一、The constitution of the people’s republic of china is the fundamental law of the state.中华人民共和国宪法是中国的根本法。
The NPC is the highest organ of state power.Local people’s congresses are local organs of state power.The standing committee of the NPC is the permanent organ of the NPC.The term of office of the NPC and its standing committee is 5 years.The NPC and its standing committee are empowered with the rights of legislation, decision, supervision, election and removal.全国人民代表大会是最高国家权力机关。地方各级人民代表大会是地方权力机关。全国人民代表大会常务委员会是全国人大的常设机关。全国人大及其常委会任期是五年。全国人大及其常委会有立法,决策,监督,选举和罢免的权力。
The communist party is the sole party in power in china.Apart from it, there are eight democratic parties in china.Multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC is the basic political system in china.共产党是中国唯一的执政党。除此之外,还有八个民主党派。中国共产党领导下的多党合作和政治协商制度是中国的根本政治制度。
The state council, or the central people ’s government, of the people ’s republic of china is the executive body of the highest organ of state power and the highest organ of state administration.国务院,即中央人民政府,是中国的最高国家权力机关的执行机关,是最高国家行政机关。
The CPPCC is a united front organization under the leadership of the CPC and an organ for various other political parties, mass organizations and personages of various social circles to take part in the running of the state.人民政协是一个在党和其他政党的领导下统一战线组织,社会各界组织和人士参与国家的运行。
二、Chinese philosophy is the collective designation for the various schools of thought.It developed independent of Europe and other civilized countries, with its own distinguishing feature, unique concept systems and expressive ways.Chinese philosophy has become one of the three philosophy systems in the world, the other two being Western philosophy and Indian philosophy.中国哲学是对各种思想流派的统称。它以自己的特色,独特的概念体系和表达方式欧洲和其他文明的国家发展。中国哲学已经成为世界三个哲学系统之一,其他两个是西方哲学和印度哲学。
Chinese philosophy has developed over several thousand of years.Its origin can be traced back to the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties.It began to take definite shapes during the Spring and Autumn Period and enjoyed thriving development because of the emergence of the “a hundred schools of the thought contend” during the Warring States Period.中国哲学发展了几千年。它的起源可以追溯到夏,商,周时期。它春秋战国时期蓬勃发展因为“百家争鸣”的出现。
三、Chinese classical literature refers to literature works from the days before the Qin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty ,and is virtually an unbroken strand enduring dynastic changes.中国古典文学是从先秦到清末的文学作品,是改朝换代的一个重要的部分。
Long before the written language appeared, there was an oral tradition of tales of fables and legends.Some of them are still kept in some ancient books as a precious heritage of Chinese literature.Over 3000 years, there has emerged a great variety of excellent works in terms of poems, essays, novels, dramas and so on.早在文字出现之前,有寓言和神话传说的口头传统。他们中的一些人仍然保留了一些古籍作为一种宝贵的中国文学遗产。在过去的3000年中,出现了大量优秀的作品,诗歌,散文,小说,戏剧等。
四、For more than a millennium, from the Qin Dynasty to the early part of the Ming Dynasty, Chinese science an technology contributed greatly to the progress of human civilization.Ancient China had a well-developed agricultural system along with advanced irrigation.A scientifically sophisticated China was also able to take advantage of an independent tradition in medicine and an advanced botanical knowledge.从先秦到明朝初期的一千多年,中国科学技术极大地促进了人类文明的进步。中国古代有一个发达的农业系统以及先进的灌溉。一个科学先进的中国也能够利用医学中的一个独立的传统和先进的植物学知识。
China ’s four great inventions, namely, the compass, gunpowder, movable type printing and papermaking, not only changed the world but also accelerated the evolution of world history.China further contributed to the world with its rich heritage in ceramics and silk.中国的四大发明,即,指南针,火药,活字印刷术,造纸,不仅改变了世界,也加速了世界历史的演变。中国的陶瓷和丝绸以其丰富的遗产对世界作出了贡献。
The world’s most detailed and earliest astronomical records were kept by the Chinese.They were the first people to take note of such astronomical phenomena as comets, sunspots and new stars, producing the most advanced astronomical observatory apparatus of the time.世界上最详细和最早的天象记录是由中国保持。他们是第一个将如彗星、太阳黑子和新的恒星的这些天文现象记录下来的人,生产了最先进的天文观测仪器。China dominated in metallurgy.When Europeans still could not turn out a single piece of cast iron in the 14th century, China had been producing cast iron on an industrial scale for four centuries.中国主导冶金。当欧洲人还没有铸出一件铁器的时候,中国已经大量生产铸铁四个世纪了。
