急雨 rapid rain
猛烈的雨 driving rain
大雨heavy rain/downpour
茫茫大雨blinding rain
瓢泼大雨soaking/drenching rain
旋转的飞雨swirling rain
devastating typhoon强台风
issue yellow alert发布黄色警报
a fierce storm强风暴
torrential downpours倾盆大雨
the bluster of the wind and rain狂风暴雨
the violent thunderstorms强烈的雷暴
Expressing Thoughts and Opinions in Task-2 Essays
在雅思议论文中经常被Native Speakers 用来表达看法与立场的英式短语&句型
在准备雅思考试的学习者们往往更加重视对于单个单词(individual words)的积累与使用,但是普遍并不重视对英语短语(phrases), 句型(sentence patterns)和固定搭配(collocations)的掌握与探究。以下短语和句型的表达会给考生的议论文带来两点的一笔。
lHave mixed views on…(人们)各持不同的看法
例句:It has around fifteen years since the Internet was first introduced into British households but people still have mixed views on whether it is a positive or negative influence on society.它在雅思考试中的常见反义短语和句型
Reach consensus on …(人们)对某事达成一致意见
例句:It will be difficult for people to reach a consensus on this issue.lbe a highly charged issue 是一个引起激辩的话题
Euthanasia(安乐死)is a highly charged issue in many European countries.它在雅思考试中的常见反义短语和句型
be a well-established fact(某事)是为人们所共知的事实
例句:It is a well-established fact that very young children learn best by rote.lThe tide of opinion is now running steadily against …目前的观点普遍倾向于反对… 例句: The tide of opinion is now running steadily against the new traffic law.它在雅思考试中的常见近义词短语和句型
The majority of people oppose…多数人反对…
例句:The majority of people oppose the proposed tax reform.lIt stands to reason that…(某现象)是符合常理的例句:It stands to reason that a child who is constantly criticized will grow up to have no self-confidence.它在雅思考试中的常见近义词短语和句型
The concerns that …are well-justified.对于某事的担心是完全合理的例句:The concerns that the new law will curtail NGO activities are well-justified.
1.a lot of/lots of
这对词组一般不要出现在academic essay中,考官已经看烦了。可以用A considerable number of代替
2.Everything has two sides/every coin has tow sides
这个词不好。按照他们的说法就是too imprecise,没有一个具体的时间。可以用 In the last 5 years„/since„.代替。
4.There is survey„„
老师是这么说的:has there been?/only say this if you actually know of one。也就是说考官知道这些都是你编的,最好不要用了。
这三个词我们还是经常会用到。其实最好用in addition,therefore,however等代替。
7.No one can deny that„/Undoubtedly
8.in a word
理由和3差不多,这个词用在文章里显得太普通了,老师的原话是it does not mean very much。
10.It is a well known fact„
11.advantages and disadvantages
换成merits and drawback 和pros and cons。
12.In my opinion,I dis/agree with this
这是多余的表达。When stating your opinion you follow with a fact,相信大家都能看懂,就不翻译了
14.very不能用来形容delicious,lovely,fantastic,wonderful,amazing,gorgeous and huge.15.“as we all know?”“it can not be denied?”等极端词汇
阅读理解里做题,做到只要出现极端词汇的题,99%都是错的——相信无论是应试还是别个老师一定说过这句话。如果这条成立,为什么在自己的作文里还会出现什么“as we all know?”“it can not be denied?”除非你真的列举一些不可推翻的事实,比如:中国是世界上人口最多的国家——可是太过事实的事实,往往对你的作文毫无用处,都是写可写可不写的废话。
1.Some students earn some extra cash from part-time jobs.学生们可以通过兼职工作赚到一些零用钱。
核心结构:A earn some extra money from B
注:extra cash=pocket-money
2.Industrial particulates are mortally detrimental to one’s physique.工业悬浮颗粒对人的身体有致命伤害。
核心结:A be mortally detrimental to B
3.Some parents feel hemmed-in by their daily routines.很多父母感觉他们被工作束缚住了。
核心结构:A feel hemmed-in by B
4.Give-and-take is common in any relationship.付出与给予是人类社会中的一种普遍关系。
核心结构:A be common in any relationship
5.Youngsters are given to making mistakes.年轻人一定会犯错误。
核心结构:A be given to doing A一定会(做)。
6.Scientific developments have been fast and furious.科技发展业已一日千里。
核心结构:A be fast and furious A一日千里。
7.In the abstract, women are more easy-going.从理论上来说,女性更加和蔼。
核心结构:in the abstract 从理论上来说
8.A violent area is always the locus of poverty.一个充斥着暴力的地区总是贫困地区。
核心结构:locus 地点
9.It is too moralistic to condemn new lifestyles.谴责新的生活方式未免有些上纲上线。
1.it is moralistic to do(做某事)显得上纲上线。
2.condemn 谴责
10.The paranormal can be rarely explained.超自然现象很难得到解释。
1.A can be rarely explained A很难得到解释。
