Inside the fourth courtyard, there is a structure called the Phoenix Pavilion, a place where worshipers wait for services.The pavilion, in fact, is a complex of three small buildings.The six-gabled structure in the central part is adjoined by two three-gabled buildings on each side which make it look like a flying phoenix;hence its name.Just at the back of the pavilion there is a fish pond, and beyond it is a platform with an area of 700 square meters.Acrothe platform stands the 1,300-square-meter prayer hall.It holds over 1,000 worshipers at a time.The ceiling is decorated with over 600 panels.The walls of the hall, as well as the panels, are decorated with patterns of trailing plants and Arabic letters.The shrine at the western end of the hall is where the imam and worshipers chant the Koran and pay homage while facing in the direction of Mecca.The Moslems in China share much the same customs with their brothers and sisters elsewhere in the world.They worship five times a day: at dawn, at noon, in the afternoon, at dusk, and at night.The Constitution of China acknowledges that each citizen has the right freedom of religion, and that each ethnic group has the freedom to preserve or reform its own customs.Of course, the Moslems in China enjoy equal rights with other ethnic groups, and their religious beliefs and customs are respected everywhere in the country.Huaqing Pool is situated about 35 kilometres east of the city of Xian.Historically, the Western Zhou dynasty saw the construction of the Li Palace on the spot.In the Qin dynasty a pool was built with stones, and was given the name Lishan Tang(the Lishan Hot Spring).The site was extended into a palace in the Han dynasty, and renamed the Li Palace(the Resort Palace).In the Tang dynasty, Li Shimin(Emperor Tai Zong)ordered to construct the Hot Spring Palace, and Emperor Xuan Zong had a walled palace built around Lishan Mountain in the year of 747.It was known as the Huaqing Palace.It also had the name Huaqing Pool on account of its location on the hot springs.The Tang dynasty Emperor Xuan Zong and his favourite lady, Yang Gui Fei used to make their home at Frost Drifting Hall in winter days.When winter came, snowflakes were floating in the air, and everything in sight was white.However, they came into thaw immediately in front of the hall.It owed a great deal to the luke warm vapour rising out of the hot spring.This is the Frost Drifting Hall that greets us today.
As the symbol of the old—line Xian,Big Wild Goose Pagoda is a well—preserved ancient building and a holy place for Buddhists。It is located in the southern suburb of Xian City,about 4 kilometers(2。49 miles)from the downtown of the city。Standing in the Da Ci'en Temple complex,it attracts numerous visitors for its fame in the Buddhist religion,its si—mp—le but appealing style of construction,and its new square in front of the temple。It is rated as a National Key Cultural Relic Preserve as well as an AAAA Tourist Attraction。
