第一篇:福建厦门导游词 英文
福建景点 英文介绍
已有 126 次阅读 2011-2-20 14:45
The Memorial Hall of the Sino-French Battle in Majiang River
Located at the southern foot of Majian Hill in Mawei District, the hall occupies an building area of over 3,000 square meters.In December, 1886, the Zhaozhong(it means making the loyal and gallant fighters known to the public)Memorial Hall was set up to commemorate the officers and soldiers who fell in the Sino-French Naval Battle in 1884.It was rebuilt and opened up in 1984.The exhibition is divided into two parts.One shows the rise and fall of Fujian Shipping Administration Bureau, with historical relics, photos and models, while the other exhibits the relics of martyrs, stone inscriptions, photographs, and so on, to conjure up the moving and grand spectacle of the Sino-French Naval Battle.To the west of the hall stands the grave of the martyrs.Between the hall and the grave lies the Recalling Pavilion, newly built beside the fish pond.And there is an ancient fortress on the hill.Mazu Temple(妈祖庙)About half way between Quanzhou and Fuzhou is Putian County.Just offshore is the island of Meizhou.On the island is Muzu Temple, known as the birthplace the Mazumany 18th century European style buildings.Residents on the Islet have a liking for music.There are more than 500 pianos in peoples homes.Therefore, the Islet is also known as Islet of Music.Scenic spots include Sunlight Rock, Sunlight Temple, Shuzhuang Garden, Zheng Chenggong Memorial Hall and Haoyuan Garde…..Jiuqu Creek in Wuyishan(武夷山九曲溪)Jiuqu Creek, the prime scenic spot in Wuyushan, originates in Sanbao Mountain, runs downward dozens of kilometers, turns and bends nine times along the mountain, and forms 18 winding courses.The total length of the winding section is as long as 18 li(9 kilometers).Taking a bamboo raft, tourists can enjoy a fantastic tour along the creek, viewing 39 peaks and beautiful scenery on both banks of the river.National Tourist Resort of Meizhou Island in Fujian(湄洲岛国家旅游度假区)Meizhou Island stands at the mouth of the Meizhou Bay in Fujian Province.It has 14 square kilometers of seashore.The sois is fertile, the climate mild, making it an excellent place for holiday makers.The Temple of Goddess Matsu of the Sea, which is also known as the Temple of Meizhou, was erected in 987, the fourth year during the reign of Emperor Yong Xi of the Northern Song Dynasty.It consists of five building groups.Every 23rd day of the 3rd month on lunar calendar, a grand sacrificial ceremony is held here, attracting countless pilgrims from afar.Kaiyuan Temple in Quanzhou(泉州开元寺)
Kaiyuan Temple in Quanzhou city, covering an area of thirty thousand square meters, was built in 686A.D..It is the largest Buddhist building completed in Fujian province.The main building is the Mahavira Hall supported by one hundred columns, each column carved with various patterns.On the beams are carved with flying Apsaras, the image of which is a combination of Western Angel and Chinese traditional figure.In front of the hall is a twin pagoda, both of which are 750 years old.National Holiday Resort of Wuyi Mountains(武夷山国家旅游度假区)Located in the northwest part of Fujian, Wuyishan(Wuyi Mountains)occupies an area of 600 thousand square kilometers.The height of Wuyishan is 750 meters above sea level.As the legend says, an old man named Pen Zu settled down in Wuyishan, and finally had two sonshills, cliffs, rivers and forests.The river zigzags in the valley, passing mountain peaks and rocks of various shapes.This place has become the major scenic spot for tourists.There are altogether 7 scenic areas, including 108 scenic spots.Dawang Peak
