第一篇:2017考研英语 习大大访英是英国展示自己的最好时机
2017考研英语 ***访英是英国展示
Britain’s finest on display
Grasping the essence of an old culture like Britain’s is always hard.It’s even more difficult for foreigners who speak a different language.But Chinese people have a leg up, as the two countries prepare for a “golden decade” of cultural exchange.理解像英国这样国家的古老文明不是件容易的事儿,对于讲外语的外国人就更是难上加难。不过趁着中英筹备文化交流“黄金十年”的契机,中国人占得先机。
President Xi Jinping’s visit to the UK, from Oct 19 to 23, is the first state visit by a Chinese president since 2005.It’s expected to be a fruitful event.Xi leads a 150-member business delegation, with billions of pounds of investment planned.中国国家主席习近平于十月19-23日对英国进行国事访问,这是2005年以来中国领导人
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【翻译】Even mountains and seas cannot distance people with common aspirations.【出处】葛洪《抱朴子•博喻》
【翻译】A tree has to strike a firm root before it can flourish.A river has to have a fully dredged source before it can flow unceasingly far.【出处】魏征《谏太宗十思疏》
【翻译】The water is clear and the mountain is bright, the frost comes in at night.Trees are covered with deep scarlet leaves mixed with yellow that is light.【出处】刘禹锡《秋词二首》
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【翻译】The sky is unlimited for birds to fly at ease, as the ocean is boundless for fish to leap at will.【出处】阮阅《诗话总龟前集》
【翻译】A single flower does not make spring, while one hundred flowers in full blossom bring spring to the garden.【出处】《古今贤文》
【翻译】Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters?【出处】《论语•学而》
【翻译】What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.【出处】《论语•卫灵公》
【翻译】He exercises government by means of his virtue.【出处】《论语·为政》
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【翻译】The officer, having discharged all his duties, should devote his leisure to learning.The student, having completed his learning, should apply himself to be an officer.【出处】《论语•子张》
【翻译】The mechanic, who wishes to do his work well, must first sharpen his tools.【出处】《论语•卫灵公》
【翻译】When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers.【出处】《论语•述而》
【翻译】They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who delight in it..【出处】《论语•雍也》
【翻译】Learning without thought is labor lost;thought without learning isperilous.【出处】《论语•为政》
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【翻译】I do not know how a man without truthfulness is to get on.【出处】《论语.•为政》
【翻译】The superior man is affable, but not adulatory.【出处】《论语•子路》
【翻译】Moral injunction of fidelity to one’s parents and brothers and to the monarch and friends, the sense of propriety, justice, integrity and honor, the emphasis on benevolence and kindness towards fellow human beings and the belief the man should be in harmony with nature, follow nature’s course and the constantly pursue self-perfection.17.穷则思变,乱则思定。
【翻译】Poverty prompts the call for change and people experiencing turmoilaspired for stability.【出处】《易•系辞下》
【翻译】As heaven maintains vigor through movement, a gentleman should constantly strive for self-perfection.【出处】《周易》
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【翻译】If one can make things better for one day, he should make them better everyday.【出处】《大学》
【翻译】Get ready to go into the mountain, being fully aware that there may be tigers to encounter.【出处】《增广贤文》
21.图难于其易,为大于其细。天下难事,必作于易;天下大事,必作于细。【翻译】He who wants to accomplish a big and difficult undertaking should start with easier things first and make sure that all details are attended to.【出处】《道德经》
【翻译】The tasty orange, grown in southern China, would turn sour once it is grown in the north.【出处】《晏子春秋》
【翻译】People who cherish the same ideals follow the same path.【出处】习近平北京APEC会议讲话引用。
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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, suchas letters, email, or telephone calls.Use specificreasons and details to support your answer.Model Essay(范文):
I would have to agree that face-to-facecommunication is the best type ofcommunication.Face-to-face communication can eliminate misunderstandings immediately,cement relationships, and encourage continued interaction.If you are talking to someone directly, you can see right away if they don’t understandyou.A person’s body language will tell you they disagree or don’t follow your line of thought.You can repeat yourself or paraphrase your argument.If you had sent an e-mail, the personmay have misinterpreted what you wanted to say.He or she could be insulted and you wouldhave to waste time explaining yourself in another e-mail.When you talk face-to-face, you communicate with more than words.You communicatewith your eyes and your hands.You communicate with your whole body.People can sensethat you really want to communicate with them.This energy bonds people together.Yourrelationship with a person can grow much stronger when you communicate in person.Face-to-face encounters tend to go on longer than other forms of communication.An e-mail lasts a second;a telephone call, a few minutes.However, when you meet face-to-face,you’ve made an effort to meet with the person, and the person has made an effort to meetwith you.You will probably spend longer together talking.The longer you talk, the more yousay.The more you say, the strongeryour relationship will be.In summary, if you want to establish a relationship with another human being, the bestway is talking face-to-face.When you communicate directly, you can avoid misunderstandingsthat may occur in writing.You can communicate on levels other than just words and you canspend more time doing it.