alveolar bone 牙槽骨
alveolar abscess 牙槽脓肿 ameloblastoma 造釉细胞瘤 apical infection 根尖感染 apical syst 根尖囊肿
branchial cleft cyst 肋裂囊肿
carcinoma of maxillary sinus 上颌窦癌 carcinoma of tongue 舌癌
cellulitis of the floor of the mouth 口底蜂窝织炎 cementum 牙骨质
carcinoma of buccal mucosa 颊粘膜癌 carcinoma of gingiva 牙龈癌 carcinoma of lip 唇癌 caries 龋齿
circumvallate papillae 轮廓乳头 crown fracture 冠折
deciduous teeth 乳牙 dental impaction 牙掼生 dental plaque 菌斑
dental root fracture 根折 denticulus,denticle 髓石
dentoalveolar abscess 牙槽脓肿 drug-induced gingivitis 药物性龈炎 dental crown 牙冠
dental defect 牙体缺损 dental necrosis 牙坏死 dental sac 牙囊 dentin 牙本质 dental arch 牙弓
epulis 龈瘤 enamel 牙釉质
endodontics 牙体牙髓病学 extraction 拔牙术
fascial space infection 间隙感染 fluoride 氟化物
fracture of maxillary 上颌骨骨折 filiform papillae 丝状乳头
fistula apicalis 根尖瘘管 foliate papillae 叶状乳头 fungiform papillae 菌状乳头
gingival abscess 牙龈脓肿 gingivitis 牙龈炎
gingivitis in leukemia 白血病龈炎 gum,gingiva 牙龈
herpetic stomatitis 疱疹性口炎
infraorbital space 框下间隙 injury of teeth 牙损伤
jaw 颌骨
juvenile periodontitis 青少年牙周炎
luxated tooth 牙脱位
lymphoepithelial lesions 淋巴上皮病 leukoplakia 白斑
lichen planus 扁平苔藓 local anesthesia 局麻
mucous cyst 粘液囊肿 missing tooth 牙脱失
mixed dentition 混和牙列
mixed tumor of salivary gland 涎腺混和瘤 mumps 流行性腮腺炎
nevi 色素痣
occlusion 咬和 odontoclasis 燕羡
ora candidiasis 口腔念珠菌病 oral hygiene 口腔卫生
oral pathology 口腔病理学 oral surgery 口腔外科 orthodontics 正畸学
osteomyelitis of the jaws 颌骨骨髓炎
palate 腭
paradontoma 牙周膜瘤 parageusia 味觉异常 paraglossa 舌肿
paraglossia 舌下炎
paralalia 出语障碍,构音倒错 parotitis 腮腺炎
periapical abscess 根尖脓肿 periapical disease 根尖周病 pericoronitis 冠周炎 periodontitis 牙周炎 permanent teeth 恒牙 pulp horn 髓角
pediatric dentistry 口腔儿科学 periodontal ligament 牙周韧带 periodontal membrane 牙周膜 periodontics 牙周病学 prosthodontics 修复学
pterygomandibular space 翼颌间隙 public-health dentistry 口腔预防医学 pulp 牙髓
pulp exposure 牙髓暴露 pulpectomy 牙骨摘除术 pulpitis 牙髓炎
pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎
radiation osteomyelitis 放射性骨髓炎 radicular syst 根端囊肿
recurrent aphthae 复发性口疮 root canal therapy 根管治疗
root of tooth 牙根
root resorption 牙根吸收
sebaceous cyst 皮脂囊肿 sialolithiasis 涎石病 sublinguitis 舌下腺炎
sublingual gland syst 舌下腺囊肿 sublingual space 舌下间隙 submasseteric space 嚼肌间隙 submaxillary space 颌下间隙
tartar 牙石 teeth 牙齿
temporomandibular joint 颞颌关节 thrush 鹅口疮
thyroglossal tract cyst 甲状舌管囊肿 tooth decay 龋齿
tooth replantation 牙再植术 torsion of teeth 牙扭转 tongue 舌
tooth migration 牙移动 tooth replacement 牙复位 toothache 牙痛
最细颗粒金刚石磨头 the finest grit diamond 橡皮杯(轮)rubber cup(wheel)抛光圆盘(粗、中、细、超细)polishing disk(coarse medium fine superfine)抛光刷 polishing brush 抛光膏 polishing paste(RAPTOR)Rapid Adapting Precision Transformer of Occlusal Resins 锯条 saw strip 金刚砂条 diamond strip(打磨临间隙用的)不锈钢打磨条 stainless steel abrasive strip(for smoothing adja2 cent contact points when doing fillings and crowns)氧化铝 aluminium oxide(打磨条表面的磨料)聚酯条 pllyester strip 持针器 needle holder 牛角钳 cowhorn 刀片 scalpel 刀柄 scalpel handle 牙挺 elevator 根尖挺 apical elevator 骨凿 bone chisel 骨锉 bone file 缝和线 suture 止血钳 hemostatic forceps peet2mosquito forceps Kelly forceps 剪刀 scissors 正畸钳 ortho plier 三头钳 “3 jaw”clasp bending pliers 弯弓丝钳 wire bending pliers 分牙圈 separator 弓丝 arch wire 压带环器 band pusher 带环去除钳 band removing pliers 固定器 brace 咬和纸 articulating paper 咬和纸柄 paper articulator 球状抛光器 ball burnisher 板状充填器 plastic(flat plastic)(白色充填用)成形片 matrix band
楔子 wedge 涂药器 applicator 或dycal applicator 银汞充填器 amalgam plugger 树脂输送器 composite applicator 口腔材料输送器 dental material applicator 调刀 cement spatula 调板 mixing pad 粘接剂 bond 小容器 well dappens dishes 橡皮障 rubber dam 橡皮障夹钳 rubber dam clamp forcep 橡皮障打孔器 rubber dam punch 橡皮障弓 Young’s Arch
根管侧压器 root canal spreader 藻酸盐印模材 alginate 印模托盘 impression tray 印模调刀 alginate spatula 蜡刀 wax knives 塑料刀 plaster knife 去冠器 crown remover(可调)开口器(adjustable)mouth prop 印模材枪 impression gun 印模材注射器 impression syringes 印模膏 putty 高稠度印模膏(取冠印模时用的)heavy body 低稠度印模膏 light body 喷砂机 sandblaster 牙间隙刷 interdental brush interproximal brushes 排牙 arrangement of teeth 喷灯 blow lamp 边缘封闭区 border seal area 毛刷轮 bristle brush wheel 雕刻刀 carving knife
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Complete Medical History
(Zhang te)
Medical Number: 182786 General information Name: Tao lili Age: Forty eight Sex: Female Race: Han Occupation: worker Nationality: China Marital status: Married Address:NO.138,mawangdui
Rvenue,changsha, Hunan.Tel: 84722500
Date of admission: Jun 20st, 2013 Date of record: 11Am, Jun20st, 2013 Complainer of history: the patient herself
Reliability: Reliable
Chief complaint: lower incisors gingivae mass found for more than 3 month.Present illness: 3 month ago, the patient suddenly found a small mass on lower incisors gingivae.After touching it, she found a mass tendness, She did not get fever ,dizziness, vertigo and headache.the patient didn’t pay attention it.Then the mass became more and more bigger, so the patient she came to our hospital and asked for an operation.Since onset, her appetite was good, and both her spiritedness and physical energy are normal.Defecation and urination are normal, too.Past history Operative history: Never undergoing any operation.Infectious history: No history of severe infectious disease.Allergic history: She was not allergic to penicillin or sulfamide.Respiratory system: No history of respiratory disease.Circulatory system: No history of precordial pain.Alimentary system: No history of regurgitation.Genitourinary system: No history of genitourinary disease.Hematopoietic system: No history of anemia and mucocutaneous bleeding.Endocrine system: No acromegaly.No excessive sweats.Kinetic system: No history of confinement of limbs.Neural system: No history of headache or dizziness.Personal history She was born in Wuhan on Nov 19th, 1957 and almost always lived in Wuhan.She graduated from senior high school.Her living conditions were good.No bad personal habits and customs.Menstrual history: The first time when she was 14.Lasting 3 to 4 days every times and its cycle is about 30 days.Obstetrical history: Pregnacy 3 times, once nature production, abortion twice.Contraceptive history: Not clear.Family history: His parents have both died.Physical examination
T 36.4℃, P 80/min, R 20/min, BP 90/60mmHg.She is well developed and moderately nourished.Active position.The skin was not stained yellow.No cyanosis.No pigmentation.No skin eruption.Spider angioma was not seen.No pitting edema.Superficial lymph nodes were not enlarged.Head
