实习医生格蕾Burke and Christina(合集5篇)

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第一篇:实习医生格蕾Burke and Christina

实习医生格蕾Burke and Christina Burke边做手术边背着结婚誓词:

Christina, I do promise, to hold you and cherish you.And I promise, to be there in sickness and in health.I could say, till death do us apart, but I won’t.Those vows are for optimistic couples, the vows full of hope, but I do not stand here on my wedding day optimistic or full of hope.I am not optimistic, I am not hopeful, I am sure, I’m steady.And I know, I’m a heart man, take them apart, put them back together, I hold them in my hands, I am a heart man, so this, I am sure, you are my partner, my lover, my very best friend.My heart, my heart beat for you.And on this day, the day of our wedding, I promise you this, I promise you to lay my heart in the pond of your hands, I promise you, me.实习医生格蕾看到今天,第四季那几个或温暖或激情的吻也终于看到,然而这个没有Burke的GA总觉得看得人心里空落落的,就象失去了burke的cristina一样,苍白落寞.你说cristina这样的工作狂不会落寞?你看到她奋力工作,看到她积极努力,看到她嬉笑努骂,那你可听到她孤单的歌声,你可曾听到她不甘的话语,你可记得坚强如她的热泪,她当然是在乎的,比谁想象的都要在乎,在乎那个谦虚而又骄傲的男人那个内敛却温柔的男人,那个念下了那么感人的誓词却抛下了她的男人,那个她爱的男人.她当然是在乎的,不是因为他是她的上司,是她手术上的导师伙伴,是因为他是那个愿意等她回家的那个人.当每天回家,床头一盏暖暖小灯,他在等她。于是吁一口气,软软缩进那圈怀抱,把医院的生与死、人间的冷与暖,暂时都忘记。这曾经是让我那么感动的场面,现在想起来却那么心酸,原来在没有他的时候连甜蜜都那么忧伤.他得奖的消息出来以后,她在太平间,解剖了一天,拿着手术刀一个人唱歌解剖,怪异?也许,可怕?也许,但是我知道她不是奇怪或者冷血,她只是太要强,她不允许自己流泪示弱,却不知道怎样排解悲伤,当连工作也无法提起她的兴趣,她不知道从什么时候开始他带给她的悲伤已经这么深重,原来她已经是这么爱他.“I made it through the wilderness ,Somehow I made it through ,Didn't know how lost I was ,Until I found you ,I was beat incomplete ,I'd been had, I was sad and blue ,But you made me feel ,Yeah, you made me feel ,Shiny and new....”(歌词)说实话Christina长得实在不符合我的审美观,典型的韩国脸,小眼睛,长脸,很瘦,却不性感,做事的时候太强势,异常的固执,生活习惯一塌糊涂,邋里邋遢,屋子脏的甚至让终点工哭着跑了.而Burke近乎“完美”,他骄傲但不自满,作为Seatle Grace医院心胸外科的主治医师,这位盛名久负的年轻黑人拥有一对每年能够盈利数百万美圆的神奇双手。