my past life英语作文带翻译

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第一篇:my past life英语作文带翻译

I was born in LANxi It was small city in China There was lots of things to do in Lanxi

Our house was big there was a living room with a tv akitchen a bathroom and four bedroom.On my bedroom walls there were posters of my favourite stars--angela and jjand Bobo.There was a garden and lots of tiees but there wasn't a pond with fsh in it.There were lots of children,so, I had lots of friend

My first school was Xiachen primary school.It was small.My first teacher was ms Ma.She was very friendly but sometimes she was strict.My first friends were Yizhen and Yijing.Yizhen was naughty but Yijing was well-behaved.This is my past life.I love it.我出生在兰溪这是在中国的小城市,有很多的事情要做在兰溪








1.How to spend my weekend Iam going to prepare for my lessons because the Mid-term exam is coming.I am sure if I have good preparation, I will get good grades.I am going to help my parents do some housework because they work hard every day.Of course I will visit my good friend and play table tennis with him because doing sports is good for our health.I will surf the internet and listen to music because they are good ways to relax.I am sure I will have a busy and meaningful weekend.我打算复习功课,因为期中考试即将到来,我相信如果做好充足的准备,我一定会取得好成绩的。我打算帮父母做些家务,因为他们整天忙于工作。当然了,我要拜访我最好的朋友并和他一起打乒乓球,因为做运动有益于身体健康。我要上网并听音乐,因为他们是最好的放松方式。我肯定我会过一个忙而有意思的周末的。How to learn English well Learning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so my first advice is to spend much time practicing using English every day.Besides, we should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class.Go over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our homework carefully.Listen to English radio programmes, read English stories and newspapers, watch English films and TV programmes ,keep a diary in English and attend English debbates and speech contests.If we make mistakes, correct them at once and try not to make the same mistakes.What's more, we should look up new words in the dictionary before class and prepare each lesson carefully before class.I believe if we work hard and have good ways of learning English, we will learn English well.学习英语就象学习其他语言一样是艰辛的。因此我的第一个建议是每天花多点时间练习使用英语。除此之外,我们应该上课认真听讲、记笔记。定期复习所学内容,认真做作业。听英语广播,读英语故事和报纸,看英语电影和电视节目,用英语写日记,参加英语讨论和演讲比赛。如果我们犯错误,就要立刻改正,尽力下次不要犯同样的错误。而且,我们在上课前要查字典,认真准备每节课。我相信如果我们努力学习、有好的学习方法,我们会学好英语的。


Nowadays, the phenomenon of drunken driving has arouse wide concern among the public.Especially the young generation living in metropolis, tend to drive after drinking, ignoring the fact that this behavior may pose underlying threat to their precious life and may even endanger others

Generally speaking, there are several reasons accounting for this phenomenon.Firstly,people participate in more activities or banquets than ever before,where they will drink strong wine.Then, they may get drunk but continue to drive.Secondly,this behavior will directly threaten the safety of drivers, passengers and pedestrians, resulting in traffic accidents, injuries and even deaths.Besides, treating the injured and repairing broken cars means a grievous waste of money, time and resources.The legal aspects to strengthen management, strict, I believe that will reduce the phenomenon of drunk driving

如今,这一现象的酒后驾车引起了公众广泛的关注。特别是年轻一代生活在大都市,往往饮酒后驾驶,忽略了一个事实,这种行为可能构成潜在威胁 他们宝贵的生命,甚至可能危及他人。





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中国通用电脑公司 篇二:感谢信英语作文范文

感谢信 范文

dear mary , in this letter i would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for your books about band four to me.the book is very useful especially for my reading and writing.i want to buy this book for a long time.your generous help and tender care made me feel warmly.i feel obliged to thank you once more.sincerely yours, tom dear mary, i would like to thank you for your warm-heart help last term.i couldnt have passed the cet band 4, if not had received your reference book on english is more necessary to appreciate you because of your tender care and perfect consideration for me.i would never forget that night when you sent the umbrella to me at the wishes!sincerely yours, tom 篇三:英语作文感谢信






其次一个特点是及时。收到别人礼物、得到别人帮助,应及时写信予以答谢。否则,人家会对你的谢意大打折扣。收到他人赠送的礼物应当及时写封感谢信,感谢信除了应写得真诚、具体、及时外,还应当特别提及所收礼物的具体内容,否则,泛泛而谈,使人觉得你不够真诚。为此,当你写感谢信时,应这样写:“thank you for your beautiful roses.”(谢谢您送的美丽的玫瑰花。);而不要笼统地写上“thank you for your beautiful gift.”(谢谢您送给我的漂亮礼物。),这样,使人觉得你既礼貌,又诚心,从而真正达到交往的目的。下面我们来看看具体的范例。