第二篇:翻译词组 中国文化
中国文化关键词 一、四大发明(the Four Great Inventions of Ancient China)
2、印刷术 printing
3、造纸术 paper-making
4、指南针 compass
二、中国古代哲学家(Ancient Chinese Philosophers)
Lao Tzu
Chuang Tzu
Mo Tzu
Sun Tzu 三、四书(the Four Books)
1、《大学》the Great Learning
2、《中庸》the Doctrine of the Mean
3、《论语》the Analects of Confucius
4、《孟子》the Mencius
四、书法五大书体(the Five Major Styles of Chinese Calligraphy)
seal script;seal character
official script;clerical script
running script;semi-cursive script
cursive script
regular script;standard script 五、六艺(the Six Classical Arts)
六、汉字(Chinese Characters)
writing system
of the same origin
the Chinese Ancestors
single syllable
level tone, rising tone, falling-rising tone, falling tone
12、象形文字 pictographic characters;pictogram
13、文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study(brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone)
七、武术(the Martial Arts)
kung fu
schools of martial arts
practice martial arts for fitness
4、古代格斗术 ancient form of combat
5、中国武术协会 Chinese Martial Arts Association
top martial artist
Qigong;deep breathing exercises
tae kwon do
tales of roving knights;kung fu novels
15、古装片 costume drama
16、武打片 Chinese swordplay movie
17、太极Tai Chi
八、中国文学作品(Chinese Literary Works)
1、《三国演义》Three Kingdoms
Journey to the West
Dream of the Red Mansions
the Classic of Mountains and Rivers
5、《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror;Comprehensive History Retold as a Mirror for Rulers
the Romance of West Chamber
Heroes of the Marshes;Tales of the Water Margin
8、《聊斋志异》Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio;Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio
9、《围城》 Fortress Besieged
10、《阿Q正传》the True Story of Ah Q
the Spring and Autumn Annals
Historical Records
the Book of Songs
the Book of Changes
the Book of Rites
Book of Filial Piety
17、《三字经》 Three-Character Scripture;Three-Word Chant
Eight-Part essay;stereotyped writing
five-character quatrain 20、七言律诗
seven-character octave
21、《孙子兵法》 The Art of War
九、中国建筑(Chinese Architecture)
quadrangle;the traditional Chinese single-story houses with rows of rooms around the four sides of a courtyard
inscriptions on a tablet
the forest of steles
Taoist temple
7、烽火台 beacon tower
drum tower
ornamental column 十、十二生肖(Zodiac)
10、鸡 Rooster
11、狗 Dog
12、猪 Pig
十一、传统节日(Traditional Festivals)
1、春节 the Spring Festival 拜年 pay a New Year visit 烟花爆竹 fireworks and firecracker 除夕 Eve of Chinese New Year 春联 Spring Couplets 辞旧迎新 ring out the old year and ring in the new 饺子 boiled dumpling 锅贴 pan-fried dumpling;pot-sticker 庙会 temple fair 年画 traditional Chinese New Year Pictures 年夜饭 the Eve Feast;family reunion dinner on Lunar New Year’s Eve;Banquet of Chinese New Year Eve 守岁 stay up late on the New Year’s Eve 团圆饭 family reunion dinner 压岁钱 New Year gift-money;money given to children as a New Year gift
2、元宵节 Lantern Festival 元宵 sweet sticky rice dumplings 花灯 festival lantern 灯谜 lantern riddle 舞龙 dragon dance 狮子舞 lion dance 踩高跷 stilt walking
3、清明节 Tomb-sweeping Day 扫墓 tomb-sweeping;sweep tomb sites of loved ones 祭祖 offer sacrifices to the ancestors 踏青 go for an outing in spring
4、端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 赛龙舟 dragon boat race 粽子 traditional Chinese rice-pudding 亡灵 departed soul 忠臣 loyal minister
5、中秋节 Moon Festival;Mid-Autumn Day 月饼 moon cake 赏月 appreciate the glorious full moon
6、重阳节 Double Ninth Day;the Aged Day
7、国庆节 National Day
8、七夕节 the Double-seventh Day
十二、京剧(Beijing Opera)
1、变脸 face-off
2、生 male(the positive male role)
3、旦 female(the positive female role)
4、净 a supporting male role with a striking character
5、丑 a clown or a negative role
6、花脸 painted role
7、独角戏 monodrama;one-man show
8、京剧票友 amateur performer of Beijing Opera;Peking Opera fan
9、脸谱 mask
十三、《论语》the Analects of Confucius
Do not do to others what you would not want them do to you.2、言必行、行必果。
Keep what you say and carry out what you do.3、有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?