Cranium: Hair was black and well distributed.No deformities.No scars.No masses.No tenderness.Ear: Bilateral auricles were symmetric and of no masses.No discharges were found in external auditory canals.No tenderness in mastoid area.Auditory acuity was normal.Nose: No abnormal discharges were found in vetibulum nasi.Septum nasi was in midline.No nares flaring.No tenderness in nasal sinuses.Eye: Bilateral eyelids were not swelling.No ptosis.No entropion.Conjunctiva was not congestive.Sclera was anicteric.Eyeballs were not projected or depressed.Movement was normal.Bilateral pupils were round and equal in size.Direct and indirect pupillary reactions to light were existent.Neck: Symmetric and of no deformities.No masses.Thyroid was not enlarged.Trachea was in midline.Chest
Chestwall: Veins could not be seen easily.No subcutaneous emphysema.Intercostal space was neither narrowed nor widened.No tenderness.Thorax: Symmetric bilaterally.No deformities.Breast: Symmetric bilaterally.Neither nipples nor skin were retracted.Elasticity was fine.Lungs: Respiratory movement was bilaterally symmetric with the frequency of 20/min.Thoracic expansion and tactile fremitus were symmetric bilaterally.No pleural friction fremitus.Resonance was heard during percussion.No abnormal breath sound was heard.No wheezes.No rales.Heart: No bulge and no abnormal impulse or thrills in precordial area.The point of maximum impulse was in 5th left intercostal space inside of the mid clavicular line and not diffuse.No pericardial friction sound.Border of the heart was normal.Heart sounds were strong and no splitting.Rate 80/min.Cardiac rhythm was regular.No pathological murmurs.Abdomen: Flat and soft.No bulge or depression.No abdominal wall varicosis.Gastralintestinal type or peristalses were not seen.There was not tenderness and rebound tenderness on abdomen or renal region.Liver was not reached.Spleen was not enlarged.No masses.Fluidthrill negative.Shifting dullness negative.Borhorygmus 5/min.No vascular murmurs.Extremities: No articular swelling.Free movements of all limbs.Neural system: Physiological reflexes were existent without any pathological ones.Genitourinary system: Not examed.Rectum: not exaned
Investigation No.Professional Examination
Oral mucous membrane was smooth, and of no ulcer or erosion.Tongue was in midline.Pharynx was not congestive.Tonsils were not enlarged.Patients with poor oral hygiene has much dental calculus.There are a about 2*2*1.5cm mass on lower incisors(33-41)gingivae.It is tender but not bleed.It can not be moved and its surface is smooth.Corresponding superficial lymph nodes don’t enlarge.Impression: Epulis
Signature: Zhang te
Hospital course record for the first time 2013-6-20 8:50
一、Characteristics of cases:
1.Clinical presentation:Patient was a worker , female, 48 years old.2.lower incisors gingivae mass found for more than 3 month.3.No special past history.4.Physical examination showed no abnormity in lung, heart and abdoman.Information about her oral can be seen above.5.Shorting of investigation information.6.Temperature is36.5℃, pulse 80, respirations 20, blood pressure 90/60.二、Examination to discuss diagnostic basis:1.lower incisors gingivae mass found for more than 3 month。2.She did not get fever ,dizziness, vertigo and headache.There are a about 2*2*1.5cm mass on lower incisors(33-41)gingivae.It is tender but not bleed.There are a about 2*2*1.5cm mass on lower incisors(33-41)gingivae.It is tender but not bleed.differential diagnosis:Gingival carcinoma:Except fast growth, it can appear local canker, pain, involving related to teeth.ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS:Epulis
三、Case classification:A
四、Treatment plan:1.To improve the routine inspection.2.Whole mouth clean governance.3.Optional operation.Xu yuguo
Hospital records 2013-6-21 The patient was hospitalized on this morning.with suddenly found a small mass on lower incisors gingivae 3 month ago.transparent mild redness, lining color is normal, Patients usually in good health.Blood, urine, dung routine has been sent, liver and kidney function checklist to fill in, check the doctor's advice already open.Pathological biopsy for the diseased tissue has been sent.Xu yuguo 2013-6-23 This morning Pro.zhang visits, the diagnosis and treatment of put forward the following opinions:Pathological biopsy result has shown Epulis.All investigation is normal.According to the clinical manifestations of it ,this disease The disease can be diagnosed with Epulis.Gum tumor resection Can be imposed immediately.Preoperative should be whole mouth clean governance.surgery will be done at eight on tomorrow morning.Zhang te/ Xu yuguo
2013-6-24 Preoperative SUMMARY Patient was a worker , female, 48 years old.lower incisors gingivae mass found for more than 3 month.No special past history.Physical examination showed no abnormity in lung, heart and abdoman.Information about her oral can be seen above.All investigation is normal.whole teeth have been cleaned.Surgical treatment plan:(1)pastoperative biopsy to determine the tumor nature;(2)Complete removal of the tumor and spread of the periodontal membrane, teeth and gums.(3)a mandibular defect should still depending on the nature of the tumor and then make a decision whether to immediately bone graft, but should be ready to immediately bone graft.(4)preoperative for teeth cleaning and use of antibiotics.Xu yuguo 2013-6-25 8:15
Operation records
Make Routine local anesthesia on the patient supine, disinfection and shop towels according to Maxillofacial surgery routine.lump completely and spread of the periodontal membrane, and gums been removed with electricity knife.hydrogen peroxide and saline flush incision.Mass was sent to Pathological biopsy.The patient went back the ward safetyly at 9:30 , The surgery was over.Zhang te
Pastoperative records
T 36.5℃, P 80/min, R 23/min, BP 100/60mmHg.Patients feel the wound and teeth pain is severe, the wound near swollen gums, jaw was covered with a little fake.Continue to Analgesic, anti-inflammatory.Pay attention to maintain oral hygiene.Patients require to dischange tomorrow, he Would be approved to agree with.Zhang te
DATE OF ADMISSION: Jun 20st, 2013 DATE OF DISCHARGE: Jun 26st, 2013 Number of days in hospital:6 Days
