
时间:2019-05-15 05:09:41下载本文作者:会员上传


Unit 1 Welcome back to school

Ⅰ.Teaching contents Dialogue This is my friend, … Nice to meet you.Where are you from ?

I am from … We have a new friend.words boy ,irl ,teacher, student , China ,America , Cananda

Part A

Ⅰ(1)Ⅰ.Teaching content Let' s talk Let' s practise Ⅱ.Teaching aims and demand Able to say ― We have a new friend today.I am from … “ Be able to introduce ourselves Ⅲ.Teaching aids Prepare the flag of China,Canada and America The mask of Amy Ⅳ.Teaching procedures Step 1

Warm-up Sing Hello Song and Colour Song.Greetings.T:Good morning!Welcome back to school!Nice to see you again.S:Nice to see you,too!Step 2


(Teacher show the big wall picture.)Look,this is our school.This is the teacher , Miss White,and they are the students.Do you know them ?What`s his name ? What`s her name? This girl, you don`t know ? Oh,she`s new,her name is Amy,she`s from America.Practise:



Bai Ling---China Step 3.Let`s play

Put on the mask,let`s say.I`m Amy.I`m from America.I`m John.I`m from Canada.I`m Bai Ling.I`m from China.I`m Shi Quan.I`m from China,too.Step 4 Listening

Listen to the tape.And then repeat after the tape.Step 5.Add-activities

1.To cover the new English books.Ⅱ(2)Teaching content Let' s learn boy,girl.Can understand:Watch out!Let' s play.Boy or girl ? Hello!Girl ? No!Preparation Amy.John.BaiLing.WuYifan Some toys Teaching steps Step 1.Warm-up I' m Amy.I' m form America.I' m Mike.I' m form Canada.I' m Wu Yifan.I' m form China.Step 2 Prensentation.Look.Amy is a girl.This is … He is a boy.She is a girl.Boys stand up!Girls sit down!Watch out!Step 3 Practice Hello!I am a boy /girl.Step 4 Game Boy or girl ? Step 5 Activities

Look at these animals.What are they ? Dog/ cat/ rabbit … Step 6 Add activities Listen to the tape Introduce themselves.Ⅲ(3)Teaching content 1.Let' s say 2.Let' chant Preparation Letter card: A.B.C Word card Teaching steps

Step1.Warm up Listen to the tape.Let' s chant.2.Where is Amy from ?

Where are you from ? Step 2.Presentation Look.This is A a/ B b/C c Words begin the letter A are apple,ant.Words begin the letter B are boy ,bag.Words begin the letter C are coke,coffee.Ⅰ Step 3.Practice Read the letters and words.Step 4.Activity book Listen,number and match.Step 5.Song I am a boy and a girl.Part B

Ⅰ(4)Teaching content Let' s talk Where are you from ? I am from...This is my friend.Let' s practise Teaching steps Step 1.Revision America/Canada/China Where is Amy from ? Amy is from America.Greetings Good moring!Good afternoon!This is my friend ,Tom.Step 2.Presentation Mr Black Good moring!I am Mr Black.I am from England.Step 3.Listening

Listen to the tape and repeat.Step 4.Let' s play Who can play Mr Black ? Step 5.Activity book What is this? Panda/beaver/eagle/kangroo Step 6.Add activity Ask your parents.Where are you from ? Copy book Teaching content Let`s learn Teacher ,student

Get the students understand and say ― Come in.” “ I' m sorry.“ ― It' s OK.” 2.Let' s sing

I' m a boy and you are a girl.Pre-task preparation Miss White,Mr Black,Amy ,Mike Prepare the cards.Teaching steps Step 1 Revision Greetings.Drill like this:

A: Good morning afternoon, I' m Miss...,What' s your name?

B: I' m...A :Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you,too.A:

I' m from...Where are you from?

B: I' m from...A:OK,Goodbye.Step 2 Presentation 1.Suppose one student is late.And get himher out of the door.T:Come in.S: I' m sorry.T: It' s OK.2.I' m a teacher, he is a student.Teacher and student.Step 3 Practice Let' s play.Hello!I' m a teacher student.I' m from...Look!This is my friend,...HeShe is a teacherstudent.What is he she ? A doctordriver.Step 4 Assessment

Let' s do the activity book.Step 5 Add activities Sing the songs at home.Ⅲ(6)

Ⅱ(5)Teaching content L.Let' s say 2.Let' s do Teaching aims and demands Learn the letters ― H h and I I“.Be able to chant ― Let' s chant”.Teaching aids Cards,tape Teaching produces Step 1.Warm up Sing the song ― Boy and Girl“ Free talk Let' s chant in Part A Step 2.Presentation T:How many letters have we leared? Ss:A B C T: What is the next? Ss:D

(Teacher shows the letter card.Teacher read the letter and the ss repeat)T:What letters begin with the letter H ? S:Hamburger,hotdog...(The same with the letter H)Step 3.Let' s chant Listen to the tape.Read after the tape.Chant and do the action together.Step 4.Assessment trace and say Listen,color and match Step 5.Add activities 1.Do ― Let' s do” after class.Unit two Dialogues: This is my family.Who is that man(boy)? He is my...Who is that woman(girl)? She is my...Come on.Let' s watch TV.Words: Father(dad),mother(mon),man,woman,grandfather(grandpa),grandmother(grandma),brother,sister

F f--------fish,father

G g--------goose,girl

H h--------hamburger,hotdog

I I--------ice-cream,ice

Part A

Ⅰ(7)Teaching content Let' s talk Let' s practise Teaching aims and demands Be able to use ― he“ and ― she” in corret way.Be able to introduce myself and ask the other' s family member Teaching aids Prepare the photos of family member ,teacher and friends.Teaching produces Step1.Warm up Greetings A:Good morning.I am....I am from...Where are you from? B:I am from...A:Nice to meet you.We have a new friend today.Class:Welcome!Let' s chant and Let' s do Step2.Presentation 1.(Ask one student to wear the mask of Amy)

T:Look!Who is that girl? She is Amy.She is my friend.Ss:She is Amy.She is my friend.2.(Ask one boy to wear the mask of Mike)

T:Look!Who is that boy ? He is Mike.He is my friend.Ss:He is Mike.He is my friend.3.(Teacher shows the photo of a woman)

T:Who is that woman? She is my friend.4.(Teacher shows the picture of family)

T:This is my family.There are 5 people in my family.Do you know who they are? Who is that woman? She is my mother.Who is that man? She is my father.Step3.Practice 1.Ss show their photos.S1:Who is that woman ? S2:She is my mother.S1:Who is that man ? S2:He is my father.2.Ask one student to come to the Bb holding his family photo.S1:This is my family.Ss:Who is that woman ? S1:She is my mother.Ss:Who is that man ? S1:He is my father.Step4.Add activities Talk your family members with your friend after class.Ⅱ(8)Teaching content Let' s learn Let' s sing Teaching aims and demands Be able to say the words:father(dad),mother(mon)grandfather(grandpa),grandmother(grandma)Be able to sing the song.Teaching aids family photo, word cards Teaching procedures Step 1.Warm up Song: Boy and Girl Oral English T: Hello!I' m....This is my family.A: Who is that man ?

T: He is my dad.B: I am....This is my family.T: Who is that woman ?

B: She is my mon.Listen to the tape, and act ― Let' s talk“ Step 2.Presentation







sister Teacher shows the card,students follow the teacher.Step 3.Practice

1.T says the word with no sound ,and Ss guess what it is.2.Pass and say the word one by one.3.T:I love my father.Do you love your father ? Ss: Yes ,I love my father.Step 4.Song

Learn the song ― Father and Mother” Step 5.Assessment

1.Activity Book

P7.8 Step 6.Add activities

Read the words and sing the song.Ⅲ(9)

Teaching content Let' s say.Let' s chant Teaching aims and demands

Learn the letters Ff,Gg and the letters begin with F G Be able to chant Teaching aids Cards Teaching procedures Step 1.Warm up

Song ― Father and Mother“

Do the actions as father /mother/broter/sister When the T says the word.Read the words Step 2.Presentation

Show the cards of A.B.C.D.E T: What' s the next ? Ss: It' s Ff.The same with the letter Gg.Show the words begin with F.G Fish,father ,girl,goose.Step3.Practice Ss:Who are you ? F: I am F.This is my friend G.Ss:Nice to meet you.G:Nice to meet you ,too.Let' s chant

Listen to the tape.Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words ― under” an ― tree“ Step 4.Assessment Trace and say Listen and circle Step 5.Add activities Read the letters Listen to the tape

Part B

Ⅰ(10)Teaching content Let' s talk Let' s practise Teaching aims and demands Be able to ask ― Is she/ he your...?”

