Experts estimate that by the end of the century, half of the 6,000 languages spoke on our planetwill have disappeared.In west Africa, academics in Togo are trying to protect the small country'srich cultural and language heritage.At the University of Lome, Professor N'bueke Adovi Goeh-Akue shows a visitor some video groupsof Gen cultural rituals.The Professor is a cultural heritage specialist, he is also himself a Gen, one ofmany ethnic groups in Togo.He is making films of Gen cultural customs with financial help from the United States.He says theGen have an important place in Togo's history and culture.Gen rituals show how its people seetheir world;the interaction between the living and the dead, the seen and the unseen.“
The Gen believe in numerous voodoo deities.But today Professor Goeh-Akue says fewer andfewer Gen children go through voodoo initiation ceremonies.He says that increasingly the newgeneration does not recognize the importance of these cultural traditions.He says formal education and the spread of Christianity have reduced their influence.Many youngpeople think traditional practices are uncivilized.And while the Gen language is widely spoken in thecapital Lome, The Professor says it is not taught in schools.Gen is one of about 39 languages spoke in Togo.A specialist in the UNESCO endangered languageprogram says, by the end of the century, more than half of Africa's languages will be gone.The specialist Anahit Minasyan says a language needs speakers, preferably people who speak it astheir mother-tongue or first language.But she says a language at least needs people who canspeak it as their second language.If they are tiny, she says , a language is extinct.She says languages can die as a result of anincreasingly globalized world.”People switch to a language or they raise their children in a language which they think will providefor a better economic opportunity in the future.“
Ms.Minasyan says in Africa, for example, people often switch to larger African languages — notnecessarily to English or French, instead, people might switch to Hausa or Swahili or Wolof, theseare more speakers and provide more economic opportunities than their mother tongues.Socio-linguist Komlan Essizewa says that today many young urban Togolese switch among severallanguages, these include the Mina language spoken in cities.”As a linguist, we have to be very worried about it.Because today, even when people move backto their village, they don't use the language of the village as it is.“ 2 China is strengthening its image as the most important market for the automobile industry.Chinese auto sales are up 13 percent from one year ago.Industry observers are predicting totalsales of over 20 million vehicles this year.By comparison, a little more than 15 million vehicles are expected to be sold in the United States.The importance of the Chinese market could be seen last month at the Shanghai auto show.Industry representatives there were showing products design to meet China's growing demandfor luxury cars and larger vehicles.Dave Schoch is with the Ford Motor Company.He welcomed the chance to meet with thousandsof possible car buyers.”So you've got 30 million customers out there, all with different tastes and different affordabilitylevels.And what Ford wants to do is bring the power and leverage of our global line-up, you know fromsmall to medium to large, into China.“
However, competition can be fierce.Dieter Zetsche is the Chairman of the German automanufacturer Daimler AG.”We are increasing our local content here in this country.And next month we are opening the firstengine plant with the capacity of 250,000 units outside of Germany for Mercedes engines.“
Many Chinese see cars as a sign of success.Yale Zhang is with Automotive Foresight, an industrygroup.He says the rising demand for top quality automobiles is a sign of China's rise as aneconomic superpower.”This market is becoming more like European or American style.“
Demand has been especially high for larger sport utility vehicles, SUVs.Karsten Engel is head of the BMW Group in China.He says the spacious insides of SUVs appeal tothe newly rich, although some will probably never drive them.”The ultimate driving machine, you probably experience a lot from the rear seat with your driver,so you need more space, you want more space.You want to have the possibility to work in the car.“
That is something Stefan Brungs understands.He is the marketing director for the automakerBugatti's.”This is what the Chinese have learned and perceived as luxury--to sit in the back and bechauffeured.“
The demand for larger cars is strong, yet environmental issues and fuel concerns are leading toincreased interest in vehicles with better fuel economy.Nissan's Asia Vice President Andy Palmer:
”Four years ago, when we introduced the concept of the electric car, most of our colleagues inthe industry thought that we had lost our minds.Now it doesn't look so stupid, you know?"
