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Unit 2单元教材分析

Teaching Contents:

Unit 2 What time is it?

Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to know how to ask the time and answer the time correctly.2.Be able to describe one's own usual activities using the language items learned before.3.Learn to know some new instructions like : Time for breakfast.4.Be able to learn and make one's own schedule for usual activities.5.Learn to make a clock by oneself

Teaching Points:

Words and letters

Teaching Difficults: 1.Learn to master the words and sentences of Read and write in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.2.Learn to know the words and sentences in Let's learn and Let's talk.Teaching Methods:

TPR, Reading, Acting.Teahing Aids:

Pictures, Cards, Tape.Teaching Times:

Four Period 1

Teaching Aims: 1.Be able to know the key words in this period in listening, speaking and reading.2.Learn to know the main sentences: What time is it? It's.../ It's time for....3.Try to know some instructions: Time for breakfast.Important points and difficult points: 1.Try to know and master the key words in this period.2.Learn to know and use the new sentences.Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: computer, word cards, flash cards, VCD, pictures, tape, tape-recorder etc Teaching Steps: 1.Warm-up a.Greetings.b.Play the tape for Ss to listen and review Story time of Unit 1, then let Ss act out the story in groups.2.Preview

a.Ask and answer.Where is Zoom? He's in the canteen.Why? He's hungry.Why is he hungry? b.What time is it? It's time for lun Free talk: Let Ss talk about what can tell us the time.E.g.The sun, the moon, the tree etc.3.Presentation a.Show Ss a clock, say and talk.Look!What is this? It's a clock.Point to 12 and ask: What time is it? It's 12 o'clock.Are you hungry? Why? It's time for lunch.b.Practice.Change the time, ask Ss quickly.What time is it? It's 9 o'clock.It's time for English class./P.E class/ music class c.Listen and repeat.Let Ss listen to the tape, repeat together.d.Game:(response quickly)Change the time in the clock, ask Ss: What time is it? To see who can answer more quickly.e.Guessing.Show Ss flash cards quickly, ask Ss to guess the words and new expressions.f.Draw and write.To draw some clocks in order to show one's own schedule.g.Listen and do.h.Exercises in the activity book 4.Homework Master the new phrases.Listen to the tape and imitate the accent.Board-writing:

Unit 2 What time Is It? music class

What time is it? P.E class

It's....English class

It's time for....breakfast lunch dinner Period 2

Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to know the new words and expressions.2.Learn to know the main idea of the dialogue.3.Be able to listen and read the dialogue well.4.Be able to use the main sentences skillfully.5.To train the students' ability of working in groups.6.Education students to be a child hospitality.Difficult points: 1.Try to master the main sentences like: What time is it? It is....It's time for....2.Learn to understand some oral items in this dialogue like: Just a minute;School is over;Let's run;go home.Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids:

Computer, picture, cards, cassette, Teaching Steps: 1.Warm up.a.Sing a song.(One Two Three...)b.Greetings.What day is it? What is the date today? c.Listen and do.(A Let's do)d.Presentation.Show some instructions: Class is over.School is over.What do you do? Go home.Let's go to the playground.Let's watch TV.e.Free talk.Show Ss a chart.Let them look and think carefully and try to say some sentences about the picture.Ask them some questions.f.Watch and listen.Let Ss watch VCD, listen carefully, try to understand the main idea of the dialogue.Explain any difficulties to help them.g.Make sentences using the following sentence drill.It's time for...Listen and repeat, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.h.Group work.Read the dialogue aloud in groups.i.Act out.Ask some groups to act out it.Or the teacher can act out John.j.Do exercise on the activity book.2.Assignment.a.Listen and read the dialogue aloud.b.Finish the exercises.3.Homework Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.Make a new dialogue.Board-writing:

Unit 2 What Time Is It? over

School is over.Now

What time is it now? Kid

Go home , kids.Just a minute.Let's run.Period 3 Teaching Aims: 1 Listen, speak and read the key expression.2.Understand the main sentence and try to use it skillfully.3.To train the students' ability of working in groups.4.Education students to be a child hospitality.Difficult points: omputer, Cassette, Cassette recorder, flash cards, A teaching clock.Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids:

A tape-recorder

a schoolbag with some books in it Teaching Steps: 1.Warm up.a.Play a game.Try to practice the numbers.Write down some math problems like: 16+39-35 =? Ss quickly give me the answers orally.b.Greetings.2.Preview.a.Let's chant.b.Ask and answer.3.Presentation.Let's learn a.Play a game.(Guessing the time)What time is it? It's time for...It's time to...b.Make types of clock using hands.Ask: What time is it? It's 4:35.School is over.Where do you go? We go home.c.Present new sentence: It's time to go home.It's time to go to school.d.Listen and do.Give Ss some orders, let Ss do actions.e.Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.f.Drills.Drill the sentence drill: It's time to...using “A Let's do”.g.Draw and say.Draw their own time table and talk about what they do in the different time.For example: It's 6 o'clock.It's time to get up.4.Assignment a.Finish the exercise on the activity book.b.Read the chant aloud.c.Copy down the words expressions Board-writing:

Unit 2 What Time Is It? get up

go to school go home go to bed It's time to....Period 4

Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to know the key words in four skills.2.Be able to read the dialogue correctly.Be able to read and write the words and sentences well.Difficult points:

New words and sentences Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids:

a tape-recorder

some cards Teaching Steps: 1.Warm-up a.Chant together with actions.b.Daily report.What day is today? What is the date today? It's March,...What's the weather like today? 2.Preview.a.Using the schedule, ask and answer.Say: Tick, tock, tick, tock, says the clock.It's 7:00.Answer: It's time for breakfast.b.Play a game: Show Ss the time, choose any one to say like this: It's...It's time for....3.Presentation: Group competition: Divide Ss into four groups, try to say the time quickly.a.Listen to the tape.Let the Ss understand the contents.b.Give Ss some questions for the dialogue, ask them to answer randomly.c.Listen and repeat.d.Ask some pairs to act out.e.Play a game.Ss show their own schedule, they play the game in pairs.A: Tick, tock, tick, tock, says the clock.It's 12 o'clock.B: It's time for lunch.f.Write the words and the main sentences by themselves.4.Consolidation and extension a.Finish the exercise on the activity book about B Read and write.b.Copy down the words and the main sentences one line each.c.Make a clock by themselves.Board-writing:

Unit 2

What time is it? 8:30

It's time for English class.9:45

math class 3:20

Chinese class 4:15

music class 5:00




件 第二单元








































































1.Let’sfindout 教师













































2.教师和学生谈谈他们的作息时间,如:T:whattimedoyougetup?S:Sixforty.也可让 学生猜猜教师的活动时间,如:T:whatdoIdoat6:30?S:yougetup.以此导入课文。











































Unit 6单元分析


1、本单元要求会听,说,认读的单词和词组: goat sheep horse donkey tomatoes potatoes Are they? How many?

2、能够听懂并发出与农场相关的简单的指令,如,Shear a sheep.3、帮助学生在掌握单词的基础上造出句子,编出对话,学以致用。



1、能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词,如hen, cow, horse, goat, lamb.2、掌握本单元出现的生词,词组和字母。



2、难点在于A分的Let’s talk 和Let’s learn.四、教学时间


Lesson 31 1.Teaching aims Let the students master the words and expressions: family, parents, uncle, aunt, baby brother and dad.2.Teaching aids some word cards Several photos, a tape recorder, 3.Teaching steps 1)Greetings and sing a song Say “Hello” to everybody, talk something about the weather and the date.Then sing a song named “ An apple a day makes a doctor away”.2)New content Hand out a photo of many members.Introduce the family members to them.And describe them in English.At the same time the teacher shows the new word cards to them and let them read one by one.Then the students read after the tape 3 times and ask the students to remember the new words at once.Then, the teacher show the picture and let them practice them.Next let them take out their photos and practice in pairs to introduce and describe each other’s family members.At the same time the teacher write the sentence “ Come and meet my family” “This is my…” “He/She is…” “He/She has…”on the blackboard.After that , choose several students to introduce and describe his/her family members by using the sentence styles on the blackboard..4.Homework Master the new words.Listen to the tape and try to imitate.5.Teaching notes

Lesson 32 1.Teaching aids A tape recorder, a projector, some pictures

2.Teaching aims Let them master the sentences:

How many people r there in our family? Who are they? My family has…members.Let the students to master the new words and

Expressions: baby, people, member, puppy, only Baby brother.3.Teaching steps 1)Greetings

Say “Hello” to everybody and talk about the date.Sing a song.2)New content Show a picture to the students and ask “How many people are there in the family?”

