达摩洞位于少林寺西北的五乳峰上,石洞深约7米,高3 米,宽3.5米,从公元527年到536年,达摩在此面壁九年,终成正果,首传禅宗,成为佛教史上的伟大创举。这里有明代修建的十方一座,洞两旁山岩上有历代名人留下的多处石刻。
天王殿 我们现在看到是第二进建筑天王殿,天王殿的原建筑于1928年被石友三烧毁。这是1982年重修的,殿门外的两大金刚,传为“哼”、“哈”二将,职责是守护佛法。大殿内侧塑的是四大天王,又称四大金刚,它们的职责是视察众生的善恶行为,扶危济困、降福人间。人们根据四大天王的组合特点,寓意“风调雨顺”。
大雄宝殿 是全寺的中心建筑,是僧人进行佛事活动的重要场所,该殿和天王殿一样在1928年被军阀石友三烧毁。这是1985年重建的。该殿是面阔五间的重檐歇山式建筑。殿内正中供奉的为现世佛----释迦牟尼如来佛,左为过去佛----东方净琉璃世界的药师佛,右为未来佛-----西方极乐世界的阿弥陀佛,殿内东西山墙悬塑的是十八罗汉,屏墙后壁悬塑的是观世音。少林寺大雄宝殿与其它寺院大雄宝殿的不同之处在于这里的三世佛左右各塑有站像达摩祖师和被称为少林寺棍术创始人的紧那罗王。另外,在该殿中间有两根大柱下还有麒麟雕像,预示了禅宗佛教是完全汉化的中国式的佛教。
朱仙镇导游词 ·中岳庙导游词 ·岳飞庙导游词 ·河南嵩山少林寺导游词
藏经阁 又名法堂,明代所建,毁于1928年,1994年重建,它是寺僧藏经说法的场所。内供少林寺的一位缅甸国弟子于1996年揖赠的汉白玉卧佛像一尊。在藏经阁月台下有一口大铁锅,是明代万历年铸造的,据说是当时少林寺和尚用来炒菜用的小锅,从这口锅内可以想象到少林寺复当时的昌盛与繁荣。
达摩亭 又称立雪亭。殿内神龛中供奉的是铜质达摩坐像,两侧分别是二祖慧可、三祖僧灿、四祖道信、五祖弘忍。殿内悬挂的“雪印心珠”四字乃乾隆皇帝御题。说起达摩亭还有一个动人的故事。据佛教经典记载:达摩来到少林寺后,有一中国高僧神光也追随而来,虚心向达摩求教,被达摩拒绝,神光并不灰心。达摩到石洞面壁坐禅,神光侍立其后,达摩回寺院料理佛事,神光也跟回寺院,神光对达摩精心照料,形影不离。对禅师的一举一动,心悦口服,就这样日复一日,年复一年。公元536年冬天的一个夜晚,达摩在达摩亭坐禅入定,神光依旧侍立在亭外,这时天上下起了大雪,大雪淹没了神光的双膝,神光仍双手合十,一动也不动,第二天早上达摩开定后,见神光站在雪地里,就问他:“你站在雪地里干什么?”神光回答说:“求师傅传授真法。”达摩说:“要我传法给你,除非天隆红雪。”
千佛殿 千佛殿是明朝建造的,是少林寺院的最后一座建筑,又名毗卢阁,殿高20余米,面积300余平方米,是寺内的最大佛殿,殿内神龛中供奉的是毗卢佛(即释迦牟尼佛的法身)神龛上悬挂的“法印高提”匾额是清乾隆皇帝御书,殿内东、西北、三面墙壁上是明代绘制的500罗汉朝毗卢大型彩画,出自明代无名画家之手画意精美,设计大胆有很高的艺术研究价值。我们往地上看,殿内砖铺底面上有4排48个站桩坑,他们是历年少林寺僧练拳习武的脚坑遗址,从这些脚坑我们可见少林功夫非同一般。
少林寺塔林是历代少林寺高僧的坟茔,总面积14000余平方米,1996年国务院公布为国家级重点文物保护单位。塔林现存唐、宋、金、元、明、清各代砖石墓塔240余座,其中唐塔2座、宋塔2座、金塔10座、元塔46座、明塔148 座,其余为清塔和宋代不详的塔。少林寺塔林是我国现存古塔群中规模最大、数量最多的古塔群,这里的塔高一般在15米以下,由一级到七级不等,明塔的高低、大小、层级、形制是根据和尚生前在佛教的地位、佛学造诣、佛徒数量、威望高低、经济状况及历史条件而定的。
达摩洞位于少林寺西北的五乳峰上,石洞深约7米,高3 米,宽3.5米,从公元527年到536年,达摩在此面壁九年,终成正果,首传禅宗,成为佛教史上的伟大创举。这里有明代修建的十方一座,洞两旁山岩上有历代名人留下的多处石刻。
Fellow guests, we now must visit the tour the place are Chinese zen place of origin-----Shaolin Temple.The Shaolin Temple beginning constructs at Northern Wei Dynasty too and 19 years(the A.D.495 years)settle the Indian Buddhist priest postscript by Yuan Hongwei to depend on Shan Biji to found, because it is located Yu Shaoshi in the mountain jungle, therefore “Shaolin Temple”.The Northern Wei Dynasty filial piety prosperous three years(the A.D.527 years)Buddha's 28th generation of bodhi reaches touches the lasted three years to arrive Shaolin Temple, the biography zen, affects enormously.Therefore, Shaolin Temple is called by world Buddhism as “the imperial sacrifices courtyard”, and in this foundation rapid development, after specially Tang tenth day three sticks monks rescued Li Shimin to obtain the Tang dynasty highly to take, to win “world first checked” the fine reputation.The present Shaolin Temple not only because its ancient god dense Buddhism article alias raises the world, but is more renowned at home and abroad because of its exquisite few forests time, “the Chinese time crown world, the world Wugong leaves the few forests”.Here is the few forests martial arts place of origin, the few forests martial arts also are the universally acknowledged Chinese martial arts orthodox school school.Shaolin Temple scenic area or one of our country famous tourist attractions.In 2000, the Shaolin Temple scenic area first batch is recognized by the national travel agency for our country at present the highest-level----4A level traveling area.The Shaolin Temple scenic area often is hospitalized including Shaolin Temple, Tallin, at the beginning of the ancestor hut, two ancestors huts, reaches touches the hole, ten sides , the martial arts hall and so on the main scenic site.Now we first saw is Shaolin Temple often is hospitalized.Shaolin Temple often is hospitalized is Shaolin Temple's core, is manages the buddhist priest and the deacon monk carries on the Buddhist ceremony activity the place, the total area more than 30,000 square meters, is seven enters the construction.Now we first saw is:
Entrance: The entrance is Shaolin Temple's front door, this is the Qing Dynasty constructs, in 1975 overhauled, on “Shaolin Temple” three characters were clear Emperor Kanghsi kiss the book, on had “treasure of the Kanghsi imperial brush” the side to print.The entrance palace stair next two sides stone lion is the Ming Dynasty engraves vertically, namely has demonstrated the Buddhism style, also is symbolizing the town evil and is propitious, outside the entrance two sides also have the the Ming Dynasty construction thing each.Everybody looked that, in the entrance palace niche for a statue of Buddha consecrates is the big stomach Maitreya religion Buddha name welcomes guests Buddha, his benign countenance, smiles welcomes your arrival.We are called Maitreya religion Buddha “the solemn grave entrance happy to look the glory illuminates, laughs welcomes the coming person to pray for heavenly blessing extremely happy is infinite”.Behind the entrance palace niche for a statue of Buddha consecrates is the Bodhisattva, the person protects buddhist law Jin'gang, it grasps the Jin'gang valuable pestle, protects temple Buddha, the law, the monk three treasures security.We looked the entrance road two sides have many stele carvings, the personal Shaolin Temple stele forest, since these all have been the Tang Song's famous primitive stele carvings.Stele forest is the kind cloud hall former site, presently for the Shaolin Temple tablet porch, it not only is recording the temple prosperity and decline condition, moreover in history, carving, artistic aspect, also has the very high research value, the Shaolin Temple stele forest and the tablet porch total has stele carving 108.Stele forest west side is the hammer spectrum hall, here winding corridor week 42, it used the clay sculpture and the woodcarving and so on vividly had demonstrated the Shaolin Temple martial arts origin, the development, exercised martial arts, the essence repertoire, the national defense function, the monk soldier fights content and so on mark, martial arts activity, altogether Chen unfolded 14 groups of 216 hammers spectra picture.Has meditates, runs after circles Buddha, eight sections of brocades, the small red fist, the scarlet fist, passes the arm fist, Luo Hanquan, the illustrious positive fist, practices the basic skills, 13 sticks monk rescues Qin Wang, the hill buddhist priest holds commander-in-chief to go to battle, the month spatial master even Japanese pirate as well as the vulgar family disciple practices the fist to practice martial arts and so on.The slang stated that, In the hammer spectrum hall five minutes, come out a body few forests merit, everybody may practice the few forests merit according to these cast postures.The Son of Heaven palace we now saw was second enters constructs the Son of Heaven palace, the Son of Heaven palace original construction three is burned down in 1928.This was in 1982 repairs, outside palace gate two big Jin'gang, the biography will be “humph”, “Kazak” two, the responsibility protects the Buddhist doctrine.The main hall inside models is four great heavenly gods, also called four big Jin'gang, their responsibility inspects the all living things good and evil behavior, helps the distressed, falls the lucky world.The people according to the four great heavenly gods the combination characteristic, the implication “the good crop weather”.is entire temple central construction, is the Buddhist priest carries on the Buddhist ceremony activity the important place, this palace and the Son of Heaven palace three are equally burned