
时间:2019-05-15 06:01:14下载本文作者:会员上传


Unit1 What’s your hobby?


一、教学内容: new words & let’s talk


1.Language knowledge语言知识:

Vocabulary词汇:hobby, model, collect, stamp, more, than, more than, country, keep, animal, every, during Sentences 句型:What’s your hobby? My hobby is „v.+ing„2.Language skill语言技能:

(1)能听、说、读新单词;hobby, model, collect, stamp, more, than, country, keep, animal, every, during(2)能熟读课文对话。3.Affect 情感态度:

能积极与他人开展口语交际,询问对方的爱好。4.Learning Strategies学习策略:





五、课前准备: 教学课件、CAI、光盘


一、Warming up Activity 1: Rhyme 展示课本P6的小诗,由此引出本单元相关的话题hobby。Activity 2: Look and say 观看课本P2-3的图片,老师让学生回忆图中三个人物的名字。Activity 3: 学习单词hobby 让学生注意图片中的物体,引导学生理解这三个孩子正在谈论他们喜欢做的事情,学习单词hobby

二、Presentation and Practice 1.Listen to the dialogue 听课文。The children are talking about their hobbies.Let’s listen and find out what they like doing.听课文找出孩子们喜欢做的事情。

2: Watch the video 观看课文视频,进一步了解课文内容。

3: Follow and read 跟光盘或老师读。读完一行,停顿下来,让学生仿读,老师可适当解释意思,学生可在重点词句处做笔记,划出重点。4: Read the dialogue 分角色读课文。将全班分为三组,学生根据课文三个人物的角色朗读课文。

5: Learn the new words 通过课本P3图片进行新词汇的学习。通过游戏等形式学习新词汇。

三、Development 用班上同学的名字替换课文对话人物进行对话操练。




板书设计:U1 What’s your hobby? What’s your hobby? My hobby is …


Unit1 What’s your hobby?



复习单词课文&Fun with language


2、Language knowledge语言知识:

Vocabulary词汇:hobby, model, collect, stamp, more, than, more than, country, keep, animal, every, during Sentences 句型:What’s your hobby? My hobby is „v.+ing„

2、Language skill语言技能:

1)能听、说、读新单词;hobby, model, collect, stamp, more, than, country, keep, animal, every, during 2)能熟读课文对话。

3、Affect 情感态度:能积极与他人开展口语交际,询问对方的爱好。

4、Learning Strategies学习策略:







二、Presentation and Practice Activity 1: Rhyme 展示课本P6的小诗,由此引出本单元相关的话题hobby。Activity 2: Read the dialogue 熟读课文,巩固课文内容 Activity 3: Fill the blanks 抽出课文部分单词,让学生根据课文内容填空。Activity 4: Translate the phrases 翻译。把英语动词短语翻译成中文。Activity 5: v+ing practice 动词ing形式的练习。根据例子说出动词的ing形式。(说完学生总结动词ing形式的变化规律)Activity 7: Role-play 表演课文。学生分角色表演课文。

Activity 8: Make a dialogue 学生小组或同位之间创编对话,询问、回答对方和自己的爱好。

三、Development 总结本节课所学内容

四、Homework 1.熟读U1课文,并尝试背诵。2.背诵并默写U1单词。


U1 What’s your hobby? What’s your hobby? My hobby is v.+ing …


Unit1 What’s your hobby?



Sound family &复习重点句型。


1、Language knowledge语言知识:

Vocabulary词汇:hobby, model, collect, stamp, more, than, more than, country, keep, animal, every, during Sentences 句型:What’s your hobby? My hobby is „v.+ing„

2、Language skill语言技能:

1)能听、说、读新单词;hobby, model, collect, stamp, more, than, country, keep, animal, every, during 2)能熟读课文对话。

3、Affect 情感态度:能积极与他人开展口语交际,询问对方的爱好。

4、Learning Strategies学习策略:






Presentation and Practice Activity 1: Read the dialogue 熟读课文。

Activity 2: Listen and match 教师让学生观看P4第1题。



Activity 3: Act and guess 通过guessing game 操练关于爱好的问答。Activity 4: Read and answer

设定阅读目标:Aki is talking with Janet.He is giving Janet sth.What are they talking about? What is Aki giving to Janet?

三、Development 教师先给出师范,然后依照例子填入适当的动词短语。

四、Homework 1.背诵U1课文对话。2.做活动手册P1第1题。板书设计:

U1 What’s your hobby? What’s your hobby? My hobby is v.+ing…


Unit 2 His hobby is drawing.第一课时

一、教学内容: new words & let’s talk

二、教学目标 1.2.The new words:Coloured, sky, place, drawing Listen to English and understand and then do as the instruction.3.4.Have fun in learning and using English.Go over the plants, animals and the preposition of places.5.Personal purposes: To give instruction and thus help Ps pick up chunks of imperative sentences To try to motivate the different types of learners to be more interested in learning English.The visual, the audio and the kineasthetic types.To try to be closer to the children.To motivate the slow ones, such as Apple and Jimmy.To use the teaching method of grouping and organizing.:

三、教学重点:The new words: Coloured, sky, place, drawing

四、教学难点: 1.2.Go over the stationary and the preposition of places.Listen to English and understand and then do as the instruction.五、课前准备:自制课件,金太阳软件,相关的图片

六、教学过程: 1.Free talk: what’s your hobby? Braintorm and draw the mind map, thus encourage the children to think over and sum up the activities.2.Show the picture and teach “sky”, “drawing”.Then T says, “This drawing is drawn by coloured pencils.Then teach “coloured”.3.Let’s try to draw.Ps draw on Activity book, P 8 空白位置, and T draws on a piece of large paper.(1)Draw a big tree.There are many red apples on the tree.(2)Under the tree, there is a duck.It is sleeping.(3)Behind the tree, there is a fox.He is looking at the

dog.(4)Far away from the tree, there are some birds.They are flying in the sky.They are white.(5)Near the tree, there are some flowers.(6)Next to the flowers, there is a pond.(7)In the pond ,there are many fish.Some fish are small, and some are big.They are swimming.(8)Well, this is our drawing.4.5.6.Tell the drawing together in order.Focus on the new words.Ask some questions about places and encourage the slow ones to concentrate and answer.七、Homework 1,听、说、读新单词;2,理解和朗读课文对话 板书设计:

Unit 2 His hobby is drawing Coloured, sky, place, drawing 教学反思:在学习单词过程以创设情境引入,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。

Unit 2 His hobby is drawing.第二课时


复习单词课文&Fun with language

二、教学目标 1.2.The new passage and the key patterns.He/She likes …

3.Does he/she …? Yes, he/she does.No, he/she doesn’t. does he/she …? Be able to talk about one’s hobby.Go over entertainment and sports.Ing form of the verbs The Phrasal verbs.Present continuous Tense.10.Expression of time: every day, after school, sometimes, on his friend’s birthday

三、教学重点:1.2.3.He/She likes …

Does he/she …? Yes, he/she does.No, he/she doesn’t.The new passage and the key patterns.4.What/when does he/she …?

四、教学难点: 1.2.3.Does he/she …? Yes, he/she does.No, he/she doesn’t.What/when does he/she …? Be able to talk about one’s hobby.五、课前准备:自制课件,金太阳软件,相关的图片

六、教学过程: 1.Read and go over the words with the help of the picture we used last lesson.2.Have the pupils look at the pictures on P8---P9, also show it on the screen.3.Talk about the picture with pupils by asking the following questions:(1)How many children can you see?(2)What is the boy doing?(3)Look at the pictures on the wall.What does the boy like drawing? Guess.(4)What about the girl?(5)What’s the boy’s hobby? What about the girl’s hobby?

Guess.4.Introduce the boy’s and the girl’s names.(mike and Amy)5.A question and let the pupils read the passage and find the answer by scanning.Both Mike and Amy like drawing.Their hobby is drawing.What does Mike like drawing? What about Amy? What does Amy like drawing? 6.Have the pupils read the passage silently all the way through.7.Listen to the recording of the passage, pause at some places so that highlight the language items necessarily.8.9.Ask Pupils to read the passage after T/ recording.Read the passage aloud for times in various ways.10.Further learning about the sentences.四、Homework 1.熟读课文,并尝试背诵。2.背诵并默写单词。板书设计:

Unit 2 His hobby is drawing

He/She likes …

Does he/she …? Yes, he/she does.No, he/she doesn’t.What/when does he/she …?


Unit 2 His hobby is drawing.第三课时


Sound family &复习重点句型

二、教学目标 learning of the passage.The key patterns of the present continuous tense.Talk about one’s hobby

Enjoy your hobby and share it with your classmates.Some exercises.三、教学重点: 1.2.The key patterns of the present continuous tense.Talk about one’s hobby

四、教学难点: 1.2.五、课前准备:自制课件,金太阳软件,相关的图片 The key patterns of the present continuous tense.Talk about one’s hobby


1.Revise the expressions referring to hobbies with pupils.2.Have pupils look at Task 1 on P 10.If you use the E-resource, show the task on the screen.3.3.Ask Pupils to look at the pictures in the heading in the table.Invite pupils to guess the hobby associated with each picture.From left to right:(drawing, drawing, dancing, keeping pets, playing badminton, cooking)4.Invite pupils to say the names of the people in the left-hand column.5.Explain the listening task.Pupils are to listen to a passage that explains the hobbies of the five people.6.Play the recording all the way through for pupils to tick the right answers.7.Play the recording again, pausing the recording if necessary for pupils to change or write in their answers.Then check the answers with the recording.七、Homework 1.背诵课文对话。2.做活动手册。


Unit 2 His hobby is drawing He/She likes… Does he/she …?

Yes, he/she does.No, he/she doesn’t.What/When does he/she …?


Unit 2 His hobby is drawing.第四课时

一、教学内容: 笔头练习、口头训练


1.Further learning of the passage. key patterns of the present continuous tense.Talk about one’s hobby

Enjoy your hobby and share it with your classmates.Some exercises.三、教学重点:New words and the new dialogue consolidation

四、教学难点: 1.2.3.Does he/she …? Yes, he/she does.No, he/she doesn’t.What/when does he/she … Be able to talk about one’s hobby.五、课前准备:习题

六、教学过程: 1.Listen and number the pictures.2.Rewrite the words after the model and read them aloud. of the dialogue.Read and write T or F in the blanks.Read the sentences aloud.Complete the sentences according to the pictures.Read and match the sentences.四、Homework。练习册 板书设计:

Unit 2 His hobby is drawing习题答案


Unit 3 I can swim fast.第一课时


Teaching materials:Let’s talk I can read fast/ jump high/ jump far/ run fast /.sing well/dance well Xiaoling can swim very fast...二、教学目标

Knowledge Objectives:

1)Grasp the four-skill words: jump,run, read,swim,sing,dance 2)Be able to read and understand the dialogue.3)Learn the sentence pattern, “I can ….” 2.Competence Objectives: 1)Be able to talk about the things “I can...”

2)Get to know the strategies of reading comprehension..3.Emotion Objectives:

1)Have consciousness of good cooperation and proper competition.2)Be confident of learning and doing things.Learn to praise others.三、教学重点:Be able to act out the dialogue.四、教学难点:Be able to talk about the abilities of oneself and others.五、课前准备:自制课件,金太阳软件,相关的图片


一、Warming up 1.Greet & sing: 2.Sing the song I can say my ABC 3.Introduce the assessment way.二、Presentation and Practice 1.Teach “can” by singing.2.Teach the verbs: jump, run, sing and dance by TPR.3.Get Ss to spell and try to remember the new words.4.Introduce the new friends in DVD and teach adv.“high, fast, far,well”.Game: Left Team PK Right Team.1..Get Ss to read the dialogue for a first time, with the question: 1)Who can swim fast? 2.Check the answer

3.Play DVD, and get Ss to repeat.And guide them to read aloud with confident or admiring feeling.4.Get the Ss to repeat the dialogue.5.Guide Ss to act out the dialogue.七, Homework : 1)Copy the dialogue and words.Recite the dialogue.2)Make a survey , ask ing your parents about the P.E.skills.板书设计:

Unit 3 I can swim very fast jump,run, read,swim, sing, dance I can… 教学反思:


Unit 3 I can swim fast.第二课时


复习单词课文&Fun with language


1.Language knowledge语言知识:

Vocabulary词汇:talk,speak,thing,count Sentences句型:Can you...? Of course I can.What can you do? I can...I'm good at...2.Language skill语言技能:

Listen to English and understand and then do as the instruction.Have fun in learning and using English.3.Affect 情感态度:

To try to motivate the different types of learners to be more interested in learning English.The visual, the audio and the kineasthetic types.To try to be closer to the children.To use the teaching method of grouping and organizing.4.Learning Strategies学习策略:


三、教学重点:The new words: talk,speak,thing,count


Go over the stationary and the preposition of places.Listen to English and understand and then do as the instruction.五、课前准备:自制课件,金太阳软件,相关的图片


1.Free talk: Can you....? 2.What can you do? Braintorm, thus encourage the children to listen and do,then sum up the activities.3.Show the picture and teach “count”, “speak”.Then T says, “I am good at many things”.teach “thing” 4.Talk in groups“I'm good at...” 5.Do the exercises on bookP22.1Listen and tick or cross.6.Show a talking robot.teach “talk” Introduce its name“Robbie” 7.Focus on the new words.8.Do the exercises on bookP22.2 Read and choose 9.Check the answer 10.Do the project Think of the things you need to do at a party and write them in a table

七、Homework 1.背诵课文。2.做活动手册 板书设计:

Unit 3 I can swim very fast.I can… He can..She can..教学反思:通过猜人物的技能,分组角色对话,课文朗诵等环节很好地实现了掌握句型这一目标。

Unit 4 Can you do my homework.第一课时

一、教学内容: new words & let’s talk


Language knowledge语言知识:

Vocabulary词汇:talk,speak,thing,count Sentences句型:Can you...? Of course I can.What can you do? I can...I'm good at...Listen to English and understand and then do as the instruction.Have fun in learning and using English.To try to motivate the different types of learners to be more interested in learning English.The visual, the audio and the kineasthetic types.To try to be closer to the children.To use the teaching method of grouping and organizing.将语言知识尽可能运用于真实自然的情景当中。通过小组合作完成学习任务。

三、教学重点:The new words: talk,speak,thing,count


Go over the stationary and the preposition of places.Listen to English and understand and then do as the instruction.五、课前准备:自制课件,金太阳软件,相关的图片


一、Warming up Free talk: Can you....?