For now, observers say new hybrid and electric technology is not a major force in the Chinesemarket.New information shows sales of SUV's are up nearly 50 percent from a year ago, andexperts says SUV sales are likely to double by 2015.And that's the Economics Report.I'm Christopher Cruise.The University of Cambridge is a place, a community, and an institution.It is also a pervasive presence in the world.The Cambridge University community is preponderantly British: 75% of our academic staff are British, 85% of our undergraduates, and almost 50% of our postgraduates.Collegiate Cambridge remains deeply committed to the education of outstanding British students.That assertion is fully consonant with a Cambridge fast becoming more international in many, many ways.A wealth of research collaborations between Cambridge academics and colleagues around the world are documented in the online International Directory to be launched by the University this year.Although teaching and learning are still overwhelmingly Cambridge-based activities and relatively few students study abroad, the number of international programmes for training and education is growing.Cambridge University’s global presence is such that already it has few if any equals.What Cambridge does well, and must keep doing, is respond to change in the world and help shape and lead it.As more and more people live and work across a range of cultures, our teaching must help prepare our students for that life.For graduate students, the potential transformation of Cambridge to a fully international University could be much closer if the decline continues in the number of British students studying for doctoral degrees, with dramatic shrinkage in certain fields.These students are not being kept out by international students: they are not applying, or not applying here.We must improve funding for UK postgraduate students as a matter of urgency.Cambridge is among the most beautiful universities in the world, and experiencing that beauty is part of what it means to be at Cambridge.We are an integral part of a lively and interesting city.There was a time in the 1950s and 60s when things looked different, and the university was too dominant in the local economy for anyone’s health.That changed, happily.
第二篇:中英文 剑桥大学-江主席致辞
中英文 剑桥大学-江主席致辞.txt12思念是一首诗,让你在普通的日子里读出韵律来;思念是一阵雨,让你在枯燥的日子里湿润起来;思念是一片阳光,让你的阴郁的日子里明朗起来。剑桥大学访问-主席致辞中英对译
Speech delivered by Chinese President Jiang Zemin at the University of Cambridge on October 22.1999
Students and Faculty, Ladies and Gentlemen:
I would like to thank you, Sir Alec Broers, Vice-Chancellor, for the invitation, which brings me to the famous Cambridge University.能够与青年朋友们聚集一堂,共同讨论人类如何在新世纪里迎接挑战、创造更加美好的未来,我感到十分高兴。