这个热爱音乐(萨克斯,小号),喜欢远足,时不时还跳个小舞,厨艺一流,屋子整洁干净的英俊男人无疑是非常优秀的,其实他们的性情并不相近,但这丝毫不妨碍他们在一起的和谐和美好感觉,在整部剧那么乱搞的男女的关系背后,事实上只有他们是彼此专一的,彼此坚定的.这个在手术台上念誓词的男人,恰恰如他所说,“ I'm a heart man”,是一个性情中人,他不像一个美国人。他像一个英格兰绅士那样涵蓄而卓越,内敛而飘逸,温柔而坚强,成功而儒雅,他恪守着他的原则,屡践着他的责任,释放着他的爱,他的宽广心胸似乎能微笑着包容一切,他几乎是一直宠溺着她的,他总用那么温柔坚定的表情看她,尽管她因为小时候的丧父,对感情的付出又异常的保守,他推动着他们的感情,他打开了她那扇紧闭的心房.他感动了所有的人,但是他在婚礼现场扔下她,说要给她自由,他扔下她,因为她够“强壮,成功,厉害,冷静....”所以他认为她可以没有他....多么“合理”多么残忍的理由.我为那个在空房子里茫然失措的女孩子悲哀,“这里原来放着他的CD,这里应该有他的手术帽,床头应该是他祖母的照片....它们都去哪里了.....” 她仍然继续她的工作,调侃她的朋友,争取每一个手术,直到她说出了那样一段话,我们终于知道,知道了她的悲伤,她的不甘,她的挣扎,在一个没有他的世界.“不,先生,这不复杂,这很简单。BURKE不在这里,他走了,他过得更好了,他得了哈伯艾华利奖,他举世闻名,这并不复杂,他不在这里,而我,还在这里,什么都没变,我还住在他的公寓里,每天穿过同样的走廊,穿着同样的消毒服,这并不复杂,我还在这里,这就是选择,但是,先生,当双手颤抖时,我替他做的手术,我安抚他的自尊,我保守他的秘密,你知道,我知道,他也知道,他很清楚,但是,他只字未提,在他的卓越光辉中,我是看不见的手,可是,一切还是没有改变,却又如此不同,现在,我在手术台上能拿个镊子就算走运了,他走了,连再见都没有,带走我仅剩的所有,我在心外科的名誉,还有......我曾是他的双手,而现在我象是个幽灵,这不复杂,只是难以忍受,我知道大家都以他为荣,但是我做不到,我不希望他现在'过得很好'...” 她这么说着,由平静到激动,终于流泪,我心酸得几乎看不下去,我突然想到那个男人,他那么卓越优秀,也许他不是非她不可,但是她,这一辈子却只能遇到这么一个合适自己的人,如此合适,所以错过了就是所有.没有了那个叫Preston Burke的医生,她依然可以活下去,象一个外科医生一样活下去,但是没有了那个叫Preston Burke的男人,她曾经打开过的却被那个离别深深上锁心房,将不会再打开.是的,她很强很强,那么大的一所医院,几乎是美国最好的医院,黑人白人,她是唯一的亚裔医生,她是最努力的,她在同期里是最好的,最优秀的,你可以说她冷血,可以说她功利,但是你不能否认,她是最优秀的,但是这优秀有错,这努力也有错吗,因为她的优秀,她的努力,所以她不配这份感情吗,因为她的优秀,她的努力,她就不配幸福吗?比起那些轻易的爱上另一个人,轻易乱搞男女关系的人,专一而忠诚的她反而不配幸福吗?“你们和自己的好朋友睡,和别人的丈夫睡,和陌生人睡,我只是和我男朋友睡而已,也不可以吗?” 不可以吗,只是因为他是她的爱人的同时是她的上司,是她的老师,就要说“比起少了一个男朋友,他不在这里,对你事业上的影响更大吧”,这不公平,这太不公平了,她是需要一个老师,他是她的老师,但是永远没有人可以说,他走了,她损失了一个老师的痛苦更甚于一个爱人尽管他是她的老师,是她的主任医师,他教她,但是她就不能有把他当成男朋友的时候吗,为什么所有的人都要把她的想法想得那么功利呢?她已经尽她所有的努力去爱那个男人了,he also her partner, her lover,her very best friend.but,she lose him.maybe,she will alone forever.because he is not here.it‘s not difficute.it's just sad,so sad。突然想到,如果多年后他们遇到,会是怎样? 他轻轻的唤了声“Christina”, 她抬头,眼神倔强而强悍“你好,DR Burke.” 然后,他用了然而无奈的口气接下去“你好,DR Yang.” 错身而过.从此不再相信童话.







