
时间:2019-05-14 23:38:19下载本文作者:会员上传


暖场音乐:Good Time 开场音乐:星球大战

张:Good evening, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the English Speech contest of our school.郭:尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好!欢迎来到今天演讲比赛的现场。

张:There are all together19 contestants to compete in today’s Contest, all from Grade 1.And this competition will be decided by a panel of five judges.Each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speech.Their scores will be instantly announced.郭:角逐今晚演讲比赛决赛的有21名选手,他们均来自高一年级。此次比赛我们邀请到了五名评委。每位选手有三分钟的时间呈现自己的演讲,分数会当场公布。

张: Now I have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Speech Contest.Ladies and gentlemen, English Teachers from Grade 3.Miss._____

Miss ______Miss ______

Miss_______ Miss ________ Miss ______Mr._______

Mr._______ Let’s welcome them again with our warm applause.郭:接下来我很荣幸的向大家介绍今天的评委老师,他们是来自高三的__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 让我们再次对他们的到来表示热烈的欢迎!

张: Do you have a friend that you can always remember? Do you have friendship that can last forever? Now, our English Teachers from Grade 1 will tell you by singing an English song: Auld Lang Syne.Where are your applause and scream? 郭:有没有一位老友你时刻惦记?有没有一段友情可以一直持续?现在,高一英语组的老师们将用一首歌告诉大家。《友谊地久天长》 掌声和尖叫声在哪里?

张:Ladies and gentlemen , How is their performance? Use one word to describe it? Good!Two? Very Good!Three? Very Very Good!Here our contest will begin, now welcome contestants No,1 _________ from Class _______.Contestants No.2 __________please be prepared.郭:放松过后,演讲比赛现在正式开始。掌声有请一号选手,来自_____班的_______, 2号选手_________做准备。

郭:Score report for No.1 ________.The final score of ________ is __________.Now welcome contestants No,2 _________ from Class _______.Contestants No.3 __________please be prepared.郭: 反复(你前后两位选手我负责)

诗朗诵 《The Giving Tree》 音乐:秘密花园

张: Don’t walk in front of me I may not follow

Don’t walk behind me , I may not lead

Walk beside me and be my friend!

There are many wonderful stories about friendship, now let’s enjoy one together!Welcome Su Chang from Class one to share a story with us----The Giving Tree.郭:Score report for No.________.The final score of ________ is __________.Now welcome contestants No, _________ from Class _______.Contestants No.__________please be prepared.张:

Now , all of our contestants have accomplished their speech, Wait a moment, The final result will soon come out.So let’s enjoy an English song , Welcome Fan Lixuan from Class 15.音乐:The Show


张: Here comes the most exciting moment!The Third Prize goes to __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please come onto the stage.Welcome ________________________to award prizes to them.郭: The Second Prize goes to _____________________________________________________________ Please come onto the stage.Welcome ________________________to award prizes to them.张:The First Prize goes to _____________________________________________ Please come onto the stage.Welcome ________________________to award prizes to them.张:Congratulations to all of them for their excellent performances!郭:让我们再次以热烈的掌声向所有的选手表示衷心的祝贺!

音乐:We wish you a Merry Christmas 张:I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented by the 20 contestants.Thank you for your hard work.Boys and girls,(转向听众)Let's give them a big round of applause.Congratulations to all of them for their excellent performances!郭:让我们再次以热烈的掌声向所有的选手表示衷心的祝贺,对他们的努力和精彩表现表示


张: And I think our distinguished judges and leaders who make this contest possible deserve a big round of applause, too.(感谢裁判)郭:让我们以热烈的掌声对评委老师的辛苦付出和领导的大力支持表示衷心的感谢!

张:Last but not the least, , I think you deserve a big round of applause, too for being such good audience.(感谢听众,自己给自己鼓掌)郭:最后,让我们把掌声献给自己,感谢大家的认真聆听和热心参与。

张:The new year is coming ,wish all of you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!Good bye!See you next time!郭:祝愿大家圣诞快乐,新年快乐!再见!



一、W:Good afternoon,everyone,my honored teachers and my fellow students.I'm very

honored to be the host for today's competition this afternoon to give the opening speechfor everybody.