2.paranormal 超自然的/ 超自然事物
11.Retirees are always unprepared for the oncoming boredom.核心结构:退休者对于即将到来的枯燥生活总是毫无准备。
(1.A be unprepared for B A对于B毫无准备。
(2.oncoming 即将到来的
12.Massacres are often done by those unprepossessing loners.大屠杀的实行者总是那些不为人所注意的孤独者。
核心结构:unprepossessing 不为人所注意(关注)的
13.The suggestion is weighted against average students.这个建议不利于一般学生。
核心结构:A be weighted against B A不利于B
注:A be weighted against B
14.Conservative people are rather wedded to traditions.保守的人总是遵循传统。
核心结构:A be wedded to B A遵循B
“遵循”的其它表达方式:follow/ observe/ adhere to/ stick to/ abide by
15.The reason is not valid.这个理由站不住脚。
核心结构:valid 站得住脚的
16.The upshot would be win-win.结果将是双赢的。
1.upshot 结果
2.win-win 双赢的
17.The criticism is trenchant indeed.这个批评的确是一针见血.核心结构:trenchant 一针见血的
18.Trials and tribulations always lead us to success.历练与苦难总是会引导我们走向成功。
核心结构:trials and tribulations 历练与苦难
19.It is nothing but a piece of excuse.这不过是一个借口。
核心结构:A be nothing but B A不过是B而已。
20.Fairness is the keystone of legislation.公平是立法的基础。
核心结构:keystone 基础
21.Dying patients are not loath to end their lives.垂死的病人情愿结束他们的生命。
核心结构:A be not loath to do A情愿(做某事)
注:A be loath to do A勉强(做某事)
22.I obsess over those disabled children.我非常关注那些残疾儿童。
核心结构:A obsess over B A关注B
“关注”的其它结构:A be preoccupied with B/ A concentrate on B/ A be engrossed in B(通常指对于工作与学业的关注)/ A be dedicated to B(通常翻译为A致力于B)
23.We must bring perpetrators to justice.我们必须将违法者绳之以法。
核心结构:A bring B to justice A将B绳之以法。
24.I cannot tolerate the permissiveness in education.我无法容忍在教育当中出现的纵容行为。
核心结构:permissiveness 纵容行为
25.In the face of a plurality of cultures, I feel befuddled.面对各种各样的文化概念,我感觉头晕目眩。
1.in the face of 面对
2.a plurality of 各种各样的
3.befuddled 头晕目眩(文气用法,通常指对概念与观点的茫然、不知所措)
26.Torrents of youngsters flood into universities in frenzy.如潮水一般的年轻人疯狂的涌入大学。
1.A flood into B A涌入B
2.in frenzy 疯狂的(副词结构)
27.Teachers tend to be magisterial.教师们总会有些专横跋扈。
1.A tend to do A倾向于(做)
2.magisterial 专横跋扈的、权威的(反语或幽默说法)
28.When put in public eyes, the problem is magnified.在公众的眼中,问题总会被放大。
1.A put B in public eyes A将B置于公众视线当中。
2.magnify 放大(动词)
29.Offstage, celebrities do not behave differently from commoners.在日常生活中,名人与普通人的表现并无不同。
核心结构:offstage 在台下、在日常生活中(副词结构)
30.The rupture between two generations is caused by communication failure.两代人之间的隔阂是有沟通不畅造成的。
核心结构:rupture 隔阂
它最早被借用表示抽象关系还是在哲学专著《论道德的谱系》中。记得在4年前,北大的一些文学博士曾经拿周星驰的电影风格说事,讲他的电影是后现代主义风格。他们英文论文中曾有一个句子“His works mark the rupture between industrial and surrealistic works.”(他的作品标志着工业电影与超现实主义电影的断裂)。后来据星星自己讲“我就是想拍电影,没想成什么后现代主义大师。”
31.Much of pressure is self-inflicted.很多的压力都是自己强加的。
32.Many of trendsetters were not pioneers in their childhood.很多先驱者在他们的童年期并不是领袖。
33.Trepidation is usually caused by inferiority complex.恐慌感总是由自卑造成的。
1.trepidation 恐慌
2.inferiority complex 自卑感(情结)
34.It is hard for us to figure out the definition on an infant prodigy.我们很难得出天才儿童的定义。
1.figure out 得出
2.infant prodigy 天才儿童
35.No measures are infallible.方法没有绝对无误的。
核心结构:infallible 绝对无误的。
36.One’s childhood and adulthood are inextricable.一个人的童年期与成年期是不能分割的。
核心结构:inextricable 不能分割的
37.Some youngsters may commit crimes without rhyme or reason.一些年轻人会无缘无故的犯罪。
核心结构:without rhyme or reason无缘无故地(副词结构)
38.Human society develops invariably to a better state.人类社会总是向好的方向发展。
2.a better state 一个好的状态
注:大家看过The Day After Tomorrow吗?最近几年气候怪异,地球总发脾气。希望大家能够热爱地球,少用纸巾(facial tissue)、多用手绢(handkerchief)。注意环境保护(environmental protection)。否则说不定世界末日(Armageddon)很快就来了。
39.Rampant hackers are proud of attacking PCs skillfully.猖獗的黑客以能够娴熟的攻击个人电脑为骄傲。
1.rampant hacker猖獗的黑客
2.A be proud of B A以B为荣
注:很多的网络犯罪(cyber-crimes)不以为耻、反以为荣(see a crime as a pride)。不过,大家还是要小心被“烧香”。
40.In an extended family, sibling rivalry is rather obvious.在一个大家庭中,兄弟姐妹间的对立是很明显的。
1.extended family大家庭