Isn’t it a delight to have friends coming from afar?
The wise find pleasure in waters;the virtuous find pleasure in mountains.5、君子敏于行而讷于言。
The gentleman are speedy as a worker and cautious as a speaker.6、知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。
True knowledge is when one knows the limitations of his knowledge.7、巧言令色,鲜矣仁。
Someone who is a clever speaker and maintains a “too-smiley” face is seldom considered a humane person.8、温故而知新,可以为师矣。
You could be a teacher if you get something new from what you have learned before.9、学而优则仕。A good scholar can become an official.十四、其他
paper cutting
Chinese calligraphy
Geomantic Omen
4、黄土高原 Loess Plateau
5、红白喜事 weddings and funerals
6、针灸 acupuncture
7、唐三彩 Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty
8、农历,阴历 lunar calendar
阳历 solar calendar
9、中国特色社会主义 socialism with Chinese characteristics
10、物质精神文明建设the construction of material civilization and spiritual civilization
11、文物 cultural relics
12、中国结 Chinese knot
13、唐装 Tang suit;traditional Chinese garments 旗袍 cheongsam [ˈtʃɔ:ŋˈsæm]
中山装 Chinese tunic suit
14、景泰蓝 cloisonné
15、文化产业 culture industry
16、文化底蕴 cultural deposits
17、文化事业 cultural undertaking
18、文化交流 cross-cultural communication;intercultural communication
19、文化冲突 culture shock 20、民族文化 national culture
21、民间文化 folk culture
22、乡村文化 rural culture
23、表演艺术 performing arts
24、现代流行艺术 popular art
25、高雅艺术 refined art
26、木偶戏 puppet show 皮影戏 shadow play 折子戏 opera highlights
27、说书 story-telling
28、口技 ventriloquism
31、战国 Warring States
32、秦腔 Qin opera, crying of Qin people
33、闰年 leap year
34、铁饭碗 iron bowl
35、集体舞 group dance
36、印/玺 seal/stamp
pavilion/ attic
38、追星族 star struck
39、下岗 lay off;laid off 40、香港澳门同胞 compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao
2、儒家文化 Confucian culture
3、道教 Taoism
5、法家 Legalism
6、佛教 Buddhism
十六、旅游景点(tourist attractions)
2、长城 the Great Wall of China
3、秦始皇陵 the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang
4、兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors and Horses
5、大雁塔 Big Wild Goose Pagoda([pəˈgəʊdə] n.塔,宝塔)
6、丝绸之路the Silk Road
7、敦煌莫高窟Mogao Grottoes;Mogao Caves
8、华清池 Huaqing Hot Springs
9、五台山 Wutai Mountain
九华山 Jiuhua Mountain
蛾眉山Mount Emei
泰山 Mount Tai
黄山 Mount Huang;the Yellow Mountain
10、故宫 the Imperial Palace
故宫博物院 the Palace Museum
11、天坛 the Temple of Heaven;Altar of Heaven in Beijing
12、午门 Meridian Gate([mə'rɪdɪən] n.子午圈;子午线;顶点;(权力,成就等的)全盛时期)
13、大运河 Grand Canal
护城河the Moat(n.壕沟,护城河
14、回音壁Echo Wall
15、居庸关 Juyongguan Pass
16、九龙壁 the Nine Dragon Wall
17、黄帝陵 the Mausoleum of Emperor Huangdi
18、十三陵 the Ming Tombs
19、苏州园林 Suzhou gardens 20、西湖 West Lake
21、九寨沟 Jiuzhaigou Valley
22、日月潭 Sun Moon Lake
23、布达拉宫Potala Palace
24、孔庙 Confucius Temple
26、乐山大佛 Leshan Giant Buddha
27、十八罗汉 the Eighteen Disciples of the Buddha
28、长江中下游地区 the Mid-low Reaches of Yangtze River
1、杂技 acrobatics
2、相声 witty dialogue comedy;cross-talk;comic dialogue
3、电视小品 TV sketch/TV skit
1、刺绣 embroidery
苏绣 Suzhou embroidery
2、泥人 clay figure
3、中国画 traditional Chinese painting
水墨画 Chinese brush painting
4、青铜器 bronze ware
瓷器 porcelain;china
1、红双喜 double happiness
2、门当户对 perfect match;exact match
3、结婚证 marriage certificate