This attraction can be divided into three parts: the Big Wild Goose Pagoda,the Da Ci'en Temple,and the North Square of Big Wild Goose Pagoda。
Big Wild Goose Pagoda
Originally built in 652 during the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty(618—907),it functioned to collect Buddhist materials that were taken from India by the hierarch Xuanzang。
htmlXuanzang started off from Chang'an(the ancient Xian),along the Silk Road and through deserts,finally arriving in India,the cradle of Buddhism。Enduring 17 years and traversing 100 countries,he obtained Buddha figures,657 kinds of sutras,and several Buddha relics。Having gotten the permission of Emperor Gaozong(628—683),Xuanzang,as the first abbot of Da Ci'en Temple,supervised the building of a pagoda inside it。With the support of royalty,he asked 50 hierarchs into the temple to translate Sanskrit in sutras into Chinese,totaling 1,335 volumes,which heralded a new era in the history of translation。Based on the journey to India,he also wrote a book entitled 'Pilgrimage to the West' in the Tang Dynasty,to which scholars attached great importance。
First built to a height of 60 meters(197 feet)with five stories,it is now 64。5 meters(211。6 feet)high with an additional two stories。It was said that after that addition came the saying—'Saving a life exceeds building a seven—storied pagoda'。Externally it looks like a square cone,si—mp—le but grand and it is a masterpiece of Buddhist construction。Built of brick,its structure is very firm。Inside the pagoda,stairs twist up so that visitors can climb and overlook the panorama of Xian City from the arch—shaped doors on four sides of each storey。On the walls are engraved fine statues of Buddha by the renowned artist Yan Liben of the Tang Dynasty。Steles by noted calligraphers also grace the pagoda。
As for the reason why it is called Big Wild Goose Pagoda,there is a legend。According to ancient stories of Buddhists,there were two branches,for one of which eating meat was not a taboo。One day,they couldn't find meat to buy。Upon seeing a group of big wild geese flying by,a monk said to himself: 'Today we have no meat。I hope the merciful Bodhisattva will give us some。' At that very moment,the leading wild goose broke its wings and fell to the ground。All the monks were startled and believed that Bodhisattva showed his spirit to order them to be more pious。They established a pagoda where the wild goose fell and stopped eating meat。Hence it got the name 'Big Wild Goose Pagoda'。
Da Ci'en Temple
Da Ci'en Temple is the home of Big Wild Goose Pagoda。In 648,to commemorate the dead virtuous queen,royalty ordered the building of a temple named 'Ci'en'(Mercy and Kindness),for which the status and scale far exceeded all others。Today,with an area of 32,314 square meters(38,648。5 square yards),one seventh of the original area,it still retains its grandeur。