Wawang Peak, the highest one, is the prime scenic spot in Wuyishan.The peak, towering into the clouds, has the shape of the kings crown.So it has gained the name of Dawang Peak
(Grand King Peak).On the foot of the peak, there is the Wuyi palace, built in Tang Dynasty(618-907).It used to be the place where former emperors held memorial ceremonies.Yunu Peak
Yunu Peak(Jade Lady Peak)in Wuyishan, on the bank of the winding creek, looks like a standing pretty lady in shape.On top of the peak, trees and bushes form the shape of the hair, and the peak has a legendary story.It is said that Jade Lady was the daughter of the Jade Emperorthe river and nine peaks.Each sight will offer particular delight to the tourists.Drum Mountain and Spouting Fountain Temple 福州鼓山和涌泉寺
Located in the eastern suburb of Fuzhou, the Drum Mountain stands on the northern bank of the Minjiang River.On the mountain is the Spouting Fountain Temple, built in the 2nd year of Kaiping age of later Liang Dynasty(908 AD).In front of the temple there is a spouting fountain.That is why the temple acquired its name.The Drum Mountain has many scenic attractions and historic sites, including 25 buildings in Chinese traditional architectural style and more than twenty thousand volumes of precious Buddhist scriptures and literature in different versions of different periods, which are kept in bookcases.Around the temple scatter 160 scenic spots: the Spiritual Source Cave in the east and 18 caves in the west, known as the 18 scenes of West Hill.On the rocks of the mountain are engraved a great number of poems by men of letters.The Drum Mountain is really a museum of masterpiece calligraphy works.Gucheng City in Tongshan Mountain(东山古城)Gucheng city, located in Dongshan Island on the southernmost part of Fujian, stands on the shore against the hill.The city was built in the Ming Dynasty(1387)by Zheng Chenggong1010.The mosque covers an area of 2,100 square meters.It is one of the oldest Islam mosques in eastern China.The construction of the mosque made of marble was modeled on the Islam mosque in Damascus, Syria.The gate of the mosque is 20 meters in height and 4.5 meters in width.On the outer wall of the mosque are inscribed Islam scriptures in old Arabic.武夷山
The 60-square-kilometer Wuyi Mountain is about 15 kilometers south of Wuyishan City in Fujian Province.It is a famous scenic area surrounded by valleys and isolated from other mountains.Places of interest include the Nine-Turning Stream and 36 peaks and 99 rocks.Nine-Turning Stream starts from the Sanbao Mountain and flows through Xingcun Village before entering the Wuyi Mountain area and it is a wonderful experience to float down the stream from the village on a bamboo raft.Wannian Palace in Chongyou, Chaiyang Academy and Hongqiao Bridge are historical sites and other places of scenic interest are Dawang Peak, Yunu Peak, Jiesheng Peak, Lesser Peach Garden and Skyline.There are also many rare plants and animals as well as the Wuyi Mountain Museum of Nature.In 1988 it was listed as one of the world's biosphere protection areas.