down in 1928 by the warlord.This was in 1985 reconstructs.This palace is the surface extravagant five double-eaved roofs rests Shan Shi to construct.In the palace center consecrates is present world Buddha----Buddha Tathagata buddha, left for passes Buddha----East only colored glaze world pharmacist Buddha, right for future Buddha-----west extremely happy world Amida Buddha, the palace west gable will hang models is , after the screen wall the wall will hang models is the view world sound.Shaolin Temple to here about respectively models with other temple different occupying has reaches touches the founder and is been called the Shaolin Temple stick technique founder to tighten that Luo king.Moreover, has under two big columns among this palace also to have the unicorn statue, had indicated zen Buddhism is China's-like Buddhism which completely sinicizes.the first two sides construction for the clock, the drum two buildings, southeast is a bell tower, southwest is a drumtower, the original construction destroyed in 1928 warfare, in 1994 carried on has repaired, they were the temple fixed construction.We often said are the temple monk daily life and carry on the Buddhist ceremony activity one kind of signal.In front of the bell tower this stele carving is “Emperor the Lofty Mountain Shaolin Temple Tablet” is named “Li Shimin Tablet”, it engraves stands founds a nation for 16 years to Emperor Xuanzong in Tanh dynasty(the A.D.728 years).Directly is person and so on Li Shimin Shaolin Temple seat of honor temple host teaches the article, commended the Shaolin Temple monk to help Tang to still Wang Shichong's meritorious military service, was right the fifth line to have the Li Shimin own handwriting to initial “the world people” two characters, the stele carving “too Emperor Zong Wen the imperial book” seven large brush-written Chinese characters is Emperor Xuanzong in Tanh dynasty Li Longji the imperial book.Back engraves is Li Shimin “Bestows Shaolin Temple Bai Guzhuang the Imperial Book ”, recorded 13 sticks monks to rescue Qin Wang's story, also was the historical basis which the movie “Shaolin Temple” photographed.×Ö´®9
“Li Shimin Tablet” the north is “a Hill Zen master Line of Solid Tablet”, has recorded Shaolin Temple Cao Dongzong the 24th generation of biography law Zen master's experience and inspires the few forests zen again the merit.Its back is “ All sorts of people Tablet”, above the quarter has Buddha, the road, the meek Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism picture, this tablet had reflected Mt.Songshan is Buddha, the road, the meek Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism gathers together the place, has manifested the Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism confluence important thought.Again we saw toward the north was the clear Qian Long 15 years(in 1750)vertically engraves “Qian Long Imperial Tablet”.The inscribed text is a poem with five characters per line: Tomorrow will gaze the mountain, tonight will sleep the few forests, the heart according to six imperial sacrifices static, the temple will be deep according to Wanshan, sets up the ancient customs to keep the sound, the earth deities evening does cloudyly, will be supposed to teach half crag rain, will send my night of window to recite.×Ö´®1