Before the temple,there stands a statue of hierarch Xuanzang,the meritorious hierarch。Walking on and acroa small bridge,visitors will see the gates of the temple。With guarding lions,the temple seems stately for lions were said to function as talismans。
Entering the temple you will see two buildings—Bell Tower in the east and Drum Tower in the west。Inside the Bell Tower hangs an iron bell 15 tons(14。76 grotons)in weight。It was molded in 1548 in the Ming Dynasty(1368—1644)。Along the central axis are arranged the Hall of Mahavira,Sermon Hall,Big Wild Goose Pagoda,and the Hall of Xuanzang Sanzang。In the Hall of Mahavira are three carved statues of Sakyamuni,and 18 arhats as well as Xuanzang。The Sermon Hall is where Buddhist disciples would listen to a sermon。A bronze statue of Amitabha is dedicated and a Buddha statue is collected by Xuanzang as oblation。The Hall of Xuanzang Sanzang is north of Big Wild Goose Pagoda。In this hall are Xuanzang's relic and a bronze statue of a seated Xuanzang。The inner wall is chiseled with murals depicting this hierarch's story。Renowned as the contemporary Dunhuang Buddhist storehouse praised by UNESCO,it is the biggest memorial of Xuanzang。
西安,古称长安,是当年意大利探险家马可·波罗笔下《马可·波罗游记》中著名的古丝绸之路的起点。西安,这座永恒的城市,就像一部活的史书,一幕幕,一页页记录着中华民族的沧桑巨变。早在 100 多万年前的旧石器时代,以西安的蓝田猿人为代表,揭开了人类文明的一页。到六、七千年前的新石器时代,先民们在此建造了村落——半坡村,成为中**系氏族公社繁荣时期的典型代表。西安的建城史已有 3100 多年。历史上周、秦、汉、唐等十二个王朝在此建都,历时 1100 多年。中国意为中央之国,中国的中心之点或叫大地原点就在西安,难怪“秦中自古帝王州”!秦始皇在此建造了中国建筑史上的杰作阿房宫,在骊山建造了规模巨大、埋藏极为丰富的历史宝库秦始皇陵,在汉唐时期,西安就是中国政治、经济、文化和对外交流的中心,是当时人口最早超过百万的国际大都市。“东有罗马,西有长安”是西安在世界历史地位的写照。至今,西安与世界名城雅典、开罗、罗马齐名,同被誉为世界四大文明古都。西安无愧于华夏文明的发源地。
秦始皇兵马俑坑被誉为“世界第八大奇迹”,秦始皇陵是最早列入世界遗产名录的中国遗迹,明代古城墙是至今世界上保存最完整、规模最宏大的古城墙遗址。近年,汉阳陵的开发又一次造成了世界的轰动,其出土的裸体彩俑被誉为“东方维纳斯”。市内有 6000 多年历史的半坡遗址;明代建立的藏石碑三千多块、被誉为石质历史书库的碑林博物馆;文物储藏量全国之最的陕西历史博物馆;唐代著名高僧玄奘法师译经之地大雁塔;西北历史最长的清真寺化觉巷清真大寺,以及西安旅游区内的华夏始祖轩辕黄帝之陵黄帝陵;汉武帝刘彻之墓汉茂陵;唐女皇武则天与唐高宗李治的合葬墓唐乾陵;释伽牟尼佛指舍利存放之处法门寺等驰名中外的景点。
西安的旅游商品生产具有浓厚的地方特色,秦俑仿制品、仿古青铜器、秦绣、玉器、丝绸、工艺瓷器、户县农民画、唐三彩、瓷板画、景观表、麦杆画、关中剪纸等民间工艺品十分丰富。全市有推荐旅游购物商店 15 家,可以较好满足游客不同层次的购物需要。同时,西安的餐饮业可以供应全国八大菜系及欧美西餐、日本料理、韩国烧烤、东南亚风味、清真等各式美味佳肴,发掘仿唐菜 120 多种,形成以唐菜为主的传统菜和以陕菜为主的现代菜。在全国饮食业优质产品评选中西安的饺子宴,羊肉泡馍等八个品种荣获金鼎奖,特别是西安独具特色的地方小吃吸引着八方宾客。
西安自古以来就是交通要道,是中国东部通往西北、西南以及西亚各国的咽喉。如今铁路、公路、航空交织成网,四通八达,把西安与全国连成一体。中国四大国际空港之一的西安咸阳国际机场与国内各城市开辟有 100 多条航线。
如今的西安,又是一座以机械、电子、电工、航空航天、轻工工业为主,拥有 500 多个科研机构、40 余所大专院校,经济繁荣、环境优美、文明整洁的现代城市。
西安现辖新城、碑林、莲湖、雁塔、灞桥、未央、阎良、临潼、长安9个区,蓝田、周至、户县、高陵4个县(共有109个街道、67个镇、782个社区和2991个行政村)。有国家级西安高新技术产业开发区、国家级西安经济技术开发区、西安曲江新区、西安浐灞生态区、西安阎良国家航空高技术产业基地、西安国家民用航天产业基地、西安国际港务区和西安沣东新城(简称“ 五区一港两基地”)。总面积10108平方公里,市区规划面积865平方公里。其中,主城区规划面积490平方公里,城市建成区面积415平方公里,常住人口858.81万人。
20xx年6月,国务院批复的《关中— 天水经济区发展规划》明确提出:着力打造西安国际化大都市,到2020年都市区人口发展到1000万人以上,主城区面积达到800平方公里。
西安是首批 中国优秀旅游城市。西安的文化遗存具有资源密度大、保存好、级别高的特点,在中国旅游资源普查的155个基本类型中,西安旅游资源占据89个。西安周围帝王陵墓有72座,其中有“千古一帝”秦始皇的陵墓,周、秦、汉、唐四大都城遗址,西汉帝王11陵和唐代帝王18陵,大小雁塔、钟鼓楼、古城墙等古建筑700多处。
西安境内现有两项六处遗产被列入《 世界遗产名录》,分别是: 秦始皇陵兵马俑、大雁塔、小雁塔、唐长安城大明宫遗址、汉长安城未央宫遗址、兴教寺塔。
佛教于西汉末年传入长安,已有1900多年的历史。截至201x年,西安有佛寺 百余所,僧尼约700人,信教群众约8万人。在中国和东南亚影响深远的八大宗派中,有六个宗派的祖庭在西安市(三论宗祖庭 草堂寺、法相宗祖庭大慈恩寺、密宗祖庭 大兴善寺、华严宗祖庭华严寺、律宗祖庭净业寺、净土宗祖庭 香积寺)。唐朝时,日本空海大师来长安学佛,并学习中国文化,被誉为中日民间交往的友好使者。其他寺院如青龙寺、兴教寺、草堂寺、隋仙游寺、藏传佛教寺院 广仁寺等在历史上都有很大的影响。
