Jack:男1 Tom:男2 Judy:女1 Maria:女2(场景1)
A;Today is my birthday.There is nobody celebrating my birthday for so many years.(叹气)Will it happen again this year ? But I have made some friends in this term.Did they remember today is my birthday? How I want somebody can celebrate my birthday!(场景2)Tom: oh, Jack, you look so worried.What is the matter? Jack: today is Amy’s birthday.I am thinking about what to give Amy as a present.Judy: what not prepare a birthday party for her? Jack: it is a good idea.But it is not easy for me.Maria: Amy’s thing is our thing.You know, Amy ′s parents are always busy working.Maybe there is nobody celebrating her birthday for many years.So let us prepare it together.Tom: it sounds wonderful.A birthday party will be a big surprise for her.Judy: we can’t let her know we are preparing a birthday party for her.Jack: the birthday party will be prepared successfully with everyone’s help.First, I think, we need a birthday cake.Do you have any ideas? Tom: we can prepare a big birthday cake.Judy: I remember Amy doesn’t like eating fruits.We had better not put fruits in the cake.What is your idea, Maria? Maria: let me think.…… oh, my uncle opens a cake shop.I can ask him to prepare a birthday cake for us.Jack: It couldn’t be better.OK,the cake’s problem is solved.And I think each of us should prepare a gift to give Amy.Tom: Be quite.I seem to hear the sound of footsteps.Maybe Amy is coming.Judy: let’s go back to our seats.We must perform naturally and pretend we don’t know her birthday.Tom, Maria, Jack: no problem.(四人回到座位作认真学习状, Amy登场)(场景3,四人坐在座位上)A(自言自语):I must hint(暗示)to my friends and let them know today is my birthday.A(走近四人的座位):Do you know what is the date today? Maria: I know, there are some sales promotions in the supermarket.I want to buy a down jacket in there.A: that is not what I mean.I mean today is a significant date.Jack: Is it Xi’an Incident anniversary? Tom: you are wrong, Jack.Xi’an Incident anniversary is December 12th.But today is December 17th.The Pearl Bridge Massacre(珍珠桥惨案)happened in this day.A: that is also not what I mean.Judy: do you mean WuZetia death anniversary? WuZetia was the first and also the last female emperor in the Chinese history.She was an extraordinary woman.Maria: I agree with you.I want to be a woman like WuZetia.Amy: stop, don’t you remember today is someone’s birthday? Jack: whose birthday is today? Tom, you are good at history.Do you know? Tom: let me think…..….Oh, I almost forget.Beethoven bore in December 17th.Beethoven was a famous German musician and composer.Judy: so it is.My favorite music is Heroes Symphony.What about you, Amy? Do you like listening Beethoven’s music? Amy: Expect Beethoven, today is also other one’s birthday.Do you remember? Tom: do you mean Kelvin(开尔文)? Amy: not.Tom: do you mean WangAnshi(王安石)? Amy: not.Tom: do you mean LeiFeng? Amy :…(无语的表情)….I remember I have something to do.I have to go.(Amy 走到讲台前)
Amy: it is so unbelievable.Nobody remember my birthday.It seems I have to celebrate my birthday in myself.I am so sad and lonely.(Amy 离开)Maria: Amy is gone.Let us continue our discussion.Jack: I think a birthday cake is not enough.We should decorate the classroom and plan activities in the party.Tom: what about preparing some balloons and colored ribbon? Judy: it sounds good.Can you take some balloons and colored ribbon, Tom? Tom: no problem.I know which shop sells them.My sister often goes to the shop.Jack: Tom, you takes charge of decorating the classroom.Then what activities are better in the party? Maria: what about karaoke(卡拉OK)? Most girls like singing the songs.Judy: but we have not essential equipments.What about playing chess or cards? I can take them from my home.Jack: it could not be batter.Playing cards and chess are interesting.Tom: Jack, I remember you have a game machine.Why not take it? Maria: it is a good idea.We can play video games together in the party.Jack: ok, I will take it.Judy: it is 3 o’clock.Let us hurry to prepare the party.Maria, Tom, Jack: you are right!(四人离开座位,离场)(场景5,Amy 再次登场)
Amy: oh, my mobile phone rings.Who calls me at this time?(拿起手机)Tom(拿起手机): Hello, is Amy there? This is Tom speaking.Amy: this is she.What is the matter, Tom? Tom: you things are left in the classroom.You had better come back to school.Amy: I know, but I am tried.I will take it tomorrow.Tom: I have some words with you.Can you come to school now? Amy: What do you want to say?Can’t you say it in the phone? Tom: I am sorry I can’t.It is very important.I must say it to you face to face.Amy: oh…..I see.I will come to school now.(放下手机)
What does Tom want to say? Or is it just a joke?(Amy 离场,四人进场)Jack: Tom, did you call Amy to come to school? Tom: yes, she will come soon.Maria:Oh, she is coming!Let us get ready!(Amy进场,开门状)四人:Happy birthday to you, Amy!Amy: oh my god(吃惊状),what is this? Judy: it is the birthday party for you.Tom:Wishing you everyday in this year filled with happiness!