4、独生子女证 the certificate of one-child
附属学校 affiliated school 高等自学考试 self-taught examination of higher education 人才流动 brain drain;brain flow 函授部 the Correspondence Department 素质教育 essential-qualities-oriented education 政治辅导员 political counselor;school counselor 二
一国两制 one country, two systems 四人帮 Gang of Four 大跃进 Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 Cultural Revolution 大中型国有企业 large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 中外合资企业 joint ventures 二
小吃摊 snack bar;snack stand 火锅 hot pot 北京烤鸭 Beijing roast duck 春卷 spring roll(s)莲藕 lotus root
The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world that was created by human beings.If you come to China without climbing the Great Wall, it's just like going to Paris without visiting the Eiffel Tower;or going to Egypt without paying a visit to the Pyramids.As it is often quoted by people, “He who doest not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.” In fact, it began as independent walls for different states when it was first built, and did not become the “Great Wall” until the Qin Dynasty.However, the wall we see today, starting from Shanhaiguan Pass in the east to Jiayuguan Pass in the west, was mostly built during the Ming Dynasty.2.要了解中国文化,就应该对中国的戏曲文化有所了解。中国地方戏种类很多,其中京剧是一个具有代表性的剧种。作为一个独立的剧种,京剧的诞生大约是在1840年至I860年。京剧是在吸收其他地方戏营养的基础上形成的。京剧有明确的角色分工。在念白上用北京方言;在音乐上以胡琴为主要伴奏乐器。由于京剧是在融合各种地方戏之精华的基础上形成的,所以它不仅为北京的观众所钟爱,也受到全国人民的喜爱。
To understand the Chinese culture, you have to know something about the Chinese opera culture.In China, there are many kinds of local operas, among which Peking Opera is a representative one.As an independent opera form, Peking Opera was approximately born between 1840 and 1860.Peking opera originated from absorbing the essentials of other local operas.In Peking Opera there is a clear division of roles.The spoken parts are in Beijing dialect;and huqin is the main accompaniment instrument.Since Peking Opera has combined the cream of various local operas, it is enjoyed not only by Beijing audience, but also by people all over the country.难点精析:
1.要了解中国文化,就应该对中国的戏曲文化有所了解:该句没有给出明确的主语,因而在翻译时要注意:增译主语you。“中国的戏曲文化”可译为the Chinese opera culture。
2.中国地方戏种类很多,其中京剧是一个具有代表性的剧种:该句在翻译时可以采用非限定性定语从句结构。该句可译为:In China, there are many kinds of local operas, among which Peking Opera is a representative one.注意此处为了避免在前后分句中重复使用名词opera而在后半句中使用了名词性替代词 one。3.京剧是在吸收其他地方戏营养的基础上形成的:“在„„的基础上形成”如果直接译为be formed on the I basis of...会稍显生硬,因而可以灵活译为originate from...。“地方戏”可以直译为local opera。4.念白:“念白”指的是中国戏曲中人物的独白或者两者的对话,因而此处在翻译时可将其灵活译为the spoken parts。
6.“the cream of…”: …的精华;…的精英
Today the ancient, ancestral wisdom of the hand has been largely replaced by the simple movements of the machine operator, our glass and china, furniture, books, and textiles are almost entirely products of the machine.The machine-made goods can be well designed and good-looking no one denies;nevertheless, there are many who believe that if the old skills of the hand-worker were to die out altogether it would be a disaster.Their arguments are, roughly, three.First, that the machine is by its nature a mass producer, and that objects made in ones and twos can be made better, even cheaper, by an individual craftsman than by a machine;secondly that the human hand with relatively simple tools can produce objects of a quality permanently beyond the reach of the machine;thirdly, that it is not good for mankind if people lose the ability to create with their hands.