BRIEF HISTORY PATIENT name :Tao lili , AGE: 48 3 month ago, the patient suddenly found a small mass on lower incisors gingivae.After touching it, she found a mass tendness, She did not get fever ,dizziness, vertigo and headache.the patient didn’t pay attention it.Then the mass became more and more bigger.REVIEW OF SYSTEM She has had no headache, fever, chills, diarrhea, chest pain, palpitations, dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis, dysuria, hematuria or ankle edema.PAST MEDICAL HISTORY She has had no previous surgery, accidents or childhood illness.SOCIAL HISTORY: She has no history of excessive alcohol or tobacco use.FAMILY HISTORY She has no family history of cardiovascular, respiratary and gastrointestinal diseases.PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Temperature is36.5℃, pulse 80, respirations 20, blood pressure 90/60.General: Plump girl in no apparent distress.HEENT: She has no scalp lesions.Her pupils are equally round and reactive to light and accommodation.Extraocular movements are intact.Sclerae are anicteric.Oropharynx is clear.There is no thyromegaly.There is no cervical or supraclvicular lymphadenopathy.Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm, normal S1, S2.Chest: Clear to auscultation bilateral.Abdomen: Bowel sounds present, no hepatosplenomagaly.Extremities: There is no cyanosis, clubbing or edema.Neurologic: Cranial nerves II-XII are intact.Motor examination is 5/5 in the bilateral upper and lower extremities.Sensory, cerebellar and gait are normal.HOSPITAL COURSE The patient was admitted.The patient was resect the gums tumor and improved.The patient was discharged in stable condition.DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS Epulis
DISCHANGE INSTRCTIONS: To pay attention to rest, strengthen nutrition, keep the anti-inflammatory for three days.To maintain oral hygiene.To review on a regular basis.PROGNOSIS Good.No medications needed after discharge.The patient is to follow up with Dr.xu in one week.Zhang te/ Xu yuguo
1.My tooth is aching again.(我的牙又疼了。)
2.One of my teeth is trouble me.(我有一颗牙疼。)
3.I have got anawful toothach.It kept me awake the whole night.(我的牙很疼,整晚未眠)
4.One of my incisors is loose and aching.(我的一颗门牙松动而且疼。)
5.This tooth on the lower jaw is sensitive to heat and hot.(下颌的这颗牙对冷热很敏感。)
6.I think one of the back ones at the top is giving most of trouble.(我觉得上排有一个后牙疼的最厉害。)
7.I suffer pain when my teeth are exposed to heat.(我的牙碰到热时感到疼痛。)
8.There are several painful spots in my mouth,and salty and sour things make it sting.(我嘴里有几块地方疼,咸的和酸的都蜇着疼。)
9.I have a burning and thickening sensation in my mouth.(我嘴里有灼热和增厚的感觉。)
10.He has pain in his teeth or jaw.(他的牙齿和下巴疼痛。)
11.He has some problems with his teeth.(他牙齿有问题。)
12.The tooth hurts only when he bites down on it.(他咬东西时,牙齿就痛。)
13.His gums are red and swollen.(他的牙床红肿。)
14.His tongue is red and sore all over.(他的舌头到处红和痛。)
15.His breath smells bad and he has a foul taste in his mouth.(他口里有怪味。)
16.His gums do bleed.(他牙床有出血。)
17.He has some sore swellings on his gum or jaw.(他的牙床和下巴肿痛。)
18.He has sore places on or around the lip.(他的嘴唇和周围都很痛。)
19.There are cracks at the corners of his mouth.(他的嘴巴角落破了。)
20.There are some discolored areas inside on his tongue.(他舌头里边有些地方颜色怪怪的。)
1.What can I do for you?你有什么事?
2.May I help you?我能帮你什么忙?
3.Please take a seat!/please sit down!请坐下.
4.Wait a moment,please.请等一等.
5.Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起让你久等了.
6.It is not serious.病情不严重.
7.Don't worry./There is nothing to worry about.不必顾虑。
8.You need a thorough examination.你需要做一个全面检查.
9.You will have to stay in hospital for sevral days.你需要在医院里住几夭. /We think that you had better be hospitalized我们认为你最好住进医院来。
10. You should stay in bed for a few days.你需要卧床几天.
11. You can keep on working./You can carry on with your work.可以继续工作。
12. You should be very careful for a week or two这一两周内,你需要很注意。
13.Try to relax and keep calm.尽量放松保持镇静。
14. You'll soon be all right.你很快就会好起来的.
15. 1'm sure this medicine will help you a great deal.这药对你肯定会很有效的.
16. Feeling well again is a rather slow process,I'm afraid.恐怕痊愈将是一个很慢的过程.
17. You will have to wait for twenty minutes.你需要等20分钟.
18.Complete recovery will take a rather long time.彻底恢复需要一段很长的时间。
19. You will have to come here for periodical check-ups.你需要定期来门诊检查.
20. If you feel worse,please come back to the clinic right away.要是你觉着病加重了,就请马上来门诊。
How are you,sir?
2、Are you all right,madam?
3、How are you feeling now,madam? What seems to be your problem,sir? What seems to be wrong/the matter with you? Is there anything wrong with you? What's happened to you?
What's up? What are you suffering from? Are you having any discomfort?
What seems to be your trouble?/What's troubling you? What hurt you?
What ails you? How are you keeping?
The patient has a radiolucent lesion below the molar teeth in the right mandible.2他因口底下左下颌处疼痛和肿胀有72小时而受检。
He was examined with a 72-hour complaint of pain and swelling under the left jaw in the floor of the mouth
3右侧颊部粘膜下,有带痛的肿胀。There is a tender swelling beneath the right buccal mucosa.4在右下齿龈上 on the right lower gingiva
5在下颌右角处 at the right angle of the mandible
6不能开口 inability to open the mouth
7把口张开到最大限度并无困难 have no difficulty in opening one's mouth to its full extent
The mouth is so dry that it is difficulty for the patient to masticate and swallow food.9在上腭有一个无痛性的肿胀。There is a painless swelling in the roof of the mouth.10在上星期肿块大了起来 mass was growing larger during last week
-肿块大小未变 the sizes remained stationary
11拔牙后,他流了10天的血。He bled for 10 days following the extraction of a tooth-12牙痛频发 continual bouts of toothache
13-一阵阵剧烈的牙痛 the pangs of a toothache
There is occasional, transient, nondescrpit pain, or sensibility during mastication.15该齿对于压迫作痛,且有钝麻如咬的疼痛。
The tooth became sroe to pressure and there is a dull gnawing pain
16疼痛未停止 the pain did no ease 17疼痛减轻了 the pain became lighter
口唇 Lips: 对称 symmetry, 颜色color, 湿润度moisture, 紫绀 cyanosis, 疱疹 herpes.粘膜 Mucosa: 颜色 color, 色素沉着 pigmentation, 溃疡 ulceration.齿龈 Gums: 齿龈脓漏pyorrhea, 出血 bleeding, 齿龈炎gingivitis, 齿龈肿胀swelling of gums.舌 Tongue: 颜色 color, 乳头萎缩 papillary atrophy, 溃疡ulceration, 扁斜deviation, 运动 movement, 舌苔coating.牙齿 Teeth:无齿的 edentulous, 牙齿数目 number present, 口腔卫生欠佳或良好 hygiene poor or good, 牙根 roots, 齿髓炎pulpitis, 假牙false teeth, 龋齿 caries, 失去的牙齿missing teeth, 修补牙齿 dental repair(牙冠crowns, 装桥术bridgework, 镶嵌inlay, 充填filling)口臭 Halitosis(fetor oris;foul or bad breath)
2.1 档案
2.2 档案价值
archival value
2.3 档案工作
archives work
2.4 档案管理
archives management
2.5 档案学
archival science
2.6 公共档案
Public archives
2.7 私人档案
private archives
2.8 文书档案
administrative archives
2.9 科学技术档案
scientific and technical archives
2.10 专业档案
specialized archives
2.11 音像档案
audio-visual archives
2.12 文件
2.13 电子文件
electronic records
2.14 原件
original document.
