
时间:2019-05-15 14:17:41下载本文作者:会员上传




Today is National Day.We have no classes.In the morning, I went to the People's Park with my mother.We had a good time.In the afternoon, I helped my parents to cook supper.I had a busy day today.OCT.1 20xx SUNNY

Today is National day, but I don’t feel any happy at all, just no reson.Last night I download the English Paper till 3AM ,sometime I want to give up.but in order to accomplish my dream.I can handle it.Today is National Day on Oct,1 2009, Weiqun have 2 days as holiday, I just made a call to home but she still didn''t get home, I asked mother to try to call her to confirm her position right now in order to be convenient for taking fetch by my father in 6-cross roadmouth.New house has been finished nearly.Dad decided to resume working in Houzai Glass factory just for RMB350 monthly even actually I don''t want him to work back.there are 7 days holiday I will take for Chinese National Day.But maybe I need on duty every day.Linyunbin will come back to Dongguan today.英语周记范文二:

today, i am also very busy.morning, i do household chores at home to help my mother, i would like to sweep again, the sweat haired.at noon, i saw “journey to the west”, which is a very very good-looking classic drama.i like to watch from an early age, it is now very fond of.i like the monkey king.i was 3 years old when the most like him, i think he should is my first idol.今天我很忙也很累。早上,我在家帮妈妈干家务活,我先扫地再拖地,满头大汗。中午,我看了《西游记》,这是一部非常好看非常经典的电视剧。我从小就喜欢看,现在还是很喜欢。我最喜欢孙悟空了。我在3岁的时候就最喜欢他,我想,他应该是我的第一个偶像。


Saturday,my grandma made dumplings,one of the dumplings like obedient little ducks swimming in the bowl。My in the mind have a little not to eat them。But the smell of fragrance and let me greedy slobber,I eat up tit-bit。But I eat dumplings,the heart have a kind of feeling can not tell。



Yesterday,I had a very strange dream.I played golf last day.after the first seventeen holes, my score was seventeen!One after another.I hit that ball,It flew through the air,landed,and rolled into the wait cup.I could do no wrong,until the eighteenth hole,It started fine.I drove onto the green.I was about three feet away from golfing history.The lowest score ever.翻译:昨晚,我有一个很奇怪的梦.我昨晚去打高尔夫球去了.打了17杆后,我的得分是17分!我把球一个接一个打出去,球在空中飞行后,落在地上,滚进了洞里.直到第18个球才失误.开始很好,我把球打进了球穴区.我离创造高尔夫历史只有三英尺.这也许是历史上最好的分数了.It‘s the first day of hoilday.I went to shopping with my mom.we were at a “fashion store”Mom said :“Oh,look at that hat!It‘s beautiful!”I asked:“Do you want to try it on?”“yes!”she said.“so,what do you think?”she asked me.“The style is terrific, but I don‘t like the color.”I answered her.“I‘ll take it” and her talk to the sell clerk,and wearing it.翻译:这是我第一天放假.我和我的妈妈去逛街了.我们在一家“时装店”的小商店逛.妈妈说;“ 看,那顶帽子真漂亮!”我问;“你想戴以下吗?”“当然!”她说.“你觉得怎么样?”“款式好,但我不喜欢颜色.”我回答她.“我要买了!” 说着她找售货员把帽子买了,并戴了起来.英语周记范文五:

Last night, I watched a movie, it is about two teenagers, they have cancer, but the boy is positive about life while the girl is negative about life.They meet each other, then the girl is affected by the boy, she starts to see the beautiful things in her life.I am so moved by the movie, though the ending of the movie is not so perfect, we see the change of the girl's life.The topic of the movie is to tell people to be positive about life, no matter what happens, even the bad fortune they get, they still need to smile every day.People need to find the beauty of life, so they won't life live without meaning.昨晚,我看了一部电影,那是关于两个青少年,他们身患癌症,但是男孩对生活很乐观,然而女孩子却对生活很悲观。他们遇见了彼此,然后女孩受到了男孩子的影响,她开始看到了生活的美好食物。我被这部电影深深地感动,虽然电影的结局不是那么的完美,但是我们看到了女孩生活的改变。电影的主题是告诉人们要对生活乐观,无论发生什么事情,即使他们遇到不幸,仍然需要每天乐观面对生活。人们需要发现生活的美,这样他们就不会活得没有意义。



