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Related to adapt to the current reform of new music course of vocal music education of primary and secondary schools analysis contrast in both Chinese

and English


Articles on new curriculum for primary and secondary school music teachers' basic quality requirements and vocal music teaching of primary and secondary schools to adapt to the two aspects of new music course is discussed, proposed in the current elementary and middle schools music under the new curriculum's implementation, how the teachers college vocal music teaching in the old teaching idea and the disadvantages of traditional mode to reform.关 键 词:新课程 声乐教学 培养目标 教学改革

Key words: the new course of vocal music teaching objectives of teaching reform

高师院校音乐教育是培养中小学校音乐教师的摇篮,以培养合格的中小学音乐教师为目标。声乐课是高师音乐教育专业重要的必修课,是一门技能很强的主干课程,它承担着为中小学培养声乐教学师资的任务。随着中小学音乐新课程标准的实施和素质教育的不断推进,高师院校声乐教学中旧的教学理念和传统模式的弊端也日益显露。因此,笔者认为,在新形势下要培养学生在未来的中小学音乐教育中, 成为一名合格的音乐师资人才,高师声乐教学就必须从以下几方面来进行改革才能适应当前中小学音乐新课程的要求。

http://www.xiexiebang.com/ http://www.xiexiebang.com/ Normal colleges and universities music education is the cradle of training schools music teacher, to train qualified music teachers of primary and secondary schools as the goal.Vocal music course in college music education professional important compulsory course, is a skill very strong backbone courses, it bear the task for cultivation of vocal music teaching of primary and secondary schools teachers.With the implement of new primary and secondary school music curriculum standard and the advancement of quality education, teachers college vocal music teaching in the old teaching idea and the disadvantages of traditional mode is becoming obvious.Therefore, the author thinks that, under the new situation to cultivate students of primary and secondary schools in the future music education, become a qualified music teacher, must be from the following several aspects to vocal music teaching reform to adapt to the requirement of the current primary and secondary school music curriculum.一、新课程对中小学音乐教师基本素质的要求

One, the new curriculum for primary and secondary school music teachers' basic quality requirements


New middle and primary school music teaching outline and the full-time compulsory education “the new music course standard”, the full implementation of primary and secondary school music education reform and development has brought new vigor and vitality, but also of higher normal music education reform puts forward new requirements.基础教育课程改革着眼于人在课程中的地位和促进人的全面发展等课程观的改变, 期待的是教师要从执行者转变为建设者;学生要从接受者转变为主动的探索者等教与学行为的变化和创新, 这是新一轮课程改革顺利进行的重要前提和保障。新课程的实施犹如乘风扬帆的大船,与之同行的教师只有尽快调整行为、转变角色,才能跟上时代潮流。音乐新课程同样也对音乐教师提出了新的要求,比如教育观念、知识结构、教学方式等。因此,高师声乐教学必须从如下几方面来重视学生作为未来新课程改革中的音乐教师基本素质的培养。

Look at people in the course reform of elementary education and promote the all-round development of people in the position of curriculum change, looking forward to is a teacher from practitioners to builder;Change from the receiver to active explorers such as teaching and learning behavior change and innovation, it is important premise and assurance of the new round

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http://www.xiexiebang.com/ http://www.xiexiebang.com/ curriculum reform carries on smoothly.The new curriculum's implementation is like a wind sailing ship, with the corrective actions as soon as possible, change only if the role of teachers to keep pace with the trend of The Times.New music course also puts forward new requirements for music teachers, such as education idea, knowledge structure, teaching methods, etc.Must, therefore, vocal music education from the following several aspects to take students as the future of new curriculum reform of music teachers' basic quality of the training.1.培养学生树立以学生发展为中心的教育理念。关注人是新课程的核心理念, 即:“一切为了每一位学生的发展”。基础教育课程改革首先强调转变教育观念,传统的教学比较习惯于以教师为中心、以书本为中心、以课堂为中心组织教学,在一定程度上脱离学生的生活经验,忽视了学生的发展需求。音乐新课程要求教师立足于学生的情绪生活和情感体验来组织教学活动,注重学习过程与学习方式, 调动学生积极的情感体验,使他们内在的发展需求和音乐教学相吻合,实现学生身心全面健康地发展。