T:Now you are watching the 5th English speech contest of Yucai Middle School.This is the final of grade 7 and grade 8.Thank you for coming to this afternoon’scompetition.W:In today’s show.There are 21 contestants in both groups.They are comingfrom different Classes of different Grades.During the contest,for each student, you’ll

have 5 minutes or so to give your speech.And after your speech, one of our judges willask you some questions.You’d better give out your own understanding or ideas aboutthem.Ok, Ihope we can exchange experiences of how to learn English better from it.AndI believe that these experiences will be very useful for the students in our school.SoI hope we'll all make good use of this opportunity.Believe yourself and just hold it!

T:Yeah, it’s a very great chance for us to learn each other, isn’t it?

二、T: Ok, now, let's warmly welcome our headmaster, Mr.GAO to give us a short speech.(after Mr.GAO making remarks)

三、W: Thanks for Mr.GAO’s speech.And now I think it’s better for me to introduce our

judges.四、W: Ok, time for show, I think.The contest is divided into two groups.The first one is

Grade 7.1、Now.Let’s warmly welcome contestant No.1____­­­__­­______._______ topic is“__”and

contestant No.2, please, get ready.五、T: Wonderful!These _____ contestants give us a wonderful show.Now, ladies andgentlemen, let’s get down to the other show.1、First, let’s warmly welcome contestant No.1____________,________ topic is“________________________”and contestant No.2 get ready please.六、W: And now, we are taking a short break and waiting for the final results.For thisperiod, let’s welcome Mr.GAO again to give us a comment for this competition.(Warm


七、T: Good afternoon, everyone.Welcome back to the 5th English speech contest of Yucai

Middle School.And now you are watching the final.After our judges’ discussion, the exciting moment is coming.First, I would like to announce the third winners of grade 7 are:

And then, the second winners:

W: Ladies and gentlemen, can you feel the most exciting moment? Yeah, how exciting the

moment is!Yeah.Right now, what I am going to announce is the first winners.The first

pries goes to: _____________, _______________.Congratulations!

T: I would like to announce the third winners of grade 8:

And the second winners are:

W: Right, the final, which is the first winners of grade 8 are: Ok, I want to welcome Mr.GAO giving this announcement out!Please!

Congratulations, too!

八、T: Thank you, Mr.GAO.Now,let’s welcome the third winners to come onto the stage.And warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners.And then second winners please.W: Ladies and gentlemen, let's bring the first winners onto the stage with a warm of

applause.九、T: well,how exciting today the contest is!

But, now I have to say: That’s all, thank you!

T& W: Good bye!

Ladies and Gentlemen , Good evening,we are very happy to gather here to hold an English speech contest.First of all, let me introduce our distinguished guests tonight:A,B,C.And I would also like to take this opportunity to wish this English speech contest can make perfect success.Now it's time for the players to have performance.For this English speech contest all the players have made careful preparations.So I'm sure we'll be able to enjoy many excellent performances tonight.Good morning/evening,boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen,(因为有学生,有老师)welcome to the English Speech contest of xxx school.My name is XXX.I am honored to be the host oftoday’s Englsih Speech Contest.我叫XXX名字.作为这次英语演讲会的主持,我很荣幸

介绍评委,Now I have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Speech Contest.Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.xxx from...(介绍时,就提高声调说他们的名字,并用手做


介绍比赛规则Now I would like to introduce the rules for the contest.Number one...介绍选手出场.: ladies and gentlemen, contestant number 7,XXX!

结束语等等。I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented by the(10 说出参赛者的总人数)contestants.Thank you for your hard work.Boys and girls,(转向听众)Let's give them a big roundof applause.(为参赛者鼓掌)

AndI think our distinguished judges who make this contest possible deserve a big round of applause, too.(感谢裁判)

Last but not the least, boys and girls, I think you deserve a big round of applause, too for being such good audience.(感谢听众,自己给自己鼓掌)

Good bye!See you next time!

M: Good morning, Ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the 21st Century Erricsson Cup 8th National English Speaking Competition.First, let me introduce the two of us, your hosts for today.I’m Jason Subler from Beijing Broadcasting Institute and standing here beside me is Ms.Qin Yuanyuan, an English program hostess from Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation.W: Thank you, Jason.I’m honored today to co-host this year’s speaking competition.I’m known about the 21st Century Cup since my school times.Today, I feel really happy and excited that this competition has come to Nanjing, not only because it is a city that I’m living but because it is a city with splendid culture and history and more