1大学周记200字 The first week of the internship, I can simply summed up in a few words, that is: see more, ask more, watch more, think more!Manager zhao main let me to know something about our company background, product, development direction, etc.In addition, try to communicate with colleagues, because from the conversation can also learn many things.Colleagues are very enthusiastic, very take care of me, often in I encounter difficulties when they take the initiative to lend a helping hand, they patiently taught me how to use the printer, fax machine, copier of some commonly used office supplies, such as how to answer the call.Also from the perspective of I am a college graduate students to consider for me, encouraged me to do things to do, don't understand asked, that's all right, I was so touched and pleased.In order to be truly learned knowledge, I am very strict requirements to do everything, even simple things(filing)I will seriously consider a few times, as a result, although do not fast, but can ensure satisfactory.2大学周记200字 On March 1 I officially joined the uptown army days hotel, become a member of the front desk cashier, my position is the cashier at the front desk clerk.From early December after the interview, I have been waiting for this day, representing my life began to enter into another turning point, I started a half step into society, formally began to work, I can no longer simply is a student, only know to learn;More, I started to contact pressures of life and the challenges of the job.I am courageous and willing to accept the challenge, I love to enrich life.This week, it is me into the hotel in the first week of uptown army day.Conducted by a few days, let me feel the uptown army days hotel as a private enterprise, and standardize the internal management is quite serious, I produce a considerable sense of belonging;The human resources training, food and beverage training, training rooms and front desk is pretty good.Training content is quite rich, make I benefit a lot from it.Make me the deepest impression, these days is the hotel perfect treatment for employees, delivered a speech on yi dong, chairman of celebrating the New Year.In fact, the yi dong's speech makes me shake, yi dong people quite a solid management foundation knowledge, teach us the reel with his experience, a long history, every word that I have to has.Easy Dong Shi my role model.And the finance department director hu practical interpretation of reconciliation purpose, also to my memories, makes me very have the impulse to buy a set of software practice.New here, I move slowly, can't sent wrong.After a week I get a further understanding about the hotel.But, this is just a start, more tests and challenges, the opportunities ahead.3大学周记200字 How time flies, suddenly in the second week is over, because of just into the company, some important things I don't have, but I don't lose heart, also did not feel overqualified.I think only from the most basic start, the accumulation of bit by bit, every little thing, do I let the leaders and colleagues at ease, can accomplish something big business in the future.'Short step, without that,' 'jianghai don't refuse to trickle, can into the large' 'why one house does not sweep, sweep the world?' That is the reason why said.Advance in the morning, I can guarantee to the company, for a period of time before start working, help the teacher's desk tidy up, and then drag the office, make teachers work more comfortable and more happy mood, also can teach me something more.Order the meals at noon, I'll help colleagues, according to their respective called a taste different food, colleagues also is very satisfied for the food I ordered.In the afternoon, the company has express send, I will contact responsible for delivery, and fill in the Courier sheet after sent items in time, by the leadership of praise.Basic this week is spent in the busy and trivial, but although the trivial little things, and have been dealing with a book in the school, I feel there is a kind of novelty, every little thing need me to themselves, through the pay their labor for results are valuable, and it's worth it.4大学周记200字 After three weeks of practice, for the company's operation process also have some understanding, though no specific operations, but in contact with a new transaction at a loss, no longer learned how to deal with some emergency.Such as when received some complaints telephone, knows how to appease customers emotions, how to carry out of a simple processing and so on.And from the process of work to understand the importance of proactive, when you can choose to be held the initiative in our own hands.Believe that everyone started practice, has made similar 'chores' copy typing, document filing, etc, because just started working for the company's content, process, also don't understand, so do the chores an internship will do.Although the work is complicated but to also learn many things from it.So said that it is big or small, as long as the positive learning actively, and to do their job, study, ask frequently, and often do, will have unexpected harvest.5大学周记200字 After nearly a month of telephone pays a return visit work, in addition to report on the work with before, and some of the summary, this week we have a more difficult task-to visit customers