Then ask “How many members are there in your family?” “Who are they?” Show them a picture of baby and a picture of puppy And teacher them the new words.Let them read

it one.Ask some one to say the main idea of the text and let them to read.Next, the students read after the tape twice.Then let them practice in groups freely.Then ask some groups to show the play.4.Bingo 5.Homework Listen to the tape and try to imitate.Recite the dialogue.The whole text and make up a new story.5.Teaching notes

Lesson 33 1.Teaching aims Let the student master the words : sister, brother, mother, father Baseball player, driver, doctor, farmer, nurse Let the students master the sentences What’s ur father(mother…)?

My father(mother…)is a doctor(farmer…).2.Teaching aids A projector, some pictures a tape recorder 3.Teaching steps 1)Greetings and sing a song After the greetings let them sing a song “ in my bedroom”.2)New content The teacher show them a photo of his family and say “ My father is An officer.My mother is a worker.I’m a teacher.” Then he asks them “What’s your father ? What’s your mother?” Then asks some ones to answer.Practice several times between teacher and students.Them in students.Hand out the pictures of the farmers and so on and let others to guess “What’s the man/woman?” Next, it’s same to the words of baseball player, doctor, driver, farmer, and nurse on the projector.And ask who can read the words.Ask some ones to read.4.Homework Let the students recite the new words and the dialogue.Write the words: sister brother father and mother on the notebook.6.Teaching notes

Lesson 34 1.Teaching aims Let the students master the words: look, young.Let them master the sentences: Who’s this man? He looks strong.Is this your…? Yes, he/she is.No,he/she isn’t.Are they farmers? They look young.Recite the whole text.2.Teaching aids A projector, a tape recorder, some pictures.3.Teaching steps 3)Greetings Say “Good morning”to all the students.4)Warming up exercises Review the exercise “Let’s do”.5)New content Show one picyure on the projector and ask “Who’s this man?” Then say “He looks strong.” Let the students to guess who is he.After that, tell them the Chinese meaning of looks and how to

Use it.Then tell the students the main idea of the story in Chinese.Let them read the text after the teacher sentence by sentence.Then read after the tape twice.Give them 3 minutes to

Practice in groups.Choose several groups to come to the front To act out the story.Hold a compitation in 4 groups to see which One is the best.4.Game Do the exercise “Let’s chant” on page 74.Read after the tape, and do After the teacher.5.Homework Recite the whole text and make up a new play.6.Teaching notes

Lesson 35 1.Teaching aims Let the students master the new words: Nurse, farmer, doctor, driver.2.Teaching aids A tape recoder, a projector 3.Teaching steps

1)Greetings Say “Hello” to all the students.2)Revision Ask several groups to come to the front to act out the text.Ask several groups to come to the front to act the new story that They’ve made up after class.3)Read the words: Nurse, farmer, doctor, driver.Let the students to fill in the blanks on page 75.Read the sentence and ask them to make up a new paragraph about themselves.Ask several students to say sth about himself.4)Review the chant they’ve learned last class.Choose several students to come to the front to act.5)Games

Choose 6 students to come to the front.Let them act as the Father, mother, sister, brother, uncle and aunt.Ask them to Introduce themselves first and then choose 3 students to introduce them.Play a word game to review the words the students had learned.6)Tell them sonething about the foreigners and the west countries.7)Teach them a new song named “ She’ll be coming around the mountain” 4.Homework Let the students master the new words and expressions.Ask them to make up a new dialogue after class.5.Teaching notes

Lesson 36 1.Teaching aims Let the students to master : family, parents, uncle, aunt, baby, come, who, basketball player, people, member, only, puppy, gee, look, young brother, sister, father, mother, driver, doctor, farmer, nurse 2.Teaching aids A projector ,a tape recorde, some pictures and photos 3.Teaching steps 1)Greetings Say “Hello” to everybody, talk something about the weather and the date.Then sing a song named “ An apple a day makes a doctor away”.2)Revision Do the exercise on page 76.Ask them to do it in groups and make some coments.Do the exercise “Let’s check” listening to the tape.Then check them in pairs.Do the exercise “Let’s find out” to see how many words can they find in the letters.Tell the main idea of the story in English and ask the students to read it by themselves.Ask them to circle the difficult words and expressions.Choose one or 2 students to come to the front to tell others the meaning of the story.Then the teacher correct him/her.Read the exercise “Good to know” and say sth about it.3)Sing a song Learn a new song named “My father is a doctor”by listening to the tape.4.Homework Let them to remember the new words in this unit and recite the texts in this unit.6.Teaching notes

Recycle two Part one 1 Teaching Aims Let them review and master the sentences learned between unit4-unit 6.Master the text well.Make a new dialogue.2 Teaching Aids a tape-recorder, some cards 3 Important points Merry Christmas!Is this…

Father Christmas.What would you like?

I’d likesome… 4 Teaching steps 1)Revision.----How many students are there in your class----67.----Who are they?----They are… 2)New contents

First, let one student read the first paragraph, and others follow him or her.Then practice in pairs, and then act out.The same step is the other four pictures.Then make a new dialogue like that.Next, to learn the next four pictures and practice in pairs.3)Group work Give them some minutes to prepare for a new dialogue and act out.Compete in groups.4)Homework Read the text smoothly.Listen and imatate.5)Teaching notes

Part two 1 Teaching Aims Listen and color the house right colors.Master the spelling of some words.2 Teaching Aids a tape-recorder, some cards, some papers and so on.3 Important points The spelling of the words.4 Teaching steps 1)Greetings and revision Let some groups act out the dialogue in the last lesson.2)new contents

First, let some ones describe the house in the book.What are they?

What color are they?

How many? Then listen to the tape and color the house.Check.Spelling game Review the food words and read one by one.Next, the teacher gives the students some food cards.And the teacher spells the word.Then the word of the student stands up.Then ask one student to say the word and act out.Homework Master the food words.5 Teaching notes

Part three 1 Teaching Aims Chant and match.Make.Sing the song.Let’s play.2 Teaching Aids a tape-recorder, some cards, crayons and some tools.3 Important points Chant and match.4 Teaching steps

1)Greetings and revision Let some one recite the food words and do the spelling game.What’s your mother/father/uncle and so on.2)new contents Ask one pair to ask and answer like this: What’s your mother? She is a nurse.What’s your uncle? He is a driver.Then ask some pairs to introduce the person in the book.Next, listen and match.Let’s make.Make a sock using the hard paper.5)Homework Make a sock for their fathers and mothers, and say “Merry Christmas.”