It gives me great pleasure to be together with young friends in a discussion on how mankind should rise up to the challenge in the new century and build a better future.剑桥大学是具有700多年历史的世界著名学府,曾培养出牛顿、培根、弥尔顿、拜伦、达尔文等对人类进步事业作出杰出贡献的伟大科学家、思想家和诗人。
Cambridge University is a world-renowned university with a history of more than 700 years.It has nurtured great scientists, thinkers and poets such as Newton, Bacon, Milton, Byron and Darwin, who made outstanding contribution to the progress of mankind.今天,剑桥大学作为获得诺贝尔奖学者最多的大学,在世界高等学府中依然居于显要的地位。
Today, Cambridge University, which has produced more Nobel Prize winners than any other university, still takes a significant place among all the institutions of higher learning in the world.50多年前,在我上大学的那个年代,就有不少的中国年轻学子向往到剑桥负笈求学。
Over fifty years ago when I was a university student, many young Chinese students were longing for an opportunity to come and study in Cambridge.剑桥大学与中国交往的历史,早在上个世纪之交就开始了。
This university began its contacts with China as early as the beginning of the last
A hundred years ago, Cambridge started the Chinese language course.贵校已故的李约瑟博士在中国学术界享有很高的声名。
The late Dr.Joseph Needham of Cambridge University enjoyed a high prestige in the Chinese academic circles.他倾注毕生心血撰写的《中国科学技术史》,是一部研究中国古代科学技术和文明成就的鸿篇巨制。
He devoted his entire life to the writing of Science and Civilization in China, a monumental work for study on ancient Chinese science and technology and cultural achievements.100年来,许多中国学者不远万里到剑桥求学访问,中国杰出的数学家华罗庚就是其中最著名的代表。
For 100 years, many Chinese scholars, best represented by Mr.Hua Luogeng, an outstanding Chinese mathematician, have traveled long distances to study in Cambridge.今天,中国学术界和剑桥大学继续保持着良好的交流与合作。
Today, the Chinese academic community still maintains good exchanges and cooperation with Cambridge.这对加强中英人民的文化交流和友谊,推进科技和思想进步产生了积极的作用和影响。
This has played a positive role in and exerted a sound influence on enhanced cultural exchanges and friendship between the Chinese and British people and progress in science and technology as well as in thinking.20世纪,人类创造的物质和精神财富,超过了以往任何一个时代。I
n the 20th century, mankind has created material and spiritual wealth unmatched by any other time in history.令人遗憾的是,人类在这100年中也经历了前所未有的苦难,特别是遭受了两次世界大战的浩劫。
Regrettably, it is also in these 100 years that humanity has experienced unprecedented hardships, particularly the havoc of the two world wars.但是世界的历史从来是由世界人民创造和书写的,因而正义总会战胜邪恶,光明总会战胜黑暗,进步总会战胜落后,人类必然会不断地克服艰难险阻,向着美好的未来开拓前进。
However, it is always the people of the world that make and write world history.In this sense, justice will inevitably prevail over evil, light over darkness and progress over backwardness.Mankind will undoubtedly keep on overcoming difficulties and obstacles, blaze new trails and steadily move forward to a better future.21世纪就要到来,世界人民虽然仍面临着很多严峻的挑战,可以肯定地说,人类也面临着巨大的发展机遇。
The 21st century is approaching.The people of the world still face many tough challenges, but definitely they also see enormous opportunities for development.只要世界人民同心协力,形成战胜一切挑战的巨大力量,人类文明进步的航船就必将乘风破浪地前进。
