摘 要:应用生命周期评价方法比较研究了纸塑铝复合材料和聚乙烯这两种材料作为牛奶包装的环境影响。以千升牛奶包装产品为评价的功能单位,评价范围包括原料获取、原料运输、加工生产、废弃处置四个阶段,评价方法选用SimaPro7.0下的EI99,整个生命周期的能量、物质的输入输出和环境外排通过调查方式获得。研究结果表明:当前回收率情况下纸塑铝复合包装和聚乙烯包装整个生命周期的环境影响潜值分别为6.83Pt和6.73Pt。纸塑铝复合包装的环境影响主要集中在土地占用、无机物对呼吸作用影响和化石燃料三个方面,占总体的79%,且三者比重相当;聚乙烯包装的环境影响主要集中在化石燃料、无机物对呼吸作用影响、气候变化和致癌四个方面,占总体的97%,其中化石燃料影响最大占60%。环境影响阶段比较得出两类包装的原料获取阶段的环境影响在整个生命周期阶段占有极高的比重,纸塑铝复合包装占处置阶段之前的81%,而聚乙烯包装为90%。聚乙烯包装的环境影响主要集中在化石燃料方面,降低其环境影响的途径只有通过聚乙烯再生造粒以使化石燃料资源再生并达到节约该类资源的目的。而纸塑铝复合包装的再生过程目前只回收了纸板部分,由于没有较好的铝塑分离工艺应用,剩余的铝塑复合部分并未得到较好的回收从而加大其在化石燃料和矿产资源方面的环境影响。另一方面,目前纸塑铝复合包装的回收率仅为15%,远低于聚乙烯包装(30%)。回收率模型计算结果显示,当回收率低于66.5%时,相同回收率下的纸塑铝复合包装环境影响低于聚乙烯包装。因此,发展纸塑铝复合包装比发展聚乙烯包装更具有优越性。本文最后提出了降低纸塑铝复合包装环境影响的两种途径:发展铝塑分离技术和提高回收率。
LCA applied to Milk Package made from Paper-PE-Al Complex and Polythene
Abstract: In this study, the application of life cycle assessment(LCA)for the comparison of two milk packages, from Paper-PE-Al complex and polythene, is presented.The input and output streams of mass and energy are examined and the environmental impacts associated with the two systems are analyzed.The application of LCA by using Eco-Indicator 99 has made possible the comparison of the environmental impacts of two milk packages.The results of this LCA study are discussed and reveal that the value of environmental impact about composite package and plastic package are 6.83Pt and 6.73Pt separately, which of environmental impact in raw materials stage is the highest of all life cycle, account for 81% and 90% separately of whole life cycle except treatment stage.The Paper-PE-Al composite package contribute more to Land Use, Resp.Inorganics impact and Fossil Fuels, while plastic package contribute more to Fossil Fuels impact which is two times as complex package.However, Paper-PE-Al composite package has more environmental impact because it has not been well recovered and reused, which environmental impact can be decreased by increasing recovery ratio and developing technology of separation and reuse for Al-PE complex.Keywords: LCA, Paper-PE-Al complex, polythene, milk package