苏教版(凤凰)牛津英语教案4A U2(大全五篇)

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第一篇:苏教版(凤凰)牛津英语教案4A U2


4A Unit 2





二、单元:Unit 2

三、课题:In a toy shop


五、教学内容:单元Part A


1.复习单词a dog, a cat, a tiger 并能听得懂、会说、会读单词a lion.2.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语How lovely/nice!I see.Can I have a look? I’d like…,please.七、重点难点:会读日常交际用语How lovely/nice!会读句型 What’s this/that? It’s a …

区分和运用句型 I like… 和 I’d like…



第一步 学习单词及句型

T: Hello, boys and girls, nice to meet you.Now please look at the screen and answer my questions.同学们,我们一起来看一看屏幕并且回答问题。

T: 播放PPT⑵Look, what’s this in English? T: Yes, It’s a dog.Now, what’s that in English? T: OK, it’s a cat.播放PPT⑶ What’s this? Right, it’s a lion.(带读三遍)T: What’s that? Clever!It’s a panda.T: 同学们,刚才我们认识了几个玩具动物,你喜欢什么呢?What do you like? I like…我喜欢…..那么老师喜欢什么呢?你们想知道吗?应该怎么样问呢?(此处暂停,场外学生回答)

T: Yes, I like pandas.是的,我喜欢玩具熊猫。Now please look at the screen.播放PPT⑷

Now work in pairs.同学们,你们来相互练习一下这个句型。T:同学们,我喜欢玩具熊猫,我还想要一只玩具熊猫,该怎么说呢?I’d like a panda.那么,你想要什么呢?What would you like? T: Now please look at the screen.我们一起来看一看屏幕。(播放课件PPT⑸)

T: Now let’s look.我们一起来看看屏幕。Now please read after me.请你们跟我一起读一读。Now work in pairs.同学们,你们同桌来相互问答一下。第二步 学习课文

T: Well, boys and girls.Today is David’s birthday.What about David? 同学们,今天David过生日,他妈妈带他到玩具店买玩具,他喜欢什么样的玩具动物?他想要什么样的玩具动物呢?Now, let’s watch the cartoon answer my questions.好,我们一起来看一看动画,并且回答问题。(播放金太阳课文动画)

T:好的,看完动画以后,请你们一起来回答问题.Yes.David says: “I like my panda.I’d like this panda.”是的, David说他喜欢玩具熊猫,他想要一只玩具熊猫。播放课件PPT⑺⑻当David看见一只漂亮的玩具猴子时,他说: “ That’s a nice monkey.” 而营业员说:The lion is nice, too.这只狮子也很漂亮。这时David 说了什么呢?同学们请你们一起来告诉我。Can I have a look?我可以看一看吗?Sure.好的,可以。Please listen and read.同学们请你们仔细听并且跟读。Now work in pairs.(同学们,你们同桌操练一下)

T: Now, please listen and read.(播放PPT⑼—⑿)同学们,你们来一起读一读课文。第三步


T:课文你们读熟了吗?好的我们在来分角色朗读课文the boys are David,男生读David的话,the girls are the shop assistant女生读营业员的话,the teacher is Mum教师读妈妈的话。请开始吧!

T:同学们,课文熟读了以后,咱们来表演一下。来请看他们是怎样表演的。Good job!他们表演的真棒!你们也来试一试,开始吧!T:PPT⒀⒁同学们,在以下的情景中你会说吗?

当你想知道别人喜欢什么时,你怎么问呢?What do you like? 回答是:I like…

当你想知道别人想要什么时,你怎么问呢?What would you like? 回答是:I’d like…(结束语)

T:同学们本节课我们通过“在商店购物”的情景,学习了句型I like…和 I’d like… 以及Can I have a look? Sure.我相信你们在其他的情景中也会很好地运用所学的句型。OK, See you next time.Goodbye!




本节课我们一起学习课文,学生通过认识几个动物类单词,然后与教师相互交流喜欢那一种玩具动物,想要什么样的动物。用英语说分别是I like…& I’d like… 分散课文学习的难点,易于学生掌握课文。在听课文录音,整体了解课文,然后分步学习课文中句子,最后表演课文。这样的设计层层递进,学生学起来感觉不到太大的难度,有利于更好地掌握课文。

4A Unit 2





二、单元:Unit 2

三、课题:In a toy shop


五、教学内容:单元Part B C D


1.学习单词 a bear, a rabbit 并能听得懂、会说、会读和会写单词a dog, a cat, a tiger, a panda.2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写 What’s this/ that? It’s a...学习句型This is / That’s my/your/his/her…

七、重点难点:四会句型What’s this/ that? It’s a...学习句型This is / That’s my/your/his/her…




T: Hello, boys and girls.Nice to see you again.Now let’s play a guessing game.Guess What’s this? 同学们,今天我们一起来做个猜谜游戏,猜一猜这是什么动物?