the palace tightens that Luo palace, reconstructed in 1982, in modelled tightens that Luo Wang is the Shaolin Temple unique protection god.Here had demonstrated tightens that Luo Wang , the Dharmakaya, should the body three kind of different images.West the side and tightens that Luo palace relatively is six.Was in 1982 reconstructs, in the palace directly consecrated is the situation to the Bodhisattva, the Manjusri Bodhisattva, the goddess of mercy, the Pu virtuous Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva, two sides consecrated are at the beginning of the zen the ancestor reach touch, two ancestors brightly may, three ancestors monks Can, four ancestors say the letter, five ancestors greatly endured, six ancestors are bright energy, the personal six ancestors did obeisance the Goddess of Mercy.West six west wall is the large-scale painted sculpture “reaches touches only treads on turns over to the chart”.The Buddhist scriptures Chinese style pavilion also named the court of law, the Ming Dynasty constructs, destroys in 1928, in 1994 reconstructed, it was the temple monk Buddhist scriptures view place.In the white marble which presents as a gift in 1996 likes for a Shaolin Temple's Burmese country disciple.Has a big iron saucepan under the Buddhist scriptures Chinese style pavilion platform, is the the Ming Dynasty ten thousand all previous years casting, it is said the Shaolin Temple buddhist priest uses for the small pot at that time which the stir-fried dish uses, was allowed to imagine from this pot to the Shaolin Temple duplicate then prosperity and prosperous.字串6
The Buddhist scriptures Chinese style pavilion east and west wings respectively are east the meditation room, west the reception room, east the meditation room is a place which meditates for the Buddhist priest, west the reception room presently for receives the guest the place.The side is Shaolin Temple abbot/abbess the monk(also is abbot)the daily life, the life, director's place.The Qian Long 15 years on September 29, Qian Long travels for pleasure when Mt.Songshan once in this lodgings.Side entrance Zhong Weiyuan a generation of casting, this clock only can in encounter in the emergency case only then to strike it, plays reports to the police the role.Reaches touches the pavilion name to set up the snow pavilion.In the palace center consecrates is the copper nature reaches touches , two sides respectively are two ancestors are bright may, three ancestors monks Can, four ancestors say the letter, five ancestors greatly endure.In the palace is hanging “the snow India heart bead” four characters is Emperor Qian Long the imperial topic.Said reaches touches the pavilion also to have a moving story.According to the Buddhism classics records: After reaches touches arrives Shaolin Temple, some Chinese eminent monk god light also follows to come, modestly to reaches touches seeks for advice, reaches touches the rejection, the god light certainly is not discouraged.Reaches touches to the pit hole faces the wall to meditate, the god light stands after that, reaches touches the temple to attend to the Buddhist ceremony, the god light also with returns to the temple, the god light to reaches touches the intensive care, always is together.To Zen master's every action and every movement, the heart pleased takes orally, like this day after day, year after year.A.D.a 536 years winter night, reaches touches in reached touches the pavilion to meditate sits in meditation, the god light stands as before outside the pavilion, by now under the space got up the heavy snow, the heavy snow submerged the god light double knee, the god light still, as soon as moved also motionless, after second days early reached higher authorities to touch decide, saw the god light to stand in the snowy area, asked him: “What do you stand in the snowy area do?” The god light replied: “Asks skilled worker really to teach method.” Reaches touches said that, “Wants me to pass on the law to you, only if the day is prosperous.”