importantly, a city with so many English learners.M: Since China Daily started this competition in 1996, it has drawn the attention of thousands of young people and has proven to be the most prestigious English speaking competition in China.It aims to promote English language learning in China and to bridge the different culture of the world.The competition has also been chosen by the London base English Speaking Union as the qualification contest in China for its annual international public speaking competition.Past champions of our competition have gone on to the win the first prize and the best non-native English speaker awards in London.This is the 8th time that China Daily has organized this contest.We hope it will be a good opportunity for the participants to display their talents in language and public speaking and to exchange ideas on important current issues.The scale of our competition has always been expanding.About 500 students from more than 300 universities around China took part in the first round of the competition last October.After regional contests in east, west, south, and north China, the top two winners from each region now come to today’s final competition to compete with contestants from our seed universities.W: There are all together 24 contestants from university around China to compete in today’s English Speaking Competition.M: Ladies and gentlemen, this competition will be mediated by a panel of seven judges.The panel includes experts on communications and on English language teaching and learning.Also on the panel are three “question masters” who will be responsible for

raising questions of today’s contestants.Now let’s go over the rules of the competition…


we, having been living in one corner of the world for several decades, must ask ourselves what is the level of our national strength and our civilization.this is the final awakening of which i speak.to put it another way, if we open our eyes and take a hard look at the situation within our country and abroad, what place does our country and our people occupy, and what actions should we take?...our task today can be said to be the intense combat between the old and the modern currents of thought.those with shallow views all expect this to be our final awakening, without understanding how difficult it is to put [constitutional government] into practice...there is no difference between the shameful disgrace of submissiveneof men of ancient times hoping that sage rulers and wise ministers will practice benevolent government and present day men hoping that dignitaries and influential elders will build a constitutional republic.why should i reject the desires of dignitaries and influential elders, who are after all a part of the people, to build a constitutional republic? only because a constitutional republic cannot be conferred by the government, cannot be maintained by one party or one group, and certainly cannot be carried on the backs of a few dignitaries and influential elders.a constitutional republic which does not derive from the conscious realization and voluntary action of the majority of the people is a bogus republic and bogus constitutionalism.it is political window-dressing, in no way like the republican constitutionalism of the countries of europe and america, because there has been no change in the thought or the character of the majority of the people, and the majority of the people have no personal feeling of direct material interest.we, having been living in one corner of the world for several decades, must ask ourselves what is the level of our national strength and our civilization.this is the final awakening of which i speak.to put it another way, if we open our eyes and take a hard look at the situation within our country and abroad, what place does our country and our people occupy, and what actions should we take?...our task today can be said to be the intense combat between the old and the modern currents of thought.those with shallow views all expect this to be our final awakening, without understanding how difficult it is to put [constitutional government] into practice...there is no difference between the shameful disgrace of submissiveneof men of ancient times hoping that sage rulers and wise ministers will practice benevolent government and present day men hoping that dignitaries and influential elders will build a constitutional republic.why should i reject the desires of dignitaries and influential elders, who are after all a part of the people, to build a constitutional republic? only because a constitutional republic cannot be conferred by the government, cannot be maintained by one party or one group, and certainly cannot be carried on the backs of a few dignitaries and influential elders.a constitutional republic which does not derive from the conscious realization and voluntary action of the majority of the people is a bogus republic and bogus constitutionalism.it is political window-dressing, in no way like the republican constitutionalism of the countries of europe and america, because there has been no change in the thought or the character of the majority of the people, and the majority of the people have no personal feeling of direct material interest.



初赛题目: three words for 2012 复赛命题演讲题目及评委提问:

topic;which of the four main characters in “journey to the west” would you most like to make friends with? why? question;would you like to make the same journey? why? 2.t;some schools set cameras in every classroom to monitor teaching.do you agree or disagree? why or why not? q: you talked about the advantages of cameras.what are the disadvantages of setting cameras? 3.t: let teachers take part in exams with students and let adults be children one day.do you agree or not? q: do you think it is ok to be friends with teachers? 4.t: which of the four main characters in “journey to the west” would you most like to make friends with? why? q: if you have a chance to go abroad, which country would you prefer to go to? 5.t: some schools set cameras in every classroom to monitor teaching.do you agree or disagree? why or why not? q: don’t you think cameras invade our privacy? why? 6.t: let teachers take part in exams with students and let adults be children one day.do you agree or not? 7.q: if you were the principal of your school, what would you like to do? 8.t: many high school students think they are heavily burdened with homework.do you support the idea? why? q: if you had no homework, what would you like to do first in your spare time? 9.t: do you think attending english lessons at a language school has any real benefits? why(not)? q: how do you learn english? 10.q: you were talking about love and hope.imagine you are in a disaster area;you meet a family whose house needs repairing, what could you do in practice? 11.t: you know in cities like beijing or other large cities in china, we have a subway system and sometimes it can get really crowded.for female passengers, sometimes it’s inconvenient.so do you think it’s necessary for the subway system to have a special carriage for female passengers? q: don’t you think it’s bad to set a special carriage for the female? 12.13.t: on the internet, there are many blogs.do you have your own blog? what would the theme be? 14.t: you know in big cities like beijing or other large cities in china, we have a subway system and sometimes it can get really crowded.for female passengers, sometimes it’s inconvenient.so do you think it’s necessary for the subway system to have a special carriage for female passengers? q: do you think men feel the same in a crowded carriage? 15.t: if you could be a shen zhou astronaut, what would you most like to do in outer space? q: would you like to go to the outer space? 16.t: what do you think is the most important quality for an olympic game volunteer? q: do you consider yourself suitable to be a volunteer? why? 17.t: what is your motto in life? please tell us your own understanding of it.q: what helps you to be a determined person? 18.t: should mobile phones be banned in primary and junior high schools? give your reasons.q: can you imagine your life without a cell phone? 19.t: how do you understand “lifelong learning”? q: imagine you are 20, 30, 40„„ you have your own family.are you going to continue learning? 20.t: “the moon is beautiful but barren.gazing at it, we „„ we should care for our home” please discuss your views on it.q: what would you do to care for our home? 21.22.t: what are some of the ways you make friends? which method do you like best? why? q: are friends more important than your family? 23.t: should mobile phones be banned in primary and junior high schools? give your reasons.q: would you let your kids bring a cell phone to school if you had a kid? 24.q: you talked about the disadvantages of tv.are there any advantages of tv? 25.t: an athlete once said after receiving a medal, “ and i need to thank those people who didn’t support me.” what are your feelings about this? q: imagine you needed help from one of your friends, but he refused you.what’s your feeling? 26.t: youth is the most beautiful season in your life.how do you understand it? q: which is better, youth or childhood? 27.t: an athlete once said after receiving a medal, “ and i need to thank those people who didn’t support me.” what are your feelings about this? q: if sb asks you to support him/her, will you support him or her? 29.t: which is better for senior high school students, to travel with parents or with friends? q: are you afraid of going abroad alone? 30.篇二:高中英语演讲比赛稿


we, having been living in one corner of the world for several decades, must ask ourselves what is the level of our national submissiveneof men of ancient times hoping that sage rulers and wise ministers will practice benevolent government and present day men hoping that dignitaries and influential elders will build a constitutional republic.why should i reject the desires of dignitaries and influential elders, who are after all a part of the people, to build a constitutional republic? only because a constitutional republic cannot be conferred by the government, cannot be maintained by one party or one group, and certainly cannot be carried on the backs of a few dignitaries and influential elders.a constitutional republic which does not derive from the conscious realization and voluntary action of the majority of the people is a bogus republic and bogus constitutionalism.it is political window-dressing, in no way like the republican constitutionalism of the countries of europe and america, because there has been no change in the thought or the character of the majority of the people, and the majority of the people have no personal feeling of direct material interest.we, having been living in one corner of the world for several decades, must ask ourselves what is the level of our national submissiveneof men of ancient times hoping that sage rulers and wise ministers will practice benevolent government and present day men hoping that dignitaries and influential elders will build a constitutional republic.why should i reject the desires of dignitaries and influential elders, who are after all a part of the people, to build a constitutional republic? only because a constitutional republic cannot be conferred by the government, cannot be maintained by one party or one group, and certainly cannot be carried on the backs of a few dignitaries and influential elders.a constitutional republic which does not derive from the conscious realization and voluntary action of the majority of the people is a bogus republic and bogus constitutionalism.it is political window-dressing, in no way like the republican constitutionalism of the countries of europe and america, because there has been no change in the thought or the character of the majority of the people, and the majority of the people have no personal feeling of direct material interest.篇三:高中英语演讲比赛主持稿


