
时间:2019-05-15 01:47:30下载本文作者:会员上传



Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning!Welcome to Henan!I’m your tour guide Lena.I’m honored to welcome you all, my friends from US, on behalf of my company, China Travel service.Allow me to introduce you to our driver Mr.Zhang.He’s a very experienced driver, so we are in safe hands.We’ll work as a team to make you feel welcomed and make sure the safety of our trip.If you have any questions or you experience any difficulties, please come to us, we are here to help you.We’ll do our best to make your trip in Henan pleasant and memorable.Today we are going to visit the most famous scenic spot in Jiaozuo--Yuntai Mountain.We’ll leave Jiaozuo at 7 am and arrive at Yuntai Mountain around 8am.After that we will go to see the Red Stone Gorge first, and then Tanpu Gorge, Quanpu Gorge.In the afternoon after lunch we will go to visit the Cornel Peak.We’ll be back to our hotel at 7pm.Since we are already in Jiaozuo, allow me to give a brief introduction about the city.Jiaozuo is located in northwest of Henan, on the northern bank of the Yellow River.It is known for its coal resource and coal mine.Thus it earns the title of “Coal City”.This city is abundant in both culture resources and natural Landscape.Jiaozuo's Chen Jiagou is the birth-place of China's famous Taiji Boxing which has a history of more than 400 years.A great number of people in Taiji boxing circles from all over the world go to Chen Jiagou to worship the ancestors and learn from the masters.Have you watch the movie Kung Fu Panda 2 this year? In the movie the dragon warrior Po found his inner peace and finally defeated his enemy.The core of Taiji Boxing is also about finding inner oeace.Today I’ll tell you a place where you might find your inner peace, the most beautiful place in Northern China—The Yuntai Mountain.Yuntai Mount is situated in Xiuwu County, Jiaozuo City.The Yuntai Waterfall, 314 meters high, is the highest waterfall in China.Deep valleys and quiet gorges, unique stones, green pools, wondrous waterfall and wild flowers form a beautiful landscape.The highest waterfall in China—the Yuntai Waterfall is also here.This mountain is among the first group from all over the world that received the title of World Geologic Park from UNESCO in 2004.Yuntai Mountain has long been recognized as a popular tourist resort throughout history.The Han emperor Xiandi(the last emperor of the Han Dynasty)had left his summer resort and mausoleum based here.In the Tang Dynasty(618-907), Sun Simiao, the medicine king, often collected herbs and made traditional Chinese medicines here.The great poet of the Tang Dynasty, Wang Wei, wrote an immortal poem on Cornel Peak, 'one misses relatives the most during the holidays'.Many famous visitors in history left their stone inscriptions and steles here, enriching its cultural value.Alright everybody, now we’ve arrived at the Yuntai Mountain.Please remember the number of our bus,YU AL1007,we will have three hours to visit the scenic spot, and after three hours ,please assemble at the parking lot here on time.Now please take your valuable things along with you and get ready to get off the bus.云台山景区讲解词