So long as the people of the world work in unison and form a strong force to tackle all challenges, mankind with its civilization will continue to march forward against all odds.like a ship braving the wind and the waves.People of different countries have traversed different roads of historical development.Each nation with its own cultural background, social system and value, will continue to lead a life in its own way.世界是丰富多彩的。
The world is colorful and diversified.各国人民走过了不同的历史发展道路,有着不同的文化背景、社会制度和价值观念,延续着不同的生活方式。
People of different countries have traversed different roads of historical development.Each nation with its own cultural background, social system and value, will continue to lead a life in its own way.这种多样性正是世界充满竞赛、活力和创新的根本原因。
This diversity is the very reason why the world is full of competition, vigor and innovation.各国之间应该加强交流和了解,在相互尊重和平等相待的基础上共同前进,而不应让这种多
Countries should enhance exchanges and understanding, and move ahead together on the basis of mutual respect and equality.They should not allow the diversity to be a barrier to their forward march, still less should they deliberately provoke confrontation and conflict.尊重和发展世界文明的多样性,并在这种多样性中找到共同利益之所在,是人类社会向前发展的伟大动力。
To respect and develop the diversity of world civilization and identify therefrom common interests are a great driving force propelling human society forward.这里,我想就中国的发展这个题目谈一些我的看法,希望有助于诸位对中国的了解。
Here, I want to share with you some of my thoughts on China's development, in the hope that it will give you a better understanding of my country.中华人民共和国刚刚度过了50岁的生日。
The People's Republic of China has just celebrated its 50th anniversary.对于绵延5000多年的中华文明而言,50年只是弹指一挥间。
Fifty years are but a brief moment for Chinese civilization that has been going on for more than 5,000 years.然而,在这50年中,中国这个古老的国度发生了翻天覆地的变化,面貌焕然一新。
第三篇:中英文 剑桥大学-江主席致辞
Speech delivered by Chinese President Jiang Zemin at the University of Cambridge on October 22.1999
Students and Faculty, Ladies and Gentlemen:¡¡
I would like to thank you, Sir Alec Broers, Vice-Chancellor, for the invitation, which brings me to the famous Cambridge University.Äܹ»ÓëÇàÄêÅóÓÑÃǾۼ¯Ò»Ì㬹²Í¬ÌÖÂÛÈËÀàÈçºÎÔÚÐÂÊÀ¼ÍÀïÓ-½ÓÌôÕ½¡¢´´Ôì¸ü¼ÓÃÀºÃµÄδÀ´£¬ÎҸе½Ê®·Ö¸ßÐË¡£
It gives me great pleasure to be together with young friends in a discussion on how mankind should rise up to the challenge in the new century and build a better future.½£ÇÅ´óѧÊǾßÓÐ700¶àÄêÀúÊ·µÄÊÀ½çÖøÃûѧ¸®£¬ÔøÅàÑø³öÅ£¶Ù¡¢Åà¸ù¡¢ÃÖ¶û¶Ù¡¢°ÝÂס¢´ï¶ûÎĵȶÔÈËÀà½ø²½ÊÂÒµ×÷³ö½Ü³ö¹±Ï×µÄΰ´ó¿Æѧ¼Ò¡¢Ë¼Ïë¼ÒºÍÊ«ÈË¡£
Cambridge University is a world-renowned university with a history of more than 700 years.It has nurtured great scientists, thinkers and poets such as Newton, Bacon, Milton, Byron and Darwin, who made outstanding contribution to the progress of mankind.½ñÌ죬½£ÇÅ´óѧ×÷Ϊ»ñµÃŵ±´¶û½±Ñ§Õß×î¶àµÄ´óѧ£¬ÔÚÊÀ½ç¸ßµÈѧ¸®ÖÐÒÀÈ»¾ÓÓÚÏÔÒªµÄµØλ¡£