2.15 复制件
duplicated document.
2.16 文稿
2.17 文本
2.18 正本
official text
2.19 副本
2.20 手稿
2.21 文种
record type
2.22 档案行政管理部门
archival administrative department
2.23 档案室
record office
2.24 档案馆
2.24.1 综合档案馆
comprehensive archives
2.24.2 专业档案馆
specialized archives
2.24.3 部门档案馆
department archives
2.24.4 企业档案馆
business archives
2.24.5 事业单位档案馆
institutional archives
2.25 档案资料目录中心
archival descriptive information centre
2.26 文件中心
records centre
3.1 收集
3.1.1 归档
3.1.2 移交
3.1.3 接收
3.1.4 征集
3.2 寄存
3.3 捐赠
3.4 交换
3.5 馆藏
3.6 散存档案
3.7 散失档案
removed archives
4.1 鉴定
4.2 保管期限
retention period
4.3 保管期限表
records retention schedule
4.4 销毁
4.5 销毁清册
destruction list
5.1 整理
archival arrangement
5.2 来源原则
Prinpciple of provenance
5.3 档案实体分类
physical archives c1assification
5.4 立档单位
fonds constituting unit
5.5 全宗
5.6 联合全宗
combined fonds
5.7 汇集全宗
collected fonds
5.8 全宗群
fonds complex
5.9 案卷
5.10 立卷
5.11 卷内备考表
file note
5.12 档号
archival code
6.1 检索
6.2 编目
6.3 档案信息分类
archival Information classification
6.4 条目
6.5 著录
6.6 标引
6.6.1 分类标引
classified Indexing
6.6.2 主题标引
subject Indexing
6.6.3 受控标引
controlled Indexing
6.6.4 自由标引
free indexing
6.7 关键词
6.8 主题词
6.9 档案主题词表
archives thesaurus
6.10 检索工具
finding aid
6.11 目录
6.11.1 案卷目录
folder list/file list
6.11.2 卷内文件目录
innerfile item 1ist
6.11.3 案卷文件目录
file-item list;全引目录
file-item list
6.11.4 分类目录
classified catalogue
6.11.5 主题目录
Subject Catalogue
6.11.6 专题目录
subject catalogue
6.12 索引
6.12.1 文号索引
record number index
6.12.2 人名索引
name index
6.12.3 地名索引
place name index
6.13 档案馆指南
guide to an archives
6.14 全宗指南
guide to an archival fonds;
introduction to an archiva1 fonds
6.15 专题指南
guide to subject records;
introduction to subject records
7.1 利用
access and use
7.2 开放
7.3 公布
7.4 咨询服务
reference service
7.5 档案证明
archival evidence
7.6 档案展览
7.7 阅览室
reading room
7.8 密级
security classification
7.9 降密
7.10 解密
7.11 编纂
7.12 大事记
chronicle of events
7.13 组织沿革
administrative history
7.14 基础数字汇集
collection of essentia1 data
7.15 专题概要
thematic summary
7.16 档案出版物
archival publications
8.l 保管 Custody
8.2 保护
8.3 全宗卷
fonds descriptive file
8.4 档案馆建筑
archives building
8.5 档案库房
archival repository
8.6 档案装具
archives container
8.7 密集架
compact shelving
8.8 载体
8.9 耐久性
8.10 退变
8.11 修复
8.12 加固
8.13 修裱
8.14 适宜性原则
Principle of compatibility
8.15 相似性原则
Principle of similarity
8.16 可逆性原则
Principle of reversibility
8.17 加湿
8.18 去湿
8.19 脱酸
8.20 去污
8.21 熏蒸
8.22 防灾规程
disaster plan
8.23 复制
8.24 档案缩微品
archival microform
9.l 统计 Statistics
9.2 登记
9.3 统计指标
statistical target
9.4 统计报表
statistical form
9.5 统计分析
statistical analysis
9.6 全宗卡片
fonds card
9.7 全宗单
fonds management sheet
Alt 切换 ASF 自动进纸器 Bi-D Adjustment 双向调整 BTR 转换辊
Carriage Unit 字车 Continue 操作继续 CR Guide Shaft 导轨 CR Motor 字车电机 Fatal Error 致命错误 FEED JAM 进纸卡纸 Form Feed 受令/换行 FUSER ASSY.加热组件 Ink Cartridge 墨盒 Memory 存储器 Memory Overflow 内存溢出 Motor 电机 On Line 联机 OPC drum 硒鼓 Paper Jam 卡纸 Paper Out 缺纸
Parallel Interface 并口 PE Sensor 缺纸传感器 PF Motor 走纸电机 Printer Open 机盖打开 Printhead 打印头 PSB 电源板
Pump Unit 泵组件 Reset 复位(清除打印机内打印数据)Ribbon Cartridge 色带 Sensor 传感器 Status Sheet 状态页Timing Belt 皮带 Toner Low 碳粉少 Toner Out 碳粉用尽 Toner 碳粉 Toner Save Mode 省碳粉状态 Warming-up 正在加热 sided 单面 2 sided 双面 20-bin sorter stapler 20格分页装订机 20-bin stapler sorter 20格装订分页器 2nd generaion 二次影印 access code 接入码 acknowledge 收到
action 执行、动作+B405 activity journal 活动日志 actuator 传动装置 add 添加
adding or inserting sheets 增加或插入纸张 adding the cover 增加封页 ADF mixed size mode ADF混合尺寸模式 advanced copy 高级复印 after recalling your settings 调用设定值后 air vent 通风口 alarm 报警器、报警音 alarm lamp 报警指示灯 alarm light 报警指示灯 alarm silent 报警器静音 alarm&key volume 报警器和按键的音量 aligning roller 定位辊 altitude 高度 anode 阳极/正极 ans/fax ready 答录/传真已准备好 area editing 区域编辑 area image overlay 局部影像覆盖 assigned number 分配号 audible alarm 声音报警 auger 螺旋钻
auto color select 自动选择颜 auto doc size detection 原稿尺寸自动探测 auto duplex tray 自动双面纸匣
auto feed 自动进纸 auto feed indicator 自动进纸指示灯 Auto Image Density 自动调节影像浓度 auto original type 自动判断原稿类型 auto paper select 自动选择影印纸类型
auto power off mode 自动断电模式 auto print 自动打印 auto reduce/enlarge 自动缩小/放大
auto separation sensitivity level 自动分离灵敏度级别 auto staple 自动装订 auto start 自动启动 auto text/photo mode 自动判断文字/照片模式 autodialer 自动拨号器 automatic duplex copying 自动双面复印 back fence 后挡板 background density 背景浓度 background print 后台打印 background, dirty 背景,脏 batch box 批邮箱,合并邮箱 batch box no.批邮箱号,合并邮箱号 batch tx 批发送,合并发送 black & white 黑白 black copy 黑白影印 blade 刮板 blank slip sheet 空白薄衬纸 block junk fax 阻止垃圾传真 blocked number list 阻止号码表 bold 粗体 book 书本 book origianls 书本原稿 border erase 消除边框阴影 both 两者 bound(book)original 装订原稿 box in use 邮箱在使用中 box list 邮箱列表 box name 邮箱名称 box No 邮箱号 breaker 断路器 brightness 亮度 broadcast 广播 bulletin box 公告邮箱 bus reset 总线复位 bushi 层数 bushing 轴衬 bypass feed copying 手送台影印 bypass tray 手送台 bypass tray 旁路输纸盘 c+A57opy 副本 cable clamp 电缆夹具 calibration 标定 call request 通话请求 call reserve 通话预定 caller 主叫人、来电人 caller ID 来电者身份