T: First.播放ppt⑵

Please listen.It often says “Mao Mao” What’s this? Can you guess? T: Oh.It’s a cat.Second, please listen it says ”woo,woo” Now guess What’s this?

T: Yes.It’s a dog.播放ppt⑶Third.It’s black and white.It likes bamboo.What’s this?

T: OK.It’s a panda.Oh, How lovely!T: Fourth.It’s very naughty.It likes peaches.Guess.What’s this? T: Clever.It’s a monkey.Fifth It’s the king of the forest.What’s this? T: Right.It’s a tiger.T: Now please look at the screen and answer my question.同学们,我们一起来看一看屏幕,并且回答问题。播放 ppt⑷ What’s this in English? Yes.It’s a bear.Now please read after me “a bear”(对镜头带读三遍)

T: What’s this in English? Right.It’s a rabbit.Now please read after me “ a rabbit”(带读三遍).第二步:复习单词,学习句型

T: Now please look at the screen.And guess What’s this? 这是什么?引导学生回答It’s a …它是…

T: What’s this? It’s a lion.What’s this? It’s a bear.What’s this? It’s a rabbit.播放ppt⑸

T:OK.Boys and girls, let’s guess.What’s missing? 播放 ppt⑹(同学们,我们一起来猜一猜少了什么动物?出示四种动物图片,快速闪过一张)

T: It’s a dog.(同时出现所缺的动物图片)

T: Guess, What’s missing?(出示四种动物图片,快速闪过另一张)T: Oh, it’s a cat.(同时出现所缺的动物图片)

T: Now, What’s missing?(出示四种动物图片,快速闪过另一张)T: Oh, it’s a tiger.(同时出现所缺的动物图片)

T: Now, What’s missing?(出示四种动物图片,快速闪过另一张)T: Yes.It’s a panda.播放ppt⑺

T: Can you spell the words? Now read after me a cat a c-a-t, cat a dog d-o-g dog, a panda p-a-n-d-a panda, a tiger t-i-g-e-r tiger.T: OK.Boys and girls.Please read the words.播放ppt⑻⑼

T: Now boys and girls.Let’s ask and answer.同学们我们一起来看图相互问答.播放ppt⑽

T: What’s this/that? 引导学生回答

It’s a bear.It’s a cat.Now please read after it.T: Now work in pairs.同学们,你们自己练习图片上的内容,开始吧!播放ppt⑾ OK, Let’s check out the answers.好的,我们来核对一下答案吧!T: Let’s look at the screen.同学们,我们一起来看一看屏幕.播放ppt⑿

What’s this?(这是什么?)It’s a panda.(这是一只玩具熊猫。)

What’s that?(那是什么?)It’s a rabbit.(那是一只玩具兔子。)


学习Part D look and say T: OK.boys and girls.Let’s look and say.(播放ppt⒀)好的,同学们我们一起来看一看然后说一说。

Look.What’s this? Yes.It’s a lion.Whose lion is this? 这是谁的狮子呢?我们现在一起来听一听他们在说什么?This is your lion, I think.我想这是你的狮子.Yes, it is.是的,这是我的狮子.T: Now please open your books,turn to page18 and work in pairs.Let’s try to say.同学们请你们打开书本翻到第18页,讨论一下图片内容。好的,你们开始讨论吧!(此处暂停)OK.Let’s check out the answers.(我们一起来核对答案吧!)播放ppt⒁⒂⒃(结束语)

T: 同学们,本节课我们一起学习了许多动物类单词,你们在课后可以先把它们牢固地掌握,然后再去找一找其他的动物类单词。See you next time.Goodbye!




4A Unit 2





二、单元:Unit 2

三、课题:In a toy shop


五、教学内容:单元Part E F G


1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写单词a desk, a shop.2.能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Hello.In which… ? Guess.3.了解辅音字母d和f在单词中的读音。4.能有表情地演唱歌曲 We are happy bees.七、重点难点:会用日常交际用语Hello.能有表情地演唱歌曲We are happy bees.第二部分



T: Now boys and girls.Nice to see you again.OK.Please look at the screen.播放ppt⑵ 请同学们一起来看看屏幕。

OK.Please look.Today let’s go to the zoo.What’s this/that? 同学们今天我们一起去动物园看看.这是什么?那是什么?请用It’s a…来回答。

T:好的,看完以后,请你说说你喜欢什么动物?What do you like? I like…

请用I like… 来回答。

第二步:完成各版块教学(用时15分钟)Part E Read and act T:(播放金太阳KW02E1.swf ppt⑶)Now let’s look at the screen.同学们我们一起看卡通,Liu Tao向Nancy要什么看的? T: Oh, it’s a photo.Can you spell the word ?