Be able to say the interjection ― Cool!Great!Wow!“and “ Come on!Really?” Teaching aids family picture, paper Teaching procedures Step 1.Warm up Free talk

Review the words:father ,mother,grandfather,grandmother.T shows the cards and Ss read it out.Review ― Let' s talk“ in Part AN and act it out.Step 2.Presentation

T does an action.Ss guess what is the teacher doing ? S1:Watch TV.T: Wonderful!Great!Read after ― watch TV” after T

T: Let' s play

Ss: Great!T: Let' s watch TV.Ss: Great!T: Let' s draw.Take out your paper and draw one of your family members.T:Who is the man ?

S1:Guess.T:Is she your sister?

S1:She is my mon.Practise it with your partner Step 3.Let' s talk Listen to the tape Read after the tape

Devide the whole class into two parts and read the dialogue.Step 4.Assessment Listen and number Step 5.Add activities Play ― Let' s practise“ with your father and mother.Ⅱ(11)Teaching content Let' s learn Let' s chant Teaching aims and demands Be able to read the words:sister,brother, Be able to say ― Let' s chant” Teaching aids wallsheet Teaching procedures Step 1.Warm up

Song ― Father and Mother“ Free talk

Read ― Let' s talk” in Part B T shows the wallsheet and act it out.Step 2.Presentation

1.T :There are five people in my family.How many people are there in your family? Ss: Three.Father ,mother and me.2.T :Who is this girl?

S1:She is my sister.T :Who is this boy?

S2:He is my brother.Teacher draws a big apple on the Bb.T : What a big apple!Teacher draws a small apple on the Bb.Ss :What a small apple!Teacher draws a big fish on the Bb.Ss :What a big fish!Wow!T : Now use your head to think more sentences.Step 3.Practice Let' s chant Listen to the tape and chant together with the tape.Step 4.Assessment Listen and numbers Step 5.Add activities

Make sentences as ― What a...!“ Let' s chant after class.Teaching content Let' s say Let' s do Teaching aims and demands Learn the letters H h and I i.Be able to say ― Let' s do” Teaching aids

cards Teaching procedures Step1.Warm up

Song.Fanther and Mother Let' s chant Review the words of family tree.Step 2.Presentation

T:How many letters have we learned ? Ss:A ,B ,C ,D ,E ,F ,G T: What' s the next ? Ss:H h T:Yes.What letters begin with the letter H ? Ss:Hotdog ,hamburger...(The same with the letter I)T:Who are you ? S1:I am h.This is my friend I.T:Nice to meet you ,I.S2:Nice to meet you ,too.T:Where are you from ? S2:I am from China.T:Do you want to be my friend ? S2:Yes,I want to be your friend.Step 3.Let' s chant Listen to the tape Read after the tape Chant and do the action together Step 4.Assessment Listen and number Trace and say Listen ,color and match Step 5.Add activities

1.Read the letters from A to I after class.Unit Three Teaching aims and demands: Get the students be able to understand and say: ― How many...can you see? I can see...How many do you have ? I have...Can listen ,say ,read,write the letters of J j,Kk,Ll,Mm,Nn.And can the words:jeep,jump,kangaroo,key,lion,lock,milk,mouse,night,nest.Can listen,say and read numbers from 11 to 20.Can understand and say like this: It' s beautiful!How nice!Can respond correctly according to the instructions.Part A

Ⅰ(13)Teaching contents:

Ⅲ(12)Let' s learn: numbers 11 to 15 Let' s play.Teaching preparations: Prepare the cards.Prepare the wall pictures.Teaching steps: Step 1 Warm up

Sing the song Ten Little Candles.Say the chant :One two how are you?Three four close the door...Step 2 Presentation

Say the numbers 1-10 quickly.What' s 5 and 6? Eleven.(twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen)Step 3 Practice

Line up!Count from one to fifteen.Let' s say the numbers.What' s six and five? Six and seven!Seven and seven!Nine and six!Step 4 Assessment

How many...can you see? I have....Step 5 Add activities

Count from 1 to 15 at home.Ⅱ(14)Teaching content Let' s talk.Look,Amy!I have a new kite.Oh, it' s beautiful!Let' s fly it!OK!How many kites can you see!1,2,3,...I can see 12.No ,11.The black one is a bird.Let' s practise

Teaching preparations Prepare the mask of Wu Yifan and Amy.Prepare a kite.Prepare the number cards.Teaching steps: Step 1 Warm-up Daily greetings.Let' s chant: One, two, how are you.Step 2 Presentation

1.Teacher shows the fingers: How many fingers can you see ?

I can see ten.2.How many cards can you see ? Let' s count, one, two,....eleven.3.Show the kite.What can you see? I can see a kite.Is it beautiful? Yes, it' s a beautiful kite.Let‘s fly it.OK!Step 3 Listening

Listen to the tape.How many kites are there? Why not 12? Yes, the black one is a bird!Step 4 Practise

How many...can you see? I can see...Get Ss to count : How many rabbits can you see ? How many cats can you see? Step 5 Assessment

Listen and connect.Oh it‘s a dinosaur!Listen ,cut and paste.Step 6 Add activities Listen to the tape at home.Teaching contents: Let‘s say

Jj Kk jeep jump key kangaroo

2.Let‘s sing.Teaching preparations: Cards:jeep ,key ,kangaroo.Letters from Aa to Kk.Some objects like pencils , balloons.Teaching steps: Step 1 Revision

How many pencils can you see? How many balloons can you see ? Step 2 Presentation

1.How many letters can you see? What‘s this letter?

It‘s the letter Jj.Please jump like a rabbit.The same to learn Kk.Learn the words :jeep ,jump ,key ,kangaroo.Step 3 Let’s sing

Learn to sing.One two three four five Step 4 Practice Practise the letters and words.Step 4 Assessment , Write.Listen and circle.Step 5 Add activities

To say the letters at home.Part B

Ⅰ(16)Teaching content : Let‘s learn.We‘ve learned numbers from 11to15,let‘s learn numbers from 16 to 20.Let‘s play.Teaching preparations: The word cards of the numbers.Prepare some forms.Prepare some strip paper with 6+7=? Etc on it.Teaching steps: Step 1 Warm-up

Sing the song One Two Three Four Five.Get Ss to say the numbers 1-15 quickly.What‘s five and seven? Twelve.Etc.Step 2 Presentation

What‘s 8 and 8? Yes ,it‘s sixteen.The same way to present seventeen ,eighteen,nineteen and twenty.Step 3 Practice

Point,Point!To point the numbers quickly while listening to the tape.Do it correctly!Jump 16 times.Let‘s play Bingo!Ss listen to T carefully and write Ⅹ on the number he hears.See who gets the first line!Step 4 Assessment

1.T: What can you see on thefarm? Ss:I can see the ducks,cats ,pigs....Ⅲ(15)T:How many animals can you see? Listen carefully.2.Listen and write the numbers.Step 5 Add activities To say the numbers at home.Ⅱ(17)Teaching content: 1.Let‘s talk.How many...can you see? I can see...How you have ? I have...Learn to say How nice!Gess!2.Let‘s practice.Teaching preparations: 1.Prepare for a kite ,head-decorations of Wu Yifan and Amy.2.Prepare for some pencils and a box.3.Number cards from one to twenty.Teaching steps : Step 1.Warm-up 1.Everyday English practicing.2.Act out the dialogue in Part A.Step 2 Presentation

T puts some pencils and say :I have some pencils.How many pencils do I have?Gess please!OK,let‘s count together.One...seventeen!

T asks Ss:How many pencils do you have? Get Ss to answer correctly.T says: Look,John has a box of new crayons.They are new.They are very nice.How many crayons does John have? Listen carefully.Step 3 Lesten and answer

Listen to the tape.Answer the Qs: 1Who has the crayon ?2Are they new?3 How many crayons? Step 4 Practice

How you have? Step 5 Assessment

Activity books pag

Ⅲ(18)Teaching contents: 1.Let‘s say.Ll Mm Nm.2.Le‘s do.Teaching preparations 1.Prepare for the pictures of lion,lock ,milk,mouse,night,nest.2.Letter cards of Aa-Nn.Teaching steps: Step 1 Revision 1.Greetings.2.Team prctice.How many books do you have? Step 2 Presentation 1.T shows some pictures like :monky,dog,cat,and ask: What can you see?What‘s this?