教 材 总 体 分 析



四年级上册共6个单元、2个复习单元。Unit 1 Our School

Unit 2 What time is it? Unit 3 Is this your skirt? Unit 4 It’s warm today!Unit 5 How much is it ? Unit 6 At a farm 每单元分“A、B、C”三个部分。每个单元的最开始有一个主情景图,呈现本单元的主要教学内容。接下A和B部分Let’s learn主要学习生单词,Let’s do或Let’s play 是提供活动来练习和巩固这些生单词的。Let’s talk主要学习交际用语,Let’s chant或Group work通过TPR和游戏来巩固所学语言。Read and write、Write and say主要是培养学生的四会能力和阅读能力。C部分主要是适当扩展学生的语言能力,复习和巩固所学语言。而Good to know施以通俗易懂的方式展示中西方文化的差异。教材所蕴含的能力体系: 听:Let’s check 能听懂录音并找出正确答案。说:Let’s talk 能运用所学日常用语进行交流; 读:四年级上册Read and write 能正确地读出字母的发音以及字母在单词里的发音;写Write and say 能按笔顺正确地书写26个英文字母;做:Let’s do能通过看图片了解并会做相应的动作。

二、教学目标: 听、做


3.能根据指令做事情,如:指图片、画图、做动作、做手工等 说、唱:



4.能根据图画说出单词或短句。玩、演 1.能用英语做游戏。














7、注重教学资料的配套,为学生提供良好的英语学习环境,帮助学生拓展自我发展的空间。每课/课本由主干系统和辅助系统两部分组成。主干系统是由let’s learn, let’s talk, read and write这三部分组成;辅助系统是由main scene, let’s do,let’s play, write and say, story time.各个部分都配有彩图,设计新颖,语言地道,联系学生的实际。



1、会话教学(Let’s talk / Let’s play)这部分主要采用情境教学法,利用表演和游戏的方式融会话于情境教学中,在情景中运用语言。师生一起在表演中教,在表演中学,在交际活动中用。

2、词汇教学(Let’s learn / Let’s do)这部分采用直观演示法,即利用游戏,使用实物或卡片;并且融词汇于会话教学中;充分发挥TPR活动的优势;详细讲授单词的结构和书写。

3、字母教学(Read and write)四年级上册的字母教学1.可以开展一些模仿竞赛活动教学字母的发音;2.利用卡片,投影,多媒体,描红等手段 指导学生正确地书写字母3.利用游戏促进和巩固对字母的记忆。


5.其他板块教学(Let’s sing / Let’s chant)。这部分主要采用全身反应教学法,除了用于Warm-up中,也可以不断重复使用于教学过程中。

1、在每节课中渗透2.灵活运用于各个教学环节(引入、复习或放松气氛)3.采取多种表演活动进行学习,story time 要因材施教,根据不同学生的程度进行教学。4.课内与课外结合使用。



Unit 1单元教材分析

Teaching Contents: Unit 1 Our School Teaching Aims: 1 Words: playground garden teacher’s office library canteen computer room washroom music room gym TV room 2 Sentences: Where is the canteen?-It’s on the first floor The art room is on the first floor Is this the library? Yes ,it is./No ,it isn’t.Teaching Points: Words and letters Teaching Difficults: Four skill words Use the sentences Teaching Methods: TPR, Reading, Acting.Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teahing Aids: Pictures, Cards, Tape.Teaching Times: Four

Period 1 Teaching Aims:

1.To find out whether the students have got the key words or not.2.Find out whether the students have got the main sentences or not.3.Double check whether they have got the rules of the pronunciation of the letter Aa 4.Double whether they have got the way of writing an English sentence.Important points and difficult points: 1.Remind them to remember the rules of writing an English sentence.2.Remind them how to figure out the pronunciation of letter Aa.3.Try to use the main sentences to make their own sentences.Teaching Methods: TPR, Reading, Acting.Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: Computer, word cards, flash cards, VCD, courseware, pictures.Teaching steps: 1.Warm-up a.Greetings.Are you happy today? If so, let’s sing a song together ‘ Our School’, 2.Revision a.Key words revision: Let the class use the key words to make some sentences.Have a dictation.b.A competition, different group has different words: Computer school that board Teacher map yes wall Picture this light floor c.Main sentences: Is this „? Is that „? Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.Exercises: to complete a dialogue A: Welcome to our school!This is the teacher’s office.That is my classroom B: How many students are there in your class? A: Forty-five.D.Exercises of pronunciation: a.To judge which words group have the same sound(1)Apple, plate,(2)have, make(3)bag, at(4)hat, face(5)grape, snake(6)cat, plane E.Exercise for multiple choice.()1.Let’s go and have a ______!

A.see C.look()2.Welcome ____ my home! art room is on ____second floor.A./ B.a C.the()4.This _____ my classroom A.are F.If time is enough, the class may do more exercises in the Active book.4.Homework: a.To copy five stars words four times each.b.To read and recite Let’s talk.Board-writing:

Unit 1 Our School Playground Where is the„? Garden It’s on/in/near„.Teacher’s office



Period 2 Teaching Aims: 1.1 Learn the four words in listing, speaking, reading 2.Learn the new expressions: welcome to, this is, that is, this way, please , your school is beautiful!3.To develop the students’interest in English.Important points and difficult points: To master these two sentences: This is the teacher’s office.That is my classroom.Teaching Methods: TPR, Reading, Acting.Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching aids: Computer, word cards, flash cards, VCD, course ware, pictures.Teaching steps: 1.Warming-up a.Greetings & Let’s do.b.Daily report.2.Presentation a.What’s in the classroom? A board, fourteen lights, „.Let the children introduce their classroom, and then tell them two visitors will visit our school, let’s welcome them.b.To play the VCD, and then question the class: How many students are there in Chenjie’s class? Does Chenjie have lunch at school? c.Read the dialogue after the tape.d.Read after the teacherRead the text smoothly.f.Practice the dialogue.g.Act the dialogue.h.Game: By using the cards: This is my That is Board-writing:

Unit 1 Our School Welcome to our school.How many students are there in your classroom?

Do you have a library? This way ,please.Period 3 Teaching aims: 1.Learn these six words and expressions: art room, computer room, washroom, music room, gym, TV room and second in listening, speaking and reading.1.Learn the Part Let’s chant.Go on to learn the song “ Our School”.4.To educate the students to love their school and to be a helpful student.5.To train the students’ creativity.Teaching Methods: TPR, Reading, Acting.Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching aids:a tape-recorder pictures cards

Important points and difficult points: 1.To master the six words and expressions: art room, computer room, washroom, music room, gym, TV room.2.To understand the word “ second”.3.Read in the library, draw in the art room, eat in the canteen, play in the gym.Teaching steps:

1.Warming-up a.Let’s do, A let’s talk, b.Daily greetings and report c.Learn to sing the song “ Our School”.2.Preview The teacher says one sentence like this: I can see many flowers in it.Where is it? The children may answer: It’s in the garden.To give more exercises.3.Presentation a.Let the children act the Part Let’s do, and then ask them: Where do we water the flowers? The class will answer: In the garden.The teacher goes on to ask: Where do we have computer class? In the computer room.Where do we draw? In the art room.Where do we wash our hands? In the washroom.Where do we sing? In the music room.Where do we play? In the gym.Where do we watch TV? In the TV room.b.Watch the VCD.c.Let’s chant.School days, school days.What a lot of fun!Read in the library.Draw in the art room.Eat in the canteen.Play in the gym.School days, school days.What a lot of fun!d.A game: To put the flash cards on the board, and then let the one of them come out to guess out the word in the flash card.Part Let’s play.e.To read the book in Page 7: Where is the art room? It’s on the second floor.The sentence pattern: Where is „? It’s„ Homework Let the students to memorize the words.Recite the whole dialogue.Board-writing:

Unit 1 Our School art room, computer room, wash room, music room, gym, TV room, Where is the art room? It’s on the second floor

Period 4 Teaching aims 1.Learn these main sentences: Is this the library? Is that the TV room? 2.Learn to use the sentence pattern: Is this „? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.Is that„? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.To imagine a school in the future, and introduce one’s school in English.3.To educate the students to love their school and to be a helpful student.4.To train the students’ creativity.Important points and difficult points: 1.The sentence patterns: Is this „? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.2.Learn to use these two words: this & that Teaching Methods: TPR, Reading, Acting.Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching aids: Computer, word cards, flash cards, VCD, courseware, pictures..Teaching steps: 1.Warm-up a.Greetings.How are you? / How are you doing today? b.Daily report: what day is today? What’s the date today? What’s the weather like today? 2.Preview to talk about this topic: What’s in our school? Let the children answer in English, they may answer: There are art rooms, computer rooms, music rooms, a gym and many TV rooms.3.Presentation a.To show the headmaster’s photo, and ask the class: Who is she? Yes, she is our headmaster.Do you want to be a headmaster? Today Wu Yifan is a headmaster is a headmaster.He has a new school.Do you want to have a look? b.Let the class watch the VCD, while they are watching, ask them some questions: Is this the„? Is that the„?