A:I am so moved!(感动状)I just considered you have forgotten my birthday and felt very sad.Jack: it’s impossible!We all remember your birthday.We just want to give you a surprise!Maria: You are our best friend.How can we forget your birthday!You show the warmth of friendship to us on many things.Judy: You are such a good friend to us.We all hope today is the happiest of days in your life.A: Thank you!It’s really a surprise!I am very happy!No one celebrated birthday with me in the past.Jack: That won’t happen from now on.We will celebrate your birthday every year.And when you need help, we are always here.A: I will never forget this moment, it’s really the most precious gift.Tom: Don't just stand there.Look!There is a big birthday cake.Before you blow out the birthday candles, you can make a wish.A(坐到座位上): OK.Let me make a wish...I want to be with my friends for ever(吹蜡烛)
Maria:It is a great wish.Judy: I'm going to deal out the cake now A: let us start to eat it.Tom: I want a big piece of cake.Judy: no problem.Jack: after eating the cake, we can play chess, cards or video games.Which do you want to play? A: I want to play video games.Maria: Let's enjoy the party together!全员:OK.
前几天,我又参加了我们班里一个小朋友的生日派对,我们在那 儿玩的是地板球。
地板球跟冰球很像,也是拿着球拍,可是在屋里打的。而且是拿 着球拍打一个带小洞的球。
我们开始被分队伍的时候,大家是又生气又惊讶。为什么呢?因 为啊,给我们分队伍的那个阿姨好像是知道我们是在想什么,硬 是把我们和我们的好朋友分在不同的组里,可是也没办法,只好 这样了。唉!以后我要是当上了国王,谁再把别人和他的好朋友 分在不同的队伍里,就拿他去喂狮子!
比赛开始了!对方得到了球!他把球带到了中场,没法儿往前带 了,他传给了前面的队员,那个队员过了一个人,然后射门,进 球了!我们气得直摔球拍,他们队喊着,叫着,有一个人还冲我 们挺着胸,昂着头,好像在说:“你们永远别想赢我们这个队 伍!”我这时更加生气,恨不得把那小子拿来宰了!
我们没办法,只好去中场开始了。我们有一个小朋友接到了球,我赶紧跑到了球门前,他正好传给我,我一射,进门了!这回应 该我们得意,该他们垂头丧气了,这才叫公平啊!可是后来他们进的球就越来越。。唉,甭提了,总之我们队 不怎么地!
最后我们唱生日快乐歌的时候,嗓子都快喊哑了,大人们全把耳 朵捂住了。
出场:《千年等一回》的音乐(准备音乐)小青:姐,这是哪儿呀? Sister,where are we? 小白:容我找一下(拿出地图寻找),现在在雷峰塔边上,前面就是西湖了!(准备地图)Eh.Let me find the location on the map.Oh,Now we are at the edge of Leifeng Pagoda ,and the West Lake is near ahead.小青:姐,这小地图,找美国都费劲,你能找到西湖嘛?
Sister,the map is so small that it is hard to find America.Can you find the West Lake? 小白点头。Maybe.小青:我姐这道行真深哪!不就是找个恩人嘛?累死了!What a genius!We’re too tired for looking for the benefactor.小白:小青,别着急!哎~~~~有个人来啦!!Qing,don’t worry!Ah,look at that man!He is coming!