Teach the new words :lion,mouse,nest.2.Listen to the tape.Let‘s say.3.Let‘s do.Listen to the tape.Let‘s chant together.Step 3 Practice

1.T puts letters Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn on the blackboard ,get Ss point quickly.2.Who is the first? One says ,and the others do.Jj!Jj Jj Jj jump jump jump.3.Say one by one.Aa—Nn.Step 4 Assessment 1.Write Ll Mm Nn on the activity book.2.Listen ,number and match.Step 5 Add activities

To say Aa—Nn at home.Teaching content 1.Let ‗s act

Teaching preparation 1.the mask of Chen Jie ,John and Amy 2.small box ,chocolate ,cookie ,pencile ,eraser ,ruler Teaching steps Step 1 Revision T : Hello ,I am...What is your name ? A : I am...T : Nice to meet you.A : Nice to meet you ,too.T : I am from...Where are you from ? A : I am from...T : This is my friend ,....Step 2 Presentation

T : Look!I have a box.Guess!What is in my box ? Ss:......T : Let us open it and see.(teacher can put pencil ,ruler ,eraser in the box)Open it and see.How many chocolates ? Let us count!Step 3 Practice

Ask three students to wear the mask of Chen Jie ,John and Amy Act the dialogue out.Amy : Hello ,John!What is in your pencil –box ? John : Guess!Amy : Pencils.Chen Jie :Pens

John :Pencils!Amy is right.Amy : How many pencils ? Chen Jie : Let us count!Amy : Oh.Four pencils.Step 4 Assessment

Activity book

: Listen and match

Ⅱ(20)Teaching content 1 : Let‘s chant 2 : Let‘s play

Teaching preparation : the mask of father ,mother ,brother and sister 2 : wallsheet Teaching steps Step 1 Warm up

1: Sing a song

―Father and mother‖ : This is my mom.I love my mom.Say it one by one Step 2 Presentation 1 : Ask three ss to act : This is my family ,I am mother.I love my family.3 : Listen to the tape.4 : All the students to act ―Let‘s chant‖

C : Let‘s go ,boys ,...Who play brother and sister ? A : I am father.Recycle 1 Ⅰ(19)B : I am mother.C&D : We are brother and sister.C : Let‘s go ,boys,...Let‘s all be a family.Step 3 Practice : Teacher shows the cards and students read it one by one.2 : Teacher shows the wallsheet ,and the students read the words one by one.Step 4 Add activities Let‘s chant


Teaching content 1 : Let‘s make 2 : Let‘s sing

Teaching preparation 1 : a window card : paper ,knife and colour pen Teaching steps Step 1 Warm up : Song ―Boy and Girl‖ 1 : Let‘s chant

Step 2 Presentation : Teacher shows the window card

T : Look!This is a window card.Do you like it ?

OK!Let‘s make a window card together.Step 3 Practice : Give it to your friend.A : This is a window card.Here you are.B : Thank you.2 : Let‘s sing

―The more we get together‖ Step 4 Assessment 1 :Play and say

Step 5 Add activities 1 : make a window card 2 : Let‘ssing

Unit 4 Do you like pears ? 1 : Do you like...? Yes ,I like...No ,I don‘t like...What about...? Yes ,please.I like...very much

Let‘s have some...Certainly.: pear ,peach ,grapes,orange ,watermelon ,apple ,banana,straeberry 3 : Oo ,Pp,Qq,Rr,Ss,Tt

Ⅰ(22)Teaching content 1 :Let‘s learn 2 :Let‘s play

Teaching preparation : four kinds of fruits ,fruit cards and word cards Teaching steps Step 1 Warm up Let‘s chant

Step 2 Presentation

T : Look!I have a peach.It is pink.Look!I have a watermelon.It is green.Look!I have a n orange.I t is orange.Step 3 Practice : Draw a watermelon ,colour it green and black.Draw a pear ,colour it yellow.Draw a peach ,colour it pink.Step 4 Assessment Activity book

Step 5 Add activity

Say the fruite word after class.Teaching content 1 : Let‘s talk : Let‘s practise Teaching prepation : the mask of Amy ,Miss White 2 : word cards Teaching steps : Step 1 Warm up : sing a song ― Let‘s have a picnic today‖ 2 : free talk : review the fruit words Step 2 Presentation

T : I like hamburgers.Do you like hamburgers ? S : Yes ,I do /No ,I don‘t like hamburgers.T : Do you like peaches ? S : Yes ,I do.I like peaches very much.T : What about cakes ?Do you like cakes ? S :...Step 3 Practice Make a dialogue

A : Do you like peaches ? B : Yes ,I do /No ,I don‘t like peaches.Three students act the dialogue.Step 4 Assessment Activity book 1 Listen and match

Ⅲ(24)Teaching content 1.Let‘s say 2.Let‘s chant

Teaching aims and demands

1.Be abe to say Oo,Pp,Qq and the words orange,peach,pear,queen,quiet Teaching preparation :orange,peach,pear,French fries ,bread,ice-cream ,hamburger,hor dog Teaching steps Step 1 Warm up 1.Free talk 2.Sing a song

Step 2 Presentation.Teacher shows the card T : What is this ? S : It is an orange.T : What letters is this ? S;It is Oo.2.Listen to the tape and read after the tape.3.Teacher shows the cards and students chant it.Step 3 Practice

1.Students draw the picture according to the card Step 4 Assessment.Listen ,colour and match

Ⅱ(23)Step 5 Add activities Let‘s chant.Part B

Ⅰ(25)Teaching content 1.Let‘s talk 2.Lets practise

Teaching aims and demands.Be able to say ―Do you like...? Yes ,I like.../No ,I don‘t like...‖Teaching preparation.Fruit :banana,apple.Food :juice,chicken ,coke ,water ,milk ,coffee ,tea ,French fries,hot dog ,cake ,bread ,ice-cream Teaching steps Step 1 Warm up 1 : Free talk : Act ―Let‘s talk‖

Step 2 Presentation T : Look.These children have a party at Miss white‘s home today.They are having some fruits.Aples and bananas are fruits.S : Do you like...?

Peaches and pears are fruits.What do I like ? Can you guess ? T : Can I have an /a /some...? S : Sure.Here you are.Step 3 practice 1.A : Do you like...?

B : Yes ,I like..../ Yes ,I do

A : Do you like...? B : No ,I don‘t like..../No ,I don‘t.Can I have a /an /some...,please ?

Step 4 Assessment

A : Sure/Certainly.Here you are.B : Thank you.1.Listen and match


Teaching content 1.Let‘s le 2.Let‘s sing arn Teaching aims and demands 1.Be able to say the words :apple ,banana,strawberry,grapes

Teaching preparation :apple ,banana,strawberry,grapes Teaching steps Step 1 Warm up 1.Free talk 2.Act B Let‘s talk

2.Step 2 Presentation Let‘s sing.Teacher shows the card and students read it.Let‘s sing Step 3 Practice.Draw an apple.Colour it red.Draw a banana.Colour it yellow.Step 4 Assessment

Draw a pear.Colour it yellow.Draw some grapes.Colour them purple.1.Listen and draw

Teaching content 1.Let‘s say 2.Let‘s do

Teaching aims and demands.Be able to say the letters :Rr,Ss,Tt and the words :rainbow ,rain,snake,squirrel,tiger

taxi Teaching preparation 1.The cards :rainbow ,rain,snake,snake ,squirrel,tiger,taxi andrabbit,rainbow,rain...Teaching steps Step 1 Warm up 1.Free talk 2.colour song 3.Let‘s do

Step 2 Presentation 1.Teacher shows the card.T : I am the rabbit.How do you spell ―rabbit‖ 2 : Teacher draws a rainbow on the blackboard

T : What colour is this ? What colour is that ? What‘s this ? Yes ,it is a rainbow..Teacher shows the cards :snake and squirrel.And mine the sound 4.Teacher shows the toy :tiger and taxi Step 3 Practice.Let‘s say and Let‘s do 2.Guessing game

One student mines the sound and the other students guess what animal it is.Step 4 Assessment.Listen ,colour and match Step 5 Add activities Sing the song after class.Unit 5 1.Where is …? It‘s in /on/under ….Let‘s play a game.Excuse me ,can I use …?

No problem.Here you ,taxi , bus ,bus ,door, desk ,chair, lamp, walkman 3.Uu,Vv,Ww,Xx,Yy,Zz

Ⅰ(28)Teaching content 1.Let‘s talk 2.Let‘s practise Teaching preparation 1.the mask of Mike and ,toy box, ball, plane ,boat ,doll Teaching steps Step 1 Warm up 1.Let‘s chant 2.Sing a song

Step 2 Presentation.Teacher puts car ,doll,plane in the toy box

T : What is this ?

S : It is a box.T : Yes.It is a toy box.And they are toy box.2.Teacher puts the car on the toy box ,in the toy box ,under the toy box.Step 3 Practice.A : Where is my pencil ?