成严重的后果,他赌上了自己的前途,在没有确切CT 的情况下凭借着自己的经验挽救了病人的未来。






《实习医生格蕾》是一部以医学为主题,在美国十分受欢迎的黄金时段电视系列剧。该剧由Ellen Pompeo领衔主演,于2005年3月27日在美国广播公司首播。本剧聚焦在一群年轻人努力成为医生,而医生努力保持人性上。在高强度训练医生的同时又掺杂了大量的喜剧和性元素,揭示出在实习医生们痛苦的生活中,无论是药物还是人际关系,都不能简单地用白纸黑字来定义,真正的生活其实像灰色的阴影一样。2010年中央电视台引进该剧,于2010年5月在CCTV-8首播。也有一部角色扮演类的同名游戏,让玩家体验剧中医生的生活。

故事梗概初见梅雷迪斯·格雷(Meredith Grey),她是一个想走进现实社会中的女孩,但是她的工作又让这一愿望成为不可能。梅雷迪斯在西雅图的格雷斯医院进行第一年的外科实习,这是哈佛大学西区住院医生实习计划中最艰苦的部分。在这个世上,这种工作训练真是生死攸关的事,他们对自己生活中的沉沉浮浮真有些拿不准了。在这种竞争激烈和压力巨大的气氛中,5个实习医

《实习医生格蕾》海报(20张)生为他们的友谊挣扎着。梅雷迪斯·格雷(Meredith Grey)作为医生的雄心被一个浑浊的秘密弄得黯然失色:她的母亲,一位著名的业内优秀的外科医生,正在与一种不幸的、毁灭性的疾病抗争;克里斯丁娜·杨(Christina Yang)是个矛盾的学生,高度的竞争和紧迫感,使她远避任何关心,把自己封闭起来;伊泽贝尔·斯蒂文(Izzie Stevens)来自一个小镇上的贫穷家庭,靠做模特儿挣钱付学费,总是试图克服自卑心理;乔治·梅利(Georage O'Malley)是一个热情的邻家男孩,但总是在错误的时间做错误的事情,尽管他对男人极富吸引力,他只是喜欢女孩子而已;亚里克斯·卡莱(Alex Karev),像其他一些实习医生一样,用傲慢和野心来掩饰他的草根阶层出身。负责指导他们的是一支指定的医生队伍,能决定是否把他们塑造成为优秀的外科医生,或者被淘汰掉。住院医生米兰达·贝利(Miranda Bailey)负责培训他们,很难相信她的绰号叫:“纳粹”;轻浮的德立克·谢弗尔德医术高明,对梅雷迪斯有很强的性吸引;普雷斯顿·伯克(Preston Burke)平日里的傲慢比他拿着解剖刀时好不了多少。统管他们的理查德.韦伯(Richard Webber),是西雅图格雷斯医院家长式的人物,也是外科部门严肃的上司。



Chasing Car

主唱:Calliope(Sara Remirez 饰)、Owen(Kevin McKidd 饰)、Bailey(Chandra Wilson 饰)Breathe

主唱:Lexie Grey(Chyler Leigh 饰)How We Operate

主唱:Owen(Kevin McKidd 饰)Wait

主唱:Bailey(Chandra Wilson 饰)Runnin' On Sunshine

主唱:Calliope(Sara Remirez 饰)、Owen(Kevin McKidd 饰)、Bailey(Chandra Wilson 饰)、Alex Karev(Justin Chambers 饰)、Eli、Lexie Grey(Chyler Leigh 饰)Universe & U

主唱: Grace

主唱:Calliope(Sara Remirez 饰)How to save a life

主唱:Owen(Kevin McKidd 饰)、Meredith Grey(Ellen Pompeo 饰)、Teddy altman(Kim Raver 饰)、Mark Sloan(Eric Dane 饰)、Bailey(Chandra Wilson 饰)、Calliope(Sara Remirez 饰)…… The Story

主唱:Calliope(Sara Remirez 饰)创作:Sara Remirez



Grey’s anatomy——Season2 Episode 01 They say “practice makes perfect.”

Theory is, the more you think like a surgeon, the more you become one...the better you get at remaining neutral, clinical cut, suture, close...and the harder it becomes to learn to turn it off...to stop thinking like a surgeon...And remember what it means to think like a human being.------------------回复:《实习医生格蕾》第二季片尾台词收集(英文版)

Grey’s anatomy——Season2 Episode 02

There's something to be said

about a glass half full...about knowing when to say when.i think it's a floating line,a barometer of need and desire.it's entirely up to the individual...and depends on what's being poured.sometimes...all we want is a taste.other times,there's no such thing as enough.The glass is bottomless.And all we want

is more.------------------回复:《实习医生格蕾》第二季片尾台词收集(英文版)