Goose goose goose ,singing crooked towards the sky , white hair floating on green water,red foot paddlling clear wave.Good poet!Really Good!小青:姐,好吃,肯定好吃!Good food!Good!小白:青儿,不要粗俗了,看这位公子挺斯文的。Qing,you are vulga,but the young man looks grace.小青:姐,谁知道他是不是表里如一呢?
Sister,who knows whether he thinks and acts in the same way.小白:那我们来考验考验他!(扔链子在许仙脚边)(准备手链)So we need test him.许仙:哎!这是谁的东西呀?(看到俩人后走过来)作揖,姑娘,请问这是你们掉的东西嘛? Oh,what’s this?whose is it?Ladies,is it yours? 小白:是的。Oh!Yes!
I pick it up from the ground.Please take it back.小白:哦,非常感谢。OK.Thank you very much.(许仙转身走开)
小白:这真是个诚实的人啊!How honest he is!小青:是不错!但是,他是我们要找的恩人嘛? Yes.But is he your benefactor? 小白:没关系的,我去问问!啊,他要走远了。It’s no matter.I will make it clear.Oh,he goes far away.小白(赶上):公子且留步,请问公子,怎么称呼?您要到哪里去? Wait me,please.Sir,what’s your name?And where are you going? 许仙:姑娘,容禀啊!(唱:姓许名仙字汉文,祖籍钱塘有家门!)不知二位姑娘名与姓,为何要来杭州城?
My name is Xuxian.I live in Qiantang.I’m going home.So,what’s your names? 小白:我是白素贞!I am Bai Suzhen.小青:我叫小青!我们是姐妹。I am Xiaoqing.We are sisters.许仙:请问姑娘们家住哪里呀? Nice to meet you.Where are you living? 小青:西湖洞里!The caves of West Lake.小白:西湖洞,是个小区的名字!It’s the name of a housing estate.许仙(惊讶,疑惑):哦,我先走了,我还有事!Sorry,I’m busy.I have to go home.小白:且慢,公子,你还记得这个手帕嘛?(准备手帕)Wait.Sir,do you remember this handkerchief? 许仙:这不是我的嘛?怎么在你这儿? It’s mine.Why is it here? 小白:请听我讲一个故事,记得,我还是条小蛇的时候,我很贪玩!有一天去山上玩耍!Please let me tell you a story.When I was a mini-snake,I was playful.One day,I played on the hill.小青:姐,你出去玩,不带我!Sister,why didn’t you take me outside? 小白:(低语)因为,那时候,你还只是个蛋!(继续对许仙说):我趴在青青的草地上晒太阳,这时候,来了一头牛,它踩住了我的尾巴!是公子你!救了我啊!后来我悄悄拿了你这条手帕做信物。
Because you were an egg.I was basking in the sunshine ,lying on the green grass.Suddenly a bull came and stepped on my tail.Then you saved me.So I took your handkerchief quietly as a souvenir.许仙(似有所悟):原来是这样!
I see.Oh,I am sorry ,My teacher gave me a message.I have to go back soon to learn medicine.It is regrettable, for can not enjoy the beauty of West Lake with two girls.小白:公子,你看,这天,开始下雨了!Oh.It’s raining.许仙:打雷了哦!There is a thunder.小白:咱们去船上避雨吧!
Let we go onto the nearby boat to take shelter from rain.许仙:好啊!OK,let’s go.俩人撑着伞走了!!(准备伞)
出场:《千年等一回》的音乐(准备音乐)小青:姐,这是哪儿呀? Sister,where are we? 小白:容我找一下(拿出地图寻找),现在在雷峰塔边上,前面就是西湖了!(准备地图)Eh.Let me find the location on the map.Oh,Now we are at the edge of Leifeng Pagoda ,and the West Lake is near ahead.小青:姐,这小地图,找美国都费劲,你能找到西湖嘛?
Sister,the map is so small that it is hard to find America.Can you find the West Lake? 小白点头。Maybe.小青:我姐这道行真深哪!不就是找个恩人嘛?累死了!
What a genius!We’re too tired for looking for the benefactor.And why you wanna marry him? 小白:谢他啊。小青,别着急!哎~~~~有个人来啦!!
To Thanks for saving my live.Qing,don’t worry!Ah,look at that man!He is coming!小青:是的,他看起来很好吃,你想要煮汤呢还是烧烤呢? Yes, He looks tasty!!would you like boiled or baebecue?
Goose goose goose ,singing crooked towards the sky , white hair floating on green water,red foot paddlling clear wave.Good poet!Really Good!小青:姐,好吃,肯定好吃!Good food!Good!小白:青儿,不要粗俗了,看这位公子挺斯文的。Qing,you are vulga,but the young man looks grace.小青:姐,谁知道他是不是表里如一呢?
Sister,who knows whether he thinks and acts in the same way.小白:那我们来考验考验他!(扔钱在许仙脚边)(准备钱)So we need test him.许仙:哎!这是谁的钱呀?(看到俩人后走过来)作揖,姑娘,请问这是你们掉的钱嘛? Oh,what’s this?whose is it?Ladies,is it your money? 小青:是的。Oh!Yes!
I pick it up from the ground.Please take it back.小白,小青:哦,非常感谢。OK.Thank you very much.(许仙转身走开)
小白:这真是个诚实的人啊!How honest he is!小青:是不错!但是,他是我们要找的恩人嘛? Yes.But is he your benefactor? 小白:没关系的,我去问问!啊,他要走远了。
It’s no matter.I will make it clear.Oh,he goes far away.小青:You don’t have to do that,I will help you.和小白一起赶上,小青推许仙。小青:Yo,man, Do you have girlfriend? 许仙惊恐,小白(赶上,拉住小青道歉):公子且留步,请问公子,怎么称呼?您要到哪里去? Sir,I’m sorry,but can I have your name?And where are you going? 许仙:姑娘,容禀啊!(唱:姓许名仙字汉文,祖籍钱塘有家门!)不知二位姑娘名与姓,为何要来杭州城?
My name is Xuxian.I live in Qiantang.I’m going home.So,what’s your names? 小白:我是白素贞!I am Bai Suzhen.小青:我叫小青!我们是姐妹。I am Xiaoqing.We are sisters.许仙:请问姑娘们家住哪里呀? Nice to meet you.Where are you living? 小青:西湖洞里!The caves of West Lake.小白:西湖洞,是个小区的名字!It’s the name of a housing estate.许仙(惊讶,疑惑):哦,我先走了,我还有事!Sorry,I’m busy.I have to go home.小白:(沉思,发现他可能是那个人)且慢,公子,你还记得不明湖畔的夏雨荷么?…(恶搞状)
Wait.Sir, whether you still remember Xia Yuhe from Da Ming Lakeside?
许仙:什么? Pardon? 小青:白蛇 the white snake.小白:请听我讲一个故事,记得,我还是条小蛇的时候,我很贪玩!有一天去山上玩耍!Please let me tell you a story.When I was a mini-snake,I was playful.One day,I played on the hill.小青:姐,你出去玩,不带我!Sister,why didn’t you take me outside? 小白:(低语)因为,那时候,你还太小!(继续对许仙说):我趴在青青的草地上晒太阳,这时候,来了一头牛,它踩住了我的尾巴!是公子你!救了我啊!所以我想谢你和嫁给你啊。(说快了,本来不想嫁了的,意识到口误,捂嘴)
Because you were too small.I was basking in the sunshine ,lying on the green grass.Suddenly a bull came and stepped on my tail.Then you saved me.So I want to thank you and marry you.许仙(毫不犹豫的打断,快速接话):原来是这样!对,是我。我们结婚吧(兴奋状)I see.Yep,It’s me!Let’s get married now!小青:(对小白),真的吗? Are you serious? 小白:不,他一点也不帅(对许仙)公子,你看,这天,开始下雨了!Of course not.He is not handsome now!
Oh.It’s raining.许仙:风雨都不能阻止我们结婚!
No matter what happen, let ‘s married now!小青:我有伞。I have a umbrella.小白:给他,然后跑。Give it to him, and run.小青给伞给许仙。然后两人快速走。许仙:说好的嫁给我呢?
HEY!SHUO HAO DE MARRY ME ne ? 小白,小青:“you got u wife in your hand!”