Well, ladies and gentlemen, we now entered Red Stone Gorge.We must carry on the tour along the plank road;therefore everybody, please be careful.Red Stone Gorge is a valley with steep cliffs of red rocks standing straight up on both sides.It is the geologic relic of a crustal movement that took place 1.4 billion years ago, and rare Danxia landform in northern China.Here the White Dragon Waterfall is divided into three sections and drops in level of about 50 meters(164 feet).Many springs and waterfalls dash against cliffs, making numerous colorful beads in sunlight, it’s really a masterpiece of the Mother Nature.Two red stones emersed above the water, look as if two lovers are locked together in a long kiss.Nine dragon pools make a stream whose water is so limpid that many beautiful stones can be seen clearly.Do you guys feel that down here is a little bit warmer than the outside.Because with those steep cliffs stangding straight up on both sides, this phenomenon causes inside and outside the valley the air not to be easy to circulate, thus has created in the valley the unique climate characteristic, which is warm in winter and cool in summer than the outside.So it is also called “the warm plate valley”.Now we are here at the Tanpu Gorge, Quanpu Gorge.Here in the Tanpu Gorge tourists also can watch shadowboxing show for free.Tanpu Gorge used to be called Xiaozhai Valley;People changed it to Tanpu Gorge, because Tanpu means pools and waterfalls.And in this valley there will be a spring in three steps, a waterfall in five steps and a pool in ten steps'.Now we are here at the Quanpu Gorge.And right now in front of us is the Yuntai Waterfall.Like I said before, it is the highest waterfall in China.Yuntai Waterfall which has a drop of about 314 meters(1,030 feet).Seen from afar, the waterfall kisses the blue sky like a skyscraping pillar, producing deafening roars.Now we are at the Cornel Peak.Cornel Peak is the highest peak of Yuntai Mountain, which is about 1,308 meters(4,291 feet)above sea level.The statue in front of us is the great poet of the Tang Dynasty Wang Wei, who wrote the famous poem on Cornel Peak.Now, let’s climb.While we are climbing, there are many kinds of trees and flowers along the way, and once in a while, we can catch a glimpse of wild animals, such as rabbits and birds.Now we’ve arrived at the top of the peak, we can see the Taihang Mountain in the north.Lofty mountains extends as far as eyes can see.Also the vast plain in the south, the crisscross fields which appear like a chessboard and the ribbon-like Yellow River also can be seen.It’s easy for us to find out what the great poets felt when they were on top of the mountain.So until now, the visit in the the Mount Yuntai Scenic Area is almost over.I think you may have some questions about the museum, or you want to take some photos,so,please do remember,you will have an hour.After an hour we will gather at the gate,and make sure you'll be there on time.Then we are going to the next place.Thank you for your attention!



云台山的沿途讲解: 各位游客朋友们大家好~欢迎大家走近黄河母亲的怀抱,领略中原八千年的文明,感受华夏古今的沧桑。









沿公路而上,过了迎宾洞,我们看见的就是温盘峪景区了,它是地质历史学上因为地壳读断裂运动而遗留下来的断裂构造痕迹。峪深80余米,峪长1公里,宽为3 到10米,峪深群山环抱,使得峪内的空气不能很好的与外界交流,就形成了自己的独特的小气候,这里冬暖夏凉,常年处于温暖当中,故名“温盘峪”。在温盘峪的南端有一“白龙瀑”,落差50余米,峪内的“泉、潭、瀑、溪”的水,都是通过白龙瀑而倾泻在白龙潭中的,但是奇怪的是在白龙潭下游我们却看不见流水,这是为什么呢?原因还是因为水的侵蚀和腐蚀作用,使得潭下有一地下通道,使得水表为地下水,潜流在30公里以后的五里源乡的海蟾宫再次转化为地表水。这里的九龙潭除了白龙潭之外,还有眠龙潭,苍龙潭、子龙潭、青龙潭、黑龙潭、黄龙滩、卧龙潭、首龙潭等等,在这里无论你是荡舟潭中,还是徒步前行,每走一步都会使您流连忘返的,在这里的温度常年都是10度左右,在夏天水凉刺骨不宜游泳,但是冬天确实冬泳的好去处。






Dear friends, welcome to Yuntai Mountain:

Henan Yuntai Mountain, is a UNESCO Award for the world's first world geological park.There is a song called “home” have a look, there is a desire that often go around, and I was so that everyone desires into reality and leave a good impression on the tour guide, you can call me Xiao Zhang, under grand to introduce us the head the most handsome driver king master, king master has excellent driving technology, he escorts for us, we can lay down the heart easy to play.This saying is not one family does not enter a door, now that we are on the same car is also one family? So in our journey to everyone on our services have any comments or suggestions, please just ask, if be perfectly logical and reasonable we will try to meet all the requirements, the last wish you a pleasant journey.Friends when you embark on a trip to Yuntai Mountain, whether there is a kind of unable to hold oneself back feeling it, then please allow me to introduce you to Yuntai Mountain also listen for fast.At the junction of county territory.Due to the steep mountains, the solitary mountain show., shaped like a giant pot mouth, covered in the peaks above the mountains all the year round, wind around the clouds.Here are the size of mountain 36, rise amid pinnacle, Xiongqi dangerous show, Yuntai Mountain is the ancient Yubei Mingshan, now has completed the Yuntai Mountain scenic area in Henan province is the only one to have the key national scenic area, national 5A level scenic area, national geological parks, national Forest Park, the national water scenic area, national Macaque Nature Reserve District 6 state title in the scenic area and it is the world geological park.Now open area are: warm plate Valley, the old lake ditch, xiaozhaigou, cornel peak