Grey’s anatomy——Season2 Episode 03

No one likes to loose control

but as a surgeon...there's nothing worse.it's a sign of weakness...of not being up to the task.when I just gets away from you...when the world stops spinning

and you realize that

your shiny little scalpel

isn't gonna save you...------------------回复:《实习医生格蕾》第二季片尾台词收集(英文版)

Grey’s anatomy——Season2 Episode 04

Sometimes, reality has a way of sneaking up

and sting us in the ass...and when the dam bursts,all you can do is swim.The world of pretend is a cage, not a cocoon.We can only lie to ourselves for so long.We are tired.We are scared.Denying it doesn't change the truth.Sooner or later, we have to put aside our denial

and face the world head-on, guns blazing.Denial...it's not just a river in Egypt.It's a freaking ocean.------------------回复:《实习医生格蕾》第二季片尾台词收集(英文版)

Grey’s anatomy——Season2 Episode 05

Pain--you just have to ride it out,hope it goes away on its own,hope the wound that caused it heals.So...here's where we are.There are no solutions,no easy answers.You just breathe deepand wait for it to subside.But sometimes,the pain gets you when you least expect it...Hits way below the belt and doesn't let up.So...Pain—

you just have to fight through because the truth is,you can't outrun it and life always makes more.------------------回复:《实习医生格蕾》第二季片尾台词收集(英文版)

Grey’s anatomy——Season2 Episode 06

As surgeons...there are so many things we have to know.We have to know that we have what it takes.We have to know how to take care of our patients.And how to take care of each other.Eventually...we even have to figure out

how to take care of ourselves.As surgeons,we have to be in the know.But as human beings,sometimes it's better to stay in the dark.Because...in the dark

there may be fear...but there's also hope.------------------回复:《实习医生格蕾》第二季片尾台词收集(英文版)

Grey’s anatomy——Season2 Episode 07

Some things we just don't want to hear...and some things we say

because we can't be silent any longer.Some things are more than what you say...Some things you say because there's no other choice.Some things you keep to yourself.Some things simply speak for themselves.------------------回复:《实习医生格蕾》第二季片尾台词收集(英文版)

Grey’s Anatomy——Season2 Episode 8 Maybe Romeo and Juliet

were fated to be together,but just for a while,and then their time passed.If they could've

known that beforehand,maybe it all would've been okay.Here's the thing.Even now I believe that,for the most part,love is about choices.It's about putting down

the poison and the dagger

and making your own happy ending...most of the time...ready.And that sometimes,despite all your best choices

and all your best intentions,fate wins anyway.------------------回复:《实习医生格蕾》第二季片尾台词收集(英文版)

Grey’s Anatomy——Season2 Episode 9

maybe we're not supposed to be happy.Maybe gratitude

has nothing to do with joy.Maybe being grateful means recognizing what you have

and for what it is.Appreciating small victories.admiring the struggle it takes

simply to be human.at the end of the day,the fact that we have the courage

to still be standing.is reason enough to celebrate.------------------回复:《实习医生格蕾》第二季片尾台词收集(英文版)

Grey’s Anatomy——Season2 Episode 11

400 years ago, another well-known English guy

had an opinion about being alone...John Donne.He thought we were never alone.Of course, it was fancier when he said it.no man is an island

entire unto himself.Boil down that island talk, and he just meant

that all anyone needs is someone to step in...and let us know we're not alone.And who's to say

that someone can't have four legs?

someone to play with or run around with...or just hang out.------------------回复:《实习医生格蕾》第二季片尾台词收集(英文版)

Grey’s Anatomy——Season2 Episode 12

There's an old proverb that says you can't chooseyour family.you take what the fateshand you.and like them or not,love them or not

understand them or not...Then there'sthe school of thought that says the familyyou're born into

is simply a starting point.they feed youand clothe you and take care of you

until you're ready to go out into the world......and find your tribe.------------------回复:《实习医生格蕾》第二季片尾台词收集(英文版)

Grey’s Anatomy——Season2 Episode 14

it's an event,big or small,something that changes us.Ideally,it gives us hope...a new way of living and looking at the world.letting go of old habits,old memories...What's important is that we never stop believing

we can have a new beginning.But it's also important to remember

that amid all the crap...are a few things really worth holding on to.Grey’s Anatomy——Season2 Episode 15