今天,那种古老的祖传手艺在很大程度上已为机器操作者简单的动作所取代。我们使用的玻璃制品、瓷器、家具、书籍和纺织品几乎全都是机器生产的。现在谁也不会否认,机器制品可以做到设计精巧、式样美观。然而,却有许多人认为,要是手工艺人的技艺完全失传的话,那准是一场灾难。他们的理由,归纳起来大体上有三点。首先,机器生产本来就是大批量生产,而由个体工匠单个制成的物品则比机器生产的更好,甚至更便宜。其次,人的手工借助于简单的工具能生产高质量的物品,这是机器望尘莫及的。第三,如果人类丧失了用双手进行创造的能力,那对他们来说,并不是一件好事。
China insists on a peaceful, independent foreign policy, because she suffered a great deal from imperialist invasion for almost a century, and thus she cherishes her hard-earned peaceful life all the more and would give more sympathy and support to the concerted efforts of all the people to maintain world peace.Being a developing country, China is trying in every way possible to speed up its socialist construction and raise the people’s living standards by means of reform and the open policy.To achieve the goal set for her economic and social development, China needs not only national stability but also a peacefulinternational environment, especially peacefulsurroundings.This is also the hope of all the people in the world.Peace and development are the two major tasks facing the world today.All the world peoples hope for a peaceful international situation so that they can develop their economies and improve living conditions.Peace is the guarantee for development and development in turn promotes peace.
京剧 Peking opera
秦腔 Qin opera
太极Tai Chi
口 技 ventriloquism
木偶戏puppet show
皮影戏 shadowplay
折子戏 opera highlights
杂技 acrobatics
相声 cross talk
刺绣 embroidery
苏绣 Suzhou embroidery
泥人 clay figure
书法 calligraphy
中国画 traditional Chinese painting
水墨画 Chinese brush painting
中国结 Chinese knot
中国古代四大发明 the four great inventions of ancient China
火药 gunpowder
造纸术 paper-making
指南针 the compass
青铜器 bronze ware
瓷器 porcelain;china
唐三彩 Tang Tricolor pottery
武术 martial arts
儒家文化 Confucian culture
道教 Taoism
法家 Legalism
佛教 Buddhism
孔子 Confucius
孟子 Mencius
老子 Lao Tzu
庄子 Chuang Tzu
墨子 Mo Tzu
孙子Sun Tzu
象形文字 pictographic characters
文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study(brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone)
《大学》The Great Learning
《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean
《论语》The Analects of Confucius
《孟子》The Mencius
《孙子兵法》The Art of War
《三国演义》Three Kingdoms
《西游记》Journey to the West
《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions
《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes
《山海经》The Classic of Mountains and Rivers
《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror
《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals
《史记》Historical Records
《诗经》The Book of Songs
《易经》The I Ching;The Book of Changes
《礼记》The Book of Rites
《三字经》Three-character Scriptures
八股文 eight-part essay
五言绝句 five-character quatrain
七言律诗 seven-character octave
旗袍 cheongsam
中山装 Chinese tunic suit
唐装 Tang suit
风水 Fengshui;geomantic omen
阳历 Solar calendar
阴历 Lunar calendar
闰年 leap year
春节 the Spring Festival
元宵节 the Lantern Festival