Yes, the photo p-h-o-t-o.And where is it? It’s on the desk.Can you spell it? Yes, the desk d-e-s-k.(播放课件ppt⑷)T: Please read the dialogue.(播放ppt⑸)T:同学们,你们可以试着去表演对话.请看示范.(现场学生示范表演)Good jobs!他们表演的真棒!你们也可以来表演,试一试吧!Part F Listen and repeat T: Yes.The photo is on the desk.What’ s on the green desk? Please open your books and turn to page19(请同学们一起来看看书,看看那张绿色桌子上有什么?Oh, some dogs.Are they thin? No, they are very fat.T:(金太阳FF02F01.swf部分 ppt⑹)Please watch the cartoon.我们一起来看卡通。好的,字母d 在desk和 dog这两个单词中,发音是 /d/。字母f在单词fat和five中发音是/f/。Now use the words to make a sentence.Have a try.用这四个单词组成一个句子,试一下吧!Let’s read the sentence in the book.(播放ppt⑺)“Your five fat dogs are on the desk.”来读一读书上的句子。Ppt⑻

T:同学们,老师这儿找了一些含有/d/ 和 /f/ 音的单词,Now read after me.请跟着我一起来读一读。同学们,课后你们也可以找一找这类单词。

Part G Fun house 1 Look and read

T: Now Boys and girls let’s watch the cartoon.(播放金太阳KW02G1.swf课件 ppt⑼)同学们我们一起来看一看卡通。看完以后,你们喜欢这个卡通片吗? Please open your books and turn to page20 请你们打开书本到20页.Ppt⑽ Please listen and read.请你们仔细听并跟着一起读一读.2 Ask and guess T:OK, boys and girls.同学们,这儿有一个猜谜游戏,请看示范.(现场学生表演)你们也来做一做这个猜谜游戏,开始吧!3 Sing a song

T:(播放金太阳课件ppt⑾ KW02I1.swf歌曲)Please listen to the song,ppt⑿read the song, then sing after the music.同学们本单元有一首歌曲想不想学?那我们一起来学唱歌曲。首先,我们来听一听歌曲,然后跟着我读歌词,最后学唱。(结束语)

T:同学们在这一单元中我们学习了一些动物类单词,并学习了句型What’s this/that? 及其回答It’s a… 相信你们在以后的生活中能很好地运用所学到的英语知识进行交流。See you next time.Goodbye!




第二篇:苏教版(凤凰)牛津英语教案4A U6


牛津小学英语4A Unit 6 教学方案

4A Unit 6 教学方案(第一课时)

第一部分 简要提示


二、单元:Unit 6

三、课题:Whose gloves?


五、教学内容:单元Part A


1、掌握单词、词组small, big, short, dress, jeans, gloves ,skirt, funny, pretty, they, a pair of, try„on

2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whose „ is this /are they ? It's /They’re „

七、重难点:初步了解句型:Whose „ is this /are they ? It's /They’re „

第二部分 教学过程


T:Hello, boys and girls.Nice to meet you.同学们,你们好,今天我们来学习牛津小学英语4A第六单元的A部分。好,请大家先看图说单词。

出示单词已学过的服装类单词a sweater, a jacket, shoes T: What’s this?(稍停顿)It’s a sweater/jacket.What are these?(稍停顿)They’re shoes.T:Good.Can you say these words? 真棒,你会说下列单词吗?(逐个学习其它服装类单词a dress, a skirt, a pair of jeans, a pair of gloves)


T: What’s this?(稍停顿)It’s a dress.a dress,一件连衣裙。Please read after me, a dress(稍停顿)a dress。(同法学习a skirt)

T:What are these?(稍停顿)They’re shoes.It’s a pair of jeans.a pair of,一双,一副,一条,当我们表达一双鞋子、一副手套、一条裤子的时候就用a pair of„(带读a pair of shoes,呈现a pair of gloves并学习)T:Good.我们学习了服装类词语,当我们想知道这些服装是属于谁的时候应该怎么说呢?