B : It is your pencil-case.2.Draw a ball in a toy box.Draw a plane on a toy box.Draw a car under a tou box.Draw a cat on a desk.Draw a mouse under a chair

Draw a squirrel in a box.Step 4 Assessment 1.Listen and circle.Teaching content 1.Let‘s learn 2.Let‘s play

Teaching aims and demands.Be able to say the words :bus,taxi ,jeep ,bike and ―look out‖ Teaching preparation.bus ,taxi ,bike ,jeep ,plane ,doll Teaching steps Step 1 Warm up 1.Free talk

Where is the ball ?

It is in the toy box.2.Act ― Let‘s talk‖ Step 2 Presentation.Teacher shows the jeep

What is this ? Is this a …? 2.Listen to the tape

Read after the tape and point to the words Step 3 Practice 1.Guessing game

T : Where is the car ?

S : It is in the … Step 4 Assessment 1.Listen and number

Ⅲ(30)Teaching content 1.Let‘s say 2.Let‘s do

Teaching preparation.Umbrella, vest , violin ,window , wind Teaching steps Step 1 Warm up 1.Free talk.Draw and guess Step 2 Presentation.Teacher shows the card umbrella

What is this ? It is an umbrella.Where is the monkey ? Yes ,It is under the umbrella.Step 3 Practice.Students according to the words to draw umbrella,under ,vest ,violin ,window and wind.Step 4 Assessment.Listen ,number and match Step 5 Add activities

Sing the song.Ⅱ(29)Part B

Ⅰ(31)Teaching content 1.Let‘s talk 2.Let‘s practise Teaching preparation 1.the mask of John and Amy Teaching steps Step 1 Warm up 1.Free talk 2.Let‘s chant.Do as the teacher says Step 2 Presentation T : I want to draw an apple.Oh ,where is my pencil ?

Is it under the book? No.T : Excuse me, can I use youe pencil ?

No problem.T : Look , It is here.Step 3 Practice.Two students make a dialogue A : Can I use your …? B : No problem.2.Act ―Let‘s talk‖ Step 4 Assessment 1.Listen and match Step 5 Add activities

Listen to the tape and act ―Let‘s talk‖

Ⅱ(32)Teaching content 1.Let‘s learn.Let‘s play

Teaching preparation 1.the cards :lamp ,desk ,walkman,chair Teaching steps Step 1 Warm up 1.Free talk 2.B Let‘s talk

Step 2 Presentation.Teacher shows the card of desk T : What is this ? S : It is a desk.T : What is on the desk ?

S : It is a lamp /walkman /pencil.2.Listen to the tape.Step 3 Practice 1.Draw a desk.Colour it red.Draw a chair.Colour it yellow.Draw a book.Colour it blue.2.Where is the book ?

Then students show their pictures and say.Step 4 Assessment 1.Listen and number Step 5 Add activities Listen to the tape.Ⅲ(33)Teaching content 1.Let‘s say 2.Let‘s sing

Teaching aims and demands.Be able to say Xx,Yy,Zz and the words fox ,box ,yellow,yo-yo,zoo,zebra.Teaching preparation ,box ,yellow, yo-yo,zoo,zebra 2.Xx,Yy,Zz Teaching steps Step 1 Warm up 1.Free talk 2.Let‘s do

Step 2 presentation 1.Teacher shows the card of box T : What is this ?

S : It is a box.T : What is in the box ? S : Yes ,It is a fox.2.Let‘s sing

Do the action ―hiding ,far , looking ,can‘t see ,pussy cat Step 3 Practice.Teacher shows the cards of fox ,box ,yo-yo,zebra, zoo

and sticks the cards on the blackboard.Then teacher writes a word on the blackboard and the students draw a picture.Step 4 Assessment 1.Listen and match Step 5 Add activities Sing the song after class.Unit 6 At the zoo Teaching aims and demands: 1.Be able to understand and to say some simple sentences: Look at the elephant.It‘s so big.It has a long nose and a short tail.I have a rabbit.It has long ears.The giraffe is tall.The deer is short.2.Can listen ,say ,and read the animals of giraffe,deer.And big ,small,long,tall,short.3.Can understand and say PRC,CAN,UK,USA,CD,TV,VCD.4.Can give correct response according to some instructions.Part A

Ⅰ(34)Teaching content 1.Let‘s talk 2.Let's practise Teaching aims and demands.Be able to say ―Look at...It has...It is so...‖.Review the sentence ― I have...‖and the words ―small,big‖ Teaching preparation 1.some toys and cards.the letter card from A to Z Teaching steps Step 1 Warm up.Free talk for three to five minutes 2.Song ―Hide and Seek‖ Step 2 Presentation 1.Unit 4 B Let‘s chant.T : Look at the pig.It is big.It is so big.Ss : Look at the mouse ,It is small.It is so small.Look at the monkey.It is so funny.3.Teacher shows the toy of monkey.The monkey has big eyes.It has big eyes.It has small ears.It has a big mouth,etc.4.Listen to the tape Step 3 Practice 1.Students describe their toy animals like the teacher.Look at the monkey.It is so funny.I t has a long tail and a big mouth.It has big eyes and a small nose.2.Let the students act as a pig.Student pig : Look ,I have big eyes and small ears.Step 4 Assessment 1.Listen and circle Step 5 Add activities.Describe the animal to parents

Ⅱ(35)Teaching content 1.Let‘s learn 2.Let‘s do

Teaching aims and demands.Be able to listen ,say and read the words :small,big ,long ,short.Teaching preparation 1.word cards :small,big ,long ,short Teaching steps Step 1 Warm up.Free talk for three to five minutes 2.Guess the animal

T : Listen to me ,children.Guess what it is.It has a long nose ,It has big ears and a short tail.S : It‘s an elephant.T : Yes ,it is.Step 2 Presentation

T : Look at this ball.Is it big or small? S : It is small.T : Yes ,you are right.T : look at this pig.Is it big or small ? S : It is big.T : Yes ,It is big.T : The monkey‘s arm is long and the rabbit‘s tail is short.Step 3 Practice.Students spell the word

S-M-A-L-L----small;B-I-G----big ,etc.2.Whisper

Teacher tells the first student one sentence ,Then the students whisper it one by one Step 4 Assessment 1.Listen ,tick or cross


Teaching contents: 1.Let‘s say.PRC CAN UK USA 2.Let‘s chant.Teaching preparation: 1.Prepare the letter cards.2.Prepare the national flags of China,Canada,England,America.Teaching steps: Step 1 Warm up 1.Daily greetings for 3-5 minutes.2.Talk about the animals.3.Let‘s do.Step 2 Presentation 1.Read the letters.2.Explain PRC.CAN,UK,USA.3.Show the flags and chant.Step 3 Practice Listen to the tape.Let‘s say.Let‘s chant.Step 4 Assessment 1.Write the letters.2.Listen ,match and say.Step 5 Add activities Chant at home.Find some abbreviations at home.Part B

Ⅰ(37)Teaching contents: Let‘s talk.1.Let‘s practice.Teaching preparations: 1.Greetings.2.Old MacDonald had a farm.Teaching steps: Step 1 Warm up 1.Let‘s chant.2Check the homework.And give some praises.3Let‘s talk.Step 2 Presentation 1.Boys and girls ,look ,what‘s this?Do you know?