Let the children answer: Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.c.To practise the sentence patter: Is this „? Is that„? To put the flash cards on the board, and roll over them.d.Let the children listen to the tape.e.Act the dialogue.f.A project.To design a school.g.Do some exercises in the Workbook.Homework Ask the students to memorize the text and listen to the tape after class and try to imitate the tape.Board-writing:

Unit 1 Our School Is this the library? Is that the art room?

Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.Unit 2单元教材分析

Teaching Contents:

Unit 2 What time is it?

Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to know how to ask the time and answer the time correctly.2.Be able to describe one’s own usual activities using the language items learned before.3.Learn to know some new instructions like : Time for breakfast.4.Be able to learn and make one’s own schedule for usual activities.5.Learn to make a clock by oneself Teaching Points: Words and letters Teaching Difficults: 1.Learn to master the words and sentences of Read and write in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.2.Learn to know the words and sentences in Let’s learn and Let’s talk.Teaching Methods: TPR, Reading, Acting.Teahing Aids: Pictures, Cards, Tape.Teaching Times: Four

Period 1

Teaching Aims: 1.Be able to know the key words in this period in listening, speaking and reading.2.Learn to know the main sentences: What time is it? It’s„/ It’s time for„.3.Try to know some instructions: Time for breakfast.Important points and difficult points: 1.Try to know and master the key words in this period.2.Learn to know and use the new sentences.Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: computer, word cards, flash cards, VCD, pictures, tape, tape-recorder etc

Teaching Steps: 1.Warm-up a.Greetings.b.Play the tape for Ss to listen and review Story time of Unit 1, then let Ss act out the story in groups.2.Preview a.Ask and answer.Where is Zoom? He’s in the canteen.Why? He’s hungry.Why is he hungry? b.What time is it? It’s time for lun Free talk: Let Ss talk about what can tell us the time.E.g.The sun, the moon, the tree etc.3.Presentation a.Show Ss a clock, say and talk.Look!What is this? It’s a clock.Point to 12 and ask: What time is it? It’s 12 o’clock.Are you hungry? Why? It’s time for lunch.b.Practice.Change the time, ask Ss quickly.What time is it? It’s 9 o’clock.It’s time for English class./P.E class/ music class c.Listen and repeat.Let Ss listen to the tape, repeat together.d.Game:(response quickly)Change the time in the clock, ask Ss: What time is it? To see who can answer more quickly.e.Guessing.Show Ss flash cards quickly, ask Ss to guess the words and new expressions.f.Draw and write.To draw some clocks in order to show one’s own schedule.g.Listen and do.h.Exercises in the activity book 4.Homework Master the new phrases.Listen to the tape and imitate the accent.Board-writing:

Unit 2 What time Is It? music class What time is it?

P.E class It’s„.English class It’s time for„.breakfast lunch


Period 2

Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to know the new words and expressions.2.Learn to know the main idea of the dialogue.3.Be able to listen and read the dialogue well.4.Be able to use the main sentences skillfully.5.To train the students’ ability of working in groups.6.Education students to be a child hospitality.Difficult points: 1.Try to master the main sentences like: What time is it? It is„.It’s time for„.2.Learn to understand some oral items in this dialogue like: Just a minute;School is over;Let’s run;go home.Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: Computer, picture, cards, cassette, Teaching Steps: 1.Warm up.a.Sing a song.(One Two Three„)b.Greetings.What day is it? What is the date today? c.Listen and do.(A Let’s do)d.Presentation.Show some instructions: Class is over.School is over.What do you do? Go home.Let’s go to the playground.Let’s watch TV.e.Free talk.Show Ss a chart.Let them look and think carefully and try to say some sentences about the picture.Ask them some questions.f.Watch and listen.Let Ss watch VCD, listen carefully, try to understand the main idea of the dialogue.Explain any difficulties to help them.g.Make sentences using the following sentence drill.It’s time for„Listen and repeat, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.h.Group work.Read the dialogue aloud in groups.i.Act out.Ask some groups to act out it.Or the teacher can act out John.j.Do exercise on the activity book.2.Assignment.a.Listen and read the dialogue aloud.b.Finish the exercises.3.Homework Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.Make a new dialogue.Board-writing:

Unit 2 What Time Is It? over School is over.Now What time is it now? Kid Go home , kids.Just a minute.Let’s run.Period 3

Teaching Aims: 1 Listen, speak and read the key expression.2.Understand the main sentence and try to use it skillfully.3.To train the students’ ability of working in groups.4.Education students to be a child hospitality.Difficult points: omputer, Cassette, Cassette recorder, flash cards, A teaching clock.Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: A tape-recorder a schoolbag with some books in it Teaching Steps: 1.Warm up.a.Play a game.Try to practice the numbers.Write down some math problems like: 16+39-35 =? Ss quickly give me the answers orally.b.Greetings.2.Preview.a.Let’s chant.b.Ask and answer.3.Presentation.Let’s learn a.Play a game.(Guessing the time)What time is it? It’s time for„ It’s time to„

b.Make types of clock using hands.Ask: What time is it? It’s 4:35.School is over.Where do you go? We go home.c.Present new sentence: It’s time to go home.It’s time to go to school.d.Listen and do.Give Ss some orders, let Ss do actions.e.Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.f.Drills.Drill the sentence drill: It’s time to„ using “A Let’s do”.g.Draw and say.Draw their own time table and talk about what they do in the different time.For example: It’s 6 o’clock.It’s time to get up.4.Assignment a.Finish the exercise on the activity book.b.Read the chant aloud.c.Copy down the words expressions Board-writing:

Unit 2 What Time Is It? get up go to school go home go to bed It’s time to„.Period 4

Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to know the key words in four skills.2.Be able to read the dialogue correctly.Be able to read and write the words and sentences well.Difficult points: New words and sentences Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: a tape-recorder some cards Teaching Steps: 1.Warm –up a.Chant together with actions.b.Daily report.What day is today? What is the date today? It’s March,...What’s the weather like today? 2.Preview.a.Using the schedule, ask and answer.Say: Tick, tock, tick, tock, says the clock.It’s 7:00.Answer: It’s time for breakfast.b.Play a game: Show Ss the time, choose any one to say like this: It’s„ It’s time for„.3.Presentation: Group competition: Divide Ss into four groups, try to say the time quickly.a.Listen to the tape.Let the Ss understand the contents.b.Give Ss some questions for the dialogue, ask them to answer randomly.c.Listen and repeat.d.Ask some pairs to act out.e.Play a game.Ss show their own schedule, they play the game in pairs.A: Tick, tock, tick, tock, says the clock.It’s 12 o’clock.B: It’s time for lunch.f.Write the words and the main sentences by themselves.4.Consolidation and extension a.Finish the exercise on the activity book about B Read and write.b.Copy down the words and the main sentences one line each.c.Make a clock by themselves.Board-writing:

Unit 2 What time is it? 8:30 It’s time for English class.9:45 math class 3:20 Chinese class 4:15 music class 5:00 P.E.class

Unit 3单元教材分析

Teaching Contents:

Unit 3 Is This Your Skirt? Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to describe the size of the clothes, the colour of the clothes.2.Learn to know the key words in listening, speaking, reading and writing.3.Learn to know and understand the sentences of Let’s learn & Let’s talk.4.Learn to understand the sentences of Let’s do & Let’s chant.5.Learn to understand the story time and Good to know.6.Cultivate them to co-operate with each other, encourage them to create.Teaching Points: Words and letters Teaching Difficults: Four skill words Use the sentences Teaching Methods: TPR, Reading, Acting Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teahing Aids: Pictures, Cards, Tape.Teaching Times: Four

Period 1

Teaching Aims: 1.1.Further understand the colors in English.2.Learn to say the keywords about the clothes.3.Learn to understand the sentences of Let’s do with some actions.Important points and difficult points: New words and sentences Teaching methods:listening,speaking Teaching Aids: Computer, cassette, cassette recorder, flash cards, some objects.Teaching Steps: 1.Warm-up: a.Greetings: How are you? How was your weekend? b.B.Date & weather.What’s the date today? What’s the weather like today? 2.Revision c.The teacher asks the class: What’s your favourite colour? What colour do you like best? d.A game: Guess what colour of the crayons in Miss Guo’s hands? 3.Presentation & consolidation a.The teacher will say: What is Miss Guo wearing today? I’m wearing a shirt today.What are you wearing today? You are wearing school uniforms today.I’m wearing „.b.The teacher will show the cards to the class one by one: jacket, sweater, skirt, dress, shirt, T-shirt.c.Try to use the new words to make some sentences such as: I like the „ I like the „ with the „.d.A game: let them further understand the new words, what word is missing? Or what’s in my hand? e.Listen to the tape, and get the general idea of the sentences.Especially the verbs: put on, hang up, take off, put away, fold & wash.Help them to master these phrases.They can make their own sentences with the verb phrases.f.Group work: Watch the VCD first, and then practise the sentences with their groups and with some actions.g.Free talk: what color is your T-shirt? What color is your jacket? 3.Homework: a.To copy the new words one line for each To read Let’s do aloud..Board-writing:

Unit 3 Is this your skirt? skirt Put on „.shirt Take off „.T-shirt Hang up „.jacket Fold up „.Sweater Wash „.dress Put away„

Period 2

Teaching Aims: 1.1.Learn to master the four-skilled words about the colours.2.Learn to master the way to write the key words and the sentences.3.Try to understand the meaning of the dialogue.4.Learn to read the chant.5.To train the students’ creativity.Important points and difficult points: 1.Learn to master the right way to write the key words and the sentences.2.Try to read the first part of the chant.3.Try to make an own dialogue with the sentences they have learnt.Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: a tape recorder cards pictures Teaching Steps: 1.Warm-up.Greetings: How are you feeling today? b.Date & weather: What’s the date?

What’s the weather like outside?

c.Read a chant: My shirt is red.My jacket is blue.My dress is old.My sweater is new.2.Revision a.The teacher asks: What are you wearing today? I’m wearing „.b.Read the chant of Page 31.3.Presentation & consolidation.a.After the kids read the chant, the teacher will ask some questions: What colour is your shirt/jacket/dress/skirt? b.The teacher shows a chart on the board.Let them talk about the chart such as: How many colours can you see? How many animals can you see? Is this T-shirt the rabbits’?

What colour is the rabbit’s T-shirt? What colour is the dog’s T-shirt? What about the cat’s?

c.Listen to the tape, read after it.d.Groups work: Ask the students to read by roles and see which group can do the best.e.A game: Try to remember or memorize the key words in the class.f.To use the sentence structures: ‘Is this your „?’ To make more different sentences.4.Homework: a.To copy down the new words one line each.b.Copy down the sentences two-line each Board-writing:

Unit 3 Is This Your Skirt? red Is this your „? blue No, it isn’t.yellow No, it’s not.Green White

Period 3

Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to master the main words about clothes.2.Learn to ask and answer about the clothes colour in plural form.3.Try to understand the meaning of the chant.4.Learn to read the chant.5.To educate the students to love their school and to be a helpful student.6.To train the students’ creativity.Important points and difficult points: 1.Try to read the chant, get to know the words like socks, shoes, pants, shorts, with, are, together.2.Ask and answer about the colours of clothes in plural form.Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: a tape recorder cards pictures Teaching Steps: 3.Warm-up.A Greetings: How are you feeling today? b.Date & weather: What’s the date?

What’s the weather like outside?

c.Read a chant: My shirt is red.My jacket is blue.My dress is old.My sweater is new.Step 2.Presentation.Use flash cards to teach the main words: jeans, shorts, socks, shoes and pants.2.Use pictures or real objects to ask: what colour are the „? They are„.Step 3.Presentation & consolidation.b.After the kids read the chant, the teacher will ask some questions: What colour is your shirt/jacket/dress/skirt? What colour are your shoes/pants/„?

b.Let the class figure out “are” and “is”.“are” is used in a plural form.“is” is used in a singular form.a.The teacher shows a chart on the board.Let them talk about the chart such as: How many colours can you see? How many animals can you see? Is this T-shirt the rabbits’?

What colour is the rabbit’s T-shirt? What colour is the dog’s T-shirt? What about the cat’s?

b.Listen to the tape, read after it.c.Groups work: Ask the students to read by roles and see which group can do the best.d.A game: Try to remember or memorize the key words in the class.e.To use ‘what colour are the„? They are„.’ To make more different sentences.See which students can do more.5.Homework: a.To copy down the new words one line each.c.Copy down the sentences two-line each.d.Board-writing:

Unit 3 Is This Your Skirt? Where are my shoes shorts pants socksjeans? They are „„Make friends.Play computer games.Period 4

Teaching Aims: 1.1.Learn to master the five key words in listening, speaking, reading and writing.2.Learn to know how to describe the clothes.3.Learn to know how to write the main sentences.4.Learn to understand the dialogue.5.When they see the objects, they can recognize and read them and do the action about them.Important points and difficult points: 1.The sentences written should be concerned.Pay attention to their first letter of a sentence and the full stop.2.Try to master or memorize the key words in the class.Otherwise they will feel too much pressure on them.3.Try to act out the dialogue.Master the way to ask the colours.Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: a tape recorder cards pictures Teaching Steps: 1.Warm-up Greetings: How are you feeling today? What’s the date? What’s the weather like today? 2.Revision: a.Let them say the names of the clothes.First: pants, shorts, jeans, shoes, socks, T-shirt, shirt, skirt, jacket and dress Try to describe their own clothes: This is my T-shirt.My T-shirt is blue.3.Presentation & consolidation a.Watch the VCD;let them get the general idea of the dialogue.Ask them what words they have heard and what colour they are.b.The teacher will show a chart on the board and then ask:(1).What time is it?(2)What clothes does Zip have for her birthday party?(3)What colour is the dress?(4)Which one is pretty? c.Let them ask some questions about the chart.They can imagine or ask.d.A game.Use the letters to make words of clothes.a e i o u s h r d j t p k n l c e.Let the children take out their exercises book and try to make some sentences: What colour is it? It’s white.f.Act out the dialogue.g.Written exercise for phonetics: cake apple hat face bag have we desk egg pen he she have snake three me cat apple make grape 4.Homework a.Copy down the main new words one line each.b.To read the dialogue aloud.Board-writing:

Unit 3 Is this your skirt?

Skirt What colour is it? Shirt It’s white.Jacket I have a new dress for my birthday dress party.T-shirt This red T-shirt is pretty

Unit 4单元教材分析

Teaching Contents:

Unit4 It’s warm today

Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to describe the weather.2.Learn to know the key words in listening, speaking, reading and writing.3.Learn to know and understand the sentences of Let’s learn, Read and write & Let’s talk.4.Learn to understand the sentences of Let’s do & Let’s chant.5.Learn to understand the story time and Good to know.Teaching Points: 1.Try to say the weathers.2.The plural forms and the singular forms of the clothes.3.Try to say the size of the clothes in English.4.Try to express and use the sentences:what’s the weather like„? It’ „.5.Try to write the key words properly.Teaching Difficults: Four skill words Use the sentences Teaching Methods: TPR, Reading, Acting.Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teahing Aids: Pictures, Cards, Tape.Teaching Times: Four

Period 1

Teaching Aims: 1.To act quickly after listening to the T.2.Master the sentences: This is my home.You can see a bedroom...3.New words: study bathroom bedroom living room kitchen Important points and difficult points: 1.Learn to understand the key words in listening, speaking and reading.2.Try to understand the word, and use them into sentences.Learn to understand the sentences of What’s the weather like in„? It’s „.Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: A tape-recorder,an English book, a Chinese book, a storybook, a notebook and a math book.Teaching Steps: 2.Warm-up: b.Greetings: How are you? c.B.Date ,day& weather.What’s the date today? What’s the weather like today? What day is it today? 2.Revision d.The teacher asks the class: What’s your favourite clothes? What colour is your„?

e.A game: Guess what colour of the clothes? 3.Presentation & consolidation The teacher will say: What’s weather like today? It’s„.h.The teacher will show the cards to the class one by one: cool, cold, hot, warm.i.Try to use the new words to make some sentences such as: What’s the weather like„? It’s „

j.A game: let them further understand the new words, what word is missing? Or what’s in my hand?

k.Listen to the tape, and get the general idea of the sentences.l.Group work: Watch the VCD first, and then practise the sentences with their group.m.Free talk: What’s the weather like today? It’s„.4.Homework: a.To copy the new words one line for each b.Ready for a weather report.Board-writing:

Unit 4 It’s warm today!weather, cool, cold, hot, warm.What’s the weather like in„?

It’s „.Period 2

Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to understand the sentences of Let’s talk.2.Learn to express the weather.3.Learn to know the “Can I wear„?” ask and answer.Important points and difficult points: New words and sentences Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: Computer, cassette, cassette recorder, flash cards, some objects.Teaching Steps: 1.Warm-up a.Greetings: How are you? Fine, thank you.b.Day,Date & weather: What’s the weather like today? 2.Revision: a.To review the weather report: This is the weather report„.It’s „.And so on.b.To review the main words about weather Further understand the pronunciation of the main words.Especially the words: weather, wear, today, can’t, put on.3.Presentation & consolidation: a.The teacher will point to a picture and say: Is it cool today? They will answer: Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.b.Let the class practise in pairs: Is it hot „? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.c.The teacher points to the picture and asks: what’s the weather like„? It’s „.Can I wear„? Yes, you can./ No, you can’t.Then the teacher asks the questions one by one till all the students understand.d.Let the class make sentences with the structure: It’„today.Can I wear„?

Yes, you can./ No, you can’t.e.To watch the VCD, then the teacher will ask some questions according to the dialogue.f.To practise the dialogue in groups/pairs, then act out the dialogue.4.Homework: a.To copy the main words each one line.b.To read the dialogue aloud.Board-writing:

Unit 4 It’s warm today!

Can I wear „ ?

Yes, you can./ No, you can’t It’s warm/hot/cool/cold today.Period 3

Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to master the four-skilled words about the weather.2.Learn to master the way to write the key words and the sentences.3.Try to understand the meaning of the dialogue.4.Learn to read the chant.Important points and difficult points: New words and sentences Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: Computer, cassette, cassette recorder, flash cards, some objects.Teaching Steps: 4.Warm-up.Greetings: How are you feeling today? b.Day,date & weather: What’s the date?

What’s the weather like outside? It’s„.c.Read a chant: My shirt is red.My jacket is blue.My dress is old.My sweater is new.2.Revision a.The teacher asks: What are you wearing today? I’m wearing „.b.Read the chant of Page 47.3.Presentation & consolidation.e.After the kids read the chant, the teacher will ask some questions: What’s the weather like will you wear shirt/jacket/dress/skirt? c.The teacher shows a chart on the board.Let them talk about the chart such as: What’s the weather like in„?

Can I wear„?

d.Listen to the tape, read after it.e.Groups work: Ask the students to read by roles and see which group can do the best.f.A game: Try to remember or memorize the key words in the class.g.To use the sentence structures: Put on„ / Take off„ To make more different sentences.6.Homework: a.To copy down the new words one line each.b.Copy down the sentences two-line each.Board-writing:

Unit 4 It’s warm today!hot warm cool cold Put on„ / Take off„

Period 4

Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to know the key words in listening, speaking and reading.2.Learn to figure out the words : rainy, windy, sunny, cloudy, snowy.3.Try to describe the weather: Here’s the world weather.It’s„ in„.Important points and difficult points: New words and sentences Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: VCD, computer, a chart, cassette and the recorder, wall pictures, flash cards.Teaching Steps: 1.Warm-up.a.Greetings: Ask some of them to greet or ask some questions.b.Date & weather report.c.A song 2.Revision 3.Presentation & consolidation a.The teacher will say: what’s the weather like in„? It’s „.b.Practise the sentences in pairs.c.Let them make the sentences with “Here’s the world weather.It’s „ in„.”

d.Watch the VCD;let them get the general idea of the dialogue.e.Ask and Answer: What’s the weather like in„? It’s„.f.Group work: Practise the dialogue in groups g.Make a weather report in the world.4.Homework a.Read the dialogue aloud.b.Copy the main words and sentences two times each.Board-writing:

Unit 4 rainy windy sunny cloudy snowy Here’s the world weather.It’s „ in„.Unit 5单元教材分析

Teaching Contents:

Unit 5 How much is it ?

Teaching Aims: 1.Be able to describe the size of the shoes and the clothes, talk about the price, colour and style.(It’s expensive/ colourful.)2.Be able to ask the price and make some suggestions.3.Try to do actions according to the commands

Teaching Points: Words and sentences Teaching Difficults: Four skill words Use the sentences Teaching Methods: TPR, Reading, Acting.Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teahing Aids: Computer, cassette, cassette recorder, power point, pictures, cards..Teaching Times: Four

Period 1

Teaching Aims: 1.Be able to listen, speak, read the words: colourful, pretty, cheap, and expensive.2.Be able to talk about the colours, price and style: It’s expensive/ colourful/ pretty/ cheap.3.Be able to chant the rhyme well.Important points and difficult points: New words and sentences Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: Computer, cassette, cassette recorder, power point, pictures, cards.Teaching Steps: 1.Warm –up.a.Free talk Ask some questions like the following: T: What’s the weather like today? Ss: It’s cloudy and warm.T: Can you wear your sweater? Ss: No, I can’t.b.Let’s chant.Mmm, It’s warm today.2.Preview.Let’s chant: My shirt is red.My jacket is blue„.Try to present the new words in a natural way.3.Presentation.Let’s learn.(1)Draw different clothes with nice colors on the blackboard.Ask: What’s this? It’s a dress/ jacket/skirt.Look at this skirt.What colour is it? Is it pretty? /colourful? How much is? Is it expensive/cheap/big/long/small/short? Help the Ss to answer them.Present the new words with the help of the real objects.(2)Show them the flash cards, to listen and repeat the new words: colourful, pretty, cheap, and expensive.(3)Play a game.a.I say cheap, Ss say expensive, or on the opposite.b.Cheap or expensive? Tell Ss that more than 80 is expensive, less than 79 is cheap.Put the price on the bag, pen, pencil, books, clothes, Ss see the price, then say It’s cheap/expensive.To see who can see the fastest.(4)Listen and repeat.Let Ss listen to tape recorder, repeat aloud.Then help Ss to say these following sentences: Look at that „ It’s„ I want to buy it.It’s„yuan.(5)Extension.Use the real objects to show Ss a dialogue like this: A: Can I help you? B: Yes, I ‘d like a pen.A: Look at that pen.Is it nice? B;Yes, it’s pretty.I like it How much is it? A: It’s 2 yuan.B: Oh, it’s cheap.I want buy it.A: Here you are.Get Ss to make more dialogues using the words and expressions.(5)Listen and chant in groups.4.Homework.a.Copy the key words.b.Listen and chant together.Board-writing:

Unit 5 How much is it? colourful pretty cheap expensive.It’s „ It’s.„Yuan.I want to buy it.Period 2