1.Trains the student to set up education idea of centering on the students' development.Focus on people is the core concept of new curriculum, namely: “all for each student's development”.Basic education curriculum reform first emphasis on changing education idea, the traditional teaching is used to teachers as the center, the books as the center, the organization for the center with classroom teaching, to a certain extent from the student life experience, ignore the demand for the development of students.Music new curriculum requires teachers based on student's emotional life and emotional experience to organize teaching activities, pay attention to the learning process and learning style, students positive emotional experience, make their internal demand and the development of music teaching, realize the student comprehensive healthy development of body and mind.2.培养学生构建起超越学科的生态型知识结构。作为中小学音乐教师应具有扎实的音乐专业知识和一定的教学经验,强调学科知识的常规教学并能胜任自如。音乐新课程却更强调学生的综合能力培养,强调音乐课程与社会生活的联系,强调培养人文精神和审美能力。这些要求促使我们在高师声乐教学中,要紧随社会发展,多领域摄取与音乐课程相关的学科,如语文、历史、地理、民族、民俗、宗教、哲学等学科的新知识,学习促进学生思维和人格发展的教育教学方法,形成开放状态的生态型知识结构,真正实现高师声乐学生与新课程共同成长。

2.Cultivate the students build up beyond the subject of ecological knowledge structure.As primary and secondary school music teachers should have a solid music professional knowledge and experience in teaching, emphasis on regular teaching of subject knowledge and competence.New music course is more emphasis on students' comprehensive ability, which emphasizes the music curriculum and social life, emphasizes the cultivation of the humanistic spirit and aesthetic ability.These requirements lead us in the vocal music teaching, to follow the social development, many areas associated with music curriculum related disciplines, such as Chinese, history, geography, nationality, customs, religion, philosophy and other disciplines of new knowledge, learning education teaching methods to promote the development of students' thinking and personality, form open ecological knowledge structure, truly achieve vocal music students grow up together with the new curriculum.http://www.xiexiebang.com/ http://www.xiexiebang.com/

http://www.xiexiebang.com/ http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 3.培养学生掌握师生共同发展的互协教学方式。在中小学音乐新课程中由于贯彻新的教育理念, 格外关注学生的身心发展, 因此带来了音乐课堂丰富多彩的互动教学。为了让学生学得更主动、更积极, 中小学音乐教师要根据实际情况不断创设新的教学情境,营造适合学生成长的课堂氛围,满足学生发展的需求。同时,互动教学活动将不断促使教师更新自己的教学方法。因此,在中小学音乐新课程中, 教师将是一个开拓者和创造者,课程将是多样化和选择性的。这就要求高师声乐教师要在新课程理念的要求下,不断地完善自己,在课程改革的实践和探索中不断提高思想素质和业务能力。这样才能为高师学生将来走进新课程,为其提供最基本和最有利的保障。

3.To cultivate students to master the common development between teachers and students of mutual teaching method.Music in primary and secondary schools in the new curriculum due to implement the new education idea, especially pay attention to students' physical and mental development, therefore has brought the rich and colorful interactive music class teaching.In order to make students more active, more positive, primary and secondary school music teachers should continuously create new teaching situation according to actual condition, create a class for students to grow up in atmosphere, meet the needs of student development.At the same time, the interactive teaching activity will continue to encourage teachers to update their teaching methods.Therefore, in the new primary and secondary school music curriculum, the teacher is going to be a pioneer and creator, course will be diversity and selectivity.Which requires the vocal music teachers should at the request of the new curriculum ideas, constantly improve themselves, in the exploration and practice of curriculum reform constantly improve the ideological quality and business ability.Such ability for college students into the new curriculum in the future, to provide the basic and the most favorable guarantee.二、高师声乐教学对中小学音乐新课程的适应

Second, the vocal music teaching of primary and secondary school music adaptation of the new curriculum

在高师声乐教学中, 要紧紧围绕中小学音乐新课程对中小学音乐教师基本素质的要求,在教学实践中有针对性地从课程教学内容、教学形式、艺术实践等多方面进行改革,重点要做到:

In vocal music teaching, the new music curriculum for primary and secondary schools should be about primary and secondary school music teachers' basic quality requirement, targeted in the teaching practice from the course teaching content, reform teaching form, artistic practice, mainly to do:

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1.The combination of vocal skills and vocal music theory.The training objectives of vocal music teaching is primary and secondary school music teacher, students are required to sing after to be going to work not only has strong ability, also should have vocal music theory knowledge teaching, vocal music or singing teaching ability.But for a long time, in the vocal music teaching, the teaching of vocal music theory often not enough attention, empirical teaching mode still occupies the dominant position.Especially in individual vocal music lessons, teachers tend to focus on the vocal music skills training, and ignore the system with regularity of knowledge in vocal music training for teaching, for the interpretation of the teaching content also often contain a lot of randomness, neither the system nor specification, also caused the waste of class.That although some of the students master the certain vocal skills, but know little about the vocal music theory knowledge, the only can sing, but can't tell why.事实上声乐技能的学习过程并不是孤立的,它的掌握程度与人的生理及心理状态、文化素质和教学方法都有着直接的关系。因此,必须把声乐技能课教学建立在科学、系统的理论基础知识之上。没有明晰的声乐理论作为指导,仅凭一种感性认识,将会给声乐学习带来困难并使其受到制约。因此,高师声乐教学要根据学生学习声乐的系统性、完整性和实用性原则来开设声乐理论课,使我们的声乐教学规范化、合理化。此课应从新生入学的一年级开始,集体开课、统一教学。每周1学时,开设1学年即可。教学内容可以从音响学、生理学的角度讲解,如:歌唱的姿势、发声器官的构成、发声基本原理、声乐与艺术语言以及声乐发展史等, 增加学生对本学科知识的认知与了解,促使其音乐素养的提升,更好地为声乐技能教学做好理论储备。

In fact the learning process of vocal music skills is not isolated, it is the master degree of physiological and mental state, cultural quality and teaching methods have a direct relationship.Must, therefore, the vocal music skills course teaching based on scientific and systematic theoretical foundation knowledge.No clear vocal music theory as the guide, with only a kind of perceptual knowledge, will bring difficulties and make it be restricted to vocal music learning.Therefore, vocal music teaching according to students study principles of systematic, integrity and practicability of the vocal music to open the vocal music theory class, making our vocal music teaching standardization, rationalization.This lesson should be started, the new students of grade one collective classes, unified teaching.1 hours, every week to open one academic year.Teaching

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http://www.xiexiebang.com/ http://www.xiexiebang.com/ content can be explained from the point of view of acoustics, physiology, such as: singing posture, the composition of the vocal organs, sound basic principle as well as the history of vocal music, vocal music and art language, increase students' awareness of their subject knowledge and understanding, lead to an improvement in its music literacy, better theoretical reserve for the skills of vocal music teaching.2.个别课和小组课相结合。这种教学形式充分体现了个性化与团队化的互补。个别课(一对一)因材施教,具有极强的针对性,它注重了学生的个性化发展,使每一个学生都能以自己的独特方式学习声乐,而且也能根据每人的声音特点和综合素养,制订出一套适合于个人的声乐教学方案。这种授课方式能让每一个学生的音乐潜能得到充分开发,很好地突出了艺术的个性原则,并且符合表演艺术的特殊规律,效果十分明显,也是学生掌握发声技法的最佳途径。小组课则针对学生的共性问题有很大的教学优势,如:讲授必须掌握与了解的声乐理论知识、发声的基本方法、正确的呼吸方式、喉咙的打开与共鸣训练及解决他们在发声技巧、音乐表现中普遍存在的问题等。此外,还可以利用小组课,进行各种重唱形式的训练,如:二重唱、四重唱、小合唱等。

Lesson 2.Individual and group lessons.This fully reflects the personalized teaching form and team complement each other.Individual lessons(one-on-one)according to their aptitude, with strong pertinence, it pays attention to the personal development of students, make every student can study vocal music in its own unique way, and can also be based on the characteristics of each person's voice and the comprehensive quality, to develop a set of vocal music teaching scheme suitable for individuals.This scheme to fully develop every student's music potential, individuality of the artistic principle well, and in accordance with the special rule of the performing arts, the effect is very obvious, and students to master techniques the best way.Group class is for students who have great teaching advantages of common problems, such as: teaching must grasp and understanding of vocal music theory knowledge, basic method, correct way of breathing sound, opening of the throat and empathy training and solve in their vocal skills, ubiquitous problems in music performance, etc.In addition, you can use a group class, for a variety of forms still training, such as: duet, quartet, semichorus and so on.把个别课与小组课相结合,采取以学生为主体,教师做引导,兼取众长,普遍参与,生动活泼、灵活多样的教学方式, 能充分调动他们的积极性,激发他们丰富的想象力、创造力和音乐审美能力。这样可以互相学习、取长补短,培养团队协作的理念,是进行交流合作的很好途径。