一、w: good afternoon,everyone,my honored teachers and my fellow students.im very have 5 minutes or so to give your speech.and after your speech, one of our judges will ask you some questions.you’d better give out your own understanding or ideas about them.ok, ihope we can exchange experiences of how to learn english better from it.and i believe that these experiences will be very useful for the students in our school.so i hope well all make good use of this opportunity.believe yourself and just hold it!t: yeah, it’s a very great chance for us to learn each other, isn’t it?(after mr.gao making remarks)

三、w: thanks for mr.gao’s speech.and now i think it’s better for me to introduce our judges.四、w: ok, time for show, i think.the contest is divided into two groups.the first one is grade 7.contestant no.2, please, get ready.五、t: wonderful!these _____ contestants give us a wonderful show.now, ladies and gentlemen, let’s get down to the other show.applause)first, i would like to announce the third winners of grade 7 are: and then, the second winners: w: ladies and gentlemen, can you feel the most exciting moment? yeah, how exciting the moment is!yeah.right now, what i am going to announce is the first winners.the first pries goes to: _____________, _______________.congratulations!t: i would like to announce the third winners of grade 8: and the second winners are: gao giving this announcement out!please!congratulations, too!and then second winners please.w: ladies and gentlemen, lets bring the first winners onto the stage with a warm of applause.九、t: well,how exciting today the contest is!but, now i have to say: that’s all, thank you!t& w: good bye!ladies and gentlemen , good evening, we are very happy to gather here to hold an english speech contest.first of all, let me introduce our distinguished guests tonight:a,b,c.and i would also like to take this opportunity to wish this english speech contest can make perfect success.now its time for the players to have performance.for this english speech contest all the players have made careful preparations.so im sure well be able to enjoy many excellent performances tonight.good morning/evening, my name is xxx.i am honored to be the host of today’s englsih speech contest.我叫xxx名字.作为这次英语演讲会的主持,我很荣幸

介绍评委,now i have the great privilege of presenting todays judges for this speech contest.ladies and gentlemen, mr.xxx from...(介绍时,就提高声调说他们的名字,并用手做

出有请的姿势,评判就站起来.大家鼓掌.)介绍比赛规则now i would like to introduce the rules for the contest.number one...介绍选手出场.: ladies and gentlemen, contestant number 7,xxx!结束语等等。i know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented by the(10 说出参赛者的总人数)contestants.thank you for your hard work.boys and girls,(转向听众)lets give them a big round of applause.(为参赛者鼓掌)and i think our distinguished judges who make this contest possible deserve a big round of applause, too.(感谢裁判)last but not the least, boys and girls, i think you deserve a big round of applause, too for being such good audience.(感谢听众,自己给自己鼓掌)good bye!see you next time!first, let me introduce the two of us, your hosts for today.篇四:中学生英语演讲比赛稿范文



good morning, my dear teachers and friends!my name is li bingke, from class four o five.today, i am very happy to be here.my topic is our school.in our school, our teachers work hard and help us with our lessons.we study hard and listen to teachers carefully.after class, our teachers play with us and we feel very happy.our school is so nice and our teachers are so kind.we all love them.dear friends, do you like them? thats all.thanks!篇五:美联英语杯.树德中学高一英语演讲大赛1 美联英语杯·“freshman and fresh voice”英语演讲比赛



树德中学(成都市四中)位于宁夏街树德里4号(新城市广场背后),距离八宝中心1公里左右,全校共计2524人,高一14个班,815人。11月份学校将针对高一学生展开主题为“freshman and fresh voice”的英语演讲大赛,大赛将面向全校宣传,并深入到高一各班。根据前期跟学校团委沟通,学校愿意接受我们的赞助。



1.通过赞助实现美联品牌在树德的深度传播,并产生直接的业绩; 2.通过本次赞助实现我们跟校方的直接合作;




主办:树德中学校团委、高一年级英语备课组 承办:树德中学校团委组织部 赞助:美联英语


美联英语杯·freshman and fresh voice英语演讲比赛(“新生,新声”英语演讲比赛)演讲主题:my dream(我的梦想)







2.评委:高一英语年级组全体老师。3.参与群体:高一全体同学 4.决赛具体流程:




① 仪表仪态(着装、表情、肢体语言):20分。② 演讲(共80分):


b.演讲内容(是否切合主题、能否感染人、思想深度等综合考虑):40分 c.流利程度、节奏把握:30分 d.是否原创:5分





主题:美联英语杯·“freshman and fresh voice”英语演讲比赛 亲,我知道你是新生,有比赛,你就参加吧,不要担心是否得奖,不要害怕对手强大,如果遇到有人挑衅,有全班给你撑腰; 如果遇到英语难题,有老师给你撑腰;