God photolysis Italy, extracts abstains the knife, has struck off from already the left arm, the blood seven red white snows, have reached immediately touch the heart movement, then has bequeathed the god light the clothes earthen bowl Buddhist musical istrument, the achievement passing on method certificate, and names for it is “is bright may”.We now said “clothes earthen bowl true line” the idiom story is the source to this.“Breaks the arm asks the law” the story also continuously for the imperial sacrifices to be on everybody's lips.At the same time, for commemorates two ancestors to be bright may set up the snow to break the arm to obtain the Buddhist doctrine, the people called “reaches touches the pavilion” is “sets up the snow pavilion”.Reaches touches pavilion is the Manjusri palace, in the palace consecrates is the Manjusri Bodhisattva, gets down everybody to follow me to visit the Shaolin Temple highest main hall, certainly also is the most precious palace.Thousand Buddhist temple hall thousand Buddhist temple hall is Ming Dynasty construction, is the Shaolin Temple courtyard last the construction, the other name adjoins the Lu Chinese style pavilion, the palace high 20 meters, the area 300 square meters, is in the temple most Buddhist temple hall, in the palace center consecrates is adjoins the Lu Buddha(namely Buddha Buddha's Dharmakaya)on to be hanging “law India high to raise” the inscribed horizontal tablet is clear Emperor Qian Long the imperial book, the palace , northwest, on three walls is 500 Luo Han Dynasty which the Ming Dynasty draws up adjoins the Lu large-scale color painting, stems from the Ming Dynasty not to have hand of picture Italy famous painter to be fine, the design boldly has the very high artistic research value.We looked toward the place on that, in the palace in the brick shop bottom surface has 4 rows of 48 stations piles pit, they are the foot pit ruins which all previous years Shaolin Temple monk practices boxing , we may become fewer the forest time from these foot pits.Thousand Buddhist temple hall east side is the Goddess of Mercy palace other name hammer spectrum palace, in the palace consecrates Guanyin, namely goddess of mercy.In the palace on the wall is clear center later period plan Shaolin Temple
West thousand Buddhist temple hall is the repositry for buddhist scriptures, among the palace consecrates is Ksitigarbha, stands in the Ksitigarbha south side is the reply elder, north the side is a bright buddhist priest, in the palace the north and south both sides wall plan is “ten palaces Mr.Yan”, west side the wall plan is “24 filial piety charts”.Fellow friends, ask everybody to return according to the old route, our below visits is the country key cultural relic preservation organ----Shaolin Temple Tallin.The Shaolin Temple Tallin is all previous dynasties Shaolin Temple eminent monk's tomb, the total area 14,000 square meters, in 1996 the State Council announced for the national level key cultural relic preservation organ.Tallin extant Tang, Song, the gold, Yuan, are bright, clear each generation of bricks and stones grave tower 240, Tang tower 2, the Song tower 2, the Chinta 10, the Yuan tower 46, bright tower 148, other the tower which are unclear for the clear tower and Song Dynasty.The Shaolin Temple Tallin is in our country extant ancient tower group the scale biggest, the quantity most ancient towers group, here tower high generally below 15 meters, is different from a level to seven levels, Ming Ta height, the size, the level, the construction are according to the buddhist priest before death in Buddhism's status, the Buddhist