1.Municipal government leading officials meet VIP guests from the Swedish side(Meeting Hall on the 18th floor of Beijing Hotel Building A)
17:30-17:50 拟请刘淇书记、郭金龙市长礼节性会见瑞典主要参会代表。
Plan to invite Secretary Liu Qi or Mayor Guo Jinlong to have a courtesy meeting with key representives at the Forum from the Swedish side
议 程: Agenda:
Municipal leading officials welcome Swedish guests, shake hands and sit down
双方介绍来宾 双方礼节性会谈 互赠礼品、合影 Introduction of guests by each side Courtesy talk
Gift exchange, group-photo taking
2.Signing ceremony(Banquet Hall on the 18th floor of Beijing Hotel Buidling A)
Beijing NDRC leader will chair the ceremony
18:00-18:05 主持人致辞
Speech by the moderator
18:05-18:15 签约仪式,拟请刘淇书记、郭金龙市长见证,相关市领导出席。
Signing ceremony.Plan to invite Secretary Liu Qi or Mayor Guo Jinlong
and Beijing leaders concerned to witness
3.Dinner(Multifunctional Hall on the 2nd floor of Beijing Hotel Building A)
主持人:市外办领导 Moderator: Beijing FAO leading official
18:30-18:35 拟请吉林常务副市长出席并致辞
Plan to invite Ji Lin, Executive Vice Mayor of Beijing to be present and to
make a speech
18:35-18:40 瑞方代表致辞 Speech by representative from the Swedish side 18:40-19:30 晚宴