It‘s a deer.Yeah.Very good.You‘re ringt..2Look at this animal.It‘s not a deer.It‘s a giraffe.3Learn tall and short.4.Listen to the tape.Step 3 Practice 1.Act the dialougue in Let‘s talk.2.Look!I have a giraffe.It‘s tall.It has a long neck.Step 4 Assessment Listen and number.Step 5 Add activies Listen to the tape.Read the dialogue.Ⅱ(38)

Teaching contents: Let’s learn.Let’s sing.Teaching preparations: 1.Prepare word cards.2.Letter cards and picture cards.Teaching steps Step 1 Warm up 1.Greetings.2.Recite the letters.3.Let‘s talk.4.Let‘s do.Step 2 Presentation 1.Big small long tall short 2.Giraffe and deer.3.Let‘s learn.Step 3 Practice 1.Game:Whose eyesight is the best? 2.Act the animals:elephant,tiger,monkey,kangaroo,panda,deer.they are in the zoo.3.Learn to sing the song.They Are in the Zoo.Step 4 Assessment Listen and match.Step 5 Add activities Liten and spell the wors.Sing the song at home.Ⅲ(39)

Teaching contents: 1.Let‘s say.Some abbreviations like A.M.2.Let‘s chant.Teaching preparations: 1.Prepare the alphabet.2.Picture cards ,word cards and some toys.Teaching steps: Step 1 Revision 1.Greetings.2.Revise the words.3.GameWhat‘s in your hand? It‘s small.It has a long tail.It has small eyes.Step 2 Practice Le‘s say.a.Revise PRC,UK,CAN,USA.b.Listen to the tape.c.Explain some abbreviations like CCTV,WTO,CD ,DVD,UFO,IQ,EQ,NBA.Let‘s chant.Step 3 Assessment Write the letters.Liten and circle the words.Step 4 Add activities To say people and animals in page 58-59.Recycle 2

Teaching aims and demands: 1.Revise the dialogue in unit 4-6.2.Be able to understand and say some fruits,toys and some adjectives.3.Be able to pronounce and spell the 26 letters correctly.Ⅰ(40)

Teaching contents: 1.Let‘s act.Teaching preparations:

1.Masks of giraffe,elephant,monkey,mouse,rabbit,tiger,Zoom.2.Fruits of apples,banana,grapes,pears peaches,oranges.Teaching steps: Step 1 Warm up 1.Daily greetings for 3-5minutes.2.Sing the songs An Apple a Day and They Are in The Zoo.3.Revise the words.Step 2 Presentation 1.Listen to the tape.2.Use TPR explain the verbs of get,carry,count,eat and strong.Step 3 Practice 1.Ask Qs: a.Who can get the apples? b.What can the elephant get? c.How many pears are there in the picture? d.How many peaches are there in the picture? e.Who has a peach? etc 2.Listen to the tape.3.Act the dialogue.Step 4 Assessment 1.Revise the numbers.2.Listen and write the numbers.Step 5 Add activities 3.Make a dilogue at home.Ⅱ(41)Teaching contents: Let‘s play.1.Find and draw.2.Listen ,colour and say.Teaching preparations: 1.Pictures and cards.2.A big picture of ―listen ,colour ,and say‖

3.Prpare crayons of red ,black,purple,pink,orange,yellow,green,blue.4.The tape of Colour Song.Teaching steps: Step 1 Revision 1.Let‘s chant.2.Let‘s sing Colour Song.Step 2 Presentation 1.Find and draw.And say the answers in English.The elephant likes bananas.2.Listen ,colour and say.What can you find in the pictre? What can you see? What are they? Step 3 Practice Work in pairs.Step 4 Assessment

Revise ―Where is it?‖ It‘s in on under....Listen match and draw.Ⅲ(42)Teaching content: 1.Let‘s make.2.Let‘s sing.ABC song.Teaching steps: Step 1 Warm up 1.Greetings.2.Let‘s chant.3.Match the letters ,big and small.Step 2 Presentation 1.Let‘s sing.Learn to sing ABC Song.2.Let‘s make.Look ,children,what‘s this?Do you know?It‘s a keyboard.Now read after me,keyboard,let‘s make a keyboard together.Step 3 Practice Draw the right order ,please.Let‘s type.Step 4 Assessment Listen,connect the dots and say.


Welcome back to school

Unit1 第1课时

主备人:李晓蔚 负备人:李 瑞 张卫红

第1课时:A Let's talk.Look and say.一、目标依据



这是本单元的第一课时。Let’s talk为交际对话,通过介绍新同学来学习如何介绍自己的国籍或出生地,Look and say为以上基础知识的运用。


三年级上册教材中学生已经学过如何用“I’m+自己的名字”来介绍自己的名字,本节课重在让学生学会如何用“I’m from„.”介绍自己的国籍或出生地。



1.能听懂对话, 能够用正确的语音、语调并按意群朗读对话。2.能够在情景中运用句型“I’m„.I’m from„”。

3.能够在语境中理解新词“boy”,“ girl”, “UK”, “USA”, “Canada” 的意思,并能正确发音。


1.重点:能熟练地应用句型“I’m„.I’m from„”来介绍自己的姓名及国籍或出生地。2.难点:“I’m from”后跟的国家名如果是缩写的话,国家单词前要加“the”.(此难点为预设难点,教师可根据班里实际情况调整)



七、教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up 1.教师播放三年级上册Unit1所学歌曲“Hello”, 学生跟唱。2.教师欢迎学生返校师生相互问候:

教师:“ Today is the first class of this term.Welcome back to school!Welcome back to our English class!Nice to see you”(边说边做“欢迎”的动作,引导学生理解“Welcome back to „!” 的意思)学生„„。Step 2:Presentation


教师: “I’m„.What’s your name?” 学生:„(教师多提问几名学生,个人或整体都可以)教师出示中国国旗图片,说:“ I’m from China.And you?” 学生:„;如果学生说不出,教师可多说几遍,鼓励学生说“I’m from China.”(教师多提问几名学生,个人或整体都可)2.教师播放课文录音,引出新朋友Amy 和Zhang Peng:

“We have a lot of friends last term.” 教师出示学过的书上人物图片:“Today we have two new friends.” 教师出示两个新朋友的图片:“Who are they? Listen carefully please.” 听完提问“Who are our new friends?”

3.教师播放课文教师播放A Let’s talk的课文动画2遍,学生仿读。(提醒学生模仿录音中语音语调)4.教师播放课文录音,逐句仿读。仿读后提问:

“Is Amy from China?”

“What does Amy say?”

“What does Zhang Peng say?”

多找几名学生模仿Amy和Zhang Peng来介绍自己的名字及国籍,尤其是Amy。

4.让学生在四人小组内分角色表演对话。可请其中2组上台表演。(学生可以看着课件中的原文)Step 3:Practice 1.教师戴上Amy/Mike/Sarah的头饰,模仿Amy/Mike/Sarah的语气与学生对话 教师:Hi, „I’m Amy.I’m from the UK.What about you? 学生:„

教师:Hi,„,I’m Mike.I’m from Canada.What about you? 学生:„

教师:Hi,„,I’m Sarah.I’m from the USA.What about you? 学生:„

如此反复练习几遍,帮助学生理解“What about you?” 的意思,了解“Canada” 和

“USA”的发音。然后,让学生分角色表演“Look and say”。可请其中2组上台表演。(学生可以看着课件中的原文)2.游戏1:击鼓传花

规则:教师将班内学生分为4组,教师播放音乐,四组学生同时开始传花(可用笔袋代替),当音乐停止时,四组各有一名学生拿到花,这时,拿到花的学生就说:“I’m„.I’m from„.”(教师可提醒学生,在游戏中,可以把自己当成其他国家的人)3.游戏2:小小指挥家 规则:教师先说“I’m„.I’m from„”,然后任意指一同学站起来介绍自己,然后这个学生再任意指下一位学生起来介绍自己(在做这个游戏时,教师可提醒学生在介绍自己来自哪里的时候,可以具体到省、市,或者选一个自己喜欢的地名说)

4.教师可对基础较好的同学要提高要求:在“Let's talk” 和”Look and say”的基础上,自编对话。Step 4: Summary 教师引导学生总结本课所学的词汇和句型,鼓励学生提出问题。(教师需提醒学生注意:英语中人名、地名和国家名称的首字母要大写,如China;国家名称的缩写前面要加the,如the USA;提醒学生注意句子首字母要大写)Step 5: Homework 1.登陆优教同步学习网,观看课文动画,按照正确的语音、语调朗读课文对话。(所有学生)2.用今天所学句子I’m„ I’m from„向同学或朋友介绍自己。

3.登陆优教同步学习网,在“同步学习”下预习A Let’s learn中的单词。教学反思:

Unit1 第2课时教学设计

主备人:李晓蔚 副备人:李 瑞 张卫红

第2课时:A Let's learn.Let’s chant.一、教学目标

1.能听、说、认读表示国家名称的单词“UK”, “USA”, “Canada”, “China”,并通过图片和教师的讲解能够了解这些国家的标志性建筑。



1.重点:能听、说、认读表示国家名称的单词“UK”, “USA”, “Canada”, “China” 2.难点:Canada及China的发音。(此难点为预设难点,教师可根据班里实际情况调整)


1.通过图片、游戏“消失的图片”和“看谁跑得快”来让学生听、说、认读表示国家名称的单词“UK”, “USA”, “Canada”, “China”。(检测目标1的达成情况)


四、教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up 师生相互问候并介绍自己的名字及国籍或出生地。Step 2:Presentation 1.教师出示Panda图片,问学生:“What’s this?” 学生:„。教师可模仿Panda的声音说: “Hi, I’m Panda, I’m from the China.”引导学生欢迎新朋友Panda并打招呼。学生:„; 学生拼单词,教师板书单词于四线三格中;

