
时间:2019-05-15 07:23:09下载本文作者:会员上传



(阅读课是教师面试最容易考到的题目,下面的讲课过程仅供大家参考,我自己总结的,写得比较详细,希望可以帮到大家。我讲的是无生试讲,也就是自己跟空气互动,说真的,就像是自己在自编自导自演一样,在讲台上唱戏,哈哈。我自己以面试第一名考上的呢,也祝愿你们顺利通过面试。)I.Lead in:(1 min)free talk/pictures/videos

Now class begins.Good morning, boys and girls.How are you today?(指向自己的动作)I’m fine too, thank you, sit down please.This class, we are going to learn a new unit together.Before class, I’ll divide you into four groups.This is boy’s group,this is your tree(用树代表男女生组,分两组其实足够了,以免浪费时间,用苹果树做加分标志不会显得太单调)...If you can answer my question correctly and actively, you can get an apple,OK?

(如果一时紧张忘了说什么,可以问一下学生So, what’s the title? 让学生读出来,老师再教读一遍。)


So,now.Who can tell me, when we think about(阅读的主题), we usually think of what?


With the help of the title(and the picture), could you please tell me what will be talked about in the passage? Let’ answer this question group by group.OK? In your opinion, what may this article talk about?(Well, you are pretty good at predicting.)Now, let’s see is he right,OK? III.While-reading:(4 min)1)Skimming(1 min): main idea of the passage and topic sentence of each paragraph.So,now.You have only 2 mins.Read it quickly and find the main idea of this passage , and what’s the main idea of each paragraph ,OK?(此时下台check学生的完成情况,说些鼓励的话,如Yes, you are right.You are very clever.Oh, you are making progress.记住,与空气互动,不要与考官互动,因为那是大忌)

Time is up, so, who can tell me.抽问两个学生,积极鼓励,并加分。

2)Scanning(2 min):

This time, let’s read for more details.Let’s go through the whole passage and try to find the answers to the questions on the paper I gave you before.OK?Remember when you read the passage, you are sure to meet some new words.Don’t be eager to look them up.Try to underline them and guess their meanings according to the context.Understand me? Here we go!

Time is up.Have you finished? Let’s check answers together.(如果时间不够,建议只问两个问题就可以了,可以是教材上的问题,可以自己想的问题,一般会问What;Who;When;Where;Why;How这几大类。如果实在不知道就自己挑个很简单的也无所谓,考生很多,没有考官那么仔细听你讲。)3)Intensive reading(2 min): pair work/group discussion/debate

A方案.Now, here is a pair work.You guys read the passage by your self, and circle out the new words and phrases that you don’t understand.Then discuss with your partner, if they are

really difficult, come to the front and write them on the blackboard,OK?Clear?(假装下去转一圈,与学生交流,然后回讲台自己写两个短语或句型)Just now, two of our classmate write something on the blackboard, let’s see together.(讲解短语,可以夹杂一点中文。当然,挑自己会的讲,简单的讲,我当时讲得很简单,估计还是学生以前就学过的呢,你只要装作是新知识就行。)

B方案.I would like you to join the groups and discuss …..Now, just go ahead.Later, we will share your ideas with all of us here.Understand me? You have 2 minutes to prepare.Here we go.Time is up.Any group would like to share your idea with us? Yes, Amy please.Any different ideas? IV.Post-reading(1 min)role-play/interview/retell

Here is a dialogue based on the passage.Now, you work in groups and discuss about the dialogue, and practice it.After 2 mins, I’ll ask some of you to act it out,OK?

So,Time is up.who would like to act your dialogue out? Yes, you please,and your partner? Oh,yes, come to the front please.Now, class, it’s show time OK? Let’s enjoy their show.(点头赞许过程)OK,Thank you very much, all of you are pretty good.Let’s clap for them.So, Tom please.How did you think about their action? Is it good? Yes.So, if there are 5 points, how many points would you give them? 4? Yes,sit down please.(让学生评价学生,新课程理念)V.Summary & Home work(1 min)

We have done a lot of things today.Who would like to give a summary of this class? Yes,Lily please.Yes,firstly, we have talked about….Then, we discussed.Next, we learned some useful words and expressions.You are excellent.I’ll give you an apple.(加分)

Since time is limited, I cannot hear more creative ideas from you.Now, homework for today.You need to search the Internet and find more information about…next time, some of you will share your information with the whole class,OK?(作业不要让抄单词什么的,最好是开放性的作业,做调查,问卷或者小手工什么的)

OK, so much for today.See you!



Good morning!It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview,I hope I can make a good performance today, please allow me to introduce myself.I call Tonglixia ,a girl who is 19 years old.I major in math at Tianjin university of commerce.I spend most of my time on study,esbacilly on English.But as a college student,I want do a part time job to enrich my life.My character, I cannot describe it well, but I know I am optimistic and confident.sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but I am not lonely, I like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything.Besides,I have the patience, bear hardships and stand hard work.I often help the student whose English isn’t good encogh ,so I believe I can fullfil this job.That’s all.Thank you for giving me the chance.


人教版八年级上册unit one Where did you go on vacation?

Good morning everyone,How are you today? I’m fine.thank you.Okay,you know,The summer vacation have finished.Can you tell me,where did you go?Who can answer this question?(Li Lei.meimei,mary)1.I just stayed at home,because the outside is so hot,I can’t stand it.(我说,i think you’re afraid of tanning,maybe you can apply a little more sunscreen)2.I went to summer camp,I got to know many new friends.It makes me happy.(我说,good,that sounds interesting,come on,meimei,well done)3.I went to the beach in Xiamen.Especially the Baicheng Beach is so amazing,Besides,I came across G.E.M(Gloria Tang)(我说,I think it’s an unforgettable experience)Okay,the three students have told us the place they have gone to.So today,we will talk about the unit 1: Where did you go on vacation? So please open your books and turn to page 2.Look at “the role-play the conversation”(要不要让学生读课文,或者要不要翻译一遍课文,还是直接切入到语法点)


Writing 课型讲稿

(导入warming up)T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.Today we’ll talk about “_____________”.I want to know the following questions.The first question: Have you had__________________________? The second question: Do you like _____________ there? The third question: Which one do you prefer?”