各位朋友,我们的汽车离开了胡里山“世界炮王”。现在,我们将在一曲无声的优美音乐的引领下,去游览厦门最美丽的风景之一——“东环望海”。这曲无声的优美音乐在哪里呢?可能有的朋友已经注意到了,它就在您的左手边绿化带上!这些五线谱雕塑长达247.59米,是世界上最长的五线谱音乐雕塑,上世纪末被列为吉尼斯世界之最。它演绎的是著名乐曲《鼓浪屿之波》,不知道您是否已经被它感染了!好,现在我们的车子正行驶在环岛路上。环岛路,顾名思义,是沿海岸线环绕厦门岛一周的路。环岛路从建设那天起,就一直奉行“临海见海,把最美的沙滩留给老百姓”的宗旨,充分体现了亚热带风光特色,将交通与文化、旅游休闲设施完美地融于一体,成为厦门一道亮丽的风景线。今天,我们要游览的是最先建成的环岛路东部示范路段,它已成为厦门新二十名景之一,叫“东环望海”。各位朋友,现在请看您们的左前方那一山的苍松奇石、亭台楼阁,这就是厦门又一名景“金山松石”。我们刚刚离开的“胡里炮王”,也是厦门二十名景之一。环岛路就象由海水、沙滩、绿树、红花组合而成的彩带,把厦门一个个美景串起,分外引人入胜。所以,今年在这条环岛路上举行厦门首届国际马拉松比赛时,来自世界各地的选手们把它称为“世界上最美丽的马拉松赛道”。现在请看右手边,这就是“海韵台”。目前环岛路上已建成了海韵台、玩月坡、数星园、椰风寨、台湾民俗村等5个休闲游乐区,为游客提供各种服务,国内外游客已把这里作为到厦门必游的景点之一了。节假日时这里车水马龙,游人如织,漫步沙滩,聆听大海潮音,感受海洋气息。大家还可以看到一条彩色道路,这是示范路段上的人行道。为了提高档次,从国外引进新工艺,铺设了长达三千四百米的红色路面。这段国内首次建成的红色路面与碧海蓝天、绿树白云构成绚丽多彩的风景。可以想象,在上面漫步是多么惬意!现在我们往右边海上看,可以看到一个岛屿,这就是大担岛。传说在宋朝末年,南宋小皇帝乘船经厦门逃往广东,为减轻船载,小皇帝命令大臣将行李推下海,便形成了现在的大担岛和其他岛屿。再请看右前方那个大岛,这就是著名的金门岛,它和大担岛一样,是台湾当局控制的区域。解放初期,台湾当局派出的“水鬼”,通常都是从那里游到今天的环岛路一带。而那时这里是军事禁区,没有环岛路,仅有一条在马尾松掩映下的战备公路。除当地的居民和驻军外,任何人不经特许不得进入。刚才我们经过的广播山当年就是宣传战的战场,山上高高的高音喇叭墙不停地向对岸宣传我党我军的政策,还经常播放一些各地戏曲和家乡小调,牵动着台湾老兵的思乡情愁。半个多世纪过去了,“历尽劫波兄弟在,相逢一笑泯恩仇”,当年炮火连天的战场已成为今天美丽的环岛路,它成为海峡两岸从对峙、冷战到交流、互通的历史见证。来到环岛路,总会引起人们对过去、现在、将来的感慨、遐想和憧憬。现在,我们来到了厦门国际会展中心,大家请看这座像即将远航的轮船的建筑物,它是厦门市的标志性建筑之一,占地面积47万平方米,可容纳上万人。每年9月8日在此举办的中国投资贸易洽谈会已成为厦门特区备受全球瞩目的亮点,由 9和8两个阿拉伯数字以及“投资贸易洽谈会”这些英文字母组成的金钥匙会标,已经成为中国与全球共同开启合作大门、寻求经济繁荣的象征。各位朋友,如果说诸多优美景色造就了环岛路旖旎多采的大自然风姿,两岸同胞亲情为环岛路抹上了浓浓的历史人文色彩;那么会展中心这把金光灿灿的金钥匙就让环岛路展现了经济特区的动人魅力。
1.张家界地貌是石英砂岩峰林峡谷地貌(quartz sand stone forest peak gorges)
2.江南3大名楼:yueyang tower/yellow crane tower/kingteng pavillion
3.岳阳楼以先天下之忧,后天下之乐而乐(a leader should plan and worry ahead of people,and enjoy the fruits after the people.)闻名。
4.我国10大风景名胜:北京故宫(the palace museum)苏州园林(suzhou classical gardens)桂林山水(mountain and water in guilin)杭州西湖(west lake)安徽黄山(huangshan mountain)秦兵马俑(emperor qinshihuang's mausoleum and terra-cotta warriors and horses)长江三峡(three gorges)台湾日月潭(sun and moon pool in taiwan)避暑山庄(chengde summer resort and surrounding temples)万里长城(great wall)
5.张家界珍稀动植物(rare wild animals and plants):猕猴(rhesus)穿山甲(pangolin)大鲵(giant salamander)龙虾花(lobster flower)珙桐(dore tree)银杏(ginkgo)云杉(spruce)杜鹃花(azalea)
7.中国工艺美术3长是指:湘绣(xiang embroidery)景德镇瓷器(china)北京雕漆(carved lacquer)
8.湘绣的基本画稿(basic picture)是国画(chinese painting)
9.mawangdui the female corpse has been kept very well, why? key: buried very
deeply/sealed up/constant temperture and constant humidity/short of oxygen under the condition of no bacferia
10.the five classics and the four books:classic of changes(易经),classic of history(书经),classic of poetry(诗经),classic of rites(礼)spring and autumn annals(春秋)analects of confucious(孔子)the great learning(大学)the doctrine of the mean(中庸)book of mencius(孟子)
11.major religions in china:buddhism/daoism /islamism /christinanity
12.eight distinct regional cuisine:sichuan/shandong/guangdong/jiangsu/zhejiang/fujiang/hunan and anhui
13.chinese garden:the summer palace.chengde summer resort.lingering garden(留园).the humble administrator's garden(拙政园)
14.the four treasures of the study:writing brush, ink stick(墨),ink slab(砚),paper
15.the four buddhist sacred mountains in china:wutai,e'mei,jiuhua,putuo
16.china's five sacred peaks:taishan, henshan, henshan in hunan, huashan, songshan
17.4 important chinese classical novels:a pilgrimage to the west, romance of the three kingdoms, a dream of red mansion, the outlaws of the marsh(水浒)
18.4 chinese traditional festivals:spring festival, lantern festival, dragon-boat festival, mid-autumn festival
19.welcome speech:1.to express your welcome on behalf of the local reception service and driver.2.self-introduction 3.introduce the driver.4.to express your hope to offer the good service for the guests.and expect the understanding and cooperation from the guests.5.hope the guests have a nice stay here.20.farewell speech.21.游金鞭溪解说可利用的讲解法有:分段讲解法(a section-by-section explanatory introduction)虚实结合法(combination of factual information with abstract reasoning)画龙点睛法(the giving of a crucial touch to a picture)
22.作为全陪(national guide)在入境站(china entry station)接团时应提前多少时间与地陪一起到入境点,并在入境点的什么地方迎候客人(how many minutes……in advance and where should they sit to greet the guests)?
