
时间:2019-05-15 10:05:28下载本文作者:会员上传





Earlier on, through “雅思口语考官问题解密之:必定会出现的问题类型”, we discussed two types of questions that IELTS examiners will always ask and its theory behind why these types of questions are so popular.Let’s recall what these two kinds of questions consist of: 1.Relating to the past/past and now a).Have things changed? b).Have things always been the same? c).Have things been the same since you can remember? 2.Changes in the future a).Will things change? b).How do you think things will change? c).What do you think will change? Although both sets of questionsare fundamentally important in terms of testing a candidate’s speaking ability, it is clear that question type No.1 poses the biggest challenge for Chinese candidates.The reason behind this that talking about the past or past and present together, requires candidates to use a wide range of different techniques and skills in order to accurate portrait their ideas and opinions.This discussion aims to look 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

beyond the theories highlighted in the previous paper and extends the insight(using different scenarios and real IELTS speaking questions)into the how these theories can help Chinese students improve their IELTS speaking.How to answer questions relating to the past

In order to tackle these types of questions, we proposed three fundamental skills that students should adopt when answering: Structural tenses, comparatives, and signposting phrases.Depending on the question asked, students may utilise one or more techniques to maximise their chances of getting a higher score.However, this leaves us with a paramount question which has not been discussed in the previous paper: why can these techniques can help Chinese students tackle these types of questions? Let’s examine each individual technique closely to find out the reason.Structural tenses

It is apparent that over the last few years, one of the biggest draw-backs noticed within Chinese candidate answers are grammar related issues.Although Chinese students are taught using the grammar-focused method, many fail to utilise the full scope of the grammar range in their speaking answers to truly reflect the time period of their topic(or part of).Many candidates rely on the use of simple tenses(e.g.past simple)to 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

answer most, if not all past tense questions.This may appear correct at first(they are using the correct tense after all), but when we examine these questions closely, candidates can achieve a much higher band score by adopting a complex yet accurate grammar structure.For example: Question: Did you ever make anything by hand when you were a child?(2015 Jan-April)Typical Chinese candidate reply(using simple tense): Answer: Yes, I made little clay models of food when I was young because I was a foodie and I found making clay models very interesting.(Predicted score: 5.5-6)Examiner analysis: l Candidate produced error free sentenced using the correct grammar in relation to the question(past tense).l The candidate used complex structures but lacked a logical progression of ideas.Typical high level candidate reply(using the simple tense): Answer: 三立教育www.xiexiebang.com

Yes I did, I made little clay models of different foods such as hamburgers and French fries because my parents didn’t allow me to prepare these types of foods using real ingredients.During the weekends, I’d hideaway in my bedroom with my clay set, prepare a big meal, and pretend I’m hosting a feast for my fury little friends.(Predicted score 6.5-7)以上就是三立在线老师介绍的雅思口语回顾过去类题目,希望对考生有所帮助。


环球雅思口语老师给大家带来关于电影类的口语范文一篇,大家可以练习起来囖~ Do you like watching movies? / How often do you go to the cinema?

Definitely, watching movies is my cup of tea.You know, I'm always busy in studying.But I will go to the cinema as often as possible, maybe once every other week because it is one of my favourite ways to relax.I believe films are a wonderful form of art.Many of my friends have the same habit, so we always go to Wanda International Cinema on weekends together, which I think is the best cinema in Beijing.Why do you like to watch films?

Firstly, I think watching films is a good way to relax.You know, when watching a film, I will throw all of my emotion to the story so that I can forget nearly everything about myself, especially the troubles.Also, I can learn many things from the roles in films, for example, I learned how to join forces to fight again devil from my favourite movie.Do you like to watch films in the cinema or at home?

I prefer watching films in the cinema, absolutely.You know, the atmosphere and the sound effect are prefect in the cinema, which you cannot feel at home, facing a small screen, especially for scientific and horror.So you can understand the story and the roles' emotion better, also you are able to learn more from the films.What kind of films do you like?

I love fancy film the most.They are full of magic, imagination and creativity.I believe only imagination can make our real life more colorful.My favorite movie is , which is typical of this kind of movies.I admire J.K.Rowling, the producer of it;I really wonder how those wonderful ideas came from her head!

Who is your favorite movie star?

My favorite movie star is Yang Ziqiong, who is very famous not only in China but also in Hollywood.She is one of the earliest actresses accepted by Hollywood and became popular in the world.She's good at martial arts.She's not very beautiful but her kongfu is really amazing, quick, clear-cut and powerful.I think she's the proud of China, not only for her position in Hollywood, but also because she spread Chinese traditional kongfu in the world.What's the difference between American films and Chinese films?

I think the biggest difference lies in the purpose of the film, result from the level of freedom.You know, most of Chinese films just describe an ordinary story and focus on teaching the audience some principles, because the government controls the contents of films stringently.But because of freedom, the purpose of most American films is to give audience an impressive shock, and then earn enormous profits.






> Do you like your name?

> Who give you your name?

> What names are most common in your hometown?

> Do you have any special traditions about naming children?





1.What is your full name?

What’s your name?

How should I address you?

How should I call you?

2.Who gave you your name?

Who gave this name to you ?

Does your name have any particular meaning?

3.Do you like your name?

Would you like to change your name?

Have you ever changed any name before?

Do you want to change your name before?

4.In your country, do people feel that their name is very important?

Who usually names babies in your country?

Do you have any special traditions about naming children in your hometown?


1.What is your full name? How should I address you?

My full name is XXX.And my English name is Jennie.You can call me Jennie.提示:回答姓名虽然是很简单的问题,但是考生要通过简单的扩展展现出自己与小学生英文水平的不同。很多人把全名full(短音)name念成傻瓜名字fool(长音)name而贻笑大方。在这里考生没有必要大做文章,只要讲清楚姓名就可以。同时因为大多数考官不太会念中文名字,所以最好给出英文名字。

2.Does your name have any special meaning or significance?