T:(出示图片dress)What’s this? It’s a dress.Whose dress is this? 这是谁的连衣裙?Whose,谁的。Whose dress is this?(出示人物)It’s Helen’s.(带读句型,同样的方法学习Whose gloves are they? They’re Nancy’s)

T:(出示四副图)同学们,你们能用Whose „ is this /are they ? It's /They’re „这个句型谈论这几副图吗?(给学生1分钟时间操练)


T:Very good,boys and girls.同学们,你们做得真棒!苏海、苏阳要去参加一个party,他们会穿什么样的衣服呢,他们穿的衣物又是谁的呢?OK.Please look at the picture.好,请看图。T:(出示图)This is Su Hai.She is trying a dress and a pair of jeans on.The dress is too small and the jeans are too long.同学们,这是苏海,她正在试穿一件连衣裙和一条牛仔裤,连衣裙太小而牛仔裤太长了(重复句子The dress is too small and the jeans are too long.并学习too small,too long)这些衣服有的是太小了,有的又是太长了,让我们试穿一下吧。你们知道“试穿”用英语怎么说吗?(出示学习try„on, try this one on, try this pair on等词语并学习)

T:Good.Please watch and listen carefully, try to answer these four questions.好,我们来学习A部分,请同学们先看这四个问题。


Q1 Whose gloves are they? Q2 Are they big? Q3 Whose skirt is it? Q4 Is it long?

T:OK.Please watch cartoon.金太阳:A部分影像

T: Can you answer the questions? 同学们,听了课文,你们能自己尝试做出来吗?(出示问题PPT)

T:Well, let’s check.No.1:Whose gloves are they? Yes, they’re Su Hai’s father’s.No.2:Are they big? Yes, they’re so big.Look, they’re so big.Su Hai looks so funny.(出示和词语so big和so funny并学习)

T:No.3: Whose skirt is it? Yes.It’s Yang Ling’s.No.4: Is it long? No, it isn’t.Look, Yang Ling’s skirt is too short.It’s pretty.(出示图画和词语too short和pretty并学习)

T:OK.Please watch cartoons again.请同学们再看一遍。


T:OK.Do you understand? Please open your books at page 44.Listen and imitate.好,同学们,你们看懂了吗?现在请打开,书第44页,听录音跟读。(分句朗读)


T:(出现课文第五幅图)Well down.Here’s a picture about Su Yang and Yang Ling.Can you talk about them? 同学们读得真不错,这是一幅课文中的图片,你能用课文内容谈论它吗?请看两位同学的示范。



结束语:同学们,这节课我们学习了A部分内容,主要句型有:Whose „ is this /are they ? It's /They’re „,请同学们课外认真听录音模仿,以小组为单位表演课文内容,好吗?See you next time.第三部分 本节课说明


4A Unit 6 教学方案(第二课时)

第二部分 简要提示


二、单元:Unit 6

三、课题:Whose gloves?


五、教学内容:单元Part BCD


1.掌握单词及词语:a pair of jeans, a pair of gloves, a pair of socks, a pair of shoes, a pair of shorts, a jacket., a scarf., a sweater 2.进一步巩固句型:Whose...is this / are they?及其回答It's.......'s /They're...'s和The„is/are too„



2、进一步巩固句型:Whose „ is this /are they ? It's /They’re „

第二部分 教学过程


T:Hello, boys and girls.Nice to see you again.同学们好,上一节课我们学习了A部分内容,你们还记得吗?让我们来回顾一下吧。(播放课文音像)


T:Here are are some pictures of Part A.Can you say something about them? 同学们,听了A部分的内容,你们能够把每幅图片的内容说出来吗?(出示几幅图画,点击播放让学生根据图画尝试说出内容,)


T:Well down.课文掌握得真不错。同学们,你们还记得我们上节课学习的服装类单词吗?

第一步出示已学单词:a pair of jeans, a pair of gloves, a pair of socks, a sweater, a jacket。T:Well, let’s learn the new words.复习了几个已学单词,下面我们来学习三个新单词。


a pair of socks,a pair of shorts,a scarf

T:Can you say these words? Please open your books at page 46.Read after me.你会读这些单词吗?请同学们打开书跟读。


Picture 1: T:Great.同学们,我们学习了一些服装类单词,当你想知道一件衣物是属于谁的时候,你就问:Whose„is this? 如(出现围巾):Whose scarf is this?(出现人物)Whose scarf is this? It’s Wang Fang’s.Now, please read after me.Whose scarf is this? It’s Wang Fang’s.Picture 2: 当你想知道一些衣物,比如手套、牛仔裤等是属于谁的时候,你就问:„(方法同上)

T:OK.Let’s play a guessing game.(教师带着做连线题)

T:Well down,Here are some pictures.Please talk about them.请同学们打开书第47页,同桌互相谈论这四幅图。(呈现4幅图,给学生2分钟自由练习的时间)

T:Excellent.Well, let’s check.很好,同学们,下面我们来检查。(听C部分内容,播放正确答案)

T:OK.Are you right? 对照录音,你们感觉自己说得如何。请同学们依据自己所说的内容,把这四幅的内容在课堂作业本上写下来。


T:Hello, boys and girls.You all did a good job.同学们,你们做得真不错。我们学习了如何表达一个东西或一些东西是属于谁的,下面我们就用这个句型,结合A部分内容谈论这些图片。我们先请现场同学做个示范。