30minutes 海关出口(the exit of custom)
23.全陪在餐车(dining carriage)、机场可否与旅游团共餐(dine together)?
可以 标准与旅游者同(the same standard as that of the tourists)
24.旅游者的护照在不用于申办旅行及其他手续时,由谁保存(declare and go through other procedures who will keep them)?
旅游者各自保存(the tourists themselves)
25.作为全陪在离境站(exit station)应做好那些准备工作(preparatory work)?1.落实飞机、火车或轮船票(confirm the tickets)2.帮助有困难的客人捆扎行礼、行李过称(ready guests wrap the luggage and weigh)3.提醒旅游者带好护照、海关申报表、购物发票,特别是文物和贵重药材购物发票和证明,准备好换汇水单。(remind the tourists of taking custom declaration form.shopping receipts,cultural relics,valuable medicine herbs ,receipts and confirmation exchange memo)4.帮助旅游者结清各种帐单(pay off all the bills)5.提前2小时到达机场(get to the airport ahead of 2 hours)26.作为地陪,每天早上客人上车后出发时必须做的事情有那些(what necessary things that local guide should do on departure)?
1.清点人数count 2.向客人问早say hello to the guests 3.报告天气情况和简短新闻the weather report and brief news 4.重申当天日程,午餐安排及返回饭店时间decalare the schedule, lunch arrangement and the returning time to hotel
27.作为地陪旅游团全天活动日程结束后,返回饭店时,要向旅游团宣布哪些事情?1.次日行程或当晚活动安排the schedule of next day or the evening activities 2.次日出发时间,集合地点the departure time and gathering place 3.当天晚餐时间,地点the time and place for having dinner 4.应注意的有关事情some attentions
28.导游员与散客商定日程(dicuss the intinerary)时必须遵循什么原则?
主随客便原则(respect the gueats)合理而客能的原则(reasonal but possible)
29.怎样搞好与领队的关系?尊重领队respect 支持领队工作support 避免正面冲突avoid a conflict with leader
30.导游语言有哪4种类型?口头语言oral language 表情语言gesture language形体语言body language 服装语言或非口头语言uniform language
31.商定日程的方法有哪几种:1.以我为主take yourself as the host 2.以客为主
32.商定日程的一般原则:1.宾客至上原则put guests above everything else 2.服务至上top quality service 3.主随客便take the interests of the whole into account 4.合理而可能reasonable and possible 5.平等协商equal negotiation 6.以合同或协议为准则take the contract and negotiation as the regulation
33.游客丢失身份证需乘机怎办?补办临时身份证take a complementary temporary ID card
34.what`s ok ticket? ok ticket is a kind of ticket which has confirmed the date,flight and airseat.35.the differences between the individual tour and group pacakage tour? 1.the itinerary and arrangement of the tour trip 2.the means of paying 3.the price :individual:higher group:discount /lower 4.freedom limit 5.the number of the tourists individual:not more than 9 and group: above 10 people
36.免机场税情况:the foreign guests who transfer at the domestic airport,he doesn`t go out of the checking area.the guests who take the international flights hongkong, macao flights with the diplomatic passports.the children under 12 years old with half-price tickets.the transfer`s guests who take the domestic flights.37.作为地陪在中途站送国内团时,离开饭店前应做那些事情? 1.清点人数count 2.与全陪领队核对行李件数及办好交接手续confirm the number of the luggage and relief of the procedures 3.提醒客人不要遗忘自己的物品也别忘了留下房间钥匙remind guests of not forgetting their personal belongings and remember to leave the roomkey to the front desk.4.把用完的各项证件票证亲自交给领队或旅游者hand all the identifications, tickets overthe leader or tourists.oh,my god.i finished them finally.i was so tired that i could not open my eyes.what could you take to reward me?haha,just a joke!please don`t mind, but above the information is so important and please learn them by heart.although you got the above the materials.please do not take them to everyelse to avoid some unnecessary troubles.the materials are limited,so i suggest that you should find more extra information to serve your tour exam.