HOPE组合,专情投入的他们虽然来自不同的地方,但却都有着一个共同的爱好——音乐。初上最强音的舞台,他们坚定信念,无所畏惧;挫折中成长,失意中进取,他们永不言弃。这是四个怀揣着梦想的大男孩,由于阴差阳错的结识,由于四位导师的分组让他们渐渐走到了一起。一个全新的组合开始诞生。HOPE,这是黎明前的曙光、破晓时的鸡鸣,这是一个完完整整的全新的希望,让我们为HOPE加油!基本资料 刘雨潼
中文名:刘雨潼 英文名 :YT Liu 曾用艺名:刘仲仪
出生日期 : 1982年9月20日
身高 : 176 cm 星座 :处女座 血型 : B型 生肖 :狗
出生地点 :甘肃兰州 语言 :汉语、英语 喜爱:音乐,唱歌,舞蹈
最喜爱的歌手 :Brian Mcknight,Mariah Carey 最喜爱的演员 :Keanu Reeves,Julia Roberts 最喜爱的电影 : 《Walk on the clouds》 最喜爱的歌曲 :whenever you call 最喜爱的食物 : 妈妈做的菜 最喜欢的饮料 :营养快线 最讨厌的食物 : 茴香 嗜好 : 与好朋友聊天
最喜爱的颜色 : 荧光绿、宝石蓝 最喜爱的季节 :夏天 最喜爱的动物 :海豚 最喜爱的水果 :西瓜
最喜爱的数字 : 1、9 最喜爱的国家 :Australia,Venezuela,Switzerland 最讨厌的地方 : 有战争和污染的地方 爱好的运动 :游泳、滑雪、极限运动 最害怕的事情 : 排队
生活信条 : 所有机会不是坐那等,要靠自己争 最爱说的一句话:Sing for Life.杨承熹
昵称:熹宝,熹爷 承帅哥 熹宝贝 小杨杨 承公子 性别:男
出生日期:1991年8月29日 粉丝名:细胞 星座:处女座 血型:O 身高:170cm 家乡:湖南
学校: 广州星海音乐学院
(天籁之声)参赛宣言:我不是来比赛,我是来享受音乐的。个人宣言:我很理智 我很疯狂 赵谨俨 姓名:赵谨俨 昵称:暂无 性别:男
生日:1993年1月31日 生肖:鸡 血型:O 星座:水瓶座
职业:歌手,主持 籍贯:河南、郑州 语言:中、英 身高:177cm 体重:60kg 初中:郑州市第八中学2005-2008 高中:郑州市外国语学校2008-2011 大学:湖南大学2011-2014 快乐宣言:我是ZJY 我是赵加油 爱好:唱歌、弹吉他、尤克里里 最喜欢的颜色:红色、宝蓝色 最喜欢的影星:维尔史密斯 最喜欢的歌手:Bruno Marz 粉丝昵称:眼睛 粉丝代表色:桔红色 朱晨辰
英文名:C.J(Carl Johnson)身高:178cm 三围:100|68|99 民族:汉
籍贯:江苏省常州市 居住地:北京
生日:1990.06.16 外号(昵称):晨辰 龙龙 饺子 熊猫 辰王子 晨宝宝 小辰辰 晨嘟嘟 FANS名:星辰 星座:双子座 血型:B型 特点:集“帅气长相 型质肌肉 天籁声音 性感舞步 横溢才华”于一身的新生代男孩
特长:跆拳道街舞 篮球 英语 长笛电玩雕塑
爱好:看电影 乐器 看书 绘画 收集一些古怪的东西 学校:中央民族大学
偶像:沙奎.奥尼尔后街男孩中的A.J 喜欢的球队:阿迪达斯全明星 最喜欢的歌星:周杰伦,tank,梁静茹,张杰,M.J,akon,Britney,Spears,Craig David 喜欢的球星:凯文.加内特阿伦.艾弗森 喜欢的颜色:蓝
喜欢的食物:方便面 海鱼类 西餐 最喜欢的运动:篮球足球 最想合作的艺人:老鹰乐队 喜欢的宠物:猫狗兔子松鼠
讨厌的动物:蟑螂 蚊子苍蝇 独特的嗜好:玩玩具 洗澡唱歌
最尴尬的事:一首歌唱下来竟然没出错 口头禅:我晕 谢谢啊
圈内好友:何炅、小柯、林子、金莎、张航睿、张婧、王俪潼、可风王超、孙禹斌、赵义夫张小觉、张倩子鉴、冬冬木子、俊韩柏、安尧、白若溪、孙晓亮、峻石、张羽、陈琪、方艺Rin’go,Alan Roy Scott,Nikhil Dsouza,Dylan Lloyd,nader guirat„„ 成员简介 刘雨潼
刘雨潼及其昔日生活照 片歌手身份参加2007快乐男声晋级济南赛区10强全国60强备受关注,之后2010年也参加快乐男声,2013年中国最强音12强再受关注。在受到众多网友关注之后,刘雨潼人气暴涨,随后,海内论坛hope组合吧中一篇名为《hope组合刘雨潼:那些追逐的日子》的帖子中,爆出刘雨潼大量昔日生活照,引发网友的热烈讨论。随后,刘雨潼2007年——2010年的全部博文出现在海内论坛hope组合吧中。加深了人们对刘雨潼个人的了解,网友们表示,无论未来怎么样,都将一如既往的支持这位爱音乐的孩子。杨承熹
赵谨俨 日出生于河南省郑州市,湖南大学2011级在校学生,2013年参加湖南卫视《中国最强音》凭借出色的嗓音、阳光的外形加入最强音HOPE组合,从而晋级全国12强,备受关注。网络上关于赵谨俨的相关介绍并不多,海内论坛的hope组合吧中仅有两篇帖子对其进行了相关介绍,其中题为《hope组合赵谨俨:音乐少年“赵谨俨”原创进行时》的文章介绍相对全面。朱晨辰
2013年5月21日,微直播《中国最强音》全国12强媒体见面会 2013年5月22日,湖南卫视《呼啦最强音》播出 2013年5月24日,湖南卫视《中国最强音》播出 2013年5月24日,湖南卫视《中国最强音》进入冠军组 2013年5月29日,湖南卫视《呼啦最强音》专访 2013年6月1日,湖南卫视《中国最强音》播出
2013年6月1日,湖南卫视《中国最强音》进入冠军组 2013年6月8日,湖南卫视《中国最强音》播出
2013年6月8日,湖南卫视《中国最强音》进入冠军组 2013年6月15日,湖南卫视《中国最强音》播出
2013年6月15日,湖南卫视《中国最强音》进入冠军组 2013年6月22日,湖南卫视《中国最强音》播出 相关组织
HOPE组合全国后援会 中国最强音hope组合吧 相关报道
HOPE 这一回首次尝试慢歌的HOPE带来一首《少年》,没了快歌的节奏炒热气氛,HOPE显然有点吃力,个别成员的表现仍有不足,走音状况明显。致命的是,接下来与HOPE对战的正是他们眼中的“死敌”曾一鸣。回归冠军组首曲《不爱》让曾一鸣又唱哭了自己,这次罗大佑没有再“放炮”,而是给予了认可,让曾一鸣亲手送HOPE组合进入待定组。
第二篇:Hope 英语演讲
Good afternoon everyone.My name is Deng Qingqing, coming from Administration 113.I'm glad to make a speechforyou.Now it's time to start my speech.Today, my topicisHope, an essential part of life.Asfar asI am concerned , what hope to people is what the sun to plants.What hope to people is what water to fish.Therefore, hope is an essential role in people’s life.No one can live well without hope.If someone has a hope, he will have a goal in his life.He will be encouraged by the goal and stay in a good mental shape.With the strong desire to achieve his goal ,he will study or work harder,doing more things for it.In this way, his life will become moremeaningful.When someone isstuck in troubles ,a hope means a light inthe darkness.If we believe strongly that we can find situations and reasons for fun, we can be more optimistic.Meanwhile, if we continue to fill ourselves with knowledge and experience, we can remove all the obstacles on the way to success.For example,Foolish Old man removed the big mountains in front of his house with his strong hope.On the other hand, living without hopes you will lose your spiritual forces in your life.Then you will be depressed like the walkers in the popular play—The Walking Dead
In short, it's the hope that supports us to live.No matter what kind of person you were in the past ,faults and pains have gone.Actually, present
and future are more significant for us.So, everyone should have his or her own hope.Only in this way can we live better and track down the meaning of our life.我觉得写得挺好的呀!加油哦
第三篇:Hope Project(希望工程)
Hope Project(希望工程)With the development of our society, education is becoming more and more important.Education makes us acquire a lot of knowledge, understand the world and improve our quality.The development of our country needs a lot of professionals, in a word, without education, China would not be able to improve the living standard of her people or to achieve her planned economic growth.However, in our country, especially in some rural areas, some children cannot afford the cost of education.Even when they reach the school age, they have to stay at home and help their parents.To help these poor children, our country has started the Project Hope, which calls on all the people to donate money to these poor children or do whet they can to help the children.This project is a necessary measure the government has taken to help the poor children return to school and fulfill their dream of going to school.In my opinion, the opportunity to receive education should be given equally to everyone.The better educated our people are, the more powerful our country will become.So this project is of great importance and will have a profound effect on our country's future.