Yuntai Mountain risk water, cool and pleasant climate.This source of rich, lush vegetation, the primeval forest covered the hills, various types of more than 400 trees and exotic flowers and rare herbs.Chinese herbal medicine is rich, in addition to ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum and famous at home and abroad four Huaiyao and dogwood, Angelica 200 kinds of.Sun Simiao had been in the Tang Dynasty old alchemy, so far in this mountain area is also circulating he ascended the story “.To tell you that we may have a doubt, Jiaozuo is a coal city, the street should be the dust, how could the hooks and tourism? If you don't believe in through the window to check my claim, in recent years, Jiaozuo in the courage to break traditional development pattern, in a coal is proposed on the basis of the construction of garden city, the grand goal, after several years of construction, Jiaozuo days in the blue mountains, green, the water in the clear.Way to say to talk talk, we came to the area of parking lots, in the car before it I want you to draw up three chapters of law, of course, is not in our daily life the said laws and regulations, but everyone in the scenic tour some matters needing attention: first, it is the time requirements: wish everyone in the area when they visit Strictly abide by the time requirements, let us strive to do a person also cannot little, less of a person too, second is the safety requirements, for your safety, please do not walk walking not viewing, viewing, third it is my please do scenic culture spokesman, cultural tourism begin from me, do civilization the tourists.Good friends, would you please close the window, take your belongings, get off with me to visit, please remember our parking place and my license plate number in A51588

Yuntai Mountain attractions

Overlooking the vast sea of clouds, the distant peaks rolling, with vast and mysterious eyes distant landscape reminds us of the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei's poem: Baiyun back, green mist into the watch, no, peak, and report the special.Here we come now to the ”China first odd gap“ red stone gorge, the red stone gorge aka ”warm plate valley“.Because the valley is named after the summer and winter temperature.The red stone gorge tour you'd better stand high and remote viewing, when you close it is a wonderland of illusion, a former Gu Huaiqing prefect Xu Yizhen once wrote a poem praising the ”year of the ghost ax layer cliff, bird flying line open.“


Tourists and friends:

Hello everyone!Welcome to Henan travel, come from afar, all the way hard, I am your guide Zhang, we can call me Zhang guide, a stable character Big Brother will escort for everyone's safe trip, that is behind me is being Driving master Lee, the Yuntaishan Scenic Travel by the two of us for the full service, and where necessary, despite your proposed, we will give every effort to resolve your satisfaction is our greatest affirmation of the work , I hereby wish you a pleasant and successful trip, and hope you can enjoy yourself and have fun.Next, I briefed our trip today: We set off from Zhengzhou, across the Yellow River, Jiaozuo direct access to Xiuwu County, to reach our destination---Yuntaishan Scenic Area.Friends, now around us in Zhengzhou City, we come to a simple look Zhengzhou: Zhengzhou, the ancient Yuzhou, 1027 BC, Zhou Wu destroy Yin I post here for the tube country, the Eastern Han Dynasty to become the tube city, Now there Guancheng District title until Sui Wendi three years, only the title of Zhengzhou, and still in use.In 1923, after the Beijing-Huang Railway strike, Zhengzhou became the ”27th City.“ Now there are still preserved in the city twenty-seven memorial tower, is a landmark in Zhengzhou.Zhengzhou is now leading the economic development in Henan.Zhengzhou because of the well-developed commercial known as the ”mall“ said the late 80s of last century, the early 90s stirred the universe that ”business war“ not only to Zhengzhou famous, but also become a symbol of the times.Zhengzhou brilliant today Also benefited from the developed traffic of Sitong.It is also an important transport hub across the country.The Beijing-Guangzhou and Longhai Railway lines converge here, with State Highway 107 and 310 and even Huohe-Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway meeting here.Talking, we have crossed the Yellow River, into the territory of Jiaozuo, Jiaozuo is located in the northwest of Henan Province, north Taihang, south of the Yellow River.It is located at the junction of North and South of China and the east-west junction.It is also the hub of the new Eurasian Continental Bridge in China.It has the hub of Nantong North of Dongqi Xigou.Jiaozuo is a city rich in tourism resources.In 2003, Jiaozuo City entered the ranks of China's outstanding tourist cities.The Jiaozuo landscape brand started to sound in the whole country.Jiaozuo's natural scenery is beautiful and magnificent.Overlapping peaks of the Taihang Mountains, the mother river originates from a long stream, mountains and rivers of the atmosphere of Jiaozuo landscape, the achievements of the general trend of Jiaozuo tourism.The scenery of Taihang Gorge is full of beautiful and magnificent scenery.The scenery of the north bank of the Yellow River is full of poetic scenery.The south foot of Mt.Taihang stretches over 100 kilometers in the territory of Jiaozuo.From east to west, there are over 1000 scenic spots of all sizes, such as mountains and rivers, Enjoy mountain flowers, summer landscape, autumn red leaves, winter ice hanging exhibition, unique landscape features Canyon.Yuntaishan, Qingtianhe, Shennong Mountain, Qinglong Gorge, Fenglin Gorge five major scenic areas consisting of Yuntai Mountain World Geological Park famous.Jiaozuo or a very rich cultural heritage city.Jiaozuo is the military strategist in the Three Kingdoms period Sima Yi, the famous politician, thinker and writer of the Tang Dynasty, Han Yu, the great poet Li Shangyin in the Tang Dynasty, Zhu Zaiyao, a famous phoneticologist in the Ming Dynasty, Xu Heng in the Yuan Dynasty, , To the show, and other hometown of historical and cultural celebrities.Chen-style taijiquan, a combination of yin and yang, is a unique and precious gem of ethnic martial arts in China.Jiayingguan, a national key cultural relic protection unit, is called ”the first view of the Yellow River in the Wanli“ and contains 5,000 years experience of governing the river in China.It is a museum for the Chinese nation to govern the Yellow River.Friends, Yuntaishan Scenic Area is approaching, I will briefly introduce: Yuntaishan is located 12 kilometers north of Xiuwu County, Jiaozuo City, due to the mountain year-round clouds, so named Yuntaishan, Yuntaishan Scenic is currently Henan Province, the only one with the world geological park and national key scenic spots, the first national ”5A tourist area, the National Geological Park, National Forest Park, National Macaque Nature Reserve, National Scenic Area, such as water conservancy six national title landscape We will see today the beautiful and tranquil Wenpanyu, the majestic Laotanggou, the waterfall of Xiaochaigou and the 314-meter drop of the Yuntai Waterfall, which is the first in China and it is amazing.Well, my friends, Yuntaishan Scenic arrived.Our tour time is four hours, four hours later we are on time in the car collection, and now please bring your belongings, get off with me, ready to visit.Yuntaishan attractions