学生活动: A:Hello,„ B:Hello,„

A:Look at this picture.Whose socks are they? B:They’re David’s.A:Oh, the socks are too small.B:Yes, I think so.T:Very good.Can you talk about these pictures? 同学们,请你们选择其中一幅图谈论。


T: Well down.Please open your books at Page 48.Complete the sentences in the book.下面请打开书第48页,完成句子。

T:OK.Let’s check.你做好了吗?我们来检查一下。(点击出示标准答案)

结束语:本节课,我们重点学习了B部分的词语和C部分的句型,请同学们课外多运用服装类单词以及修饰它们的形容词来练说这些句型。See you next time.第三部分 本节课说明


4A Unit 6 教学方案(第三课时)

第一部分 简要提示


二、单元:Unit 6

三、课题:Whose gloves?


五、教学内容:单元Part E F G H


1、掌握词组Don’t worry.Oh, dear!



4、会诵读小诗A funny goat


第二部分 教学过程


T:Hello, boys and girls.Nice to see you again.同学们,你们好,让我们来继续学习本单元内容。首先,让我们来做一个猜谜游戏。


T:Are you right? Now, please open your books at page 51.好,请同学们打开书第51页,根据图画内容写出单词。

T:Well, let’s check the words.T:Well, let’s do the second exercise.Listen and number.(出示PPT,播放、稍停并对照,以看图标号形式复习本单元句型)



T:Hello, boys and girls.We talked about clothes just now.Now let’s talk about stationeries.好,同学们,我们刚刚复习了服装类单词和句型,现在让我们来谈一谈文具吧。T:(出示图片介绍)Helen and David are talking about their stationeries.Read carefully and try to understand it.Helen和David正在谈论他们的文具,认真读,尝试了解他们谈论的情况。Don’t worry.不要着急(重复Don’t worry,闪现并消失)

T: Well, Please look at these four sentences.They can help you.Don’t worry.下面几句话可以帮助你理解(教师轻声朗读一遍,让学生自读)

Read and judge 1.Helen’s pencil is long.()2.She can have a short one.()3.Helen’s rubber is too small.()4.Don’t worry.Here’s a big one for her.()

T: Please open your books at page 49.Read and judge.请同学们再读一遍E部分内容,完成判断题。

T: Let’s check.(出示答案并对照)Are you right? Well done.Let’s watch cartoons.你们做得对吗?我们看一遍动画吧。


T: Well, please open your books and read after the tape.请同学们打开书跟录音朗读。(分句朗读)

T:Good.Can you act? 好,你能表演这部分内容吗?我们请两个同学做一下示范。(让现场的两位同学作示范表演)


T:Excellent.OK, boys and girls, please work in pairs.表演得真棒。同学们,你们也能像他们一样表演吗?请两个人一组表演E部分内容。(2分钟)

2、学习G1 Look and read T:演得怎么样?恩,Helen得到了一支长的铅笔和一块大的橡皮。下面还有一个有趣的故事呢,请打开书第50页,我们一起来读一读吧。

T:Do you understand? Don’t worry.Let’s learn something new.看明白了吗?我们来看一下这幅图画(出示词语: Oh, dear!并学习)

T:Look, what’s this? It’s a dress.Whose dress is this? Perhaps it’s her mother’s.(学习perhaps)T:Look, whose scarf is that? Oh, dear!It’s the girl’s scarf.Oh, dear!哎呀!(带读)Well, please read after me.T:OK.Please watch cartoons.好,我们来看动画。


3、学习G3 Say a rhyme

T:Do you understand? Oh, dear!That’s the girl’s scarf.It’s so nice a scarf.哎呀!多漂亮的一条围巾,怎么让小鸟叼去拉!对了,还有一只有趣的山羊呢,我们也来看一看吧。

T:(出示图片)A funny coat,(学习,带读)T:(出示图片及每句小诗,解释,跟读)

T:Now, watch cartoons.金太阳(播放G3部分内容)


T:多有趣的一只山羊呀,把男孩子们的目光都吸引过去了,可是Jim此时此刻正在吃午饭。Now, at first, let’s read these four words好,我们先来读一下这四个单词,注意红色字母的发音。

T:like, lunch(学生听读、跟读,教师带读/l/,/m/,示范口型)

T:mango, milk(学生听读、跟读,教师带读/m/,示范口型)

T:Jim的午餐想吃些什么呢?What would you like,Jim?(点击播音,教师重复)I’d like some milk and mangos for lunch.我想要一些牛奶和芒果做午餐。Please read after the tape.T:OK.Can you find some words pronounce /l/or/m/? Now let’s work in groups.and find out.你能找出含有/l/和/m/音的单词吗?请同学们分组讨论一下。