范例1 dear laura, i was truly enraptured beyond expression to receive your flowers which turned our living room into a considerate and wonderful of you to remember my just couldnt have selected anything i had have liked more!you have a positive genius for selecting the right gift!the four years i spent with you at the college have been the pleasantest period in my life.i will cherish this memory nice it would be to see you have been more than kind, and i wont ever forget love and deepest gratitude, now and always!sincerely yours, jane 范例2 dear dan and laura, jim and i want to thank you for the beautiful salad bowl set.we are looking forward to getting lots of use out of your thoughtful and practical wedding gift.thanks again for the lovely gift.fondly, minnie 范例3 dear mrs.gorden, id like you to know how much the week at your lovely house meant to me.i not only enjoyed myself immensely, but also i felt relaxed and refreshed as i havent felt for months.please give my love to was so nice being with her again just like our old days together at school.many thanks to you and mr.gordon for asking me.sincerely yours,jean brown 2)感谢信模板 date:_________ dear____, ①i am now writing these few lines to express my sincere thanks for____.②id like you to kno w how much your _____ meant to me.③you have a positive genius for ______.④i not only enjoyed_____ , but also___.⑤i shall ever remember _____ as one of the most _____ in my life.⑥i _____.⑦i hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating.⑧ would you kindly let me know _____.⑨i will feel very honored and pleased if you have time to _____.⑩ how nice it would be to see you again and i am looking forwards to seeing you next time!i repeat my thanks again for your_____.please give my kind regards to your_____.yours truly, signature 信息提示





④ 对方的情意对自己的影响



⑦ 询问对方是否有时间

⑧ 表达自己回报的心情

⑨ 提出希望下次见面的愿望



信件结尾与签名 篇四:感谢信英语作文



要差一点,就叫他自己组合,改改单词,用他懂的单词改。dear mary , in this letter i would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for your books about band four to me.the book is very useful especially for my reading and writing.i want to buy this book for a long time.your generous help and tender care made me feel warmly.i feel obliged to thank you once more.sincerely yours, tom dear mary, i would like to thank you for your warm-heart help last term.i couldnt have passed the cet band 4, if not had received your reference book on english is more necessary to appreciate you because of your tender care and perfect consideration for me.i would never forget that night when you sent the umbrella to me at the wishes!sincerely yours, tom 篇五:英文感谢信模板+范文

感 谢 信

dear______, i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for _________(感谢的原因).if it had not been for your assistance in ___________(对方给你的具体帮助), i fear that i would have been_________(没有对方帮助时的后果).every one agrees that it was you who______________(给出细节).again, i would like to express my warm thanks to you!please accept my gratitude.yours sincerely 你的姓名

extend [?kstend] vt.延伸;扩大;推广;伸出;给予;使竭尽全力;对„估价 vi.延伸;扩大;伸展;使疏开

gratitude [gr?t?tju?d] n.感谢(的心情);感激

assistance [?s?st(?)ns] n.援助,帮助;辅助设备






收到他人赠送的礼物应当及时写封感谢信,感谢信除了应写得真诚、具体、及时外,还应当特别提及所收礼物的具体内容,否则,泛泛而谈,使人觉得你不够真诚。为此,当你写感谢信时,应这样写:“thank you for your beautiful roses.”(谢谢您送的美丽的玫瑰花。);而不要笼统地写上“thank you for your beautiful gift.”(谢谢您送给我的漂亮礼物。),这样,使人觉得你既礼貌,又诚心,从而真正达到交往的目的。下面我们来看看具体的范例。


篇一:道歉信英文模板及翻译 dear_____, i am writing this letter to express my apology that ______________.i feel terribly sorry about this.once again, i am very sorry for any inconvenience caused.i will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.yours sincerely _________ 亲爱的_____,(对方姓名)

我写这封信以表达我的道歉 ______________(道歉原因)。



_________(自己姓名)篇二:英语作文道歉信常用句式和套话 道歉信常用句式和套话


i am writing this letter to express my regret… i am writing to apologize for…

i would like to give you my apology for… i must apologize about(not)doing sth… please accept my sincere apology for… i am writing to say sorry for… 道歉信中结尾段常用句式和套话

once again, i am sorry for any inconvenience caused.please allow me to say sorry again.i sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my apologies.i want to let you know how regretful i am feeling now.篇三:英文致歉信_范文 道歉信 letter of apology 我们在工作或生活中,有时难免会犯一些错误,写封致歉信就显得很有必要。道歉信通常包括以下内容:表示歉意;道歉的原由;出现差错的原因;提出弥补措施;请求原谅。写道歉信的语言要诚挚,解释的理由要真实,不要显出丝毫的虚情假意。好的道歉信不仅会取得对方的谅解,还会增进彼此的感情。


