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环球美联英语的六大英语培训体系: 1.成人零起点基础英语培训体系; 2.外教英语口语培训体系; 3.职场商务英语交流培训体系; 4.留学移民英语培训体系;

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美联英语提供:新SAT考试16条备考策略 两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平




1.Answer Every Question 回答每一个问题

The SAT doesn’t have a guessing penalty, so you should fill in an answer bubble for every question even if you have no clue what the correct response is.If you find yourself with a few questions left in the section and only 30 seconds on the clock, you should provide random answers for all of them.既然新SAT已经取消了答错倒扣分的判分原则,考试当天,就不要在答题纸上留下任何空白和遗憾。尤其是当某道题不会或时间不够的时候,更要毫不犹豫地猜出你的答案。

2.Be Prepared for the Format 熟悉考试形式

Knowing what to expect is half the battle on the SAT.When you sit down to take the test, you want everything to look familiar so you can avoid mistakes triggered by stress.At the very least, you should review the timing and structure of the exam before test day.Taking practice tests with appropriate time constraints is the best thing you can do to alleviate confusion on this front.考试之前再重新熟悉一遍SAT阅读、文法、数学和写作各个部分的考试形式、出题套路、常考考点以及时间分配。特别需要提醒大家的是,很多考生走出考场后都在抱怨时间不够用,这其实是缺乏时间管理概念,建议考试之前严格按照考试时间做几次模拟练习。

3.Don’t Linger on Hard Questions 别和难题过不去

Getting stuck on one question for too long can do serious damage to your performance on the SAT, especially considering the fact that there are only four sections.If you have no idea how to solve a math problem or can’t seem to settle on one choice for a writing or reading question, skip it and move on.You can come back to it after you make it through the rest of the section.在平时练习和备考的过程中,费时间弄懂每一个题目,尤其是自己不会的难题是很有必要的。但是,在考试的过程中,一定要讲策略,不要过多的纠缠难题,即使这道难题作对了,却因此浪费了很多解决容易题目的时间。

4.Read Introduction First 先读引言


5.Question With Line Numbers First 行数提示题先行


6.Details Before Main Idea 先细节题后主旨大意题


7.Take Advantage of Find the Evidence Questions 顺藤摸瓜

在SAT阅读考试中,经常会出现这样一道题:Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?这是一道证据题,让你在本题中为你上道题所做的选择提供证据支持。碰上这道题,先阅读上道题的题目,但不急于做题,然后从这道证据题入手,根据选项中行数提示,就能很快在原文中定位出上道题答案出现的位置。

8.Locate Your Answer in the Passage 如何在原文中寻找答案



9.When in Doubt, Choose the Most Concise Answer 猜题的技巧

The shortest answer is often the best answer on the Writing section because good writing consists of saying what needs to be said without any unnecessary fluff.Super wordy answers are usually not the ones you want.Of course, this doesn’t hold true for every single question, but it’s a solid rule of thumb if you’re stuck.在SAT文法考试中,往往最短的那个选项,也许就是最佳选项,因为好的作文往往是越简单明了越好。所以如果,考试中犯晕了,就选择最短的选项。

10.NO CHANGE Answers Are Just Like Other Choices NO CHANGE也是选项之一

Often, NO CHANGE answers are wrongfully viewed as more likely or less likely options than other answer choices in the Writing section.In fact, they’re just as likely to be correct as any of the alternative options.Don’t be afraid to pick NO CHANGE if you’ve double checked your reasoning and determined that it’s the correct choice.很多同学看到文法题中的NO CHANGE总是一脸懵逼,总觉得这种选项怪怪的,所以做题的时候不敢选这一选项。其实NO CHANGE跟其它选项一样,只不过是四个选项中的一个选项而已,如果你觉得其它三个选项都不如原文的用法好的话,就勇敢地选择它吧~

11.Get Rid of Duplicate Answers 选出特别的那一项

Sometimes, questions on the Writing section will have answer choices that are so similar to one another that choosing one over the other wouldn’t make any functional difference in the sentence structure.This means you can get rid of two choices in one fell swoop.如果文法考试中,某两个选项在形式或意思上非常接近,那么这两个选项基本可以排除,这样你要做的就是二选一了。

12.Know the Formulas 熟记公式

Although the SAT does provide important formulas at the beginning of each of the Math sections, you’ll be a much more efficient test-taker if you have the formulas memorized.It's a waste of time to keep flipping back to the beginning of the section whenever you think you need a formula to solve a problem.在考卷中,虽然也会给出一些常用的公式,但是记住这些公式,或者自己常用的公式能够为考试节省不少时间。

13.Plug in Answers 代入法:化繁为简

If you have no idea how to solve a math problem, one way to get around that is just to plug in the answer choices until you find the correct solution.在数学考试中,代入法是最有效的解题方法,尤其是你找不到解题思路时。代入法,通常分两步走:首先用一个数置换问题中的未知数(不要用0、1或者问题中已经出现过的数)得到一个答案;然后用这个答案去检查四个选项。

14.Annotate 加强笔记法练习


15.3W Principle for SAT Essay 掌握3W原则


3W Principle for SAT Essay:

What the author does?