2.sibling rivalry 兄弟姐妹间的对立
注:不知大家是生长在大家庭(extended families由三代或三代以上的人所组成的家庭。看过《我爱我家》没有?对!就是这种!太准确了!)还是小家庭(nuclear families由两代人组成的家庭)中?不过肯定不是丁克家庭(Dink,由两个冷酷的上班族所组成的无小孩家庭。)就对了。
41.Many of traditional beliefs are erased by new ones.很多的传统观念因新观念的出现而消失了。
42.While inveighing against the phenomenon, we must figure out solutions.在抱怨这种现象的时候,我们必须得出解决方法。
核心结构:inveigh against 抱怨、批评(有亵渎意味)
43.Some inveterate liars are born and brought up in violent families.很多有撒谎习惯的人都生长在暴力家庭中。
核心结构:inveterate liar习惯撒谎的人
44.Modern buildings are always pale in comparison to ancient ones.与传统建筑相比,现代建筑显得那么苍白。
核心结构:in comparison to A 与A相比
45.Large rambling buildings are piled in cities.高大的、杂乱的建筑被堆砌在城市当中。
46.A series of ramifications are bound to be found.核心结构:一系列的后果定会接踵而来。
1.a series of 一系列的 2.ramification 后果
3.be bound to do 一定会
47.One’s idiosyncrasies always developed from his childhood.一个人的嗜好总是从他的童年期发展而来的。
核心结构:idiosyncrasy 嗜好
48.One’s socialization may be encumbered by a multitude of factors.一个人融入社会的过程可能会受到很多因素的制约。
1.encumber 阻碍
2.a multitude of 很多的 “很多的”其它结构:
multifarious/ various/ a variety of / multifarious
49.Violent crimes are especially rambunctious in under-developed areas.在贫困地区,暴力犯罪尤其猖獗。
核心结构:rambunctious 猖獗的
注:美国有个纽约(又叫Big Apple),它由曼哈顿(Manhattan)、布鲁克林(Brooklyn)、皇后区(Queens)、布郎克斯(Bronx)和斯塔滕岛(Staten Island)五个区(Five Boroughs)组成。其中的布鲁克林就曾经是一个暴力犯罪rambunctious地区。
50.One’s savoir-faire is of vital importance to his success.对于一个人的成功而言,社会能力至关重要。
1.savoir-fair 社会能力
2.A be of vital importance to B A对B至关重要。
雅思大作文中有一类题目是因果关系类,具体包括三小类:cause and effect、cause and solution、problem and solution。这三小类问题也可以穿起来,即针对某个topic的cause—effect(即problem)– solution。无论哪种题目,写明因果关系很重要。关于因果关系的表达同学们都很熟悉,无非是BS(because / so),而且大家也一定很清楚的知道BS在英语中,用了前者就不能用后者的道理。例如
Because further education has become more accessible for a wider range of people, an increasing number of people have degrees
Further education has become more accessible for a wider range of people, so an increasing number of people have degrees.但是除了BS之外,还有很多其它表示因果关系的表达,具体如下:
1.because of : because后接的是一个句子(主谓宾);because of 后一般直接跟名词。例如:
Because of the increasing number of machine—and as we noted before, machines magnify human effort—then anyone using a machine can
get a higher wage than anyone not using a machine.2.as / since(除了“因为“外,还有”自从”的意思,使用时要注意避免歧义)
Hours spent on commuting, traffic jams, and fights for parking should diminish, since workers make fewer journeys or work staggered hours
Unfortunately, as the number of people living in the city increases, so do the different problems associated with population growth.(注意此句中的so不表示“所以”,而是“…也…”的意思)
3.thanks to(positive situations 通常适用于结果好的时候)
Thanks to new technology, it's easier than ever to work remotely.due to(negative situations通常使用与结果不好的时候)
owing to / attributable to /on account of
Due to /… / On account of extreme weather conditions, damage to property occurs.4.当原因需要的表达较多时,我们还可以把以上表达改写为原因状语从句,使用thanks to the fact that /due to the fact that /owing to the fact that 或者on the grounds that ,,Will we live longer merely due to the fact that / on the grounds that technology, if implemented properly, will take stress away from our lives
5.caused by / result from 也表原因
Many car accidents were resulted from / caused by a lack of guardrails
1.thus/ therefore / thereby / hence
thus: 表示‘in this/that way’
As a country develops, its cities become the engines of development, thus jobs are available in these areas.therefore: 表示 ‘for this reason’ /‘because of this or that’
Therefore, the influence of the peer group is important both for one’s own competence and for the relative evaluation of the process itself, given that one sees oneself in relation to others.thereby: by that means, as a result of that