No matter how hard we try to ignore it or deny it...eventually,the lies fall away...Whether we like or not.But here's the truth about the truth--

it hurts.So we lie.Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 1

[begining] minutes, 15 hours

inside the OR

the death surgeons make time fly

Outside the OR, however,time takes pleasures in kicking our asses

For even the strongest of us,it seems to play tricks

Slowing down, huvring

until it freezes,leaving us stop in a moment

unable to move, in wonder action or whatever

[end] Time flys

Time waits for no man

Time heals all ruins

All any of us wants is more time

Time to stand up

Time to grow up

Time to let go

Time Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 2


At any given moment,the brain has 14 billion neurons firing at the speed of 450 miles per hour

We don’t have controls of most of them,when we get a chill, goose bumps

when we get excited , adrenalin.The body naturally follows its impulses,which I think is part of what makes us so hard for us to control ours.Of course, sometimes we have impulses we would rather not control

that we later wish we had.[end]

The body is the slave to its impulses

But the things that makes us human is what we can control

After the storm,after the rush

after the heated moment has passed,we can cool off and clean the messes we have made

we can try to let go what was,and then again

Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 3


Surgeons usually fancies about wild and improbable surgeries:

someone claps in the restaurant, we slapus them open with a butter knife,replace the valve with the hollowed down takes care of carrot.But every now and then, some of other fancies slip in

Most of our fancies dissolve when we wake, banished to the back our mind

But sometimes, we’re sure, if we try hard enough, we can live the dream


The fantasy is simple

Pleasure is good

But the reality is different

The reality is that pain is there to tell us something

But there are still so much pleasure we can take without getting a stomachache

And maybe that’s ok

Maybe some fantasy just lie in the dreams

Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 4

At some point, during the surgical residency, most interns get the sense of who they are doctors

And what kind of the surgeons they are going to become If you ask them, they will tell you

They’re going to be general surgeons Orthopaedics Neurosurgeons

This distinguish which do more than the area of expertise, they help to find who they are Because outside the operating room,Most of surgeons have no idea of who they are They’re afraid to find out

Dad and mom, it’s me, I’m calling from the Seattle Grace Hospital, the beautiful, talented and incredible stand-to Dr.Isobel Stevens, she’s just given me a brand new heart, and promise to marry me.I know we have lots of differences, and I’m sorry we have not been touched.Believe it or not, I just try to make everything better, I know you’re angry and I hope you forgive me.Sometimes when we yield to do some wrong thing, sometime we yield to make big mistake, to figure out how to make things right.Mistakes are painful, but that’s the only way to find out who you really are.I know who I am now, I know what I want, I’ve got the love of my life, and a new heart.And I want you guys get on the next plane here and meet my girl.Everything can be different now, I promise, from now, nothing can ever be the same.I love you, bye!

Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 5

First, do no harm

As doctors, we live by this vow

But harm happens

And then, guilt happens

And there is no vow about how to deal with that

Guilt never goes anywhere on its own

And brings its friends——doubt and insecurity

First, do no harm

Easier said than done

We can take all the vows in the world

But the fact is

Most of us do harm all the time

Sometimes even when we’re trying to help

We do more harm than good

And the guilt rears and the ugly had

What you do to that guilt is up to you

All the left is choice

Either let the guilt throw you back into the behavior that got you into trouble in the first place

Or learn from the guilt and do your best to move on

Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 6

To make it

Really make it

As a surgeon

It takes major commitments

We have to be willing to pick up that scalpel

And make a cut

That may or may not do more damage and good

It’s all about committed

Because or not

We have no business picking up that scalpel in the first place

There are times even when the best of us has trouble with commitments

And we may be surprised by the commitments we are willing to let slip out of our grabs

Commitments are complicated

We may surprise ourselves we are willing to make

Too commitments take efforts and sacrifice

Which is why sometimes

We have to learn the hard way to choose our commitments very carefully

Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 7

As surgeons, we are trained to disease

Sometimes the problems are easily detected

Most of the time, you need to go step by step

First, propping the surface,Looking for any sign of trouble

A naevus or a lition, or a unwelcome lamp

Most of the time

We can’t tell what’s wrong with somebody

But just looking at them

After all, they can look perfectly fine on the outside

But their inside tell us a whole other story

Not all the wounds are superfacial

Most wounds are deeper than we imagine

You can’t see them with the naked eye

And then there are wounds that take us by surprise

The trick with any kind of wound or disease is to dig down and find the real source of injury