Why he or she does it?

What effect this is likely to have on readers?

16.Template for SAT Essay掌握SAT写作框架

掌握新SAT Essay 写作的构架技巧,能够让你用更加清晰的文笔将自己对原文的分析过程跃然纸上。





http://m.meten.com/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:雅思英语口语练习文章


Model Answer

1、What job do you do?

I'm working as an office assistance in a private company.I've been working for ages.2、What is the nature of that work?

I am the one who balances drawers, hire ,fires, makes sure everything is going well and thatbusiness is booming, I do advertising, write payroll checks, keep up with time cards, keep upwith invoices of all sales, go to bank, do deposits, make sure the store has proper change butnot too much money....3、Why did you choose to do that job?

My job offers me decent salary, good opportunity and enable me keep touch in the latesttechnology in computer science.I enjoy challenge in my job.4、Is that a popular choice of career in your country?

Yes.It's a demanding job.People do this job get well paid in general.5、Would you say your job is very important?

Work is not important;it's simply a means to make money so that I won't starve to deathand that I would have a roof over my head.Funnily enough, I love

related.6、How do you think your subject will help you in the future?

It wasn't my first choice.I wanted to major in administrative services management, but mymom thought I should do pharmacy because it is safer.I agreed with her, but I foud thebusiness management stuff more preferable.7、How did you get that job?

Looked through help wanted ads in local newspaper, stopped by businesses and asked ifthey're accepting employment applications, typed a resume and emailed it to a bunch of places.I was hired by emailing a resume directly to my employer.8、Is it easy to find work doing your job?

Well.......since my job isn't the best in the world I can find crappy jobs anywhere.Mainlymanual labor......But, if I have to I can work for my dad at his bar.But I don't want to do that.We are too much alike and I have a feeling I would be looking for another crappy job anyway

9、Where do people get information about jobs, from newspaper or from TV?

There are many jobs advertised in Jobcentres.The computers would be full of jobs.If I narrowed the search down to local towns, I could usually find about 20, of which maybe2 I was qualified to do.My partner has been looking at the local rag recently and thesituations vacant page is about an inch long.10、Are there other ways for people to get information about jobs?

I think online-recruitment is the most reliable way to find recruiting information.Theagencies are there to make money for themselves tweaking your CV while promising a gloriousjob for you.but there were never any jobs to begin with.They made money out of YOU.11、Which do you enjoy more, communicating with people at work, or the workitself?

The latter I think.started working three weeks ago and I would not say that I am shy but Ifind it hard to know what to say to them.The words I use the most are “Morning”, “byeeveryone” and “see you tomorrow”.I don't really have conversations with them..They don'teven bother talking to me too since I came in, some of them just stare at me when they passby..I don't know what to do and what to say!

12、Which do you enjoy more, working or studying?

Work.At least you're doing something rather than just sitting there.Oh yeah, you makemoney too.Nobody pays you to study though it may come in handy later on.You learn a lot ofthings which are out of the text-book.13、What do you like about your work?

I work 25 hrs a week but make as much as I'm working full time.I have 4 hours in theafternoon to do personal stuff, I am off on snow days and holidays and get paid for it, and canspend time with my kids.But the position is not what I'm looking for in my future.14、Do you think it's very important for people to do a job that they like?

Definitely.Passion is a kind of motivation.I have a fear that I will never be able to retire so Iwould like to find a job that I can live with for the rest of my life and never have any problems.Idon’t wanna get burned out soon after I start working.15、What other job do you think you would enjoy, apart from your present job?

My dream job would be the president of the United States, and not only that, but I'd loveto be the president with the majority of Congressional members and S.court justices agreeingwith me.But even if both branches were against me, nothing could be a better job than beingthe president.雅思英语口语练习文章2


Do you think music play what role in our life?

Just as other kinds of art, music has become an indispensable part of human culture.It bringsus with nutritious spiritual foods, enriches our leisure life.In addition, music can do good tous very much.It can elicit the imagination of us.I am sure you will soon be refreshed from a day's hardwork and relax.1.Can you tell me the western music's impact on the world music?

Oh, it is a difficult question, the western music is definitely great, and it plays an important roleon the world music.Many musical talents and eminent musicians have been trained in westerncountry, such as Beethoven, Mozart and so on.2.Do you think it's necessary to open a music course in high school?