教师出示中国地图、单词,学生跟录音读、自读;教师提名请学生范读; 让学生模仿Panda的声音来介绍自己的名字及国籍。

2.“Today Panda will travel around the world, Let’s travel with him, OK?” 出示世界地图,Panda 旅行第一站——引导学生说出美国。学生拼单词,教师板书单词于四线三格中;

出示美国自由女神像、单词,学生跟录音读、自读;教师提名请学生范读或开火车读;告知“USA”的全称:“ United States of America”。3.出示世界地图,Panda 旅行第二站——引导学生说出加拿大。学生拼单词,教师板书单词于四线三格中;

出示加拿大国旗、单词,学生跟录音读、自读;教师提名请学生范读; 4.出示世界地图,Panda 旅行第三站——引导学生说出英国。学生拼单词,教师板书单词于四线三格中;

出示英国国旗及大本钟、单词,学生跟录音读、自读;教师提名请学生范读;告知“UK” 全称:“United Kingdom”。

5.教师播放A Let’s learn动画,学生跟读。并让学生扮演一名外国人,用“Hi, I’m „.I’m from the „.”来介绍自己。Step 3:Practice 1.连连看:

教师出示Mike, Sarah, Amy, Zhang Peng 的图片、国家名称、国旗,让学生连线。2.游戏1:看谁反应快


操练几轮后,当老师说“UK”,代表这个国家的学生就快速站起来说“I’m from the UK.”。其他同上。3.游戏2:看谁跑得快


规则:教师在课件上叠加放若干张国家国旗及代表性建筑,然后让图片依次消失,看谁能知道消失的图片所代表的国家。看谁回答的又快又准确!回答正确的同学可以得到老师准备的小礼物。5.学唱 “Let’s chant” 歌谣。

教师出示一张男孩的图片,说:“Look,this is a boy”.教师出示一张女孩的图片,说:“Look,this is a girl”。然后把;两张图片放一起,说:“They are good friends.”。

教师让学生观察“Let’s chant”部分图片,并在小组内讨论每个人的姓名及国籍。如:“I’m Mike, I’m from Canada.”

播放“Let’s chant”动画,让学生听一遍;再次播放动画,让学生跟唱;练习几遍后,让学生以小组为单位比赛。Step 4: Summary 教师引导学生总结本课所学的词汇和句型,鼓励学生提出问题。(教师需提醒学生注意:英语中人名、地名和国家名称的首写字母要大写,如China;国家名称的缩写前面要加the,如the USA。)Step 5: Homework 找到今天学习的四个国家的国旗,给爸爸妈妈说一说这些国家的英文名称。教学反思:

Unit1 第3课时教学设计

主备人:李瑞 副备人:李晓蔚 张卫红

第3课时:A Let’s spell.Listen and write.一、教学目标

1.能够通过听例词发音,观察例词结构中共有的字母,知道字母a在单词中发 /æ/。2.能够在练习的基础上独立拼读出单词。



1.重点:掌握音标 /æ/ 的读音,会拼读含有/æ/ 的单词。





四、教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up 师生互相打招呼并唱“A Let’s chant” 歌谣 Step 2:Presentation 1.Listen, repeat and chant(1)出示猫的图片,问“What’s this?” 学生:„。教师在图片下出示单词。用同样的方法引出“bag”, “dad”, “hand”。

(2)教师播放录音,跟读。引导学生总结:这几个单词中字母a的发音相同的,都发/æ/;它的发音口型为:嘴巴张大,嘴角尽量拉向两边,呈扁平形,舌尖抵下齿。(嘴巴张开,能放下两个手指的宽度)Step 3:Practice 1.“cat” 为例,教师放慢速度并以夸张的口型读单词“cat”,引导学生思考“cat”由几个音素组成,分别是什么音素;以同样的方法引出“bag”, “dad”和“hand”,进行拆音训练。看谁反应快

教师挑3名学生站在讲台上,分别定为第1、2、3个音素。教师读出单词的某个因素,学生判断该音素的位置,在该位置的学生立即跳一下,则该同学所在小组得分,如果没有反应过来,则另外两名学生所在小组得分。如:教师说“bag, bag, where is the sound /æ/ in bag? One, two, go!”。3.学唱Chant: Dad has a black cat.The cat is in the bag.Dad has a black cat.The bag is in his hand.(1)先播放一遍录音,让学生听1遍,说出自己听到的含有/æ/的单词;(2)播放“chant”动画,让学生再听1遍,找出含有/æ/的单词;(3)播放动画,学生跟唱歌谣;

(4)学生唱几遍之后,将全班学生分成2组比赛唱歌谣; 4.Read, listen and circle(1)学生自己观察各组单词,同桌之间练习读单词;(2)播放录音,学生边听边圈出所听到的单词;(3)再次播放,教师带领学生核对答案;

(4)教师出示更多的单词让学生练习拼读,如:“am”, “bad”, ‘bat”, “sad”, “tap”, “gas”。5.Listen and write 播放录音,让学生听录音描红单词。Step 4: Summary 教师引导学生总结/æ/的发音、本课所学的发音为/æ/的单词(可请一位学生先说,其他同学补充,老师及时评价)Step 5: Homework 正确拼读课本第6页的单词。教学反思:

Unit1 第4课时教学设计

主备人:李瑞 副备人:李晓蔚 张卫红

第4课时:B Let's talk.Look and say.一、教学目标

1.能听懂对话, 能够用正确的语音、语调并按意群朗读对话。2.能够在情景中运用句型“Where are you from? I’m from„.”。

3.能够在语境中理解新词“she”, “new”, “where”, “student”, “Australia”的意思,并能正确发音。


1.重点:能熟练地应用句型“Where are you from? I’m from„”来介绍自己的姓名及国籍或出生地。2.难点:“I’m from”后跟的国家名如果是缩写的话,国家单词前要加“the”.(此难点为预设难点,教师可根据班里实际情况调整)



四、教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up 1.播放“Part A Let’s chant”歌谣,学生一起唱,活跃课堂气氛。

2.展示米老鼠、孙悟空、麦吉、光头强、海绵宝宝图片,让学生模仿这些人物的声音做自我介绍,如: Hi, I’m Mickey.I’m from the USA.Hello, I’m Sun Wukong.I’m from China.Hi, I’m Magic.I’m from China.Hello, I’m Baldheaded stronger.I’m from China.Hi, I’m SpongeBob Squarepants.I’m from the USA.Step 2:Presentation


(1)教师:“Do you remember the new students? Who are they?” 学生:„ 教师出示Amy图片 “Look.this is Amy.She’s a new student.”

教师:“Where is Amy from?”(强调单词“where”, 并解释“where”的意思)学生:„

(2)教师戴Mr Jones的头饰,走到学生中间,与学生对话,引出句型“Where are you from?” 并启发学生运用“I’m from...”回答,反复多次与不同学生进行交流直至他们能对“Where are you from?”进行应答。如:

教师:“I’m Mr Jones.Where are you from?” 学生:„。

3.播放“B Let’s talk”课文录音,让学生整体听对话。学生听完后和Amy打招呼。如:“Hello!How are you?”

4.教师播放播放“A Let’s talk”的课文动画2遍,学生仿读。(提醒学生模仿录音中语音语调)5.教师播放课文录音,逐句仿读。


教师:Hello everyone.What’s the teacher’s name? 学生:„。教师:What’s the boy’s name? 学生:„。教师:What’s the girl’s name? 学生:„。教师:Where is Amy from? 学生:„。Step 3:Practice 1.Pairwork 规则:教师出示“China”, “Canada”, “USA”, “Australia”国旗及代表性建筑,让学生两人一组问答。如教师:“Where are you from?” 学生:“I’m from„”.(教师提醒学生,在游戏中,把自己当成其他国家的人)我的好朋友

规则:教师提前请学生带来一张朋友的照片,让学生来介绍自己的朋友。3.教师出示大熊猫的图片。问“What’s this?” 学生:„;

教师模仿大熊猫的语气与大家说话“Hello, everyone.I’m a panda.My name is Pangpang.Nice to meet you.” 学生:„;

教师出示中国国旗,(模仿大熊猫的语气)“I’m from China.I love my country.” 用同样的方法教加拿大、美国、澳大利亚的代表性动物。

让学生模仿学过的国家代表性动物的声音介绍自己:“Hi, I’m from„.Where are you from?”。4.教师可对基础较好的同学要提高要求:在“Look and say”的基础上,自编对话。Step 4: Summary 教师引导学生总结本课所学的词汇和句型,鼓励学生提出问题。(教师需提醒学生注意:英语中人名、地名和国家名称的首字母要大写,如“China”;国家名称的缩写前面要加“the”,如“the USA”。)Step 5: Homework 1.登陆优教同步学习网,观看课文动画,能按照正确的语音、语调朗读表演课文对话。(所有学生)2.用英语与小伙伴互问互答(名字、国籍)。(所有学生)3.在Let’s talk的基础上,自编对话。(基础较好学生)

4.登陆优教同步学习网,在“同步学习”下预习B Let’s learn中的单词。教学反思

Unit1 第5课时教学设计

主备人:张卫红 副备人:李晓蔚 李 瑞

第5课时:B Let's learn.Let’s chant.一、教学目标

1.能听、说、认读单词“he”, “she”, “pupil”, “teacher” “student”.2.能够在语境中运用这些单词询问和回答个人信息。3.能够在图片的帮助下听懂并跟读歌谣。


1.重点:能听、说、认读单词“he”, “she”, “pupil”, “teacher” “student”。

2.难点:“he”, “she”, “pupil”的发音。(此难点为预设难点,教师可根据班里实际情况调整)


1.通过图片、游戏“听音猜人”和“我的同桌”来让学生听、说、认读单词“he”, “she”, “pupil”, “teacher” “student”。(检测目标1的达成情况)



四、教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up 1.师生相互问候并介绍自己的名字及国籍或出生地。2.学唱第10页“Let’s sing.”