(同桌练习)T: Now, two students in pairs to ask each other about the above three questions, and then I’ll ask some of you to practice the dialogue in front of all of us.Now, let’s begin.T: Ok.Now, which pair wants to act this dialogue in volunteer? Tom and Kate, please.Good!Sit down please.T: Any other pair? Well, Linda and Susan, please.Good!Sit down please.(头脑风暴比赛)Now, I will divide the whole class into two parts, the students on the left will be Group One, and the students on the right will be Group Two.Let’s compete between the two groups.One student will be the leader to collect the names of _____________.Let’s see which group will get more words.Who will be the leader? Ok!Tom and Kate.Ready? Go!Ok!Now, let’s show the two sheets.(展示两张纸,写点对应的内容就行,一会好念,提前备课时就写好)Group One win the game!Well done!(把学生分成两组竞赛,看哪组的同学收集的_____________单词多,然后教师教导朗读(2-3分钟)

(句型练习)Now, I’ll show some words of _____________on the blackboard,(读其中的一些_____________名称)let’s discuss which are better and which are bad? You can use the sentence structure “I think that(or _____________)is good/bad because….” And you can talk about “What is_____________? / _____________?” Four students in a group, and let’s begin.(做调查报告)T: Now I’ll give you a sheet.Ask 3 students around you about their _____________, and offer them some advice.You can use the sentence structure as “You should _____________, and you should not_____________.”给学生发一张表格,引导学生按照表格询问周围3个左右的同学,了解同学间的_____________,并能提出一些建议。

(布置任务)T: Ok, let’s see _____________on the text together.(稍微暂停)From this picture you may well understand how to _____________ in our daily life.Next I want you to write a short composition about “_____________”.I’ll give you fifteen minutes to do that.(写完讨论分享)Time’s up!Now, work in groups of four.I want you to share your writings with your group members.Please recommend the best composition.The writer read the composition out to all of us, and other members should tell why you choose this one and what you can learn from this composition.(家庭作业)OK.Boys and girls, we have done so much today.First, we talk about…then we make dialogues with useful words and expressions.Next, we practice sentence structures and do the survey.At last, we write a composition and share it with the whole class.I think all of you have done a good job.And now I shall give you the homework.I want you to give your writing to your partner for evaluation.And give in the writing after you polished it.That’s all for today, thank you for your cooperation.


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.I am number 5.I interview English teacher of junior middle school.My topic is “the theater in Los Angeles.” Now, I am ready, may I begin? Class Begins!Hello, boys and girls,welcome to my class.How are you today ? You are fine? You are fine? I am fine,too.Ok, before the class,I will divide you into two groups.From here, you are superman, you are running man.Now look at the blackboard.If you answer my question quickly and correctly, I will give you one point.One question, one point.Let’s see who is the winner today? Am I clear? Ok.Before the class, I want to ask you a question.What’s your hobby? Ok, Lucy,please.Good.Sit down please.I will give you one point.You are Superman.Your hobby is reading books.Lily,please.Great.Sit down please.I will give you one point too.You are Running man.You like dancing.Any one else? Ok, Jack.Excellent.Sit down please.I will give you one point.Watching movies is your favorite hobby.Ok,everybody, where do you often go to see a movie? Let’s say together, yes, we often go to the theater to see movies.Now,here comes to our topic: “the theater in Los Angeles.”

Now, please turn to page 20.I will read the passage for you, then you tell me what is the main idea about passage.(……读段落……)ok, who can answer my question?Any volunteers? Ok, John!Pretty good.It is the introduction of the theater in Los Angeles.One point for you.Next question.Read again and find out Why the theater in Los Angeles are so famous? Who knows? Ok, Tony you please.Well down.It has the biggest screen.One point for you.Amy ,you please.So great.It is the cheapest.Any other reasons? Ok, Sarah.You are so smart.The service is the friendliest.One point for you.Ok,you please.Very good.It has the most comfortable seat.One point for you.Now, let’s see the blackboard, and read these sentences together.One two three go.the biggest ,the cheapest,the friendliest, the most comfortable.What do they in common? Could you find it? Ok, Peter.Perfect.Sit down please.I will you one point.They all have “the”and “est”.Any others? NO one ?ok.It’s a little difficult.Let’s see together.“big”,”cheap”, Friendly”.They are ……yes,they are adj.So we could conclude that:”the”and “adj.+est”.Now, I will give you an example.Tony is the tallest one in our classroom.It means no one can compare with him.Now, I need you to try to make sentences with your partner by using this structure.Ok, let’s start.Ok, time is up.Who wants to show your sentence? Ok, you please.Well done.You are the strongest boy in our classroom.I will give you one point.Any volunteers? Ok,Jessica.Good job.Writing is the easiest homework.I will give you one point.Ok, let’s review what we have learned today? Do you remember? Our topic is…… yes “the theater in Los Angeles.” and we learn an important sentence.Let’s say together.It is ”the”and “adj.+est”.It means nothing can compare with this one.Excellent.Ok, now I will give you today’s homework.Watching a movie and write down some sentences similar with this structure.you will show your sentences next time.So much for today.class is over,see you.



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