清明节 the Tomb-sweeping Day
端午节 the Dragon-boat Festival
中秋节 the Mid-autumn Day
重阳节 the Double-ninth Day
七夕节 the Double-seventh Day
春联 spring couplets
庙会 temple fair
爆竹 firecracker
年画(traditional)New Year pictures
压岁钱 New Year pocket money
舞龙dragon dance
元宵 sweet sticky rice dumplings 元宵节 the Lantern Festival
花灯 festival lantern
灯谜 lantern riddle
舞狮 lion dance
踩高跷 stilt walking
赛龙舟 dragon boat race
山东菜 Shandong cuisine
川菜 Sichuan cuisine
粤菜 Canton cuisine
扬州菜 Yangzhou cuisine
月饼 moon cake
年糕 rice cake
油条 deep-fried dough sticks
豆浆 soybean milk
馒头 steamed buns
花卷 steamed twisted rolls
包子 steamed stuffed buns
北京烤鸭 Beijing roast duck
拉面 hand-stretched noodles
馄饨 wonton(dumplings in soup)
豆腐 tofu? bean curd
麻花 fried dough twist
烧饼 clay oven rolls
蛋炒饭 fried rice with egg
糖葫芦 tomatoes on sticks
火锅hot pot
长城 the Great Wall of China
烽火台 beacon tower
秦士台皇陵 the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang
兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors and Horses
大雁塔 Big Wild Goose Pagoda
丝绸之路the Silk Road
敦煌莫高窟Mogao Grottoes
华清池 Huaqing Hot Springs
五台山“Wutai Mountain
九华山 Jiuhua Mountain
蛾眉山Mount Emei
泰山 Mount Tai
黄山 Mount Huangshan;the Yellow Mountain
故宫 the Imperial Palace
天坛 the Temple of Heaven
午门 Meridian Gate
大运河 Grand Canal
护城河the Moat
回音壁Echo Wall
居庸关 Juyongguan Pass
九龙壁 the Nine Dragon Wall
黄帝陵 the Mausoleum of Emperor Huangdi
十三陵 the Ming Tombs
苏州园林 Suzhou gardens
西湖 West Lake
九寨沟 Jiuzhaigou Valley
日月潭 Sun Moon Lake
布达拉宫Potala Palace
鼓楼 drum tower
四合院 quadrangle;courtyard complex
孔庙 Confucius Temple
乐山大佛 Leshan Giant Buddha
十八罗汉 the Eighteen Disciples of the Buddha
喇嘛Lama 转世灵重 reincarnated soul boy 中药 traditional Chinese medicine
《黄帝内经》Emperor Huangdi’s Canon of Traditional Chinese Medicine
《神农本草经》Shennong’s Herbal Classic
《本草纲目》Compendium of Materia Medica
针灸 acupuncture
推拿 medical massage
切脉 feeling the pulse
五禽戏 five-animal exercises
旧石器时代 the Paleolithic Age
新石器时代 the Neolithic Age;New Stone Age
母系氏族社会 matriarchal clan society
朝代 dynasty
秦朝 Qin Dynasty
汉朝 Han Dynasty
唐朝 Tang Dynasty
宋朝 Song Dynasty
元朝 Yuan Dynasty
明朝 Ming Dynasty
清朝 Qing Dynasty
秦始皇皇帝 Emperor Qinshihuang;皇太后 Empress Dowager
汉高祖刘邦 Liu Bang, Emperor Hangaozu, founder of the Han Dynasty
成吉思汗Genghis Khan
春秋时期 the Spring and Autumn Period
文成公主 Tang Princess Wencheng
慈禧太后 Empress Dowager Ci Xi
皇帝,君主 emperor;monarch
皇妃 imperial concubine
丞相,宰相 prime minister
太监 court eunuch
少数民族 ethnic minority
祭祀 offer sacrifices
西域 the Western Regions
战国 the Warring States
中华文明 Chinese civilization
文明的摇篮 cradle of civilization
秦始皇统一中国 unification of the country by Emperor Qinshihuang
鸦片战争the Opium War
太平天国 the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
戌戌变法 the Reform Movement of 1898
辛亥革命 the 1911 Revolution
新民主主义革命 New-democratic Revolution
五四运动 the May 4th Movement of 1919
南昌起义 Nanchang Uprising
918 事变 September 18th Incident
长征 the Long March
西安事变 Xi”an Incident
南京大屠杀Nanjing Massacre
抗日战争 the War of Resistance Against Japan
毛泽东 Mao Tse-tong
孙中山 Sun Yat-sen
蒋介石 Chiang Kai-shek
国民党 Kuomingtang
中华人民共和国 the People’s Republic of China(PRC)
满族 Manchu
士大夫 scholar-officials
学者 scholar
诗人 poet
社会地位social status