Well, my friends, we are now entering the Hongshixia Scenic Area.It is due to the remnants of the crustal structure left by the crustal fault movement.It looks like a very narrow linear canyon.This is where the rocks come from.Is it red? This is because the oxidation of iron minerals in the rock, the long years, the cliff was dyed red, thus forming a wonderful view of Dan Cliff water.Into the valley, are you feeling warmer than outside? Look at it all, cliffs on both sides of the cliff, surrounded by mountains, so that the air inside and outside the valley is not easy to circulate, resulting in a unique climate within the valley in the hot summer days, Yu inside is cool and pleasant outside the valley days Cold when the cold, the grass is not dead inside the valley, as if in the long-term warmth, it is also called Wenpan Yu.Friends, we continue to move forward and come to the Ovary Lake.In the early years of the Han dynasty, Zhang Liang tried to help Liu Bang to establish Han Dynasty.go with.Zhang Liang returned home, still restless, I feel not too safe, they secretly travel, retired to the Yuntaishan.Due to Zhang Liang Zi Zi Fang, so here the village called Zi Fangcun, Lake called “Ovary Lake.” Across the lake, you can see the “Dama Peak” across the mountain.According to legend, the Indian monk Dharma to China missionary, arrived in Shaolin Temple, the face of 10 years often miscellaneous thoughts into my heart, so out of the temple, looking for a wonderful quiet practice.Later came to go to Taishan, sit in the hut along the West Lake hills.Inaccessible here, Bodhidharma top mountains, the end of the mountains Lan flow companion, Shan Ling purification like a mountain into the set, and soon immortalized away, where it left behind “Damo.After a flood bridge, we came to Quanpu Gorge, we see, where the magnificent waterfalls, peak waterfalls, Castle Peak Sihe, like Xiange, we can see the gods of nature is how clever.Friends, all the way to enjoy the beauty of all the way, unknowingly we came to the end of the old Tan ditch, the saying goes: ”Yuntou, like Yuntai, less than a day falls not to“ This is the most famous Yuntai days Falls, drop of up to 314 meters, 5-7 meters wide, is currently the largest drop in Asia found the waterfall, waterfall Kaohsiung Crown Falls Kyushu!”Flying at this time down three thousand feet, suspected Galaxy nine days,“ the famous saying goes to your heart.When she was full of strong air, fresh water, deportment, we see, the top of the waterfall blossoming white clouds, and like a round of cotton, long down, endless, like flying splashes jade bottom, splashing 1 meter high water , But also into a mass of water mist, the waterfall cover the mist in the misty.It not only shows the strength, but also reflects the soft, people feel full of energy, refreshing spirit.Out of the Laotanggou not far, there are stone bridge over the valley, leading to Tanbo Gap, also known as Xiaozhaigou, where a three-step spring, five steps a waterfall, ten steps a pool, showing a ever-changing waterfall, Flowing Springs, Choi Tam, rocks and other landscapes, pleasant scenery, just like the beautiful southern, it was nicknamed ”Lake Waterfall.“ After a weight-loss stone, see the dragon lay waves, and then move forward, in front suddenly, the waves rolling Ya word waterfall with fresh and cool to your face.Go ahead, that is, Qing Yi Chi, where the water is shallow and clear, colorful, moss to a pool of green water and clean, people say ”there is no water until clear," but there are fish, in order to adapt to the water Clear environment, the fish gradually become transparent, almost the same as water.Well, my friends, because of the time, today's explanation here, thank you for your support!































在汉朝初建国后,张良在帮助刘邦建立汉业之后,功高震主,惟恐遭到刘的毒害,再三恳求,告老还乡而去。张良回到家乡之后,仍然坐卧不安,觉得还不太保险,便偷偷地微服出午,隐居到了去台山。因张良字子房,故此处的村庄叫:子房村“,源叫“子房湖”。现在的景区是在原有湖泊上加高修建的,湖面 300余亩,长约8华里,最宽处300米,水深呈阶梯状分布,北浅南深,深处约地100米,水容量为1亿立方,是一中型水库。
















我们进入小寨沟尽端,迎面可见几块怪石,有”唐王试剑石“、点将台,是李世民当年点将收兵的地方。站在”点将台“上,悬崖高耸,人如坐井底,故名”坐井观天“;县崖青苔高挂山崖,仿佛一只孔雀高挂架上,雀尾下一挂水帘,称作”凤尾串珠“。另外还有”灵龟吐珠“、”云龙播雨“”唐王饮马池“”石舟 “”蝴蝶石“。