二、Presentation and Practice 8.What can you do? Braintorm, thus encourage the children to listen and do,then sum up the activities.9.Show the picture and teach “count”, “speak”.Then T says, “I am good at many things”.teach “thing” 10.Talk in groups“I'm good at...” 11.Do the exercises on bookP22.1Listen and tick or cross.12.Show a talking robot.teach “talk” Introduce its name“Robbie” 13.Focus on the new words.三、Development 1.2.3.Do the exercises on bookP22.2 Read and choose Check the answer Do the project(1)Think of the things you need to do at a party and write them in a table

七、Homework 1.背诵课文。2.做活动手册 板书设计:

Unit 4 Can you do my homework talk speak thing count

教学反思:有气势的口号振奋人心,给人以精神上的鼓舞。I can..增强自信,与本节课的句型不谋而合。

Unit 4 Can you do my homework.第二课时


复习单词课文&Fun with language

二、教学目标 new passage and the key patterns.Be able to talk about one’s abilities.Go over activities.Ing form of the verbs The Phrasal verbs.Present continuous Tense.三、教学重点:

1.The new passage and the key patterns.2.Be able to talk about one’s abilities.3.Go over activities.四、教学难点:





1.Read and go over the words with the help of the picture we used last lesson.2.Guessing game呈现问句操练:What can you do? 3.Listen and watch 4.Introduce the robot's names.(Robbie)5.Have the pupils look at some pictures on P20---P21, also show it on the screen.6.A question“Can the robot do Jiamin's homework?” and let the pupils read the passage and find the answer by scanning.7.Watch the video with pupils by asking the following questions: What day is it today? Who gives Jiamin a present? Who is Robbie? What can Robbie do? Who will do Jiamin's homework? 8.Have the pupils read the passage silently all the way through.9.Listen to the recording of the passage, pause at some places so that highlight the language items necessarily.10.Ask Pupils to read the passage after Tape recording.11.Read the passage aloud for times in various ways.12.Further learning about the sentences.七、Homework 1.背诵课文。2.做活动手册


Unit 4 Can you do my homework Can you …? Of course I can./ Of course I can, but I won't.What can you do? I can...I'm good at...教学反思:作业及关注基础知识,又培养了学生用英语做事情的能力。

Unit 4 Can you do my homework.第三课时

一、教学内容: 笔头练习、口头训练

二、教学目标 1.2.3.The new passage and the key patterns.Be able to talk about one’s abilities.Go over activities.三、教学重点:

New words and the new dialogue consolidation


1.Can you …? Of course I can./ Of course I can, but I won't.2.What can you do? I can...3.I'm good at...五、课前准备:自制课件,金太阳软件,相关的图片

六、教学过程: 1.2.Listen and number the pictures.Rewrite the words after the model and read them aloud.3.4.Read and match the sentences.Complete the sentences according to the pictures.5.Read the sentences aloud.6.Read and write T or F in the blanks.7.Dictation of the dialogue.七、Homework 做练习册



Unit5 Where is Ben?


一、教学内容: new words & let’s talk


1.Language knowledge语言知识:

(1)Vocabulary词汇:maybe find look for ice cream(四会)(2)Sentences句型:




① Does Ben often...in / at...? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn't.② 动词词组、方位介词与频度副词搭配造句:如: ● Ben never plays music in the music room.● Ben often doesn’t his homework in the classroom.等

2.Language skill语言技能:

 能就他人的日常生活习惯进行问答。

 能听懂或读懂与课文难度相当的有关能力和特长的文段。 能口笔头描述自己和他人的日常生活和习惯。3.Affect 情感态度:


(2)了解他人日常生活,培养良好的生活习惯。4.Learning Strategies学习策略:(1)学会用基本的语音知识学习单词。






四、教学难点: 将所学的句子融入实际情景中。

五、课前准备: 教学课件、CAI、光盘


一、Warming up

1、Let’s sing a song: Always, often, sometimes and never

2、让学生说说一些日常作息的词汇,如play music takes exercise…

3、Free talk : A.What’s your hobby? B.What do you usually do on …?

二、Presentation and Practice 1)创设情境,呈现一些日常生活作息的图片P27页,学习短语及单词。

2)利用图片,师生进行对话:1)A:What does … usually do …? He / She usually play music.2)Where is he/ she? He/ she is in the….3)Does he/ she often…? Yes, he / does.No, he/ she doesn’t.根据师生的对话,掌握动词词组、方位介词与频度副词搭配造句。

3)Work in groups.小组之间操练句型。4)Play a missing game.5)引导学生利用频度副度或日常作息词组造句。6)Let’s talk。师生对话,生生对话。7)Learn the dialogue 1)读一读,学生跟读课文。2)说一说,根据课文内容填空。


三、Development 引导学生利用频度副词及日常作息的词组来描述他人日常生活。





板书设计:Unit 5 Where is Ben? maybe find A: What does… usually do…?

look for B: She/ He usually … in / on….ice cream C: Does he/ she often…?

D:Yes, he/ she does.No, he/ she doesn’t.教学反思:通过身体语言、多媒体、游戏等多种教学手段结合,提高学生的学习兴趣。以旧引新,创设情景开展有效教学,让学生在真实的情境中愉快学习,培养学生小组合作的精神与能力。

Unit 5 Where is Ben?



复习单词课文&Fun with language


1.能在听、说、读、写的活动中理解和运用本课的单词和词组; 2.能在听、说、读、写的活动中理解和运用下列用语: ① Does Ben often...in / at...? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn't.② What does… usually do…?

She/ He usually … in / on….三、教学重点








2、全班同学提问,抽同学回答:Does Ben often...in / at...? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn't.复习课文内容。(二).Presentation Fun whit language

1、Listen and number,完成书本P28页练习。


2、Look and write,完成书本P28-29页练习。


3、Play a game.结合课本P29页。

4、Ask and write 1)、Work in groups,调查组员的爸爸或妈妈的日常作息。2)、教师示范对话,填写表格。3)、同桌练习对话并填写表格。(三).Summing-up 归纳本课的语言知识.(四).Development








Unit 5 Where is Ben? Does Ben often...in / at...? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn't.教学反思:语音语调的模仿很有必要,尤其是有感情地朗读可以帮助学生更好地理解文本。

Unit 5 Where is Ben?



Sound family &复习U5的重点句型。


本课的教学目标按知识目标、能力目标和情感目标进行分析,详细情况如下: 1. 知识目标:


②能口笔头描述自己和他人的日常生活和习惯。③知道字母组合sp st sk str,两个清辅音组合的发音。2. 能力目标:

① 能就他人的日常生活习惯进行问答。② 能口笔头描述自己和他人的日常生活和习惯。情感目标:

① 通过本节课,让学生了解他人的日常生活和习惯。②能从小培养良好的作息习惯。


1.重点:能口笔头描述自己和他人的日常生活和习惯。2.难点:知道字母组合sp st sk str,两个清辅音组合的发音。


①相关活动的图片 ②相关的录相带 ③多媒体课件

五、教学过程: 一.复习准备: 1)sing song: 2)朗读U5课文。


1)老师讲解字母组合sp st sk str,两个清辅音组合的发音;引导学生朗读Read aloud中的句子。2)复习(Review)①听音写词。

1.__ ace 2.__ __y 3.__ __ ate 4.__ __ ong 5.__ __ udy 3)听力练习。

3. 新课呈现(Presentation)三.巩固拓展:


…name is… in on usually often




4.完成《活动手册》P21-21页第6、7题。六.板书设计: sp st sk str


Unit6 At the weekend



new words & let’s talk



1.学生能“四会”掌握以下词汇:weekend,busy,wake up,early,Mrs,market,son,palace,out,have fun,cinema,seldom,stay。










一、Warming up 1.Chant: A Week.2.头脑风暴:T:What do you do at the weekend?

二、Presentation and Practice 1.通过图片介绍Mr Chen一家的活动。观察图片,说出看到的信息,并学习新单词。


2.阅读课文并回答问题。学生读课文,回答P33 问题。




六、Development 课文重点短语和句型的运用练习。





Unit 7 Do you want coffee or tea?



new words & let’s talk


1、Language knowledge语言知识: Vocabulary词汇:coffee, tea, drink, uh, cup, milk ,something , cold , hot , coke ,sure , bottle , a bottle of , juice , glass , can Sentences 句型:What do you want to drink for lunch? I will have…/ I want...Can I have…….?

2、Language skill语言技能:

1)能听、说、读新单词;coffee, tea, drink, uh, cup, milk ,something , cold , hot , coke ,sure , bottle , a bottle of , juice , glass , can 2)能熟读课文对话。

3、Affect 情感态度:询问别人或表达自己想要的饮食

4、Learning Strategies学习策略:







一、Warming up Activity 1: Rhyme 展示课本P6的小诗,由此引出本单元相关的话题hobby。Activity 2: Look and say 观看课本P38--39的图片,老师让学生回忆图中5个人物的名字。

二、Presentation and Practice Activity 3: 学习单词foods and drink 让学生注意图片中的物体,引导学生理解这三个孩子正在询问别人或表达自己想要的饮食 Activity 4: Listen to the dialogue 学生在询问别人或表达自己想要的饮食。Activity 5: Watch the video 观看课文视频,进一步了解课文内容。Activity 6: Follow and read 跟光盘或老师读。读完一行,停顿下来,让学生仿读,老师可适当



Part A Let’s learn

教学目标与要求: 能够听、说、读、四会单词 tomato, tofu, green beans, fish, potato, eggplant并认读 cabbage, mutton, pork三个单词及句型What would you like for lunch? I‟d like




教学重点:听、说、读、写单词:tomato,tofu,green beans,fish,potato,eggplant。在情景中使用对话中的句子,并能恰当的替换句中的单词。

教学难点:区分tomato和potato,pork 和mutton,认读eggplant,cabbage



一、Warm up 1.Let‟s sing

2.Let‟s chant

二、Review 展示课件:The cook says:” Boys and girls, welcome to the school canteen.Here are some foods of KFC ,You can order them ,but you can guess the words about the foods.教师请学生用What would you like for lunch? 引导学生用I‟d like some…点菜。猜学过的有关食物的单词(Say some words about the foods of KFC)。教师可用肢体语言提示食物单词。

三、Presentation 课件展示:I think the foods of KFC are not healthy for us , Today I will show you some healthy foods ,Here are some healthy foods.If you want to taste them,you must finish the two tasks.Task 1: You must learn the words about the foods.Task 2: You must write the words about the foods.教师说:Can you finish the two tasks?Let‟s start.1引出fish和tofu: I‟d like this one ,(指着鱼)What would you like for lunch?Would you like „tofu‟? 拼读鱼和教拼读豆腐板书 操练形式:Clap your hands in pairs and spell two words.2引出potato: I can play magic tricks.Look carefully, please ,教师转2个圈,带上暑片头 饰, 说:I am French fries now.Where am I from ? 引出单词potato。3由猜谜引出tomato:

师说:Let‟s have a riddle.Listen.I am yummy to eat.I am red and round , I grow on the ground.My name begins with the letter as „tom”.What am I ? 引导比较potato和tomato两个词的共同点并找出规律按pot.tom.ato去拼读和板书.教读句型What would you like for lunch ?I „d like some tomatoes and potatoes注意在2个单词后面加es,重点教读tomatoes,potatoes