together with older employees(and this is our focus in the next stage).The day before the starting point of our material is ready, it is not just the written material is more important is the material of your head, after clear understanding customer background information, to make clear the content of our conversation, what is the result of this we talk to, and so on are in my heart there is a simple program.More important, of course, these are just some of the key skills of conversation, and so on.Of course of those discussed above, the old employees is not going to tell you, like what he want to talk about this time, how to open the topic, etc., with customers only by a few times on summarize the main points when they are in a conversation with the client's content.After doing their homework, the most important thing is the practice of the actual combat, because only through constant practice can have a progress, or simply a theory.6大学周记200字 Time flies, a twinkling of an intern for more than a month already.Looking back over the past few weeks and learned a lot, although some small complain, but everything comes to him who waits, finally is not a waste of time in the past.Thanks to the most difficult time in my colleagues to give encouragement and help, let me overcome phobias.With their help, I learned a lot not even on the book knowledge, believe it will be a treasure in my life in the future work.With this business contact more than a month, feeling is to fit the to pick up the phone, also easy to adjust good state of mind.According to the task of each month, start to your week plan, according to a chapter, for their every step to make a clear plan.Seemingly simple work plan, does cover a lot of content, a work plan must be enforceable, each work goal is not to hot air, it must be achievable, it is not only to superiors, but also do show yourself, only after the in achieving a goal, work will have more power.7大学周记200字 Earth is always in turn, a second time in a second in the past, and I am still in trouble to work in, every day go to the interview, go to Internet cafes have a resume, repeat do the same thing, the result is the same.But I still didn't give up, but continued to look for in your job, money spent about the same, at this time and I was very anxious, but not how not bashful in open to people in the home.Finally, 'constant effort, let me find a job.Came to the unfamiliar environment, strange people and things, let me feel a little stiff, trying to smile to reduce verbal clumsy.The first day is not, as I think, by the hr manager took us familiar with the company's environment, meet new colleagues.Everyone seemed to be very busy, may is the business peak season now.8大学周记200字 After a week of practice, for the company's operation process also have some understanding, though no specific operations, But in the access to the new transaction no longer overwhelmed, learned how to deal with some emergency.Know learn some things from the hair the hair, and from the process of work to understand the importance of proactive, when you can choose, will be held the initiative in our own hands.Believe that everyone started practice, has made similar 'chores' copy typing, document filing, etc, because just started working for the company's content, process, also don't understand, so do the chores an internship will do.Although the work is complicated but to also learn many things from it.So said that it is big or small, as long as the positive learning actively, and to do their job, study, ask frequently, and often do, will have unexpected harvest.9大学周记200字 After a week of grunt work, let I to the company's operation process and have an overall understanding of business, so this week our work content also has a little change, in addition to simple technical documentation, and how to do a good job in this aspects of product design, and I thought to use the size of the specific tool is measured, and then through the autocad draw is ok, but the result is not so simple as you think.Boss always call me again and again, check the figure painting and other errors, check after a few days, I began to feel a whole day sitting in front of the computer started a little tired, facing the computer all day, watching the boring meaningless graphics, I am a little began to tired of, but I still insist on doing, careful check.So I survived the boring for a week.10大学周记200字 As the saying goes the season of a year is in the spring, the season of the day is in the morning, it is the beginning of a week, up in the morning breathing the fresh air of the window, went to the factory to start a new job, will the parts drawing last week put him Match up, I thought that was very simple, but the fact is not imagination of so simple, in the assembly process Appeared many problems, this bottom can get me a meat, I don't know where to begin, for example in the process of assembly are different in size, a big gap, and so on many other problems.At that time see that many problems and errors, had to slowly change in time, for there are no other errors.After days of struggle, modify, and check the work quickly come to an end, I always hope I don't figure in the other's mistakes.Although the end of this week, but I still have a place is worth me to learn, really is not easy to call.