第四篇:Hope 英语演讲
Good afternoon everyone.My name is Deng Qingqing, coming from Administration 113.I'm glad to make a speech for you.Now it's time to start my speech.Today, my topic is Hope, an essential part of life.As far as I am concerned , what hope to people is what the sun to plants.What hope to people is what water to fish.Therefore, hope is an essential role in people’s life.No one can live well without hope.If someone has a hope, he will have a goal in his life.He will be encouraged by the goal and stay in a good mental shape.With the strong desire to achieve his goal ,he will study or work harder ,doing more things for it.In this way, his life will become more meaningful.When someone is
stuck in troubles ,a hope means a light in the darkness.If we believe strongly that we can find situations and reasons for fun, we can be more optimistic.Meanwhile, if we continue to fill ourselves with knowledge and experience, we can remove all the obstacles on the way to success.For example,Foolish Old man removed the big mountains in front of his house with his strong hope.On the other hand, living without hopes you will lose your spiritual forces in your life.Then you will be depressed like the walkers in the popular play—The Walking Dead
In short, it's the hope that supports us to live.No matter what kind of person you were in the past ,faults and pains have gone.Actually, present and future are more significant for us.So, everyone should have his or her own hope.Only in this way can we live better and track down the meaning of our life.我觉得写得挺好的呀!加油哦
第五篇:英语演讲稿love and hope
Love and Hope
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I have the great honor to stand here to give you a speech.Today, the topic of my speech is about the love and hope, especially we getting from a person,who always gives us hope when we feel desperate.First, I want to ask you a question.“Do you still remember these warm pictures?”
When you are a baby, there is always someone touching your little head with her soft hands while you are asleep;
When you are a student, there is always someone reminding you of studying hard while you are out of your mind;
When you are married, there is always someone in tears, sending her best wishes to you while you are kissing your lover;
Even, until when you have a baby, there is still someone devoting all her love to your child while you are struggling for your career.Who is she? Who is this most selfless lady? Who is this woman gives us love and hope? Of course, we all know that she is the one who we called her Mother.No matter when we are in trouble or feel frustrated, she will offer her love, share the happiness and sorrow, and help us to find the hope to the future, but at the same time, she never, never call for any reward.Then, I want to ask you another question, “Do you still remember these moving scenes happened a few years ago in Sichuan?”
The sky was dark all of a sudden, the buildings were stuck into the ground, the crying of the child was heard everywhere, the whole forest was destroyed abruptly.How awful when these things really happened!An earthquake was coming in Wenchuan, a small town of Sichuan province, on May 12, 2008.Almost within one
minute, the city completely became in ruin.Under such circumstances, I think nobody can calm down, except that the mother who faces her babies.“My dear baby, if you were alive, please remember mummy loves you forever!” This is a mother who left her last words on the cell phone and put it on the baby’s swaddle.How profound the love is!The great and brave mother propped up a paradise for her baby with love and hope.Mothers, usually are willing to save their children’s life at the cost of themselves.At last, I want to say, this is the mother who teaches us to be strong and happy within the love for life;this is the mother who gives us belief for any coming difficulties within the hope for life;this is the mother who always stands by us and gives us love and hope to live well!
So, please show our deepest respect to them, the most beautiful woman in the world-our mothers!.Thank you!