Yes, of course.There is usually 1 or 2 hours each week used for teaching music.I think thereshould be more , such as at least 3 or more.3.What effects will take place you think to let children(students)study an instrument ?

Music can do good to children(students)very much.It can elicit the imagination of children(students).Also, it teach them how to distinguish beauty from nature.4.It's often more easy for children to learn music than adults.Can you tell me why?

Oh, that's because it's important to have soft fingers and palm to learn a music mechanism ,such as guitar.Children have more flexible fingers and they are more likely to find the correctfeeling.5.Do you like music or not? why?

I like music.I like singing, especially in front of many people.I often sing for my friends.Whenthey praise me, I feel happy.Also, listening to the music, I am sure you will soon be refreshedfrom a day's hard work and relax.6.Describe the music you like most and tell me why?

I like classic music.It usually has a slow rhythm and a pleasant melody.Listening to themusic, I can soon be refreshed from a day's hard work and relax.7.What are the differences in music between China and western countries?

Oh, it is a big question, in general, the symphony of western countries is long while most ofChinese music is small piece.雅思英语口语练习文章3

Describe a place that you have been to that has a lot of water.You should say:

where this place is

what people do at this place

why(& when)you went there

and explain whether you like this place or not.My hometown is famous for springs.In the centre of our city, there are a group of springs located together.They all flow into one lower pool.People name it Black Tiger Spring.It has become a symbol for my city and attracted crowds of local citizens and tourists.Summer is the best time to visit the spring, especially on a hot day, because spring water makes the air cool down, plus there are trees providing shelters.All

to come to fetch spring water.It's also a paradise for fishing lovers.Old men could spend a whole morning there fishing.They seem to enjoy themselves a lot.At weekends, English learners come and get together to have English corner.Calligraphy lovers practice writing characters on the ground with a huge brush pen and spring water as ink.A few decades ago, there were even more springs flowing.For one time, the rapid developing industries consumed a lot of water.Some springs therefore become dry.However, in recent years, the local government has been working on reconstructing the city's underground water system to make dried springs flow again.They did a good job.Springs now come back into our life.I was there last July.It rained slightly that day, which made the trip kind of romantic, as you could see rain needles dipping into the water surface.I walked along the pool, feeling so peaceful in mind.I like the place, and I will go there again.Part 3

Water Usage

Do you think people use more water today than they did before(e.g., 20 or 50 years ago)?

I think so.First of all, industrry is the largest user of water.We are now having more industries.Industry requires a great amount of water.So, more

water is being used.The second largest user of water is domestic use.People use more, drink more, and most sadly, waste more.Do you think it's important to try to save(conserve)water?(Why?)

It is of vital importance for human beings to save water.We need water—our lives depend on it.We all know that the world's population is getting larger day by day.More water is being consumed.At the same time, there are many places on this world where people are suffering from lack of drinking water.Water is a precious resource.It is urgent to save water from being wasted.How can people save water?

Water conservation has two aspects: one, use water efficiently so that there is enough for the needs of all living things;two, keep freshwater clean, so that it can continue to support life on Earth.As an ordinary citizen, I appreciate what my family does in saving water.We reuse used water.It's simple.I've always believed that if every family devotes its own effort, water saving will no longer be a mission impossible.小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:








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当你开始动手写你的求职信的时候,最好珍惜时间直入主题,因为人力资源面对的是成百上前份简历。开头就要解释你为什么写这封求职信并将你感兴趣的职位头衔写在里面。你可能还要说一下你是在哪儿听到这份工作的:“I am writing to express my interest in the Sales Manager position advertised on your Web site.I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review.”

一封求职信是你向雇主证明你是最好人选的好机会,是一种间接的沟通与说服,因此确定该职位的职位要求是重要的第一步。然后,介绍你以前和这些要求相关的工作经验,并且最后以类似这样的话总结:“I am confident that these combined experiences make me an ideal candidate for this position.”


当你写求职信的时候,你应记得你的任务是推销自己,沟通并说服雇主选择你!陈述你能为雇主所做的,而不是相反,这样能让你脱颖而出。使用一些行为动词例如facilitated,developed和managed来描述你的工作职责,并自信地表示:“I strongly believe I possess the right combination of skills and experience you are looking for”

好吧,现在坐下来,开始写一封求职信,然后马上发出去,这一系列动作保证了一件事情:发生错误!一旦你写了求职信,要确保你稍后会校正或是请你的朋友看一下。仔细检查拼写和语法错误并确保写得不会太长。最好,put yourself in the employer's shoes,或假设你是雇主,这封求职信能否获得你的关注,并决定你是否想要雇佣一名写了这封求职信的应聘者。如果不想,从头改写直到你写出一封令人入胜的求职信!



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