carbon backed 带复写面 cardboard 硬纸板 carriage 托架 Carrier Sheet 纸垫 cassette cover 色带盒盖 cassette size label 纸盒尺寸标签 cathode 阴极 caution 小心 center erase 消除中间阴影 center line 中心线 center paper guide 打印纸中央导杆
center/border erase 消除中间/边框阴影 centering 居中 changing the machine's settings 改变机器设定值
charger 充墨器 chassis ground 底板接地 check 复选;选中 check # of document 检查文件数,检查文件页数 check box 复选框 claw 卡爪 clearance 间隙 clutch 离合器 coarse 粗糙 code key 代码键 collate copies 逐份打印 color adjustment 颜色调节 color adjustment/memory 颜色调节/记忆 color background 颜色背景 color balance 颜色平衡 color balance ajustment 颜色平衡调节 color balance program 颜色平衡程式
color balance sample 颜色平衡样本 color conversion 颜色转换 color creation 颜色创造 color erase 颜色消除 color mode 颜色模式 color to convert to 转换色 color to be converted 被转换色 colored area 带色区域 column adjust knob 列调节旋钮 column scale 列刻度 com No 任务号 combination chart 功能合并使用表 combine 连接 combine 2 original 连接2份原稿 combine 4 original 连接4份原稿 commands full 任务已满 communication light 通信指示灯 complementary color 补色 confidential 保密 connector 端子 console 控制台式 console type 台式 continuous polling operation 连续查询工作、contrast 对比度 copies 复印份数 Copy 晒制 copy counter 影印计数器 copy density 复印浓度 copy exit 复印出纸口 copy from paper tray 由纸匣影印 copy media 副本媒质 copy panel reset 复印面板设定 copy panel reset 复印画面重设 copy tray 影印件托盘 copying 复印 copying do's & don'ts 关于复印应做和不应做的事项 cord 软线 correction fluid 修正液 cover page 封面 cover sheet 封页/封页纸张 crooking image(skewed)影像歪斜 curl corrector 卷曲矫正器 current page 当前页 custom paper size 自定义纸张尺寸 custom paper size 自定义影印纸尺寸
custom size original 常规尺寸原稿 cut 切割 daily maintenance 日常维护 daishi 台纸、底纸 damp heater 除湿加热器 dark copies, making 深色副本,复印 dark copies, problem 深色副本,问题 dash 横杠 data bit 数据位 data overrun/underrun 数据传输过量/不足 data spooling 数据假脱机 default settings 缺省设定 delayed commands 定时任务 delayed tx 定时发送 delete area 区域删除 density 浓度 detail 详细 developer material 显影剂 developing system 显影系统 dialing pause 拨号延迟 dialog box 对话框 die cut 冲切 digital plain paper copier 普通纸数码复印机
directionalmagnification 偏倍 directional size magnification 偏倍 dirty background 脏背景 display color 显示颜色 dither matrix 抖动显示阵 do not 请勿 document 原稿、文件 document feeder 输稿器 document feeder(ADF)自动送稿机、送稿机
document file 文档文件 document guide 原稿导板 document jam 原稿卡纸 document list 文件表 document number 文件号 document tray 原稿托盘 do's & don'ts 应做和不应做的事项 dot matrix 点阵 Double Rod 双夹纸杆 dropout/color dropout 脱落/颜色脱落 drum cartridge 显影滚筒 drum cover 鼓盖 duplex 双面影印 duplex paper 双层纸 duplex thick paper 双层厚纸 duplex unit 双面装置 duplex/series/combine copying 双面/连续/连接影印 easydial 简易拨号 easydial directory 简易拨号簿 ECM 纠错模式,自动纠错模式 editor pen 编辑笔 electric cotact 电触点 endless tape ribbon 环形循环色带 energy saver indicator 节能指示灯 enlarge tx 放大发送 environment 环境 erase 消除 erase box 删除邮箱 erase parts of the copy image 消除部分影印影像 erase tx doc 删除已发送文件 error code 误码 error dispersion method 误差分散方法
example display 实例显示 exit 出纸口 exit tray 出纸盘 explosure glass 曝光玻璃 extender 延伸板 facing 相对页 facing pages 相对页面 favorite key 常用键 fax call 传真信号 fax document 传真原稿 fax exit 传真出纸口 fax forwording 传真转发 fax number 传真号码 fax tone 传真音 fax© 传真并复印 Fcode list F代码箱列表 Fcode name F代码箱名 Fcode number F代码箱号 Fcode polling F代码查询 F-code tx F代码发送 feature 功能 feed direction 输稿方向 feed direction 进纸方向 feeder, roll 供纸器,纸卷 feeding hole 送纸孔 fence lever 护栏手柄 file No 文档号 film 薄膜纸 film projector unit 软片投影单元 fine 精细 finishing 整理 firmware 固件 first copy 首份复印 first copy speed 首张复印速度 flash 闪断 flatbed scanner、FBS平面扫描仪 form length 页长 frame ground 机架地线 free space 剩余空间 friction coefficient 摩擦系数 friction plate 摩擦板 front & back cover 封面和封底 front cover 前盖 front cover 封面 front panel 前面板 fulcrum 枢轴 full color 全色 full color copy 全色影印 full image overlay 全影像覆盖 Full Size 全尺寸 fullbleed copy 出血版影印 function menu 功能目录 function menu display 功能目录显示 fuse 定影 fuser 定影器 fusing system 定影系统 fusing tempreture 定影温度 Fusing Unit 定影装置 gamma 灰度系数 glassine 玻璃纸 glossy photo 光滑照片 gray scan 灰度扫描 grayscale 灰度级 grid voltage 栅极电压 group 分组 group No.分组号,分组号码 guide arm 导向臂 guides, original 导向板,原稿 guides, paper 导向板,纸页 halftone 半色调 halftone 灰度 halogen lamp 卤素灯 hammer pin 打印针销 hassyoku gata 显色型 high quality printing 高级打印 highlight 加亮 hold 保留 hold time 保留时间 host adapter 主机适配器 hub 中转站 humidity 湿度 ID code 标识代码,身份代码 ID code 身份代码 identifier code 标识码