道教中国土生土长的宗教,产生 于东汉顺帝时期,距今已有1800多年的历史。全市现有道教宫观27所,道教职业人员约200人,信教群众约5万人。影响较大的宫观有周至县楼观台(是道教的发源地之一)、西安八仙宫、户县重阳宫(该宫是道教全真派的祖庭,是在中国影响较大的全真教派的发源地,位于户县 祖庵镇),临潼骊山老母殿,户县财神刘海故里,户县钟馗故里遗址。
基督教从《大秦景教流行中国碑》的记载算起,传入西安市已有1300多年的历史。基督教的大量传入并有较大发展主要是在战争以后。西安市现有基督教礼拜堂点138处,教职人员372人,信教群众8.3万人。建于唐代的基督教景教大秦寺,位于周至县终南山下,楼观台西侧,该寺现仅存一古塔,影响较大的基督教堂有 南新街礼拜堂、东新巷礼拜堂等。
西安市现有天主教堂点94处,教职人员297人,信教群众近6万人。影响较大的教堂有五星街天主教堂、糖坊街天主教堂、高陵县 通远镇天主教堂、周至县天主教总堂、户县围棋寨天主教堂、户县北市天主大教堂等,在秦岭户县境内还有西北著名天主教朝圣场所-十字山等。
伊斯兰教于唐永徽二年(公元651年)传入西安,有1300多年的历史。全市现有清真寺21所。影响较大的寺院有 化觉巷清真寺、大学习巷清真寺、大皮院清真寺、小皮院清真寺等。
My name is XXX.I was born in Xi'an.I lived in the Xi'an for nearly XX years.Now, please let me introduce Xi'an, one of the most historical city in China, to you.As everybody knows, Xi'an, is the capital of the Shannxi province in China and it is a political, economic, cultural and transportation center of shaanxi province.As one of the oldest cities in Chinese history, Xi'an is one of the four great ancient capitals of China, because it is the capital of thirteen dynasties, including the Qin, Han and Tang dynasties.Its long history and rich cultural heritage have influenced generations of Chinese people, including me.I had to introduce some attractions in Xi'an.As a world-famous attraction, Terra Cotta Warriors is located in Xi'an Lintong County which is surrounded by Lishan, Huaqing Hot Springs and the other famous attractions.If you have not been to Terra Cotta Warriors, you can't imagine it's prosperous and powerful in Qin Dynasty.As people all know, there are some other attractions in Xi'an, such as Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Small Eild Goose Pagoda, Bell Tower, Drum Tower and so on.They are also the historical attractions where tourists have to go, if the one want to know more about Xi'an or even Chinese cultural.Xi'an not only has a long history of Chinese history cultural, but also has a long history of Chinese food cultural.Hui minority street which contains almost all of the snacks in Xi'an.If you visit Xi'an in summer, you have to taste the cold fermented glutinous rice(Lao Zao)which is made by restaurant owner who is kind-hearted and the cold rice noodles(Liang Pi)which can relieve summer heat for you.If you visit Xi'an in winter, you have to taste the most classic food which name is Mutton Soup with Bread in english and Yang Rou Pao Mo in
Chinese.Looking at the hot soup in front of you, you will become warm in
winter.Smelling the fragrant aroma of beef, you can not wait to put them into your mouth.When you finish your meal, you will in great satisfaction and want to eat more although you are already full.These attractive features in Xi'an are just a drop in the bucket.The view in Xi'an is too beautiful to write for me.I just can not write one composition to introduce a complete Xi'an to you.So, why not to come to Xi'an and have an unforgettable experience yourself.I'm sure that you would never regret for this journey.