1月7日纯正地道美语 第182期(外教讲解)商业计划

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第一篇:1月7日纯正地道美语 第182期(外教讲解)商业计划

legal structure 公司结构 hassle n.困难,麻烦 execute vt.执行, 实行 【拓展词汇】 Congress makes the laws;the President entrepreneur n.企业家 executes them.credentials n.证明,资格 国会制定法律,总统执行法律。vision statement 描述你的商业预测 financial analysis财务分析 prospects n.前景;景象 return on one’s investment 投资上的feasibility n.可行性 盈利

A:I’ve had it!I’m done working for the company that is taking me nowhere!B: So what are you gonna to ? Just quit? A: That’s exactly what I am going to do!I’ve decided to create my own company!I’m going to writ up a business plan, get some investors and start working for myself!B: Have you ever written up a business plan before? A: Well, it can’t be hard!I mean, all you have to do is explain your business, how you are going to do things and that’s it, right? B: You couldn’t be more wrong!A well written business plan will include an executive [iɡ'zekjutiv]summary which highlights the idea of the business in two pages or less.Then you need to describe your company with information such as what type of legal structure it has, history, etc.A: Well , that seems easy enough.B: Wait, there’s more!Then you need to describe your goods or services.What they are and how they are different from competitors’? Then comes the hard part, a market analysis[ə'næləsis].You need to investigate[in'vestiɡeit] and analyze hundreds of variables!You need to take into consideration

socioeconomic['səusiəu,i:kə'nɔmik,-ʃi-] factors from GDP per capita['kæpitə] to how many children on average the population has!All this information is useful so that you







['strætidʒi]and implementation[,implimen'teiʃən] stage, where you will describe in detail how you will actually execute['eksikju:t] your idea.A: Geez.Is that all? B: Almost, the most important piece of information for your investors will be the financial analysis.Here you will calculate and estimate sales, cash flow and profits.After all, people will want to know when they will begin to see a return on their investment!A: Umm.I think I will stick to my old job and save myself all the hassle of trying to start up a business!

A: 我受够了。我正在为一个不能带我前进的公司工作。

B: 你会怎么办?只是放弃?

A: 那正是我要做的事。我决定建立自己的公司。我想要撰写商业计划,找到一些投资者并为自己开始工作。

B: 你先前写过商业计划吗?

A: 那不是很难。我的意思是,你必须做的事就是解释你的商业,以及你会如何做,对吧?

B: 你真是糊涂。一个好的商业计划包括行政上的总结,用2页或更少的页数突出商业的想法。然后你需要描述诸如公司结构类型,公司发展历史等相关信息。

A: 喔,那看起来很简单。

B: 等等,还有。你需要介绍并描述公司的货物或服务。具体是什么以及和其他同行有什么区别?下一个就是最难得部分,市场分析。你需要调查并分析各种变量。你需要考虑包括从平均GDP到平均每个家庭拥有孩子的数量等社会经济因素。所有的信息都是有用的,这样你才能进行战略定位和执行阶段,这一步你要详细描述你将如何执行你的主意。



A: 我想我会继续做原来的工作,不自寻开公司的麻烦。

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