(1)播放歌曲“Boy and girl”,学生听1遍;(2)再次播放歌曲,学生跟唱2遍;(3)男女生比赛唱歌,看谁唱得好。Step 2:Presentation 1.教学单词“he”, “she”

(1)教师出示课件上的简笔画,画出一个男孩,一个女孩。让学生注意观察课件上画的是什么。引出“he”, “she”


教师播放录音,学生跟录音读、自读;教师提名请学生范读;(2)教师出示多张男孩女孩照片,让学生分辨“he”和“she”。2.教学单词 “pupil”, “teacher” “student”

(1)教师出示课本上Let’s learn部分图片“Look at Wu Yifan and Sarah.What are they doing?” 学生:„

教师指着Mr Jones,说:“This is Mr Jones.He’s a teacher.”

教师指着Amy说:“This is Amy.She’s a student.”(教师在此时引出pupil,并与student作对比)



(2)出示Chen Jie, Mike, John, Zhang Peng, Miss White图片,让学生分别说出是“teacher” 还是“student”。Step 3:Practice 1.教师出示之前书本上出现的老师和学生,让学生用句型“This is „He/She is a „”来介绍。2.游戏1:听音猜人

规则:让一名学生蒙住眼睛,另一位学生起立向其问好。被蒙住眼睛的学生根据声音猜出是“boy”还是“girl”,是“boy”,说“he”;是“girl”,说“she”。猜出得1分。如果再猜出具体是哪一名同学,可用“This is „He/She is a „”。如果猜出,再加1分(为增加趣味性,问好的学生可以变换声音;教师也可以参与其中)3.游戏2:我的同桌

规则:教师让学生用 “This is „He/She is a „”来介绍自己的同桌。4.学唱第8页“Let’s chant” 歌谣。

(1)教师指着班里一名男同学,说“He is a boy”;再指着一名女同学,说:“She is a girl”;然后指着两位同学说“They are students.I’m a teacher.One boy, one girl and one teacher.”(2)播放“Let’s chant”动画,让学生听一遍;再次播放动画,让学生跟唱;练习几遍后,让学生以小组为单位比赛。Step 4: Summary 教师引导学生总结本课所学的词汇和句型,鼓励学生提出问题。Step 5: Homework 用今天所学句型“This is „He/She is a „”介绍自己的1名同学及1名老师。教学反思:

Unit1 第6课时教学设计

主备人:张卫红 副备人:李晓蔚 李 瑞

第6课时:B Start to read.Let’s check.一、教学目标

1.能够在图片和语境的帮助下认读句子,并且能够以文段中的句子为范本,根据自己的真实生活进行口头表达。(Start to read)




2.难点:单词“he” “she”“China”, “pupil”, “student”的发音。(此难点为预设难点,教师可根据班里实际情况调整)



七、教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up 播放“Part B Let’s chant”歌谣,师生一起唱,活跃课堂气氛。Step 2:Presentation 1.出示本课单词图片,以闪卡的形式复习单词;(重点复习黑体部分的单词)单词与图片连线。

2.通过师生问答及介绍复习重点句型。参考重点句型: I’m„.I’m from„.Where are you from? I’m from„.This is„.He’s/She’s a „

3.教师出示两篇“Let’s talk”课文图片。带领学生一起朗读Unit1的两个“Let’s talk”.4.学生以小组为单位分角色扮演,可以挑学生上台表演。Step 3:Practice 1.Start to read.(1)依次出示Mike, John, Miss White, Zhang Peng的人物图片,让学生以四人小组根据所学内容讨论这些人物。



(6)教师出示一张照片墙(这上面的人物可以选取3名学生和2名老师),让学生介绍照片墙上的人物。2.Listen and number(1)学生先谈论图片内容,再听录音,标序号;(2)师生一起核对答案。

(3)让学生跟录音读,并提醒学生注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。3.Look and match(1)学生看图连线。(2)师生一起核对答案。Step 4: Summary 教师引导学生总结本单元所学的词汇和句型,鼓励学生提出问题。Step 5: Homework 1.登陆优教同步学习网,观看课文动画,能按照正确的语音、语调朗读表演课文对话。(所有学生)2.运用Let’s talk中的重点句型与朋友对话。(基础较好学生)3.登陆优教同步学习网,在“同步学习”下预习Unit 2 A Let’s talk。教学反思:



三下R2 第一课时

教学内容:Let’s make Let’s sing

教学目标: 1.能够听、说、认读26个英语字母。

2.会唱英语童谣《A B C song》。

3.能制作keyboard, 并能在键盘上找到字母和单词。教学重点:1.复习26个英语字母。

2.会唱英语童谣《A B C song》。教学难点:1学唱英语童谣《A B C song》。








1.日常用语练习,简短的师生问候和 问候和Free Talk,让学生快速进入上课状态。


二、Presentation 1.教师随意出示字母卡片,让学生认读。然后找两个同学分别将大小写的字母排序,让学生按顺序读字母,可以分组以开火车的形式进行比赛。

2.播放Let’s sing部分的录音,让学生先听一遍,然后跟唱,学唱的过程也正是学生进一步熟悉字母的过程。




三、Practice 1.背诵字母表比赛。2.大小写字母搭配练习。


四、Production 游戏“Keyboard games”。1.Find the letters.2.“Type” the words.教师先在键盘上展示type这个动作,然后键入c-a-t告诉学生这样就输入了单词cat.随后让学生模仿,再练习其他的单词输入。

3.“Type” and sing.让学生试着边唱边敲击键盘上对应的字母,看谁能做到心、手、口协调统一。


五、Homework 1.做基础训练和配套练习中相应的练习。



小学PEP英语三年级Unit 3 Let’s paint 教案


Unit3Let’spaintALet’s learn



2)能听懂“Show me….”的指令来练习和运用有关颜色单










三、课前准备:教师准备blue, green, yellow, red, purple单词卡片,颜色卡片和课件。







Step 1Recover

A 课前播放歌曲songUnit 1

B Let’s do.(Unit1 and Unit 2)

Step 2Warm-upGreeting

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.S: Good afternoon, Miss Zhang.T: How are you?