In some countries, reduced budgets have led to the elimination of busing systems, thereby increasing the use of cars and the congestion they create.hence: 表示 ‘from this/that’
Drinking lots of water is healthy and reducing plastic waste is great for the environment.Hence, trendy reusable water bottles that you can refill yourself are health-promoting, eco-friendly, and green.2.As a result / As a consequence
As a result, those people who were indoors had much lighter skin, which means that whiter skin is now associated with having a higher status than dark skin.As a consequence, environmental health must address the societal and environmental factors that increase the likelihood of exposure and disease.3.consequently /accordingly
Consequently 更偏重因果逻辑;accordingly 更偏重后续解决
Water pollution affects drinking water, rivers, lakes and oceans all over the world.This consequently harms human health and the natural environment.Some of the laws were contradictory.Accordingly, measures were taken to clarify them.Cause系列(表结果):
The amount of garbage produced by the people also increases which causes sanitary landfills to fill up faster.2.lead to/ result in 导致
注意这里是result in, 后跟结果,前面提到的result from后面跟的是原因。
The society’s attitude to food often leads to over-consumption.3.bring about: to cause to take place 引起,带来(注意使用时更倾向于“带来“这个意思)
The internet technologies that have brought about so much social change were scarcely imaginable just decades before they appeared.4.spark off 引发、引爆,具体指引发比较严重的后果、冲突等(=trigger / activate),或指”点燃“(=inspire)
Spark off a series of problems / a chain of events related to…
They can spark off each other's talents
More likely than not, getting a vehicle from point “A” to point “B” involves combustion of a fossil fuel, a process that emits gasses and affects the environment and the ozone layer.People's behavior is influenced by circumstances and events, friends and family, education, job prospects, income, housing and environment.2.impact on 对…产生影响(impact 一般做名词使用,也可以作为动词
Over the last few decades, there has been a tremendous growth in information technology, which can impact on our everyday life.3.give rise to 使发生
The decrease inthe number of bicycles and cars might give rise to another new set of problems.名词系列(因果)
1.cause(of sth.)/ reason 原因
Obesity can be divided into three main causes – diet, lifestyle and education.Thousands of people migrate to the cities not only for jobs but also for educational and personal reasons.2.result(for sth.)/ effect 结果
This is a difficult problem with many serious effects on the individual and country.Another result is lack of self-esteem.3.causality 因果关系(cause and effect)causation 原因
The correlation between population and housing price does not indicated causality, only the association.这里的causality也可以换成:causal effect(因果效应)
Such a causality-driven, prevention-focused approach to homicide and other serious crime would revolutionize our conception of criminal justice, moving from the imposition of “just deserts” to the enlightened pursuit of a less violent society.4.impact/influence 影响
This area is often overlooked but has a tremendous impact on your life
Friends have a big influence on the way that we use social media—from unwritten rules to buying decisions and so much more.形容词系列(因果)表示因果的形容词不是很常用,使用时多和factor, element 结合
1.causal 原因的,因果的
Low income and elderly are among the potential causal factors of prevalence of obesity among adults
2.consequential 结果的,随之发生的
Measures other than ratings will prove more consequential
3.influential 影响的,有影响力的(大多数情况下使用第二个意思)
Family is the most influential factor on happiness.小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接: