明星英语惊艳四座 盘点口语好的名人们

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第一篇:明星英语惊艳四座 盘点口语好的名人们

明星英语惊艳四座 盘点口语好的名人们
















The topic of NBA and NBA stars I like most

As everyone knows, NBA is a place where amazing happens and this will no doubtful make its fans excited and crazy, logically, it is welcomed all over the world with millions of fans.But what is NBA and where it comes from? The following I will give the answer.NBA is the abbreviation of National Basketball Association, It is the world's premier men's professional basketball league and one of the major professional sports leagues of North America.It was founded in New York City on June 6, 1946 with 66 years history.At first ,there were only 11 teams, In 2004, the Charlotte Bobcats(夏洛特.山猫)team joins in NBA , the team reached 30, one of which is from Canada, the rests are from the United States, like Los Angeles Lakers, Miami Heat, Houston rockets, Denver, clippers and so on.The 30 teams of NBA are divided into two alliances---East and West alliance, both of them has 15 teams.There are three divisions in each alliance separately with 5 teams.West alliance can be divided into Northwest, Southwest and Pacific division.East alliance can be divided to Central, Southeast and Atlantic division.The game is divided into three stages: regular season(常规赛), play-offs(季后赛), finals(总决赛).Of course, the most exciting part is the finals.In each NBA’s regular season all the teams will compete with teams of their own divisions, their own alliance and also the another alliance, totally fight for 82 matches, and step by step to rise in rank both of east and

west alliances through regular season, then the top eight of each alliance are qualified to compete in play-offs.They will first separately fighting for the champion of their alliance, and then the two champions will meet in the NBA finals.In the finals, they will play no more than 7 matches to fight out the winner, then this team are the NBA championship of this season and will be award the “Larry O'Brien NBA Championship Trophy”(拉里·奥布莱恩冠军奖: 用以纪念前NBA总裁拉里·奥布莱恩)and the most outstanding player will be award the finals’ MVP and each players of champion team will be award the NBA rings.These are the highest honor of NBA, even in basketball field.National Basketball Association is the first big professional Basketball tournament, represents the highest level of world Basketball, which produced a Michael Jordan, magic Johnson, Kobe Bryant, lebron James, yaoMing, such as world stars.The following I will talk about some great basketball players that are well-know to everyone.The first one I will introduce is Michael Jordan, people name him “flyer”, his uniform number is 23, as the Bulls dynasty’s founder, he has got Six-time NBA champion and Final MVP, Five-time NBA MVP ,10-time All-NBA First Team Defensive Player of the Year(1988), 14-time All-Star, Two-time Olympic gold medalist(1984, '92), he is a legend and no player can touch him.Kobe Bryant, another American NBA basketball player, called ”small

flyer variant”, birth in 1978, 1.98 meters, is now playing for the Los Angeles Lakers, the shooting guard.He has millions of fans and his No.24 uniform always sell first all over the world.His parents named him after a kind of steak: the famous beef of Kobe, Japan, which they saw on a restaurant menu.Kobe Bryant is the youngest child and only son of his parents.He has two sisters and a beautiful wife.In November 1999, 21 year’s old Bryant met 17 year’s old Vanessa Laine while she was working as a background dancer on a music video.The two began dating and were engaged just six months later in May 2000, while Vanessa was still a High School student in Huntington Beach, California.By now they have two lovely daughters.When in Basketball court he often acts as the key player achieving the unbelievable shoot, as we all known, he once also got 81 points in one game which created a record.Just because of this, he is given lots of Nicknames, just like “Black Mamba” ” Mr.81” “Buzzer BeaterBryant(读秒杀手)” “Lord of the Rings(指环王)” and so on.He is thought to be the most powerful American basketball player a pre sent.Of course, there are some other NBA super stars I like, such as the “Big Three” of Miami, last year’s championship.One of them is King James, people accustomed to call him Empire.He was last year’s final MVP, as we all known, he is very strong, just like a gorilla, so that no one can stop him.Another famous NBA former star is Allen Iverson, with about 1.8

3meters’ height, nickname is “The answer”.He is the lowest NBA first overall pick in history and played in The Philadelphia 76ers.In his career he once won four times scoring champion, 2 times MVP in all stars when played in all stars many times.Once be the American dream team captain.But the later of his career is not so glorious, as his whole body is almost injured.Recently the team named United States stars consist of Iverson and the legend NBA star Rodman come to china to play with the CBA champion team-BeijingShouGang, Iverson performs outstanding, therefore it is said that he may sign with a CBA team, what an exciting news, let’s wait and see!

Tracy Mcgrady is also Another most welcomed NBA star, as he once played in rockets as partner to Yao Ming, called “Yao-Mai combination”,he once played very well and won two times continue scoring champion, 7 times played in all stars, and once in a match with spurs got 13 points in shortly 35 seconds created the unbelievable “Mcgrady time”.But unfortunately, he was seriously injured continuously and performance not so good.Consequently, at present none of the NBA teams willing to sign a contract with him.So the CBA team Qingdao has an opportunity to sign with this former NBA super star before long, and we are waiting for his return.Of course, I believe!

However to our Chinese’s proud, there is also some China basketball players once played in NBA, the most well-known one is Yao Ming,known as the “little giant”, he is the Chinese basketball signs and pride.Born in September 12, 1980, in Shanghai, Owns Height of 2.26 meters, he joined the Shanghai sharks in 1997.In 1998 he becomes a member of the China national team.In 2002 he was the Houston rockets player to the number-one pick in.At the first year he was accepted into NBA all-star.Even though he played very well, but he is still very hard.He keeps two mottos, the one is “Believe in yourself, and the young yourselves should not be ordinary”, the another one is “How do you treat your body, your body will treat you”, so guided by the two mottos, he follows his dream in NBA and never give up, even though he was once seriously injured his left leg in 2008.These years in NBA and in rockets, his friendly and politely characters made him have lots of good partner and friends, such as his rockets’ partner Mcgridy and Francis.In July 9, 2011, NBA official website announced that Yao Ming had decided to retire from NBA.China and the world to lose a superstar, he represents the pride of China basketball.He married with YeLi, a member of China women basketball team in 2006 shanghai.Apart from YaoMing, there are some other Chinese players once played in NBA, they are WangZhizhi(the first Chinese player in NBA)、Bater(in spurs)、SunYue(once played in lakers)、YiJianLian(nets and Dallas Mavericks), but they are ordinarily performed, and at present all of them have left NBA.However it is deserved to be mentioned the Chinese

American NBA player Jeremy Lin, nickname “Linsanity”, he was known all over the world in one week when played in New York team, got 136 points as starter in his NBA career’s first five matches, become the history’s best.And in 2012-2013 season he signed with Houston Rockets and his partner is James Harden who is one of the Big Three of last season’s champion Thunder team.Seen from the performance of the “Ha-Lin combination” in the first few matches of regular season this year, it’s potential is beyond measured.So give my best wishes to Jeremy Lin and Rockets, wait and see what will happen in the following season!






如果别人在你旁边罗嗦个没完,你感到厌烦了,说"you are so boring"。“shut up!”自然没错,可人家受得了吗?不如来一句“oh, come on.give me a break!”这地道幽默吧?

要想说人“气色好”。“you look fine!”当然不错,可如果你说“ you’re in the pink!”就妙得多了,实际上,在英语口语中,表示颜色的词用起来非常形象生动。

“他精力充沛”美国人说:“he is bouncy”而不说"he is energetic ",牢记一些日常对话中的活句式是你一把必备的钥匙。

如:久仰,"I get mind of you"比”I heard a lot about you.”轻松得多。

代问他人好当然能用"please remember me to your sister”或"please give my best wishes to your father"不过,若是很好的朋友,何不说,“please give my love to Jim。”

在中国可不能随便说“我想你”,然而,当和西方人分手时说“I will miss you”要比说“good-bye”或“see you soon”有趣得多,不妨一试。

有人开会迟到了,你若对他说 “you are late”,听起来象是废话,若说“did you get lost?”,则更能让他歉然,可别说成“get lost!”那可是让人滚蛋的意思。

别人征求你的意见,问能否开窗户等,你要说“you can do that.”就有点土了,用一句“do you have the time? ”实际上,问他人的姓名,地址都可以这么用:"may I have you name?"要比"what’s your name? "礼貌得多,不过警察例外。

别人问你不愿公开的问题,切勿用“it’s my secret, don’t ask such a personal

question”回答,一来显得你没有个性,二来也让对方尴尬。你可以说“I would rather not say”。

有时候,你想说什么,可说是想不起来,你可以说“well…”、“let me see”、“just a moment ”或“it’s on the tip of my tongue”等,相比之下,最后一个句型是最地道的。