We can combine individual class and group lessons, take students as the main body, teachers guide, and take the long, universal participation, lively and flexible and varied teaching methods, fully mobilize their enthusiasm, arouse their rich imagination, creativity, and music aesthetic ability.So that we can learn from each other, complement each other, and cultivate team cooperation concept, is a very good way to conduct exchanges and cooperation.3.课堂教学和艺术实践相结合。声乐是一门表演性、实践性很强的艺术。我们不能因为高师声乐教学是培养中小学音乐教师,而忽视了艺术实践的重要性。没有艺术实践的声乐教学是不完整的教学。艺术实践是课堂教学的延续和完善,课堂教学是艺术实践的前提和有力保证,http://www.xiexiebang.com/ http://www.xiexiebang.com/

http://www.xiexiebang.com/ http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 二者互相补充,互相促进,这既是声乐艺术自身的特点,也是基础教育中音乐教学的自身特点。声乐艺术的表现依靠丰富的理论知识和娴熟的声乐技巧作为基础,而艺术实践恰恰是声乐课堂上理论与技巧的表现形式。在课堂上要针对舞台表演方面,如气质风度、语言、表情、形体等进行指导,并且运用各种多媒体手段让学生观摩学习。同时,把课堂延伸到课外,为他们提供广阔的艺术实践空间。利用课余时间锻炼学生组织和编排节目的能力,使他们自主地进行创编和实践,最大限度地发挥个性创造力、想象力,从而调动他们的积极性、主动性和培养团结合作的精神。编排曲目的内容与形式可以是丰富多样的,如大合唱、小合唱、表演唱、音乐剧、歌伴舞、配乐诗朗诵等,使其多元化的教学能力有一个较快的提高。

3.The combination of classroom teaching and art practice.Vocal music is a performing, practical art.We can't because of vocal music teaching is to train primary and secondary school music teacher, and ignore the importance of artistic practice.No art practice of the teaching of vocal music teaching is incomplete.Art practice is a continuation of classroom teaching and improvement of classroom teaching is the premise and guarantee of art practice, the two complement each other, promote each other, this is both vocal music art characteristic, and the characteristics of basic education in music teaching.Vocal music performance rely on rich theoretical knowledge and mastery of vocal music skills as the foundation, and is a vocal music art practice theory and skills of expression form in class.In class for stage performances, such as class, language, expressions, body, and use all kinds of multimedia means to let the students to learn.At the same time, the classroom extended to extra-curricular, provide them with broad space of artistic practice.Use after school time to exercise students' ability of organization and scheduling programs, the plait and practice make them independently, maximize individual creativity, imagination, so as to mobilize their enthusiasm, initiative and cultivate the spirit of unity and cooperation.Arranging the content and form can be a rich variety of, such as chorus, semichorus songs, singing with actions, musicals, dance, music, poetry, etc., make the diversity of the improvement of teaching ability has a faster.这样,通过艺术实践所获得的知识与经验,也可以反过来补充声乐理论与技巧,二者相辅相成,既丰富了理论知识,又熟练了学生的声乐技能技巧,使学生的综合素质逐步走向完善。因此,必须把课堂教学和艺术实践结合起来。这是高师院校声乐课程最不容忽视的一个重要环节。

In this way, the knowledge gained through art practice and experience, can in turn added vocal music theory and skills, the two complement each other, both rich theory knowledge, and proficient in the vocal music skills of the students, make the students' comprehensive quality to improve step by step.As a result, should combine classroom teaching and art practice.This is teachers college vocal music course nots allow to ignore one of the most important link.总之,高师院校声乐教学改革的关键在于能否建立与其培养目标相适应的教学体系,在于能否不断适应中小学音乐新课程的要求,这是一项复杂而艰巨的系统工程。特别要引起我们关注的是,高师声乐教学始终不能偏离自己的教学目标和原则,其教学内容只有依据培养目标不断地充实与完善,才能充分体现高师声乐教学的本质特征和适应培养合格师资的需求。

In short, teachers college vocal music teaching is the key to whether the reform of establishing

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http://www.xiexiebang.com/ http://www.xiexiebang.com/ teaching system that can meet the needs of its training objective, constantly adapt to elementary and middle schools music lies in whether the new curriculum requirements, this is a complex and arduous systems engineering.Particular concern us, still can not deviate from their own teaching vocal music teaching objectives and principles, its teaching content is only based on training target constantly enrich and perfect, can fully embody the essence of vocal music teaching characteristics and meet the needs of training qualified teachers.http://www.xiexiebang.com/ http://www.xiexiebang.com/



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