Yes, it does have a special meaning.Literally it means to travel as far as beyond the stars.Strategy:在这里可以运用一点点小的技巧。为了从众多考生中脱颖而出,我们可以在准备充分的基础上加上一点点新意。充分发挥想象力,比如说:我们就可以讲这个姓名是算命先生给的,并且有了这个名字就可以嫁个老公:What's more, this name was given by a fortune-teller and he said with this name I would marry a great guy.提示:其实不知道自己姓名的意思也没关系。只要坦诚的告诉考官就可以。但是不可以简单的说“I don't know”,而应该做合理的猜测以展现自己出自己流利的英文表达。但是在猜测的时候,考生可以充分的发挥想象力,没有必要长篇大论。如:I don't really know.It is given by my grandfather.I guess it means to travel as far as beyond the starts, because he also wanted me to become a great and successful person.3.Have you ever changed your name? Why or why not?

No, I haven't.I'm very happy about my Chinese name.And I guess I am never going to change it.Well, yes.The previous name I had just sounds so silly.It is even close to the Chinese word for “baboon”.So in order to avoid continuing embarrassing myself, I changed it.And now I'm happy about my current name.Notes:这道题通常是为下面的题目作铺垫。有两种答题的方向,考生可以自己做出选择。

Do Chinese people like changing their names? Why or why not?

In my personal opinion, generally Chinese people don't like changing their names, because to most people names are just symbols, though some people do believe names can affect the course of their life.In that case, if they are not content with who they are or what they have, they may change their names.What kind of people like changing their names?

Well, generally Chinese people don't like changing their names.But if they do, they must believe names are important to them, more than just symbols, or somehow carries a significant meaning to them.Among them, of course, some people are just superstitious.名字对大多数中国人来说确实只是一个符号。但是如果名字对一个人有特别的含义则有可能促使人改名字。

4.What's their purpose in changing their names?

It is hard to say.But as far as I know there are two major purposes.Number one, people change their names to make their names sound better.Number two, they change their names in order to change their destiny, because they believe names can affect the course of their life, no matter it is superstitious belief or just a willful thought.Well, this is a big question.As far as I know, I don't think Chinese people like to change their names often.Because most people believe names are just symbols.They don't change anything.And destiny is in their own hands to make.Notes:该题目与前一道题目形成对比,前一道题目是个人的行为,本题目涉及的是群体的行为。姓名的改变通常由于以下一些原因:




5.In your culture, do women change their names when they get married?

I know it is quite common for women to take on their spouse's family name in other cultures.But in my culture, that is not the case—women often keep their maiden name even after getting married.But the children will follow the father's surname.Notes:女子出嫁后而不随夫姓,这是中国很普遍的现象。而国外却大多与此相反。考生可以采取中外对比的方式回答问题。

从这些问题我们可以总结如下:在回答第一部分的问题时,考生不要只给考官一个“YES”或“NO”的答案,或是采用“点头摇头术”的交流方式。考生只有在连续用英语回答的前提下才能使雅思考官对其英语的驾驭能力进行评估、打分。所以在雅思口语考试的环节中,“Something is better than nothing!”是永恒的王道。


I am a huge fan of a Chinese TV show named Happy Camp, in Chinese KLDBY, which is an entertaining program.There are a lot of stars showing up in the program.It is on 8 every Saturday night so I feel very relaxed every weekend.The show is very funny in that the five hosts are gifted in amusing people.I especially enjoy watching them chat with guests and play jokes on them.They are so intelligent and humorous that I am always amused by their words.In addition, they also play some games with stars in the show which can present another aspect of these stars.Sometimes I laughed so hard that my mom thought I was crazy, and then she became curious and ended up as a huge fan of the show herself.Yes.I think there are too much advertising on TV which always spoils my mood of appreciating TV programs or dramas.I do not like it at all.I know it is unlikely that there is no ad on TV at all.But I hope the ads can be put after the broadcasting of a TV program not in the middle of it.I think the difference between today’s TV channels and pastis huge.We have more channels today than in the pst.So we can appreciate a variety of TV programs which enrich our leisure time.But there are also more advertisements on TV today than in the past, which makes audience annoyed.I think Peking University Hall is very interesting.It is on the campus of PKU.When I first entered PKU, I went there to listen to the lecture of freshmen’s mental health.So it was one of my first impressions about PKU.Peking University Hall is a building that mixes the arts of traditional and modern architecture.It looks like a castle.At night, all the lights, movement and excitement of a busy theatre can be seen from the street outside.All the performances there are very wonderful.Besides, many famous people visit there and give a lecture to students of our university.I’ve watched a lot of performances and even met my idol Jay Chou in the hall.So the hall is very interesting to me


Describe a film/your favourite film

I watched a movie called “A world without thieves” when I was a freshman.One of my favourite stars, Liu Ruoying, acts the leading role in it.This is a reason I love the film.Beside, the plot is thrilling and funny.The story took place on a train.Liu and her boyfriend were both living by stealing.This time they didn’t steal, but to protect a young man from being stolen.Since Liu was going to give birth to the baby, they did this to accumulate virtue for their baby.Finally, they succeed, and the young man was safe to arrive with his money.But Liu’s boyfriend died in the contest with another thief.When he was dying, he sent a short message to Liu, saying ”Wait for me, and give birth to my baby.”

Two month passed, the police she had met on the train told her the truth.On hearing this, she couldn’t help weeping.Every time I watched this scene, I would be moved by the love between Liu and her boyfriend

Describe an interesting news

Recently, I’ve read a news about the education department announced that the revolution about English college entrance examination.As a student,



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