交谈时,你可能会转换话题,不要只说“by the way ”实际上,“to change the subject”、“before I forget”、“while I remember”、“mind you”都是既地道有受欢迎的表达。

遇到你不懂的问题时可别不懂装懂,“I know”可能是中国人用得最多,而美国人最不能接受的一句话。当一美国教师向你解释某个问题时,你如果连说两遍“I know”,我敢保证,他不会再跟你说什么了。用“I got it ”就顺耳得多,要是不懂就说“I’m not clear about it.”不过如果你会说“It’s past my understanding”或“it’s beyond me.”你的教师定会惊讶不已的.让老外无比惊讶的地道口语

下面这些句子虽然简单,却是最地道的美语精华,绝对是“学一句顶十句”,说出 一句话就让外国人无比惊讶!快来练习吧!

1.Do it yourself, then.既然如此,你自己来吧。

A: That's not the way I wanted it done.这可不是我想要的方式。

B: Do it yourself, then.那你自己来呗。

2.That's more like it.这才像话。【疯狂想像:像个长者一样地说!】

A: Don't talk to your brother that way!


B: I'm sorry I insulted you, Jimmy.对不起,我侮辱了你,吉米。

A: That's more like it.那这像话。

3.That's going too far.太过分了!

A: Should I buy my girlfriend a car?


B: That's going too far.那太过分了!

4.See./ I told you.我老早告诉过你。【疯狂想像:洋洋得意地、有先见之明地说!】

A: It was stupid of me to go bungee jumping.我居然去蹦极,真是太蠢了。

B: See, I told you so.看,我早就这么说。

5.So what?


A: You're not wearing your seatbelt.你没系安全带。

B: So what?


6.I'm counting on you./ You're my only hope.就指望你了。【疯狂想像:可怜兮兮地说!】

A: Sure, I'll come watch you give your speech.当然,我会来看你演讲的。

B: Great, I'm counting on you!


7.Do something!/ Don't just sit there!


A: Honey, the garbage needs to be taken out.亲爱的,垃圾该拿出去了。

B: So, don't just sit there, go do something about it!


8.Who do you think you are?


A: You shouldn't talk to your children that way.你不该这么跟你的孩子们说话。

B: Who do you think you are? Mind your own business.你以为你是谁啊?管好自己的事吧。

9.Stop playing the fool./ Don't act stupid.别装傻了。

A: Honey, would you please put the dishes in the dishwasher?


B: I don't know how to run it.我不知道怎么操作。

A: Stop playing the fool!


10.Any complaints? / Do you have something to say?


A: Can I see the work schedule for next week?


B: Here it is.Do you have something to say?

这就是。你有什么要说吗? 美联英语:www.xiexiebang.com

第四篇:李娜用英语hold住澳网 盘点名人们学英语妙招

李娜用英语hold住澳网 盘点名人们学英语妙招


其实,近年来在名人圈不时会冒出“英语达人”,体育竞技场上有李娜、姚明、刘国梁等,娱乐圈有汤唯、章子怡、李冰冰、汤唯、张静初、倪妮、余男等,企业圈有马云、王石等。内地名人们是如何跨越非母语的障碍?学习英语的成效到底如何? 李娜:学英语要泡在环境中


再有就是要大胆开口,娜姐自己说过:“反正英语学习,我觉得就是要脸皮厚,不管对不对,直接就跟老外说。反正语法不对啥的,慢慢老外也能听懂,有时候还能教教你。” 由此可见,开口说英语是让学习者增强学习信心和建立良好表达习惯的基础。在说的同时,如果有母语者能来给予鼓励、帮助和引导,会让英语能力在短时间里大幅提高。

姚明:环境+ 求知心= 英语突飞猛进




苦练英语,出席国际影展,出演好莱坞大片,这些年李冰冰在国际范儿的道路努力奔跑着。在国外一个脱口秀电视节目上,李冰冰也透露了自学英语的秘诀:“我每到一个地方,看到我不认识的英语单词,我就会请教别人,而且我的手机里有词典,我用它来查询和学习。”另外,脸皮厚到不怕人家笑话,胆大、敢说,认识一个单词敢说俩,这也是李冰冰学英语的“风格”。李冰冰说:“我想跟英语学习者说,不要觉得晚了,慢慢学,一句一句,一个字儿一个字儿地学,你学一个字儿就是一个字儿。” 马云:西湖边找老外练英语


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