第三部分 本节课说明


第三篇:苏教版(凤凰)牛津英语教案5B U8


5B Unit 8 教学方案





二、单元:Unit 8

三、课题:At the weekends


五、教学内容: 单元Part EFGH


1.掌握单词、词组:primary school, other, carry, glow 2.能看懂E 部分短文;3.了解字母组合ee在单词中的读音。4.会演唱歌曲We know





T: Hello, boys and girls.Nice to see you again.前几次课,我们一起谈论了周末活动。现在老师打算来考考你。Let's review!(用上节课结尾的根据情景说句子)T: 同学们掌握的不错。(PPT出示图片)

Look, my friends are coming.Who are they? They are Liu Tao and Yang Ling.他们俩是如何度周末的?你能用以下句子和同桌交流一下吗?(PPT出示句型)

Are you ready? Let’s begin.T: 完成了吗?我们来校对一下。

T: 同学们说得很好。我们还学习了一些昆虫名称。我们来猜谜语吧。Think and guess what insect it is.猜猜老师说得是哪一种昆虫。Listen carefully.1.It has long legs.It jumps high.What is it?(PPT出示谜语)

Is it a butterfly? Is it a bee? 请你用问句 Is it…?来猜答案。(PPT出示句子)

Look, it’s a grasshopper.(PPT出示图片)你猜对了吗?Let’s go on with the game.2.It likes flowers.It’s very beautiful.What is it?

(A butterfly)

3.It’s small.It can fly.It’s busy in the flowers.What is it?

(A bee)

4.It flies high.It likes flowers too.What is it?

(A dragonfly)

5.It’s very small, but it can carry big things(搬运大物品).(An ant)

6.It can fly.It glows at night(在夜晚发光).(A firefly)

T: 你都猜对了吗? 在猜谜语的时候我们遇到了几个生词,跟老师来学一学吧!


carry 搬,运,带

carry big things



glow at night


T: Now look at the boy and the girl.What are they doing?他们也在猜昆虫的谜语呢!请同学们打开书,翻到66页,先读一读他们之间的对话。(学生自由朗读)

T: 怎么样?这个游戏你会玩了吗?和小伙伴一起试试吧!你可以参考下面的一些词组。(PPT出示)注意,猜的时候要用问句 Is it… ? 来猜答案。

OK.Time for the game.Let’s start.(学生活动)




我们知道每种昆虫都有它的特点。Let's learn to say.跟着老师一起说。Ants can carry big things.Butterflies and dragonflies are beautiful.They dance in the flowers.Fireflies are very special.(教special)They glow at night.你自己来把这几句话读一读吧!

T: Now let’s meet a new friend.He likes insects, too.现在我们来认识一位新朋友。他也 喜欢昆虫。听听他要对我们说什么。Let’s watch the cartoon.(播放金太阳E部分)T: 听懂了吗?I think the boy likes insects very much.Let’s watch again,and try to answer my questions.我们再来看一遍,然后回答这几个问题。

(再次播放金太阳E部分)T: Now look at the questions.1.Where does the boy study?

He studies at Yu Cai Primary School.(教学primary school)

2.How does he spend his weekends?

He often goes to the park.3.What is he talking about?

He's talking about insects.(此处不出字幕)

T:(PPT呈现E部分图片)There are a lot of insects in the park.There are ants, butterflies, dragonflies, fireflies and other interesting insects.(教学other, other interesting insects)T:

What can the insects do? 这些昆虫都有什么本领呢?You may read the passage, then tell me.请你打开书,翻到65页。朗读这篇短文后告诉老师。T: 你一定在书上找到答案了吧。We know the ants are very small.3.What can ants do?

They can carry big things.4.What can butterflies and dragonflies do?

They can dance in the flowers.5.What can fireflies do?

They can glow at night.T: So the boy catch them and put them in bottles.What a lovely boy!

T: 每种昆虫的特点各不相同。What insect do you like? 你喜欢哪一种昆虫呢?Listen to me!

I like butterflies.They are beautiful.They can dance in the flowers.(PPT出示)

How about you? What insect do you like?(PPT出示)

请你仿照老师的话用英语在小组里说一说你喜欢的昆虫,以及喜欢它的理由。快开 始吧!


T: 每个同学都有自己喜爱的昆虫。Look at this rhyme.Let's try to read!我们一起来读一读这首诗。

你知道吗?这其实是一手歌曲,名字叫We know.Let’s watch and enjoy!我们先来欣赏一下。(播放金太阳U8歌曲)T: Now, let’s enjoy the song again.This time you can try to sing.现在我们跟着音乐一起来演唱吧!(播放金太阳U8歌曲)T: 这首歌曲能帮助我们更好的表达每种昆虫的特点,大家课后要多多练习哦!