4由另一个谜语引出green beans:Another riddle.Listen!I am green and long.I have some seeds in the stomach.What am I ?重点拼读beans。操练形式:green.Green g-r-e-e-n.beans.beans.b_ e-a-n-s b_ e-a-n-s Clap your hands in pairs and spell beans 5Game :Guessing game出示以上食物剖面图,让学生读并拼出单词,.6引出cabbage:又以上环节引出cabbage,用Hike and seek 操练。

7引出eggplant:展示课件:基因变异题egg和plant结婚了并且有了个儿子,What „s their son‟s name?板书.分egg和plant拼读.Egg.Egg.e_ g_ g.e g_ g.8展示课件,引出pork::Do you like pigs ?.I am the meat of pigs.I can make you strong.I am called “pork”.Do you like me?(展示猪肉单词)教读并分组操练。

9类似上法教授mutton。Do you like goats ?.I am the meat of goats.I can make you healthy.I am called “mutton”.Do you like me? 10Listen and read after the tape.11展示课件Fill in the blanks.12展示课件:The cook says : Congratulations!You‟ve finished the two tasks.Look, this is the menu ,You can use “What would you like for lunch ?I „d like..” to order them ,.教师示范:I am a cooker ,I „d like some tomatoes and mutton,并把笑脸贴在相应的单词上方,然后用What would you like for lunch ?问2个学生,学生回答并把笑脸贴在单词上方。13.Four in a small group practice as it.四,Homework 1, 用What would you like for lunch ?I „d like..”调查家庭成员的喜欢的菜谱,2听,拼读第28四会单词5次和读该页3次 3,听预习第29页3次 板书设计:




-------------------------What would you like for lunch ? I’d like some …]

Part A Let’s learn








话题——功能——结构——任务 教材特点

1.强调语言运用。本教材体现交际教学思想,注重学生语言应用能力的培养。在起始阶段采用“全身动作反应法”,让学生在做中学,在唱中学,在玩中学。2.注重能力培养。整套教材贯穿“学会学习”的主题,培养学生自主学习和独立运用所学语言去做事情的能力。如Let’s find out /Let’s check /Pair work /Task time。在活动手册中还特别设计了学习评价的栏目。引导学生在学习中反思,在反思中学习。


4.重视双向交流和中西文化的介绍。本册介绍中西方称呼姓与 序的不同,西方国家涉及星期的主要节日等 5.融合学科内容。(对其他学科的兼容并蓄)

6.重视灵活扩展。充分考虑学校老师学生个体的差异。C部分可选择学习。7. 实现整体设计。内容与目标

1. 能听说读写92个单词或短语以及13组句子和9个单句。要求能在真实语境中正确运用并能读懂简短语篇。2. 能听说认读16个单词。3. 能学会6个手工制作。4. 能听懂会唱8首歌曲。

5. 能听懂会吟唱12首歌谣。6. 能完成6个自我评价活动。7. 能理解6个幽默小故事。

8. 能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。教学方法建议

一.词汇教学(Let’s learn)

Let’s learn部分的词汇是围绕话题归类出现的。与前四册不同的是,从五年级上册开始,Let’s learn中的部分或全部词汇要求学生做到听说读写四掌握。教法注意点


2、利用Let’s start 部分引入新词。Let’s start既可以复习三四年级的已学过的单词和句型,还可以在与学生的交流中自然引入新单词,让学生在理解词义的基础上朗读、拼读新词。




二.对话教学(Let’s talk Pair work Group work)


1、在听力活动中感知新的语言(Let’s try)。在原来Let’s talk一页设计了新板块Let’s try,这个听力练习用来帮助学生进一步熟悉Let’s learn部分的学过的新词,并在进入Let’s talk新句型的学习之前先从听觉上感知新语言,2 方便了教师针对目标语言从听说读写四方面循序渐进达到教学目标。如学生听不懂,可反复播放录音,学生通过听音 看图 理解关键词判断出正确答案。


1)抓住主句型,替换关键词操练主句型。如在第四单元A部分的主句型为:Can you……..?Yes, I can.No , I can’t.教师可引导学生替换动词单词,突出重点地操练语言。依然需要为学生创设真实的语言环境,让学生在自然的交流中逐步掌握主句型,为Read and write打好基础。2)教师应面向全体,尤其是接受能力差的学生。


三、阅读理解教学(Read and write)


1、不应象Let’s talk中那样教,应降低要求,并不作要求全部会认读;









这一册Part C中Pronunciation很重要,不能省略。教师在教学过程中不要直接告诉学生这些字母组合的发音,而是要启发他们通过仔细听录音和观察单词的结构来发现读音规则。在学生掌握后,鼓励他们尝试认读一些未曾学过但符合发音规律的新词,从而增加学生学习语音的成就感,培养他们自主学习的能力。

Unit 1 My New Teacher 单元教学目标:

1、能力目标:(1)能够简单描述自己教师的体貌特征及性格特点,如:We have a new English teacher.He’s tall and strong.He’s very funny.(2)能够询问并介绍学校里教师的情况,如:Who’s your English teacher? Mr Carter.He’s from Canada.What’s he like? He’s tall and strong.(3)能够听懂一些描述人物特征的简单对话,完成学生用书中的Let’s try 部分。(4)能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My New Teacher”.能够灵活替换歌词中的


2、知识目标(1)理解A、B部分Read and write 中的会话,并根据提示填充句子或


4(2)听、说、读、写A、B部分Let’s learn 和Read and write 中的四


(3)理解Let’s start、Let’s find out、Let’s sing、Let’s chant 和Pair work 等部分的内容。(4)出例词。(5)了解Task time、Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。了解Pronunciation部分的字母组合在单词中的发音,并能熟练读



利用学生用书中设计的Pair work、Group work、Talk and draw 以及Task time部分,培养学生合作学习的意识。(3)文化目标:了解中西方国家在称呼人名上的不同习惯。


第一课时A Let’s start Let’s learn Let’s chant Let’s find out 第二课时A let’s try Let’s talk Let’s chant C Good to know 第三课时A Read and write Pair work C Story time 第四课时B Let’s learn Let’s chant Let’s sing 第五课时B let’s try Let’s talk Group work C Task time 5 第六课时B Read and write Talk and draw Pronunciation Let’s check 第一课时 教学目标与要求

1、能听说认读,并理解本课的五个新单词:young old kind funny strong

2、能掌握句型Who’s your …….?What’s he /she like ?并能在具体的语境中运用。

3、培养学生热爱、尊敬老师的情感。教学建议 一 Warm-up 1.Show a picture of some classrooms.(Music room Art room Computer room Lab)2.点击CAI,各个教室出现不同的老师.T: Who’s he /she ? S: He ’s/She’s my music/art / computer/ science teacher.3.教师自编一个chant :

Tall tall tall, computer teacher is tall..Short short short ,science teacher is short.Thin thin thin ,art teacher is thin

Strong strong strong, music teacher is strong.Funny funny funny,they’re so funny.二、Presentation 6 1.设计一位转学来学校的新朋友Zip(让他做个有趣的动作)T: This is Zip.He is ……..S: Funny.T: Yes, he is funny.Do you like him ? This term he will be our new classmate.2.点击Zip, 让Zip介绍自己的学校和老师。(出示主情景图)1)Zip: Look!This is my math teacher.He’s tall and thin.T: Who’s your Chinese teacher ? Zip 假装没听到,教师适时让全班学生一起问:

Who’s your Chinese teacher ? Zip: Miss Zhang.T: What’s he like ?(教师用体态语帮助学生理解)Zip:He’s short and strong.T: Yes , he’s tall and strong.Practise: “short tall thin strong ”出示一些卡通图人物。

2)Ss(教师启发学生问)Who’s your music teacher and who’s your art teacher ? Zip: Guess.(Ss guess.)Ss: What’s she /he like ? Zip: She’s young and he’s old.Practise “ young old “

Ss: Who’s your computer teacher? Zip: Mr Li.7 T(出示一个和蔼可亲的的笑脸):What’s he like ? Ss: He’s……(让学生随意描述之后教师导出kind)T: Let’s see.In our school who is kind ?Am I kind ? Practise: My….teacher is kind.……is kind.三、Practise : 活动设计1: Make a new chant.My grandpa is old.My mother is young.My father is tall.My little brother’s short.My uncle is strong.My aunt is thin.They’re all very kind.And I’m kind ,too.活动设计2 :Read and match.活动设计3:Describe the pictures.(Ask and answer Who’s this? He’s /She’s…… What’s he/ she like ? He’s/She’s ……..活动设计4 :Discuss the picture(学生自由操练,自带家人、朋友老师的照片,在真实的情景中综合运用所学语言。)活动设计5:Guessing game(活动形式Ss-s s-s)--Who’s your good friend ?--Guess.--Boy or girl?--Boy.--What’s he like ? 8--He’s tall and cool.He has two big eyes.He’s eleven.--Is he ……?--Yes ,you’re right./ No.四、Funny time Listen to the song: My new teacher 五.Assessment 1 Activity books.2 Check up the answers.第二课时 教学目标与要求


Do you have new teachers.? Yes, we have a new English/math/ art/science teacher.Who’s your English/math/art/science teacher ? Mr/Miss…… What’s he/she like ? He’s/ She’s ……



教学建议 一Warm up

1、Let’s chant.9


二Presentation and practise 活动设计1 让学生当“小导游”,介绍各个学科的教师风采。板书: Who’s your ……teacher ? Mr/Miss……

What’s he /she like ? He’s/She’s …教师提问,学生回答。活动设计2(事先请学生准备好)请几个学生上台表演各种神态和动作,并挂上准备好表示人物职业的胸卡给学生看。

T: Look!There are many new teachers.They want to meet us.Do you have new teachers.? Ss: Yes, we have a new English/math/ art/science teacher.T: Who’s your English/math/art/science teacher ?(可让学生提问)Ss: Mr/Miss……

T: What’s he/she like ? Ss: He’s/ She’s ……

活动设计3 让学生三人一组,自编对话,也可扩充谈论computer / P.E./music teacher 越多越好。

活动设计4 听录音Let’s talk 部分,让学生对话表演。

活动设计5 CAI 课件Let’s chant(page 2)先请学生根据看到的内容来描述,10 再播放录音,学生根据节奏跟读。

三、Good to know 让学生了解英语国家姓名的表述方式。

四、Homework 1口头作业: 学会描述自己的老师或家庭成员。

第三课时 教学目标与要求


2、听说读写Read and write 中加粗的单词和句子。课前准备


一、Warm-up 1.Let’s chant(Page 2)2.反馈第二堂课的口头作业。

3.用学生课前设计的图片,请学生进行自由对话。二.Presentation and practise 1.T: Zhang Peng has three new teachers.Who are they ? 然后让学生带着问题去看课件,然后提问Who are they? 11

Ss: A science teacher ,an art teacher and an English teacher.教师再问: Who’s Zhang Peng’s English teacher ? What’s he like? 2.让学生带着问题阅读对话,可以同桌或小组合作形式。

3.通过提问以考察学生理解程度,并引导学生完成填充句子的练习。4.让学生完成活动手册书写四会句子。三.Story time 1.Watch the story(CAI)2.Learn to say 四.Consolidation and extension 第四课时 教学目标及要求

1、能听懂、会说并认读本课时单词及词组principal university student strict smart active

2、能听懂、会说句型Who’s ……? Is she/he ……?