if your machine dose not operate as you want 机器不按使用者指令操作时 image adjustment 影像调节
image creation 影像创造 image overlay 影像覆盖 image transfer 图像转印 impact paper 压敏纸 index scale 索引刻度
indirect electrographic process 间接电子照相方式 ink ribbon 色带 input capacity 输入容量 insert original indicator 插入原稿指示灯 installation 安装 interface cable 接口电缆 interface port 接口端口 interrupt copying 急件插入影印 interrupt(ion)中断 interrupted copying 插入复印 introduction 序言 invalid numnber 无效号码 jack 插孔、插座 Jam 卡纸/夹纸 jammed staple 卡住的订书钉 jams, frequent 夹纸,经常 jams, original 夹纸,原稿 jams, roll paper 夹纸,卷筒纸 jams, sheet paper 夹纸,单页复印纸 job memory label 工作记录标签 key buzzer silent 键蜂鸣器静音,按键静音
key copy counter 主复印计数器 key operator code 主操作员密码 label 标签 label paper 标签纸 landscape printing 横向打印 large capacity tray(LCT)大容量纸匣 latent image 隐像 layout 布局 LCD 液晶显示器 Leading Margin 前缘空白 LED LED指示灯 LED eraser array LED清除阵列 letterhead 公司信纸 level 纸位、余量 leveler 水平仪 light 照明 light 清淡 light copies, making 淡色副本,复印 light copies, problem 淡色复印,问题 limit mark 限制标记 line 线条 line counter 行数计数器 line printer 行式打印机 line space 行距 list 清单 list exit 列表出纸口 load numnber 负载号码 loading a roll 纸卷的装入 local communication mode 本地通信模式 location 位置 location ID 地点标识 lock 闭锁装置 lock support 锁定支架 logo 标志 long edge binding 长边装订 lower case 小写 lower right cover 右下盖 machine setting 本机设定 macro key 组合功能键,预设多重操作键
macro program 组合功能程序,预设多重操作程序 magnetic bridge circuit system 磁桥路系统 magnetic screwdriver 磁性起子 main power indicator 主电源指示灯 main power switch 主电源开关 main unit 主机 mainframe 主机 maintenance, daily 维护,日常 making combine copies 连接影印
making duplex copies 制作双面影印本 making series copies 制作连续影印本 making single copies 制作单面影印件
manual feed 手动供纸 manual feed knob 手动进给旋钮 manual staple 手动装订 margin 空白 margin adjustment 页边调节 mark 标记 master making 制版 master roll 版纸卷 media, copy 媒质,复印 memory 内存、剩余存储空间,存储器 memory receive light 储存接收指示灯
memory transmit 储存发送 memory, program 记忆体,编程 menu 目录 message reject 信息拒收 mirotoning 微调色 mirror 反光镜 mirror carriage 反光镜滑架 mirror image 镜面影像 mishin me 页缝线 mode 模式 monitor volume 监听器音量 monitor/call 免提/通话 motor 电机 move cursor and enter value 移动光标并输入数值
multi 多面 multi access 多通道 multi paper tray 多纸托盘 multicopying 连续复印量 multiple copy 多份复印 multiple copying 多份复印 multi-position staple sorter 多角度装订分页器
Natural Tracing Paper 天然描图纸 next doc 下一份原稿 no command stored 未存储任务 nonsort 不分页 non-standard size paper 非标准尺寸影印纸
normal paper mode 普通纸模式 not stored 未存储 note 注意 nukikasu 打孔纸屑 number of pages 页数 number of stored pages 已存储的页数 numeric key 数字键
off line 脱机 OHP 透明胶片 okuri hole 送纸孔 on indicator 开指示灯 on line 联机 one touch key 单触键 one-sided copy 单面复印 one-touch label 单触标签
open &check blinking cover 打开并检查闪烁的盖子
open collector 集电极开路 Opening 原稿出口 operate standalone 单机工作
operation panel 操作面板 operation switch 操作开关 operator's manual pocket 操作手册袋
optical fan 光风扇 option 选件 option 选购 option/optional 选用件 organic reagent 有机药剂 orientation 打印方向 original feeding tray 输稿盘 original guide 原稿导板 original table 原稿台 original tray 原稿托盘 originals 原稿 originals jams 原稿夹纸 oritatami 折页、折叠 outline image 轮廓影像 output shifting 分头输出
output stage 输出架 override 越过 override 跳越 overwrite doc 改写文件 page counter 页计数器 page image 页图像 page number 页码 page numbering 页面计数 page quantity 页量 paint 上色 paper cassette 纸匣 paper clip 回形针 paper cutting rail 裁纸板 paper do's & don'ts 关于纸页应做和不应做的事项
paper feed unit 输纸装置 paper for list 列表用纸张 paper guide 影印纸导板 paper guide 导纸板 paper jam alarm 卡纸报警 paper jams, roll 夹纸,纸卷 paper jams, sheet 夹纸,单张纸 paper press holder 压纸架 paper selection 影印纸选择 paper size 纸张尺寸 paper size select 选择纸张尺寸
paper thickness adjust lever 纸厚调节杆
paper tray 纸匣 paper tray 纸盘 paper, roll 纸页,纸卷 paper, thick and thin 纸页,厚的和薄的 parity error 奇偶校验错误 partial copy 部分复印 passcode 密码 password 口令 pasteboard 厚纸 pastel 淡色 pause character 暂停字符 PDL(page description language+A16)页描述语言
pedestal 供纸台 pedestal 底座 periodic maintenance 定期保养 personal computer 电脑 phase sequence 相序
photo 相片,图片 photo conductor 光电导体 photo type selection 照片类型选择
photosensitive drum 感光鼓 pick roller 拾取滚子 pin 针脚 PIN 个人识别号 platen 打印辊 platen cover 原稿盖 platen glass 稿台玻璃 polling 查询,遥索 polygon mirror 多面镜 portrait printing 纵向打印 positive/negative 正/负向 poster mode 海报模式 power connection 电源连接 power consumption 耗电量、电力消耗 power consumption 功耗 power cord 电源线 power lamp 电源指示灯 power stacker 动力收纸器 power switch 电源开关
precaution 预防措施 Preset Cut 预定幅宽 preset R/E 预置缩小/放大 preset ratio 预置比例 press print 印刷品 pre-transfer 预转印 pre-transfer discharge 预转印放电 primary contrast 原始灰度 primary resolution 原始精度 print 打印 print cylinder(drum)滚筒 print density 打印浓度 print engine 打印引擎 print head 打印头 print job 打印作业 print orientation 打印方向 printdoc 打印原稿,打印文件