T: Insects are our good friends.Look at the bees.(PPT出示图片)Where are they? They're in the tree.What are they doing? They're sleeping.Good.I can see bees sleeping in the tree.(PPT出示句子)

Please read the four words.请你先读一读句中的这四个单词。T: Now please read after me.(教师带读bee, see, sleep, tree)

请你自己再读一读,想一想,这四个单词中字母组合ee的发音是什么呢? T: Right!They pronounce / i: /.这里字母组合ee的发音是 / i: /(PPT出示)

Follow me.(读音标3遍)

把这四个单词连成一句话。Now, read after me.(读书上的句子2遍。)

T: Good!除了这四个单词,你还能想到哪些单词,其中也有字母组合ee发/ i: /的呢?你可以和同伴一起讨论讨论。(同桌讨论半分钟)

OK.这里老师也给你们搜集了类似的单词,和你们想的一样吗?我们来读一读吧。T: 如果你能找到更多这样的单词,请你把它们加上去。

(结束语)T: 今天,我们继续学习了有关六种昆虫的知识,了解了它们的特性。这些昆虫就生活在我们身边,希望大家在课后多注意观察,看一看,说一说,把我们所学得知识掌握得更牢固。Time for break.Goodbye, everyone!



本节课上教师首先用看图对话的形式巩固了这个单元的主要话题,用猜谜的方式 复习昆虫类单词,为E,F部分的教学打下基础。在本课教学中,教师注重学生阅读能力 和口语表达能力的培养,E部分是通过看动画,阅读短文寻找问题的答案进行教学,再 通过描述自己喜欢的昆虫这一口语交际活动巩固对短文的理解与掌握。G部分语音教学 注重知识的总结与归纳,帮助学生体会字母组合ee在单词中的发音特点。H部分歌曲 虽然是本节课的内容,但在平时的教学中,我们可结合歌曲,歌谣内容在每节课前或课 后播放,既能渗透教学内容,又能营造良好的英语氛围。总的来说,在这样的单元综合 课中,教师要根据教学内容变换不同的教学方法,以达到知识的不断巩固和提高。

第四篇:苏教版(凤凰)牛津英语教案6A U7-Part A


6B Unit 7(Part A)教学方案

年级—六年级 单元--Unit 7 课型—新授课 教学目标

1.能理解会读词汇writing paper, envelope, e-mail address 2.能初步理解会读会用日常交际用语Can I have a …?What for? I want to… 3.能读懂课本文字,完成相应阅读练习。



2.正确发音writing paper, envelope, e-mail address 媒体:电脑,PPT课件 投影



Step 1 词汇学习(约3分钟)T--Hi!Boys and girls.Glad to see you again.同学们好,很高兴再次见到大家。Today, let’s learn a new Unit-Unit 7 A letter to a penfriend.Here’re two new words.Look.PPT2–Look.Letter means书信let’s learn(播放录音两遍),penfriend means笔友a letter tp a penfriend means一份给笔友的信。

T—By the way, do you have a penfriend? I have a penfriend, he lives in Canada.Now, I want to write a letter to him.What do I need 我需要什么呢?

PPT3–Look, I need these things.a pen, some stamps,some writing paper and an envelope.PPT4–Now, look, writing paper means 信纸let’s learn(播放录音两遍)(播放录音), pay attaton, we don’t say a writing paper, we say some writing paper.PPT5–an envelope means信封,let’s learn(播放录音两遍)pay attaton to ―an‖

Step 2 Presentation(约3分钟)T—Please look at my mouth and say after me.(卡片)Now, Liu Tao wants to write a letter.Who does he want to write to?他想写信给谁。Let’s watch.PPT6–播放卡通

PPT7–Can you answer-Who does Liu Tao want to write to ? Yes, he wants to write to Peter.PPT8–Look, here’re five sentences.读一遍

1.Liu Tao read about Peter in the magazine.()2.Peter lives in London.()3.Peter is the only child in his family.()4.Peter has two hobbies.()5.Liu Tao has an e-mail address.()Are they true or false, let’s watch the cartoon again.PPT9–播放卡通

PPT10–Now, let’s judge.读题F,T,F,T,F, you see e-mail address means 电子邮件地址。Let’s read.(播放点及)T-Good.Now, let’s read the text.下面让我们来朗读课文。请同学们将书翻至54和56页,first, let’s follow the tape, 首先让我们跟录音朗读,仔细听,注意模仿语音语调。PPT11-14—Are you ready? Let’s start.T---Now, can you read by yourselves.现在同学们可以在小组内分角色读,比比谁读得好。