Today, Cambridge University, which has produced more Nobel Prize winners than any other university, still takes a significant place among all the institutions of higher learning in the world.50¶àÄêÇ°£¬ÔÚÎÒÉÏ´óѧµÄÄǸöÄê´ú£¬¾ÍÓв»ÉÙµÄÖйúÄêÇáѧ×ÓÏòÍùµ½½£ÇŸºóÅÇóѧ¡£
Over fifty years ago when I was a university student, many young Chinese students were longing for an opportunity to come and study in Cambridge.½£ÇÅ´óѧÓëÖйú½»ÍùµÄÀúÊ·£¬ÔçÔÚÉϸöÊÀ¼ÍÖ®½»¾Í¿ªÊ¼ÁË¡£
This university began its contacts with China as early as the beginning of the last century.Ò»°ÙÄêÇ°£¬½£ÇÅ´óѧ¿ªÉèÁ˺ºÓï¿Î³Ì¡£
A hundred years ago, Cambridge started the Chinese language course.¹óУÒѹʵÄÀîԼɪ²©Ê¿ÔÚÖйúѧÊõ½çÏíÓкܸߵÄÉùÃû¡£
The late Dr.Joseph Needham of Cambridge University enjoyed a high prestige in the Chinese academic circles.ËûÇã×¢±ÏÉúÐÄѪ׫дµÄ¡¶Öйú¿Æѧ¼¼ÊõÊ·¡·£¬ÊÇÒ»²¿Ñо¿Öйú¹Å´ú¿Æѧ¼¼ÊõºÍÎÄÃ÷³É¾ÍµÄºèƪ¾ÞÖÆ¡£
He devoted his entire life to the writing of Science and Civilization in China, a monumental work for study on ancient Chinese science and technology and cultural achievements.100ÄêÀ´£¬Ðí¶àÖйúѧÕß²»Ô¶ÍòÀïµ½½£ÇÅÇóѧ·ÃÎÊ£¬Öйú½Ü³öµÄÊýѧ¼Ò»ªÂÞ¸ý¾ÍÊÇÆäÖÐ×îÖøÃûµÄ´ú±í¡£
For 100 years, many Chinese scholars, best represented by Mr.Hua Luogeng, an outstanding Chinese mathematician, have traveled long distances to study in Cambridge.½ñÌ죬ÖйúѧÊõ½çºÍ½£ÇÅ´óѧ¼ÌÐø±£³Ö×ÅÁ¼ºÃµÄ½»Á÷ÓëºÏ×÷¡£
Today, the Chinese academic community still maintains good exchanges and cooperation with Cambridge.Õâ¶Ô¼ÓÇ¿ÖÐÓ¢ÈËÃñµÄÎÄ»¯½»Á÷ºÍÓÑÒ꣬Íƽø¿Æ¼¼ºÍ˼Ïë½ø²½²úÉúÁË»ý¼«µÄ×÷ÓúÍÓ°Ïì¡£
This has played a positive role in and exerted a sound influence on enhanced cultural exchanges and friendship between the Chinese and British people and progress in science and technology as well as in thinking.20ÊÀ¼Í£¬ÈËÀà´´ÔìµÄÎïÖʺ;«Éñ²Æ¸»£¬³¬¹ýÁËÒÔÍùÈκÎÒ»¸öʱ´ú¡£I
n the 20th century, mankind has created material and spiritual wealth unmatched by any other time in history.ÁîÈËÒź¶µÄÊÇ£¬ÈËÀàÔÚÕâ100ÄêÖÐÒ²¾-ÀúÁËÇ°ËùδÓеĿàÄÑ£¬ÌرðÊÇÔâÊÜÁËÁ½´ÎÊÀ½ç´óÕ½µÄºÆ½Ù¡£
Regrettably, it is also in these 100 years that humanity has experienced unprecedented hardships, particularly the havoc of the two world wars.µ«ÊÇÊÀ½çµÄÀúÊ·´ÓÀ´ÊÇÓÉÊÀ½çÈËÃñ´´ÔìºÍÊéдµÄ£¬Òò¶øÕýÒå×Ü»áսʤа¶ñ£¬¹âÃ÷×Ü»áսʤºÚ°µ£¬½ø²½×Ü»áսʤÂäºó£¬ÈËÀà±ØÈ»»á²»¶ÏµØ¿Ë·þ¼èÄÑÏÕ×裬Ïò×ÅÃÀºÃµÄδÀ´¿ªÍØÇ°½ø¡£
However, it is always the people of the world that make and write world history.In this sense, justice will inevitably prevail over evil, light over darkness and progress over backwardness.Mankind will undoubtedly keep on overcoming difficulties and obstacles, blaze new trails and steadily move forward to a better future.21ÊÀ¼Í¾ÍÒªµ½À´£¬ÊÀ½çÈËÃñËäÈ»ÈÔÃæÁÙןܶàÑϾþµÄÌôÕ½£¬¿ÉÒԿ϶¨µØ˵£¬ÈËÀàÒ²ÃæÁÙמ޴óµÄ·¢Õ¹»úÓö¡£
The 21st century is approaching.The people of the world still face many tough challenges, but definitely they also see enormous opportunities for development.Ö»ÒªÊÀ½çÈËÃñͬÐÄÐ-Á¦£¬ÐγÉսʤһÇÐÌôÕ½µÄ¾Þ´óÁ¦Á¿£¬ÈËÀàÎÄÃ÷½ø²½µÄº½´¬¾Í±Ø½«³Ë·çÆÆÀ˵ØÇ°½ø¡£