Teaching Aims: 3.Be able to listen, speak, read the new words well: sixty seventy ninety-nine hundred assistant help how much that’s= that is 4.Be able to talk about the colours, price and style: That’s expensive/ colourful / pretty /cheap.How much is it? It’s „yuan.5..Be able to use the language skillfully.Important points and difficult points: 1.Listen, speak, read the key words well.2.Be able to communicate with the useful language points: Can I help you? How much is this dress/ shirt/jacket? Difficulty words: expensive pretty colourful ninety-nine Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: Computer, cassette, cassette recorder, power point, pictures, cards.Teaching Steps: 5.Warm –up.a.Sing a song.My clothes.b.Listen and chant with the tape.c.Listen and do.(For Unit 5)6.Preview.Ply the tape for Ss to listen to the song of Unit 5: The Coat in the Window.7.Presentation.Let’s talk(1)Make a dialogue with an individual student.T: Hello, How much is your shirt? S.It’s thirty yuan.T: Is it expensive? S: No, but it’s pretty.(2)Look, listen and imitate.a.Look at the picture.Ask some questions.Who can you see? What does Amy want to buy? How much is it? Is it cheap? b.Watch VCD tape.Try to understand the dialogue.c.Listen to the dialogue, repeat with the tape.d.Play a game;Higher or lower? Student holds a pen up: The others try to guess the price.S1: How much is this pen? S2: It’s two yuan.S1: Higher!Higher!S3: It’s Four yuan.S1: Lower!Lower!S4: It’s three yuan.S1: Yes.(3)Group talk.Try to ask the price of their own clothes or the stationeries.Then make a survey.(4)Practice the dialogue in the real situation.(5)Act out their dialogues.8.Homework.a.Read the dialogue aloud.b.Finish the exercise in activity book.Board-writing:

Unit 5 How much is it? Assistant: Can I help you? Ninety-nine Customer: Yes, I want „ sixty seventy That’s expensive/ cheap.It’s too „

Period 3

Teaching Aims: 1.Be able to listen, speak, read the dialogue well.2.Be able to talk about the size, price and style of the things you want to buy.3.Group work: To make a survey.Ask the prices of your friends’ clothes.Important points and difficult points: 1.Listen, speak, read the key words well.2.Be able to communicate with the useful expressions.3.Try to make a dialogue about the shopping by themselves.4.Difficult sentences: How about this pair? Are they all right? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.We’ll take them.Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: Computer, cassette, cassette recorder, power point, pictures, cards.Teaching Steps: 9.Warm –up.a.Let’s do.(Listen and do actions)b.Greetings and everyday English.10.Preview.Play the tape for Ss to listen to the song of Unit 5: The Coat in the Window.11.Presentation.Let’s talk(1)Make a dialogue with an individual student.T: Hello, Are you wearing a pair of sandals? S.No, I’m wearing a pair of sneakers.T: Look at my sandals.They are old.I want to buy a new pair.Let’s go shopping together.S: Good idea.(2)Look, listen and imitate.a.Look at the picture.Ask some questions.b.Watch VCD tape.Try to understand the dialogue.c.Explain the difficulties: What size? Size 5.Are they all right? We’ll take them.d.Listen to the dialogue, repeat with the tape.e.Group talk.Make a survey.To know the size.Ask;What size do you wear? I wear size 37.How much are your sandals/ sneakers/ slippers? f.Practice the dialogue in groups.g.Act out the dialogue.h.Play a game.Guess the size of what they wear.What size do you wear? Guess.Size 5.Smaller.Size 4.i.If time permits, let Ss go to buy the things they have in groups.12.Homework.a.Read the dialogue aloud.b.Finish the exercise in activity book.Board-writing:

Unit 5 How much is it? A pair of sneakers for my son.What size? How about this pair? How much are they?

We’ll take them.Period 4

Teaching Aims: 1.Be able to listen, speak, read and write the key words well: apple, pear, orange, banana, and watermelon.2.Be able to say and write the main sentences: How much are they? They’re three Yuan.3..Be able to use the language skillfully.Important points and difficult points: New words and sentences Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: Computer, cassette, cassette recorder, power point, pictures, cards.Teaching Steps: 13.Warm –up.a.Let’s do.b.Greetings and daily report.14.Preview.a.Make a survey: Ask Ss to think of what size of shoes and clothes their family members wear.Ask them some questions.3.Presentation.a.Show Ss the chart let them look at it carefully.Ask them questions.What does Zoom want to buy? What fruits do you know? Does Zoom want any lemons? How many apples does Zoom want? b.Ask the Ss to say something about the picture.c.Show them the cards, help Ss say: one apple, five apples, ten pears, ten oranges, and two big watermelons.d.Play a game: Show them pictures, let Ss quickly say the plural forms of the words: two apples, three bananas„ e.Listen and watch the dialogue.a)Read and practice the dialogue.g.Act out the dialogue with headdresses.h.Let Ss make their own dialogue in groups.i.Do the exercises on the activity book.15.Homework.a.Read the dialogue aloud.b.Finish the exercise in activity book.c.Copy the key sentences and words one line each.Board-writing:

Unit 5 How much is it? A fruit shop apples pears Pictures oranges bananas

Watermelons How much are they? They’re three Yuan.Unit6单元教材分析

Teaching Contents:

Unit 6 At a farm

Teaching Aims: 1.Can listen, read, and say the main words of let’s learn.2.Can understand the commands and give correct responses.3.Can understand the main sentences and can use them in real life.Know some English proverbs.Teaching Points: Words and sentences Teaching Difficults: Four skill words Use the sentences Teaching Methods: TPR, Reading, Acting.Learning Methods:speaking, listening

Teahing Aids: Computer, cassette, cassette recorder, power point, pictures, cards.Teaching Times: Four

Period 1

Teaching Aims: 2.Can listen, read, and say the main words of let’s learn.3.Can understand the commands and give correct responses.Important points and difficult points: 1.The names of the animals at a farm.2.The difference in the pronunciation of ‘horse’ and ‘house’;3.The difference of ‘how many’ and ‘how much’ Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: Computer, cassette, cassette recorder, power point, pictures, cards.Teaching Steps: Step 1.Warm-up 1.Daily English practice.What’s the weather like today? Is it warm? Oh, what a lovely day!Let’s go to the farm!Step 2.Preview 1.Let’s do.Listen to the tape, t do actions to show the meaning of the phrases.Students listen and do actions after the teacher.2.T draws some farm animals on the blackboard.Use the fast way or slow way of drawing and ask the students: Are they„? Step 3 presentation Let’s learn 1.T shows some pictures of farm animals: look at these animals.Where do they live? They live on the farm.2.Show the main poster of this unit: this is a farm.There are many animals at the farm.Look, horses, hens, sheep, cows, goats and lambs.T repeats the names of the farm animals;students can make some sounds of that kind of animal.3.T uses the word cards to teach the farm animals.a.T gives out the sound of animal with actions;students follow and say the words.b.Students practice in pairs in the same way.c.Ss work in pair.Draw and guess.4.T: what do you see in the picture? How many horses / hens /sheep /sows /goats /lambs do you see? Where are the hoses /hens /sheep / cows /goats / lambs? What are those? / What are they? 5.Practice let's do.6.Ss ask and answer in pairs with the student’s card.What are they? They are„.Board-writing:

Unit 6 At a farm What are they? They are„.Feed„ Sheep-sheep Ride„ Horse-horses Milk„ Hen-hens Shear...Cow-cows Hold„ Goat-goats

Period 2

Teaching Aims: 1.Can understand the main sentences and can use them in real life.2.Know some English proverbs.3.can listen, say, read, and write the four skill words.4.can understand the dialogue and can act it out.Important points and difficult points: New words and sentences Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: Computer, cassette, cassette recorder, power point, pictures, cards.Teaching Steps: Step 1.warm –up 1.learn the song of this unit: Mary has a little lamb 2.Guessing game: T or Ss make the sounds of animals.The others guess what animals are they.Step 2.revision 1.use picture cards to review the words about farm animals.2.let’s play T shows some parts of the picture, students guess what animals it is.See who can say out the words quickly.Then his group can get one let’s do with actions.Step 3.presentation 1.Present the contents of A let’s talk.Ss watch the VCD about the dialogue and then answer the teacher’s questions: a.How many people are there in the dialogue? b.Who are they? c.Where are they? Are they at school? d.What can they see at the farm? e.How many cows are there at the farm? Step 4 practice 1.Listen to the dialogue and repeat after it.2.practice the dialogue in groups.3.Some groups act out the dialogue.Homework: reside the dialogue Board-writing:

Unit 6 At a farm Are they„? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.How many„do you have?