And once you find it, try like Hel to heal that suffer Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 8

Many people don’t know that the human eye has blind spot in its field vision

There is a part of the world that we are literally blind to

The problem is, sometimes, our blind spot show us from the things that really shouldn’t be ignored

Sometimes, our blind spots keep our lives bright and shining

Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 9

As doctors

We know everybody’s secrets

Their medical histories

Sexual histories

Confidential information that is essential to a surgeon as a ten blade

And ever been dangerous

We keep secrets

We have to

But not all the secrets can be kept

Be somewhere, betray is inevitable,When our body betrays us

Surgery is also the key to recovery

When we betray each other The past recovery is less clear

And there are some wounds, some betray they are so deep, so profound

But there is no way to repair what we were lost

Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 10

At the end of the day, when it comes down to it

All we really want is to be close to somebody

So this thing’s we all keep our distance

And pretend not to care about each other

It’s usually a loud of fool

So we pick and choose who we want to be close to

And once we chose those people

We tend to be close by

No matter how much we hurt them

The people still with you at the end of the day

Those are the ones worth keeping

And sometimes, close can’t be too close

But sometimes, that invasion of someone’s personal space

It could be exactly what you need

作者: 纸月zy

2007-2-5 11:35 回复此发言


Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 13

No one believes that their lives turned out just kind of ok

We all think we are going to be great

And from the day we decided to be surgeons

We are filled with expectation

Expectation of the trails we will blaze

The people we will help

The difference we will make

Great expectation of who we will be

Where we will go

And then we get there

We all think we are going to be great

And we feel a little bit robed when our expectations are met

But sometimes, our expectations sound short

Sometimes, the expected simply pales in comparison to the unexpected

You got wonder why we clean to our expectations

Because the expected is just keeps us standing, standing, still

The expected is just the beginning

The unexpected is what changes our lives.作者: 纸月zy

2007-2-5 11:36 回复此发言


Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 14

As surgeons, we live in the world of worst case scenarios

We cut ourselves off of hoping for the best

Because too many times, the best do not happen

But every now and then, something extraordinary occurs

And, suddenly, best case scenarios seem possible

And every now and then, something amazing happens

And against our better judgment,We start to have hope

As doctors, we are trained to give out patients just the facts

But what our patients really want to know is

Will the pain never come back?

Will I feel better?

Am I cured?

What our patients really want to know is

Is there hope?

But inevitably, you will find yourself in the worst case scenario

When the patients’ body had betrayed them

And all the science we have offered has failed them

When the worst case scenario comes true

Cleaning to hope is always get left

Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 15 Disappearance happens in science

Disease can suddenly fade away

Tumors go missing

We open someone to discover the cancer is gone

It’s unexplained, it’s real, but it happens

We call them misdiagnoses

We say we never saw it at the first place

Any the explanation but the truth

But life is full of vanishing acts

If something that we didn’t know we had disappears

Do we miss it? Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 16

Like I said, disappearances happen

Pains go fandom

Blood stops running

And people, people fade away

There is more I have to say

So much more


I disappeared Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 17

There are medical miracles

In worshipers at the out through of science

We don’t like to believe the miracles exist

But they do

Things happen

We can’t explain them,We can’t control them

But they do happen

Miracles do happen in medicine

They happen every day

Just not always when we need them to happen

At the end of the day like this

A day when so many prays are answered, and some many aren’t

We take our miracles where we find them

We reach across the gap

And sometimes

Against all ares

Against all logic

We touch Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 18

People have scars at all sorts of unexpected places

Like their secrets road maps of their life histories

Diagram all their old wounds

Most of our wounds heal leaving nothing behind but a scar

But some of them don’t

Some wounds will come with us everywhere

And the cuts are long gone

What’s worse

New wounds which are so horribly painful

Or old wounds that should have healed the years ago but never did

Maybe our old wounds teach us something

They remind us where we’ve been

And what we overcome

They teach us lessons about what to avoid in the future

That’s we like to think

But that’s not the way it is, is it?