3、能听懂Let’s chant 的歌谣,并按照节奏来念。课前准备

1、发给学生写有young funny kind old short thin strong 形容词以及English teacher, art teacher, science teacher 等职业名词的卡片。教学建议

一、Warm up

1、听唱My new teacher.12


二、Presentation 1.用图画展示本校校务会议,认识出席的各科教师。

T: Who’s that man /woman ?What’s he /she like ? 引出(严肃)的principal 带读,展示(微笑的)principal 和带博士帽的university student的合影,让学生猜Who’s he ? 引出新单词university student 带读。

Practise : …….is our principal.My father/mother is a university student.2.最后比较两幅图画上的principal的表情。从kind引出新单词strict带读 Practise :My father is strict.My mother is kind.Learn the words “smart active” in the same way.三、Practise 活动设计1 Bingo(class wok)活动设计2 让学生看老师表情来猜。活动设计3 利用单词字母的拼写进行巩固。听Let’s learn 录音、模仿 听学Let’s chant.四、Home work 同学之间描述自己尊重的一位老师或朋友。第五课时 教学目标与要求


2、能进一步激发学生学习英语的积极性,提高学生的会话能力与合作能力。教学建议 一 Warm up

1、听唱My new teacher

2、Let’s chant(Part B)A: 老师问,全班答 B:一生问,全班答 C: 全班一起说唱 二Presentation

1、Guessing game.教师拿着一张照片,让学生来猜。Students guess.T: Is he kind / tall / young…?(板书)Ss: Yes./No.三 Practise

1、Let’s talk 教学 A 看图片,听录音 B 根据对话,师生问答 Who’s that young lady ? Is she pretty / strict/ kind ? 14 C 听音,跟读对话 D 四人小组试读对话。E 小组竞赛 分角色朗读

F 个人挑战对话练习,学生出示图片。邀请同学对话。

2、Group work(课前请每四人小组准备教师称呼卡片)1)Guessing game T : She’s/He’s our teacher.Ss: Is she/he ……? T: Yes/No.T shows the card..2)四人小组自由组合。任意抽取卡片,进行对话练习。3)大组挑战对话练习。(每组各派一人)

四、Consolidation 1.Let’s try 1)Listen and circle 2)Check up 2.Task time 1)Design a card for their favourite teachers.2)Describe their cards.15

一、Assessment 1 Listen and number.2 Check up the answers.第六课时 教学目标与要求

1.巩固四会单词: strict funny pretty 和四会句子Is he strict? Yes, but he is very kind.并能在实际情景中运用。

2.掌握ea ee bl br 字母组合的发音,并准确地读出这些单词。教学建议 一Warm up 1.Let’s sing 2.表演Let’s talk(page 8)二Presentation 1.Show a teacher.T : Who’s she ? Oh, she’s Jim’s math teacher.让学生看图片T: What’s she like ? Ss: She’s ……

2.让学生听录音,板书问题 Is she quiet ? Is she strict ? 然后让学生带着问题同桌之间或小组合作形式阅读对话。


三、Pronunciation 1.教师出示每组单词卡,让学生读并注意动脑筋,看单词间有什么特点(包括 16 字母组合的特点和读音的特点)2.教师检查学生学习情况。

3.准备一些新单词(具有以上特点),让学生准确读出,并能归类。4.读出后面的绕口令。五Assessment Do some homework.17 Unit 2 My Days of the Week 单元教学目标:


(1)能够简单描述一周的学习和生活情况,如:We have English,science, computer and Wednesdays.I often do my homework on Saturdays.(2)能够简单介绍学校的课程信个人的周末安排。

(3)能够听懂简单的听力问答,完成Let’s try 部分的练习。(4)能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My Days of the week”。

2、知识目标(1)解A、B部分Read and write 中的会话,并根据对话内容填充句子。

(2)听、说、读、写A、B部分Let’s learn 和Read and write 中的四会单词和句子。

(3)理解Let’s start、Let’s find out、Let’s sing、Let’s chant 和 Let’s play 等部 分的内容。(4)例词。(5)了解Pronunciation中的字母组合在单词中的发音。能熟练读出所有了解Task time、Story time、Good to know 等部分的内容。



既要抓紧校内时间学习,又要学会合理利用周末,做到有张有弛,劳逸结合。(2)学习策略:引导学生在学习过程中注重合作式学习,培养学生合作学 18习的意识。



第一课时:Let’s start Main scene A Let’s learn Let’s play C Let’s sing 第二课时:A Let’s try Let’s talk Group work C Good to know 第三课时:A Read and write Pair work C Pronunciation 第四课时:Let’s chant B Let’s learn Let’s chant C Story time 第五课时:B Let’s try Let’s talk Pair work C Let’s check 第六课时:B Read and write Group work C Task time Unit 2 My days of the week 第(1)课时

教学内容:A Let’s learn Let’s start Let’s sing Let’s play 教学目标:

1、能听懂问句:What day is it today ? What do we have on Mondays ?并能做出正确回答。

2、能够听、说、读、写单词:Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday,并能根据实际情况替换句型熟悉运用。

3、能够运用新的语言进行Let’s play 中的星期转盘游戏。能够听懂、会唱歌曲My days of the week.教学重点难点:重点:Let’s learn中的四会单词。

难点:要求学生开动脑筋巧记单词,结合句型替换关键词。教学准备:教学挂图、单词卡、录音机、磁带 教学过程:






(1)教师结合部分的问句:Let’s start ,引导学生复习有关课程的词汇,再让学生看主情景图感知本单元的主要语言。

(2)开火车练习句子:What class do you like ?--I like ……(3)听录音Let’s chant,引导学生自学该部分的内容。重点指点单词favourite.(4)游戏:warm and cold(复习单词周一到周五)

(5)在黑板上圈出今天的日子,自问自答:What day is it today ? It's …(6)开火车练习问句。

(7)出示上课班级的一周日课表。指着当天的课程,自问自答:What do we have on …? Let me see.we have ……

(8)Let’s chant What day is it today ? It’s ….What do we have on ….s? we have …

(9)教学书本日课表中的新单词Moral Education , Social Studies.20 可以利用chant进行教学:Moral , Moral , Education.Social , Social , Studies.(10)再次听录音(包括14页,16页和歌曲)


以四人小组为单位复习本堂课学过的内容 Unit 2 My days of the week 第二课时

教学内容:A Let’s learn Let’s talk Good to know Group work 教学目标:能听懂、会说:What day is it today ? It’s…What do you have on …?We have…I like…并能在情景中熟练运用。

了解西方国家一些没有固定日期的节日,如母亲节、父亲节、感恩节等。这些节日都是在某个月的星期几,日期不固定,每年会有变化。教学重、难点:重点:几个重点句型的掌握并能自如的运用。难点:Let’s try 的部分易混淆。

教学准备:教学挂图、单词卡、录音机、磁带 教学过程:


(1)教师放歌曲My Days of the Week,学生复习巩固有关星期的新单词。(2)日常口语练习。


放Let’s try 部分的录音,让学生对新句型在听觉上有所感知,完成听音选图的练习。


Let’s try and Let’s talk(1)教师结合Let’s try 部分引出重点句型。学生听录音,完成听音选图练习,教师给出正确答案,反复播放强化对新句型的听觉感知。在此基础上教师出示本课时对话部分的挂图。利用录音带,让学生来看一看、听一听Amy 要上什么课程。要求学生边听边完成听说任务。

(2)教师利用转盘教具做游戏,操练第一组句型:What day is it today? It’s…? 然后引导学生依据实际的课程表替换新句型中的关键词,操练第二组句型:What do you have on…? We have…

让学生根据自己的喜好设计一张课程表,在小组内或同桌间交流。Unit 2 My days of the week 第三课时

教学内容:Read and write Pronunciation Park work 教学目标:能读懂Read and write 部分的对话,并在实际情景中运用。能够听、说、读、写对话中两组四会句子,并完成填充句子的练习。

了解Pronunciation 中的字母组合 ow , ou 的发音规则,以及的发音区别,能在教师正确示范的基础上正确朗读含有这四个字母组合的单词。教学重、难点:重点:对两组四会句型认读和书写。难点:Pronunciation 中字母组合owou的发音要到位。教学准备:教学挂图、单词卡、录音机、磁带 教学过程:


(1)齐唱本单元C部分的歌曲My Days of the week,复习巩固有关星期的单词。



结合单词卡片复习所学的四会单词,可让学生进行快看快拼的比赛。3、新课呈现 Read and write(1)教师呈现本课时的挂图,向学生提出问题说:It’s time to go to bed.Mike puts away his textbooks.But he puts wrong books in his schoolbag.Why ? 让学生带着问题快速读对话,然后请学生尝试解答这一问题,能用汉语表达出来原因即可。


(3)教师范写四会掌握句子,学生在练习本上仿写句子。Pair work 要求学生先完成课程表的内容填空,然后交换表格中空缺的信息。教师要引导学生使用本部分语言进行交流。Pronunciation(1)本课时学习的是字母组合,教师出示一些含有字母组合及不含的单词卡片,要求学生按读音将其分类,引导学生把含有字母组合并发音为的单词归为异类,同样教授字母组合。


Unit 2 My days of the week 第四课时

教学内容:Let’s chant B Let’s learn Let’s chant Strong time 23 教学目标:能听懂、会说两首歌谣。

能够听、说、读、写Saturday , Sunday 两个单词和do homework , watch TV , read books 三个短语,并能结合所给句型在实际情景中运用。能够理解Zoom 和Zip 在新学期购买新学习用品的故事 教学重、难点:重点:几个四会单词的记忆。难点:句型的关键词的替换与运用。教学准备:教学挂图、单词卡、录音机、磁带 教学过程: 1、热身

(1)听音歌唱:教师编录一些有关星期词汇的歌谣,复习A部分单词,如:Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday , Sunday , Sunday;What a fun day!A fun day!让学生熟悉本课时要歌谣的单词和音乐节奏,轻轻松松进入英语学习课堂。(2)日常口语练习。2、预习Let’s chant 听录音学唱本单元下面的歌谣。要求学生尽可能记住歌谣中唱到的不同课程,用句型We have … on …来复述。3、新课呈现 Let’s learn 教师在日常口语练习后问学生:What do you have on Saturdays ? 学生回答:No.教师说:Then , what do you do on Saturday ? Show me!让学生用动作来演示。教师出示单词卡片,问学生:Look at the boy!What does he do on Saturday ? 教师模仿图片上的动作,分别引出短语watch TV , do homework , read books。然后问学生What about Sundays ? 引导学生表述自己的周末活动。

24(1)看挂图。听录音跟读单词和短语,注意在替换句型中操练新词。(2)教师范写新单词和短语。B Let’s chant(1)教师播放B部分的歌谣,提问学生歌谣中的周末活动有哪些。(2)听录音跟读歌谣,注意理解和体会。Story time Unit 2 My days of the week 第五课时

教学内容:B Let’s try Let’s tall Pair work C Let’s check 教学目标:能听懂、会说:并能在情景中运用。能够完成部分,对本单元的学习进行阶段性评价。教学重、难点:重点:重点句型的掌握。难点:句型结合生活实际、Let’s try部分。教学准备:教学挂图、单词卡、录音机、磁带 教学过程: 1、热身 日常口语练习。2、预习

引导学生使用第四课时学过的单词和句型:What do you do on Saturdays? I often do my homework.并结合周末活动的照片复习四会单词和词组,为本课时对话的学习做好准备。

3、新课呈现 Let’s try(1)在预习部分操练新词组之后,教师可询问学生的周末安排,然后出示本课时Let’s try部分的挂图,让学生根据挂图说一说这些人物的周末活动,将听与说相结合,适当减缓Let’s try 听力练习的难度。听录音,完成听音圈图的练习。Let’s talk(1)在部分听觉感知新句型的基础上,教师让学生看挂图听录音。(2)跟读对话。Pair work 朗读对话之后,让学生结合自己的实际情况在同桌之间结对交流。Let’s check 播放录音,让学生按照录音内容做练习。Unit 2 My days of the week 第六课时

教学内容:B Read and write Group work C Task time 教学目标:能听懂、会说:并能在情景中运用。能够完成部分,对本单元的学习进行阶段性评价。教学重、难点:重点:重点句型的掌握。难点:句型结合生活实际、Let’s try部分。教学准备:教学挂图、单词卡、录音机、磁带

教学过程: 1、热身 日常口语练习。2、预习

引导学生使用第四课时学过的单词和句型:What do you do on Saturdays? I often do my homework.并结合周末活动的照片复习四会单词和词组,为本课时对话的学习做好准备。3、新课呈现 Let’s try(2)在预习部分操练新词组之后,教师可询问学生的周末安排,然后出示本课时Let’s try部分的挂图,让学生根据挂图说一说这些人物的周末活动,将听与说相结合,适当减缓Let’s try 听力练习的难度。听录音,完成听音圈图的练习。Let’s talk(3)在部分听觉感知新句型的基础上,教师让学生看挂图听录音。(4)跟读对话。Pair work 朗读对话之后,让学生结合自己的实际情况在同桌之间结对交流。Let’s check 播放录音,让学生按照录音内容做练习。Unit 3 What’s Your Favourite Food ? 单元教学目标:

1、能力目标(1)能够提问并回答三餐所吃的食物,如:What do you have for lunch today/on Mondays……?We have tomatoes, tofu and fish……(2)(3)能够简单描述一些食物的味道,如:The apples are sweet…… 能够提问并回答最喜欢吃的食物是什么,并说出原因,如:What’s your favourite food? I like apples.They are sweet……(4)谣。

2、知识目标(1)四会 单词。(2)(3)(4)相 掌握四会句子,读懂对话内容,完成句子填空。

了解Let’s start Group/pair work Task time等部分的内容。了解Pronunciation中的字母组合ow, oa, fr, fl的发音规则,认读认读A、B部分Let’s learn Let’s talk 中的单词和句子,并掌握能够听懂、会唱歌曲“What do you have for lunch?”和本单元的歌

关的单词。(5)了解Story time Good to know等部分的内容。





第一课时:Let’s start Main scene Let’s chant A Let’s learn Group work 第二课时:A let’s try Let’s talk Talk and match C Good to know 第三课时:A Read and write Group work C Let’s sing 第四课时:B Let’s try Let’s talk Pair work C Story time 第五课时:B Let’s try Let’s talk Pair work C Task time 第六课时:B Read and write Group work C Pronunciation Let’s check 第一课时