如果遇到其他疑问,不用怕还有美联英语给你撑腰; 所以,“freshman and fresh voice”,加入吧!(奖项设置相见上表)


数量:5张/班级 尺寸a4黑白或彩打 4.决赛现场背景:主题画面>5米

主题:美联英语杯·“freshman and fresh voice”英语演讲比赛





2.通过活动赞助跟校方建立关系,并将此作为中学合作模板推广到其他学校; 3.和团委签订私人协议,如果介绍一个学生返一定提成。




we, having been living in one corner of the world for several decades, must ask ourselves what is the level of our national submissiveneof men of ancient times hoping that sage rulers and wise ministers will practice benevolent government and present day men hoping that dignitaries and influential elders will build a constitutional republic.why should i reject the desires of dignitaries and influential elders, who are after all a part of the people, to build a constitutional republic? only because a constitutional republic cannot be conferred by the government, cannot be maintained by one party or one group, and certainly cannot be carried on the backs of a few dignitaries and influential elders.a constitutional republic which does not derive from the conscious realization and voluntary action of the majority of the people is a bogus republic and bogus constitutionalism.it is political window-dressing, in no way like the republican constitutionalism of the countries of europe and america, because there has been no change in the thought or the character of the majority of the people, and the majority of the people have no personal feeling of direct material interest.we, having been living in one corner of the world for several decades, must ask ourselves what is the level of our national submissiveneof men of ancient times hoping that sage rulers and wise ministers will practice benevolent government and present day men hoping that dignitaries and influential elders will build a constitutional republic.why should i reject the desires of dignitaries and influential elders, who are after all a part of the people, to build a constitutional republic? only because a constitutional republic cannot be conferred by the government, cannot be maintained by one party or one group, and certainly cannot be carried on the backs of a few dignitaries and influential elders.a constitutional republic which does not derive from the conscious realization and voluntary action of the majority of the people is a bogus republic and bogus constitutionalism.it is political window-dressing, in no way like the republican constitutionalism of the countries of europe and america, because there has been no change in the thought or the character of the majority of the people, and the majority of the people have no personal feeling of direct material interest.篇二:中学生英语演讲比赛演讲稿 篇三:中学生英语演讲比赛稿范文



good morning, my dear teachers and friends!my name is li bingke, from class four o five.today, i am very happy to be here.my topic is our school.in our school, our teachers work hard and help us with our lessons.we study hard and listen to teachers carefully.after class, our teachers play with us and we feel very happy.our school is so nice and our teachers are so kind.we all love them.dear friends, do you like them? thats all.thanks!篇四:英语演讲比赛稿件

in 2001,the world trade centre was struck by highjacked planes,and endless people suffered their death in explosions and smoke.in 2011,a number of countries in mid-east were trapped in chaos,and a second of peace has been a luxury for their children.in 2012,the conflicts on sovereignty have developed into a serious crisis,and thousands of innocent people are live in the shade of war.i have a dream that the scene where desperate people are bleeding, crying and dying,can be replaced by a spot in which healthy people are smiling, singing and dancing;i have a dream that the whole world,from paris to tripoli, from new york to terheran,everybody will talk to others with friendship and sincerity rather than hatred and rudeness;i have a dream that all discrimination and prejudice will be abandoned,and people from every continent and every country can join their hands in harmony and happiness, regardless of the colors of skin, status, sex and properties.i’m looking forward to this day, a day when hunger and bloody clash will no longer be a threat to those naive and lily-white children;a day when women will not experience injustice and abuse;a day when families won’t be broken by accidents and wars——and i sincerely hope,and firmly convinced that this day will eventually arrive.篇五:英语演讲比赛通讯稿

外国语与国际交流学院成功举办英语演讲比赛 为了提高学生的英语演讲水平,丰富同学们的课余生活,激发同学们的学习热情,11月22日晚,由外国语与国际交流学院举办的大学生英语演讲比赛在旧教学楼1111正式拉开帷幕。担任此次比赛的评委分别是临床医学院学生会宿管部部长张玉金,医学人文学院第五届学生会学习部副部长关雅莉和留学生lucky。通过本次英语演讲比赛,同学们展示了自己的风采,在欢笑中收获了自信,更在比赛中学习、成长。此次比赛也使同学们对自身英语实力有了更为客观的认识。



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