Something we need just have to learn over and over and over again

Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 19

Surgeons always have plans

Where to cut, where to claim, where to stitch

But, even with the best plans

Complications came arise

Things can go wrong

And suddenly, they are collapse with your plans down

The thing about the plan is

They can’t take into account—the unexpected

So when we are through the thunderbolt

Whether inside the OR or in life

We have to do improvise

Of course, some of us are better editor than others

Some of us just have to move on to plan B

And make the best of it

And sometimes

What we want

Is exactly what we need

But sometimes

Sometimes what we need is a new plan

patient’s history is as important as their symptoms

It will help us to decide if a heart burn is a heart attack

If a headache is a tumor

Sometimes patients will try to rewrite their own histories

Still declare they don’t smoke or forget to mention certain drugs

Which in surgery, can be the kiss of death

We can ignore all we want

But our history, eventually always comes back to hunt us

Some people believe that, without history, our lives amount to nothing

At some point, we all have to choose

Do we fall back what we know?

Or, do we step forward to something new?

It’s hard not to be hunted by our past

Our history is what shapes us, what guides us

Our history resurfaces time after time after time

So we have to remember

Sometimes the most important history,is the history we are making today

Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 20

A patient’s history is as important as their symptoms

It will help us to decide if a heart burn is a heart attack

If a headache is a tumor

Sometimes patients will try to rewrite their own histories

Still declare they don’t smoke or forget to mention certain drugs

Which in surgery, can be the kiss of death

We can ignore all we want

But our history, eventually always comes back to hunt us Some people believe that, without history, our lives amount to nothing

At some point, we all have to choose

Do we fall back what we know?

Or, do we step forward to something new?

It’s hard not to be hunted by our past

Our history is what shapes us, what guides us

Our history resurfaces time after time after time

So we have to remember

Sometimes the most important history,is the history we are making today

Grey’s Anatomy——Season3 Episode 21

As interns, we know what we want to become surgeons

And we will do anything to get there

Suffer rekiller’s exams,Endure 100-hour weeks

Stand for hours on the operating rooms

You name it, we’ll do it

The tough part though is reconciling this huge thing we want to be surgeons with everything else we want

Too often, the thing you want most is the one thing you can’t have

Desire leaves us heart-broken

It wears us out

Desire can rack your life

But is tough as wanting something can be

The people who suffered most

Are those who don’t know what they want

Grey’s Anatomy EP322-323

The dream is this, that will finally be happy when we reach our goals

Find the guy, finish our internship

That’s the dream, then we get there

And if we are human, we will immediately start dreaming something else

Because if this is the dream

Then we like to wake up

At some point, maybe we accept the dream has become a nightmare

We tell ourselves the reality is better

We convince ourselves it’s better than we never dream at all

But the strongest of us, the most determined of us

We hold on to the dream

Or we find ourselves face to the fresh dream we never considered

We awake to find ourselves against all along, feeling hopeful And if we are lucky, we realize

And the face of everything, and the face of life

The true dream, is being able to dream at all


In the practice of medicine, change is inevitable

New surgical techniques are created

Procedures are updated

Levels of expertise increase

Innovation is everything

Nothing remains the same for long

We either adapt to change

Or we get left behind

Change, we don’t like it, we fear it

But we can’t stop it from coming

We either adapt to change

Or we left behind

It hurts to grow

Anybody tells you it doesn’t, he’s lying

And here’s the truth

Sometimes, the more things change, the more dissuade thing

And sometimes, oh, sometimes change is good

Sometimes, change is everything


In the hospital, we see addiction everyday

It’s shocking how many kinds of addiction exist

It would be too easy if there is just drugs and glus and cigarettes

I think the hardest part of kicking the habit is belonging to kick it

I mean we get addicted for reason, right?

Often, too often, things that start out are just as a normal part of your life

At some point, cross the line, too obsessive, compulsive, out of control

It’s the high we are chasing, the high that make everything else fade away

The thing about addiction is that never ends well

Because eventually, whenever it is that was getting us high,Stops feeling good and starts to hurt

Still, they say you don’t kick the happen until you hit the block bottom

But how do you know when you were there?