子房湖旁有两条岔道,下道是通往小寨沟景区、老潭沟景区;上道便是直通山西的修陵公路。叠彩洞景区和茱峰景区盘恒在此。叠彩洞是连接豫、晋两省的公路遂洞,大小23条洞,首尾相连总长4000多米。它是由我县土专家张有臣设计规划的。在外只见一排巨大的阶梯层层递上,在洞里都是180度的转弯和 45度以上的爬坡。这就是景区有名的“暗十八盘”,勤劳善良的人民用十二年的时间修建了这条路。









云台山北邻山西省,东接辉县市,西与方山对峙,南面是一望无际的孤原。这里有大小名峰三十六座,峰峦叠翠,雄奇险秀。主峰茱萸峰有一片茂密森林,为国家级森林公园,堪称“园中园”。汉献帝刘协、魏晋”竹林七贤”、唐朝孙思邈、唐太宗李世民及其大将尉迟敬德均在此留下了历史遗迹。云台山山险水秀,气候凉爽宜人、泉源丰富、植被茂密,原始次生林覆盖了整个山峦,各种树木和奇花异草种类达400多种。中药材蕴藏丰富,除人参、灵芝外,还有闻名国内外的四大怀药怀地黄,怀山药 ,怀牛膝,怀菊花,以及茱萸、当归等200多种。沿公路而上,过了迎宾洞,我们可以看到左边的山谷相裂成隙。这便是温盘峪景区了。温盘峪峪深80余米,最宽处不过丈余,峪上群山环抱,形成了自己独特的小气候,这里冬暧夏凉,温度适中,仿佛处在恒久的温暖中,故名温盘峪。相信大家也亲身体验到了,这里的景色秀幽雄险,集泉、瀑、溪、潭于一谷,素来享有“盆景峡谷“的美誉。峡谷南北长约1公里,宽3-10余米,两岸峭壁山石秀丽,仿佛鬼斧神工,雕凿而成一巨大盆景,又好象名山大川浓缩后的精华,园林专家称之为“自然山水精品廊”,景区内有逍遥石、相吻石、灵龟戏水、双狮吸水、龟背石等景观。峪内有九龙潭,相传为古时九龙栖息之地,分别为白龙潭、子龙潭、眠龙潭、青龙潭、黄龙潭、卧龙潭、黑龙潭、首龙潭等,动态的水流入静态的水中,十分美丽。这座湖叫做子房湖,相传是汉朝著名谋士张良的隐居之地,因张良字子房,故名子房湖。向西看呢,我们就可以看见对面山峦中有“达摩峰”。相传印度僧人达摩来中国传教,到达少林寺,面壁10年仍常有杂念涌入心头,于是来到云台山,在子房湖西畔山峦上静坐。那里人迹罕至,达摩高居山巅,终日与山岚流云为伴,天灵一片净化像山一样入定下来,不久就化仙而去,此处便留下了“达摩峰”和与之遥遥相对的“佛龛峰”。沿湖而走呢,我们就进入了老潭沟、小寨沟景区。老潭沟景区山雄水秀,峰高瀑急,而最有名的莫数天瀑了。




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    尊敬的各位游客: 大家好! 我是景区导游,很高兴能为大家提供讲解服务。今天我们将要游览的是北宋皇家寺院,国家AAAA级旅游景区——开封大相国寺。首先,我给大家简单介绍一下大相国......


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    云台山导游词 各位游客朋友们:大家好!首先我代表我们**旅行社对大家的到来表示热烈的欢迎!我是本次旅程的导游员**,大家可以叫我**,坐在我身旁的这位是咱们本次旅程的安全大使周......


    广东导游考试:广东概况英语导游词VISITING GUANGDONGGuangdong Province, bordering on the South China Sea, is located inthe southernmost of China’s mainland. It adj......


    焦作云台山导游词 焦作云台山导游词1 江苏连云港云台山位于连云港东北部山岭,在连云港市郊。由锦屏山、前云台山、中云台山、后云台山和鹰游山等互不连续的断块山组成。山体......