S: Fine, thank you.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.,生边听边唱,同时播放彩虹图课件。新课标小学英语互动课堂

Step 2 Presentations and practicesTask(Learn the new words)

播放彩虹图片,引出彩虹的漂亮,让生自由说出彩虹为什么漂亮,从而引出今天要教的内容-----Color。Learn the new words: red,yellow,blue.(red由教室中的红色国旗引出,教完red后问生国旗是由什么颜色组成的从而引出yellow,而blue由蔚蓝的天空引出。)

领读单词时,注意red的尾音/d/,分升降调,发音,后分小组,男女,个别抽查读。Have a race-----rabbit jump.(Let’s have a match between boys and girls)请一男一女,手持单词卡学白兔跳,谁最先到

达原来的出发点为赢,男生支持男生,女生支持女生,拍手喊出单词来助威。Make two magic-------Learn the new words: green purple

混颜料水魔术,blue+ yellow=green 引出green,教授green时注意尾音/n/,ee发/i:/,师要多带读,引导学生感悟发音,从而了解英语的语音语调的知识,同时提醒学生Miss green中的green这个单词可以做颜色词“绿色的”,也可做姓氏“格林”;

Blue+ red=purple 引出purple,分字母发音读。

5、用blue, green, yellow, red, purple 的单词卡片和颜色卡片再次讲授单词。学生适当跟读。贴上单词卡,引导生怎样来记住这5个颜色词。

6、播放Song。“Who is wearing yellow today?”(新课标小学英语互动课堂然后把歌词改成“Who is wearing(blue,green,red,purple)today?”集体唱,穿有关颜色衣服的同学站起来。

Step 3 Practice

1A.利用检查学生是否带齐5色蜡笔的情景,对学生发出本节课Let’s do的部分,Show me your red crayon/blue crayon/y

ellow crayon/green crayon/purple crayon.学生听指令举相应蜡笔。

B. Listen to the tape.学生听指令快速做动作。


D.Color the clown,听老师的颜色指令,分小组合作完成,看哪组涂得又快又漂亮。请一组同学操作计算机根据指令涂颜色.(同时复习第2单元的脸部单词)

Step 4 ConsolidationAssessment and tips: We should protect our environment.Let’s chant




B预习下一课B Let’s learn.英语课的反思和总结:




山课件 w ww.5 Y K j.Co M


Unit 1 Welcome back to school!课型 新授课 课时 A-1 教 学 目

标 知识与技能:能听说单词Welcome,back,boy,and,girl,we,new, friend,today,from等;会运用句子I’m /I’m from介绍自己及自己的情况。过程与方法:创设情景,小组合作学习中巩固运用句型和单词。情感、态度和价值观:培养学生尊重他人的良好品质。重点

难点 理解单词boy,girl,friend。


指导 学生活动 教具 学具 单词卡片 通案 个案


师生问候,用英语打招呼 Welcome back to school!复习巩固学过的内容,创设英语学习氛围。


1.教师借助Amy和 Zhang Peng的头饰向学生介绍引出单词:boy,girl,friend。2.利用单词卡片教学生认读单词:boys and girls, today, new friends。

3.教师带头饰自我介绍:Hi,I’m Amy.I’m from the UK.借助国旗引导学生认识英国的英语名称。

4.教师带头饰自我介绍:Hi,I’m Zhang Peng.I’m from Shandong.借助国旗引导学生认识英国、美国和加拿大的英语名称。

5.教师点拨:英语中人名、地名和国家名称的首写字母大写的写法。the UK是英文缩写形式必须都大写,读作U和K。(6)听课文录音,跟读对话。


3.Look and say:看国旗,编对话运用句子:I’m /I’m from介绍自己及自己的情况。理解What about you?的含义。



课 堂 检





一、选择。 C.are 2.I am _____ the UK.A.of B.from C.come 3.We ____ two new friends today.A.has B.have C.having 4.介绍自己来自美国时,应说:A.I’m from the USA.B.I’m the USA.5.介绍自己时应说:A.I’m Amy.B.This is Amy.课题

Unit 1 Welcome back to school!课型 新授课 课时 A-2 教 学 目

标 知识与技能:能听说认读单词:UK,Canada,USA,China.主要通过情景对话学习介绍自己的国籍,并在实际情景中自然运用。


难点 国家名称的读音。掌握Canada的单词正确读音。学法

指导 学生活动 教具 学具 图片和单词卡片 通案 个案

一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.Let’s sing!2.日常口语练习

I’m ….I’m from Wu’an.二、新课展示(Presentation)



教师出示事先准备好的国家国旗和建筑物的图片等,一个人出示图片,另一个人说:I’m from….让学生反复练习句子。6.听录音,跟读对话。


1.两人一组用国旗或图片进行对话。2.Let’s chant。听录音,跟着说唱。


课 堂 检






二、对话连线: Nice to see you.Nice to meet you.This is my friend, Amy.Good afternoon.Good afternoon.Nice to see you.课题 Unit 1 Welcome back to school!课型 新授课 课时 A-3 教 学 目

标 知识与技能:学习元音字母a在单词中的发音以及认读书写含有这个字母的单词。过程与方法:借助手势教学字母发音,归类识记单词。情感、态度和价值观:培养学生良好的学习习惯。重点

难点 掌握元音字母a的发音和单词的书写。


指导 学生活动 教具 学具 字母卡 单词卡 通案 个案


2.复习上册书的有关字母A的Let’s chant!


1.教师出示字母卡并问:What’s it? An“ Aa”.What’s the sound of letter “A”?引导学生说出元音字母a在单词中的发音/æ/。2.出示含有这个字母相同发音的单词图片。cat bag hand dad /æ/ 3.放Let’s spell部分的录音,学生跟读。

4.小组学习:找一找还有那些单词中字母a的发音是/æ/? 5.小组汇报交流并总结。



dad hand apple cake击鼓传花


四、作业(Homework)听录音,给家长读单词。课 堂 检

一、读一读、听一听并圈一圈。 bag

2.bag dad

3.Canada panda 4.hand





dad plate Kate hand 3.China Canada cat ant


1、A:Where are you from?

B: I’m Mike.()

1、A:Good afternoon?

B: Good morning.()

1、A:What’s her name?

B: My name is Jenny.课题

Unit 1 Welcome back to school!课型 新授课 课时 B-1 教 学 目

标 知识与技能:能听说认读单词:Australia,Canada,USA,China.主要通过情景对话学习如何询问别人的国籍以及回答,并在实际情景中自然运用。过程与方法:借助国家的国旗图片,帮助学生理解和认读国家名称。情感、态度和价值观:培养学生乐于模仿,敢于交流。重点

难点 国家名称的读音。

句型Where are you from?Australia的发音。学法

指导 学生活动 教具 学具 图片和单词卡片 通案 个案

一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.Let’s sing!2.日常口语练习: I’m ….I’m from China.二、新课展示(Presentation)



教师出示事先准备好的国家国旗和单词图片等,一个人出示图片问:Where are you from?另一个人说:I’m from….让学生反复练习句子。6.听录音,跟读对话。





课 堂 检






二、能力提升: 1.你想问对方来自哪个国家时,你可以问: A.Where are you?

B.Where are you from?

2.Where are you from?A.This is China.B.I am from China.3.3月8日,你想对你的妈妈说:

A.Happy Teachers’ Day!B.Happy Women’s Day!

课题 Unit 1 Welcome back to school!课型 新授课 课时 B-2 教 学 目

标 知识与技能:听说认读单词she,he,student,pupil,teacher.能理解人称代词he she的不同用法,并能灵活运用。

过程与方法:借助图片和实际情况,帮助学生学习新单词。情感、态度和价值观:培养学生合作学习的能力。重点 难点



指导 学生活动 教具 学具

字母卡 单词卡 通案 个案

一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.日常口语复习:This is….2.复习boy和girl。


1.教师利用简笔画画一个girl,引出句子She is a girl.She is Amy.帮助学生理解单词she。教师在补充:She is a student.出示单词卡片student(pupil),让学生猜单词的意思。2.教师利用简笔画画一个大男孩,引出句子He is a big boy.He is Mr Jones.帮助学生理解单词he。教师在补充:He is a teacher.出示单词卡片teacher,让学生猜单词的意思。3.播放Let’s learn部分的录音,让学生跟读。4.小组学习:看图片指认单词。




谁拿到花,必须用上英语单词he或she介绍自己的好朋友。3.听录音跟读Let’s chant!


听录音,给家长读单词和Let’s chant!

课 堂 检

一、看图把有关系的单词和图片连线。he girl





二、找出与众不同的单词。1.he she you boy 2.student girl pupil teacher

3.China Canada Austrilia student

课题 Unit 1 Welcome back to school!课型 新授课 课时 B-3 6.知识与技能:能听懂并理解story time中的情节和故事内容。过程与方法:借助课件和表演帮助学生加深对小幽默故事的印象。情感、态度和价值观:培养学生乐于模仿,敢于交流。重点 难点


指导 学生活动 教具 学具 图片和单词卡片 通案 个案

一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.Let’s sing!教材10页。2.日常口语复习句子

I’m a student.I’m from Wu’an.二、新课展示(Presentation)


3.学生回答教师的提问,Who are they?Who is clever? 并说说故事大概意思。4.听录音,跟读故事内容。

教师点拨重点词汇和口语:play a game,clever,wait a minute,Can you read this? 5.小组活动:



三、趣味操练(Practice)1.Listen and number(10)2.Let’s sing.3.Look and match.四、作业(Homework)听课文录音。

课 堂 检


1.This is John.He is my friend.()She is my friend.()2.This is Miss White.He is a techer.()She is a techer.()3.This is Zhang Peng.He is a student.()She is a student.(二、读句子,排一排。()Nice to meet you.()Good morning, Sarah.This is my friend, Amy.()I’m from America.()Good morning, Mike.()Where are you from? 文章 来源莲

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