
时间:2019-05-15 13:19:30下载本文作者:会员上传



篇一:美国签证邀请函模板July, 20xx

Ms.Cindy Hua, Project Supervisor

Passport Number:

Shanghai xxxxx Co., Ltd.No.450, xxxx Road, Shanghai 200063, China

Dear Ms.Cindy Hua,I would hereby invite Ms.Cindy Hua to visit our company in American and have a business meeting about booth construction projects at Solar Power International Show 2016, which will be held from 13th to 15th in September in Las Vegas.Please note that you may have certain visa requirements to enter the United States.Also check local consulate or embassy for the details or restrictions and remember all costs related to medical insurance will be borne by your company.We do look forward to this upcoming and prosperous meeting.Sincerely,xxxxx INC

Peter Zhang

General Manager

篇二:美国签证邀请函模板May, 20xx

To whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter to invite my friendMr/Mrs.xxx(Passport No.xxx)to visit me in Austrialia from xxx.xx to xxx.xx(探访时间).The purpose of the visit is social as well as tourism withinxxx(国家).During his/her visiting, he/she will stay with me at the address listed below.My friendMr/Mrs.xxx will cover all his/her expenses by himself/herself.These include the round trip air fare to xxx(国家), food, transportation, medical insurance, and all other expenses.My friend Mr/Mrs.xxxand I will make sure that he/her will leave Austrialia before the expiration of his/her authorized stay.Your favorable consideration regarding his/her visa application will be highly appreciated.Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me as below.Sincerely,Cell phone:(邀请方电话)




dear officer,i am writing to confirm that i wish to invite

name: xx

relationship: xx date of birth: xx

to visit me while i am studying at abbey college cambridge in uk.i would like to invite him to visit me from xx october xxxx to xx october xxxx.my name is xx and i am a full-time student at abbey college cambridge.i have enclosed the offer, accommodation certificate, payment receipt which confirms that i am studying at abbey college cambridge.i am due to complete my course in 30th june xx.and my visa is valid until xx/xx/xxxx.i confirm that my father will be staying with me during his stay.after my father gets his visa, he will book the hotel in uk.i would be very grateful if you would approve request for uk visa so that he can visit me.i hope the necessary visa arrangements can be made as soon as possible.please find enclosed the following evidence:

1.cas, certificate of abbey college cambridge, payment receipt from abbey college cambridge.2.a copy of my passport

3.a copy of my police registration certificate

4.my accommodation details

please do not hesitate to contact if you need any further information.my mobile number: xx email address: xx

your consideration about permission of xx’s uk visa would be highly appreciated.thank you very much.yours faithfully



MM DD, 20xx

Dear Visa Officer,I, xxx and my husband, YYY , are writing this letter to support of the B-2 visa applications for my father xxx and my mother YYY.We invite them to visit us from DD MM YYYY to DD MM YYYY, approximate x months.During the visit, my parents will live with us in our apartment at xxxx(美国的具体家庭地址).We plan to take them to travel around some famous cities in America, such as New York, Washington DC, Atlantic seashore, Falls of Niagara, Yellowstone National Park, San Diego and so on, to let them know how the Americans and we are living, as well as how we celebrate the Thanksgiving day, the Christmas, and the Chinese New-Year in USA.They will support all their expense, and we will support them in any emergency cases.I'm now work as xxx(职务)with x visa at xxx company/came to US with x visa to reunion my husband, and my husband work at YYY with Y visa, and currently is xx(职务)in Department of xxx.Please find photocopies of our passports, USA visa, I-94 and other documents in the supporting material for your reference.My parents have very strong bonds in xxx, China, it's where they born, grew up, and living, where they have their own house and all their friends.They will return to China after their visit, and we also guarantee they will return to China after the visit.I greatly appreciate your time to process their applications.Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.Sincerely yours,Daughter: xxx(加签名)Son-in-law: YYY(加签名)




Tel: xxx Tel: YYY

Email: xxx Email: YYY


/retype/zoom/64686d0de2bd960590c677a1?pn=2&x=0&y=1268&raww=300&rawh=100&o=png_6_0_0_108_63_256_86_892.979_1262.879&type=pic&aimh=100&md5sum=0e8111ae287183bc142ff50249f72f55&sign=88ab7b5b23&zoom=&png=24295-&jpg=0-0“ target=”_blank">点此查看 fare to canada, food, housing travelling within canada.i have been missing them so much, since i left home a long time.i even dreamt of meeting them every night.i will make sure that she will leave canada before the expiration of their authorized day.please kindly grant her a temporary resident visa.best regards, signature 手写签名



1.邀请信的内容包含邀请人的地址、电话号码、护照信息,联系信息等 2.内容需有:









这时,我们可以办理一个美国商务签证邀请函,它的通过率为百分之九十,极大的提高签证的通过率。美国商务签证邀请函可以作为证明您去美国的意图并非非法移民,而是有正当的商务活动事宜,我们大公司可以出具这样的美国邀请函,帮助您更有把握的顺利拿到美国商务签证,的展会邀请函大致分为四大类: 第一类:

参观者邀请函,Visitor邀请函,单独的一张官方邀请观展函件; 第二类:

参展商邀请函,Exhibitor邀请函,除一张官方邀请参展函件外,还有一张参展商入场识别卡(防伪特殊材质,少数展会入场卡为展会现场办理); 第三类:

