
时间:2019-05-15 16:05:21下载本文作者:会员上传



(一)First to remind you, I am a kid.So I am deeply loved in the magic kingdom and was truly made me feel a pity I was a Muggle(none magical people with no wizard blood in their vessel)!That does made me feel that there's nothing to say with 'no ghosts in the world'.It was a great story.Harry Potter the boy was ever known in the wizard world since Voldermort, the dark lord, killed Harry Potter's parents but, failed to attack Harry.It made him lost his power, and have to share bodies with others.Something Voldermort never understand was love, his parents' love.More than any powers in the far world.Now his only family was his mother's sister, aunt Petunia.The family who was a typical example of Muggle.Selfish, cruel, thinking how good their son was and not putting an eye on the others.The truth was, their son was a fat one, with no knowledge at all.One occasionally thing just changed Harry's life, he was welcomed to Hogwarts, the magic school, on the train he met two people, and they are true friends: Ron Weasley and Hermonie Granger.And he also met his biggest enemy, Draco Malfoy.Months ran through and he met his Quidditch match, something he could do without been taught.And the last thing, he found out the dark plot, the teacher Quirrel, who taught defense against the dark arts, was very suspicious there, was with another face, Voldermort's.But one thing he couldn't kill Harry, was that power, love.The whole story with it's neat writing, let me feel not another better story than this in writing magical story.With really complicated using of words.It gave me a real shock when I had finished the last word, and the deepest summarize: the most 'innocent' man will be the most guilty man.——————

Swim in between there read more, often have a two this masterpiece was I get my appreciation, but when I touch that a book, I drunk, for it for it touched, put it at the time, 10 million firmly record in the heart.That read a spell, it will emerge, once in a very long while can't mind them...Picked up a magic wand, read the familiar spell, it appears, is with me:

A named harry potter's children, no ordinary child was born, a possession of the a and bad egg voldemort in fighting the sign, a form of like lightning scar.It's a death more than a mark, because of the sacrifice of the mother of his death minus became the way scar.His uncle was adopted a very grievance childhood, my cousin Dudley always by a bully him, was like this for 11 years.On his birthday, something extraordinary things, to change his life.A surface actually very gentleness of the terrorist hagrid to send the letter, a magic school that he was born from a is a wizard's fate.He is very happy to learn, also in the know diagon alley, and a series of the wizarding world things.The school also know two good friends, is a stupid stupid brain RON, have an equally put harry when the child's mother.One is the award of hermione, two ordinary muggle parents.(non-magical people)they all efforts to save the magic stone, and voldemort determined opposition, finally smashed the voldemort dreams, won the honor.Flaubert once said: the more unfortunate fate complain, the more painful;The more want to escape, the more feel fear, better to face it, against it, to overcome it and make all the pain to concede that the bright, bow blooming in the hard work of land.Harry potter is such, his face difficulty do not bow, but looked up, stand chest brave face, to conquer it.The classmates, in the mountains of the road, not straight, however, have curve, just have the magnificent, beautiful, have ups and downs, just have the waves, as streams obstacles, have uneven, just have the song!Our path is not flat, there are ups and downs, rugged, but we can not to difficultly lowers the head, to harry potter's study, be an upright, justice, brave face difficulty, despised difficult people!!!Victory is always belong to the firm was.Let us all work together!

Magic, wizard is has been many writers wrote old theme.But rowling is undoubtedly the best writing.Put the wizarding world write so real, and many of the details of magic interwoven into one of the nets.The book's most attractive is undoubtedly the full of suspense story, and each time the end all let you so boundless, simply astounding.The book is full of foreshadowing, who can think of unexpected ending will hide in many of the details.It is such a gripping story, let a person fondle admiringly.Harry the little boy's image was planted in my brain, his loyalty, courage, and for justice and pursuit of truth, and that kind of unswerving spirit, are all clear echoed in my mind.Ever a teenage boy, want to assume the responsibility of saving the world, will face death, will bear great pain and injustice, I whether they can do this? Children is always considered synonymous with childish, but harry told them, you can also like harry assume responsibility.This is probably “harry potter” to my biggest incentive.I may throw away many books, but always has a shelf in the harry potter “;I will also buy many books, but the shelves and never have a gap.哈利波特与魔法石英文读后感

(二)Portraits;for the main character;Harry Potter".Flying broom is their means of transport, understand and know the magic and common sense to defeat our enemies, are believed to be his opening remarks, sharing happiness together;Harry Potter", can not become a fact of the matter, they have time and again to escape the difficulties, you can penetrate any object, ghosts.I admire the most is Harry Potter and his partners", the people are living, there are fewer old, monsters, the wizard.Where records of their fighting together.Everything is so magical, you can jump out of their Xiangkuang to other Xiangkuang Lane.With these.Order-G, their will to move, and sometimes engage in mischief(Pippi ghosts), and Qizhao Ta can quickly fly in less than a few minutes you can reach the place you want to visit, justice, and more can be compared to the birds and the sky, they will win, hats, we can not think of the author;We must overcome all, you can talk to the moving castle in anything, with little Didi Fenyou disturbed things;With this conviction, in the face of difficulties and evil never flinched in the face of the spirit of courage, we can overcome evil;this film.", a shaman, friends can reflect on the friendship;these books with him on his two best friends in school Huogewoci magic in the story.There are so many wonderful.From the film;Harry Potter", and the difficulties they face the evil spirit never flinched I always memorable.Chess masters will fol......Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the protagonist in this book is only 11-year-old ordinary little boy.”Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone“ is ”Harry Potter" series, the first, I recently read a book.The entire book was written very well, convergence is very good.Not only embodies the Harry and Ron and Hermione friendship between, as well as a character for each character.Harry's courage is worthy of my studies, I like him unnecessarily become a great figure, save the world.Just like him, others have difficulties in extending a helping hand, the courage to face life.Harry Potter and the Socerous Stone, a great movie and book.It is a story filled with magic, love, courage, and the true friendship between students.




















魔法石是炼金术师尼可乐梅多年的成果。这是世界上仅存的唯一一块魔法石,现在它被藏在世界上最安全的地方一一哈里的学校——霍格沃茨。魔法石可以让人长生不老,还能把任何金属变成纯金。这块魔法石被藏在一个魔镜内,只要你想拥有它却不用它做坏事,你就可以得到它。奇洛教授在霍格沃茨教黑魔法防御术。哈里的仇人着名的黑巫师伏地魔一直寄生 于奇洛教授身上。在好奇心的驱使下,哈里和他的朋友 罗恩和赫敏一起冲锋陷阵过了几个致命的关卡来到魔法石前。在此之前霍格沃茨内的教师,一个个不下迷阵保护 魔法石,就连一向阴险狡猾的斯内普教授也同样如此。一开始,哈里、罗恩和赫敏都曾怀疑斯内普教授,可当哈里独自走入魔法石前他才知道奇洛教授才是幕后黑手。于是哈里和奇洛教授拼死格斗。哈里发现只要接触奇洛教授,奇洛教授就会消失。最后哈里利用这个方法再一次从伏地魔的手里逃脱了。

这本书让我懂了一些道理:贪婪就会一无所有,善良 就可能得到一切,这本书的唯一不好之处就是:在达利家时,描写的不是很生动。














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