Because no matter how badly a thing was hurting us,Sometimes letting it go hurts even worse


Doctors give patients a number of things

We give them medicine;we give them advice

And most of the time,We give them our undivided attention

But by far, the hardest thing you can give the patients is the truth The truth is hard, the truth is awkward, and very often the truth hurts

I mean people say they want the truth, but do they really?

The truth is painful;nobody wants to hear it

Especially when it’s hit close to home

Sometimes, we tell the truth, because the truth is all we have to give

Sometimes, we tell the truth, because we need to say it aloud to really hear from ourselves

And sometimes, we tell the truth, because we can’t help ourselves

We tell them, because we owe them at least that much 404

In life, only one thing is certain, apart from death and taxes

No matter how hard you try

No matter how good your intention is

You are going to make mistakes

You are going to hurt people

You are going to get hurt

And if you ever want to recover

There is really only one thing you can say

Well, I forgive you Forgive and forger

That’s what they say

It’s a good advice but not very practical

When someone hurts us, we want to hurt them back When someone arounds us , we want to be right

Without forgiveness, old scores are never settled

Old wounds never heal

And the most we can hope for,Is that one day

We will be lucky enough to forget


There is reasons surgeons learn to use scalpels

We like to pretend we are hard cold scientists

We like to pretend we are fearless

But the truth is, we become surgeons because somewhere deep down

We think we can cut away that which chars us

Weakness, frailty, death

Isn’t just surgeons,The truth is I don’t know anyone who is unconcerned something, or someone

And whether we try to slice the pain away with scalpel

Or shut it in the back of the closet

Our efforts usually fail

So the only way we clear up the pain is to turn a new page

Or put the old story to rest

Finally, finally to rest

406 There is this thing about being a surgeon

Maybe it’s pride, or maybe it’s just about being tough

But real surgeon never admits they need help unless absolutely necessary

Surgeons don’t need to ask for help, because they are tougher than that

Surgeons are cowboys, rough around the edges, hardcore

At least, that’s what they want you to think

Deep down, everyone wants to believe they can be hardcore

But being hardcore isn’t just about being tough

It’s about acceptance

You don’t have to be tough every minute of every day

It’s ok to let down your guard

In fact, there are moments when it’s the best thing you can possibly do

As long as you choose your moments wisely


Before we were doctors, we are med students

Which meant we spent lot of time studying chemistry

Organ chemistry, biochemistry, we learned it all

But when you talk about human chemistry

Only one thing matters

Either if you got it

Or you don’t

Chemistry Either if you got it

Or you don’t


There comes the point to your life,When you officially as an adult

Suddenly, you are old enough to vote, drink and engage in other adult activities

Suddenly, people expect you to be responsible

Serious a grown-up

We get taller, we get older, but do we ever really grow up? In some ways, we grow up

We have families, we get married, divorced

But for the most part, we still have the same problem that we did when we were fifteen

No matter how much we grow taller, grow older

We are still forever stumbling

Forever wondering

Forever young


We go into medicine because we want to save lives

We go into medicine because we want to be good

We go into medicine for the rush, for the high, for the ride

But what we remember at the end of most days are the losses

What we lay awake at night we playing is

The pain we cost, or the fail to cure, or the life we move indoor and fail to save

So the experience and practice in medicine rarest our most goal

Experience too often is ass backwards, and upside down

Chief: That’s the job, look at me, this day, this day you feel helpless, this day makes all those other days when you fight to save lives and you lose, this day makes you grateful you have a chance to do anything at all, you take it in.410

At the end of the day, the experience of practicing medicine bears the littlest resembles to the dream

We go into medicine because we want to save lives

We go into medicine because we want to do good

We go into medicine for the rush, for the high, for the ride

But what we remember at the end of most days are the losses

What we lay awake at night repraying is

The pain we cost, or the ill we couldn’t cure, the lives we ruin or fail to save

The end of the day, the reality is noting like we hope

The reality is, at the end of the day, law often than not turned inside out, and upside down Some days, the whole world seems upside down

And then, somehow, improbably, and when you at least expected,The world drives itself again

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