studies attainments, the quantity, the prestigious height, the economical condition and the historical condition decides.The Shaolin Temple tower Lin Zhongdi famous tower includes: Tang Zhenyuan seven years(A.D.791 years)the law played the Zen master tower, the Song three years(in 1121)ordinary tower, Jin Zhenglong two years(in 1157)west Tang tower, bright Wanli eight years(in 1580)confident pinnacle, clear Kanghsi five years(in 1666)the other shore tower, after a Yuan generation()the chrysanthemum hut elder tower which(in 1339)built to a Yuan five year and so on.Tallin was studies our country the ancient architecture history, the carving, the calligraphy, the artistic history and the religious culture precious buried treasure.Under we continue to at the beginning of ancestor hut visit.Now for everybody simply introduced at the beginning of ancestor hut, initially the ancestor hut is located Shaolin Temple five under, in on the Shaolin Temple temple behind hillside, is the descendant disciple which reaches touches reaches for the commemoration touches faces the wall to construct.Area 7,760 square meters, at the beginning of ancestor hut main hall for Song Dynasty model wood construction construction, now for national level key cultural relic preservation organ.Now we go to two ancestors huts visit while the place rope way.Two ancestors huts are located in the Shaolin Temple earthen bowl jade peak, it is the Shaolin Temple highest construction, is two ancestors is bright may construct, because its and at the beginning of ancestor hut north and south south isologue therefore calls the hut.After the fable two ancestors were bright may set up the snow cliff once to convalesce in this.Reaches touches the hole to be located Shaolin Temple northwest five on, the pit hole deep approximately 7 meters, the height 3 meters, the width 3.5 meters, from the A.D.527 years to 536 years, reach touch face the wall for nine years in this, finally becomes the fruits of virtue, the biography zen, becomes in the Buddhism history the great pioneering work.Here has ten sides which the Ming Dynasty constructs, both sides the hole on the precipice has many place carved stone which all previous dynasties celebrity stays behind.Receives us to visit the Shaolin Temple opposite ten sides.The Shaolin Temple opposite few brooks river Nanan is the cubic meter of stone , constructed in seven years(in 1512), clear along governed for ten years to repair, was the temple courier's lodge, is a place which the good foot Buddhist priest stayed, in 1958 collapsed, in 1993 repaired.The newly built ten sides and past were different, was group of new Buddhism imperial sacrifices scenery-----500 Luo Hantang.Ten Fang Naizheng about four corners ten positions.Four: East constructs has, west, south, north four Shan Yanxie the mountain type palace.Four corners: Constructs has the spring, the summer, the fall, the winter four each characteristic scenery circle.Ten sides designs exquisite, plain is elegant, it is one of Shaolin Temple main scenic sites.Good, fellow tourists, Shaolin Temple's visit must finish, welcome everybody to have the opportunity to arrive Shaolin Temple to visit the traveling again, studied the fist , thanks.
嵩山是我国著名的五岳之一。古称“外方”,夏、商时期称“嵩高”,西周时称“岳山”,周平王迁都洛阳后称“嵩高山”,五代以后称“中岳嵩山”,与泰山、华山、恒山、衡山共称五岳。要说中岳嵩山,在五岳之中,它东不如泰山雄伟,西不如华山险峻,南不如衡山秀丽,北不如恒山奇崛。然而,山不在高,有仙则名。巩山,以它自己诱人的山川风貌,灿烂的古老文化,独特的演变历史,天然的地质博物,在国内外享有盛名。嵩山属伏牛山 系北支外方山山脉的一部分,大地构造为前寒武纪地块及盖层,盖层构造以断裂为主,褶皱次之,经历了多次地壳和造山运动,形成了山势陡峻、雄伟壮观、。奇峰林立、瑰丽多姿的地貌形态。由于嵩山地层发育齐全,层序清楚,在不大的范围内能看到太古、元古、古生、中生、新生五个地质年代的地层出露、类型齐全的岩石,多次地壳运动的痕迹等,是研究地质构造的一个良好的实践基地。这在国内乃至世界上都是少见的,被誉为“五世同堂”的天然地质博物馆,为中外地质学者瞩目。