How time flies, suddenly in the second week is over, because of just into the company, some important things I don't have, but I don't lose heart, also did not feel overqualified.I think only from the most basic start, the accumulation of bit by bit, every little thing, do I let the leaders and colleagues at ease, can accomplish something big business in the future.'Short step, without that,' 'jianghai don't refuse to trickle, can into the large' 'why one house does not sweep, sweep the world?' That is the reason why said.Advance in the morning, I can guarantee to the company, for a period of time before start working, help the teacher's desk tidy up, and then drag the office, make teachers work more comfortable and more happy mood, also can teach me something more.英语周记200字初中二

When the school begins, students need to start their new semester, the first thing they do is to buy the text books, most students will buy the new books.While it has become popular that students choose to buy the second-hand text books.It is good that text books are recycled, it can save the resource and reduce the waste, thus leaving more resources to the next generation.What’s more, it also saves students a lot of money.Students can buy the second-hand book at a very low price, students use the book only for a semester, it will become useless after they reading it, so there is no need for them to spend so much money on the contemporary book.英语周记200字初中三

Last night, I watched a movie, it is about two teenagers, they have cancer, but the boy is positive about life while the girl is negative about life.They meet each other, then the girl is affected by the boy, she starts to see the beautiful things in her life.I am so moved by the movie, though the ending of the movie is not so perfect, we see the change of the girl's life.The topic of the movie is to tell people to be positive about life, no matter what happens, even the bad fortune they get, they still need to smile every day.People need to find the beauty of life, so they won't life live without meaning.结语: 写周记,是英语老师布置给学生每周要完成的任务之一,为的是提高学生的习作能力,可以摘抄,也可以写读后感,也可以就事发表议论等。


on the other hand,shopping in stores as a traditional way has been well received by people,in which way the consumers can try the clothes on personally to see whether it fits them well or not.but we will spend a lot of time on shopping,which is not so good for the busy people.in a word,we can choose different ways according to our demands.shopping in stores and shopping online as two different ways has greatly facilitated and eiched our lives.篇二:实习周记200字大全


三年级周记200字 今天,我和外婆去菜市场买菜,菜市场很杂闹,路坑坑洼洼人很多。我和外婆拥过来,挤过去,路上有很多菜叶。残渣。我和外婆东看看,西瞧瞧,菜市场里的菜很多很多,让我眼花缭乱。





为了 找到这个答案,我翻阅了许多书,终于在《十万个为什么 》 中找到了答案。原来蚂蚁在下落时,六条足在剧烈划动,使身子保持平衡,这样一来,蚂蚁就摔不死了。



































三年级周记200字 今天,我和外婆去菜市场买菜,菜市场很杂闹,路坑坑洼洼人很多。我和外婆拥过来,挤过去,路上有很多菜叶。残渣。我和外婆东看看,西瞧瞧,菜市场里的菜很多很多,让我眼花缭乱。





为了 找到这个答案,我翻阅了许多书,终于在《十万个为什么 》 中找到了答案。原来蚂蚁在下落时,六条足在剧烈划动,使身子保持平衡,这样一来,蚂蚁就摔不死了。





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    三年级周记200字 今天,我和外婆去菜市场买菜,菜市场很杂闹,路坑坑洼洼人很多。我和外婆拥过来,挤过去,路上有很多菜叶。残渣。我和外婆东看看,西瞧瞧,菜市场里的菜很多很多,让我眼花......


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