Step 3 Fill and talk T---读完了课文后,相信同学们一定对Peter更加了解。现在请你来填写55页下方的有关Peter的个人信息表.(暂停,阅读填写peter个人信息表)PPT15--let’s check.T---现在你能根据刚才的表格组织话语和同桌谈论以下peter吗?先看两位同学的示范。(杨和陈)

杨—Hi!Chen.Do you know Liu Tao has a new penfriend? 陈—Really? What’s his name? 杨—He’s Peter.陈—Where does he live? 杨—He lives in London.陈—What are his hobbies? 杨—He likes listening to music and making model planes.陈— Is he the only child in his family? 杨—No, he has a brother and a sister.陈—Oh, I see.He and Liu Tao have the same hobbies.I think they will be good friends.lso tell him about my new house and my e-mail address.(老师)好,下面请你仿照刚才的对话,和同学开始谈论。(暂停,学生对话)Step 4 Sum up(总结)问题:如何总结。

第五篇:苏教版(凤凰)牛津英语教案6A U7 A


6A Unit 7(Part A)教学方案

年级: 6 年级

单元: Unit 7

课题: At Christmas

课型: 新授课

教学目标: 1 能听懂,会说,会读单词ours, mine, yours, his, hers, a calculator, a hairdryer, a wallet, a skateboard, a teapot.2.能听懂,会说和会读日常交际用语:This one is from Grandma.Open it for me.Who are they from? They’re from Grandma and Grandpa.You’re welcome.3 理解对话的意思。

重点难点:1.日常交际用语:Who is it /are they from? They ‘re from..Open it for me.2.介词for 和from的区别。




1. T: Hello, boys and girls.Nice to meet you.When’s Christmas, do you know?(稍停)Yes, it’s on the 25th of December.在圣诞节,我的朋友和我都收到了许多的礼物。

2. T: Look, what’s this? It’s a pen.Whose pen is it? It’s my pen.我也可以简单说成It’s mine.The pen is mine.Look here.(PPT2显示)(带读)Please read after me, mine.T: Who is it from? It’s from my friend.From 在这里的意思是给的,送的,是我的朋友给的。(带读)(PPT2显示)

2..Oh, this is a beautiful T-shirt.It’s Yang Ling’s T-shirt.我们也可以说 It’s hers.It’s from her mother.(带读)(PPT2显示)Please read after me, hers

3.T: Look, what are these ? They’re CDs.Are they your CDs? Are they yours?(带读)(PPT2显示)They’re Liu Tao’s CDs.They’re his CDs.我们也可以说They’re his他的(东西).Who are they from? They’re from his father.(带读)(PPT2显示)

4.T: 我知道Jim 一家在圣诞节也收到了好多礼物。Let’s go and have a look.第二步:课文学习

1. T: Boys and girls, please read the first paragraph and answer my questions.请同学们读课文的旁白部分,然后回答老师的问题。(PPT3显示)Are you right? Good.2.T: Look, what’s this? It’s a wallet.(PPT4显示)Wallet(带读)Whose wallet is it? Please listen carefully and answer the following questions.(PPT5显示)Oh, it’s Grandpa’s wallet.” Who is it from?(稍停)It’s from Grandma.Now, let’s look at some language points.(PPT6 PPT7显示)T: Boys and girls, please listen to the next dialogue.Here are some questions for you.What’s the big present? Whose present is it? Who is it from? Let’s listen carefully.(PPT8显示)Oh, it’s a teapot and some tea.Read after me.A teapot.(PPT显示)It’s Grandma’s.It’s hers.It’s from Grandpa.5T:.Now what are Jim’s presents? Let’s go on listening.(PPT9显示)Oh, Jim has got two presents from Mum and Dad.A calculator and a skateboard.(带读)

6.T: What are Mum and Dad’s presents?(PPT10显示)Here are some Questions: What’s Dad’s present? Yes, it’s a watch.What’s Mum’s Present? Yes, it’s a hairdryer.(带读)第三步:巩固复习

1.T: Please listen to the text once more and fill the table(PPT11显示)T:Let’s check the answers together.Are you right?

2.T: Let’s complete the sentences.请注意for 和from的区别。(PPT11显示)

3.T: It’s time for you to read the text.同学们,请你们一句句地模仿朗读课文吧。Good.T: Do you understand these sentences?(PPT12 13 14显示)

4.Ok, kids.You did very well today.Here’s a card for you.(PPT15显示)结束语:课后,老师希望你能再多听磁带多跟读多模仿,如果你能与你的小伙伴把这个对话表演出来,那就更好了。Hope to see you again.Bye!(PPT16显示)

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    苏教版(凤凰)牛津英语教案2011 4A Unit9 教学方案 (Part A) 第一部分 简要提示 年级:4年级单元:Unit9 课题:What’s the matter? 课型:新授课 教学内容:单元Part A 教学目标: 1. 能听......