同应对全球挑战的新伙伴。2009年1月, 奥巴马总统和我就职时,我们将与中国的关系当作一项优先要务。我们决心使美中关系沿着稳定、可持续的轨道前进,造福于我们两国人民。自那时以来,我们两国的元首已举行过九次会晤,包括分别对北京和华盛顿非常成功的国事访问和多次通话。



我们所说的战略与经济对话(Strategic and Economic Dialogue)是一个主要论坛,它汇集了来自两国政府各部门的决策者,讨论从贸易壁垒到气候变化的一系列问题。但我们也认识到——我们一开始也立即认识到更直接解决安全问题的重要性。这就是为什么在5月我们共同启动了第一个战略安全对话(Strategic Security Dialogue),一个为文职和军方领导人讨论敏感议题的新渠道,包括网络和海上安全。这就是为什么我们的军方领导人也必须一道努力,互相了解——不仅是我们的政治领导人,还有我们的军方领导人——马伦(Mullen)海军上将和陈炳德将军在最近的交流会上已开始这样做。






这就是为什么我们开始了这场对话,即关于诸多问题的亚太对话(Asia-Pacific Dialogue)——扩大在我们双方生活和运作的这个地区的合作。

让我再举一个我们安全合作的例子。美国和中国也进行国际的——与国际合作伙伴一道,对抗核武器、核材料和技术扩散所造成的威胁,即所谓的防扩散。与46个其他世界领导人一道,我们荣幸地请到胡锦涛主席与奥巴马总统和我一起出席了去年4月举行的核安全峰会(Nuclear Security Summit),我们两国正在就一个示范中心进行合作,为中国提供核安全。

















根据国际贸易委员会(International Trade Commissiom)的统计,美国企业因盗版商品和服务每年损失480亿美元和数万个工作岗位。这些保护——知识产权的保护不仅有利于美国和美国工人、美国公司,而且我认为也有利于中国的公司企业,因为他们会越来越力争保护自己的创新成果。






我对我国经济的基本面也有信心。在这一点上,我认为习副主席讲得非常好。前天我们会见中美商界领袖时,他说:“美国经济极富韧性,且有很强的自我修复能力。”他说得对。我相信,在未来的经济竞争中,我们的准备甚至胜过以往。在20世纪,衡量国家财富的主要尺度是自然资源的丰裕程度、国土幅员、人口规模和军事力量。但我认为在21世纪,一个国家的真正财富在于国民的创造性思维和创新能力——开发的技术不仅催生新产品,而且能够创造和唤起全新的产业。美国的创新能力与生俱来。从一开始,它就是我们遗传基因的一部分。它使一代又一代美国人构想出改变世界的创意——从轧棉机到飞机,从微芯片到互联网,再如通用电气(General Electric)、福特(Ford)、微软(Microsoft)和谷歌(Google)等世界领先的公司。这样的例子不胜枚举。







看一看在场的听众,你们中有一些人将成为中国经济发展过程中新的开拓者,在历史上留下你们的印记。就像美国苹果公司(Apple)创始人史蒂夫?乔布斯(Steve Jobs)等人那样,你们也有这样的能力和潜力,我相信你们中间的一些人会有这样的成就。

我还感到骄傲的是,有160多家《财富》世界500强公司(Fortune 500)在成都的高新技术产业开发区开展经营活动,包括因特尔(Intel)、戴尔(Dell)和甲骨文(Oracle)等开拓性的美国企业。美中关系在过去30年中取得了极大的改善。为了巩固这一坚实的伙伴关系,我们必须超越我们每天都在为之努力的华盛顿和北京之间的紧密关系,将各级政府以及教室和实验室、体育场和会议室都包括进来。

正是因为如此,我们发起了“十万人留学中国计划”(100,000 Strong Initiative),增加每年留学中国的美国学生人数,并保持了相当多的和平队(Peace Corps)人数。今天在这里有多少和平队志愿者?请你们举手。我们爱你们。欢迎。欢迎。(掌声)







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