1、能够听、说、读、写本课时四会单词: tomato, tofu, green beans, fish, potato, eggplant并认读者cabbage, mutton, pork三个单词及替换句型:What would you like for lunch? I’d like …… 2、能用本课时单词卡片完成小组活动,操练新单词。3、能够说唱歌谣,并理解其含义。


重点:掌握有关食物的单词:tomato, tofu, green beans, fish, potato, eggplant。






跟录音,跟唱歌曲,复习有关食物的单词。2、预习(1)(2)吟唱歌谣。Let’s start 出示Let’s start 部分的挂图,出谜语,请学生猜是什么食物。师:I’m yummy to eat.I’m yellow and long.I grow on the tree.My name begins with the letter as “bee”.What an I ? 可让学生进行抢答,以此复习学过的有关食物的单词。(3)回答谜底,为教授四会单词tomato做准备。

3、新授: Let’s learn(1)学生说出Let’s start 部分谜语的谜底后,自然引出四会单词

tomato,教师出示单词卡片tomato。由于本词在四年级下册已出现,在此便可反重点放在该单词的拼读上。在学生拼读熟练后,教师引入potato的学习,随后呈现三个新单词:mutton, cabbage, pork, 领读,让学生快速记住读音,然后教师说出其中某种食品的特点,学生认读单词。再以不同方式教读其他新单词:tofu, fish, eggplant, green beans 并拼读这些单词。(2)(3)做游戏操练新单词。

听Let’s learn 部分录音,认读新单词:cabbage, tomato, tofu, eggplant, mutton, fish, potato, green beans.(4)教师出示六个四会单词,以四人小组为单位抢拼单词,拼读时

小组成员可提供帮助。Let’s chant 30 听懂、学唱本课时的歌谣,复习巩固新单词。Group work 以小组为单位利用食物图片完成任务,以此来操练新单词和巩固已学句型。4、巩固延伸:

做活动手册配套练习,熟记单词 第二课时


1、能听懂、会说:What do you have for lunch today? I have eggplant……并能在情景中进行运用。2、能听懂提示语,按照Let’s try录音内容判断两张配图的正误。3、能够了解中国一些传统食物所蕴含的文化。



难点:句子What would you like for lunch? What do you have for lunch today? 的不同用法。

针对本课时文化背景的学习,要求教师为学生介绍中国表示美好祝愿 的传统美食,以及其他国家具有代表性的食物,开拓学生的视野。







Let’s try

播放Let’s try 部分的录音,请学生做出正确判断。

3、新授 Let’s talk(1)型。(2)用旧句型:“What would you like for lunch?”与新句型 通过校对Let’s try 部分听力练习的答案进一步呈现新句

“What do you have for lunch today?”进行比较,让学生进一步熟悉新句式。(3)(4)运用卡片练习新句式。

放Let’s talk 部分的录音,让学生跟读句子。

学生可用不同的食物单词替换关键词,形成多组对话。Talk and match 学生进行两人小组练习,完成说说连连活动。Good to know 出示本部分的图片,为学生介绍中国及其他国家的饮食文化。







挂图、录音机、录音带 教学过程: 1、热身(1)Let’s sing 教师播放录音,学生跟唱歌曲,复习巩固A部分主要句型。(2)日常口语练习。


复习有关星期的单词。3、新授 Read and write(1)针对预习部分的内容提问学生,让学生齐声回答。教师接着问学生:

What do you have for lunch on Mondays? 呈现一张School Menu说:Let’s see together,引导学生回答问题。


两名代表以问答的形式在班内做汇报,适时引出句子:That sounds good.(3)听Read and write 部分录音,指导学生在读懂对话的基础上完成


Group wok 请学生使用所学语言完成采访,并进行汇报。巩固延伸

依照课文自编一段对话进行表演;做活动手册配套练习;听录音,读给家长朋友听;熟悉单词 第四课时


1、能够听、说、读、写本课时四会单词:tasty, salty, sweet, sour, fresh,,并认读单词healthy。


重点:听、说、读、写四会掌握的单词。难点:单词healthy 的发音。课前准备:


教学过程: 1、热身(1)(2)教师放本单元Let’s sing部分的录音,学生跟唱歌曲。参照上课时的课文内容进行师生对话或生生对话。


听歌曲“An Apple a Days ”,学生跟唱并做动作。3、新授 Let’s learn(1)教师接着预习部分的歌谣出示实物,根据以前学过的故事,引出单


出示盐、糖、醋,佯装品尝这三种调料,呈现不同表情,出示三个单词salty, sweet, sour, 让学生认读新单词。在教学新单词的过程中,应反复使用句子:“It’s my favourite.”让学生多次感知新词favourite, 以减轻下一课时的负担。(2)以游戏的方式操练新单词。教师拿出已准备好的三杯溶液,请某小

组的一名学生品尝并呈现不同表情,让其他组的学生猜单词。(3)sour, 听Let’s learn 部分录音,让学生认读单词:tasty, salty, sweet, fresh, healthy.(4)助。

Let’s chant 教师出示单词卡片,学生抢读抢拼单词,拼读时小组成员可提供帮

让学生听懂、学唱本课时歌谣The apples are sweet…… 巩固延伸:

收集有关食品的广告信息;做活动手册配套练习;听录音,读新单词给家长和朋友听;熟记单词 第五课时


1、能够听懂、会说:What’s your favourite food? I/We like……并能 在情景中熟练运用。

2、能够听懂Let’s try 的录音,为几张配图正确排序。3、能够根据Task time中所给的范例自编一则广告。教学重、难点:

重点:掌握询问和回答最爱吃什么食物的句型:What’s your favourite food? I like ……


单词卡片、调查表、录音带、录音机、彩笔 教学过程: 1、热身(1)(2)2、预习(1)放录音,跟唱歌谣。播放歌曲“What Would You Like?”,学生跟唱歌曲。日常口语练习。

36(2)Let’s try 教师放Let’s try部分的录音,请学生为几张配图正确排序。录音内容 如下: ① Girl: Do you like bananas? Boy :Yes, they’re sweet.② Girl: Do you like tomatoes? Boy: Yes, they’re fresh.③ Girl: What’s you favourite food? Boy: Beef, it’s healthy.④ Boy: Do you like ice-cream? Girl: Yes, it’s tasty.3、新授 Let’s talk(1)

教师出示三张食品的图片,对学生说:I like chicken, beef and fish.教师指着chicken说:I like chicken.在旁边画上一张笑脸;接着指向beef说:I like beef better.并在旁边画上两张笑脸;再指向fish说:I like fish best.在旁边画上三张笑脸。最后表述:So, my favourite food is fish.出示favourite的单词卡,再询问学生,让学生充分理解这个词的含义。

教读句子: What’s your favourite food?(2)


可引导学生用该句型编一小段对话进行操练,同时也可引导学生用fruit and drink替换food.37(3)

词做替换回答问句。Pair work


让学生拿出已发的调查表格,用所学句型对不同学生进行调查,并要求对方陈述原因。先组内汇报,再向全班汇报,汇报时要说出:I like …… Mike likes…… We like……教师看哪一小组表现好,适当给予奖励。Task time 请学生拿出第一课时所做的谜语卡片,向全班展示。巩固延伸:做配套练习,读对话给家长听,熟记单词 第六课时

教学目标与要求: 1、能够听、说、读、写本课时四会句子:What’s your favourite fruit? I like apples.They’re sweet.I don’t like grapes.They’re sour.并能在情景中正确运用。能够在Group work中使用该句型完成调查。2、3、4、能够理解情景对话的含义并完成句子填空。

能够理解Pronunciation中字母组合的发音规则,读出相关的单词。能够完成Let’s check部分。








Read and write(1)教师展示自己制作的广告图片,示意学生提问:What’s your 放录音,跟唱歌曲。


favourite fruit? 教师回答:I like apples.They are sweet.另外出示带有哭脸的葡萄图片说:I don’t like grapes.They are Sour.请学生模仿会话,教师可适当给予提示。(2)看图,指着Zoom说:Look!What’s Zoom’s favourite food? Can he have it? Why? Let’s listen to the tape.(3)(4)教师指导学生完成句子填空。

教师适当指导四会句子的书写,尤其要注意单词favourete 的拼写。

Group work 教师引导学生用所学句型完成调查,找出小组中最受欢迎的食物。Pronunciation 先给出window, yellow, snow 三个单词,让学生找出ow的发音,再自己尝 拼读单词grow。用这种方式总结fl, oa, fr的发音。每教授一个字母组合的发音后,请学生听例词和绕口令,鼓励学生说出字母组合在单词中的发音。

Let’s check 完成Let’s check部分,帮助学生理解每组句子的含义。录音内容如下: ① John: What do you have for lunch today, Mike? Mike: I have cabbage, mutton and carrots.They’re tasty.② Waitress: What would you like for dinner? Sarah: I’d like green beans and fish.They’re healthy.③ Women1: What’s your favourite food? Women2: Eggplant.It’s tasty.It’s my favourite.④ John: Can I have some eggplant and tofu, please? I’m hungry.Mom: Sure.巩固延伸:做配套练习,练习发音,书写单词和句子 Recycle 1 教学单元目标: 1、能力目标(1)交际中去。(2)能够通过温习旧知识开拓思维,自觉学习并运用融合和扩展后 能够反前三个单元所学语言知识融会贯通,运用以实际的语言 的新语言知识。2、知识目标(1)复习1~3单元的语言和词汇,要求学生做到能听、会认,并在

实际情景中准确表达。(2)复习1~3单元Let’s learn中的四会单词和 Read and write中 的四会句子,要求学生能熟练地听、说、读、写。



第一课时:Main scene Read and write1 Let’s chant 第二课时:Read and write2 Listen and circle Pair work 第三课时:Task time Let’s play Let’s sing 第一课时




重点:前三个单元中四会句子的综合运用; 难点:是两个时间副词的读音。课前准备:

教学挂图、单词卡、录音带、录音机 教学过程: 1、热身(1)播放录音,跟唱歌谣。(2)日常口语练习。


播放歌曲,学生跟唱,引出Willow School这所学校 3、新授 Main scene 接着预习部分的内容出示起始页挂图,向学生介绍:This is Willow School.Let’s walk through Willow School and talk about it.引导学生用前三单元所学语言自主描述所见图片。教师可给予提示或直接讲解部分新词的含义。Read and Write(1)生 教师拿出一张校报向学生介绍:This is the school newspaper.并对学说:Can II interview you the school newspaper? 通过手势让学生理解该句子的含义,带读句子。教师用句型:“What do you do on ……?和What’s your favourite food?”提问学生,进行师生对话,然后把麦克风交给学生让学生来提问。(2)听Read and write 部分的录音,让学生跟读句子,理解对话含义,完

成填空部分。Let’s chant 学唱本课时的歌谣,解释其中几个时间频度副词的含义。巩固延伸

活动:作采访;做配套练习; 第二课时


1、能够通过对前三单元语言的复习认读新句子,如:My favourite 42 day is Monday.My favourite teacher is ……并能在情景中进行运用。2、能够根据信件内容书写答句,并根据个人情况回复信件。3、学会用“Would you like some……?”句型提问并做出回答,做 Pair work中的结对活动。教学重、难点:

重点:复习前三单元所学的四会句子,在此基础上写出Read and write中 五个问题的答句,应鼓励学生昼写出完整的句子。难点:是学生根据个人情况回信给Jack。课前准备:

图卡、录音带、录音机 教学过程: 1、热身(1)(2)2、新授 Read and write(1)由本单元歌谣引出本课进的新语言,教师总结歌谣内容:The 放录音,学生跟唱歌谣。师生对话。

boy loves Saturday.His favourite day is Saturday.The girl loves Sunday.Her favourite day is Sunday.反问学生:What’s your favourite day?帮助学生回答:My favourite day is ……再进一步引导学生说出句子:My favourite food/teacher is ……(2)请一名学生抽取一张有关食物的单词卡,其他学生提问:

What’s your favourite food? 该生回答:Guess!其他学生进行猜词竞赛。猜对之后持卡学生确认答案:Yes……is /are my favourite food.(3)(4)听Read and write部分的录音,让学生跟读句子。

学生进行小组练习,完成Answer the questions部分,教师检


Listen and circle 播放本部分听力内容,学生选择正确答案。录音内容如下: ① Man: It’s Thursday today.Jack has carrots, cucumbers, chicken and grapes for lunch.Which lunch is Jack’s? ② Girl: It’s my favourite day.We have P.E.and art today.What day is it? ③ Boy: Who’s our new art teacher? Girl: Mr Hu Boy: What’s he like? Girl: He’s short and thin.He’s very funny.Who’s the new art teacher> Pair work 用问句子“What would you like?”引出句子:“Would you like some……?”并回答。学生进行结对练习。巩固延伸

尝试与他人进行书信交流 第三课时


1、能够使用所学四会句子完成Task time中的采访任务。2、能够理解Let’s play中的问题并做出正确回答。3、能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My Favourite Day”。教学重、难点:

重点、难点为复习并使用四会句子完成Task time中的采访任务,并展示 个人报道。课前准备:

教学挂图、录音带、录音机、简历表 教学过程: 1、热身(1)(2)放第二单元歌曲,学生跟唱,复习有关一周七天的单词。日常口语练习。

2、预习: 放录音,欣赏歌曲。3、新授 Task time(1)就歌曲内容向学生提问:Do you like weekends? What’s your favourite day? 引导学生回答:My favourite day is Saturday/Sunday.并请学生说明理由,表述周末活动。出示采访表,回答问题。


内填充表格,然后每组派代表做汇报。Let’s play 看图片,指导学生先读懂句子,再回答问题。Let’s sing 学生理解并学唱本单元歌曲“My Favourite Day”.巩固延伸:


UNIT 4 What Can You Do? 单元教学目标: 1、(1)(2)(3)2、(1)和句子。(2)能够听、说、认读A、B部分Let’s learn Let’s talk中的 能力目标

能够简单介绍自己能做哪些家务劳动。能够询问别人能做什么家务劳动。能够听懂、会唱歌曲“I Can Help”。


掌握A、B部分Let’s learn Read and write中的四会单词

白体单词和句子。(3)音规律。(4)(5)3、(1)能够理解Let’s chant部分的内容。

能够了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。


情感态度:养成讲究卫生、热爱劳动的好习惯,培养乐于 能够了解Pronunciation部分字母组合or, all, pl, pr的发



第一课时: Main scene Let’s start A let’s learn Let’s play Let’s chant 第二课时: A Let’s try Let’s talk Group work C Let’s sing 第三课时: A Read and write Let’s play C Pronunciation Story time 第四课时: B Let’s learn Let’s chant C Good to know 第五课时: B Let’s try Let’s talk C Good to know 第六课时: B Read and write Group work C Let’s check 第一课时

教学目标与要求: 1、能够听、说、认读动词词组empty the trash和句子“I’m helpful!I can sweep the floor.” 2、能够听、说、读、写动词词组cook the meals, water the flowers, sweep the floor, clean the bedroom。3、能够听懂、说唱歌谣“Dog, dog, what can you do?”,并初步熟悉

句型:What can you do? I can…… 教学重、难点:


难点:正确书写四个动词词组以及运用句型“I can……”进行表述。课前准备:


教学过程: 1、热身

一齐演唱歌曲“Colour Song”。2、预习

做四年级上册第一单元A部分的Let’s do。Let’s start T: How many doors/lights/boards/……can you see? S: I can see……

看Let’s start部分的图片

T: How many birds/kangaroos/……can you see? What can they do? 引导学生作出回答。

T: I can clean the board.What can you do ? 引导学生用“I can……”回答。3、新授

Let’s learn(1)教师在黑板上画一些花,说:I can draw flowers.教师边做浇花动

作边说:Look!I can water the flowers.I’m helpful!同时板书:I’m helpful!I can water the flowers.然后问学生:Can you ? 引导学生作出回答。指读单词“water, flower”。(2)the 教师边做擦桌椅的动作边说:I can clean the desk.I can clean chair.指导学生练习:I can clean the ……然后教师拿出“clean the bedroom” 49 的词卡,说:I can clean the bedroom.教学这个单词,板书并拼读。(3)教师画笔画:一把扫帚、一个锅和一个垃圾桶,依次教学并板书:

sweep the floor, cook the meals, empty the trash。然后教师出示动词词卡,学生快速认读。(4)(5)学生听录音跟读词汇,现时指出相应的图画或做出相应的动作。操练句型: I’m helpful!I can ……

Let’s chant(1)(2)奖励。巩固延伸:


教学目标与要求: 1、能够听懂、会说:Are you helpful at home,……?What can you do ? 播放歌谣,跟录音边做动作边说唱歌谣。


I can sweep the floor.You ’re helpful!并能在情景中运用。2、能够听懂、会唱歌曲“I Can Help”。


重点:句型“What can you do ? I can ……”

难点:句子“Are you helpful at home?”以及在实际情景中正确运用所学


教学目标 1.通过语音教学,模仿录音使学生能够正确听说朗读有关询问某人是谁,怎么样的相关交际用语.2.通过游戏,两人及小级对话练习,使学生能够正确听说认读表示人物外貌和性格特征的形容词的词汇.3.通过情景小组表演使学生能够运用所学的词汇内容,进行真实交流.4.通过本课的学习,培养学生用英语交流的习惯,培养良好的语音语调和语感.教学重点 能够表演词汇课里的交际内容,能够根据交际情况用英语讨论人物.教学方法 Teaching, Playing 教学难点 用英语准确询问并回答人物特征.教学用具 教学光盘、单词卡片。教学环节 教 学 内 容 教学过程 Step 1.Warming up 1.Sing a song: 2.Show pictures and say.Who’s this man/ woman? He/ She is our… Step2.Presentation 1.Look and guess.看图片,猜一猜教师是什么性格? 2.展示词汇图片, 快速让学生说出是Mr还是Miss.内容拓展:Mr Miss Mrs Ms 3.Look at the pictures and say.学习新词汇.巩固拓展可以采用自编歌谣, 4.播放课件, 两人一组选择图片讨论.Who’s this man/ woman? He / She is…

… is our …teacher.She/ He is … 5.学习Ask and answer(1)Show a picture of their head teacher and talk about him or her with the students.Who’s this? She is Miss Ding.Yes, she is our head teacher.(引出head teacher的学习)What’s she like? She’s kind.(2)听录音,模仿朗读.Step 3.Practice(1)Group work: 小组讨论课任老师.(2)完成课堂作业本.Step 4.Production 1教师给出今天所学的形容词汇,让学生造句.2.要求学生用今天的所学的词编一组情景对话.模仿课文.也可以自创,如班级来了新同学,向新同学介绍班级同学的特征.Step 5.Ending 1.Summary: T: Who can tell me what you learned today.2.Homework Write the words(必做)C Make a dialogue.(选做)AB Blackboard-design: 二次备课 板 书 设

计 Unit 1 What’s he like? Mr Miss Mrs Ms old young funny kind strict

教 案

时间: 年 月 日 课时:第二课时 课 题 Unit 1 Part A 课 型 New Lesson 教学目标 Part A(let’s try let’s talk)

1.能正确听,说,朗读“Who is …? He/She is…What’s he/she like? He/She is … Is he/she…?Yes,he/she is.No, he/she isn’t.”

2. 能正确听,说,认读表示人物外貌与性格特征的形容词old,young,funny,kind,strict,polite,hard-working,clever.3.能听懂,会说,会表演Let’s talk 的内容并在真实场景中运用。

教学重点 学生能够表演Main scene 和let’s talk的交际内容,能够根据实际情况用英语讨论人物。

教学方法 Teaching, Playing 教学难点 用英语准确询问并回答人物特征,如:“Who is …? He/She is…What’s he/she like? He/She is … Is he/she…?Yes,he/she is.No, he/she isn’t.” 教学用具 教学光盘、单词卡片。教学环节 教 学 内 容 教学过程 Step 1.Warming up 1.Let’s look and say the names.(通过多媒体播放一些卡通图片,分别展示年老,年轻,滑稽,有礼貌,工作努力,聪明,严格等外貌与性格特征,让学生认读,说一说这是谁,怎么样。)2.Let’s listen and sing”Who’s your teacher?” Step2.Presentation 1.学习Main scene(1)出示Main scene中的部分教学挂图,让学生观察Who? What are they talking about?(2)学生看图片想象并回答老师的问题。

Dialogue1: Who:Wu Yifan,Amy,Oliver and a teacher.What are they talking about? The teacher introduces classmates to each other.Dialogue2:Who:a girl,Oliver,Zoom and Zip(3)教师引导学生蒋讨论的结果展示交流。(4)听录音,模仿朗读,理解对话内容。

(5)教师领读对话,学生模仿,齐读练习,生生对话,小组表演。2.学习let’s try let’s talk

(1)listen and tick.听录音,完成探究学习第一题。

(2)创设情境:这节课让我们和Oliver,WuYifan一起去了解Mr Young好不好?教师播放课件图片,要求学生边听边模仿。

(3)看let’s talk部分的课文插图,听录音,模仿朗读,理解意思。(4)根据let’s talk内容尝试分角色朗读对话,进行Group work,完成探究学习中第三题。(5)学生表演,以检查学生对本课对话的掌握情况,对做得较好的学生予以表扬。Step 3.Practice Make a survey.S1: Who’s your…? S2:…

S1:What’s he/she like? Step4.Consolidation Play a game 游戏规则:优点大爆炸,发现小组内每个成员三个优点。S1: Who’s that…? S2:…

S1:What’s he/she like? S2:He/she is… S1:Is he/she…?

S2:Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn’t.Step 5.Ending 1.Summary: T: Who can tell me what you learned today.2.Homework 1.Listen and report the dialogue.2.完成课堂检测中的相关习题。

3.Make a new dialogue and act it out。二次备课 Unit 1 What’s he like? S1: Who’s that…? S2:…

S1:What’s he/she like? S2:He/she is… S1:Is he/she…?

S2:Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isn’t.教 案

时间: 年 月 日 课时:第三课时 课 题 Unit 1 Part A 课 型 New Lesson 教学目标 1 通过学习,能够感知并归纳y在单词中的发音规律。2 通过学习,能够读出符合y发音规则的单词,培养学生的运用能力。


教学重点 通过学习,能够感知并归纳y在单词中的发音规律 教学方法 Teaching, Playing 教学难点 能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合y发音规则的单词,补全句子

教学用具 CAI,cards 教学环节 教 学 内 容 Step 1.Warm up

Step2 Presentation Step3 Consolidation Step4 Homework: 1 Greeting 2 看单词读单词:old,young,stict,kind, funny.1、出示单词baby , happy , windy, sunny, sorry, 引导、观察尝试发音





8、Listen to the tape.引导学生观察单词的y部分,体会y在单词中的发音规律 看图,跟读歌谣,体会y在单词中的发音规律

9、listen number and say 自读单词,感知y在单词中的发音规律,完成听音排序题,集体订正

10、listen ,write and say 听音补全短语、练习书写句子


从上面的单词中选一个,无声的发音,请其他人猜出这个单词 小结:




Unit 1 PartA(3)baby , happy , windy, sunny, sorry

教 案


课 题 Unit 1 Part A 课 型 New Lesson 教学目标

1、能听懂、会说并认读本课时单词及词组polite, shy, helpful, hard-working, clever.2、能听懂、会说句型What’s he like? He’s...教学重点 能够表演词汇课里的交际内容,能够根据交际情况用英语讨论人物.教学方法 Teaching, Playing 教学难点 用英语准确询问并回答人物特征.教学用具 教学光盘、单词卡片。教学环节 教 学 内 容 教学过程 Step 1.Warming up

1、听唱My new teacher.2、Pairwork Step2.Presentation


T: Who’s that man /woman ?What’s he /she like ? 引出(严肃)的principal 带读,展示(微笑的)principal 和带博士帽的university student的合影,让学生猜Who’s he ? 引出新单词university student 带读。

Practise : …….is our principal.My father/mother is a university student.2、最后比较两幅图画上的principal的表情。从kind引出新单词strict带读 Practise :My father is strict.My mother is kind.Learn the words “smart active” in the same way.Step 3.Practice 活动设计1 Bingo(class wok)活动设计2 让学生看老师表情来猜。活动设计3 利用单词字母的拼写进行巩固。听Let’s learn 录音、模仿 Step 5.Ending 1.Summary: T: Who can tell me what you learned today.2.Homework Write the words(必做)C Make a dialogue.(选做)AB 二次备课

Unit 1 What’s he like?

polite, shy, helpful, hard-working, clever.What’s he like? He’s ……

教 案


课 题 Unit 1 Part A 课 型 New Lesson 教学目标 Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk

1.通过两人及小组的对话练习, 继续学习有关询问某人是谁,怎么样的交际用语.2.通过情景对话表演使学生能够听懂,会说,会表演对话的内容并在真实场景中,运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用.3.通过对话交流中使学生养成用英语交流的习惯,培养良好的语音和语调.教学重点 学生能够表演对话的交际内容 教学方法 Teaching, Playing 教学难点 能用Who is…? He/ She is… What’s he / she like? He/ She is..Is she / he…? Yes , he / she is.No, he/ she isn’t.等进行真实交际.教学用具 教学光盘、单词卡片。教学环节 教 学 内 容 教学过程 Step 1.Warming up 1.Sing a song: Who’s your teacher? 2.I say you do 3.Let’s listen and chant.Who’s your English teacher at school? Who’s your English teacher at school? Is she pretty or tall or short? Tell me what you know!Who’s your Chinese teacher at school? Who’s your Chinese teacher at school? Is he funny or young or old? Tell me what you know? Step2.Presentation 1.学习Let’s try 和 Let’s talk(1)Listen and tick(2)Listen and answer.A.Who is Ms Wang? B.Is she strict? 教师组织学生二人一组,尝试猜想他们在讨论什么?以便对课文有一个初步的认识.(3)教师引导学生将讨论的结果展示交流(4)听录音,模仿朗读,理解对话内容.(5)指名朗读对话,并翻译主要句子的中文意思,掌握单词,句子读法.(6)教师领读对话,学生模仿,齐读练习,生生对话,小组表演.Let students talk about ther teachers in pairs.Step 3.Practice 1.Play a game: 我的偶像 游戏规则:介绍你喜欢的明星.2.Let’s be friends.Hello, what’s …like? He/ she is… Let’s be friends.OK, let’s be friends.Step 4.Production 学生编对话,谈论你喜欢的教师,设定情景,也可以谈论其它你喜欢的人.Step 5.Ending 1.Summary: T: Who can tell me what you learned today.2.Homework Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.(必做)C 自编关于今天所学的对话(选做)AB 二次备课 板 书 设