我司VIP客户官方活动/会议邀请函,VIP client邀请函,单独的一张官方活动/会议邀请函。第四类:


准备资料如下: 护照原件(护照有效期须在计划美国返回后还至少6个月有效.如曾有旧护照请提供)照片(请电子版一并提供)(照片的尺寸为2X2英寸(大约为51毫米X51毫米)正方形, 头像居于正中。头部(从头顶至下巴)在1英寸至1又3/8英寸之间(即25毫米至35毫米), 眼睛到照片底部的距离为1又1/8英寸至1又3/8英寸。(即28毫米至35毫米)。可以是白色或浅色背景的彩色或黑白照片, 照片无边框, 照片背景如有花纹或图案, 或呈深色, 将不被接受)

身份证复印件,必须用身份证原件正反面复印,清晰,户口本复印件,全体家庭成员的户口本每一页复印件(复印件内容必须清晰)。结婚证复印件(如果已婚)中方公司营业执照副本或单位法人代码证复印件加盖公章 中方英文派遣文件





A:邀请函,包含内容:详细说明访美目的、访问的行程、在美停留时间、邀请人具体资料以及由谁提供所有费用。(请用美方公司信签纸打印,请负责人签名,有美方公司的地址,直接联络人的办公室电话0755-36605853 B:计划赴美参加的会议或培训的详细介绍(建议提供)C:美方公司介绍,如对外宣传的 彩色简介广告小册子;

D:如果参加展会请注意:1)参展所交费用的汇款单据,及对方的发票确认; 2)展位图纸,并勾画出参展位置; 3)参展的产品介绍及其他辅助材料,公司的业务介绍,交易额等.(如是通过展会公司付款等还需提供展会公司与美国主办方的相关收据和发票等确认单据),机票订单(如有)财产的证明(个人银行6个月以上历史消费记录原件(清单上必须能看到本人名字和 账号以及银行盖章)或存折复印件.车产.房产.股票等等)


申请表(申请表格请如实填写,请不要遗漏空格不填。过往工作 经历、教育经历详细填写,申请表格这些都可在我们公司获得。)




第四篇:美国签证邀请函(USA visa invitation letter)


USA Visa Invitation Letter





需准备资料简单(出访时段,护照号码,人名几拼音,所持护照有效期截止日期,公司英文名称),资料完整约4-15天出函。invitation letter,business invitation letter

business visa invitation letter

business invitation letter

visa invitation letter


May 24, 2016 Consulate General of the United States Shanghai

Dear Sir or Madam,I’m a student in the College of Chicago, and here below is my personal information.(表明邀请者的身份,以下填写邀请者的信息)Name: Date of Birth: Phone: Organization: XXX May 18, 1991 XXX The College of Chicago

I would like to invite one of my best friendsXXX to come and visit my home during this summer vacation, as well as visit some attractions with me in famous cities of the United States.Except for Chicago, the city where I live, we initially plan to visit New York, Washington D.C.and Philadelphia.Here below please find the information of my friend:(以下填写被邀请人的个人信息)

XXX Female Name: Sex: Date of Birth: Title: XXX XXX

Passport: Organization:


Sex: Email:

Female XXX

Passport: XXX Address: XXX

My friend Wuyue plans to fly to Chicago on July 23, 2016 and go back to China on August 21, 2016.During this trip, she will live in my house located in the above-mentioned address;and I canguaranteethat she will leave the United States within the visa authorized stay.It would be great appreciated if you could issue a B-1/B-2 visa to my friend.If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to let me know via phone call or email.Best regards, Yours sincerely,(这里需要邀请者的手写签名)



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    美国签证USA Visa,美国商务签证邀请函USABusiness visa invitation letter

    美国签证USA Visa 美国商务签证邀请函USA Business Visa Invitation Letter 美国签证,加拿大签证,英国签证,法国签证, 德国签证,申根签证,韩国签证,日本签证,澳大利亚签证, 意大利签......




    美国签证流程(四个步骤) 一、准备面试材料及交款 a.护照:护照(带相片页)扫描件(选择客人最近的领区)共五个领馆:北京、上海、广州、成都、沈阳 b.身份证:身份证正反面扫面件 c.相片:美......


    所有B类签证申请人所需文件:     含有二维条形码的DS-160申请表的确认页 一张合适的照片 您的护照(签证申请人持有的护照必须在预计结束访美行程时仍有6个月及以上的有效期)。......


    办理美国签证先提供以下材料 1.护照原件或首页扫描件 2.照片原件2张和电子照片(51mm*51mm) (照片注意:近六个月内白底彩照,五官端正,露出耳朵,眉毛,脖子,不要戴眼镜,美瞳,配饰,妆不要太......


    1 美国签证须知一、B1/B2旅游签证客人须提供以下真实材料:(面见签证官时提供)1. 有效因私五年护照。护照须有8个月有效期,且至少有一页空白页(双面)。2. 51mm*51mm白底、露双耳、......


    美国(商务考察)签证所需材料一. 护照1. 有效期从美国离境时至少半年以上的护照原件,至少留有一 整张空白页。2. 护照首页复印件3. 请在护照最后一页签名(中文姓名)。4. 持换发护照......


    美国旅游签证面试常见问题问答-面试流程 面试注意事项 一.美国使馆进出规定: 申请人应注意勿将手机、呼机、手提包及行李带入使馆。只得随身携带签证所需资料。 二. 面试时注......