printer 打印机 printer client machine 打印客户机 printer cover 打印机盖 printer driver 打印机驱动程序 printer server machine 打印服务机
printer unit 打印装置 printing hammer 打印锤、打印头 problems, troubleshooting 问题,故障排除
program 程式 program setting 程式设定值 program user color 用户选用色编程
programming 编程 proof tray 试印托盘 protect passcode 保护密码 radio button 单选按钮 ratio 比率、率 Rear Table 后台板 rear table 后板 recall 调用 receipt number 接收编号 receive reduction print 接收缩小打印 recording paper 记录纸 redial 重拨 reduce/enlarge 缩小/放大
reducing and enlarging 缩小和放大
reduction margin 减小边距 reference mark 参考标记 reference point 基准点 reflector 反光罩 regular polling 常规遥索 regulator 稳压器 relay box 中转邮箱 release 开启钮 remark 注意事项 remote communication mode 远程通信模式 remote fax 远端传真机 remote location 远端地点 repeat image 重复影像 report 报告 reproduction ratio 复制比例 reserved 预定 ribbon brake lever 色带阻滞器杆 ribbon cassette 色带盒 ribbon feed knob 色带进给旋钮
ribbon guide 色带导向板 ribbon separator 色带掩膜 ribbon subcassette 副色带盒 Roll of Paper 纸卷 roll paper 卷筒纸 roller close botton 色带轮关闭按钮 roller lever 色带轮杆 roller open lever 色带轮开/合杆 rubber roller 橡皮滚筒 same original 同原稿 sample cover page 封面样例 sample display 样本显示 save area 区域保留 scale 比例尺 scan area 扫描区域 scan size 扫描尺寸 scanned color 扫描色 scanner unit 扫描装置 scanning area 扫描区域 scraper solenoid 鼓分离爪螺线管 screen contrast knob 屏幕对比旋钮
screened letter 网点字母 screw shaft 螺丝轴 secchyoku zai 粘合剂 sectional view 截面图 securemail 保密邮件 security 保密接收 security box 保密邮箱 security feature 保密功能 security reception 保密接收 select a color mode 选择一种颜色模式 selected area, copying 选择部分,复印 selecting the color 选择颜色 selenlum drum 硒鼓 semi synchro cutting 半同步切纸 sender 发件人 sense data 感测数据 separator line 分隔线 series copy 连续影印 Service Indicator 维修指示灯 service indicators 维修指示灯 service representative 维修服务人员 set arm 色带盒装卸臂 setbox 设定邮箱 setting 设定值 settings, default 设定,缺省 shadow image 阴影影像 Sheet 单张纸 shift 移位 shift home position 移位起始位置 shift tray 移位纸盘 shift/book 移位/书本 shifting the image 影像移位 short edge binding 短边装订 showall 显示全部 side cover 侧盖 signal ground 信号地线 silent operation 静音操作 silicone oil 硅酮油 simplex 单面影印 single color 单色 single color copy 单色影印 size magnification 尺寸缩放
skewed image 影像歪斜 slanted image 倾斜影像 slash 斜杠 slider sheet 滑板 slit exposure type 狭缝曝光方式 smooth 修匀 soft/sharp 柔和/清晰 softkey 简易操作 sort 分页 sort 分页 sorter 分页器 sorting into sets 分页成组
sorting mode 分页模式 speakerphone 扬声器电话 special mode 特殊模式 specification 技术指标 specification 规格 spiral shaft 螺旋轴 Spool 卷轴 spooling 假脱机 stack 堆积 stack 叠放 stack 分类 stack bypass feeding 旁路供纸 stacker 收纸器 stacker panel 收纸器面板 stamp 确认印记 standard size paper 标准尺寸影印纸 staple 装订 staple 订书钉 staple cartridge 装订盒 staple unit 装订装置 starting the machine 启动机器 status light 状态指示灯 sticker 粘签 sticky note 粘条 stiff originals 质地坚硬的原稿 stopper 制动器 中间设备 intermediate equipment 调制解调器 modem 调制器 modulator 解调器 demodulator 执行 execute 资源分配 resource allocation 周围时间 turnaround time 吞吐量 through put 交错 interleave 联址 bind 处理 process 作业 job 分派 to dispatch 调度 schedule 运行 run 命令语言 command lanuage 装入模块 load module 批处理 batch processing 交互方式 interactive mode 联机的 inline 脱机的 offline 仿真 to emulate 目录 calalog 迁出 roll out 迁入 roll in 交换 swapping 分页技术 paging technique 通道 channel 控制面板 control panel 插接板 plugboard 指示器 indicator 监视器 monitor 计时器 timer 时钟寄存器 clock register 检验器 verifier 数据转换器 data converter 编码器 encoder 译码器 decoder 串并行转换器 staticizer 并串行转换器 serializer 输入输出设备 input-output device 终端 terminal 登录器 logger扫描器 scanner 光扫描器 optical scanner 字符阅读器 character reader 曲线阅读器 curve follower 绘图仪 plotter 显示器 display device 计数器 countor 累加器 accumulator 算术部件 arithmetic unit 加法器 adder 串行加法器 serial adder 并行加法器 parallel adder 半加器 half-adder 全加器 full adder 减法器 subtracter 加减器 adder-subtracter 补码器 complementer 存储器 storage device 存入 storage 存入 to store 存储单元 storage location 存储单位 storage cell 磁心 core 磁鼓 drum 磁盘 disk 盒式磁带 cassette 卡式磁带 cartridge 磁卡 magnetic card 抹除 erase 区 band 扇段 sector 柱面 cylinder 字符识别 character recognition 缓冲存储器 buffer storage 辅助存储器 auxiliary storage 寄存器 register 盘驱动器 disk drive 击打式打印机 impact printer 点阵打印机 matrix printer 喷墨打印机 ink jet printer 置位 set 复位 reset 直接存取 direct access 只读存储器 read-only storage 存取时间 access time平均无故障工作时间 mean time between failures(MTBF)错误 mistake 故障 fault 失效 failure 故障停机时间 down time 标识符 identifier 关键字 keyword 文字 literal 缺省的 default 引用 reference 生命期 life time 数组 array 变量 variable 常量 constant 聚集 aggregate 参数 parameter 间接引用 indirect referencing 赋值 assignment 初始化 to initialize 表达式 expression 标号 label 副作用 side effect 异常 exception 优先 precedence 激活 activation`