计 Unit 1 What’s he like? What’s he / she like? He/ She is..教 案


课 题 Unit 1 Part C 课 型 New Lesson 教学目标 B Let's check Let’s wrap it up


2、能听懂并理解 Story time 的内容。



2、了解英语国家姓名的表述方式;基本了解story time部分的故事内容及能听懂;



教学方法 Teaching, Playing 教学难点 在四线格中的正确书写They are...教学用具 教学光盘、单词卡片。教学环节 教 学 内 容 教学过程



活动设计①:I shy(使用卡片或者课件)strict funny pretty 图片上(或者课件上)出现人物和表示人物特征的单词,然后在学生眼前一闪而过。要求学生注意看,然后说出这个单词,看谁反应快,再一起书空。



五、story time 1.教师出示本部分的教学挂图,让学生猜测故事的大致内容。2.教师介绍故事背景。


5.学生在小组内分角色练习故事,然后请几组学生上讲台来表演故事。Step3.Practice Listen and try to say.通过动画展示未学句型“That’s for sure”。让学生听听学学说说。

Homework: 朗读story time部分的故事内容。


五年级上册复习教案 课题

My new teachers 课时安排 共 9 课时,第 1 课时 学习目标




通过课堂提问和习题达成复习目标。复习重点 本单元重点复习描述人物体貌特征和个性的语言,其中难点在于A、B部分Read and write 中对话的口头以及书面表达。复习难点 A、B部分Let's talk 对话的运用 教法与学法 导学法 课前准备 教学挂图、单词卡、录音机、磁带

Warm up Review‖ Is he… ? Yes, he is.No, he isn’t.‖ Look and guess.CAI a picture of Xi Yangyang: Hello, I’m Xi Yangyang.I have a new school.There are many new teachers in my school.My favourite teacher is Mr.Rabbit.He is my P.E teacher.Can you guess what’s he like? Let’s guess:Is he… ? Yes, he is.No, he isn’t.Now let’s go to look at my new teachers.Presentation Review‖ Who’s … ?

She is ….‖―What’s he like? He is….‖

1.(教师风采栏的路上)Xiang Yangyang and Mei Yangyang are talking about his teachers.2.They meet the principal: 引出Who’s that man? He’s a university student.He is thin tall,and kind.3.(来到风采栏)Wow, so many teachers.Look ―She is….He is ….‖

4.―Who’s your math teacher?

What’s he /she like?

He/She is „


目标检测题 Welcome to our school!It’s nice and big.We have many new teachers.Look, Mrs Elephant is our principal.She’s tall and strong.She’s strict, but she’s kind.Mr Monkey is our new math teacher.He is a university student.He’s thin.He’s very smart.Look at that yount lady.Who’s she? She’s Miss Fox, our music teacher.She can sing and dance well.She’s very pretty.1.Who’s the principal? 2.What’s the principal like?

3.Is Mr Monkey a university student? 4.Who’s the young lady?

目标达成 情况

课堂小结(1)——Who’s your English teacher?

——Mr Wang.

(2)——What’s he like?

——He is tall and strong.

——What’s she like?

——She is funny.(3)——Is she quiet?

——No,she isn’t.She is very active.

——Is she strict?

——Yes,he is,but he is very kind. 作业与练习单元测试题 板书设计(1)——Who’s your English teacher?

——Mr Wang.

(2)——What’s he like?

——He is tall and strong.

——What’s she like?

——She is funny.(3)——Is she quiet?

——No,she isn’t.She is very active.

——Is she strict?

——Yes,he is,but he is very kind. 总结与反思

总第 课时 课题 Unit2 My Days of the Week 课时安排 共 9 课时,第 2 课时 学习目标

一、能听、说、读、写单词:Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday;词组:do homework,watch TV,read books等,并能在交际中运用。

二、能听、说、读、写以下句型,简单描述一周内的学习课程及个人周末的安排: 评价方法

通过课堂提问和习题达成复习目标。复习重点 本单元重点复习有关星期课程安排和周末活动的表达方法。复习难点 其中难点是A、B部分Read and write中对话的口头以及书面表达。另外,Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday等单词拼写难度较大。教法与学法 导学法 课前准备 教学挂图、单词卡、录音机、磁带

Warm up Review‖What day is it today/tomorrow? It’s….What do you have on….We have….‖ Let’s sing.P24(Listen and write the missing words)

CAI Xiang Yangyang and Fei Yangyang.They are going to school.You are Xiang Yangyang and Fei Yangyang,let’s make dialogues.Presentation Review”What do you do on Saturdays? I often„.”

Now they are in the classroom.Look at the curriculum schedule.Ask and answer ―What do you have on….We have….‖

To be a little reporter,and make a survey.Today is Friday,tomorrow is Saturday.”What do you do on Saturdays? I often„.” Name Saturday/Sunday Activities With

3.Repeat your classmates’activities.补充资料

目标检测题 Read and tick and cross.Hello!I’m Peter.I’m form Canda.Now I study in Willow School.I go to school from Monday to Friday.I like Fridays best ,because we have Chinese, science and P.E.classes.We have no class on Saturdays and Sundays.On weekends I often do my homework, play computer games and read some books.I love my school, my teachers!1.I go to school from Monday to Friday.()2.We have Chinese, science and P.E.on Thursdays.()3.We have classes on Saturdays and Sundays.()4.On weekends I often watch TV and go to park.()目标达成情况

课堂小结(1)——What day is it today?

——It’s Wednesday.

(2)——What do you have on Thursdays?

——We have English, math, and science on Thursdays.(3)——What do you do on Saturdays?

——I watch TV on Saturdays.What about you?

——I do my homework.

作业与练习四会单词和句子的背诵 板书设计(1)——What day is it today?

——It’s Wednesday.

(2)——What do you have on Thursdays?

——We have English, math, and science on Thursdays.(3)——What do you do on Saturdays?

——I watch TV on Saturdays.What about you?

——I do my homework.

总第 课时 课题 Unit 3 What’s Your Favourite Food? 课时安排 共 9 课时,第 3 课时 学习目标

一、能听、说、读、写有关食物的单词和描述味道的词语:tomato,fish,potato,eggplant,tofu,grape,green beans,fruit,sweet,tasty,fresh,sour,salty等,并能在实际情景中运用。



通过课堂提问和习题达成复习目标。复习重点 本单元重点复习围绕食物展开的单词及句子。

复习难点 本单元A、B部分Let's learn、Read and write中四会单词和句子的发音与书写,以及语音部分中字母组合ow, oa, fr, fl的发音规律的复习教法与学法 导学法 课前准备 教学挂图、单词卡、录音机、磁带

Warm up Review some words

Riddles Xi Yangyang and his classmates are playing guesing games ,let’s join them.1.I’m yummy to eat.I’m red and sweet.My name begins with the letter as ―tea‖.2.I’m green.I have man babies,they are round and small.I’m fresh.3.I come from the pig.4.I have no legs and arms but I can swim, I like the water.I’m very healthy.Presentation CAI XiangYangyang’s canteen.Review” What’s your favourite food ?

I like„.Because „.” Let’s sort.(meat, fruit, vegetales)

Make a school menu,and make dialogues.What do you have for lunch on Mondays? I have….What do you have for lunch on „.? 补充资料

目标检测题 Zoom: Welcom to my home.Hello,Zip!What would you like for dinner? Zip:

I’d like som pears.They’re juicy!Zoom: What about, Monkey? Monkey: I like bananas best.Zoom: Do you like mutton, Rabbit? Rabbit: Oh,no.It’s smelly.Can I have some tomatoes,please? Zoom: Sure.Here you are.Elephant: I’m hungry!I’d like some sour fruit.Zoom: How about grapes? Elephant: That sounds good.What do you have for lunch today? Zoom: I have mutton and pork.But I’m heavy now,I have to eat vegetables.Zip likes_____________________________.Goat’s favourite food is ___________,because____________________.Rabbit doesn’t like _________.She likes________________________.Mr Elephant likes grapes.They’re___________________.目标达成 情况

课堂小结(1)——What do you have for lunch on Mondays?(2)——What’s your favourite fruit?

——I like apples best.Because they are sweet.作业与练习单元练习题 板书设计(1)——What do you have for lunch on Mondays? I have …

(2)——What’s your favourite fruit?

——I like apples best.Because they are sweet.总结与反思

总第 课时 课题 Unit 4 What can you do? 课时安排 共 9 课时,第 4 课时 学习目标 能够简单介绍自己能做的家务劳动,如:I can clean the bedroom.I can cook the meals. 能够询问别人能做什么事情,如:What can you do? Can you set the table? 评价方法

通过课堂提问和习题达成复习目标。复习重点 重点是有关家务劳动的表述方法,主要句型是:What can you do? I can sweep the floor.Can you set the table? Yes, I can.No, I can't. 复习难点 难点是A、B部分的Let's talk和几个动词词组的四会掌握。在第三、四册教材中已出现了本单元大部分的动词词组,如:water the flowers, sweep the floor, set the table, make the bed等等 教法与学法 导学法 课前准备 教学挂图、单词卡、录音机、磁带

Step 1: Lead in & Review 1.Show the picture of Man Yangyang.创设慢羊羊生病的情景。

T: Man Yangyang is ill.So all the goats go to his house to see him.2.Show the picture of a shop.T: they want to buy some food and fruit to Man Yangyang.The boss says: if they can answer his question, they will get them for free.So they want to have a try.(通过猜猜老板的魔术盒子里有些什么,对第三单元的单词进行复习和巩固)Step2: Write & Say Show the picture of the goats.T: Look, they are on the way to Man Yangyang’s home.(但是他们怕灰太狼趁机要去偷袭羊村,所以决定派不会做家务的羊回去看家。大家都争着要去看望慢羊羊,替慢羊羊做点事,纷纷争着说自己会做些什么。)Mei Yangyang: I’m helpful.Ican clean the bed room.Fei Yangyang: I’m helpful.Ican set the table and sweep the floor.Nuan Yangyang: I’m helpful.Ican do the dishes and wash the clothes.„„

大家都说了自己会做些什么,还剩懒羊羊没开口,就都问他: What can you do, Lan Yangyang? Lan Yangyang: En, I can„„,en„„ Xi Yangyang: Can you make the bed? Lan Yangyang: Sorry, I can’t.Mei Yangyang: Can you cook the meals? : No, I can’t.Fei Yangyang: Can you water the flowers? 全部:What can you do? Lan Yangyang: I can , I can eat.I can play and use a computer.Man Yangyang has a computer!Hahaha…… 全部: Oh, no„„ Please go home!补充资料

目标检测题 1.翻译下列单词及短语。







擦窗户 做家务 铺床 摆饭桌 洗衣服 洗碗碟 收拾衣服 使用计算机

下棋 有用的 不能


A: __________________________________ _________? B: Sure.I am helpful at home.A: ___________________________ _________________? B: I can______ the floor,______ the bed and wash the ____________.A: ________________________ ____________________? B: No, I ____________ cook the meals.A: _____________________________________________? B: My sister can do the dishes.A:Great!You’re helpful.目标达成 情况

课堂小结 1.cook the meals

sweep the floor

clean the bedroom water the flowers

empty the trash

do housework make the bed

set the table

wash the clothes do the dishes

put away the clothes

play chess use a computer


at home ill


just do it have a try


eat 2.What can you do? 你能做什么?

What can they do? 他们能做什么?

I’m helpful!我很有用的!

Are you helpful at home? 你在家里能帮上忙吗?

——Can you do house work?

——Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.是的,我能。/ 不,我不能。

I’d like to have a try!我想试一试!作业与练习单元练习题 板书设计 What can you do? 你能做什么?

What can they do? 他们能做什么?

I’m helpful!我很有用的!

Are you helpful at home? 你在家里能帮上忙吗?

——Can you do house work?

——Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.是的,我能。/ 不,我不能。

I’d like to have a try!我想试一试!总结与反思

总第 课时 课题 Unit 5My new room 课时安排 共 9 课时,第 5 课时 复习目标 A、B部分Let's learn、Read and write中的单词,并能做到会听、说、读、写。复习A、B部分Let's talk中的句型。复习ir、ur、th的拼读规则。评价方法


复习重点 重点复习房间物品名词、表示位置的介词和There be 句型的用法。

复习难点 难点在于能使学生正确使用There be 句式的单、复数形式及其结合位置、特征等长句的表达法。

教法与学法 导学法 课前 准备 教学挂图、单词卡、录音机、磁带

Step 1: Lead in & Review T: The goars go to see Man Yangyang another day.Xi Yangyang must check the homework: Ask some students to spell the words withouting looking at the books.Step2: Look& Say 1.Show the picture of a flat.Guessing : Which is the Man Yangyang’s flat?

(复习first, second , third三个序数词以及在第几次的表达方法:on the„„floor)2.T: They come into Man Yangyang’ flat.Show the pictures of the beautiful rooms in the flat.1).Xi Yangyang introduce every room to the goats: bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, study.2).Ask Ss to introduce the rooms: read and spell.3).Use ― There is/are ……‖to say.In pairs

Personnal Show the picture of the bedroom.T: Look, Man Yangyang is ill in bed.There are many furniture in the room.1).Ask Ss to read the words.复习各家具的名称,并说出具体的数量。

注意 a/an以及复数的用法。

2).Use the sentences: 强调 is, are ,就近原则以及个句型的意思。There is a/an…… There are……


is / are ……the

.There is a /an


.There are



目标检测题 翻译下列单词及短语。



垃圾箱______ 衣橱_____ 镜子_____



厨房______ 卫生间______ 客厅______


在„里面______ 在„上面___________在„下面___________ 在„旁边___________在„后边___________ 在„上面___________在„前面___________ 目标达成情况

课堂小结 Words and expressions.air – conditioner


trash bin

closet mirror

end table


flat third



bathroom living room

very much


on under



over in front of



picture 2.Sentence patterns

Is this your bedroom? 这是你的卧室吗?

Come and look at my new curtains.What’s it like? 它是什么样子的?

It’s on the third floor.它在第三层。

I have my own room now.我有自己的房间了。

——Where is the trash bin?

It’s near the table..There are two bed rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.The closet is near the table.Many clothes are in the closet.The trash is behind the door.作业与练习1.默写本单元的四会单词和句子。2.本单元的课文内容每篇读五遍。

板书设计 Is this your bedroom? 这是你的卧室吗?

Come and look at my new curtains.What’s it like? 它是什么样子的?

It’s on the third floor.它在第三层。

I have my own room now.我有自己的房间了。

——Where is the trash bin?

It’s near the table..总结与反思

总第 课时 课题 Unit 6 In a Nature Park 课时安排 共 9 课时,第 6 课时 学习目标 描述自然公园和村庄,如:There is a forest in the nature park.There are many small houses in my village.

用一般疑问句询问自然公园及村庄的基本情况并作答,如:Is there a mountain ? Yes, there is.Are there any rivers in your village ? No, there aren't. 评价方法

通过课堂提问和习题达成复习目标。复习重点 重点学习用There be 句式的一般疑问句询问并应答 复习难点 There be 句型一般疑问句中any一词的用法及字母组合er, or, wh的发音规则 教法与学法 导学法 课前准备 教学挂图、单词卡、录音机、磁带

Step 1: Lead in

(创设虹猫蓝兔前来羊村参观的情境)T: Blue cat and Red rabbit come to “羊村”.So the goats are very happy and bring them to visit.Step2: Look& Say 1.Show the picture of the “羊村”

Ask Ss to look at the picture and read the words:

sky cloud mountain


flower grass lake forest


park farm picture nature park


city house bridge

tree road


T: They introduce their village to Blue cat and Red rabbit, and Blue cat and Red rabbit also introduce their city to them.Ask Ss to use the sentences:There is / are ……in the city/village.CAI shows the dialogue between them: X: There is a nature park in our village.Blue:Really? Is there a river in the nature park? X: Yes, there is.Red:Is there a bridge in the nature park? X: Yes, there is.Blue:Are there any pandas in the nature park? X: No, there isn’t.R: Are there any fish in the river? X: Yes, there are.Please come here and see!Pair work There students a group make a similar dialogue and act it out.补充资料

目标检测题 填空,补全下列对话。A: Look!This________ my holiday picture.B: ___________ it a city? A: No, __________ a village.B: Oh, so beautiful!_____________ there a lake in the village.A: Yes, ____________ __________.B: ___________ there __________ big houses in it? A: No, ____________ are all small.But they are clean.B: ___________ you like them? A: Yes, I ____________.目标达成情况

课堂小结 1.Words and expressions.sky



mountain flower



forest path


nature park

farm holiday



city house



road building


air 2.Senten patterns There is a forest in the nature park.在自然公园里有一个森林。——Is there a forest in the park?

Yes, there is.——Is there a river?

No, there isn’t.There are many small houses in my village.在我的乡村里有一些小房子。Are there any pandas in the moutains? No, there aren’t.Are there any fish in the water? Yes, there are.作业与练习


3.用几句话描述乡村景物,用上“There be”句型。板书设

计 There is a forest in the nature park.在自然公园里有一个森林。——Is there a forest in the park?

Yes, there is.——Is there a river?

No, there isn’t.There are many small houses in my village.在我的乡村里有一些小房子。Are there any pandas in the moutains? No, there aren’t.Are there any fish in the water? Yes, there are.总结与反思


总第 课时 课题 Unit1—Unit3 课时安排 共 9 课时,第 7 课时 复习目标 能够熟练听说读写1——3单元的四会单词。能够运用1——3单元的四会句子,并进行情景对话 评价方法

通过课堂提问和习题达成复习目标。复习重点 四会单词及句子 复习难点 四会句子的运用及语音部分 教法与学法 导学法 课前准备 教学挂图、单词卡、录音机、磁带


二、1——3单元重点句子复习Unit 1 My New Teachers 1.Who,What引导的特殊疑问句,用来对不熟悉的老师进行问答:Who's + 某人?What's he / she like? He / She is + 与身体特征和性格特征有关的形容词。

2.Is引导的一般疑问句,谈论某位老师是否具有某方面的特征:Is he / she + 与身体特征和性格特征有关的形容词,回答用:Yes, he / she is.No, he / she isn't.Unit 2 My Days of the Week 1.用---What day is it today?---It's + 星期几,来谈论一个星期的某一天。例: A: What day is it today? B: It's Wednesday.2.What引导的特殊疑问句,谈论学校课程:What do you have on + 星期几。We have + 课程。

3.What引导的特殊疑问句,围绕周末活动展开的交际::What do you do on Saturdays / Sundays? I + 行为活动 + on Saturdays/Sundays.Unit 3 What's Your Favourite Food?

1.What引导的特殊疑问句,就一日三餐进行交际:What do you have for breakfast / lunch / dinner on + 星期几,回答用:We have + 食物。例:

A: What do you have for lunch on Mondays? B: We have tomatoes, tofu and fish.2.What引导的特殊疑问句,谈论自己最喜爱的食物, 并简要说明原因:What's your favourite fruit / food? I like + 食物。例:

A: What's your favourite fruit? B: I like apples.They are sweet.三、习题演练 补充资料

目标检测题 单词分类

lion, pen, egg, school, goose, noodles, squirrel, notebook,ice-cream, hamburger 动物类________ _________ __________-文具类________ _________ __________-食品类________ _________ __________ 选词填空。

1.________ am a student.(I, My, Me)2.________ is thin.(she, She, Her)3.________ friend is tall.(I, We, My)4.________ name is Sam.(He, his, His)5.______schoolbag is heavy.(Your, your, You)目标达成 情况

课堂小结 1——3单元单词 1——3单元重点句子

作业与练习1——3单元重点句子背诵 板书设计 1.What's he / she like?

He / She is + 与身体特征和性格特征有关的形容词。

2.Is he / she + 与身体特征和性格特征有关的形容词,回答用:Yes, he / she is.No, he / she isn't.3.用---What day is it today?---It's + 星期几,来谈论一个星期的某一天。

4.What do you have on + 星期几。We have + 课程。

5.What do you do on Saturdays / Sundays? I + 行为活动 + on Saturdays/Sundays.Unit 3 What's Your Favourite Food?.What do you have for breakfast / lunch / dinner on + 星期几,回答用:We have + 食物。

7.What's your favourite fruit / food? I like + 食物。总结与反思


总第 课时 课题 Unit4—Unit6 课时安排 共 9 课时,第 8 课时 复习目标 1.能够熟练听说读写4——6单元的四会单词。2.能够运用4——6单元的四会句子,并进行情景对话 评价方法

通过课堂提问和习题达成复习目标。复习重点 四会单词及句子 复习难点 四会句子的运用及语音部分 教法与学法 导学法 课前 准备 教学挂图、单词卡、录音机、磁带


二、4——6单元重点句子复习UUnit 4 What Can You Do? 1.What引导的特殊疑问句,围绕学生熟悉的日常生活进行问答:What can you do? I can + 家务劳动。例: A: What can you do? B: I can sweep the floor.2.Can引导的一般疑问句,就同伴会不会干某项家务进行交际:Can you + 家务劳动?Yes, I can./ No, I can't.例:

A: Can you make the bed? B: No, I can't.Unit 5 My New Room 1.There be句型,某地有某物:There is / are + 家具。例: There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.2.用方位词准确描述家具的相对位置:---Where is / are + 家具?---It's / They are + 方位词 + 相对物。例: A: Where is the trash bin? B: It's near the table.Unit 6 In a Nature Park There be句型的一般疑问句:---Is / Are there + 某物 + 某地?---Yes, there is / are.No, there isn't / aren't.例1: A: Is there a forest in the park? B: Yes, there is.例2: A: Are there any pandas in the mountains? B: No, there aren't.三、习题演练 补充资料

目标检测题 找出划线部分读音与其它三个不同的一项,将其字母填入题前的括号中。()1.A.grape B.face





D.rose()3.A.funny B.tofu

C.mutton D.bus()4.A.we





C.fish D.is 词形变换。





do not(缩略形式)

Sun.(完全形式)do housework(汉语)

in a nature park(汉语)看电视(英语)



课堂小结 4——6单元单词 4——6单元重点句子 作业与练习

4——6单元重点句子背诵 板书设计 1.What can you do? I can + 家务劳动。

B: I can sweep the floor.2.Can you + 家务劳动? Yes, I can./ No, I can't.3.There is / are + 家具。

4.---Where is / are + 家具?

---It's / They are + 方位词 + 相对物。5.---Is / Are there + 某物 + 某地?

---Yes, there is / are.No, there isn't / aren't.总结与反思


总第 课时 课题 1——6总复习课时安排 共 9 课时,第 9 课时 学习目标 能够快速地说出1——6单元的四会单词。能够熟练运用1——6单元的四会句子。评价方法

通过课堂提问和习题达成复习目标。复习重点 四会单词及句子 复习难点

重点句子的书写及运用。教法与 学法 导学法 课前 准备 教学挂图、单词卡、录音机、磁带



1.Who's your English teacher?

Mr Carter.2.What's he like?

He's tall and strong.3.Is she quiet?

Yes,she is,/No,she isn't.4.What day is it today?

It's Wednesday.5.What do you have on Thursdays? We have English, math and science on Thursdays.6.What do you do on Saturdays? I watch TV on Saturdays.7.What about you?

I do my homework,too.9.What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes,tofu and fish, 10.What's your favourite fruit?

I like apples.They're sweet.I like fruit.But I don't like grapes.They're sour.11.What can you do? I can sweep the floor.12.Can you make the bed?

No,I can't./ Yes,I can.13.There are two bedrooms,a kitchen,a bathroom and a living room.There is a mirror,a bed and a big closet.14.Is there a forest in the park? Yes,there is./No,there isn't.15.Are there any pandas in the mountains? No,there aren't./Yes,there are.T

三、习题演练 补充资料

目标检测题 1.你星期一午饭吃什么?___________________________________ 我们吃土豆、豆腐和鱼。________________________________ 2.你最爱吃的水果是什么?________________________________ 3.你会做什么?___________________________________________ 我会洗碗,摆餐具,扫地。_____________________________ 4.公园里有片森林吗?_____________________________________ 不,没有。_____________________________ 5.你的英语老师长什么样?________________________________ 她长得又高又瘦,和蔼又可亲。_____________________________ 目标达成情况

课堂小结 1——6单元单词 1——6单元重点句子 作业与练习期末测试

板书设计 1.Who's your English teacher?

2.What's he like?

3.Is she quiet?

4.What day is it today?

5.What do you have on Thursdays?

6.What do you do on Saturdays?

7.What about you?

9.What do you have for lunch on Mondays? 10.What's your favourite fruit? 11.What can you do?

12.Can you make the bed?

13.There are/ is

14.Is there a forest in the park? 15.Are there any pandas in the mountains?





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