Period 3

Teaching Aims: 1.Can listen, say, and read the main words.2.Can read the new words after the tape.3.Can say the chant.Important points and difficult points: New words and sentences Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: Computer, cassette, cassette recorder, power point, pictures, cards.Teaching Steps: Step 1.Warm –up/revision 1.Use pictures cards to review the words of farm animals.Practice in sentences: what are these/those? They are„.Are they„.? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.2.Use picture cards and word cards to teach the new words: tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes, cucumber-cucumbers, an onion-onions, carrot-carrots.3.Use real objects to say: look at the „ they are„.Or: The tomatoes are red.They are juicy.The potatoes are brown.They are tasty.The carrots are orange.They are yummy.The cucumbers are green.They are tender.The onions are white.They are smelly.4.Let’s chant.Ss listen to the tape, and repeat after it.Learn the chant by listening and repeating.T can explain some new words to them.Step 3 Homework 1.Copy the new words.2.Reside the chant.Board-writing:

Unit 6 At a farm Tomato-tomatoes, juicy and red.Cucumber-cucumbers tender and green.Potato-potatoes, tasty and brown.Onion-onions, smelly and white.carrot-carrots, Yummy and orange.Period 4

Teaching Aims: 1.Can listen, say, read and write the words and sentences in this part.2.Can read the dialogue with the help of teacher and tape.3.Can listen, say and read the main sentences: What are these/ those? Are these/ those„? And can answer them.4.Can read the dialogue with the help of the teacher and tape.Important points and difficult points: New words and sentences Teaching methods:listening,speaking Learning Methods:speaking, listening Teaching Aids: Computer, cassette, cassette recorder, power point, pictures, cards.Teaching Steps: Step 1.Warm-up 1.Review the words of farm animals and vegetables with the help of pictures.2.Review the main sentence patterns.3.Review the dialogues and chants of Part A and B.Step 2 presentation 1.Listen to the tape to learn the dialogue.2.Repeat after the tape.3.Practice spelling the words and sentences.Step 3 practice 1.Have a spelling game to help them to memorize the four skilled words and sentences and tell them how to write them in the same way.2.Ss practice in pair to spell the words.Step 3 Homework Copy the dialogue and the four skilled words and sentences.Board-writing:

Unit 6 At a farm Are these„?

Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.What are these/ those?

They are„.



2008-03-06 12:55:53|分类:|标签: |字号大中小 订阅


本单元分A、B、C三部分,共12页。主要学习时间的表达以及描述不同时间进行的日常活动。需要掌握的主要单词、词组:music class、breakfast、lunch、go to bed、go home等渗透在了A、B部分的Let’s Learn 中。而对于句型What time is it?、It’s …、It’s time for…/ It’s time to…等均在AB部

分的Let’s talk 中体现。C部分主要通过手工制作、组内讨论的形式复习并应用所学语言。



(1)能够询问时间并做出正确的回答,如:What time is it? It's nine o'clock.

(2)能够结合学过的语言描述自己的日常活动,如:It's time for English class.It's time to go to


(3)能够听懂并发出一些指令,如:Time for breakfast.Drink some milk.




(1)掌握A、B部分Read and write的单词和句子并能做到会听、说、读、写。

(2)认读A、B部分Let's learn、Let's talk中的单词和句子。

(3)理解并能够在教师指导下完成Let's do、Let's chant和Let's find out部分听听做做、吟唱歌谣


(4)了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。






Let's learn :





A部分:新句型“What time is it? It's nine o'clock.It's time for....”的理解和运用。

B部分:句型“It's time to...”,学生刚学过“It's time for....”,可能会把这两个句型混淆起来,建议教师


Let's talk:


A部分:让学生熟练掌握问句“What time is it ?”和相应的回答以及句型“It's time for....”的用法。

B部分:“It's time to....”和“It's time for....”的用法。


A部分:对对话中一些习惯表达法的理解,如:Just a minute.School is over.

B部分:“It's time to....”和“It's time for....”的用法。教师还需要介绍一下oops是表示惊讶、狼狈时发


Read and write:


A部分:准确地理解插图和对话,并重点掌握上述十个数词以及两个句子在四线格中的正确书写。B部分:单词music,math,Chinese,English,P.E.和句子It's 9:45.It's time for math class.在四线格中的正确书写。


分析元音字母e的发音规则,单词English,Chinese和P.E.的拼写以及在四线格中书写句子:It's time


第一课时:A Let's learnLet's do

第二课时:A Let's talkLet's play

第三课时:A Read and writeB Let's find outC Good to know

第四课时:B Let's learnLet's chantC Story time

第五课时:B Let's talkC Let's check

第六课时:B Read and writeC Task timePronunciation

PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit3教案小学英语网http://日期:2011-08-19 15:12:31对于小学四年级的同学来说,因马上就要升入五年级,因此本章在下面为您提供了《PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit3 Is this your skirt 教案》,希望对提高孩子成绩有所帮助。我们小学英语网()的目标是让您在这里找到任何您所需要英语学习资,成为小学师生教考英语的最佳助手!


本单元重点学习服装名称jacket, sweater, skirt, dress, shirt, T-shirt,及其一部分复数名词jeans,pants, shoes, shorts and socks,同时增加了与颜色连用。重点学习的句型是:Is this your skirt? Yes, it is.Is that your T—shirt ? No, it’s not.These are your pants.Those are your shoes.PartA and Part B句型中也渗透了Whose is it? Whose is this?即Whose引导的特殊疑问句,从而也引出了名词所有格的基本用法。例如:It’s your baby brother’s.教学目标:


(1)能够听、说、读、写下列单词和句子:red, blue, yellow, green, white, skirt, shirt, jacket and dress.Is this your T-shirt? No, it’s not.What colour is it? It’s white.(2)能够在实际的情景中运用下列句子:Is this your shirt? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.Where is my skirt? Whose is it? What colour is it?

(3)能够听懂下列指令语:Put on your T-shirt.Hang up your skirt.Take off your jacket.Fold your dress.Wash your shirt.Put away your sweater.(4)能够吟唱Let’s chant及歌唱“My clothes”


(6)能够读懂小故事。C.Story time.2.知识目标

(1)认读A.B部分Let’s learn中的单词。

(2)会用A.B.部分Let’s talk中的重要句型。

(3)读懂A.B部分Read and write,并且会写四线格中的单词和句子。

(4)听懂Let’s do中的指令语并做出动作。

(5)了解C.Good to know的关于衣服的文化知识。

(6)了解C.Story time中的故事内容。

(7)会唱歌曲My clothes.3.情感、策略、文化目标

(1)培养学生合理搭配衣服的审美观。(2)了解中国Tang Clothes在世界中的魅力。教学重点1.学习衣服的名称及单、复数形式。2.学习指示代词复数形式介绍方式及运用。教学难点1.指示代词单、复数形式的运用区分。2.名词所用格的正确运用。3.一些四会单词和句子的书写。课时安排第一课时:A.Let’s learn.Let’s do.C.Good to know第二课时:A.Let’s talk.Let’s play C.Let’s sing.第三课时:A.Read and write C.Pronunciation第四课时:B.Let’s learn.Let’s chant第五课时:B.Let’s talk.Let’s find out.Let’s check第六课时:B Read and write.C.Story time



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