So long as the people of the world work in unison and form a strong force to tackle all challenges, mankind with its civilization will continue to march forward against all odds.like a ship braving the wind and the waves.People of different countries have traversed different roads of historical development.Each nation with its own cultural background, social system and value, will continue to lead a life in its own way.ÊÀ½çÊǷḻ¶à²ÊµÄ¡£
The world is colorful and diversified.¸÷¹úÈËÃñ×ß¹ýÁ˲»Í¬µÄÀúÊ··¢Õ¹µÀ·£¬ÓÐ×Ų»Í¬µÄÎÄ»¯±³¾°¡¢Éç»áÖƶȺͼÛÖµ¹ÛÄÑÓÐø×Ų»Í¬µÄÉú»î·½Ê½¡£
People of different countries have traversed different roads of historical development.Each nation with its own cultural background, social system and value, will continue to lead a life in its own way.ÕâÖÖ¶àÑùÐÔÕýÊÇÊÀ½ç³äÂú¾ºÈü¡¢»îÁ¦ºÍ´´Ðµĸù±¾Ô-Òò¡£
This diversity is the very reason why the world is full of competition, vigor and innovation.¸÷¹úÖ®¼äÓ¦¸Ã¼ÓÇ¿½»Á÷ºÍÁ˽⣬ÔÚÏ໥×ðÖغÍƽµÈÏà´ýµÄ»ù´¡ÉϹ²Í¬Ç°½ø£¬¶ø²»Ó¦ÈÃÕâÖÖ¶àÑùÐÔ³ÉΪ×è°-¸÷¹úÈËÃñЯÊÖ¹²½øµÄ¸ôºÒ£¬¸ü²»Ó¦ÈËΪµØ´ÓÖÐÌôÆð¶ÔÁ¢ºÍ³åÍ»¡£
Countries should enhance exchanges and understanding, and move ahead together on the basis of mutual respect and equality.They should not allow the diversity to be a barrier to their forward march, still less should they deliberately provoke confrontation and conflict.×ðÖغͷ¢Õ¹ÊÀ½çÎÄÃ÷µÄ¶àÑùÐÔ£¬²¢ÔÚÕâÖÖ¶àÑùÐÔÖÐÕÒµ½¹²Í¬ÀûÒæÖ®ËùÔÚ£¬ÊÇÈËÀàÉç»áÏòÇ°·¢Õ¹µÄΰ´ó¶¯Á¦¡£
To respect and develop the diversity of world civilization and identify therefrom common interests are a great driving force propelling human society forward.ÕâÀÎÒÏë¾ÍÖйúµÄ·¢Õ¹Õâ¸öÌâĿ̸һЩÎҵĿ´·¨£¬Ï£ÍûÓÐÖúÓÚÖîλ¶ÔÖйúµÄÁ˽⡣
Here, I want to share with you some of my thoughts on China's development, in the hope that it will give you a better understanding of my country.ÖлªÈËÃñ¹²ºÍ¹ú¸Õ¸Õ¶È¹ýÁË50ËêµÄÉúÈÕ¡£
The People's Republic of China has just celebrated its 50th anniversary.¶ÔÓÚÃàÑÓ5000¶àÄêµÄÖлªÎÄÃ÷¶øÑÔ£¬50ÄêÖ»Êǵ¯Ö¸Ò»»Ó¼ä¡£
Fifty years are but a brief moment for Chinese civilization that has been going on for more than 5,000 years.È»¶ø£¬ÔÚÕâ50ÄêÖУ¬ÖйúÕâ¸ö¹ÅÀϵĹú¶È·¢ÉúÁË·-Ì츲µØµÄ±ä»¯£¬Ãæò»ÀȻһС£
三、阳光。希望你们成为具有阳光心态、充满活力的人。我们学院的董事长林腾蛟先生,艰苦奋斗,激情创业,十多年间打造出了横跨地产、酒店、金融、教育等行业的阳光集团,项目投资已经遍布国内16个城市及新加坡、香港、美国等地,成为了中国地产闽商领军人物。在送给2015届毕业生的临别箴言中,林腾蛟董事长道出了成功的秘诀:时刻葆有阳光心态。阳光心态是保持青春活力和年轻激情的源泉。他说,积极的人像太阳,和阳光的人做朋友,能够点燃激情和梦想,使你们的人生与众不同。林腾蛟董事长的那种阳光向上、追求梦想的精神,感染了许多 的阳光学子。同学们,在今后的学习和生活中,难免会遇到挫折和困境,希望你们保持阳光心态,学会包容,学会沟通,学会尊重,学会理解,在挫折中选择乐观与坚持,在集体中理解团队与合作,为今后走入社会和职场打下坚实的基础。
彭 定 进
生的积极参与下,整个活动组织严密,配合默契,充分展示了“文明、团结、求实、拼搏” 的体育精神和艺术风采,活动取得圆满成功。
学校之所以取得显著的业绩,就是因为我们在管理上树立一切依靠教师,一切为了学生的办学指导思想,办人民满意学校。我们按照“依法从严治校,科学和谐发展,关注教师成才,关心学生成长”的办学理念,以“敬业、奉献、爱生、善诱”的教风,促成了“乐学、善思、勤奋、进取”的学风,铸就了 “文明、创新、诚信、和谐”的校风。在此,我再一次对在过去的一年来为学校的发展作出艰辛努力和巨大贡献的师生表示崇高的敬意!