表示歉意->说明具体原因、提出补救办法->再次致歉、希望得到理解 tips: 在写作过程中,尽可能提供比较合理的理由。如果违反生活常识将导致扣分。在解释完原因后,尽量提供一个合适的补救办法,使行文更加完满。订阅收藏《考研英语写作范文100篇》系列文章

(1)directions: you should write about 100 words on answer sheet not sign your own name at the end of the letter.use li ming not write the address.范文: dear anne, please allow me to say sorry again.regards, li ming 译文: 亲爱的安:


闪光词汇及词组: occupy: v.占用,占

get-together: n.聚会,联欢会 hesitate: v.犹豫,踌躇

drop sb.a line: 给某人打一个电话 preferable: adj.更好的,更可取的 long for sth: 渴望

万能句型: thank you for your invitation to dinner at your home tomorrow evening.unfortunately, it is much to my regret that i cannot...i feel terribly sorry for missing the chance it possible for you and me to have a private meeting afterwards? if so, please dont hesitate to drop me a call about your preferable date.please allow me to say sorry again.(2)directions: you failed to finish an important task assigned by your professor because of a severe illness.write a letter to your professor tp express your apology, explain your reason, and suggest a solution to make up the should write about 100 words on answer sheet not sign your own name at the end of the letter.use li ming not write the address.范文:

dear prof.patent, i would be very much obliged if you could grant me another week for the task, as my health is turning better.hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology.yours faithfully,li ming 译文:



闪光词汇及词组: assign: v.分配,指派

fall upon sb: 降临到某人身上 continuous: adj.持续的

prevent sb from sth/doing sth: 使某人不能做某事 hereby: adv.因此,据此 submit: v.提交,递交 obliged: adj.感激的 grant: v.同意,准予


i would be very much obliged if you could grant me another week for the task.hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology.apologize letter __ business english_ by lqy dear sir or madam, i’m writing this letter to apologize to you.i’m so sorry that we made a mistake about the shipment of vacuum cleaners.those vacuum cleaners we sent to you were meant to be sent to european countries, but as the old worker was retired, the new one wasn’t so experienced.besides, the model number and the price of goods in march and july are so similar that the worker mistaken them.i do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and i will try my best to avoid the same accident happening again.道歉信是人们经常使用的一种书信文体,用以表达自己的歉意,查字典范文大全特意为大家整理了关于道歉信范文的相关材料,希望对您的工作和生活有帮助。letter of apology ⅰ.sample study sample i dear susan, please let me know if you will be available on saturday wishes chen cheng sample ii dear mary, i’m very sorry for not having replied to your july 6th letter sooner.when your letter arrived, i was in my secretary couldn’t forward it to me, it has been lying on my desk until i got back.look forward to catching up and once again apologize for the delay.sincerely, tom 英语道歉信范文及常用句式








directions: you were unable to attend mr.smiths examination on international business english writing because you got sick that morning.write a letter to express the reasons for not being able to attend it and apologize.write the letter with no less than 100 not sign your own name at end of the letter.use wang hua not write the address.dear mr.smith, i am indeed very sorry that i missed the examination on international business english writing you gave last friday.i feel awful about it and want you to know what happened that day.i suddenly fell sick early that morning and my parents had to send me to the hospital.please find enclosed a copy of the medical bill.sincerely yours, wang hua ◆常用句式:

1、i am writing to apologize for … /i am writing to say sorry for 我写这封信是因……向你致歉。

2、i would like to give you my apology for… 对于……我向你道歉。

3、please accept my sincere apology for… 关于……请接受我真诚的道歉。

4、i am indeed very sorry for what i said/did, but believe i had no intention to…


5、please forgive me for a stupid choice of words.请原谅我说话欠妥。

6、i feel awfully sorry about it and want you to know what happened.为此我感到非常内疚,所以想告诉你实情。

7、please accept my apologies for my oversight.请原谅我的疏忽。

8、please allow me to say sorry again.请允许我再次表示歉意。

9、i sincerely hope you can understand my situation/think in my position and accept my apologies.

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