鼓 Drum:
是个圆筒形物。在激光打印机中专指圆筒形的光导体,以区别于光导板、光导带,最简单的鼓是在鼓筒两端安上齿轮Gear、导电片Electrical Contract做成一个完整的单鼓。
光导鼓/感光鼓 Photoreceptive Drum:
Organic Photoconductor Drum / OPC Drum:
Photorecepotor Cartridge / lmaging Unit:以光导鼓为核心,加上充电辊、显影辊、清洁刮板等零件,组成一个能把光电信号产生的静电潜像变成可见图像的装置。成像组件中消耗的只是色粉,其它零件只会疲劳或磨损,当色粉用完后,暗盒就得扔掉。
Drum Cartridge / Drum Unit / Drum Kit:有时成像组件就是鼓组件,如HP、Canon系列。有时把显影部分拿开,只保留鼓芯、充电辊、清洁刮板,这部分才是鼓组件,如Epson、Lexmark系列。更有的是连显影辊也保留,仅仅没有粉仓/粉筒,这也叫鼓组件。这种鼓组件不因色粉用完而扔掉,只需更换显影组件,甚至更换粉筒即可继续用,如:Brother系列的部分鼓组件。
Developer Cartridge / TD Cartridge:显影组件中必须有显影辊,它能吸附色粉,并使它带电,进而将色粉转移到鼓表面。显影组件中绝不包含鼓芯、充电辊和清洁刮板,但粉筒有时是单置的。
Toner Unit / Toner Kit / Toner Cartridge:相对某些鼓组件来说,它可能就是个显影组件。但严格讲它没有显影辊,不能使色粉带电。它可能有齿轮、拨杆、下粉槽,能参与机器工作,控制下粉,没有这个粉组件机器就不动作。它形状要求很严,差一点都装不进去,或者即使装进去机器也“不认”,它是机器不可缺少的一部
Toner / Dry Ink / Dry Imager / Dry Toner:墨粉只是黑的色粉。把墨粉叫碳粉就有些牵强,因为很多墨粉并不是用碳黑做成的。若把彩色粉也叫碳粉就更不对,最好叫色粉或显影粉。墨粉的种类很多,有单组份的和双组份的,有正电性的和负电性的,单组份中又有磁性的和非磁性的,都因机型而异。通常标注Toner就表示一个装有色粉的容器,其形状随意,可以是塑料盒、塑料袋,只要能将粉倒入鼓组件或显影组件中就行了。
充电辊 Primary Charging Roller / PCR:由金属芯轴,发泡导电橡胶,外包绝缘塑料套做成的胶辊。其轴两端嵌入导电座Conduct Saddle中,靠弹簧使充电辊紧紧地压在OPC鼓表面。在一定的电压下能使OPC鼓表面充电。充电辊表面如果被异物磨损划伤,就会使OPC鼓表面充电不均匀,甚至短路,打印质量下降,必
显影辊 Developer Roller:显影辊的作用是吸附色粉,使其带电,并传送到OPC鼓表面,产生可见图象。由于单组份色粉也有磁性粉和非磁性粉之分,显影辊也就有磁辊和导电辊之分。
磁辊 Magnetic Roller / Mag Roller / MR:它是由里面固定不动的磁芯棒Magnet和外面可旋转的铝套筒Mag Roller Sleeve以及两端的塑料套、导电弹簧组成。在铝套筒表面喷涂上一层粗糙的石墨层。
显影刮板/磁辊刮板/磁刮板/粉仓刮板/小刮板 Doctor Blade:是注塑或粘接在金属板上的弹性塑胶片。
磁辊在刮板的挤压下可使磁性色粉摩擦带电。磁辊靠磁场力吸磁性色粉,而充电后的OPC鼓靠电场力吸磁性色粉,各显其能。磁辊两端套着耐磨绝缘轴套Mag Roller Bushing,又称间隙套,使磁辊与OPC鼓保持一个严格的间隙(轴套壁厚)。铝套筒通电,与OPC鼓之间存在一个“偏压”,实现“跳步显影”。HP、Canon系列使用单组份磁性粉,磁辊显影是其专利。
但是单组份磁性粉不容易实现彩色化。而且磁性粉保存期不长,于是Epson、Lexmark这类打印机就采用单组份非磁性粉。它的显影辊就是一个充电辊,能使色粉带电又把色粉吸着送到OPC鼓表面上。其显影刮片是用金属薄带Blade Bar做成,又叫均匀刮片,它通上交变电压,使显影辊上的色粉产生跳动而分布均匀。
鼓清洁刮板/清洁刮板/鼓刮板/大刮板 Drun Cleaning Blade/ Wiper Blade / Cleaning Blae:它和磁刮板不同,它不是用胶条的侧面和磁辊的圆柱母线相摩擦带电,而是用胶条端面的锋利刃口和OPC鼓的圆柱母线相切,从而把鼓表面转印后剩下的残粉刮下,因此清洁刮板的金属板和塑胶条较厚、较硬,胶条刃口更容
废粉仓刮板 Recovery Blade:就是鼓刮板。在成象组件中常常把鼓所在的部分(含OPC鼓、充电辊、刮板)叫“废粉仓”Wastc Bin,而把显影辊及墨粉所在部分叫“粉仓”Toner Hopper。
清洁毛刷/消电毛刷 Cleaning Brush / Electrical Brush:对于使用单组份非磁性粉的Epson系列鼓,常常不用清洁刮板而只用清洁毛刷即可。因为非磁性粉的转印率极高,鼓上的色粉图像几乎全部转印到纸上去了,鼓上剩下的残粉很少很少,只需消消电,掸掸粉,甚至鼓组件中连废粉仓都没有。
转印辊 Transfer Roller:和充电辊的结构形状相似,只是它的导电橡胶较硬,表面的绝缘层也不同。因为它只是对纸张充电,使OPC鼓表面上的色粉图像转移到纸上来。转印辊不属于成象组
上定影辊/定影辊/加热辊/热辊/上辊 Upper Fuser Roller/ Upper Roller / Heater Roller:转移到纸上的色粉图像必须经过加热才能使粉中的树脂软化固定下来。定影辊是一支空心金属管,外面涂上“不粘锅”的塑料(泰普隆Teflon),管内装上1~2支卤钨灯(定影灯Heating Lamp)。由于定影辊总放在上面,所以又叫上
下定影辊/定影压辊/压辊/下辊 Low Fuser Roller / Pressure Roller:与上定影辊相对应的是下定影辊。下定影辊绝大多数都是一个实心辊。(除非在高速打印机中下定影辊也做成空心的管状,管内也有一支定影灯),外面包着厚厚的一层硅橡胶(Silicon)使压力均匀,故又叫压辊。当纸张上的色粉通过上下定影辊时,连热带压,就很容易固定在纸上。对于双面打印,为了不弄脏背面,在硅橡胶外面又涂上一层氟套,使已定影的色粉不会粘在下辊上。随着打印速度越来越高,对下辊硅橡胶的软硬度、回弹性、导热性、与氟套之间的粘接性都有更高的要求。
定影轴承 Fuser Bearing For Heat Roller:为了防止上定影辊热膨涨后“抱轴”,除了在辊端加定影衬套Fuser Sleeve,外面再使用标准的特轻系列滚珠轴承。
定影轴套 Bushing For Pressure Roller:压力辊不发热,可
定影膜 Fuser Film Sleeve:打印机都是全天通电的,尤其是多功能一体机24小时都处于工作状态。如果用定影辊,热惯性大,耗电多,机内热量不易散出。为了减少预热待机时间,实现零启动,采用极薄的(60~80μm)耐热塑料套替代定影辊。定影膜是多层的,表面不粘粉,导电,导热。
定影膜硅脂 Grease For Film Sleeve:涂在定影膜内陶瓷片
陶瓷加热片Heating Element:在薄的耐热绝缘陶瓷基片上烧结上印制电阻,将其置于定影膜内,通电后能起到定影灯的加热作用。定影膜和陶瓷加热片热容量小,体积小,大大减小了激光打印
清洁毡 Cleaning Felt:清洁定影辊上的粉块,多用于速度慢,印量不大的PC机。每一个粉组件配一支清洁毡,用一支粉换
清洁辊/定影清洁辊 Cleaning Roller / Fuser Cleaning Roller:在中速打印机中,用耐热毛毡裹在铁芯或铝管外,用来清洁定影辊上的残粉。定期更换。
油(毛毡)辊 Oil Roller(Felt):在高速打印机中,清洁辊毛毡必须浸硅油或在铝管中灌注硅油,使定影辊永不粘粉。长期使用
清洁纸/定影清洁纸 Web Supply / Fuser Cleaning Web:在双面高速打印尤其是彩色打印机中,用成卷的含油耐热清洁纸能更好地起到清洁定影辊的效果。每一卷纸走完后更换。
热敏电阻/温度传感器 Thermistor / Thermal Senson:检查定影辊表面温度的半导体热敏元件,是机器的保护神。
计数器/记忆芯片 Chips:本来计数器是一个简单的记忆工具,帮助用户了解耗材的使用寿命。但是整机厂为了保护自己机器销售后更多的耗材利润,他们不厌其烦地在鼓组件和粉组件上带上记忆芯片OPC Drum Chips/ Toner Cartrldgr W/chips,使用了最新的加密技术,让再生厂或用户即使更换了新鼓芯,加进了新粉,也不能工作。这些芯片有的是不可复写的,提供芯片的原厂都和整机厂签订了封锁性的合同,同时又申请了专利保护。要制做兼容芯片,除了技术,成本是个很大的问题,这就给兼容耗材的生产造成了时间差。当然魔高一尺道高一丈,这场原装与兼容的战争正硝烟
搓纸轮/搓纸辊 Pickup Roller:从纸盘或纸盒中把每一张纸依次送进打印机中去,通常只是一个或一对小轮子。
搓纸轮套 Pickup Roller Tire:由于打印用量大,搓纸轮最容易磨损,只需更换塑料轮架外面的橡胶套即可继续使用。
防双张分离垫 Separation Pad:在高速打印时,为了防止搓纸轮把一张以上的纸带入打印机中,造成卡纸等故障,而设置的一
进纸辊 Paper Feed Roller:搓纸之后打印之前的一组橡胶辊轴,有时又叫对位辊,它保证打印纸的对位精度。
输纸辊 Transfer Roller:在转印之后输送纸张的各辊。
出纸辊 Exit Roller:出纸的最后一排辊,到此完成一张打印
分离爪 Separation Claw:把转印后或定影后的纸从OPC鼓或定影辊/定影膜上刮离下来。
原装产品/原厂制造/纯正/正宗 Original Equipment Manufacture / OEM:原指该品牌厂家生产的产品,如HP的整机所使用的HP、Canon品牌的耗材、备件。又如:美能达Minelta的有些打印机是Epson为他贴牌生产的,使用相应的Epson耗材时对于Minoelta也叫原装。现在把为别的品牌厂生产,让人家贴牌的产品和生产行为也叫OEM。如“某厂为HP公司OEM”。
通用 General:和兼容的含意相同。
替代 Exchange:用不同型号或款式的产品去替代另一种产品,其性能相同,可能形状、体积、重量不同,不影响使用,它比兼容更放宽要求。